Sabre Red Workspace Manual

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Introduction to Sabre Red Workspace


Table of Contents
Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 4 Benefits ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Navigating Sabre Red Workspace ............................................................................................. 5 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5 Sabre Red Workspace Desktop ........................................................................................... 6 Menu Area............................................................................................................................ 6 Application Area ................................................................................................................... 9 Active Assistant Tools ........................................................................................................ 11 Agent Notifications ............................................................................................................. 11 Exiting Sabre Red Workspace ........................................................................................... 12 Menu Bar and Assistant Tool Panels ....................................................................................... 13 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 13 Customize the Red Workspace Display ............................................................................. 13 Tools Menu ........................................................................................................................ 13 Memo Pad .......................................................................................................................... 14 Encode / Decode................................................................................................................ 15 PNR Services ..................................................................................................................... 15

Sabre Red Workspace Student Guide

Edition 1.0 (July 2010)

Password Management Tool ................................................................................................... 16 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 16 Establish or Modify Your Security Questions and Email Address....................................... 16 Temporary or Expired Password When Security Questions Not Previously Established ... 16 Reset Password Using Answers to Personal Questions .................................................... 17 Reset Password Using Temporary Password Sent Via Email ............................................ 17 Forgot Your Password........................................................................................................ 18 Agency eServices .................................................................................................................... 19 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 18 Accessing Agency eServices ............................................................................................. 18 Menu .................................................................................................................................. 18 Help and References ............................................................................................................... 19

Edition 1.0 (July 2010) 2010 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved. This documentation is the confidential and proprietary intellectual property of Sabre Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, preparation of derivative works, performance, or display of this document, or software represented by this document, without the express written permission of Sabre Inc. is strictly prohibited. Sabre, the Sabre logo design and Personal Trainer are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are owned by their respective companies.

Sabre Red Workspace Student Guide

Edition 1.0 (July 2010)

Upon completion of this class, you will be able to:

Access Sabre Red Workspace Reset your password using the Password Management Tool Navigate and Customize the Sabre Red Workspace screen Recognize the different booking tools available

The Sabre Red Workspace combines the MySabre agent booking portal you know and love, with a new platform focused on delivering a greater experience for you through optimized technology. Sabre Red Workspace offers you the same great features and functionality of MySabre in a point of sale that elevates your effectiveness and efficiency with clients. Greater Experience Improved interaction between applications and web pages Integrated applications

Greater Performance Faster loading times Greater stability Smaller updates that occur in the background.

Greater Control Customized versions of Sabre Red Workspace for your travel agency Turn on and off features that are not used

Sabre Red Workspace Student Guide

Edition 1.0 (July 2010)

Navigating Sabre Red Workspace

Quick Reference

OVERVIEW The Sabre Red Workspace combines the MySabre agent booking portal you know and love, with a new platform focused on delivering a greater experience for you through optimized technology. Sabre Red Workspace offers you the same great features and functionality of MySabre in a point of sale that elevates your effectiveness and efficiency with clients. Greater Experience Improved interaction between multiple applications and Web pages enables you to move between Sabre Red Workspace sessions and Web pages without having to spend the time refreshing content. Sabre Red Workspace includes an application launching bar which allows you to embed your commonly used applications or Web pages. You can integrate internal agency sites, email, and commonly used web sites into Sabre Red Workspace. Greater Performance Because much of the Sabre Red Workspace application will live on your desktop, you will experience faster loading times as it does not load over the Internet. In addition, when you sign into Sabre Red Workspace, the Sabre system work area loads prior to checking for updates. You will see greater stability since much of the heavy processing will occur on the desktop side instead of on the server side. This will require a lot less reliance on Internet connectivity and speed. The architecture on which Sabre Red Workspace is built on is inherently modular, which enables component based delivery. This allows Sabre to deliver updates for only altered or changed code, as opposed to delivering the entire application every time there is a change. This really cuts down on the amount of bandwidth required and time to implement any updates. Greater Control Your agency administrator for Sabre Red Workspace can create a customized version of Sabre Red Workspace for each agent in your office by turning features on or off depending on such things as the type of travel you handle or your geographic location. Once features are turned off, you will not receive updates to that piece of your Sabre Red Workspace application unless you turn that feature back on. When an update is available, you will log in and begin working before the system even begins checking for that update. Once the system finds an update, the download will occur in the background and will not require the immediate restart of Sabre Red Workspace which means you can continue to work. Your agency administrator can also control the timing of these update deliveries. So, welcome to Sabre Red Workspace! Use this document to acquaint yourself with the new look and feel of your MySabre desktop now Sabre Red Workspace. It will guide you in locating all of the tools you are familiar with in MySabre, as well as all of the new features and tools of Sabre Red Workspace.

