Physics Unit 2 June 2011 AS EDEXCEL MARK SCHEME

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Mark Scheme ( Result s)

June 2011

GCE Physics ( 6PH02) Paper 01
Physics at Work

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June 2011
Publicat ions Code US028545
All t he mat erial in t his publicat ion is copyright
Edexcel Lt d 2011

Gener al Mar k i ng Gui dance

All candidat es must receive t he same t reat ment . Examiners must
mark t he first candidat e in exact ly t he same way as t hey mark t he
last .
Mark schemes should be applied posit ively. Candidat es must be
rewarded for what t hey have shown t hey can do rat her t han
penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according t o t he mark scheme not
according t o t heir percept ion of where t he grade boundaries may
There is no ceiling on achievement . All marks on t he mark scheme
should be used appropriat ely.
All t he marks on t he mark scheme are designed t o be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i. e. if t he
answer mat ches t he mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared t o award zero marks if t he candidat es response is not
wort hy of credit according t o t he mark scheme.
Where some j udgement is required, mark schemes will provide t he
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplificat ion may
be limit ed.
When examiners are in doubt regarding t he applicat ion of t he mark
scheme t o a candidat es response, t he t eam leader must be
consult ed.
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS t he candidat e has
replaced it wit h an alt ernat ive response.

Phy si cs Speci f i c Mar k i ng Gui dance
Under l y i ng pr i nci pl e
The mark scheme will clearly indicat e t he concept t hat is being rewarded,
backed up by examples. I t is not a set of model answers.
For example:
Horizont al force of hinge on t able t op
66. 3 ( N) or 66 ( N) and correct indicat ion of direct ion [ no ue]
[ Some examples of direct ion: act ing from right ( t o left ) / t o t he left / West /
opposit e direct ion t o horizont al. May show direct ion by arrow. Do not accept
a minus sign in front of number as direct ion. ]
This has a clear st at ement of t he principle for awarding t he mark, support ed
by some
examples illust rat ing accept able boundaries.
Mar k scheme f or mat
Bold lower case will be used for emphasis.

Round bracket s ( ) indicat e words t hat are not essent ial e. g. ( hence)
dist ance is increased .
Square bracket s [ ] indicat e advice t o examiners or examples e. g. [ Do not
accept gravit y] [ ecf] .
Uni t er r or penal t i es
A separat e mark is not usually given for a unit but a missing or incorrect
unit will normally cause t he final calculat ion mark t o be lost .
I ncorrect use of case e. g. Wat t or w will not be penalised.
There will be no unit penalt y applied in show t hat quest ions or in any
ot her quest ion where t he unit s t o be used have been given.
The same missing or incorrect unit will not be penalised more t han once
wit hin one quest ion but may be penalised again in anot her quest ion.
Occasionally, it may be decided not t o penalise a missing or incorrect unit
e. g. t he candidat e may be calculat ing t he gradient of a graph, result ing in a
unit t hat is not one t hat should be known and is complex.
The mark scheme will indicat e if no unit error penalt y is t o be applied by
means of [ no ue] .
Si gni f i cant f i gur es
Use of an inappropriat e number of significant figures in t he t heory papers
will normally only be penalised in show t hat quest ions where use of t oo few
significant figures has result ed in t he candidat e not demonst rat ing t he
validit y of t he given answer.
Use of an inappropriat e number of significant figures will normally be
penalised in t he pract ical examinat ions or coursework.
Using g = 10 m s
- 2
w i l l be penalised.
Cal cul at i ons
Bald ( i. e. no working shown) correct answers score full marks unless in a
show t hat quest ion.
Rounding errors will not be penalised.
I f a show t hat quest ion is wort h 2 marks t hen bot h marks will be
available for a reverse working; if it is wort h 3 marks t hen only 2 will be
use of t he formula means t hat t he candidat e demonst rat es subst it ut ion of
physically correct values, alt hough t here may be conversion errors e. g.
power of 10 error.
recall of t he correct formula will be awarded when t he formula is seen or
implied by subst it ut ion.
The mark scheme will show a correct ly worked answer for illust rat ion only.

