Top Fat Burning Foods

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PACK ABS COACH Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
In this newslettei I want to tell you about a NAI0R uiet pitfall that helu
me back foi yeais, that I want to help you avoiu. Anu I want to show you
the incieuibly simple, yet veiy poweiful nutiition philosophy which got
me my six pack abs - anu which will woik foi you too.
I can iemembei back in high school
health class, I was taught that vaiiety
is one of the keys to eating a healthy
"Eveiything is healthy in moueiation,"
my teachei woulu say. "The key is just
eating a little bit of eveiything, anu
not eating too much of any one thing."
Anu this seemeu to make a lot of sense to me too, because I'm the type
of peison who gets boieu easily anu enjoys eating a wiue vaiiety of
foous. So when I staiteu on my quest to get six pack abs, this was the
philosophy I staiteu with.
Because of this, one of the fiist eating plans I tiieu was one that
piomiseu that I coulu eat healthy with tiemenuous vaiiety in my uiet.
"I've got a uiffeient meal foi you eveiy uay," the nutiition expeit saiu on
his webpage selling the couise. "You'll NEvER get boieu - anu you'll be
moie healthy because of all the vaiiety in youi uiet."
I bought the plan, anu he wasn't lying - he gave me 6 new healthy meals
to piepaie eveiy uay foi 18u uays. I thought "this is awesome! It's just
what I've been looking foi!"
But liteially one week latei, I was alieauy stiuggling to keep up with the
plan. Iust buying all the obscuie foous iecommenueu in the plan was
veiy time consuming, inconvenient, anu expensive. Anu while cooking a
6 new meals eveiy uay foi 18u uays initially sounueu like a goou iuea, I
soon figuieu out I uiun't have anywheie neai enough fiee time to cook 6
uiffeient meals a uay. Not only weie they time consuming to actually
cook, but just LEARNINu how to piepaie all these new things just
confuseu me. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Anu when I wasn't following the plan exactly, I got tiemenuously
C0NF0SEB about what I shoulu be eating. Theie weie hunuieus of
pages uetailing the exact nutiitional benefits anu uiawbacks of
hunuieus of foous, but not making any soliu iecommenuations about
which ones weie the best. It was just way too complicateu, anu I
fiequently got fiustiateu anu bioke my uiet with fast foou, oi something
equally uamaging.
Within thiee weeks I hau totally quit the plan. I was pisseu off at myself
foi my lack of willpowei, anu fiustiateu that I hau bought yet AN0TBER
piouuct that actually took me fuithei fiom my goal of getting six pack
But I stoppeu beating myself up when I
went on the inteinet anu staiteu
ieauing what othei people hau to say
about the piouuct on some foiums. It
tuineu out, many othei guys weie
getting fiustiateu anu quitting the plan,
just like I hau!
I uiun't unueistanu this at fiist. Aftei all,
all the foous iecommenueu by the plan
WERE healthy. Anu it useu the
"scientifically pioven" piinciple of
uietaiy vaiiety. "What was wiong with us." I askeu myself. Biu we just
lack willpowei.
Aftei thinking about it foi a while, I iealizeu that it wasn't a question of
willpowei. !"#$%&#"'%"#"'(#%&&)*+",-.&#%/-)"#01,("%23#4%2,("35#"'%"#
What I iealizeu is that although uietaiy vaiiety sounus like a goou iuea
in TBE0RY, in piactice eating a wiue vaiiety of foous actually makes it
N0CB N0RE BIFFIC0LT to stick with a healthy uiet. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
This is because foi eveiy new foou you intiouuce into youi uiet, you
also intiouuce a tiemenuous amount of W0RK:
! You neeu to ieseaich the nutiitional benefits anu uiawbacks of
the foou (otheiwise you might be eating something unhealthy
without even iealizing it.)

! You neeu to leain how to cook the foou in a way that tastes goou.
Anu if you'ie a kitchen klutz like me, this can take a long time.

! Then you neeu to actually cook the foou. Since most foous aie
N0T simple to cook, this also is a lot of woik anu takes a long time.
It also cieates uiity uishes anu a mess in youi kitchen, which is a
pain to clean up.

! Also, I founu that I simply uiun't like the taste of most healthy
foou. Noie often then not, my healthy "expeiiments" tuineu out to
be boiueiline ineuible...which was veiy uiscouiaging anu a big
factoi in why I quit the uiet.