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SABRE RED WORKSPACE DESKTOP The Sabre Red Workspace desktop is structured into three main areas. Within each area, you may have multiple bars, areas, or tabs to facilitate the servicing of your client. 1. Menu area 2. Application area with tabs 3. Status area Tool Bar Menu Bar

Application Launcher Bar

Application Side Bar

Sabre Work Area

Note: you will only see applications and content that is applicable to your region. Graphics in this reference guide are based on the North America region. MENU AREA The Menu area contains standard menu categories, such as File, Edit, View, Tools, Window, and Help. Applications may also appear under Booking Tools, Community, or Resources. Booking Tools Booking Tools contains links to the various applications and booking tools you use in your day-to-day work flow while servicing your clients travel needs. Note: you will only see applications and content that is applicable to your region.

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Community contains links to items such as Agency eServices customer portal, AgentStream travel agent community, Sabre Traveler Security, and Sabre Rewards Plus program. AgentStream travel agent community is an interactive agency community where you can talk about your issues with other Sabre Connected

agents, ask questions, and share

your knowledge and expertise with other agents. Note: AgentStream is currently only available in North America. Geographic expansion is under evaluation. Resources Resources contains links to products that permit you to service the needs of your clients, such as passport and visa services, destination information, and Flight Fee Explorer. Note: you will only see applications and content that is applicable to your region. File The File menu contains commands relating to the handling of files, such as open, save, close, print, etc. The Exit Sabre Red Workspace command is located in this menu. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing. Edit The Edit menu contains commands relating to the handling of information, i.e. cut and paste and selection commands. Use the Rename Area command to customize the name of the work area tabs. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing. View The View menu contains commands relating to how you view content in Sabre Red Workspace. It contains links to customize your screen layout, change from Full to Split screen and vice versa, open and close the Command Line or Memo Area fields, and specify either the Long or Short display. The Connection Details command provides information on your connection to the Sabre system and to Web Services servers. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing.

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Customize Screen Layout command (on the View menu)

The Customize Screen Layout command provides you the ability to change your default single screen layout to one of the three predefined multiple screen layouts. Click OK.


The Tools menu contains commands relating to the various tools and applications you have available in Sabre Red Workspace. The Sabre Keys command provides you a list of the most common commands with its equivalent keyboard key combination. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing.

Agency Applications command (on the Tools menu)

Clicking Agency Applications on the Tools menu displays the Options window. You can add links to other applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, or MS Outlook, etc. These links then appear on the Tool Bar. Click Add. Type the name of the application. Click Browse and locate the executable file for the application. Click OK.

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Options (on the Tools menu)

You can customize your Sabre Red Workspace experience using the Options window.

Click Agent Profile

To modify the information stored in your Sabre Red Workspace profile.

Click Sabre System

To add or remove settings pertaining to the Sabre system. Examples include: accumulated response, bold font, Point & Click highlighting and tool tips, Graphical Seat Map, cursor type, etc.

Click Appearance

To establish your Sabre system color preferences for either all or individual Sabre work areas, Sabre screen font size, or SabreScribe screen font size. To select your preferred language.

Click General Settings

Click Agency Applications

To configure access to frequently used applications.

Click Toolbar

To display or hide labels for the Toolbar icons.