Qual i t y of Wr i t t en Communi cat i on
I ndicat ed by QoWC in mark scheme. QWC Work must be clear and
organised in a logical manner using t echnical wording where
appropriat e.
Usually it is part of a max mark, t he final mark not being awarded
unless t he QoWC condit ion has been sat isfied.

Quest ion
Answer Mark
1 A 1
2 D 1
3 C 1
4 A 1
5 A 1
6 A 1
7 B 1
8 C 1
9 A 1
10 B 1

Quest ion
Answer Mark
11( a) Use of Q = It
Q = 450 C / A s

Example of calculation
Q = 15 000 A 3.0 10
Q = 450 C


11( b) Use of R = l/A
Length of conductor = 24 (m)
Height of statue = length 1 m = 23 m

Assumption: ANY ONE
Included height of plinth.
Conductor/wire doesnt carry on in ground
Conductor/wire vertical/straight/parallel

Example of calculation
l =

l =
2.7 10
H 1.5 10
1.7 10
H m

l = 23.8 m

Height of statue = 23.8 1 = 22.8 m



11( c) ANY ONE
The idea that the lightning is attracted to /strikes/hits the conductor
OR Lightning takes shortest path (from cloud) /strikes highest point
OR Action of points


Tot al f or quest i on 11 7

Quest ion
Answer Mark
12( a) ( i ) Use of v = f with v = 3.00 x 10

f = 4.57 10
Hz (allow s

example of calculation
f =
3 10
m s
6.56 10

f = 4.57 10

12( a) ( i i ) Correct use of 1(eV) = 1.6 10
(J) to convert eV to J or J to eV
3.03 10
1.6 10
= 1.9 (eV)

Transition from (-)1.5 (eV) to (-)3.4 (eV)



12( b) Wavelength increased or stretched /frequency decreased/red shift/ Doppler
Galaxy is moving away (from us/sun)




Tot al f or quest i on 12 6

Quest ion
Answer Mark
13( a) Use of P = VI
Current = 0.021 A

Example of calculation
I =
= 0.021 A

13( b) ( i ) Use of P = VI to justify (numbers or symbols)

P = VI, so W = V A
Or V = JC
, A = C s
so V A = J C
x C s
= J s
= W
Or 5 V 0.1 A = 0.5 W
(1) 1

13( b) ( i i )
Efficiency =
( 100)
Efficiency = 10% or 0.1

Example of calculation
Efficiency =
Efficiency = 10.42 %

13( b) ( i i i ) Energy/power converted/wasted/transferred/lost to thermal or heat
Energy/power lost due to resistance
(allow internal resistance)


Tot al f or quest i on 13 6

Quest ion
Answer Mark
14( a) Transverse
Vibration/oscillation/displacement is perpendicular to direction of
wave/energy travel
(allow propagation or wave velocity for wave travel)

Vibration/oscillation/displacement is parallel to direction of wave/ energy
(allow in the same direction for parallel)

Marks can be scored from a clearly labelled diagrams



14( b) ( i ) (Pulse) longitudinal

Hammer moves horizontally OR parallel to (length of) rod
Hammer causes compressions in rod


14( b) ( i i ) Use of speed = distance/time
Use of either 2.4 10
s OR 2.4 m
Speed = 5000 m s

(2500 ( m s
) scores max 1/3 for use of v=d/t)

(do not credit method using v=f)

Examples of calculation
Speed =
2.4 m
4.8 10
1.2 m
2.4 10
= 5000 m s



14( b) ( i i i ) Vibration/oscillation of (atoms/molecules/particles in) rod/metal

(1) 1

14( c) Max 3

Idea of reflection (in rod) OR two waves travelling in opposite

Waves have same frequency /wavelength

Superposition (do not credit superimposition)

Nodes and antinodes produced.