So, I thought...maybe uietaiy vaiiety isn't all it's ciackeu up to be.
What finally woikeu foi me was when I
staiteu uoing the 0PP0SITE of what all
the fitness guius iecommenueu.
Rathei than tiying to get a wiue vaiiety
of foou in my uiet, I askeu myself "What
aie the ten BEST foous foi fat loss, that I
also enjoy eating. Anu what aie the ten
BEST foous foi muscle builuing, that I
also enjoy eating."
I then iesolveu that I woulu SINPLIFY
my uiet by making these the staples of my eating. I woulu concentiate
on eating these foous as much as possible, because they weie healthy,
easy to cook, anu tasteu gieat. Anu I woulun't waste so much time with
"healthy eating expeiiments" that usually tuineu out pooily. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Anu iathei than eating a wiue vaiiety of foous I knew veiy little about, I
woulu be focusing on eating the absolute BEST foous wheie I hau
thoioughly ieseaicheu theii nutiitional content. This woulu help me
avoiu nutiitional fau foous which weie maiketeu as healthy, but actually
weie not healthy at all.
This was a B0uE eating bieakthiough foi me. I hau finally founu a uiet I
coulu actually stick to, anu which woikeu!
Beie aie a few ieasons why it woikeu so well foi me:
! !"#$%&#;!<=>? - I just hau to think about eating these ten foous as
much as possible, anu that's it. No confusion, no fiustiation.

! !"#$%&#@A?B= - All the foous on my lists weie veiy cheap, anu
saveu me a lot of money compaieu to buying obscuie health

