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North Node of the Moon Through the Signs The North Node is an important pointer along the pathway

of life. You'll have to be willing to stretch yourself and move away from familiar patterns in order to meet the challenge of the North Node. Great rewards will be reaped in the form of personal growth and reaching your potential goals. The North Node by sign will suggest an approach to the area of life represented by its house position. Incorporating the following traits into your life will make it easier in the long run to attain goals. The best way to describe this principle is to imagine a bird having to leave its nest for the first time. It is extremely challenging, but it's the only way to really learn to fly. North Node in Aries Your North node is in Aries. Develop a healthy self interest. It actually works to your advantage allowing yourself to act in a spontaneous manner. Spruce up your self image and project your personality for all it's worth. Be a leader and a pioneer. Don't waste a lot of time second guessing yourself. Learn to trust intuitive impulses. North Node in Taurus Your North Node is in Taurus. Cultivate patience and determination. Enjoy the fruits of the earth and the fruits of your own labor. Take some time to smell the roses. Commune with Mother Earth. Wallow in sensual and tactile pleasures. Learn to appreciate natural beauty and find contentment in the simple joys of living. Find and create peace in your little corner of the world. North Node in Gemini Express yourself! Polish up your communication skills and actively participate in conversations. Let your natural curiosity about life lead you. Take lots of courses in subjects that interest you and read many books. Teach others what you know. Put your thoughts down on paper and then share them with others. Develop tolerance for all of the wonderful variations in people. Become someone who is willing to try out new experiences. North node in Cancer This is a lifetime to learn how to accept help from others. By allowing your needs to be acknowledged and provided for by others you will be able to more effectively nurture and care for those who require it. This time around, you can incorporate heartfelt warmth into your desire to protect and nourish those you care about.Giving based on emotional satisfaction is what it's all about. Discover your instinctive ability to sincerely empathize with the feelings of others.

North Node in Leo

Give yourself permission to shine. Discover that it's O.K. to be in the spotlight. Learn to accept praise and recognition for your achievements. Develop a healthy self-esteem and work on believing that you can accomplish your goals. Pay attention to what your inner child wants to do and then go for it. Play, create and follow your heart's desire. Take some calculated risks just for the fun of it. North Node in Virgo Learn that it's O.K. to say no. This is a lifetime to learn all about separating what is useful from what is not. You can be an expert at logical analysis. Tie up loose ends and get yourself organized.Worry and anxiety can be held at bay by making yourself useful. Active participation in life, especially helping other people, will keep your mind at ease and your energy high. Pay attention to health messages from your body.Discover that dealing with mundane responsibilities and disagreeable chores, instead of putting them off, can actually create its own kind of freedom. North Node in Libra Develop the ability to understand and appreciate opposing points of view, without necessarily giving up your own opinions. Find out that cooperation and diplomacy can help, not hinder your aims. Create the balance between what you give and what you receive. Discover that close, committed relationships between yourself and another person can benefit both of you. North Node in Scorpio Learn to finish what you start. This is not a lifetime to pursue whatever it is you want in a halfhearted mode.You can totally transform yourself if you so desire. You can also be an agent for healing and forgiveness when you choose to use the higher level of Scorpio's energy. See what you can discover about yourself and others if you dig below the surface. North Node in Sagittarius Broaden your horizons. Go ahead and be blindly optimistic. Your faith in the future can see you through difficult times.Stretch your mental muscles. Take some courses in philosophy. You can develop a talent for understanding abstract concepts.Boring, stagnating jobs or relationships can suffocate your free spirit. You must grow in this lifetime and a certain amount of freedom and adventure is as necessary for you as the air you breathe. North Node in Capricorn Commitment, perseverance and the steady rise toward some kind of solid achievement are encouraged. Learn to keep going when the going gets tough. Lay solid foundations for your goals. You can focus your energies without waste and efficiency can become your key to success. Keep your eye on the target.Certain life events will show you the value of taking responsibility

for other people, especially without being asked. Successful outcomes are reinforced by an unwavering sense of duty toward your obligations. North Node in Aquarius Give yourself permission to be different. Personal growth is accelerated by fully accepting your own unique qualities and by demonstrating your ability to take a stand for what you believe in. This is especially true if you find yourself functioning within the confines of a group. Organizations of like-minded individuals can support your goals and the challenge here is to be a part of the group without giving up your personal identity to it. North Node in Pisces Open your mind to the idea that the universe encompasses much more than that which can only be perceived through the five senses. Every day our scientists are discovering the existence of smaller and smaller particles that make up "matter." These are actually the outer edges of the spiritual dimension.Realizing that you are actually connected to the universal mind and that there are no so-called boundaries between the physical plane and the spiritual plane, will begin to answer some of your questions which cannot be proven through conventional methodology.The traits of altruism and compassion cannot help but manifest outwardly as you move toward inner illumination.You'll have to be willing to stretch yourself and move away from familiar patterns in order to meet the challenge of the North Node. Great rewards will be reaped in the form of personal growth and reaching your potential goals. The North Node by sign will suggest an approach to the area of life represented by its house position.Although, it is not always the easiest path, incorporating the following experiences into your life will make it easier in the long run to attain important goals. North Node in the 1st House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: projecting your personality; going after what you want and taking care of your own best interest; polishing up your self image and feeling confident with that image; putting yourself "out there" in no uncertain terms. North Node in the 2nd House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: create something of lasting value that you can leave as a legacy for future generations to admire. Learn how to make your own money. Try to hang onto some of it and keep your financial affairs straight. Make the most of your inherited talents. Develop a firm set of values that you can call your own.

