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First you need to stop thinking about jace.

Second you need to just go with it and not be like what if. Third if you like the guy and the guy likes you y all should flipin date. Fourth you don t need to worry about what your family thinks because it F in does not matter what they think. Fifth if you don t think you are aloud to dat then your wrong I think your parents will be happy for you. Sixth you are probably saying shee does not understand. My parents freak about this stuff. Well who cares if they feak out at least you get it over with now and don t have to worry about it in the future. Seventh don t let what happened to your parents make you think that it is going to happen with you. They were married and you are not even out of high school yet. Eighth what happen to I really like him but he does not like me and I want to dat him? and now he likes you and you are scared as hell to even date him. Ninth if you parents want to talk about it then talk about it with them. You can not be in your own little bubble and not tell your parents anything. Tenth if shit happens let it happen it won t ever matter later on in life. Eleventh don t make things awkard with your parents twelth just live your life like a teenager because you are a damn teenager not an adult. Thirteenth ethan is the best thing that has happened to you. Fourteenth don t worry about the future let the F in future worry about it s self.. last I may not of made any since in this but it made since in my mind, Xoxoxoxo Julie beth

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