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Head Office: G-11, Railway Board Offices, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001 Telephone: 4-3272 P&T 23387915



Enrolment Form for Membership

.. .. .. .. To The Hon General Secretary Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) G-11, Railway Board Office, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001. Dear Sir,

.. Date ..

I have gone through the rules of the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) and am desirous of joining the Institution as: (i) (ii) (iii) Life Fellow Life Member Life Associate Member

Details of my academic qualifications and other personal data are given below : 1. Name in full : _______________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth and age : _______________________________________________________________ Date of retirement : _______________________________________________________________ 3. Present occupation and address : _______________________________________________________________

4. Address after retirement : _______________________________________________________________ e-mail address, if any : _______________________________ Telephone No. __________________ Academic qualifications: _______________________________________________________________ Experience in terms of : _______________________________________________________________ qualifications stipulated: _______________________________________________________________ in the rules (State period of each : _______________________________________________________________ type of experience) : _______________________________________________________________ Special interest : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ _______ An am ount o f R s._________ representing l ife t ime subs cription has been remitted t o y ou b y money order/cash/draft No.______________, dated __________. Yours faithfully, Received the above remittance and IPWE Receipt No.____, dated ________ issued.

Manager (Finance)/IPWE


Head Office: G-11, Railway Board Offices, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001 Telephone: 4-3272 P&T 23387915


Summary of qualifications of various grades of membership. (1) Life Fellow : Minimum age 35 years. Engaged in the profession of engineering connected with P.Way in a position of high responsibility. Minimum 12 years experience in position of respon sibility in the design or execution of P.Way works; or minimum 15 years employment in position of responsibility, Or high educational qualifications such as Eng ineering Deg ree with at least 1 0 years exp erience ad o ccupying a pro minent p osition in the profession. Fee Rs.5,000/-. (2) Life Member : Minimum age 30 years. Engaged in a position of responsibility in P.Way Engineering. Shall h ave received eng ineering train ing in recog nised in stitution or i n an y railway fo r holding independent charge of P.Way engineering works. Minimum of 10 y ears ex perience i n rai lway engi neering or i f he ha s high ed ucational q ualifications such an Engineering Degree and at least 5 years experience in railway engineering. Rs.2,000/-. Life Associate Member : Minimum age 21 years. Shall have engaged or be under training in railway engineering profession. Shall h ave receiv ed en gineering trai ning in rec ognised institu tion or in an y railway fo r a m inimum period of 2 years. Or shall have gained experience at any P.Way engineering Organisation for a period of 5 years. IRSE Probationers having Engineering Degree are also eligible for this category from the time they join Group A service Apprentice PWIs having Diploma in Engineering and having training/experience of 12 months. Fee: Rs.1,000/-. 90% of th e above fee is reimb ursable to the Railway e mployees in terms of Boards letter No.E(G)2001FE1-4, dated 6.7.2000. Note: (i) Any change in address should be advised to the concerned centre of IPWE as well as to the Head Office of IPWE given above. (ii) All payments should be made by Demand Draft/M.O. payable at New Delhi in favour of Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India)

Fee: (3)

Associate Office: IPWE Offices, Near Sec.Engg(Works) Office, Northern Railway HQrs, Baroda House, New Delhi 110001 Telephone Rly.3 2884 P&T 23384385


Head Office: G-11, Railway Board Offices, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001 Telephone: 4-3272 P&T 23387915



Enrolment Form for Membership

.. .. .. .. To The Hon General Secretary Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) G-11, Railway Board Office, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001.

.. Date ..

Dear Sir, We have gone through the rules for membership of the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) and are desirous of joining the Institution as Corporate Member/Associate Corporate Member. Details in regard to enrolment are as under: Name of the Company and address (in full)(Capital) : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ e-mail address if any : ____________________________Telephone No._______________________ Represented by (maximum three persons in case of: (i)_____________________________________________________ Corporate Member and Two persons (ii) : ___________________________________________________ In case of Associate Corporate Member) (iii) : ________________________________________________ Experience of working with Railways (in about 100 words) : ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ An amount of Rs.1,00,000 or Rs.60,000 as membership fee for Corporate Member/Associate Corporate Member is being remitted to you by a cro ssed cheque/draft No.______________, dated _________in favour of Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) payable at New Delhi. Yours faithfully, Received the above remittance and IPWE Receipt No.______. Dated ________ issued.




Head Office: G-11, Railway Board Offices, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110 001 Telephone: 4-3272 P&T 23387915


The Institution of Per manent Way Engineers (India) is a professional body aim ing to disseminate technical knowle dge relating to Perm anent Way Engi neering am ongst its members through technical sem inars, publicati on of technical journals and organising exhibition etc. at regular intervals. In order to m ake the Institu tion of Pe rmanent Way Engineers a dynam ic and vib rant organistion and to share its e xperience with other concerned t echnical bodies, the en rolment to become our Corporate m embers has been opened to Organisa tions/Firms/Institutions who deal directly or indirectly with permanent way technology. The technical bodies who can becom e Co rporate/Associate Corporate m embers are Institutions and Organisations dealing with transportation e ngineering, consulting firm s and organisations, firm s dea ling with construction and m aintenance of engineering equipm ents and assets, m anufacturers and suppliers of perm anent wa y Com ponents and such other technical bodies. The fees and facilities extended to such members are given below: 1. Corporate Member : One time Fee Rs.1,00,000/-. This enrolment m akes you eligib le to receive all the litera ture being circulated by IPWE on latest developments in track. Three of y our rep resentatives sh all be inv itees to all the Nationa l/International Seminars of IPWE which are usually held annually, at subsidized rates as applicable to such members. You will also have an opportunity to present papers and publish papers on track matter in Journal of the IPWE. 2. Associate Corporate Member : One time fee Rs.60,000/-. This enrolment makes you eligib le for all th e literature being circulated by IPW E on latest developments in track. Two of your representatives shall be invit ee to all the National/International Sem inars of IPWE which are usually held annually, at subsidised rates as applicable to such members.

Associate Office: IPWE Offices, Near Section Endgg.(Works) Office, Northern Railway HQrs, Baroda House, New Delhi 110001 Telephone Rly.83 2884 P&T 3384385

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