Soal Cerita Bilangan Bulat 1

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1. An agent distribute 240 boxes of mineral to 16 retailers. each retailer receives a box in the same amount of water.

If each box contains 12 bottles. Every retailer receives ..... bottles.

2. An ant located 3 m below the ground surface, so that the ant are creeping up as far as 5 m so stuck on the wall. The ant came down again until he was 1 m below the ground surface. The ant had creeped as far as

3.Temperature in a cold room at -16 degrees celcius. And then, The temperature was increased 10 degrees celcius. If the temperature outside the cooling chamber 25 degrees celcius, the air temperature difference in the two places is


4.In school canteen , there are 11 dining table. Each dining table is occupied by 4 students. All students in the canteen ,there are 16 students ate meat ball.How many students do not eat meatball?

5.Mr Leman bought 38 oranges. 8 oranges had been given to his brother. The rest of the oranges were distributed to his children in the same amount. He has 3 children. How many oranges are obtained by each of his children?

1. sebuah agen menditribusikan 240 kotak mineral kepada 16 pengecer. setiap pengecer menerima kotak air dalam jumlah yang sama. Jika setiap kotak berisi 12 botol. Setiap pengecer menerima air mineral sebanyak ..... botol.

2. Seekor semut berada 3 m dibawah permukaan tanah, semut tersebut merambat naik sejauh 5 m sehingga menempel di tembok. Semut turun lagi hingga berada dikedalaman 1 m dibawah permukaan tanah. Semut tersebut berjalan sejauh .......

3.Temperature dalam suatu ruang pendingin sebesar -16 derajat celcius.kemudian, suhu ruangan dinaikkan sebesar 10 derajat celcius. Jika suhu diluar ruang pendingin 25 derajat celcius, selisih suhu udara di dua tempat tersebut adalah ...

4.Di kantin sekolah terdapat 11 meja makan. Tiap meja makan ditempati 4 siswa. Dari semua siswa dikantin itu ,16 siswa makan baso.Berapa banyak siswa yang tidak makan baso?
5.Pak Leman membeli 38 jeruk. 8 jeruk diberikan kepada adiknya. Sisanya, dibagikan sama banyak kepada 3 anaknya. Berapa banyak jeruk yang diperoleh masing-masing anak ?

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