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Learning Skills for Infor mat ion and Co mmun ic ation

Information and Media Literacy

Analyzing, accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating and creating information in a variety of forms and media. Understanding the role of media in society.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Historical fiction, photos, internet and Historical fiction, photos, internet and Historical fiction, photos, internet and
Communication, Information other information research tools, TV other information research tools, TV, other information research tools, TV, comic
Processing, and Research popular movies, electronic correspondence, strips, movies, electronic correspondence,
TV, magazine ads multimedia resources, primary sources,
audio recording, internet

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • After reading a piece of historical fiction, • Survey and compare movie viewing • Analyze the portrayal of bosses in
for: Accessing, Processing, view related historic or family photos. habits and popular types of movies and popular media (comic strips, TV
Managing, Integrating and Make inferences about the people titles with a partner class in another comedies, TV dramas, movies), identifying
Communicating Information portrayed and their lifestyle, analyze region or country. Include a well- stereotypes found and identifying the
what is not in the photo as well as what formatted bibliography of the most kinds of “real life” bosses that are not
is, or evaluate how these photographs popular movies. Analyze the results for included.
help students understand this period in trends or conclusions. Compare the
history. results with national surveys. • Choose a social issue or controversy
that has been a subject of protest songs.
• Using an internet bibliography • Search information from a variety of Using primary sources (print, digital,
(bookmarks) on an endangered animal, print, online, and non-print sources for or community resources), research an
locate and select interesting and a report on a topic of personal interest aspect of the issue to use as background
accurate information and create a related to the Holocaust. Evaluate the in writing an original protest song or
scavenger hunt for classmates to follow. information using criteria for validity and lyrics.
reliability. Give rationale for any sources
• Make a record of commercials aired suspected to be unreliable. • Identify characteristics of suspect
during Saturday morning cartoon information that may indicate it is an
programming. Categorize and tally • From a favorite magazine, choose internet hoax, fraudulent activity or an
such details as the kinds of products a variety of advertisements of unreliable source.
advertised, the method(s) the ad products that are personally appealing.
uses to attract younger viewers, the Analyze the techniques used by each • Distinguish satire and parody from other
gender the ad seems to address, and advertisement to attract teen buyers. non-ironic forms of expression.
estimated ages of children appearing in
the ads. Select several of the ads and
survey schoolmates about which ads
are favorites. Analyze the survey for
patterns of popular appeal. What are
“patterns of popular appeal?”

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Infor mat ion and Co mmun ic ation

Communication Skills
Understanding, managing and creating effective oral, written and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: READING READING READING

Communication, Information
Internet and other information research Internet and other information research Internet and other information research
Processing, and Research
tools, Library of Congress American tools, Library of Congress American tools, Library of Congress American
Memory database, print media, video Memory database, print media, video Memory database, print media, video games,
games, novels, newspaper, email, science games, novels, newspaper, email, science novels, newspaper, email, science textbook
textbook textbook, multi-media, collaborative , electronic communications, non-linear
telecommunications, novels texts/movies, multimedia
Chat rooms/discussion forums, cameras/
recording equipment, multimedia resources, Chat rooms/discussion forums, cameras/ Chat rooms/discussion forums, cameras/
video camera/editing, book production recording equipment, multimedia resources, recording equipment, multimedia resources,
tools video camera/editing, book production video camera/editing, book production
tools, novels, multimedia resources, tools, novels, multimedia resources,
presentation tools (slideshow, video), audio presentation tools, print publication tools,
recording equipment audio/video production tools

