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Detra R. Dunlap

Bones and muscles idetifications

list of bone and muscles for AP 1040 Dr. Deitchman 0 Scores

1 Text: Bones and muscle ident

Bone and Muscle Identification

Bones :

Bones of Axial Skeleton (pg. 128 and pg. 140-145)

1. Clavicle 2. Humerus 3. Radius 4. Ulna 5. Metacarpals 6. Carpals 7. Phalanges 8. Femur 9. Patella 10. Fibula 11. Tibia 12. Tarsals

13. Metatarsals 14. Tarsal Phalanges 15. Calcaneus 16. Clavicular notch 17. Manubrium 18. Sternum 19. Xiphoid Process 20. Costal Ribs 21. Intercostal Space 22. False ribs 23. Clavicle 24. Acromium Process 25. Coracoid Process 26. Vertebral border of scapula 27. Spine of scapula 28. Glenoid cavity 29. Medial and Lateral Condyles 30. Medial and Lateral Meniscus 31. Medial and Lateral Malleolus

Bones of Spine and Pelvis (pg. 137 and pg. 143-144)

1. Cervical spine/vertabrae (7) 2. Atlas 3. Axis 4. Thoracic spine/vertebrae (12)

5. Lumbar spine/vertebrae (5) 6. Sacrum 7. Coccyx 8. Intervertebral Foramen 9. Intervertebral Disc 10. Ilium 11. Iliac Crest 12. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) 13. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS) 14. Ischium 15. Symphysis Pubis 16. Acetabulum 17. Sacral/Iliac Joint

Bones of Head (pg. 134 and pg. 136)

1. Frontal 2. Parietal 3. Sphenoid 4. Temporal 5. Maxilla 6. Occipital 7. Zygomatic 8. Mandible 9. Mastoid Process


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