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Some useful slang phrases

How are you??

to single male   
to single F.male   
to Plural   
  /   /    =====
Thank to Allah for your safety
! $ / ! $ / ! $ "! ====== # $ 
$%" & //
$%"  ! /  /
$%"  ! /  / 
How old are you??
- *+....* (  ( +
- .+..... (  ( .+
 - .+.... (  ( .+
Im, Hes, Shes, Youre, Theyre, Were .years old
( ..........  (+
(........ * (+
( .......  (.+
(.....  (.+
(...... +( (
(..........  (
( ......  (
(.......  (
I, You, he, She, We, They was/were born in .
............ 0 "2* + /+
............... 0 2"2 .+
................ 0 2"2 .+
............... 0 +"2 (
................. 0 "2
.............. 0 "2
................. 0 "2
3. / *+/ +
3. /.+/ +
3. /.+/(
Plural Male 867 / Single male 567
Plural F.male 9: / Single F.male 9:

Im, Hes, Shes, Youre, Theyre, Were Student/s at UPM University

UPM ;< 0 5"6 / *+ / +
UPM ;< 0 8"6  / .+ / +
UPM ;< 0 6  / .+ / (
Im, Hes, Shes, Youre, Theyre, Were Studying medicine at university
........... ;< 0 56  +
........ ;< 0 56 . *+
...... ;< 0 56 . .+
........ ;< 0 56 . .+
........ ;< 0 56  
......... ;< 0 56 . 
........ ;< 0 56  
........ ;< 0 56 ( (
Im, Hes, Shes, Youre, Theyre, Were student/s in faculty of medicine
59"  0 5"6 / *+ / +
59"  0 8"6  / .+ / +
59"  0 6  / .+ / (
After six years Ill/ youll/ hell/shell/theyll/well be a doctor/s insyaallah
.$ C /.  + ( . ;
.$ C  . . *+ ( . ;
.$ C  . +. .+ ( . ;
.$ C -2 +. .+ ( . ;
.$ C -2 +  ( . ;
.$ C  . (   . ;
.$ C  . .  ( . ;
Next & Last
Next week Ill go to the University ;3"  + " < 8F
Next Friday youll (S.Fmale) come to Egypt -G 3. .+; " < 3"
Last Monday he had test 8.7  ( 0 "( 2F
Last night they slept at 11pm " 11 !" + *20 ""
Her birthday was last month 0 " -I"  
Next junction turn (order to S.male) right  7 " <J6K."
Well go to Egypt next September " <-8.8 -C -G -( (
Next Sunday youll go to the restaurant ;9"  -. .+ " < %"
This . Is mine/yours/theirs/his/hers/ours
This book is mine . L ."
This car is his ..  -;"
This office is ours (. L 5."
This table is hers .. M-."
This pen is yours (s.male) . L K"
This cupboard is yours (S.Fmale) . L F"
This room is yours (Plural) .. NO
This house is theirs . L* 8"
This is ..
This is my book . L
This is your bed (S.male) -- L

This is our University (.;<

This is their faculty .
This is your teacher (S.Fmale) . L
This is your class room (Plural) G0 L
This is his shirt GQ L
This is her blouse 2 

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