SAMPLE Student Outcomes READING READING • Identify, read, and navigate multiple
for: Accessing, Processing, resources and information venues for
• Read and skim pre-selected print • Describe one’s own process for reading
Managing, Integrating and a chosen interest area or occupation.
and online materials on pre-civil war and evaluating a website or other text
Communicating Information These resources should include
occupations. Search the American containing a variety of embedded links
collections of books, print and online
Memory database (or a similar
• Using a topic of interest (based on magazines and journals, websites, email
sponsored digital archive) for relevant
units covered in the class science, social lists, professional blogs, and other forms
and interesting images, textual
studies, history, or math classes), create of professional interactions between
explanations, and sound files.
an annotated bibliography of important members of the chosen field. Create a
• Use pre-selected magazines, books, and resource materials (books, newspapers, chart of the personal responses (both
newspapers for information on local or magazines, online sources, video, music, positive and negative) of this occupation.
regional authors. Create a keyword list etc,). Include a working bibliography of
for online searches on the author and sources consulted or skimmed but not • Interpret the status of the materials
his or her famous works. selected. they read, collect, transfer, and use based
on the current conventions governing
• As a group, select a class reading and • Interact with peers, authors, and others intellectual property, trademark,
contact the author for an online or face- using collaborative telecommunications copyright, Fair Use and plagiarism.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Infor mat ion and Co mmun ic ation

Communication Skills (continued)

Understanding, managing and creating effective oral, written and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

SAMPLE Student Outcomes to-face class discussion of that work. tools (i.e., email, threaded discussion, • Navigate a non-linear text (such as
for: Accessing, Processing, • Collect information on appropriate audio and video conferencing) to tutorials written in individualized,
Managing, Integrating and gaming systems that require students conduct literature circles on a novel read hyperlinked power-point presentations,
Communicating Information to read (and write) and navigate in common. or a non-linear film) to access relevant
(continued) complicated online spaces. If technically information or to follow the sequence
possible, demonstrate the navigation WRITING cues of non-linear narratives.
and reading skills required to use these
• Conduct research on an award-winning • Select and organize abundant materials
adolescent literature book they have (digital and print) according to
• Compare reading skills used in reading read. After researching the author and the basic principles of information
a novel with the skills used in reading award, students write a review for the management. Read and understand the
a newspaper article, an email, a chat children’s section of the local newspaper, organizational efforts of others. Students
format, a note from a friend, or a or for school newspaper. can demonstrate this by creating a
chapter in the class science textbook. substantial web site of personal portfolio
• Compose a team short-story
materials that is not only easy to navigate
presentation that includes a script, text,
and read at the interface level, but also
sound, images, and video clips. Create
organized and understandable at the file-
it around this question: “What would it
management level.
be like to stand beside Martin Luther
King, Jr. as he looks over thousands of • Write and illustrate a brochure
Americans, their faces full of hope, and introducing a classmate to a classic
begins his famous speech, ‘ I Have a book, film, web site, musical, etc. Then,
Dream’?” combining audio and video formats,
create a persuasive presentation for
• Create an audio history presentation
classmates about it. Describe the
(suitable for school broadcast if possible)
advantages of brochures and audio/video
by producing audio profiles of students’
presentations for a particular audience
parental occupations.
member in a specific situation.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Thinki ng and Probl em-Solving

Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking

Exercising sound reasoning in understanding and making complex choices, understanding the interconnections among systems.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Internet and other information research Internet and other information research Internet and other information research
Thinking and Problem-Solving tools, multi-media production tools tools, novels tools, multi-media/digital production tools,
Skills novels

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Complete an inquiry-based WebQuest • Complete a collaborative research • Construct a virtual museum exhibit
for: Thinking and Problem- ( or other project that utilizes online research depicting the role of the American
Solving Skills information portal, asking students to methods. Dream in classic texts.
complete activities that exercise content
area reading strategies. • In the novel The Last Book in the • Maintain a generative self-reflective
Universe, by Rodman Philbrick, the main journal (either print or online) that is
• Research a great thinker or writer; character poses the question: “Why utilized and referenced throughout the
locating, evaluating and collecting bother to read any more if you can just development of a project or unit.
information from a variety of sources; probe [experience the world exclusively
and presenting findings through a multi- through virtual “reality”]?” Participate
media presentation in the form of a in a panel discussion, giving a reaction
piece of art, an original song, a news to this question from one of these
review, or a slideshow. viewpoints: William Shakespeare, a Sony
executive in charge of the PlayStation
• Present a survey of the digital and non- division, a science fiction author, a
digital technologies fellow students student of 1990, a student of 2050.
use in the course of a typical week,
explaining how these technologies
affected their abilities to learn and

