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Periodization tactic: structural principles and methodological errors in their application in football
* Soccer and Futsal Study Group C oordinator - Geffut ** Master of Science in Sport Esp. Team Sports in the Games UTA D Soccer and Scout FC Porto

Rodrigo Casarin Vicenzi *

Raul Oliveira ** (Portugal)

Summary The tactic is a periodization training methodology that priv ileges the context of training depending on the characteristics, needs and principles of a game model, ie, the organization's tactical game driven by the size and their interrelation with the other dimensions of the game . Thus we seek to address in this article that these templates to work within it becomes important in addition to mastering their theoretical context, be aware of some risks that we may incur in adopting this methodology. Keywords: Periodization tactics. Football. Training methodology http://w w w Rev ista Digital - Buenos Aires - Ao 15 - N 144 - Mayo 2010 1/1

1. Introduction
The training in football is such complex that allows the most varied conceptions lead to an equally favorable to sporting success. Many of these, still seek to control the training, at least at the highest level, through the physiological dimension. Other apararentemente evolved, seeking only to integrate the dimensions, or nearly all its dimensions, without bothering to understand the game as a dynamic system of interaction and interrelation. In this context, we realize that these concepts are still based on parameters in installments to respond to problem gambling. But if you look atentamentente football, as we face new realities, a more comprehensive, broad, broad Seems really show features the truths of this sport. Precisely in Portugal over the past few years came a methodology that exceeded these trends mentioned above and began to puzzle, confuse, and love the football environment. Dubbed as "Tactical Periodization" (PT) approach is advocated and defended by coaches like Mourinho, Peseiro, Carvalhal Queiroz, etc.. ... It is only on this methodological training that this article will be addressed, seeking to address some of their assumptions and identify some limitations and precipitation in the implementation of PT as a conceptual model of training. 2. Breaking myths and social prejudices in training Thursday (2003) for the Portuguese sports scene stated that "training is just football, and when training, this takes place in a random, aimless, schedules or schedules for the short, medium and long term. The ensino-aprendizagem/treino football, in most cases is made without a program and / or methods defined, not stipulating the achievement of individual goals and collective, that is, not looking for players and teams to achieve specific level or know the best way to do this or that individual or collective action. " There are rare cases in which prevailed (and sometimes continues to dominate) the law "and jog naked" as the primary method of training a football team. In some cases the "jog" has evolved and / or masked by the introduction of a ball in order to be seen as a training "in fashion" and who applies to be considered a methodologist ever attentive to the evolutionary phenomena of sporting performance and is used the methodology of integrated training factors. Indeed, this is a term (integrated training) that the second Losa, et al. (2006) is almost worn out from so much use, although often sparse, ambiguous and superfluously addressed. Scarce because the issue is not having to include perception, decision, etc.. But that stimuli, which may be higher or lower, must be specific to the game. Ambiguous because one thing is training with the ball and a football coach is absolutely different. Finally, superfluous because the practice has always emerged and will emerge from the previous theory and deeply held, in which case the proposal was almost always direct practice. According to Oliveira et al. (2006) is usually used as the training does not disrupt truly integrated with the logic of "standard practice". The "training with the ball" only serves as a means to simulate the physical training, and not as an imperative to operationalize the model and the principles of game you want for the team. Guilherme Oliveira (2003) states that before any other task, the coach should do an insight into his ideas about football. This selfreflection should be clear ideas of how we want "our" team play, both in general and in the most private aspects. Soccer is considered a highly tactical sport (Teodorescu, 1984; y Scnabell Meinel, 1988; Deleplace, 1994 cited by Oliveira, 2006). Considering that football can

