Automatic Receipts (Release 12) A Complete Guide For Oracle Receivables Users

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Automatic Receipts [Release 12] A Complete Guide for Oracle Receivables Users

An Oracle White paper October 2008

O verview of Auto matic Receipts :...........................................................3 A uto matic Receipts and Re mit tance Process ...............................................4 Sett ing Up Auto matic Receipts..............................................................6 Step 1: Define Receipt Class .............................................................7 Step 2: Define Receipt M ethod ...........................................................9 Enabling Auto matic Funds Transfer Error Corrections ............................. 10 Step 3: Assigning Re mit ance Banks ................................................... 12 t Step 4: Set ing Up Docum ent Sequences............................................... 14 t Enable Sequential Nu mber ing Profi Option ....................................... 14 le Step 5: Define Print programs for your Auto matic Receipts ........................... 15 Step 6 Oracle Pay ments Setup For Funds Capture Processing ........................ 16 Sett ing Up Funds Capture by Oracle Pay ments ..................................... 16 Si mulat ion of Auto matic Receipts Feature:............................................... 17 Step 1 Assign defaul pay ment detai a the custom er account or s te level.......... 17 t ls t i Step 2 Flagging Transactions for Auto matic Receipts ................................. 19 Step 3 Create Auto matic Receipts Batch ............................................... 20 Sub mit ing the Auto matic receipt creat t ion process.................................. 20 Step 4 Approving Auto m at Receipts ................................................. 23 ic Step 5 For matt ing Autom atic Receipts (Optional)..................................... 24 Step 6 Confirming Autom atic Receipts ................................................ 25 Accounting for Auto matic Receipts....................................................... 27 Important Reports.......................................................................... 28 A uto matic Receipts and Re mit tances Execut ion report................................ 28 Transact ions A wait ing Consol idat ion .................................................. 28 A uto matic Receipts A wai ing Confirmation Report................................... 28 t Receipts A wait ing Re mittance Report ................................................. 28 A uto matic Receipt Batch Manage ment Report ........................................ 29 So me Facts and Quest ions:................................................................ 30

Overview of Automatic Receipts:

Orac Rece le ivables a lows you to create Automat Rece l ic ipts a long with Manual enter ly ing rece , and Rece ipts ipts creat through Lockbox The Rece ed . ivables Automat rece ic ipts feature can be used to automat l generate rece ica ly ipts for custo mers wi th who m you have predef ined agreements These agreements le you col t pay ments on t . t lec ime by transferr ing funds from the customer s bank account t yours on the rece ' o ipt matur ty date You can a i . lso manage your cash f low by dec ing when, where and how much you should remit to your bank. id , For example a Mobi Service Provider Co mpany can make agreement with i s re i customers , le t ta l to a low direc ly debi funds on a predef l t t ined date every month based on the invoice amount . Auto mat rece ic ipts a so le s you manage your customer r sk and reconc le bank s tements You l t i i ta . can dec ide how you wish t process the rece o ipts f rom creat to remit ion tance and r sk e iminat . i l ion The Automat Rece ic ipts feature sa i f es the many var at t si i ions of bank remit tance process , such ing as d rec debi s i t t. Once crea , Automat rece ted ic ipts can be reappl in t same way as manual rece . ied he ipts You cannot c te c rea ross currency rece appl ca ions us ipt i t ing Automat Rece . ic ipts This whi -paper wi lta about se te l lk tup, s imulat , and other important re ion levant topics re ted to la Orac Rece le ivables s Automatic Rece ipts fea ture in Orac E-Bus le iness Sui Re te lease 12 .

Automatic Receipts and Remittance Process

The fo lowing graphic provides an overview of the Automat Rece l ic ipts and Re mit tance processes :

Text Description of the Automatic Receipts Graphic

This ilus ra ion provides an overview of the Automat c Rece l t t i ipts and Remit tance processes . 1 F rs , you f . i t lag the t ransac ions that you want the Automat Rece t ic ipts process to pay by ass igning a rece ipt method with an assoc ted receip c ia t lass that has an Auto mat creat ic ion method. 2 When you run the Auto mat Rece . ic ipts program, Rece ivables crea rece tes ipts to c lose out a l l completed transac ions that meet the se t t lec ion cr ter Rece i ia. ivables a le you update de te lso ts , le , and approve the rece ipts that were se ted You can also opt lec . ional format your Auto mat ly ic rece ipts onto paper to send to your customer for conf rmat i ion or not f ca ion before remit ing ii t t them to your bank on e ther paper or magnet c media i i . 3 The next s in the processinvolves conf rming your Automat rece batches i required, to . tep i ic ipt ,f indica that your customer has reviewed each rece and agrees thatthe pay mentinformat is te ipt ion correc . t 4 Af conf rmat , you crea remit . ter i ion te tance batches to se t Automat rece lec ic ipts for remit tance to your bank to in t te the t i ia ransfer of funds from your customer s account to your account as ' pay ment for the t ransac i t ons that were previous c ly losed by these rece . You can create ipts unapproved, approved, or approved and format ted remit tance batches which you then send to , your bank. 5 When you rece . ive your bank s tement you can then reconc le your rece . You can ta , i ipts opt ional sub mit the Auto mat Clear ly ic ing program to automat l c ica ly lear remit ted rece ipts and c lear or r sk e iminate fac i l tored rece ipts in Rece ivables .

Setting Up Automatic Receipts

The fo lowing tab provides a sum mary of the s l le teps you must fo low to set up Auto mat l ic Rece ipts in your appl t ica ions :

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Def ine Rece ipt Class Def ine Rece ipt Method Assigning Remit tance Banks Set ing Up Docu ment Sequences t Def ine Pr programs for your Automat Rece int ic ipts Orac Pay ments Se le tup For Funds Capture Process ing

Step 1: Define Receipt Class Go to Rece ivables Respons bi i : i l ty ipts Rece Classes ipt Setup Rece Enter a Rece ipt Class by assign ing a unique name. The creat ion method should be Automat . ic Note The Rece : ipt Class wil be avai le in a l Operat l lab l ing Uni and i i not spec f c to a s ts t s ii ingle organizat . ion

Choose a Re mit tance Method. The remit tance method determines the accounts t hat Rece ivables uses for Automat rece ic iptsthat you create us the rece ing ipt method ass igned to t rece c . his ipt lass Choose one of the fo lowing methods l : Standard Use the remit ance account for Automat rece : t ic ipts ass igned to a rece pt method with i th s rece c . i ipt lass Factor : Use the fac ing toring account for Automat rece ic ipts ass igned to a rece pt method with i th s rece c . i ipt lass Standard and Factor ing: Choose th method i you want Rece is f ivables to se t rece lec ipts ass igned to th rece is ipt c lass for remit tance regardless of the batch remit tance method. In this case you can spec fy e ther of these remit , i i tance methods when creat ing your remi tance batches t . See Creat : ing Remit tance Batches Oracle Receivables User Guide. , No Re mit tance Choose t : his method i you do not require rece f ipts ass igned to t rece c his ipt lass to be remit . ted

Note I the creat : f ion method is Automat , then you cannot se t No Remit ic lec tance as the Re mit tance Method. To require Automat rece pts ass ic i igned to th rece c is ipt lass to be conf rmed before they can be i remit , check the Require Confi ted rmat ion box Check th box to conf rm Automat rece . is i ic ipts using th rece c is ipt lass in the Conf rm Automat Rece pts window. i ic i I you check th s box then f i , : The Create Automat Remit ic tances window does not le you create remit t tances for unconf rmed rece i ipts that were crea ted us ing a rece ipt method wi th rece c ass th is ipt l . ivables wi l not le you create re l t fund credi card rece t ipts that were created us ing a Rece rece ipt method wi th s rece c . th i ipt lass

