Prayer For The Bar

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GRANT ME BRAIN THAT NEVER DRAIN STRENGTH THAT I HAVE TO MAINTAIN TIME, IN ORDER TO ATTAIN PERSONALITY THAT I POSSIBLY WILL RETAIN IN THE SERVICES OF OTHERS AVOBE ALL BLESSING I NEED TO SHARE... That I may follow the commands from the maker of law, That I may at all times adhere to the faculties and object of the human mind And that is INTELLECT of which is the TRUTH, and The WILL of which is GOOD Where this INTELLECT cannot rest till it has comprehend INFINITE TRUTH , Where this WILL cannot be satisfied till it has grasped INFINITE GOOD. It follow then that the Union of infinite TRUTH and infinite GOOD is absolute BEAUTY who is YOU oh GOD from whom all these blessing come. And only we could achieve our is by following the LAW. In precious name of


we pray AMEN 57

HEALTH THE I NEED TO SUSTAIN TIME, IN ORDER TO ATTAIN PERSONALITY THAT I MAY MAINTAIN IN THE SERVICES SERVING OTHERS ABOVE ALL BLESSING I NEED TO SHARE... That I may follow the instructions from the maker as the law defines, That I may at all times adhere to the faculties and objects of the human mind And that is INTELLECT of which is the TRUTH, and

The WILL of which is GOOD Where this INTELLECT cannot rest till it has comprehend INFINITE TRUTH , Where this WILL cannot be satisfied till it has grasped INFINITE GOOD. It follows then that the combination of infinite TRUTH and infinite GOOD is infinite BEAUTY who is YOU oh GOD from whom all these blessing come. And only we could attain our HUMBLE DREAM OF PASSING THE BAR is by following the LAW. In precious name 57

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