Click Workspace Applications (under Toolbar) Click Password Management

To add or remove Sabre Red Workspace application shortcuts to the Toolbar.

To establish or modify the Security Questions and your E-mail Address associated with your password. This area is locked. To unlock it, click the Lock icon, and provide your Sabre Red Workspace login credentials.

Click New Password

To change your password. This area is locked. To unlock it, click the Lock icon, and provide your Sabre Red Workspace login credentials.

Click AgentWare Profile (under NetCheck Profile) Click TravelFusion Profile (under NetCheck Profile) Window

To create or modify your AgentWare Profile or to add or remove airline providers (North America). To add or remove airline providers (Europe, Middle East & Africa).

The Windows menu contains links to all active work areas. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing.


The Help menu contains commands for checking for Sabre Red Workspace software updates, history of software updates, Help documentation and Contact Us information, etc. Note: commands on the menu may change based on the tasks you are completing.

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Application Shortcuts

Agency Application Shortcuts Booking Tools and Application Shortcuts

Work area tabs

Work Areas

Sabre Red Workspace provides a separate tab for each of the Sabre system work areas A through F allowing you to quickly switch from one work area to another. Click the desired tab to switch to the work area. Or, use CTRL + Tab to move through work area tabs from left to right. Or, use CTRL + Shift + Tab to move through work area tabs from right to left. Click X on the tab to close the work area, if desired. Click New Sabre Area to add a work area tab (maximum of 6 A through F).

Full / Split

These buttons provide the ability to see your Sabre work area as a single screen or split into two screens. These buttons provide paging abilities. Paging offers the ability to retain prior displayed Sabre system responses which allows you to toggle between without reentering or the need to refresh the data. This provides efficient workflow and the ability to cut and paste data into the active PNR or another page for future use.


Application Shortcuts

These are links for Application Shortcuts you selected in the Options menu under General Settings > Toolbar > Workspace Applications. These are links for Agency Application Shortcuts you selected in the Options menu under General Settings > Agency Applications. As you access tools and applications under Booking Tools, Community, or Resources, you add a tab for each of those tools or applications. This allows you to easily move among the various tools and applications you have open.

Agency Application Shortcuts

Booking Tools and Applications

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You can rearrange work area, booking tools, or application tabs by dragging the tab into the desired position with your mouse pointer. When you fill all of the viewable area on the tool bar, you will see an indicator at the right as to how many additional tools and applications you have open. Click the indicator to view the list and select a tool or application. Additional tools and applications tabs indicator Assistant Tool Panel Depending on the tool, it will display in either the Vertical Assistant Tool Panel or the Horizontal Assistant Tool Panel.

Application Side Bar

Assistant Tools

Slider Bar Vertical Assistant Tool Panel

Slider Bar

Application Side Bar

Active Assistant Tools

Horizontal Assistant Tool Panel

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Use your mouse to drag the Slider Bar to adjust the width of the Vertical Assistant Tool Panel or the height of the Horizontal Assistant Tool Panel. Tools remain active in the Application Side Bar so it is not necessary to reload them each time you switch back to a previously used tool. Active Tools are highlighted and italicized, such as Point & Click and Encode/Decode in the graphic above. ACTIVE ASSISTANT TOOLS NetCheck PNR Services Access for rich low-fare airline content. Access to send OSI and SSR messages to airlines in the itinerary. Options include Meals, Assistance, Wheelchair requests, OSI, Frequent Traveler information, and Paid Seats. Access for quick and reliable help on Sabre system commands.

Format Finder

Graphical Ticketing

Access for a graphical tool that facilitates pricing, storing fares and FP lines, issuing and printing tickets, and invoices and itineraries. Access to provide travel insurance to your customers.

Sabre Travel Protection

Quick & PF Keys

Access frequently repeatable entries stored in your Quick Keys and PF Keys. Record and Edit Quick Keys. Edit PF Keys. Access to provide personalized travel information to your clients via Sabre Virtually There.

