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3-Phase Circuits

Balanced 3-phase

Balanced Complex Numbers

Consider the complex roots of unity:

Find  all  the  roots  of :

3 3

1 j

Then  find  the  sum  of  the  roots

Balanced Complex Numbers

m o

z ! Zx @ z ! Z mx @ 1 ! 1 120n
o 3 1 3 o m

! 1120n ; n ! 0,1,2,3...

Balanced Complex Numbers

We  can  show  that : he  roots  are : 1 ! 10 ,1120 ,1240 or
3 3 o o o

1 3 1 3 1 ! 1  j 0,  j ,  j 2 2 2 2

@ 1 roots ! 0  j 0

Balanced Complex Numbers




Balanced Complex Numbers

j ! 0  j ! 190o

! 1360n o  90o @ 3 j ! 1120n o  30o ! 130o ,1150o ,1270o

3 1 3 1 !  j ,  j ,0  j 2 2 2 2

@ 1 roots ! 0  j 0

Balanced Complex Numbers


is evident from above that the sum of any three roots of the cube-root of any complex number is absolutely zero.  This is the essence of a balanced three phase system and indeed the most powerful tool in power transmission.  The results below are self-evident.

Balanced Complex Numbers

Consider a general complex number z 1 z ! Z0 o.... .3 z ! Z 3 120n o z1 ! Z (1  j 0) 1 3 ) z2 ! Z (  j 2 2 1 1 3 3 ) z3 ! Z (   j 2 2 @ 1 roots ! 0  j 0

3 1 3 1 3

Balances 3-phase Currents


Let us use the above discovery and KCL: Suppose we have three currents such that

i1 ! I0 o , i2 ! I120 o , i3 ! I240 o @ If  we  decide  to  sup ply  i1 , i2 , i3  to  a  load ; as  shown  below  we  ake  int eresting conclusions :

Balances 3-phase Currents


3-phase supply 3-phase load


Balances 3-phase Currents

I n ! i1  i2  i3 But , i1  i2  i3 ! 0 @ In ! 0 I n ! 0; needless  to  have  neutral  ire @ There  is  al ays  NO  neutral  ire  in  a  balanced  3  phase  system

Advantages of balanced 3-phase supply


1.The elimination of a neutral wire is clearly the biggest saving. 2. If we wanted to supply the same amount of power using single phases, we would have used 6 wires! But we have managed with just 3 of them. 3. The fact that line voltages are higher means I 2R that the line currents are lower hence reduced losses.

Line & Phase Values


practice, when a 3-phase system is used, we do have both the currents & voltages as 3-phase. Their values may be given as phase or line values.  Let us consider a balanced 3-phase voltage system.  Just as we did in the case of currents, the voltage is given by:

Line & Phase Values

v1 ! V0 ! V (1  j 0) 1 3 v2 ! V120 ! V (  j ) 2 2 1 3 o v3 ! V240 ! V (  j ) 2 2 here  V ! phase  value; measured bet een  phase  ire & earth.
o o

Line & Phase Values

3 3 o v12 ! v1  v2 ! (  j ) ! 3  30 2 2 o v23 ! v2  v3 ! (0  j 3 ) ! 3 90 3 3 o v31 ! v3  v1 ! (  j ) ! 3  150 2 2 @ line  voltages ! 0  j 0

Line & Phase Values


is however usual to measure voltage between one phase & another phase. So the value is that of one phase with respect to the other. Since it is measured between one phase & another it is referred as the line voltage.  The line voltages must the phasor differences as shown below:

Phasors for Phase & Line Voltages







Phase & Line Voltages


The following conclusions are made: 1. The line voltages also constitute a balanced 3phase system. line  voltage ! 3 phase  voltage. 2.
Exa ples :

! phase  voltage ! 240 @ 3 ! line  voltage ! 240 3 } 416 ! line  voltage ! 11,000 11,000 @ ! phase  voltage ! } 6,351 3 3

Line & Phase Values


Please note that: 1. In a 3-phase system; the line values (voltage & current) are the ones specified. 2. It is very dangerous to touch any two line wire (because of much higher voltages). 3. All values are rms. 4. Red, Yellow, Blue representv1 , v2 , v3 .

Line & Phase Values


it is easy to identify phase & line voltages; caution is taken on phase & line currents.  It is easier to assume that phase & line currents are the same.