(marks can be scored from a labelled diagram)





Tot al f or quest i on 14 11

Quest ion
Answer Mark
15( a) ( i ) Ammeter and voltmeter both correct

(1) 1
15( a) ( i i ) Z at the bottom of the potential divider
from or down to eg
(1) 1
15( b) ( i ) Current =0.75 (A) (range 0.74 A 0.76 A)
Use of V = IR
Resistance = 13-14

(incorrect current e.g. use of tangent, scores 1 max for use of V =IR)

Example of calculation
R =
10 V
0.75 A
= 13.3


* 15( b) ( i i ) (QWC- Work must be clear and organised in a logical manner using
technical wording where appropriate.)

Max 3

Initially or until about 4 V, I V/Ohmic conductor
(Increasing the) current causes heating effect /temperature rise
Resistance increases OR increases lattice/ion/atoms vibrations
Rate of increase of current (with potential difference) decreases


15( c) ( i ) Reading current values at 4 V of both 0.3 (A) and 0.5 (A)
(power of 10 error allowed eg 3(A)and 5 (A) seen)
Current = 0.8 A

(allowing for u.1 mm squaie tolerance, accept range 0.76A to 0.84A)



15( c) ( i i ) p.d. across R = 8 V

R =
8 V
0.8 A
= 10
(allow ecf from part (c )(i) for the value of I substituted)
(accept answers in range 9.52 to 10.53 using range for I)


15( c) ( i i i )
Resistance of P greater than resistance of parallel combination
P will have a greater (share of the) pd OR R will have a lower (share of
the ) pd
Reading on voltmeter will increase



Tot al f or quest i on 15 15

Quest ion
Answer Mark
16( a) ( i ) Greater refraction at the first face
Greater refraction at the second face

(accept new incident ray if parallel)


16( a) ( i i ) Displacement/it increases with concentration
At increasing rate OR not linearly



16( a) ( i i i ) Evidence that curved line has been drawn
Concentration 74 % - 76% (dependent mark)


16( a) ( i v ) Distance (between prism and screen) affects displacement/
Displacement would increase if the screen is moved away/
Displacement would decrease if screen moved nearer



16( b) ( i ) Polarised light is when the oscillations / vibrations (associated with the
wave) are in one plane only
Plane includes direction of travel (of the wave).
Polarised light is when the oscillations / vibrations (associated with the
wave) in one direction only,
(oscillations / vibrations are) perpendicular to the direction of travel (of
the wave).



* 16( b) ( i i ) (QWC- Work must be clear and organised in a logical manner using
technical wording where appropriate.)
Max 4
Mention of polarising filter/Polaroid/polariser
Rotation (of filter) until minimum/ maximum intensity (not
rotation of solution)
(Rotation) done with and without the sugar solution
identifies correct difference in angles
use of protractor/polarimeter



Tot al f or quest i on 16 13

Quest ion
Answer Mark
* 17( a) (QWC- Work must be clear and organised in a logical manner using
technical wording where appropriate.)
Max 4
Mention of photons OR photoelectric (NOT photoelectrons)
Idea of one to one relationship from photon to electron
Intensity of light relates to number of photons/sec
wavelength/frequency is constant
photon energy depends on frequency /reference to E=hf
Reference to hf = +
and constant


17( b) ( i ) Use of E=hf
E = 3.90 10
Or calculate the minimum frequency for all elements

Caesium and potassium [independent mark]



17( b) ( i i ) Max 3

Refers to equation E or 1/2mv
= hf
[Do not accept hf = + 1/2mv
, equation must be correctly rearranged]

(All parallel) because gradient = h

(-) is intercept on the energy axis /y axis
OR f
/ threshold frequency/ minimum frequency required to release an
electron for the metal is the intercept on the frequency axis
OR /h is the intercept on the frequency axis

potassium will have the smallest
OR zinc has the greatest





17( b)
( i i i )
Zinc requires higher frequency /Zinc requires UV/UV dangerous (for
students)/UV ionising/Cant get UV filters
(Do not allow converse argument about Caesium for this mark)

Caesium works with visible light




Tot al f or quest i on 17 12

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Email publicat ion. orders@edexcel. com
Order Code US028545 June 2011

For more infor mat ion on Edexcel qualificat ions, please visit
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