Principles of Management

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1. An organization must contain all except which of the following characteristics ? a. purpose c. structure b. people d.


2. The level of management that translates the goals of the organization into specific plans that lower-level managers can perform are know as a. top management c. first-time management b. middle management d. operative managers

3. Mintzberg grouped the ten managerial roles into three primary headings. Which of the following is not one of these heading? a. interpersonal relationships c. planning b. transfer of information d. decision making

4. Plans that apply to the entire organization, establish the organizations overall objectives, and seek to position the organization in terms of its environment are called______ plans. a. operational c. strategic b. tactical d. single-use

5. A system whereby performance objectives are jointly determined by subordinates and their superiors, reviewed by progress, and allocated by rewards is known as a. a standing plan c. MBO b. a strategic plan d. MBWA

6. After analyzing and learning about the environment, management need to evaluate opportunities and threats. Opportunities are a. internal resources c. positive external environmental b.unmet needs d. internal competitive strategies

7. Once a manager has identified a problem, the______ that will be important in solving the problem must be identified. a. discrepancies b. decision criteria c. scenarios d. factor weights 8.Managers often seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient. This is

known as which of the following? a. satisfactory decision making c. risk b. satisficing d. optimal decision making

9. Which of the following is not one of the six elements of structure? a. work specialization c.span of control b. chain of command d. technology

10. Those managers whose organizational function contributes directly to the achievement of organizational objectives have a. span of control c. staff authority b. line authority d. responsibility

11.A written statement of what a jobholder does, how a job is done, and why a job is done is a a. job description c. job analysis b. human resource inventory report d. job specification

12. What information is provided in a realistic job preview (RJP)? a. Only positive information about the job b. Only negative information about the job c. Opportunities for advancement d. Both positive and negative information about the job 13. A manager has basically three options when handing change. They include all of the following except a. altering structures c. altering competition b. altering technology d. altering people

14. Which of the following is not a step in Kurt Lewins change process? a. unfreezing the status quo b. changing to a new state c. disrupting the equilibrium d. refreezing the new change 15. The goals of organizational behavior are to a. explain and predict behavior b. explain and alter behavior c. alter and predict behavior d. simply observe behavior 16. Which of the following is not are of the five dimensions of emotional intelligence?

a. self-awareness c. self-motivation

b. self-management d. self- control

17. The stage in group development when members are determining what behaviors are acceptable and when a great amount of uncertainty occurs is a. storming c. adjourning b. forming d. performing

18.When the_____ stage of team development is completed, there will be a relatively clear relationship within the team. a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing 19. Which is not a characteristic of high-performing teams? a. unified commitment c. external support b. mutual trust d. job morpher

20.Which of the following is not one of the needs in Maslows hierarchy of needs? a. physiological b. safety c. environmental d. esteem 21. According to McClelland, which of the following needs focuses on the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise? a. achievement c. recognition b. power d. affiliation

22. All of the following are traits, which differentiate leaders from nonleaders except a. drive b. honesty and integrity c. charisma d. intelligence 23.A leader who involves employees in decision-making, delegates authority, and gathers input from employees, but makes the final decision his/herself is using of leadership. a. democratic-participative b. laissez-faire c. autocratic d. democratic-consultative 24. For communication to be successful, meaning must be_____ be_____ a. transferred; understood b. transferred; imparted

c. understood; accepted

d. imparted; encoded

25.Which of the following is not one of the three causes of conflict? a. communication differences c. management differences b. structural differences d. personal differences

26.Which of the following is not a step in the control process ? a. measure actual performance b. compare actual performance against the standard c. develop the standard d. take appropriate action to correct any deviations 27.When a manager discovers a variation between actual performance and the standard, managers should a. reevaluate the standard b. take action to control the actual performance c. determine the acceptable range d. do nothing and see if performation 28. All organizations produce goods or services through the _____ process. a. transformation b. engineering c. manufacturing d. operations 29.______ refers to the facilities, functions, and activities involved in producing and delivering a product or service from supplier to customer . a. supply chain management b. inventory management c. process value analysis d. continuous process improvement 30. A_____ is a flowchart-like diagram that depicts the sequence of activities needed to complete a project and the time or costs associated with each activity. a. gantt chart c. TQM diagram b. break-even analysis d. PERT network

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