provide some regularity within its own extreme complexity and randomness of a game, the coach requires that modeled a kind of game (Fernandes, 2003). In this context, the second Throat (2007) football only makes sense understood within a proposed tactic, with training aimed at implementing a "culture to play." For the author, the gameplay is built and the training is to model the behaviors and attitudes of players / teams through a project aimed at the concept of game / competition. Thus, before any definition of a methodology or "type" training the trainer must have a clearly defined form of the game. Guilherme Oliveira (2003) defines play as a model of idea / guess game consists of principles, sub-principles, principles of sub-sub-principles, representing the different stages / phases of the game, which articulate with each other, showing an organization very functional, ie, an identity. This model, like model that is assumed to be always as a conjecture and is always open to additions of individual and collective, so in continuous construction, it is never, nor will be granted. That is, the game model should be understood as a self-organizing and autopoietic, something open and dynamic, contemplating change, a crucial aspect for the creativity it emerged within the system, which has an underlying pattern, allows the players, evolving to higher levels of complexity, without loss of identity (Maciel, 2008). In this rule, the final model is always unattainable, because it is always under reconstruction, in constant evolution. This is also supported by Faria (2003) because if the goal is to have an organized team to compete, the organization can only be achieved through the use of exercises belonging to a set form of the game and allow exacerbate a set of principles that define this model. For the game model is important to note that the tactic is not just an organization in the game space and a breakdown of specific tasks by the players, but the existence of a unitary concept to develop the game, or in other words, a general theme on which allows players to establish a common language among themselves (Martinez, 2003 citing Castle, 1996). In Faria (2003) football is a tactical tactical but not all. It is a tactical model, tactical culture, and tactics as a collective understanding of how to play and a philosophy of play, clearly defined by the coach and that has to be the relationship between each of the team in which everyone must strive. Therefore, tactical, yes, but as a model, culture and guideline in terms of organization of play. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Dimension Tactics and their interrelationships

It is based on this assumption that allowed us to move towards a brief introduction to the specific. Gibson (1979, cited by Oliveira, 2006) defines specificity as a qualifier concept of a relationship between variables. These variables represent specific information given context. In training in football according to Castle (2000) specificity can be defined as "an educational process which aims to develop the areas of tactics, cognitive-perceptual, technical, physical, psychological, strategic and socio-cultural practitioners and teams within specific competitive situations through planned and systematic practice of exercise, guided by principles and rules duly grounded in scientific knowledge. " Mourinho (2001) states that the training process must be an "exponentiation of the principle of specificity. Specificity / game model is not only a specificity / mode. "To Tamarit (2007) the specificity / Model gambling is related to a particular form of play, distinct from the specificity / mode which is composed solely of physical exercises, the times with the ball. In this con, a proper training methodology should be, according to Mourinho (2001), "targeted for broad objectives in which there is a close relationship between the training model and the model of game in which the players to realize the model training, they must understand the type of game. "Still on the subject Losa et al. (2006) consider that when it comes to physical training and technical-tactical, physical and technical, it comes together ... or add things or parts, which for this had to be separated beforehand. Herein lies the error of

the conventional basis for planning. Garganta et al. (1996) refers in the same way that football is a multidimensional phenomenon and, therefore, requires a constant interaction of its dimensions. Referring to the integrated training, Losa et al. (2006) refer it to the theory of dynamical systems, that is to say that the whole is more than the simple sum of the parts because, as mentioned Throat (2001), in highly complex systems operating in random environments, as those that exist in a soccer game, the artificial separation of the factors that contribute to athletic performance seems to prove ineffective. This idea football should be understood as a complex non-linear, selforganizing, with an underlying set of previously defined standards comportamentantais. Jesualdo Ferreira (2006) states that the major change to the level of training was when we saw that for a player to explore all its capabilities, it was necessary to think. For the same author, in football you have to make decisions provided, ie have intelligent players who can think in different moments of the game in search of a collective identity. Thus, the essence of football is the tactical dimension in training exercises aimed at the implementation and organization of a play. But what exercises to use? What should we train? We should train the team organizing the game, through patterns of action, individual and collective (in different scales) with the aim of creating a set of decision-making references to the players know what to do and can be creative in different game situations (Guilherme Oliveira, 2009). So the training model, then the PT must allow these action patterns become habits. Given all the assumptions outlined above is important to reflect on some aspects that we consider important for there to be a proper use of PT. In order to reinforce these ideas, below the guiding principles and some sub-principles most relevant to PT, in contrast to their errors and mistakes made in the application of these methodological assumptions. 3. Sub-principles and methodological principles of periodization tactic If we look at the brief ideals presented in the topic above, we realize the importance in choosing a game model and a methodology that operationalize this play. As quoted above, there are several methodologies that can achieve sporting success. Some even have in their core a set form of the game, others to have, but without the correct specific stimuli for the development of play desired. From this, seeing a real evolution of training in football, we believe that PT provided a reference for operation of a smart way to play. Upon this idea, we selected below some methodological principles and then contrasted this approach with some conceptual errors of application. In short, guided all the methodological principles, as morfociclo pattern (Figure 2) is attainable only if these principles are interconnected at all times and contextualize some of the most striking sub-principles, the same way, connected with others.