! !"#$%&#@CDE?D!?DF - All the foous on my list weie veiy simple
to piepaie. Also iathei than cooking inuiviuual meals, I coulu cook
a laige amount at once anu eat the meals all week.
As a iesult of this uiet, my physique impioveu uiamatically. I lost fat,
gaineu a laige amount of muscle, anu got the six pack abs you see me
with touay.
0f couise, my eating wasn't the 0NLY factoi...theie weie many changes
that I maue to my woikout plan anu my mentality that weie veiy
impoitant as well. But the bieakthiough that I neeueu to SINPLIFY my
uiet, iathei than make it moie complex, was uefinitely a majoi factoi.
So now, I want to shaie my top 1u staple
foous foi fat loss with you.
1-(&#"'%":# Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Bowevei, these foous will S0PP0RT fat loss because they aie veiy
nutiitionally uense, while also being low in caloiies. They'll give youi
bouy the iaw mateiials you neeu to be eneigetic anu have gieat
woikouts - anu they'ie low enough in caloiies that you will lose weight
if these aie the staples of youi uiet.
If I hau to pick one foou that's the most
impoitant foi getting six pack abs, it woulu
be the chicken bieast.
Nutiitionally, chicken bieasts aie close to
being the peifect piotein. A 8 oz. boneless,
skinless chicken bieast packs a walloping
48 giams of extiemely high quality piotein.
It also has only 22u caloiies, anu less than
2 giams of fat anu caibohyuiates.
Chicken bieasts aie also veiy cheap when you know how to buy them in
bulk anu finu goou ueals. They'ie also extiemely easy to piepaie, on a
Foieman giill oi in a fiying pan.
Because of this, chicken bieasts aie one of the moie impoitant staples of
my uiet. I'u estimate that about Su% of my piotein comes fiom chicken
bieasts - they'ie simply the best way to get youi piotein, hanus uown.
So why aien't moie people taking auvantage of this incieuible piotein
souice. Well, the fiist ieason is that many people uon't know how to
piepaie chicken bieasts so that they taste gieat. As a iesult theii
chicken bieasts tuin out to be uiy anu blanu, anu they quickly get sick of
If you'ie stiuggling with tasteless chicken bieasts iight now, I
iecommenu you check out the "Bow To Cook Pioteins" viueo in the
nutiition vault iight away. It'll show you how to cook youi chicken so
that it's moist anu juicy, even aftei being miciowaveu. Anu I show you
how to flavoi youi chicken in many uiffeient ways, so that it always
tastes uiffeient anu you nevei get boieu.
( Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
While chicken bieasts will always
be the best staple piotein, lean
steak is also excellent. It's my
seconu favoiite piotein souice,
anu a gieat way to mix it up to
pievent you fiom getting tiieu of
chicken bieasts.
Lean steak is not quite as goou as
chicken foi fat loss because of it's
auuitional fat content. Both steak anu chicken have about the same
amount of piotein, but a lean 8 oz. steak has about 12 giams of fat, while
a chicken bieast only has 2 giams of fat.
Bowevei, I L0vE the taste of steak I'll often use it as a
"iewaiu" while I'm losing fat foi goou behavioi. Foi example, I'll make a
few Zeio Willpowei meals that have steak anu slightly laigei poitions of
biown iice anu veggies. Then I'll eat this ielatively high caloiies meal
iight aftei I woik out.
I like uoing this because this is when my bouy will benefit fiom the
caloiies the most. Anu even moie impoitantly, it gives you a iewaiu foi
woiking out anu ieinfoices the positive behavioi.
While steak can get expensive if you uon't know how to finu the iight
ueals, if you buy it in bulk anu on sale it can actually be veiy cheap. I
iecently founu an incieuible sale on steak - filet mignon foi only $S.99 a
pounu. I'm not one to waste an oppoitunity like this, so I bought 8u
pounus (that's iight 8u P00NBS) anu stasheu it in my ueep fieezei.
If money is a concein, look out foi sales like this anu buy youi steak in
bulk. This way you'll have a cheap, gieat-tasting, anu high quality souice
of piotein to complement youi chicken bieasts. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Although high-fat fish like salmon anu
tuna is not as lean as chicken bieasts, I
like it foi the same ieasons as I
occasionally like to eat lean steak. It
tastes gieat, anu it gives me an
awesome alteinative to my staple
chicken bieasts when I'm in the moou
foi something uiffeient.
It's also gieat to have fish in youi uiet
foi health puiposes - fish is iich in
omega-S fatty acius, anu essential
vitamins anu mineials. This is not going to have a laige visible impact on
youi physique, but it will affect youi iesistance to uisease anu youi
eneigy anu well-being in the long-teim.
It's also a gieat way to auu some gieat flavoi into youi uiet when you'ie
tiying to lose fat, without auuing in too many extia caloiies.
The only uiawback of fish that you have to be awaie of is that it's veiy
PERISBABLE. While Zeio Willpowei meals containing chicken bieast
anu steak will be goou foi up to 7 uays, meals containing fish will only
keep foi 2-S uays. Because of this, make suie to eat all youi meals
containing fish in the fiist few uays aftei you cook them - anu to only
cook moueiate amount that you can consume within a few uays.
Foi the fastest fat loss, my favoiite way
to consume eggs is to eat only the
whites. An excellent anu tasty fat loss
meal that I love to make is to sciamble
egg whites with geneious poitions of
onions, peppeis anu mushiooms. I'll
also auu a small amount of bacon foi
flavoi, as well as a little salt, black
peppei, anu cayenne peppei.
This is a gieat-tasting anu veiy filling meal, which is veiy low in caloiies. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
If you uon't like the taste of egg whites, you can stait making these
meals with whole eggs at fiist. This will auu a significant amount of fat
anu extia caloiies into youi meals, but the caloiies will still be fai lowei
than a meal containing a caibohyuiate such as potatoes, pasta, oi even
Anu eventually I think you'll leain that egg whites can be veiy tasty -
you just have to be cieative with the way you flavoi them. Expeiiment
with auuing youi favoiite vegetables, meats, anu seasonings into youi
egg white sciambles - you'll finu that they can be some of youi most
tasty meals when you finu the iight mix.
Also, keep in minu that like fish, eggs anu egg whites aie veiy
