Staff Report Action Required: Date: To: From: Wards: Reference Number

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STAFF REPORT ACTION REQUIRED Appeals of Funding Recommendations from the 2011 Provincial Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Program

Date: To: From: Wards: Reference Number: June 15, 2011 Community Development and Recreation Committee General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 6, 20, 30

This report provides background information on projects approved by Council for 2011 funding from the Provincial Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Program (CHPP) in order to assist the Community Development and Recreation Committee in its deliberations on any appeals which may be made by funded organizations. It recommends that any appeals be referred to staff for further consideration.

The General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, recommends that: 1. Community Development and Recreation Committee refer all appeals made for the 2011 Provincial Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Program (CHPP) to Shelter, Support and Housing Administration staff for further consideration; and staff report to City Council with funding recommendations based on a review of the appeals and the type of service provided.


Financial Impact Recommendations in this report will have no financial impact beyond what has already been approved in the 2011 City Operating Budget. Council approved $37,000 from the 2011 CHPP for appeals of 2011 allocations. Appeals are one-time decisions and do not have financial implications beyond 2011.
Housing and Homelessness Funding Appeals 1

In the event there are no appeals, these funds will be reallocated to the Health and Safety fund, as approved by Council at its meeting of July 6, 7, and 8, 2010 (CDRC Report No. 34.9). Since 2004, Health and Safety funding has been established to permit staff to respond quickly to unexpected situations, stabilize agencies and maintain services.

The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

The Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Division administers the provincial Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Program under policies and procedures established by the City of Toronto Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP). One of these policies requires that applicants in receipt of City funds be provided the opportunity to appeal funding recommendations. Funding allocations for 2011 were approved by Council at its meeting of July 6, 7, and 8, 2010 (Community Development and Recreation Committee Item CD 34.9), including up to $37,000 gross ($0 net) for appeals. To view the report, please click on the link: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

The Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Division administers funding programs to support housing and homelessness services in Toronto, in partnership with community agencies. Funding supports the following partnership program sectors: Street Outreach Services, Housing Help Services Outside of Shelters, Housing Help Services Within Shelters, Supports to Daily Living, Drop-In Services, and Investment programs.

This report pertains to allocations approved for three one-time investment programs approved by Council at their meeting of July 6, 7, and 8, 2010 (CDRC Report No. 34.9) as outlined in the attached Appendix A. The three agencies delivering these programs have been notified in writing of the opportunity to appeal the decision at the meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee on June 29, 2011. A risk assessment and review was completed for each application, and funding recommendations were made based on a number of criteria. Assessment criteria included: organizational capacity and experience; past project performance; the project approach; the project alignment with Council priorities; the service needs in the area proposed; the service guideline or essential service implementation plan (as applicable); the costeffectiveness of the project; and the overall quality and thoroughness of the submission.

Housing and Homelessness Funding Appeals

The amount of $37,000 which has been allocated for 2011 appeals is consistent with amounts set aside in previous years. Recommendations for funding of appeals, if any, will be submitted to City Council for approval. In the event there are no appeals, these funds will be reallocated to the Health and Safety fund, as approved by Council at its meeting of July 6, 7, and 8, 2010 (CDRC Report No. 34.9), and no further action is required with respect to this report. Since 2004, Health and Safety funding has been established to permit staff to respond quickly to unexpected situations, stabilize agencies and maintain services.

Katherine Chislett Director, Housing and Homelessness Supports and Initiatives Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Phone: 416-397-0260 Fax: 416-338-1144


_______________________________ Phil Brown General Manager Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

Appendix A: 2011 One-Time Investment Programs

Housing and Homelessness Funding Appeals

Appendix A 2011 One-Time Investment Programs

2011 Ward Recommended Amount


Program and Description

Daily Bread Food Bank

Nutritious Food to Drop-ins: This is a partnership program between Shelter, Support, and Housing Administration (SSHA), Toronto Public Health, Daily Bread Food Bank (DBFB) and George Brown College Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts. SSHA DBFB provide joint funding to buy and make weekly delivery of eggs, milk, yoghurt, fresh vegetables and fruit to 25 drop-in centres across the City of Toronto. George Brown College provides chef's training to drop-in cooks.


East York/East Toronto Family Resources

RENT (Resources Exist for Networking and Training) Training Initiative: This is a core curriculum training program for new housing help workers. The training consists of 10 sessions identified as core competencies required to provide effective housing help work.



Toronto Drop-in Sector Training and Measuring Success: The Toronto Drop-in Network operates a training program for drop-in workers, with a goal of St. Stephen's providing drop-in workers and volunteers with Community House standardized competency skills. This training will incorporate implementation of new reporting requirements. Total




Housing and Homelessness Funding Appeals

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