Step 2: Define Receipt Method Rece ivables uses rece ipt methods to account for your r ipt entr and appl ca i . ece ies i t ons Rece ipt methods a so determine a cus l tomer s remit ' tance bank informat . ion ine rece ipt methods in the Rece ipt Classes window as ment ioned in s above tep . Note: You def You can ass ign mul ip remit t le tance banks to each receip method, but only one bank account can t be the pr imary account for each currency For each remit . tance bank branch account ass igned to a rece ipt method, you must def a l o your rece accounts ine l f ipt . 1 Navigate to the Rece Classes window. . ipt Setup Rece ipts Rece Classes ipt Query or enter the rece c ass to ass to th s rece ipt l ign i ipt method. 2 Enter a unique Na me for your rece . ipt method, and then enter how you want th rece is ipt method to be pr inted on your s tements in the Pr ed Na me f ld The defaul Pr ta int ie . t inted Na me is the rece ipt method name. Note The Rece : ipt Method wil be avai le in a l Opera ing Uni and i i not spec f cto a s l lab l t ts ts ii ingle organizat . ion 3 Enter the range of Ef t ve Dates for th rece . fec i is ipt method. 4 To ass . ign the same transact ion nu mber to the debi me mo generated when you create a debi t t me mo reversa ,check the Debi Me mo Inher t Rece l t i ipt Nu mbers box Do not check th box i you . is f want Rece ivables to generate unique debi me mo nu m bers automat l . t ica ly 5 To ensure that the rece pt nu mber is a . i lways the same as the t ransact ion nu m ber to which i i t s appl , check the Rece s Inher t Transac ion Num bers box This opt ied ipt i t . ion he lps you track Auto mat Rece . Do not check th box i you want Rece ic ipts is f ivables to genera docu ment te nu mbers for Automat Rece ic ipts ass igned to th s rece c i ipt lass and rece ipt method. 6 When def ing rece . in ipt methods for a rece c ipt lass wi an Automat creat method, you can th ic ion choose f rom the fo lowing N u m ber of Receipts Rules l : One per Customer One per Customer Due Date Create one pay ment for each cus tomer . Create one pay ment for each cus tomer and due date This . opt ion creates severa payments for a cus l tomer i a cus f tomer s ' invoices have severa due dates l . Create one pay ment for each invoice . Create one pay ment for each s te i . Create one pay ment for each cus tomer s te and due date i .

One per Invoice One per S te i One per S te Due Date i

7 Enter a Rece . ipt Matur ty Date Rule Rece i . ivables uses th rule to pay invoices that have is di ferent due dates wi a s le rece us f th ing ipt ing th receip method. is t Choose f rom one of the Rules : Earl t i you want the rece ies : f ipt matur ty date to be the ear ies due date of a l o the invoices that i l t l f your rece covers ipt . Lates : i you want the matur ty date to be the la t f i test due date of a l of the invoices that your l rece covers ipt . 8 Enter the Automat Pr Program for t . ic int ransmiss ions us ing th rece is ipt method. Rece ivables provides one standard rece ipt pr program to format the output of your pay ment int se t lec ion and creat ion programs when you phys l create the rece docu ment I you need a ica ly ipt .f

di ferent rece f ipt pr program format you must copy th s int , is tandard rece ipt pr nt program, and i m odify i accordingly t . 9 Spec fy a nu mber of Lead Days Lead days indica the nu mber of days before the invoice due . i . te date that an invoice can be se ted for appl t lec ica ion by the Automat Rece ic ipts program using this rece ipt method. 10 Se t a funds capture pay ment method. A funds capture pay ment method is a pay ment . lec mediu m by which your cus tomer chooses to remit pay ment to you. Orac Payments predef le ines funds capture payment methods but you can def , ine your own. Se t Credi Card for t lec t ransact ions to be pa by credi card id t . Se t Bank Account Transfer for t lec ransac ions to be paid by AC H (Automated Clear t ing House) t rans . fer For t ransac ions to be paid by direc debi ,crea a new rece t t t te ipt method or use an ex t rece is ing ipt method, and ass ign or def ne a new EFT-spec f c payment method. i ii 11 Se t Funds Transfer Error Handl . lec ing to enable t Automat correc ion of funds t he ic t ransfer errors .

Enabling Automatic Funds Transfer Error Corrections W hen def ined correc ly Automat rece t , ic ipt methods can also enable the automat c correc ion of i t funds t ransfer errors This means that Rece . ivables can automat l correc errors encountered ica ly t dur ing the c redi card author t t iza ion or payment capture s tage or dur , ing a bank account t ransfer . Enable th fea is ture by navigat to the Funds Transfer Error Handl ing ing window from the Receipt Classes window. For each rece ipt method ass igned to an Automat rece c ic ipt lass, map the error codes (obta ined from your th rd par credi card processor or f i ty t inanc l ins i t ia t tu ion) to potent l ia correc ive ac ions in Rece t t ivables : Change Inst rument Enables the se t lec ion of a new pay ment ins rument and expira ion date I t transac ion t t . f he t 's rece ipt method has a bank account t ransfer pay ment method, then the expirat ion date is not avai le for update lab . Clear Pay ment Information Re moves pay ment informat from the t ion ransac ion Also enters a defaul note on the transact t . t ion and ra ses a bus i iness event . Retry Transac ions wi funds t ansfer errors are not inc t th r luded in Automat Rece ic ipts or Remit tances batches This opt . ion removes the error code f rom the t ransac ion which makes the transact t , ion e ig le for inc ion in the next Automat Rece l ib lus ic ipts or Re mit tances batch . Reverse Receipt Reverses the rece , reopens the or ina t ipt ig l ransac ion and removes pay ment informat t , ion from the t ransac ion Also enters a defaul note on the rece t . t ipt and re ted t la ransact on, and ra i ises a bus iness event . M ap each error code to a corresponding act ion for each category, such as invoi , rece , or ce ipt re fund. Di ferent ac ions are ava lab for each category, as ilus ra in th tab f t i le l t ted is le: Category Invoice Debi Me mo, Credit Me mo , t Rece ipt Refund Avai lable Act ions Change Ins rument C t , lear Pay ment Informat , Retr ion y Change Ins rument Retry Reverse Rece t , , ipt Retry Reverse Rece , ipt


For example for the Invoice category map a credi card processor s error code of G W-0062 to an , , t ' act ion such as Retry I credi card author t la fa l and the credi card processor returns . f t iza ion ter i s t the error code of G W-0062 for mul ip t t le ransac ions t t , hen Rece ivables wi l de te the error on al l le l fa l t i ed ransac ions in the I t nvoice category that have th error code This error code removal is . makes a lfa l t l i ed ransac ions e ig le for inc ion in the next Automat Rece t l ib lus ic ipts batch . Optional enter a subsequent ac ion and indica e how many days should pass before ly t , t at tempt ing the next ac ion For example you might want to remove the credi card informat t . , t ion af a tempt ter t ing reauthor ion for two days izat . I no subsequent ac ion is spec f , then the nu mber of days indicates how many days should f t i ied pass before fa led t i ransac ions appear on the Correct Funds Transfer Errors page for manual t correc ion t . Note Transac ions that s ilfa lthe automat funds transfer correc ion process are displayed on : t tl i ic t the Correc Funds Transfer Errors page Navigate to t page to manual correc funds t t . his ly t ransfer errors Opt . ional enter notes for automat inc ion on the t ly ic lus ransac ion that recorded the funds t t rans e ror fer r .


