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Seeking to Understand How to Deal With the Challenges of Life through the Lens of faith by the Gods Test

ofFaith. tongue
James 3:1-18 1. What is the warning for those who would be teachers? 2. The word perfect means complete. How does James state we will know a perfect man? 3. What power does the tongue have? What other small things does he give as examples? 4. What kinds of boastful things can a tongue claim? How is it like a fire? 5. What does this one small part do to the whole body? 6. What can and cannot be tamed? Explain what James means here. 7. Why cant a tongue be tamed? What does it contain? 8. List the contrasting items and James points to so that we can understand why the tongue needs repair. 9. How can we display our wisdom? What does false wisdom look like? 10. What contrast in shown by the word but in verse 14? 11. List the element contained in wisdom from above? 12. How are the seeds of righteousness sown? What does James mean by this?

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