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Thinki ng and Probl em-Solving

Problem Identification, Formulation and Solution

Ability to frame, analyze and solve problems.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Internet and other information research Internet and other information research Internet and other information research
Thinking and Problem-Solving tools, email, online collaboration tools tools, email, online collaboration tools tools, email, interactive communication
Skills tools, digital camera/production tools,
online collaboration tools

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Conduct a research project using • Collaborate with mentors or peer • For a selected topic, evaluate the
for: Thinking and Problem- print, multimedia, CD-Rom, and online groups to generate shared questions accuracy, relevance, appropriateness,
Solving Skills resources. and lines of inquiry. comprehensiveness, and bias of
electronic information sources.
• Correspond with email pals or mentors • Participate in class discussions of peer
from other cultures or geographic reviewed writing to select pieces for a • Participate in an online interactive
areas, comparing homework policies, class anthology. debate with student panels and
looking for ways to improve one’s own evaluator-experts.
classroom’s homework procedures. • Develop and publish a collaborative
essay (a multiple-authored work). • As an analysis of the work of an
• Ask for and give writing and editing influential film director, annotate
suggestions in an online collaborative video sources to identify key scenes
writer’s workshop. and/or information, react and respond
to content, and communicate
interpretations and understanding to a
select audience.

• Create digital videos that present a

persuasive argument that calls for social
action or community change.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Thinki ng and Probl em-Solving

Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity

Developing, implementing and communicating new ideas to others, staying open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Digital video/presentation tools, multi- Audio & video recording & production Audio & video recording & production
Thinking and Problem-Solving media production tools equipment, multimedia production tools equipment, multimedia production tools,
Skills print publication tools

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Use digital video or presentation • Create and record a parody of a familiar • Create multimedia presentations
for: Thinking and Problem- software to create narratives, song, echoing the original rhyme scheme to communicate multiple levels of
Solving Skills communicate oral histories, or to and rhythm, and creating a humorous or understanding on a specified topic.
present a visual read aloud. satiric effect.
• Use productivity tools to publish a class
• Contribute multi-media, multi-genre • Compile a digital classroom anthology anthology of book reviews of novels
artifacts or displays to a community (e.g., on CD, DVD, or web published) of read during a unit on international
historical society that provide student work in a variety of genres on authors.
information about a community group the theme “Where I’m From.”
(e.g., new immigrants, community
occupations, children’s activities) not • Using a video camera, record a montage
represented in the society’s exhibits. of scenes from a classroom or the
school as a whole, creating special
effects with shooting angles, range,
lighting, composition, camera features.
Describe the impact of these effects.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Inter personal and Se l f-Directional Sk ills

Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills

Demonstrating teamwork and leadership; adapting to varied roles and responsibilities; working productively with others; exercising empathy; respecting diverse perspectives.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Presentation tools, online message board, Presentation tools, online message board, Presentation tools, online message board,
Interpersonal and Self- print publication tools print publication tools, email, collaborative print publication tools, collaborative writing
Directional Skills writing tools tools chat rooms, email, video camera/
editing tools

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Complete a presentation using • Fulfill individual roles in a Webquest • Interact thoughtfully with class members
for: Interpersonal and Self- commonly available presentation tools ( researching in a class-created chat room for
Directional Skills as a class with each student assuming a topic of local interest and creating an responses to novels.
responsibility for one or two slides. informative newscast using the findings.
• Assume the persona of a character from
• Respond to an online message board • Analyze the effectiveness of the multicultural literature in collaboration
responding to questions concerning interaction in a group problem solving with e-pals from across the world and
literary texts. task such as solving a mini-mystery with research the culture and ideologies of
each group member having only a small that character.
• Create a class literary magazine. piece of the information.
• Use video cameras and editing software
• Contribute to a storytelling website • Create a class survey on the various to create a DVD of a collaboratively
in conjunction with a local civic communication methods class members written play.
organization. have used outside school in the last month.
• Collaborate with email pals and online
mentors from other cultures and
geographical areas in order to write
a collaborative essay or create an
interactive, interpretive project (i.e., on
Mark Twain’s America).
• Use a wiki (a web-based collaboration
tool) or other discussion tool like a
weblog to create and maintain a dialogue
journal discussing the reading of a shared
text with a partner or group.
• Participate in the class interpretive
community through class opinion bulletin
boards or interactive graphs, class response
walls featuring marginal notes captured
on sticky notes, or posting graphic
representations of understanding such as
timelines, picture maps or storyboards.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Inter personal and Se l f-Directional Sk ills

