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Second Writing Assignment for EUH 2030Modern Europe Students must write a research paper--using both primary and

secondary sources--that answers the following question: During the last Decades of the 19th century, European society faced significant intellectual, scientific, and cultural changes. Discuss how Robert Louis Stevensons novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, reflected these modern societal challenges. Make sure you have a thesis (a general argument) and provide examples and details from the novel and outside sources to support your answer. The First Draft of the writing assignment is due on Monday Aug 1. The Final Draft is due on Wednesday Aug 3. Late papers will be penalized by one grade per class session. This paper is worth 20% of the course grade. The length of the paper should be 5-6 pages (approximately 1500-1700 words not including citations). The paper must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced. For background information refer to Chapter 22 and 23 in Levack. You must provide at least 4 outside sources (besides Levack and Stevenson). All sources must be correctly cited using the Chicago Manual of Style. You must also provide a separate Bibliography at the end of your paper.

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