Step 3: Assigning Remittance Banks Assign remit tance banks to your rece ipt methods to fac l ta data entry and speci the General i i te fy Ledger accounts that Rece vables wi l use when you enter or apply rece . i l ipts You can ass ign mult le bank accounts to a rece ip ipt method, but you can only have one pr imary account for each currency def ined for that rece ipt method. To ass ign a remit tance bank to a rece ipt method: 1 Navigate to the Rece Classes window. . ipt Setup Rece ipts Rece Classes ipt Query the rece c ipt lass or r ipt method to which you want to ass th remit ance bank ece ign is t . 2 Cl ck Bank Accounts . i . 3 Se t your Operat . lec ing Uni. t Once you choose an Operating uni ,the Rece t ipt Method wi l be avai le for Transac ions created l lab t under that Operat ing Uni . t 4 Enter genera Remit . l tance Bank informat , such as Bank, Branch Account Name, and range ion , of Ef t fec ive Dates You can only se t ac ive banks and bank branches . lec t . 5 Enter a Minimu m Rece . ipt A mount This i the minim u m a mount in th currency that must be . s is spec f i ied when you create Auto mat rece ic ipts wi th s rece th i ipt method. Note You can a so def a min : l ine imu m rece amount at the cus ipt tomer prof l l i e evel . Rece ivables uses the larger of the two minimu m rece ipt amounts when creat ing Auto mat ic rece . ipts 6 I the remit . f tance method for th rece c is ipt lass i ei s ther Factor ing or Standard and Factor , ing spec fy the nu mber of Risk El i iminat ion Days for rece s created with th rece c ipt is ipt lass (opt ional . ) W hen you fac rece ,Rece tor ipts ivables crea a shor te debt to account for your r sk in case of tes t rm i customer defaul . When you run the Automat Clear ng program to c t ic i lear or r sk e iminate these i l rece ,the debti c ipts s leared y days af each rece ' matur ty date where y i the nu mber of r ter ipt s i , s isk e iminat l ion days that you enter here . 7 Enter the nu mber of Cl ing Days for rece . ear ipts created with th rece is ipt c lass (opt ional . ) ter i ty , lear Re mit ted rece ipts are c leared x days af the r maturi date where x is the num ber of c ing days that you enter here Factored rece . ipts are c leared im mediate on the remit ance date ly t . 8 To be ab to overr th s bank dur . le ide i ing the remit tance process check the Overr de Bank box , i . 9 Pr . imary check box You can only ass : ign one pr imary remit tance account per currency to your rece ipt method. Rece ivables ensures that a l t one r t eas emit tance account per currency i pr s imary . 10 . the GL Accounts tabbed reg , enter GL Accountin In ion format ion for th remi t is t ance bank . In the Unearned Discounts and Earned Discounts f lds se t an unearned discount ac iv ty type ie , lec t i and an earned d iscount ac i ty type f t vi rom the l s s o va i t f lues . I us f ing Orac Trade M anagement then in the Cla le , im Invest ions f ld, se t a c im igat ie lec la inves igat t ion ac iv ty type t i . 11 Open the Format ing Programs tabbed reg , then en format ing program i . t ion ter t nformat . ion To run a pr ing program when you format remit int tance batches for rece ipts remit ted to you using th rece is ipt method, enter a Remit tance Pr program. When you fac int tor your remit tances , Rece ivables not f es your pr ii int program so that i funct t ions accordingly You can use this . program to create and send remit tance advice to customers to who m you ass ign th rece is ipt method. To run a fac ing pr tor int program when you format your batches of remit ted rece ipts for th is rece ipt method, enter a Factor ing Pr program. When you fac your remit int tor tances Rece , ivables not f es your fac ing pr program so thati behaves accordingly You cannot enter a factor ii tor int t . ing


t ransmiss ion program for th s rece i ipt method i your bank branch account s fac ing creat f ' tor ion mediu m is magnet c medium. i


Step 4: Setting Up Document Sequences Rece ivables automat l c tes ca ica ly rea tegor for each rece ies ipt method that you have de ined f . Refer to Docu ment Sequences chapter in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide i ion on us ing and def ing docu ment sequences and an in Configuration for more deta led informat explanat ion of the fea ture . Broadly the s teps would be: i Def ing a Docu ment Sequence Create a new Sequence wi Appl t Rece vables ) in th ica ion i i) Def ing Docu ment Categor i in ies - This wi l be auto-created by system when you create Rece l ipt M ethod. The tab name i A R_C AS H_RECEIPTS_ALL and Appl t le s ica ion =Rece ivables ii Ass i) igning a Docu ment Sequence You need to ass ign Sequence to a Category for a given Ledger and Method NULL or Automat . ic Enable Sequential Numbering Profile Option To implement docu ment sequences you must f r t enable the Sequent l Num ber , is ia ing prof le i opt . This can be se a the s te and/or appl t ion t t i ica ion leve . To view the current se t l t ing of th is opt , navigate to the Personal Prof l Values window and query the 'Sequent l Nu mber ' ion ie ia ing prof le opt . i ion Val prof l opt id i e ion va lues are : Not Used You can a lways enter a t ransact . The cursor wi l skip the Docu ment Nu mber f ld when you ion l ie enter t ransac ions I you se th prof l opt t . f t is ie ion to t his va , you cannot use the Auto mat lue ic Rece ipts fea ture . Always Used You cannot enter a t ransact i no sequence exis f i . This va ion f ts or t lue requires t hat you enter a docu ment nu mber when ente ing t r ransac ions t . Par ia ly Used t l You can enter a t ransac ion even i no sequence ex t for i . However you wi l be warned. Use t f is s t , l th s va , for example i you want to use sequent l nu mber i lue ,f ia ing for Automat rece , but for ic ipts nothing e se l . Important The Rece : ivables Automat Rece ic ipts feature uses docu ment sequences when creat ing rece . Consequent ,i you are us ipts ly f ing th fea is ture you must se th s prof l opt to e ther t i i e ion i 'Par ia ly Used or'Always Used. t l ' '


Step 5: Define Print programs for your Automatic Receipts. Use the Format Programs window to def ine addi iona rece or remit t l ipt tance programs that you use to create rece ipt documents such as checks or you can def ine as many rece ipt programs, as you want Rece . ivables provides rece ipt programs that you can use to create and format rece ipt and remit tance docu ments I you need a di ferent Automat rece . f f ic ipt program, you should s tandard program and modi i .I you create a custom rece program, your pay ment program fy t f ipt cannot exceed e ight charac ers t . The defaul Automat Rece t ic ipt pr int program is ca le Pr l d int Created Rece ipts ( RX APFRC.rdf A ) and i loca in the $AR_TOP/reports d rec s ted i tory . You spec fy whether each program is used for t creat , pr ing or t i he ion int , ransmiss ion of Auto mat rece ic ipts or remit tances and provide a shor , descr ive name for your rece t ipt ipt programs and the program na me that you or Rece vables def i ines in Orac Appl t le ica ion Objec t Library You choose a receip or remit . t tance program by the short name when you def ine your programs for pr ing and t int ransmit ing your rece t ipts and remit tances . To def ine an Automatic receipt or remit tance program: 1 Navigate Se . tup Rece ipts Format Programs 2 Enter the Na me for th Auto mat rece or remi t . is ic ipt t ance program. Tip: S ince you can use both a format rece ipts and a t ransmit rece ipts program with a s ingle rece format you should g ipt , ive both the same na me. You can use the same name even i the f program type i d f s i ferent . 3 Enter the Type of program you are def ing Receivables recognizes the fo l . in . l owing types of rece and remit ipt tance programs: Print Created Receipts A program you use to c te a batch o Automat rece s : rea f ic ipt . Transmit Created Receipts: A program you use to format the output of Automati rece c ipts that you have created on to a magnet c medium. i Print Bank Re mit tance A program you use to pr a batch of your remit : int tances . Transmit Bank Re mit tance A program you use to format the output of bank remit : tance batches that you have crea ted on to a magnet medium. ic Print Transact : A program you use to pr b l s rece ion int i l ivable t ransac ions t . 4 Enter the Regis . tered Name of th rece is ipt program. This i the name that your System s Ad minis ra used to reg s the program. I you create a custom rece program, the na me of t tor i ter f ipt your pay ment program cannot exceed e ight charac . ters Also re to Meta ink Note 550146.1 How To Generate Remittance Format Report In Release 12 fer l