Monitoring one’s own understanding and learning needs, locating appropriate resources, transferring learning from one domain to another.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Internet and other information research Internet and other information research Internet and other information research
Interpersonal and Self- tools tools, multimedia production tools, tools, web authoring
Directional Skills

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Search the Internet for reliable and • Develop a reflective online journal or • Evaluate information found on the
for: Interpersonal and Self- trustworthy websites to enhance weblog detailing new understandings, internet to distinguish between
Directional Skills classroom research. connections, and ideas developing in the information and propaganda, satire, or
course of creating an individual project. commercialism on the Internet.
• Use Internet information in oral
storytelling activities. • Debate opposing viewpoints found on • Compare and contrast information on
the Internet. same topic found in a variety of media,
such as newspapers, journals, magazines,
and websites, for authenticity and voice.

• Develop a “Frequently Asked Questions”

type research paper (that explains
a topic thoroughly, based on likely
questions about the subject) as a

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Inter personal and Se l f-Directional Sk ills

Accountability and Adaptability

Exercising personal responsibility and flexibility in personal; workplace and community contexts; setting and meeting high standards and goals for one’s self and
others; tolerating ambiguity.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

21st Century Tools for: Internet and other information research Internet and other information research Internet and other information research
Interpersonal and Self- tools, computer software tools, word processing and revision tools tools, word processing and revision tools,
Directional Skills multimedia production tools, presentation

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Complete a research task on the • Work independently utilizing a variety of • Complete complex, higher-level projects
for: Interpersonal and Self- computer within the assigned timeline. information resources. utilizing a diverse range of resources
Directional Skills including media, personal interviews, and
• Use a variety of keyword research • Respond to writing of classmates with group presentations.
strategies when faced with difficulties in appropriate feedback and reflective
finding information. critiques, using computer programs or • Create and produce a DVD or website
online formats that have commenting promoting personal responsibility.
• Understand the importance of doing features and other interactive revision
one’s own work and not plagiarizing and collaboration tools.
other’s work.
• Collaboratively explore information and
process that information in a variety of
forms – poetry, websites, storytelling,
video, photography.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 
Learning Skills for Inter personal and Se l f-Directional Sk ills

Social Responsibility
Acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind; demonstrating ethical behavior in personal, workplace, and community contexts.

4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade

SAMPLE Student Outcomes • Understand when technology will • Apply responsible research practices to • Make responsible decisions about use of
for: Interpersonal and Self- enhance their learning. avoid plagiarism. material based on the rules governing
Directional Skills intellectual property, trademark,
• Make practical decisions in selecting the • Understand the global nature of copyright, fair use and plagiarism.
use of a technology to enhance learning technology and understand the
in a particular situation. sensitivity of information posted • Understand that critical literacy reaches
electronically. beyond print materials.
• Illustrate respect for all when sending
communication via the Internet. • Access real-time global news through • Take responsibility for personal
technology to stay informed of current communications, websites, and other
• Act with respect for others when using events. information products.
PDAs, cellular phones, text messaging,
and digital cameras. • Be aware of fraudulent practices, Internet
theft, threats to personal information.
• Acquire a spirit of global understanding
through virtual field trips, conferencing, • Reach out to those who have no access
and distance learning opportunities. to technology.

• Understand the value of information

technology for their future careers.

177 N Church Avenue, Suite 305 Tucson, AZ 85701 520-623-2466 © 2004 Partnership for 21st Century Skills 10

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