Sabre Virtually There

Point & Click

Access to enable navigation in the Sabre system using the mouse to reduce keystrokes. Applicable for Air, Hotel and Car functions. Access the Open SabreScript window to select and activate the desired scripts. Click the name of a script to view a short description.

Sabre Scripts


Access for assistance on all travel industry codes.

AGENT NOTIFICATIONS Informational and operational notification messages appear once Sabre Red Workspace is opened on your desktop. You will see them in the lower right corner of the Sabre system work area. Click More to read the complete notification message now or you can read it later. Notifications will automatically fade after 30 seconds.

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The Unread Notifications Indicator is located on the status bar. Click the Unread Notifications Indicator to view a list of unread notifications. Unread message titles appear in bold text. Click the name of the Notification to open it. If there are no unread notification messages, the indicator will reflect 0 (zero). Click OK to close the notification message window. You can continue to retrieve or read old messages by clicking on the Notifications Indicator. Unread Notifications indicator

EXITING SABRE RED WORKSPACE When you click Exit Sabre Red Workspace in the File menu, or close Sabre Red Workspace using the browser exit button, you will see a warning message asking you to verify that you want to exit Sabre Red Workspace. Included is a reminder to finish all of your PNRs and to sign out of the Sabre system before you close Sabre Red Workspace. This should eliminate error messages the next time you access and log in to Sabre Red Workspace, as well as accidentally leaving any unfinished PNRs in your work areas.

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NAVIGATING SABRE RED WORKSPACE Quick reference Page 9 of 9

2010 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved. Sabre, Sabre Holdings, and Sabre Travel Network are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Holding Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners. 2.1

Menu Bar and Assistant Tool Panels

Sabre Red Workspace Quick Reference
OVERVIEW The Sabre System menu bar allows you to customize your Sabre system settings and access several tools to make your work easier: Customize color schemes, function keys, window management, memo pad and memo area Make your work easier with user friendly PNR Services, Encode/Decode tool and Memo Pad

Note: Refer to the Navigating Sabre Red Workspace on Agency eServices for more information. CUSTOMIZE THE RED WORKSPACE DISPLAY The Menu area contains standard menu categories, such as File, Edit, View, Tools, Window, and Help Access the menu bar above the Sabre system work area. Display or hide optional components. Click View in the Menu Bar, then check or uncheck the components (Command Line, Memo Area, Full Screen, Split Screen, Long Display, and Short Display) to display or hide them. DESCRIPTION

Use the Menu Bar to customize The Sabre Red Workspace settings.

= display the component No = hide the component

Click Customize Screen Layout to change your default single screen layout to one of the three predefined multiple screen layouts. TOOLS MENU Specify location of PF Keys and Quick Key Labels Click Tools in the Menu Bar, and then select Quick and PF Keys or, click Quick & PF Keys in the Application Side Bar Turn off Point and Click Highlighting and Tool Tips Hide or display the PF Keys on the right side of your screen. Locate the Quick Key Labels on the top, bottom, or left of your screen or hide them. Click Edit to configure the different Keys.

Click Tools in the Menu Bar, and then select Options. Click Sabre System. Remove the checkmark in the Point and Click Highlighting box to turn off the highlighted text in the system response area. Remove the checkmark in the Point and Click Tool Tips box to turn off the tool tips that you see when your cursor hovers on highlight text.

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TASK Activate the Memo Area

DESCRIPTION When you activate the Memo Area, a blank area opens between the Menu bar and the Sabre work area. Use this space to write notes, formats or reminders, just as you would do in a notepad. Click View, and then click Memo Area.

Change function of Backspace key

Click Options in the Tools menu. Click Sabre System to change the function of the Backspace key. Placing a checkmark in the Swap Backspace to Clear makes the Backspace key clear the entire Sabre system response If you uncheck it, use shift and backspace together to clear your screen.

Change appearance settings

Click Options in the Tools menu, and then select Options. Click Appearance to change the emulator colors and fonts.

Run a script

Click Tools in the Menu Bar. Click Scribe Scripts and select a pre-programmed script from the list. Shortcut: Press Ctrl+A to open the SabreScript window.