Star & Delta 3-ph representation


are two distinct ways of representing 3-phase voltages/currents;  Star or Delta. [Star is sometimes called Wye].  Let us re-draw the phasors for 3-phase voltages.

Star & Delta 3-ph representation









Star & Delta 3-ph connections

Power connections




Y n







is noted that:  A Star connection has a neutral point (n) and can be accessed when need arises. But the Delta connection does not have one.  Hence in a Delta connection only the line voltages can be measured. But in the Star connection both line & phase voltages are measurable.

Star-Star connection

Supply-load connections


supply n n



Star-Delta connection

Supply-load connections

supply n






Line & Phase currents


In the star connection; the line current=phase current. But in Delta connection; the line current DOES NOT equal to phase current e.g.

i1 { I1

But we may use KCL to find the relationships between line and phase currents.

i1  I1  I 3 ! 0

Power in 3-phase

We know that is 1-phase;

Power ! I cos U ut  in  3  phase; otal  power ! 3 I cos U ; where  , I  are  phase  values. @ otal  power ! 3

3 where  L , I L are  line  values

I L cos U ! 3 L I L cos U

(assu e  I ! I L )

3-phase Exercises
xercise  1 : v1 (t ) ! V sin( t ) ! reference  voltage; exp ress  v2 (t ), v3 (t )  as  sin e  functions. xercise  2 : A  2MW ,11kV ,3  phase  source  uses  80% of  its  capacity  to  sup ply  a  load . det er min e  the  current  if  po er factor  is  0.5

3-phase exercises
3:  A 0.6MW, 416V, 3-phase, 50Hz load has a power factor of 0.5.  Determine the necessary capacitors and show their connections so as to improve the power factor to 0.9.

Solution 1

The 3-phase voltages differ by angle only:

v1 (t ) ! sin( wt ) @ v2 (t ) ! sin( wt  120 ) v3 (t ) ! sin( wt  240 ) ! sin( wt  120 )

o o o

Solution 2
sup ply ! 2 W @ Load ! 0.8 * 2 ! 1.6 W Load ! 3 L I L cos U @1.6 *10 6 ! 3 *11*103 * I L * 0.5 3200 @ IL ! } 168.0 11 3 ! current  in @ line ! phase  current if  star  connection

Solution 3

power factor improvement is done by connecting a capacitor between @ phase & the neutral point.  [Though it is possible to connect a capacitor between phases but then the capacitors are more expensive because of the higher (line) voltages].

Star-Star connection

Supply-load connections

C Supply n C n Load



Solution 3

@ capacitor is connected across a phase & neutral; phase voltages must be used.  We are at liberty to use the phasor diagram studied earlier.

Solution 3


Solution 3
cosU ! 0.5 cos J ! 0.9 I C ! I sin U  I 1 sin J I cosU ! I 1 cos J I cosU @I ! cos J @ I C ! I (sin U  cosU tan J )

Solution 3


! 3VL I L cos U
here  I L ! I 0.6 *10 @I ! ! 3VL cos U 3 * 416 * 0.5 10 $ 1,388 416 3
6 6

Solution 3
106 0.5 sin J [sin U  ] @I ! 0.9 416 3 106 3 5 19 [ ] !  416 3 2 9 10 $ 865.9 Voltage  across  capacitor 1 !V ! I Z ! I * 2Tf

Solution 3
I ! 100T @ I I ! ! 100TV 100T * 416

$ 0.01839 F ! 18390 QF @ 3  cap  @  of  18390 QF In  pratice  use  nearest  higher valuable  available  on  market.

Question 4
440V, 3-ph, Y-connected source has two loads connected as:  One load is balanced in @ phase with Z=10+j5.  The second load is balanced in @ phase with Z=15+j0.  (i) Find the average power to @ load.  (ii) Find the total power delivered.

V0 V i1 ! ! U Z U Z o er  in  3  phase ! 3VI cosU ! 15.5 *10 $ 15.5kW


Total load =(10+j5)+(15+j0)=25+j5=Z

Z ! 25  j 5 ! Z U ;U ! arctan 440 3 Z U 5 25

0 !

@ i phase !

440 U Z 3

@Total  po er ! 3 *V phase * i phase cos U

440 440 440 2 ! 3* * * cos U ! cos11.3o 3 3Z 650

} 7.45kW

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