North Node in the 3rd House

The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: allow yourself room for lots of new learning experiences. Play up anything that relates to the communication of your ideas. Gather and share information as a continuous process of learning. Become an integral part of your immediate community and the neighborhood you live in. Get yourself out and about. Enjoy some new scenery by car, bus, train, bicycle or whatever appeals to you.Stay in touch with and honor the relationship you have with relatives, such as aunts, uncles, siblings. cousins, etc. North Node in the 4th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: take on the responsibility of family needs. This can be the family that you create for yourself via marriage, or it could be your own parents, whose requirements you see to. Discover the benefits of the place you call home. Your private life and your personal security should ideally become focal points this time around. This is a lifetime for achievement simply because you value your own opinion of yourself over and above the approval of others. North Node in the 5th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: get in touch with your own creative urges and honor your heart's desires. Recognize the importance of acknowledging your own will. You can work well with children in some capacity, whether your own or other people's children. You can learn a lot by observing the play of children and then finding a way to mirror that in your own life. Give full expression to your capacity to love. Make some time for socializing, the dating scene and partying. Work on feeling comfortable being the center of attention. Explore the stock market and learn all about making some wise financial investments for yourself. North Node in the 6th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: work for a living and learn how to relate to co-workers or employees. If you don't have to work, then perhaps volunteering to help others, while at the same time learning to set some limits on your time and energy. Listen to the messages from your body and actively create your own state of health. Explore alternative health therapies. North Node in the 7th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: perfect the art of relating to other people, especially on a one-to-one basis. You'll learn all about finding the balance between giving and receiving through close relationships, such as marriage, best friends, or even business partners. Diplomacy can become your strong point.

North Node in the 8th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: bond with another person and experience real intimacy. You may even meet a kindred soul that feels like a "soul-mate." Become open to accepting the resources, or even the moral support that others give you. Learn to deal with issues concerning inheritance, or your partner's finances. Major lifestyle transitions can happen. You'll discover that drastic changes beyond your control often bring rejuvenation to outworn situations and therefore, a new lease on life. Pay attention to your dreams; they often contain psychic insights that can be pertinent to waking life scenarios. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record impressions upon waking. North Node in the 9th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: get yourself on a boat or airplane, or pack a recreational vehicle and hit the high road! In other words: travel. Experience other cultures. Taste lots of exotic foods. Buy yourself some ethnic clothing and wear it. Get the picture? Go to college. Higher education will put you in touch with your higher mind. If that's not for you, then find a way to educate yourself. Think philosophical thoughts. Ponder the wonders of the universe. Ask yourself how it all began. Give your mind free rein. "I wonder if..." is a good starting point. This is a lifetime that is greatly enhanced by movement and personal growth. Check out your belief systems. Become more attuned to your individual connection with the Creator of all there is. Share your wisdom with those who can appreciate it. North Node in the 10th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: pay attention to your career aims. Keep your standards high and your reputation intact. You may find yourself getting some kind of public recognition. You can develop the ability to be an expert in your chosen field and certain universal energies are encouraging you along these lines. Issues around authority figures may arise, either in the form of you being in charge, or else of you having to cooperate with established leadership figures. You'll learn the value of functioning within conventional boundaries that have passed the test of time. North Node in the 11th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: join together with other individuals who share the same common goals. Clubs and organizations provide beneficial opportunities for you. This is the area of humanitarian efforts, most commonly centered around the desire to create radical and widespread social changes. You'll need the support of friends and numerous acquaintances. Learning to cooperate with the group effort is the key here. Growth comes from mastering the ability to blend your personal will with the will of others in a harmonious manner.

North Node in the 12th House The universe is encouraging you to play up your North node sign traits in these areas of life. Consider the following: give of yourself without an underlying motivation of reward. Practice random acts of kindness... just because you can. Discover that it's possible to be alone and not feel lonely. This happens when one realizes their connection to the Infinite Mind, also described as the Creator, the Universal Will, or a Higher Power. This is a lifetime to learn the value of working behind the scenes in some capacity. This means that outer recognition is not the aim this time around, even though that might happen naturally. Often this can take the form of connecting and working through large public institutions caring for those who must be secluded from society. Whatever form the actual experiences take, this placement encourages the development of humility, compassion and spiritual awareness.

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