MEMO PAD The Sabre Memo Pad feature allows you to quickly capture a Sabre system format and its associated response for later use. Memo Pad works only after you have input a format into the Sabre system work area and a response is displayed, either manually or using the Sabre with Point and Click feature of Sabre Red Workspace. You may create as many Memo Pads as necessary. TASK Access and use Memo Pad DESCRIPTION Click Tools. Click Memo Pad Press CTRL+Y shortcut keys to create the Memo Pad.

Note: A window displays containing a copy of the last Sabre system entry and response displayed in the Sabre system work area. A Memo Pad cannot be created from a blank Sabre system work area. Maximize Memo Pad Minimize Memo Pad Click the Maximize button to restore the window for use. Click the Minimize button to reduce the window and to keep the Memo Pad for further use. Click the X to close Note: The Memo Pad is no longer available for use once you close it. You can use the Memo Pad to quickly return to a Sabre system response and use Sabre with Point and Click to select a highlighted field. When you double-click a highlighted field, the Sabre system format and its response appear in the Sabre system work area.

Close the Memo Pad

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Menu Bar and Assistant Tool Panels - Sabre Red Workspace quick reference

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ENCODE / DECODE You may encode or decode the following items: Airlines Airport Codes Bus Companies Car Equipment Codes Car Types Car Vendors (Chain Codes) DESCRIPTION Click Encode/Decode in the Tool menu or, click Enconde/Decode in the Application Side Bar Use Encode or Decode In the Encode/Decode Vertical Assistant Tool Panel, select a Category from the list Select Encode (default) or Decode. Type the word you want to encode or the code you want to decode into the Search field. Click Search. The results display in the results area. Exit Encode/Decode Click Close Window or click X in the top right corner to close the Encode/Decode popup window. Credit Cards Cruise Lines Currency Codes Equipment Codes Country Codes City Codes Hotel Vendors (Chain Codes) Room Types SSR Codes U.S. State Codes

TASK Access Encode/Decode

PNR SERVICES Sabre PNR Services functions interact with the Sabre system formats you need to request special services. The PNR Services window contains: All passenger names in the PNR All air segments from the PNR OSI tab (Other Service Information) enter free text Special Service Request tabs for Meals, Assistance, or Wheelchair Frequent Flyer tab enter airline code, frequent flyer number and operating airline code Paid Seats Send paid seats information

Refer to the PNR Services Quick Reference on Agency eServices for more information on how to use this feature.

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2010 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved. Sabre, Sabre Holdings, and Sabre Travel Network are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Holding Corporation.

All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners. 1.0

Password Management Tool

Quick Reference

OVERVIEW The Password Management Tool (PMT) allows you to reset your password if it has expired or if it is a temporary one. You also have the option of receiving a temporary password by e-mail. PMT allows you to reset your password if you have previously established questions and answers or email address. If you have forgotten your password and have not established questions and answers or added a valid email address, you are prompted to contact the CREATE agent in your office. ESTABLISH OR MODIFY YOUR SECURITY QUESTIONS AND EMAIL ADDRESS Login and click Tools on the Menu Bar on top of the screen. Once there, click Options. Select Password Management. The Password Management area opens. This area is locked. To unlock it, click the Lock icon, and provide your Sabre Red Workspace login credentials. Select five Security Questions from the pre-defined lists and type your answers. Note: Your answers must have a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 25 characters. They are not case sensitive and they are encrypted.

Type your e-mail address to be able to receive a temporary password using the email address. Note: the email address is case-sensitive. After completing the information, click OK.

TEMPORARY OR EXPIRED PASSWORD WHEN SECURITY QUESTIONS NOT PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED Login with your temporary or expired password. The Password Reset screen appears. Complete the information and type the New Password. Then, re-type it to confirm. Click Sign In. The Password Reset Security Management screen appears. Select the Security Questions and provide the answers. Click Save Answers. Sabre Red Workspace home page appears.