Step 6 Oracle Payments Setup For Funds Capture Processing Funds capture re fers to t automated funds capture process that enables the re r he t ieval of customer pay ments ( rece pts through e t i ) lec ronic pay ment methods To accompl sh this funds . i capture process Orac Rece , le ivables integrates with Orac Pay ments the Orac Appl ions le , le icat pay ment engine . With th integrat , Payments provides a centra repos tory for your customers pay ment is ion l i ' in format ion and uses that in format ion when interact ing direc ly wi th rd par pay ment t th i ty sys tems and f inanc lins i ut ia t t ions Pay ments handles al funds capture process for Rece . l ing ivables t ransac ions that have Automatic rece t ipt methods . Orac Pay ments captures f le unds for these types o Rece f ivables t ransac ions t : Bank account t ransfers Credi card t t ransac ions t Bi l rece ls ivable remit tances For a descr ion of the overa l Pay ments process f ow, see Funds Capture Flow Overview, ipt l l : Oracle Payments Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Funds Capture by Oracle Payments To enable the proper process ing of e t lec ronic pay ments complete the genera Pay ments setup , l s teps See Oracle Payments Implementation Guide. . : In addi ion be sure to comple these addi iona funds capture se t , te t l tup s teps in Orac Pay ments le : 1 Def funds capture payment methods Oracle Payments Implementation Guide. . ine , The pay ment method i the payment medium, which your cus s tomers use to remit pay ments . 2 Def funds capture process prof l , Oracle Payments Implementation Guide. . ine i es The funds capture process prof le inc i lude process ing r ules for funds capture . 3 Se up f r t par payees Oracle Payments Implementation Guide. . t is ty , The f r t par payee i the company who i deploying Orac Appl t is ty s s le ica ions . 4 Se up credi card brands,Oracle Payments Implementation Guide. . t t Enable the credi card brands that the deploying company, or i s organizat t t ions accept for , pay ment . You must a so complete these se l tup s teps in Orac Rece le ivables : 1 Def . ine Automat rece ic ipt methods and ass , ign a funds capture pay ment method. 2 Ass . ign defaul payment deta l a the cus t is t tomer account or s te l l i eve . Customers S tandard Pay ment Deta l Team is W hen you enter pay ment deta l , you create pay ment ins ruments (credi cards and customer is t t bank accounts for a customer account or s te This cus ) i . tomer pay ment informat that you create ion i ac l s s tua ly tored in Pay ments for use dur ing funds capture process . ing Note The pay ment deta l you enter a the customer account or s te leve defaul to that : is t i l t customer s t ' ransact ions You can a so overwri pay ment deta l a the t . l te is t ransac ion l l t eve . Please re fer to fo lowing Meta ink Art c l l i les for co mplete se tup s teps (p lease review the appropr te ar i le based on your funds capture pay m ent method) ia tc : Note 553614.1 Funds Capture Payments Setup For Credit Card Processing Note 471418.1 Oracle Payments Setup For Funds Capture Processing


Simulation of Automatic Receipts Feature:

Creat ing Automat rece ic ipts involves three major s teps: Create Se t the invoices to inc : lec lude in your Automat c rece . i ipts Approve Update de te and approve the rece : , le , ipts t you have se ted hat lec . Format Format your Auto mat rece : ic ipts onto paper to send to your customer f conf rmat or i ion or not f ca ion before remit ing them to your bank on ei ii t t ther paper or magnet media This s is ic . tep opt ional as i depends upon the type o Automat rece you create , t f ic ipt . You can per form these s teps a the same t t ime or separate . ly Here we are assu ming that you have def ined remit tance bank accounts in e ther the currency of i the t ransac ion or wi the M ult le Currenc t th ip ies Al lowed check box se ted lec . Please refer: Bank Account Model Overview, Oracle Cash Management User Guide. Step 1 Assign default payment details at the customer account or site level Navigat : Customers Customers Payment Deta l tab ion is

Rece ipt Methods You can a tach Rece t ipt Methods a Customer and Custo mer S te l l t i eve . The S te l l wi lt i eve l ake precedence . You can ass ign mult le rece ip ipt methods to a customer account as long as the s t and end dates tar of the methods do not over ap. l


During transact ion entry Orac Rece , le ivables uses the pr imary rece ipt method that you def ined for your customer accounts as the defaul . However you can overr the rece t , ide ipt method, a long with the payment method and pay ment ins rument a the t t , t ransac ion or rece l vel t ipt e . By defaul when you creat Transac ions the rece method at t e t , ipt tached at Customer leve (s l tep1) wil be defaul . You can a l ted lways overr th s Rece ide i ipt Method. Pay ment Inst ruments This customer pay ment inf ormat that you create is actua ly s ion l tored in Orac Pay ments for use le dur ing funds capture process . ing Credi Cards t Bank Account Transfer : Assign bank accounts to customer accounts to a low funds to be automat l t l ica ly ransferred from these accounts to your remit tance bank accounts when us ing Automat rece pts Rece ic i . ivables a lows mult le customer bank accounts in di ferent currenc and le s you ass l ip f ies t ign bank accounts to cus tomer addresses . The pr imary bank account for a par i lar currency is used as the defaul account when you use t cu t Auto mat rece . You can def ic ipts ine mul ip , non-pr mary accounts in the same currency even i t le i , f the date ranges over . lap


Step 2 Flagging Transactions for Automatic Receipts Flag the t ransact ions you want to be picked up by the Automat rece creat ic ipt ion program. To f at lag ransac ion for Automatic rece , enter paying customer informat t ipt ion and spec fy a rece i ipt method wi an Automat Creat th ic ion Method. To f lag manual entered t ansac ions to be pa by Automat Rece ly r t id ic ipt Navigate to the Transact ions window, Transac ions Transac ions t t Enter or query the t ransac i t on. In the Paying Customer region enter the Na me or Num ber and the Locat . , , ion Enter a rece ipt method with an assoc ted rece c ia ipt lass that has an Automat crea ion method, ic t or se t f lec rom the l s o va ues it f l . Note The l s o va : i t f lues d plays only rece is ipt methods ass igned to the paying cus o mer t . The se ted rece lec ipt method automat l defaul s the pay ment method. You need to use Se t ica ly t lec Ins tument to choose ins rument nu mber t .

Receipt Method of type A uto matic is def ined, so this Transact ion is f lagged

To f imported transac i lag t ons to be paid by Automat c Rece , ensure that each transact i ipt ion to import has pay ment deta l def is ined and is ass igned to a rece ipt method with an assoc ted ia rece c ipt lass that has an Automat Creat ic ion Method.


