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Email Compliance

Common regulations that organizations adhere to include:

The Freedom of Information Act FDA 21 CFR Part 11 hipaa email compliance SEC 17a (3, 4) NASD Rule 3110 & NYSE Rule 440 IDA 29.7 (Canada) Investment Advisors Act sarbanes oxley email compliance PIPEDA (Canada) Gramm-Leach-Bliley FRCP

Compliance How It Works

All organizations, industries or services are in need of monitoring electronic messages to ensure the strict following of regulatory or corporate policies. Jatheons Plug n Comply appliances offer the ability to set policies by witch messages are compared to in real-time. Messages received in the archive are compared to the polices created by user and any message that violate the established policy will trigger a pre-determined action witch may include notifying the offender, notify the offenders manager, or notifying the organizations Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer review statistics maintained by the email archiving appliance; detailed statistical information is maintained on a daily basis. Compliance Officers can review the statistics by rule.

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