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RESET PASSWORD USING ANSWERS TO PERSONAL QUESTIONS Type your agent ID and PCC and click Forgot my password in Sabre Red Workspace login screen. Ensure you select Reset my password using answers to my personal questions and then, click Next.

Answer the security questions. Type your new password and then, re-type it to confirm. Click Next. Sabre Red Workspace home page appears.

RESET PASSWORD USING TEMPORARY PASSWORD SENT VIA EMAIL To receive a temporary password via e-mail Type your agent ID and PCC and click Continue. Click Forgot my password in Sabre Red Workspace login screen Ensure you select Receive a temporary password by email and then, click Next. Type your e-mail address and then, click Finish. NOTE: the email address is case-sensitive.

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Password Management Tool quick reference

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Error Messages The error message appears at the top the page and it indicates what information is missing or invalid. Remember, you must type the same value in New Password and Confirm Password. The Password must be 7-8 alpha/numeric characters. Important: You have 6 attempts to submit the correct answers. If your answers are not correct you are locked for 30 minutes before you are able to try again. FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD When Security Questions not previously established Should you forget your password before establishing the security questions, you need to contact your offices CREATE Agent for password reset. Only the CREATE Agent can reset the password. If you do not know who your CREATE Agent is, contact your local office management. Note: SI HELP (PCC) entry displays the CREATE Agents in your Agency. If management is not available, call your Sabre Travel Network Software Support Desk and a representative can provide you with the name of your CREATE Agent. When Security Questions previously established Please follow the procedures above to reset your password. EXAMPLE

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2010 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved. Sabre, Sabre Holdings, and Sabre Travel Network are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Holding Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners. 2.7

Agency eServices
Sabre Red Workspace Quick Reference

OVERVIEW Agency eServices is the website for Sabre global distribution system subscribers. From there you may generate Booking Reports and tailor them to your needs. You can also access a wealth of product information from Communities, print quick references, and sign up for virtual training classes or train at your own pace with Personal Trainer educational software. ACCESSING AGENCY ESERVICES Access Agency eServices from The Sabre Red Workspace Click the Community tab at the top of the Sabre Red Workspace screen and then click Agency eServices. Main page displays. Here you access management information and tools. Note: Agency eServices is continuously updated and subject to frequent changes. Always check the live web site for the latest example responses. Access Agency eServices online You can also access Agency eServices directly at Note: Whichever method you use to access eServices, all menus and features are the same. Authorization from the agency owner/manager is required to access some Agency eServices features or menus.

Navigate the website

Hover your cursor over the eServices menu bar to display menu selections.

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MENU Support Menu

DESCRIPTION Contact My Support Team Debit Memos Documentation/Downloads/Forms Find It Site Index and Search Format Finder Hardware/Tech Support Software Support

Ordering Menu

Place an Agency Order Hardware Solutions NetCheck Past Date PNRs

Qualified Vendors Sabre Internet Messaging View Order Status

Training Menu

Index/Enroll in Training Personal Trainer

Quick References Training Workbooks

Business Tools Menu

Bulletin Updates Communities Direct Reference System

Fare Management Tools Marketing Tools/Email Library Profile Sabre Ferries (available only in the UK)

Product Menu

Product Launch

Product Reviews and Demos

Manager Menu

Call Reports Sabre Configuration Secured Services

Simplicity Plan System Data Reports View and Pay Invoice

Note: Menus and Features are subject to change. These menus may vary depending on the region

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2010. Sabre Inc. All rights reserved. Sabre, Sabre Holdings, and Sabre Travel Network are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Holding Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are the property of their respective owners. 1.0

Help and References The Format FinderSM help system displays Sabre Red Workspace formats and procedures. Launch the Format Finder home page: from the Sabre Red Workspace portal click Format Finder on the Application Side Bar. from the Agency eServices Web site - under the Support tab, click Format Finder and then click Format Finder online.

Additional quick references and interactive tutorials are available on the Web at under the Training menu.

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Sabre Red Workspace Student Guide Edition 1.0 (July 2010)

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