Step 3 Create Automatic Receipts Batch Se t invoices to inc lec lude in your Automat rece ic ipt batch by enter ing a rece pt c i lass with an Auto mat creat ic ion method and spec fy i ing other se t cr ter such as Transact lec ion i ia ions nu mbers , currency due dates and range of customer names The create Automat rece , , . ic ipts program picks up al complete t l ransac i t ons that meet th cr ter a and creates rece is i i ipts to c lose out these t ransac ions t . In addi ion to the cr te ia you spec fy Rece t i r i , ivables checks the customer s prof l to determine ' ie w hether a t ransac ion should be inc t luded in an Auto mat c rece ba . i ipt tch Rece ivables checks the cust mer s prof l to determine w hetheri should inc o ' ie t lude i nvoices that are in dispute Rece . ivables uses the nu mber of Lead Days that you enter for your rece ipt method to determine when an invoice i e ig le for the creat s l ib ion of Automat rece . The l ic ipts ead days is the nu mber of days before the invoice due date that t invoice can be se ted for Auto mat his lec ic rece . A batch of Automat c rece ipt i ipts can only have one rece ipt method, thus one lead days value Rece . ivables compares the invoice due date and l ead days wi the batch date th .

Submitting the Automatic receipt creation process 1 Navigate to the Rece Batches window. . ipt Navigat ion Rece ipts Batches 2 Choose a Batch Type of Auto mat . . ic 3 Enter the Currency for th batch I you enter a fore . is . f ign currency enter exchange rate , in format ion for th batch is . 4 Enter the Batch date (defaul i the current date . ts ) 5 I the Rece .f ipt Class you entered does not require conf rmat i ion as a separate s tep, enter the GL Date for th batch The defaul GL datei the batch date The GL date must fa l wi in an open or is . t s . l th fu ture account ing per . iod 6 Enter a Rece . ipt Class and Rece ipt Method for th s batch or se t f i , lec rom the l s of va it lues . Rece ivables l t you se tact es lec ive Rece ipt Classes wi a Creat th ion Method of Automatic . W hen you use the l s of values to se t a Rece it lec ipt Method, Rece ivables displays t Rece he ipt Class to which each Rece ipt Method is ass igned and indicat whether rece es ipts us this Rece ing ipt Class require conf rmat . W hen you enter se t i ion lec ion cr ter for th batch in s i ia is tep 9 (be low) , Rece ivables requires that each transact ion se ted for pay ment has the Rece pt Method you lec i spec fy here i . 7 In the Media Reference f e , enter the tape or f . i ld loppy disk on to which you are going to create your batch o Automat rece f ic ipts (opt ional . )

8 Choose Create ( fer to s . re creenshot be low)


9 Enter se t . lec ion cr ter to create Automat Rece pts for spec f c t i ia ic i i i ransac ions or customers t (opt ional . For example ente the low and high values of the t ) , r ransac ion Due Dates Transact t , ion and Docu ment Nu mbers Customer Na mes or Customer Nu mbers to create Automat Rece , , ic ipts for those t ransac ions Leave a f e b t . i ld lank i you do not want to l t your query f imi . Note Enter a range of credi card nu mbers in the Bank Accounts to create Automatic Rece : t ipts for t ransac ions marked for pay ment by credi card t t .


10 Choose OK. Rece . ivables generates a Batch Na me by us ing the next nu mber af the value in ter the Las Nu mber f e o the rece source 'AUT O M A TIC RECEIPTS. t i ld f ipt ' Depending upon the funct on secur ty opt i i ions se up by your sys t tem ad minis ra , you might be t tor able to c te format and approve Automat rece batches in one s . rea , , ic ipt tep

Auto matic Receipt Batch Sta tuses Auto mat Rece ic ipts Batches have a s tus that indica ta tes whether they are complete. Val s tuses are id ta : Star ted Creat , ion Creat ion Co mpleted , Star ted Approval , Approval Co mpleted , Star ted Format and , Format Co mpleted . The process can be d ided in 3 par as iv to ts Creat , Approval and Format ing (opt ion , t ional ) Creat ion wi l Lock the Transact l ions which are f , lagged, Approval wi l crea Automat Receipts l te ic and Format ing wi l pr t Rece t l int he iptsinto prescr ibed format Al these 3 s . l teps can be performed in a s ingle shot or can be done separate . ly


Step 4 Approving Automatic Receipts Approve a batch of Automat c rece i ipts to ver fy that only the rece i ipts you want wil be inc l luded in the batch You can update your Automat rece batch before you approve i as long as there . ic ipt t are no concurrent processes for creat ing or approving this batch that are e t i her running or pending You can update the bank na me, bank branch and customer bank account assoc ted . , ia with each of the t ransac ions in your batch You can a t . lso update exchange ra in te format ion and exc lude t ransac ions f t rom the batch by dese t them. Once dese ted these t lec ing lec , ransac ions wi l t l be avai le for se t the next t lab lec ion ime you sub mit the Auto mat rece creat program. Upon ic ipt ion approval Automat Rece pts that do not require confi , ic i rmat ion c lose the invoices they are paying . Rece ipts that require conf r i mation c lose invoices when they are conf rmed. i Rece ivables le s you update t t ransact ions wi in a batch before you approve the batch Ho wever th . , you can only se t a new customer bank or bank account for a t lec ransact in your batch that you ion have ass igned to e ther th customer or the pr i is imary customers of th customer In addi ion th is . t , is bank must have a bank account which i in the same currency as your batch , s . Rece ivables uses var ious cri e ia to determine how to create the approved rece . The Nu mber tr ipts of Rece ipts Rule on the rece ipt method assoc ted wit the Automat rece bat determines ia h ic ipt ch the nu mber of rece iptsto create f rom the t ransac ions conta t ined in the batch Opt ons are One per . i Customer One per Customer and Due Date One per I , , nvoice One per S te and One per Si and , i , te Due Date . W hen you remit a batch of Automat rece , your remit ic ipts tance bank uses the matur ty date that i you spec fy to determine when to t i ransfer the funds forth rece f is ipt rom your customer s bank to ' one of your remit tance bank accounts To determine t matur ty date on the approved rece , . he i ipt Rece ivables uses the Rece pt Matur ty Date Rule on the rece i i ipt method. Opt ions are to use the ear ies or the la t due date o a lthe t l t tes f l ransac ions whi wi l be appl , to the r ipt t , ch l ied ece . To approve a batch i s s t must be Creat , t ta us ion Co mpleted or S ted Approval tar . To approve Automatic receipts : 1 Navigate to the Rece Batches window. . ipt Navigat ion Rece ipts Batches 2 Query the batch o Automatic rece . f ipts to approve . 3 Se t the batch I you are ready to approve the batch, go to s . lec .f tep 7 . 4 Update rece batch informat . ipt ion as necessary You can only update the GL date ofth batch i . is f the batch s tus is Co mpleted Creat ta ion and you are creat ing Conf rmed rece .I no GL date is i ipts f displayed for th batch the rece is , ipts wi in th s ba are not conf rmed. th i tch i 5 You cannot add new t . ransac ions to th batch but i you want to dese t or update t is , f lec t ransac ions wi in the batch, choose Mainta . t th in I the batch s tus i Creat f ta s ion Co mpleted you can exc , lude a t ransac ion from this batch by t dese t i. lec ing t 6 Update t . ransac ion information as necessary For example Paying Customer bank Na me, and t . , , Account Nu mber . 7 Choose Approve Receivables displays the Request ID of your concurrent request for . . approving th batch of Automat rece is ic ipts and ass gns a Process Sta i tus of St ted Approval ar . Rece ivables a lso creates the Automat Rece ic ipt and Re mit tances Execut ion report This report . l s s the nu mber and amount o Automat rece it f ic ipts approved in th s ba . i tch


Step 5 Formatting Automatic Receipts (Optional) Format Automat rece ic ipt batches onto paper to send to your customer for conf rmat i ion or not f ca ion before remit i them to your bank. You can send these docu ments to your ii t t ng customers to not fy them of direc debi s you are creat . There is no l t t the amount of i t t ing imi o t imes you can format a batch of Automat rece . ic ipts W hen you format a batch of Automat rece , Receivables creates the Format Automat ic ipts ic Rece ipts report This repor provides deta l about t batches that have been formatted. To . t is he format a batch i must have a Process S tus o Approval Co mpleted ,t ta f To format a batch of Automatic receipts : 1 Navigate to the Rece Batches window. . ipt Navigat ion Rece ipts Batches 2 Query the batch you wantto format . . 3 Se t the batch then choose Format Rece . lec , . ivables di lays the Request ID of your concurrent sp reques and ass t igns a Process S tus o S ted Format ta f tar . You can review the resul s of your format ing reques in the Concurrent Requests Su m mary t t t window.