Figure 2. Inter and Intra-grating between the principles and sub-principles and methodological Morfociclo PT

3.1. Principle of "dismantling" of the hierarchy and principles of play Within a game model, there are several principles to be worked on during practice. According to Brito (2003) the principles of play are basic guidelines that coordinate tactical behaviors and attitudes of the players in the process either offensive or defensive in the process, and transitions. So enter the concept of disassembly and hierarchy of principles for electing some partial objectives to be worked out. This precept, we should understand that despite the overvaluation of some principles of interaction the system is maintained. On top of that, the principles are hierarchical and dismantled to a better understanding of the educational process participants, and the essence of the game and team play are not changed, only individualized. (Figure 3)

Figure 3 . Reducing the complexity of the game into complex structures

Basically what this claim is a methodological principle "simplifying the complex structure of the game" and an ongoing constructive relationship founded on tactical grounds progressively more complex with the ultimate goal to build / strengthen the game model adopted. It is the gradual acquisition of practical experience of game that allows for increased complexity of collective movements, even at the highest level because the quality / complexity is very close. Hierarchy also involves distinguishing between them with the most and least important in a given situation / exercise because only then we can speak coherently and follow a clear guideline. 3.2. Principle of specificity Many people sometimes say "ah, so there's nothing more specific than the 11x11 game." No! There is nothing like that, it is a blasphemy. Because if we recognize that our play has X X sub-principles and principles, and leave open the possibility to occur a certain amount of sub-principles of sub-principles that are the result of this inter-relationship of substance, so in terms of training, we give them in a hierarchical way, and some are more important than others, but we must act on all over them all, so they improve. The specificity is fulfilled there is the respect we have for all the principles, and respect in terms of methodology. Now this is not easy, I do it all in order to improve and without hindrance, without adversely contaminate one another "(Friar 2006). Friar (2006) considers this as a super-principle of training in football. The principle of specificity of the PT periodicao tactic, according to Guilherme Oliveira (1991) should create tactical situations that the team play order, impicando players in the development of all sizes through the game model adopted. To Frade (2002), which determines the specificity is the model of team play and this has its peculiarities according to each context. Rocha (2003) states that requires a specific adaptation coming from specific exercises in a certain way of playing. In this context, we must understand that every play requires its unique specificity, that is, there are several special features. This concept of specificity refers to you the idea that the planned exercises should be based on the structure of team play, as playing on the team (Teodorescu, 1977). Thus, it is clear that every moment of the process will be contextualized by playing for the team we want, even in small early game should promote common language, the team that the game should aspire (GOMES, 2006). According to Guilherme Oliveira (2009), the Tactical Periodization, only considers something specific, if related to the game model created. According to the author, its operation should take various dimensions / scales: collective, intersectoral, sectoral and individual. In addition, compliance with the principle of specificity of the Tactical Periodization is only hitting during the entire training: the players maintain a high level of concentration during exercise, the trainer acted properly and in advance before the exercise and the players understand the goals and the purposes of the exercise (Guilherme Oliveira, 2009). Friar (2006) summarizes by stating that more than transmitting ideas, training is essential to make players experience their ideas. Vivenciao The ideas of the coach can only be achieved by creating training situations that enable them to perform countless times a given action. 3.3. Principle of alternating horizontal specificity According to Gomes (2006), this principle recognizes that the operation of playing demands effort and is therefore specific consequences. In designing the same author, it is essential that the management process based on a relationshiprecovery performance to allow better adaptability of the players. Tamarit (2007) confirms this rule by stating that this principle is in charge of regulating the relationship between effort and recovery. For the players relate to quality, have a positive performance is necessary to develop levels of play for the organization, ie, varying the complexity of the play throughout the week. Thus, there is no overlap within the same because you want to play, behavioral acquisitions are another record, according to the complexity of the game (GOMES, 2006). This precept, it is necessary to obey an alternating horizontal level of the type of dominant contraction, according to variables such as tension, speed and duration of muscle contraction (Tamarit, 2007). It can be seen well through the operationalization of this approach that focuses on certain aspects of the play taking into account the requirements that each "dimension" entails. Thus, throughout the week develops different scales of organization (GOMES, 2006). The switch has to be horizontal and not vertical to escape the overtraining (a one day thing, another day another thing and not a little of everything in each day) - to switch in the same workout does

not give much result. Below in figures (4 and 5), Arosa (2006) propose an example:

Figure 4 . Dimensions of the effort - two weekly games

Figure 5 . Dimensions of the effort - three games per week

3.4. Principle of complex progression This principle can be characterized as the reduction of complexity to the game model, principles and experiencing subprinciples (Tamarit, 2007). Thus we seek to "mount" and "dismantle" the principles and subprinciples and rank them in the Weekly Standard and standards throughout the week, depending on the evolution of the team (Guilherme Oliveira, 2009). Progress must be made in accordance with acquisition strategies for much less. To Frade (2001), the principles articulated with each other, but there are major principles and secondary on each day of the week, and each exercise performed. Over the standard weekly training information is transmitted to the players who want to turn into purchases of habits and patterns of play. Given this complexity of information transmitted should be progressively increased, that is, for example, specific strategy for the game of the week-end, information should be forwarded initially to general macro-tactical structure so as to give a global and comprehensive of what is intended. After a vivenciao this type of information is asked to go to the trainer giving detailed information to increasing their their demanding criteria, to the micro-tactical details, for players to reach the desired performance. 3.5. Principle of propensities According to Oliveira (2009) this principle is defined as the density of principles, principles and sub-sub of subprinciples who want to train. According Tamarit (2007), the principle consists in the propensity to bring up a lot of times what we want our players to acquire, thus causing the systematic repetition. Friar (2006) believes that a certain behavior occurs 10, 20 times in training, even more than in the game, that's what leads me to greater facilitation in terms of assimilation. According to Oliveira (2003) the systematic repetition gives athletes a real understanding of certain principles and standards set by implementers of team play. In this context it should be emphasized in some ways that the coach wants the team to appear in the game, conditioning players to consistently repeat the desired behavior.

3.6. Sub-principle of intensity and focus decision-making The great "conquest" of PT over other training methods is related to the type of stimuli to which players are subjected during the standard weekly training. Issues regarding training intensity are essential for anyone wishing to apply this methodology because this concept is inherent not only matters of the physiological but more importantly, intensity of concentration and constant competitive pressure. A very easy to realize relates to the marking of a penalty, for example, this is an exercise or game play that in terms of physiological intensity is almost negligible but is an action that leads to a very high emotional charge and large intensity to the central nervous system. What it does is that irrespective of the cause or not high energy expenditure, it is capable of causing the players a competitive pressure as close as possible to the competitive reality. We must understand that the concentration also trains and can be a decisive factor at the highest level up because central fatigue is a major problem with the football, a tactic known as fatigue (Carvalhal 2003) and is characterized by the inability of players to concentrate and dosearem effort resulting in loss of rapport in game situation. To Carvalhal (2003) imposes on the level of training a reversal of the binomial-volume intensity, the intensity is who "runs", and the volume should be managed during the micro cycle as the sum of fractions of maximum intensity (volume of quality) According to the adopted form of the game. We can build a surprisingly intense exercise physiologically but within what are the demands of our game model adds nothing which for us means zero in terms of intensity in PT ... So the intensity from the need to create the dynamic play of the team (Carvalhal , 2002) Carvalhal (2003) states that the training based on maximum flashes according to the game model adopted, will create the habit of getting tired in the body to perform this kind of effort, but also because of this effort to recover more quickly. 3.7. Sub-principles of guided discovery The process of transmitting information in football, in the case of a complex system of interaction between rational beings with different emotions and thoughts should function beyond the simple process of transmission / assimilation of content. The process will be much more accurate the greater the direct interaction between the players. Mourinho (2002) describes the process of training when passing through Barcelona stating that "players at this level do not accept them and said the only authority who says it. You have to prove to them that we're right. The old story mister always be right is not applicable here. (...) The tactical work that I promote is not a work in which one side is the transmitter and the receiver on the other. I call it guided discovery, ie, the second they discover my tracks. Construction training situations to take them for a certain way. They start to feel it, talk, discuss and reach conclusions. But for this, and I need to train the players have their own opinions. Often the training stopped and asked them what they felt at any given time. Answer me, for example, that the defense felt far right of the central defense. Ok, let's bring the two defenses and see how it works. And we experimented, one, two, three times, until they ask again how they felt. All was well until, together, reach a conclusion. That's what I call guided discovery. " The success of this issue is the fact that players arrive at the conclusions that we want them to arrive, so it is said to guided discovery, because it will be directed in a direction that is the one that suits us best for us coaches and the team in particular. The job of a coach ultimately will always ensure that your team is autonomous and able to respond properly to the challenges they arise throughout the competition and this is achieved by taking players and a team capable of "thinking game" and giving them the freedom to always play within the principles defined freely make choices that consider more correct in relation to situations. With the guided discovery, aims to create smart players and critics, conditioning them to discover their own actions, thoughts and feelings the best way to get to the final outcome (team play). Thus, the daily work should excel by giving clues and no answers, answering questions with other questions, forcing players to think for themselves and reach the conclusions we want to give them more than "give a fish, we teach them to fish ... "! 3.8. Sub-principle of leadership On the subject of leadership could be written several theses it is probably one of the most sensitive issues for those who command a group or team as it is dependent on a number of variables difficult to control as a personality, way of being and of each one, etc.. Despite this, very briefly, in our view, we should function in PT implementing what we call a "democratic dictatorship", ie being able to follow our work plan and its guidelines strictly but always giving the idea that all are a fundamental part in the unfolding of it. For Goleman et al. (2002), the central goal of liderena is to generate and share positive feelings among all. Thus, the leader must be in harmony with their followers, influencing and motivating them in all areas of training / playing. The same must have the ability to make their personal decisions are seen or understood by the players as a decision of all and lead them in the direction you want more, for this is crucial to demonstrate technical competence and be a part actively as ever experienced procurement principles of play.

