Presentation Schedule of SEAMS 2011 - B

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Thursday, July 14 2011 08:00 08:45 Plenary Session 10: Dr.

. Murk Bottema Title: Mathematics in Medical Image Analysis Moderator: Dr. Azhari Plenary Session 11: Prof. Asep K. Supriatna Title: A Mathematical Model to Estimate the Basic Reproduction Number of Dengue Transmission Moderator: Dr. Muhammad Farchani Rosyid Coffee Break Plenary Session 12: Assoc. Prof. Ling Keck Voon Title: Multiplexed Model Predictive Control Moderator: Dr. Agah D. Garnadi Plenary Session 13: Dr. Salmah Title: The Linear Quadratic Optimal Regulator Problem of Dynamic Game for Descriptor Systems Moderator: Prof. Stanford Shateyi Plenary Session 14: Dr. Supama Title: Some Inequalities for Banach Lattices Valued Functions and Applications Moderator: Dr. Jalina Widjaja Lunch Excursion to Borobudur (for registered participant only) Ramayana Ballet (for registered participant only)

08:45 09:30

09:30 10:00 10:00 10:45

10:45 11:30

11:30 12:15

12:15 17:00

18.00 - 22.00

Plenary Sessions : Room A1.06

Wednesday, July 2507 Wednesday, July 2011 Friday, July 15 2011 08:00 08:45 Plenary Session 15: Dr. rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti Title: Clean Rings and Clean Modules Moderator : Dr. Tayebeh Hajjari Plenary Session 16: Prof Peter Filzmoser Title: Robust Statistic : Concepts, Methods, Applications, and Computation Moderator: Dr. Roden Janson A. David Coffee Break Plenary Session 17: Dr. Reza Pulungan Title: The Order of Phase-Type Distributions Moderator : Dr. Hanna A.Parhusip Lunch Parallel Session 5 Parallel Session 6 Closing Ceremony

08:45 09:30

09:30 10:00 10:00 10:45

10:45 13:10 13:10 14:30 14:30 16:30 16:30 17:00

Plenary Sessions : Room A1.06

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