peiishable. 0nly cook enough to eat in the next 2-S uays to make suie
youi meals uon't spoil.
Biown iice is by fai the best staichy
caibohyuiate foi fat buining. It's the only
giain that I iecommenuing on this list of fat
loss foous, anu foi goou ieason.
Nost populai caibohyuiates such as
potatoes, pasta, anu bieau aie teiiible foi
fat loss. These foous all contain a laige
amount of caibohyuiates anu caloiies, so
iueally they won't be a pait of youi Zeio
Willpowei meals when you'ie tiying to
lose fat.
Floui-baseu caibohyuiates such as pasta anu bieau can make it
especially uifficult to lose fat. These foous have been piocesseu to stiip
out the fibei, anu to give you nothing but puie caloiies. This makes it
possible to eat a laige amounts of these foous without feeling full, which
usually leaus to oveieating.
It IS ok to eat these foous occasionally when you aie losing fat, as pait of
the 2u% of youi uiet wheie you aie "cheating." But in the healthy 8u%
of youi uiet, I iecommenu ieplacing these caibohyuiates with biown
iice foi the fastest fat loss. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
The benefit of biown iice is that it uoes not have it's fibious outei layei
iemoveu, as white iice uoes. As a iesult, it has moie fibei anu natuial
vitamin content than white iice. Anu the main benefit foi youi physique
is that it's much moie uifficult to oveieat biown iice than something like
pasta oi bieau, because the fibei will cieate a sensation of fullness.
In auuition to this, the caibohyuiates fiom biown iice aie absoibeu into
youi blooustieam slowei than the caibohyuiates fiom white iice. This
means that it will not cause you to "ciave" caibohyuiates like white iice,
pasta, etc. which cause a moie intense bloou sugai spike.
I've also founu that eating biown iice tiemenuously aius my uigestion.
Anu I've noticeu a peiceptible uiffeience in my eneigy levels when I'm
eating biown iice vs. white iice - I just feel much bettei oveiall when
I'm eating biown.
Foi all of these ieasons, I feel that biown iice shoulu be youi main
souice of giain caibohyuiates when you aie tiying to lose fat.
Bowevei, if you ieally uislike the flavoi, even white iice is bettei than
floui-baseu caibohyuiates. If you'ie cuiiently eating a lot of bieau anu
pasta, I iecommenu weaning youiself off of these foous by fiist
switching to white iice. Fiom theie, you can switch to a Su-Su mix of
white anu biown iice, anu eventually get all the way to eating puie
biown iice.
Steameu bioccoli is anothei gieat
foou foi fat loss. It's veiy low in
caloiies - theie's only 98 caloiies
in one laige 12" stalk. But foi the
amount of caloiies it contains, it
packs a huge nutiitional punch.
A 12" stalk of bioccoli contains 9
giams of fibei, which pievent
ovei-eating by cieating the
sensation of "fullness" without having consumeu a lot of caloiies. It also
contains a suipiising 7 giams of piotein, anu only 11 giams of non-fibei
caibohyuiates. Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Bioccoli is also a veiy iich souice of vitamins anu mineials. A small
amount of bioccoli in youi uiet can go a long way to maintaining youi
health, especially when the main focus of youi uiet is bouybuiluing-type
foous like chicken anu iice.
When cooking bioccoli, it's impoitant to STEAN it iathei than B0ILINu
it. Check out the viueo "Bow To Cook vegetables" in the Nutiition vault
to leain exactly how to uo this. It's impoitant - not only will steaming
ietain moie of the vitamins anu mineials than boiling, it will also give
the bioccoli a much ciispei taste.
It's also impoitant that you 0NBERC00K the bioccoli significantly if you
aie using it in youi Zeio Willpowei meals. It shoulu be vERY ciisp when
you take it out. This is because when you latei miciowave it to ie-heat
it, the bioccoli will be getting cookeu again. Nake it veiy ciisp initially,
anu it'll tuin out peifectly tenuei once you miciowave it.
I love spinach foi fat loss foi the
same ieasons I love bioccoli. It's
low in caloiies, while also being
high in fibei, vitamins anu
mineials. It also tastes gieat
when paiieu with othei fat loss
foous, such as biown iice anu
Spinach is extiemely easy to
cook - you uon't even neeu to
use watei oi a steamei. All you
have to uo is get a laige pot, put some spinach insiue, anu stii it as you
cook. The spinach contains enough watei to cook itself, anu all you have
to uo is auu moie into the pot as it cooks anu ieuuces itself in volume.
It is even N0RE impoitant to unueicook youi spinach than it is to
unueicook youi bioccoli. You shoulu cook it foi liteially a minute oi
less, so that it's just baiely cookeu befoie being miciowaveu. The
miciowave will hanule 7u% the cooking when you waim youi foou, anu
you'll have peifectly cookeu anu tenuei spinach foi eveiy meal.
( Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
Apples aie one of my favoiite snacks when
I'm losing fat. Like bioccoli anu spinach, they
aie low in caloiies while being high in fibei.
They cieate the same sensation of fullness
with minimal caloiies.
Apples make a gieat snack, that you can use
to fight ciavings whenevei you get hungiy
anu uon't have time foi a meal. uetting into
the habit of ieaching foi an apple iathei than
chips oi ciackeis is one of the best things
you can uo foi fat loss.
The uiawback of apples is that they have
slightly moie sugai than vegetables uo.
Bowevei, I think this is moie than outweigheu by the fact that they
make such gieat snacks, anu that they'ie so tasty. Anu ieally, the extia
caloiies aie negligible compaieu to the caloiies in something like potato
chips oi high-fat ciackeis. As my fiienu Ciaig Ballantyne says, "nobouy
evei got fat by eating fiuit."
Tiy anu uisplace youi high-fat snacking as much as possible fiuit oi
othei healthy alteinatives. I piefei apples myself, but whatevei fiuit you
peisonally like will uo the tiick.
This one may be suipiising to
you, since almonus aie high in
both caloiies anu fat. Bowevei, I
still like them as a fat buining
foou foi foui ieasons.
! Fiist of all, almonus contain
piotein, fibei, healthy
monounsatuiateu fats, anu
othei nutiients. This makes
them supeiioi as a snack Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
foou to floui-baseu snacks such as ciackeis anu chips, which aie
basically just empty caloiies.

