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Ek Pahila Foundation is a non-prot organization established in France.

It aims at supporting rural schools in Nepal with the needed educational infrastructure and resources. It also focuses on helping schools discover self sustainable solutions for the long term.


Ek Pahila Nepal

started during the 2nd week of June light-day meal during the course of Phase 1 Devisthan Primary School, a government funded school, was established in 1977 and since then it did not have any access to clean water for drinking and toilet facilities due to lack of funds. The 2011. The school was supplied with nearly 2000 meters of high quality half inch PVC pipe along with all other the work. Finally the school has a clean and permanent water supply and the existing bathrooms are now functional.

materials such as cement, sand, In the meantime, the main school concrete, steel rods, G-I pipe, a tap, building also urgently needed a and wages of a mason and a supporting pavement in order to helper for the total construction. In save it from soil erosion and addition, a water tank was also possibility of a landslide during the constructed at the source, located heavy monsoon rains. Thus, the nearly 2km southwest of the school, to collect the water and channelize it to the school premises through the pipe. The task of laying the pipe was difcult and time consuming because it had to be laid at least half a meter underground in order to save the pipe from damages resulting from cows and buffaloes possibly stepping on the pipe, which could

surrounding elds and bushes around the school premises served as restrooms for the school community. As a result, students were exposed to various illnesses and it also caused embarrassment to girl-students. Although two toilets were constructed about six months ago, they were non-operational due to lack of water supply. Ek Pahila Nepal took the initiative to set up a permanent and clean water supply as its rst priority. The project break or crush the pipe. The parents, villagers, school staffs, lay the pipe underground from the volunteers were also provided with a

establishment of a perennial water supply and the construction of the pavement (width- 5ft. length-90ft) started simultaneously. This phase was completed within a span of one month. During this period, Ek Pahila Nepal supervised the planning and the implementation of the work and visited the project site frequently.

and the students all volunteered to Total expenditure for completion of

Phase 1 NRS 94,350 (955 Euros)

source to the school. In addition, Time span for completion of Phase 1

1 month

Phase 2

In order to achieve this objective, Ek going to be done for the rst time.

Pahila Foundation will provide This is intended to motivate the Agriculture: A long-term plan of this necessary tools, seeds and fertilizers students to attend school regularly. project is to make the school nancially self-sustaining to a certain extent by utilizing its excess land for agricultural purposes. The school possesses approximately 10 acres of fertile land suitable for seasonal vegetable and fruit farming. Meanwhile, in order to encourage the villagers, Ek Pahila Foundation to the school community. Our organization will also support the will help the school to manage school management to link with cultivation on 1.27 acres initially by relevant government and nonproviding the necessary funds. government line agencies in the For 32 years, Devisthan Primary School has been providing primary education up to grade 5. In 2006, the school community, parents, and the locals decided to upgrade one higher grade every year with a target to operate up to grade 10 and provide Phase 4
Estimated budget for the completion of phase 3: NRS 1,25,900 (1254 Euros)

district for long-term sustainable SLC board exams. At present, the school operates up to grade 7. solutions .
Estimated budget for the completion H o w e v e r, t h e s c h o o l l a c k s of phase 2 - NRS 65,000 (650 Euros)

classrooms to further continue

Phase 3 Refurnishing and refurbishing the Through the process of crop rotation c l a s s r o o m s : C l a s s r o o m s f o r the school community will be able to kindergarden, grade 1, and grade2 harvest multiple crops during the lack adequate desks and benches course of the year. Besides providing and consequently, most students sit employment opportunities to the on oor mats (sukul - made of hay) local farmer, the products sold at Banepa market will generate a for class. In order to improve their considerable amount of income for learning environment, a set of 20 u p g r a d i n g . T h e s t u d e n t s i n the school. This additional income new desks and benches needs to be kindergarden and grade 1 share the can be utilized for periodical added while 10 damaged sets need same classroom and the grade 1 teacher has to teach students of maintenance of the school, provide repairs. In addition, the two buildings kindergarden simultaneously. In the necessary 50% salary of the of the school needs to be painted addition, one of the classrooms is 6th grade teacher and the textbooks functioning as the headmaster's both inside and outside to give a for the students. ofce and store. Thus the total face-lift to the school, which is

unavailability of classrooms is an obstacle for higher development committee for additional funds this scal education and as a result, most students do not year. Thus the building project has come to a stand continue after grade 7 since they need to walk at still. least two hours daily to reach the nearest school at Rabiopi. Only a few students do take this challenge to Ek Pahila Foundation is making an complete high school education in Banepa. effort to collect

the necessary funds to complete the class room building. This additional space will help the school to

The school recently received NPR. 1,00,000 (1000 provide education up to grade 7 as for now, which Euros) from the village development committee of can be further extended for higher class facilities. Devitar to construct a three-room building to serve as classrooms for students of grade 5, 6, and 7. This Estimated budget for the completion of phase 4 - NRS amount was only sufcient to complete the 6,00,000 (5980 Euros) foundation and there is no guarantee from the village

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