After the definition of the pillars of the PT, we set out below some "mistakes" committed by methodologists who claim to use some precepts of the PT.

1. There are still many mistakes in the introduction and conceptualization of the term "game model" indeed this is defined as being "so much" that is difficult to understand its real meaning. The truth is that the game model so general it is simply a draft collective organization of the game, which must be perfectly clear to all stakeholders in the process of game (coach and players) involving all that we can consider as important to play a certain way and / or style. The truth is that there are no clear idea of organizing this game is difficult if not impossible to apply the PT as it is only truly effective if implemented with objectives of introducing gambling habits and behavior standardized. 2. Usually the lesson plans are detailed and some are not built with the branches needed to cover all the basics essential to build the game from the team. The experience from the world of football leads us to affirm that there is little technical teams to effectively define, for example, specific targets by position, sector, hall, etc.. ... In every one of their microcycles, training sessions and exercises. Is important to be clearly defined and ambitious goals and programmed for each specific point in the game because it is impossible to go one way if we do not know how and where we want to ... 3. One of the main problems in training and scientific research is based on the influence of feedback from the coach in training, why it matters and how they influence the performance of the players and the team. This is certainly an aspect that seems essential in the application of PT for the fact that the main emphasis of the training be based on the tactical dimension leads to the "usual" feedback from emotional and psychological order simply can not be considered a solution to qb the resolution of the problems in training. It is required of one who leads the training meticulous observation of individual and collective behavior and correct their constant correction, as well as the appreciation of the behaviors seen as central to the construction process of a particular game. It is very important for a player to have information on the spot or will post about the correctness of its actions in the game, because only with this information it can correct / optimize behavior. The feedback from the coach must be objective and have a clear meaning to all players based on experience and training experiences. Usually it is considered that "a picture is worth a thousand words" however, the role of a coach who use PT as a method of work will have to be "making a thousand images word means" for the player and this can only be constructed with specific intervention and constant during the training process. (For example, a player to hear the feedback "containment" should quickly assume a posture and interpretation of game they must have been previously exercised, and passed again and again during training, the one word he should involve a series of moments of game and practice that should serve as a guideline for action before that particular situation). The truth is that without this kind of attitude and way of being in training becomes difficult to obtain results with this methodology. 4. One of the hardest tasks any manager has is to standardize and properly schedule the necessary steps to obtain certain individual and collective behavior. Any habit of game just comes up with an intense exercise and a proper introduction to organizational processes within the team game. All of us coaches, we are tempted to introduce new processes in our collective way of playing however many times have we been able to avoid the harmful effects that these may trigger new processes on the quality of play of our team. To minimize the risks is important that the processes of the game are introduced gradually and consistently to avoid precipitation. The temptation to move quickly to the demands and complexity of the behaviors sometimes prevents their assimilation and correct errors in existing databases it becomes more difficult. (According to conventional wisdom "that comes Pau neck straightens crooked or later"). In order to achieve a good defensive organization and method of play based on a zone defense is