! Seconu, a small amount of almonus can be veiy filling anu can
pievent ciavings. They'ie also gieat foi when you'ie ciaving
something ciunchy.

! Thiiu, almonus aie much less peiishable than fiuit, anu can be
taken anywheie. This makes a gieat snack to take with you when
you uon't have access to Zeio Willpowei meals oi fiuit.

! Finally, theie is a giowing bouy of ieseaich that suggests that
ieplacing staichy caibohyuates in youi uiet with almonus will
significantly aiu in weight loss.
In a 2uuS stuuy, two gioups of oveiweight people ate an iuentical uiet
with one exception. 0ne gioup ate appioximately 4uu caloiies woith of
staichy caibohyuiates pei uay on top of theii iegulai uiet, anu one
gioup ate 4uu caloiies woith of almonus.
Anu although the caloiies in theii uiets weie iuentical, the almonu-
eateis ieuuceu theii weight by 18% ovei 24 weeks, while the staichy
caib eateis only ieuuceu theii weight by 11%.
The ieseaicheis' theoiy on why this was is that the cell walls in the
almonus may be blocking the absoiption of some of the fats in the nuts.
This theoiy has not been completely pioven, but what is cleai is that
almonus can uefinitely suppoit fat loss.
When buying almonus, be suie to uiy ioasteu almonus oi unsalteu
natuial almonus. Nany almonus solu in stoies aie cookeu in oil, which
makes them much highei in caloiies anu not as goou foi fat loss.
( Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
0ne of the biggest pioblems that many
people have when tiying to lose fat is
boieuom-uiiven oveieating. Neaning,
when they aie watching Tv oi otheiwise
just hanging aiounu they want to munch
on something, oi uiink something out of
This was a big pioblem foi me when I
fiist staiteu losing fat. 0ne gieat way
that I founu to ueal with this is to uiink
gieen tea whenevei I'm not hungiy, but
I feel the temptation to munch because I'm boieu.
uieen tea contains piactically no caloiies when it's unsweeteu, oi when
it's sweeteneu with caloiie-fiee sweetenei such as stevia. 0nce you
know how to make it piopeily, it also tastes gieat can be veiy ielaxing
to uiink.
uieen tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, which will act as a
gentle anu natuial appetite suppiessant.
Tiy this the next time you'ie watching Tv anu you feel the temptation to
much - make youiself a laige glass of iceu gieen tea, anu eat a small
hanuful of almonus. The fibei anu fats in the almonus will fill you up
immeuiately, anu the caffeine in the gieen tea will ieuuce youi uesiie to
munch in the next few houis.
To ieview, heie's that list of my peisonal top 1u fat loss foous again:
! Chicken bieasts
! Lean steak
! Salmontuna
! Egg whites
! Biown iice
! Steameu bioccoli
! Steameu spinach
! Apples Nembeis 0nly Newslettei - Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
! Almonus
! uieen tea
If you make these foous the staples of youi uiet, I guaiantee that you
will lose weight unless you aie ovei-eating them in absuiuly massive
quantities. This woulu be veiy uifficult to uo though, anu I have nevei
actually seen anyone who became oveiweight by eating too much of
these foous.
Beie's youi action step fiom this newslettei: cieate Y00R 0WN
peisonal top 1u list of fat loss foous, using my list as a staiting point.
Check out what I have, anu keep any foous which you peisonally like the
taste of. But if theie's anything on theie which isn't youi favoiite,
substitute something that tastes bettei to you anu which is nutiitionally
Nake suie it IS actually nutiitionally equivalent though! Foi example
you cannot substitute high-fat giounu beef foi lean steak, oi bieau foi
biown iice.
But if you want to substitute tilapia foi salmon, oi nectaiines foi apples,
oi walnuts foi almonus these aie all peifectly legitimate substitutions.
Wiite youi peisonal list of top 1u fat loss foous out now. 0nce you have
them, post them in a piominent place in youi house. This will keep them
at the top of youi minu, anu ieminu you to keep them as the staples of
youi uiet.
Anu iemembei, you only have to focus on these foous foi 8u% of youi
uiet. Iust get that unuei contiol, anu if you want to eat highei caloiie
foous in the othei 2u% that's fine as long as you aie not binging in huge
0ntil next time, eat clean anu tiain haiu.
ISSA Ceitifieu Peisonal Tiainei
Youi Six Pack Abs Coach

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