Step 6 Confirming Automatic Receipts Conf rm Automat rece batches to indica that your customer has reviewed each rece and i ic ipt te ipt agrees that the pay ment informat is correc . Depending on the agreement you have with your ion t customer cer in types of Auto mat rece , ta ic ipts require conf rmat i ion f rom your customer before they can be cons idered payments and remit to the bank. Once your customers approve these ted rece , you can make any necessary changes then conf rm the rece ipts , i iptsin your system. Receipts that require conf rmat i ion automat l c ica ly lose the invoices for which they were created when you conf rm them. i After conf rming the batch you can create a remit i , tance batch to in t te the t i ia ransfer of funds for each rece . To indica that a rece requires customer conf rmat , you ass gn a rece c ipt te ipt i ion i ipt lass that has the Require Conf r i mation opt ion se to Yes Rece t . ipts that do not require conf rmat i ion are created as conf rmed. I the rece c i f ipt lass ass igned to an Automat rece or Automat rece ic ipt ic ipt batch requires conf rmat i ion, you must conf rm the rece or batch once i has been approved. I i ipt t f the rece ipt c lass does not require conf rmat , Rece i ion ivables automat l conf rms a l of the ica ly i l rece ipts wi in the batch when you approve the batch th . You can update a batch of Auto mat rece ic ipts before you conf rm i . You can review and update i t the invoices you have se lected to apply to the rece as wel as modi the rece ipt l fy ipt matur ty date i , remit tance bank, and customer bank informat . However you can only change the approved ion , amounts for your rece appl t ipt ica ions i the rece i not conf rmed. Once conf r f ipt s i i med, Rece ivables automat l appl the rece ica ly ies ipt and updates the ba lance of the t ransac ion(s) to which i i t t s appl . ied You cannot "unconf rm" an Automat rece i ic ipt af you conf rm i . I you conf rm a rece in ter i t f i ipt error you need to reverse and then recreate the rece pt Once you conf rm an Automat rece , , i . i ic ipt the t ransac ions c t losed by this rece can no longer be se ted for Automat rece . Ho wever ipt lec ic ipt , luded in a subsequent Auto mat ic t ransac ions that have a remaining balance due can be inc t rece ba . ipt tch To confi a batch of Auto matic receipts rm : 1 Navigate to the Rece Batches window. . ipt Navigat ion Rece ipts Batches 2 Query the batch to conf r To conf rm a rece bat ,i must have a s tus o Approved. . i m. i ipt ch t ta f 3 Choose Conf rm. After process . i ing a l rece l ipts in t batch Rece he , ivables displ ays a message indica ing how many rece pts were success l conf r t i fu ly i med. To confi Auto matic receipts individual : rm ly 1 Navigate to the Rece . ipts or Rece ipts Sum mary window. 2 Query the rece . ipts to conf rm. i Tip: I you are us f ing the Rece ipt Su m mary window , you can query a l of the rece l ipts in an Auto mat Rece ba , and then se t and conf rm only spec f c rece . ic ipt tch lec i ii ipts 3 To update rece information se t the rece ,t . ipt , lec ipt hen choose Open. You can update exchange ra informat ,the rece te ion ipt matur ty date the remit i , tance bank overr f , and customer bank ide lag in format . ion Tip: When your customer conf rms the Automat rece , they may provide a conf rmat i ic ipt i ion nu mber for each rece . Enter th nu mber in the Customer Reference f ld This nu mber is ipt is ie . passed to your remit tance bank, which can then forward i to the customer bank. This wi l enable t l your customer to reconc le the r accounts i i . 4 To update t . ransac ions appl t ied to th Automat rece , choose Apply You can update the is ic ipt . Appl ied A mount depending on the t ransac ion type assoc ted with the t t ia ransact . I Al ion f low Overappl t is Yes for t t ica ion his ransact type you can enter an amount that exceeds the balance ion ,


due for th t is ransact . I Natura Appl t ion f l ica ion Only i Yes you can only enter an amount that s , br ings the ba lance due of the t ransac ion c t loser to zero . 5 I you updated t .f ransac ion informat t ion save your work . 6 Choose Conf rm, then enter the GL and Conf rmation Date for th rece . The GL date must . i i is ipt be in an open or future account ing per . I you are rev iod f iewing a rece that you have already ipt conf rmed, Rece i ivables displays the GL date you spec f ed for the previous conf rmat ii i ion. The defaul Conf rmat t i ion date i the current date but you can change i. s , t 7 Choose Conf rm. . i


Accounting for Automatic Receipts

The fo lowing table i lus ra l l t tes the account ing entr es created dur i ing the Automat rece ic ipt process : Action Create Invoices Account ing Entr ies D R Accounts Rece ivables CR Revenue D R Conf rmat i ion CR Accounts Rece ivables Account ing Entr ies won be t created unless you Conf rm i D R Conf rmat i ion CR Accounts Rece ivables

Approve Automat Rece s ic ipt (For Automat rece ic ipts not requir ing Conf rmat . i ion ) Approve Automat Rece s ic ipt (For Automat rece ic ipts requir ing Conf rmat . i ion ) Conf rm Automat Rece i ic ipts (For Automat rece ic ipts requir ing Conf rmat i ion)


Important Reports
Automatic Receipts and Remittances Execution report Use th report to review the nu mber and amount of Automat rece is ic ipts and remit tances you have created approved, or format . Rece , ted ivables auto mat l generates th report when you ica ly is sub mit a ba tch of Automat c rece i ipts or remi tances to be created approved, or formatted t , . For Automat rece ,the repor pr ic ipts t ints the nu mber of rece ipts processed and the r amounts for i each customer This repor a . t lso pr ints a sum mary by currency a the end of the report t . For remit tances th report pr , is ints the nu mber and am ount of remit tances for each remit tance bank account and a sum mary by remit tance bank (by currency) a the end of the r t eport . Rece ivables a so pr l ints any except ions that occurred whi process le ing Automat rece . Typica ic ipts l except ions might be that minimu m rece ipt amounts have not been sat s i at the customer or i f ed bank leve , or that the pr mary s te has not been def l i i ined for that cus tomer and your system opt ion requires one . Transactions Awaiting Consolidation Use th repor to review a l s of t is t it ransac ions (debi me mos, credi me mos on-account credi s t t t , t, invoices that have been des ) ignated for Automat rece ic ipt appl t ica ion ( . . that have been i e, ass igned an Automat rece ic ipt method) You can a . lso review transact ions that have been des ignated to be exchanged for b l s rece il ivable ( . . that have been ass i e, igned a b l rece il ivable rece ipt method) You can review al t . l ransact ions t hat are in di ferent s f tages of the creat ion process These s . tages inc lude creat , approving and format ing Rece ing , t . ivables does not display t ransac ions that have been conf rmed, or approved for Automat rece t i ic ipt wi a rece c th ipt lass of Require Conf rmat i ion se t No, in th repor . to is t Rece ivables wi l a so display t l l ransac ions that s ted but did not complet , the creat , t tar e ion approval or format ing process in th s report , t i . Automatic Receipts Awaiting Confirmation Report Use th repor to review a l Automat rece is t l ic ipts awaiing conf rmat . Before a rece t i ion ipt can be inc luded in th repor i m ust be format is t t ted and have been ass igned a rece ipt method with a rece ipt c lass of Require Conf rmat i ion se to Yes Rece t . ipts that have been conf rmed, do not i require conf rmat , or have been approved but not format i ion ted wi l not be displayed in this l report . Receipts Awaiting Remittance Report Use th repor to review a l s o Automat rece is t it f ic ipts that are awai ing remit t tance to your bank. Before an Automat rece pt can be inc ic i luded in th report i must be conf rmed or created as is ,t i conf rmed, and the rece c i ipt lass ass igned to i must have Require Remit t tance set t Yes Before a o . manual rece can be inc uded in th report the rece c ipt l is , ipt lass ass igned to i mus have Require t t Re mit tance se to Yes You can review al rece t . l ipts waiing to be sent to your remit t tance bank or rece ipts that are in d f i ferent s tages o the remit f tance process . Once a rece has been approved for remit ipt tance i wi l no longer be d layed in th s report t l isp i . Rece ipts that have s ted but not yet completed the creat tar , , ion or approval process a appear in lso th s report i .