key in a first stage the players can master the principles correctly defensive basic individual and collective, for example. 5. One of the biggest risks of using PT as a method of guiding the process of training is usually in facilitating that "corrupts" either technical or players at certain times of the day. PT requires it complies with the principle of specificity in training coupled with the principle of propensities, ie the creation of exercises that "lead" players to certain behaviors and which provide that the players are often placed in situations that require them to perform desired behaviors. The aim is that in a short time a player is faced with the "obligation" to solve a specific game situation, only the correctly oriented and systematic repetition allows the correct understanding of the desired behavior. The truth is that PT is not well understood and sometimes falls on the frequent use of disproportionate educational objectives set and without a coherent orientation. The frequent use of play or "forms of gambling" is one of the fundamental principles of PT though this principle has been subverted and used as an exercise that has nothing specific and serves only as an exercise almost anarchic or worse as a way to keep players' entertained to play football. " 6. PT-interaction based on an integration of all aspects of the game dragged on the basis of tactical objectives in nature, ie, according to a previously defined objective exercise can (indeed should) be formatted through the manipulation of their structural components order to be also achieved the objectives for the sub-dominant exercise, ie, imagining a simple example where we want to work a defensive coverage; define an exercise with a certain complexity, time and space to achieve objectives for the size physical, psychological and technical but always subverted the 1st goal is always to complete the defensive cover. The truth is that this logic has been reversed and reduced use of games is done almost always due to purely physiological parameters with an excessive concern with training intensities and times of a plan exercitao leaving very little relevance to tactical dimension to the second EN should always be the defining orientation training. From this stems in many cases the failure in using this training methodology because in many cases can not achieve any of the objectives for the exercise turns out to not be specific to anything that pretenderamos achieve. 7. The fact that PT assume a constant intervention of the coach in terms of tactical objectives and frequent adjustments of positions and ways of being leads, at various times, the differences of opinion with the players because while the coach must at all times consider the best to the collective (which often does not mean the best for each player) player has a tendency to individualize success criteria. The sensitivity of the players on tactical aspects is greater than for other dimensions of the game and corrections are always a source of "disagreement" before acquired habits and experiences of past success. The coach will have to demonstrate, at all times, technical competence for the player even having doubts follow his instructions. For example one side that all life has done successfully marking individual will feel reluctant to dial an area that will be your coach wishes to implement, but is part of the coach's job to be able to argue and demonstrate through training exercises that new behaviors and habits of game are those that matter most to the collective and are performed with a logic that goes far beyond what is the welfare of each player. Not getting the trainer to create vehicles of communication with the players you will be called into question several times to his authority as leader. The competence and expertise of the coach will have to be proven every day, every practice, every workout is ... it difficult to survive solely on the basis of charisma and leadership skills because the quality of psychological intervention in the training and the game will be in the final instance to be a decisive leader and not just a boss. 8. The constant introduction of "game" as a form of training can be very motivating initially, over time, become a problem for the control of the training as often there is a certain stagnation of the process of training and it becomes monotonous and predictable. So it is important that the complexity of the exercises being reinforced go / changed over the course of training sessions. The game is also "dangerous" because it causes the players a great fatigue to the central nervous system and the "intensity" training and stimuli to which we must address must be weighed in advance. The central nervous system fatigue is a major concern of the PT and complexity of stimuli incorrectly can be disastrous for the team. One strategy commonly used to avoid this "burnout" is the introduction of several breaks in the training session and reducing their length of time it is not important how long the session lasts but the numbers of high intensity stimuli concentration to which the players were subject. 9. A mind-set and that urgent change is that there are exercises to train ideal behavior of a given game, the truth is that there are exercises better or worse, the training goal should always be determined by reference to principles of play and not the proper execution of the exercise itself. Often exercise is an exercise obsessively until this takes place seamlessly losing the notion that it is important that the principles of game that will magnify it should be the main focus of coaching. PT does not exercise but want to train early game, that is, both the same exercise can be directed to different principles of play as different exercises can be directed to the same conduct or gambling habit. It's about the ultimate objectives are clearly identified and regardless of the way to get there being hit by all. There is often a temptation to copy without exercise can truly understand what are the objectives behind its implementation and this is a road that rarely leads to success. 10. Like any other educational process must be defined parameters for evaluating the work and training according to

