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Plantations & Farms | Fruit Gardens

Plantations & Farms

Explore the farm plantations of various resources in Indonesia. Your plantation experience will explore land and water plantations and farms. You will have the opportunity to learn about, visit, tour, and maybe even experience work that goes on in the plantation and its communities if applicable. Some of the larger plantations that produce huge cash crops have their very own villages for its workers and their families, equipped with schools and recreational areas. You will learn why it is so enticing for locals to live at and work for these plantations and their processing plants. You will learn the difference between sustainable and unsustainable plantations/crops. You will learn just how reliant and important or not the surrounding communities and villages are to these plantations. There is a chance to compare sustainable and unsustainable Palm Oil plantations*, however, please be aware that this is not guaranteed all year long. You will be able to visit not just palm oil plantations but rubber, fruit trees, fish, brown sugar, and coco plantations and farms. Depending on conditions and harvesting/collection times within the plantations during your visits you may be able to view and may even be permitted to experience the collection processes within the individual plantations and farms. *Please be advised that due to the schedule of the plantation owners ICE may not have the opportunity to have you explore all of the plantations and farms listed.

In the midst of a Palm Oil Plantation

Local corn farm

Common sites along Sumatra's roads. Palm Fruit Tree Plantations.

Raw Rubber for purchase. Bamboo used to collect brown sugar water from trees. Trying our hand at collecting raw brown sugar water from the trees.

Fruit Gardens
Mangga (Mango) Rambutan Jeruk Nipis (Lime) Nanas (Pineapple) Pisang (Bananas) Nangka (Jackfruit) Salak (Snake Fruit) Belimbling (Starfruit) Kelapa (Coconut) Jeruk (Orange) Jeruk limun (lemon) Buah Sukun (Breadfruit) Buah Apokat (Avacado) Buah Delima (Pomegranate) Buah Apel (Apple) Jambu Air Manggis Dukuh Sapodilla Soursop Papaya Durian Mangosteen AND MORE!!!!!



Durian tree and fruit


Visit and explore local fruit gardens. Learn about how fruits are harvested based on location, season, popularity, and size of the garden. You will also learn various ways the fruits are used, not just for human consumption. While you are exploring the fruit gardens, large and small alike you will have the opportunity to taste the fruits as long as they are permissible to eat during that time maturity. The fruits that you learn about will be dependent upon the time of year you arrive in Indonesia. You have never tasted fruits as sweet as the fruits of Indonesia. You will have the opportunity to taste Fresh fruits, so fresh they are picked right in front of you. Once you try our pineapples and bananas, your pineapples and bananas back home will never taste as good. Dependent on your available time you will be able to try different foods and

juices made with fruits of Indonesia. If you are one of the lucky ones that come during the fruiting season of Durian you will be able to try one of the most loved and treasured fruits of Indonesia. It is said throughout Indonesia and Malaysia that the best durians come from Medan, meaning the areas that surround Medan. Guess what?!?!?! Indonesia Culture Exploration is considered to be part of the Medan area. Yea! We have the freshest and the best durian to offer. If you are lucky you will be able to see one fall to the ground and try it as it tastes the best once it has just dropped from the tree. Be aware though some say it reeks more than anything else. (Aziza disagrees, she prefers the scent of durian over the scent of fresh rubber being sold at market. Now that is foul!) Oh yeah, watch out as it is falling from the tree, it is very spiky and if you are it with it, it will be sure to hurt you. This odd fruit according to Western standards looks weird, smells, weird, and tastes weird. The consumption of this fruit is an experience all of its own.

ICEs programmes are great tools in aiding you in your independent research projects. You will attain first-hand and second-hand knowledge and gain everlasting relationships between the people you interact with. Come and explore the mysteries of a land you have only ever dreamt about.

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