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Message From the School Head Honourable Parents, Guardians and Students: Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh It is a pleasure

to welcome you to the Knowledge House School System. The teachers and staff join us saying how happy we are to have you as part of the Knowledge House family. We are looking forward to a successful and satisfying year for both you and your child, Insha Allah. We are using this handbook as one means of communication between the home and school. There are many policies, regulations, and services discussed in these pages. Please, read and keep this handbook available throughout the year. Many of your questions have been anticipated and are discussed in some detail; however, we are always available to clarify any school-matter. Close cooperation between the home and school is essential to promote the best interests of your child. Parents are encouraged to visit the school and to attend the scheduled Parents-Teacher Conferences. Should you or your child have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact your childs teacher immediately. Mutual benefits increase when there is a meaningful exchange of information between home and school. Our message for students is to encourage you to make the most of your school year. Your teachers are here to guide and assist in your studies, but you must want to learn. You must be willing to cooperate and make the necessary efforts to help your teachers help you. Our message for parents is to assist your children in developing self-realization, responsibility skills and knowledge that will enable them to be useful and contributing members of school community today and the community at large tomorrow. Success depends to a great extent upon parents and teachers working together. Please, become familiar with the contents of these pages for the best interests of your children. It is our hope that this handbook will be helpful to you and that it will promote that understanding.

Wassalamu Alykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Farhat Imran Cheema Head Mistress

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