certain logical control of variables is facilitated, not so with the use of PT. Methodologies that focus on physical aspects there are a series of control tests, training for establishing scientifically tested "formula" for success and have a clear idea of the quality of the training process. The easiest formula for evaluating a football team is simple: RESULTS ... However that does not always win everything is going well or when you lose everything goes wrong, such as the training process must be assessable according to other parameters of evolution allow us to have data concerning the development process. This assessment process should be performed due to the acquisition of certain habits or not individual game, inter-sectoral, sectoral and collective. This will always be a way of evaluating a subject subjectivity and empirical evaluation, but a team of ten stimuli of a certain nature runs eight times in a standardized way will certainly be a team which shows the evolution of work and process. It will also require an assessment on the basis of quality not just quantity of shares resolved by the team and control this type of training is often neglected in terms of goals or short-term result. The simplistic analysis of the training process hinders the diagnosis of key problems and correct evolution of the same. 4. Final Thoughts Transcend standards instituted in our society is an inevitable battle that will have to fight constantly, especially in the world in football, where outdated ideas stuck in old paradigms still confused and incoherent are present in the process of ensino-aprendizagem/treino. This precept, we seek through presentre article demonstrated the new trend Tactical Periodization training, establishing their very foundations and confirming that it has nothing to do with integration of factors, small games that target only evolve physically and anarchic games (nude). Thus, we believe that the discovery and understanding of PT allows us to be really specific and working according to our own beliefs and ideas, conditioned athletes to be ready "whole" want to play it. As we know, designing a training absolutely right and there will never be consistent. There are, surely, many ways to reach the desired goal, it is up to each professional look that best fits their reality and their knowledge of the game and training. There are no recipes, just the day-to-day and the evolution of inter-relationships established will give us the answers we seek to success. References Aroso, J. (2006). Periodization of training in football. Background paper Colloquium - Training in Soccer Brito, J. (2003). Background paper to the discipline of Option II - Football , UTAD, Vila Real. Unpublished Carvalhal, C. (2003). " Periodization tactics. The coherence between exercise training and game model adopted . " Document technical support of the II Conference football UTAD Castle, J. (2000). Training continues. The football coach. Exercise training in football. School of Rio Maior sport. IPS. Castle, J. et al. (2000). " Methodology of Sports Training ", published by FMH, 3rd edition Lisbon Faria, R. (2003). Interview with Rui Faria. in Fernandes, V. (2003): Implementation of the model of play: The reason for adaptability with emotion. Monograph degree. FCDEF-UP, Porto Fernandes, V. (2003). Implementation of the model of play: The reason adaptability with emotion . Monograph degree. FCDEF-UP, Porto. Ferreira, J. (2006). Jesualdo Ferreira in Interview magazine Record Dec, Saturday May 13. No. 106. Friar (2006) Interview with Vtor Frade in OLIVEIRA, R. (2006). " Changes to the game model (?): The estratgica aspect of the game - scouting (observation and analysis of opponents) and their influence in planning a football game , "Monograph end of Lic. in Physical Education and Sport. UTAD, Vila Real. Frade, V. (2000). Notes of the course, I discipline methodology, option football. FCDEF-UP, Porto. Unpublished. Frade, V. (2002). Notes of the course, discipline methodology II, option football. FCDEF-UP, Porto. Unpublished. Frade, V. (2003). Interview with Vtor Frade. In Martin, F. (2003): The second tactical periodization Vtor Frade. More than a concept, a way of being and think football: Monograph degree: FCDEF-UP, Porto Garganta, J. (2001). "Soccer and science. Science and football. " In - digital magazine , Buenos Aires Garganta, J. (2007). Modeling in Tactical Sports Games: The Desirable Complicity between research, training and competition. First International Congress on Sports Games. FADEUP. Garganta, J., Maia, J. and Marques, A. (1996). About the investigation of the factors of performance in football. So Paulo Journal of Physical Education . So Paulo, 10 (2), 146-158.

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