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Arti Choke

Just before dinnertime on October 29, 2006, Arti Choke died of a severe and sudden heart attack. Over-consumption of butter was the cause of his fatality. Before this attack, he suffered from a high fever and severe burns. The young fellow had his heart ripped out of him at the age 3 years. Many friends attended his funeral including Morton Kosher Salt, Land o Lakes Butter, and ReaLemon juice. The Land o Lakes Native American recited the eulogy, for she was the woman closest to Artis heart. Arti Choke was a very appeeling person who was sad to leave behind his friends and family. Arti Choke had an easy life, and some would say that it was served to him on a plate. Choke grew and lived in California for the majority of his lifetime. Once he was of mature size and age, he peeled away from his family of artichokes and was sent to a man named Farmer Jack in the unusually cold Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Arti Choke was buried beneath piles of trash at the city dump, and will remain there for years before he deteriorates. His family still lives in California on their farm. The

remembrance of Arti will be kept forever in the hearts of anyone that knew him.
Written by Eliza Mott

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