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Some useful slang phrases (3)

Whats the color of this dress?   
Whats the color of this blouse??   
Whats the color of your shirt??   
This black trouser is min .  "! 
I have a red book .$% ")
I want to buy white blouse and black skirt . $+ -. $ / 
The color of my cupboard is brown ."    0)
I like the blue color 3  45 
The color of her car is bright green .67 8 $.9     -$:
I want to buy a white Jalabyia and black hat . -!$ -. -;< $ / 
I want a black shoe size 43 .A: -7;7  ?> -?@<  
The Directions
Drop me at the next traffic light .- <  / @" ")
Can you describe to me how to go to the University?? -:? B D7 A+?
The University at the third traffic light next to the restaurant on the right .A E F:! 4"< -   / ) : -:? B
Please drop me at the first traffic light . / @" ") H5 
Please describe to me the faculty of medicine. .4! - D  5 
Time and Routine
Every day I wake up at 5:30am . % D I -9 -  E5 K
Every Friday I wear a white Jalabyia. .-. -;< L  -:< K
Next Sun day well go to the restaurant at 6:30pm . ? I -  -  F:! $"% )  < 5
After tomorrow they have test at 8:30am . % D I -"7 -   9 F  ")$+ ):
Last Saturday we had a test. .  9 ") 8  H
The day before yesterday was Monday. .A"7 ? 
Today I have a lecture at 10:30am. . % D I $N -  $O 5? "  ")
Ill sleep at 11:00pm . ? $/)% - " % 
Every day he eats rice and chicken .$8 K    K

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