Automatic Receipt Batch Management Report Use th repor to review the s tus of your Autom at c Rece is t ta i ipt Batches Rece vables sor the . i ts batches by currency and by s tus wi in each currency This repor a so provides you with a ta th . t l to lfor each s tus wi in each currency and a to l o a ls tuses for each currency ta ta th ta f l ta . Rece ivables does not disp ay Automat Rece l ic ipt Batches that have been format ed or approved t for Automat rece ic ipt wi a rece c th ipt lass o Require Conf rmat f i ion se to No in th s repor . t i t On occas , you wi l s t an Automat rece creat , approval or format ing process and i ion l tar ic ipt ion , t t wil not complete This could be for example because your sys l . , , tem went down whi the process le was running To help you manage such batches Receivables wi l a so display Automat Receipt . , l l ic Batches which have s ted the c t , approval or format ing process in th s r , tar rea ion , t i eport .


Some Facts and Questions:

This sec ion covers some bas deta l about us t ic is ing Auto mat Rece : ic ipts Ho w to know which Transact ions wil be picked by t Automatic Receipts batch? l he Run the Transact ions A wait ing Consol ion repor t review which invoices wil be picked up idat t o l by the Automat Rece program ic ipt W hat should be value of lead days in Receipts Class f Auto matic receipts? or Set the lead days to a high value for Automat rece s that require conf rmat ic ipt i ion. This wi l g l ive you the addi ional t t ime required to send the rece ipts to your customer and for the customer to conf rm them. Rece i ipts that wi l be fac l tored should a so have the lead days se t a high nu mber l t o as they are o ten remit l f ted ong before the r matur ty date i i . Ho w does Automatic Receipt Program set the Maturi Date (= Due Date) for a receipt? ty Please re to Meta ink Note 271194 How Is The DUE_DATE / Maturity_date For An Automatic fer l .1 Receipt Derived? W hat i re s levance of Receipts per Co m mit and Invoices per Co m mit System Options? Invoices per Co m mit i nu mber of invoices processed by Automat Rece s ic ipt program before saving and Rece ipts per Com mit i number o rece s f ipts processed by Automat Rece program. ic ipt Setthe Rece ipts per Co m m i and Invoices per Co m mit sys t tem opt ions to a large nu mber to avoid in termedia saves in the program. You should use num bers that arelarge enough to handle your te l rges Automat rece and remit a t ic ipt tance batches To help determine the nu mbers to use look at . , the end of the log f l for your larges Automat Rece ie t ic ipt Creat ion Batch th wil g ; is l ive you the nu mber of rece ipts marked for th batch Ass is . ign this nu mber to Auto Rece pts Invoices per i Co m mit Look at the log fl for your larges Remit . ie t tance Creat ion batch to der ive the Auto Rece ipts Rece ipts per Co m mit nu mber You should only reduce these nu mbers i you run out of . f ro lback segments l W hen GL Date i not enterable in Automatic Receipts new batch? s Rece ivables does not le you enter a GL date for a new batch i the rece t f ipt c lass requires conf rmat i ion as a separate s . This i because Receivables does not crea account tep s te ing entr ies w hen you approve rece ipts, but do not conf rm them. i W hen Auto matic Receipts program won c t reate Receipts? Rece ivables va idates that the rece l ipt amount i more than or equal to the Minimu m Receipt s A mount that you spec f for your remit i ied tance bank and customer prof le c . You can ass i lass ign minimu m rece amounts for your remit ipt tance bank accounts in the Rece ipt Classes windo w and for your Customers in the Customer Prof le Classes window or Customer se of pages I the tota i t .f l of the t ransac ions does not match the larger of the t t wo minimu m rece amounts no rece ipt , ipts wil be created These t l . ransac ions wi l appear in the Except t l ion sec ion of the Create Auto mat t ic Rece ipt Execut ion repor . t


Ho w Auto matic Receipts c alcula minimu m Receipt Amount? te Orac Rece le ivables does not generate Automat rece ic ipts for a currency that are less than a spec f i ied minimu m a mount You can def . ine a minimu m rece ipt amount for a rece ipt method, and at Customers in the Customer Prof l Classes window (e ther at Customer Account or S te ie i , i Level . Rece ) ivables wi l use the larger of the two minimu m rece l ipt amounts when creat ing Auto mat rece . ic ipts Will Automatic Receipts s elec Transact t ions which are disputed? , You need to check the AutoRece ipts Inc lude Disputed I tems check box to inc lude debi i t tems that have been placed in dispute when you create Automat c rece i ipts for customers i the Customer ,n Prof le Classes window (e t i i her a Customer Account or S te Leve ) t , i l. Can we dele a batch of Automatic Receipts? te You can dele a batch of Auto mat Rece te ic ipts only i the batch has not yet been approved and i f ts s tus is Creat ta ion Co mplet ed. When you dele a batch, a lt te l ransac ions with the batch beco me t in avai le for se t the next t lab lec ion ime you sub mit the Automat Rece c t ic ipt rea ion program. To de te a batch o Automat c rece : le f i ipts 1 Navigate to the Rece Batches or the Rece Batches Sum mary window. . ipt ipt 2 Query the batch to delete To dele a batch of Automat rece , the batch s tus must be . . te ic ipts ta e ther S ted Creat i tar ion or Crea ion Co mpleted t . 3 Choose Dele Record f . te rom the Edi menu, then choose OK to acknowledge the message t . Can we enter Automatic Receipts manual ly? Yes we can I your customer remits a manual docu ment for a t , .f ransac ion that was to be paid for t by Automat rece , you can manual enter i in the Rece ic ipt ly t ipts window. Rece ivables wi lt tth rece l any other Automatic rece . When you remit the rece to l rea is ipt ike ipt ipt the bank, the funds wi l be t l rans ferred f rom the customer s bank account to your bank account ' . To manual enter Automat c rece : ly i ipts 1 Navigate to the Rece . ipts window (Rece ipts Rece pts i ) 2 Choose a Rece . ipt Method ass igned to a rece c ipt lass that has a Creat ion Method of Auto mat ic and a Remit tance Method of S tandard Fac ing or S andard and Factor . , tor , t ing 3 Spec fy the rece . i ipt maturi date The defaul i the r ipt depos t date but you can change i. ty . ts ece i , t 4 Choose a Rece Type of S . ipt tandard . 5 Enter rece in . ipt format ion. 6 In the Payment Deta l region se t a pay ment ins r ment . is , lec tu .

Can we create c ross currency receipt appl t ica ions usi Automatic Receipts? ng No, we cannot c reate c ross currency rece appl cat ipt i ions us ing Automat Rece . ic ipts

W hat i s s ignif icance of prof le opt i ion AR: Defaul Exchange Rate Type in Automatic Receipts? t Prof le AR: Defaul Exchange Rate Type determines the defaul exchange rate to use when i t t conver ing fore t ign currency transac ions to your func ional currency I us t t . f ing the Auto mat ic Rece ipts and Re mit tances Creat ion programs to pay fore ign currency transac ions then se this t , t prof le opt to a va i ion lue o her than User. t


Can we schedule the Automatic Receipts program? Yes we can use Automati Rece , c ipts Creat ion program to schedule the Auto mat Rece ic ipts program to run a predetermined t t imes . W hat are important sysadmin funct ions which can be used to control user behavior? , The fo lowing funct l ions descr ibed in the tab be le low can be exc luded in the Rece pts i W orkbench . Funct ion Na me Restr c ion(s it ) Auto mat Rece : View ic ipts View Automat rece ic ipts Auto mat Rece : Approve ic ipts Approve Automat rece ic ipts Auto mat Rece : Conf r ic ipts im Conf rm Automat rece i ic ipts Auto mat Rece : Create ic ipts Create Automat rece ic ipts Auto mat Rece : Format ic ipts Format Automat rece ic ipts Auto mat Rece : Mainta ic ipts in M ainta Automat rece in ic ipts

Ho w Miscel laneous Receivables system opt ion Minim u m Refund A mount i rela to s ted Auto matic Receipts? Rece ivables sys tem opt ion Minimu m Refund A m ount f ld i used for automated rece ie s ipt handl ing only Rece . ivables provides you with an automated refunds process for your Transac ions f t , rom the in t a creat ii l ion of a credi me m o to the re t fund disbursement without any , user intervent ion required AutoInvoice wi l automat ca ly create re . l i l funds for credi me mos that t are imported agains pa i t id nvoices i the credi reques amounts are equal to or greater than the ,f t t minimu m spec f i ied here AutoInvoice wi l p . l lace on account any credi amount that i less than t s the spec f ed minimu m. ii Can we reverse an Automat c receipt? i You can reverse an Automat c rece only i i s s tus i Approved. i ipt f t ta s Important point to reme m ber when using both AutoLockbox and Automatic Receipts I you are us f ing the Automatic rece ipts fea ture AutoLockbox ignores a l t , l ransact ions that are se ted for Automat rece lec ic ipt ( ransac ions ass t t igned to a rece ipt c lass wi an Automat th ic Creat ion Method) .

Discounts and Automatic Receipts Genera ly you would not use discounts wi Automat c rece . This i because the matur ty l , th i ipts s i date for the rece ipt would be predetermined between you and the customer The money would . be automat l taken f ica ly rom the customers account on that date and genera ly not before , l , . Ho wever Rece , ivables wi l ca la earned discounts for Automat rece l lcu te ic ipts that do not require conf rmat i you set up your pay ment terms such that the due date ofthe t i ion f ransac ion would be t


the same as the discount date For example i the pay ment schedule for your pay ment terms . , f spec f that your t i ies ransact ion is due 30 days af t t ter he ransac ion date then enter a percent t , discount for 30 days af er the t t ransac ion date f that pay ment schedule l . This le t or ine ts Rece ivables a lways take the percent d iscount you spec fy i . Rece ivables does not a low discounts to be ca l l lcu ated for Automat rece pts that require ic i conf rmat . Ho wever you could def i ion , ine a rece ivables ac iv ty type of 'Discount' and create an t i ad tment in the Appl t ons window to ad t the balance down on the invoice Then, charge jus ica i jus . the ad ted amount to the discount account def jus ined f the d or iscount rece ivables type .

Star and End Date Ranges t M any of the components that are used in Automat rece ic ipts have s t and end date ranges such tar , as rece ipt methods remit ance bank accounts and customer bank accounts When you set up , t , . your Rece ivables to handle Automat rece , you m ust be care ic ipts ful when ass igning date ranges . Rece ivables uses date ranges to determine which values wi l d lay in your l s of values For l isp it . example i you ass , f ign a rece ipt method with a date range of 01-SEP-08 to 30-SEP-08 to one of your customers you wi l not be able to choose th rece , l is ipt method i you enter an invoice for th f is customer on 01-OCT-08 . Re mit tance Bank Information Rece ivables wi l genera ly use the pr l l imary remit tance bank account assoc ted with the rece ia ipt method and currency of your invoice when determining the remit tance bank account for an Auto mat rece . Ho wever i i f ic ipt , f t inds that a non-pr mary account for the same currency is the i same as the customer bank account Rece , ivables wi l use th account This le s you avoid bank l is . t charges and a lows funds t be t l o ransferred more quickly . You can update remit tance bank informat ion for an Automat rece i the rece ic ipt f ipt s tus is ta Conf rmed and the bank Unappl i 's ied and On Account GL accounts are the same. To modify bank in format , query the receip in the Rece ion t ipts window. Associa ing Bi l t l ing Si with Automatic Receipts tes The sys tem opt ion Require Bi l ling Locat ion for Rece pt determines whether Rece i ivables creates an Automat rece for a customer who has no pr ic ipt imary bi l to s te I the sys l- i . f tem opt is set to ion No and your customer does not have a pr imary bi l t s te def l-o i ined Rece , ivables wil create your l Auto mat rece ic ipt wi thout ass igning a bi l to s te However i the sys l- i . ,f tem opt i se to Yes and ion s t your customer does not have a pr imary bi l to s te Rece l- i , ivables wi l not crea your Automat l te ic rece . The invoices associ ted with the rece ipt a ipts wi l d l isplay in the Except ions sec ion of the t Auto mat Rece Execut on repor ic ipt i t

Paying Related Invoices W hen Rece ivables se ts i lec nvoices for Automat rece , i searches for invoices on which the ic ipt t paying customer matches t customer you have specii in your se t cr ter , ra he f ed lec ion i ia ther than the customer who is b l ed for the invoice The paying customer i the customer assoc ted with il . s ia the customer bank account ass igned to your invoice. This could be di ferent f f rom the bi l l ing customer i,for example you wanted a pr f , imary cus tomer to pay for re ted invoices la .


I you want one customer to be able to pay for an invoice b l ed to another cust mer you must f il o , e ther have the sys i tem opt ion Al low Pay ment of Unrela ted Invoices se to Yes or def t , ine a re t la ionship between the t customers Then, when enter wo . ing an invoice you must enter the bi l , lto cus tomer s name and locat ' ion and the paying cus tomer s bank informat . ' ion N u m bering Automatic Receipts To help you track rece ipts that the Automat Rece ic ipts program creates you can ensure that the , Auto mat rece ' t ic ipt s ransact nu mber i the same as the nu mber of the t ion s ransac i to which i i t on ts appl . To do th , se the Rece ied is t ipt Inher t Invoice N u mber opt i ion to Yes when def ing the in rece c ipt lass for your Automatic rece . ipt I the Rece f ipt Inher t Invoice Nu mber opt i ion is set to No, the Automat Rece ic ipts program automat l generates a unique Automat rece num ber The Rece Inher tI ica ly ic ipt . ipt i nvoice Nu mber opt ion af t only rece fec s ipts created by the Automat Rece ic ipts program. When creat ing a manual Auto mat ic rece ipt in t he Rece ipts window, you must enter a rece ipt nu mber .


White Paper Title Automatic Receipts [Release 12], A Complete Guide for Oracle Receivables Users [October] 2008 Author: Bharat Rajani, GCS. Contributing Authors: Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Copyright 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle. Various product and service names referenced herein may be trademarks of Oracle. All other product and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. Disclaimer: This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. Oracle does not warrant that this document is error-free, nor does it provide any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of Oracle.


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