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mySAP Supply Chain Management
Training Center
Education Website
Instructor Handbook
Course Version: 2003 Q1
Course Duration: 5 Day(s)
Material Number: 50063203
Owner: Richard Zanghi (i011306)
An SAP Ccnpass ccursc - usc i| |c |carn. rcfcrcncc i| fcr ucr|
Copviighl 2OO2 SAI AC. AII iighls ieseived.
No pail of lhis pulIicalion nav le iepioduced oi liansnilled in anv foin oi foi anv
puipose vilhoul lhe expiess peinission of SAI AC. The infoinalion conlained heiein nav
le changed vilhoul piioi nolice.
Sone soflvaie pioducls naikeled lv SAI AC and ils disliilulois conlain piopiielaiv
soflvaie conponenls of olhei soflvaie vendois.
- Miciosofl


, NT


, Woid

, IoveiIoinl

and SOL Seivei

iegisleied liadenaiks of Miciosofl Coipoialion.
- IM

, D2

, OS/2

, D2/6OOO

, IaiaIIeI SvspIex





, AS/4OO

, OS/39O

, and OS/4OO

aie iegisleied liadenaiks of IM


is a iegisleied liadenaik of ORACLL Coipoialion.


-OnLine foi SAI and INIORMIX

Dvnanic SeiveiTM aie iegisleied

liadenaiks of Infoinix Soflvaie Incoipoialed.

, X/Open

, OSI/1

, and Molif

aie iegisleied liadenaiks of lhe Open Cioup.

- Ciliix

, lhe Ciliix Iogo, ICA

, Iiogian Neighloihood

, MelaIiane

, WinIiane


, MuIliWin

and olhei Ciliix pioducl nanes iefeienced heiein aie

liadenaiks of Ciliix Svslens, Inc.
- HTML, DHTML, XML, XHTML aie liadenaiks oi iegisleied liadenaiks of W3C

WoiId Wide Wel Consoiliun, Massachusells Inslilule of TechnoIogv.

is a iegisleied liadenaik of Sun Miciosvslens, Inc.


is a iegisleied liadenaik of Sun Miciosvslens, Inc., used undei

Iicense foi lechnoIogv invenled and inpIenenled lv Nelscape.
- SAI, SAI Logo, R/2, RIVA, R/3, SAI AichiveLink, SAI usiness WoikfIov,
WelIIov, SAI LaiIvWalch, AII, SAIIHIRL, Managenenl Cockpil, nvSAI.con
Logo and nvSAI.con aie liadenaiks oi iegisleied liadenaiks of SAI AC in
Ceinanv and in seveiaI olhei counliies aII ovei lhe voiId. AII olhei pioducls
nenlioned aie liadenaiks oi iegisleied liadenaiks of lheii iespeclive conpanies.
About this Handbook
This handlook is inlended lo conpIenenl lhe insliucloi-Ied piesenlalion
of lhis couise, and seive as a souice of iefeience. Il is nol suilalIe foi
Typographic Conventions
The foIIoving lvpogiaphic convenlions aie used in lhis guide.
Tvc 5tv!c DcscrItInn
|xanp|c |cx| Woids oi chaiacleis lhal appeai on lhe scieen.
These incIude fieId nanes, scieen lilIes,
pushlullons as veII as nenu nanes, palhs, and
AIso used foi cioss-iefeiences lo olhei
docunenlalion lolh inleinaI (in lhis
docunenlalion) and exleinaI (in olhei Iocalions,
such as SAINel).
Exam!c tcxt Lnphasized voids oi phiases in lodv lexl, lilIes
of giaphics, and lalIes
LXAMILL TLXT Nanes of eIenenls in lhe svslen. These incIude
iepoil nanes, piogian nanes, liansaclion codes,
lalIe nanes, and individuaI kev voids of a
piogianning Ianguage, vhen suiiounded lv
lodv lexl, foi exanpIe SLLLCT and INCLUDL.
Example text Scieen oulpul. This incIudes fiIe and diiecloiv
nanes and lheii palhs, nessages, nanes of
vaiialIes and paianeleis, and passages of lhe
souice lexl of a piogian.
Example text Lxacl usei enliv. These aie voids and chaiacleis
lhal vou enlei in lhe svslen exaclIv as lhev
appeai in lhe docunenlalion.
<Example text> VaiialIe usei enliv. Ioinled liackels indicale
lhal vou iepIace lhese voids and chaiacleis vilh
appiopiiale enliies.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. iii
About this Handbook SCM605
Icons in Body Text
The foIIoving icons aie used in lhis handlook.
Icnn McanIng
Ioi noie infoinalion, lips, oi lackgiound
Nole oi fuilhei expIanalion of pievious poinl
Lxceplion oi caulion
Indicales lhal lhe ilen is dispIaved in lhe
insliuclois piesenlalion.
iv 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Course Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Course Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii
Course Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Unit 1: Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Basics of a Sales Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution. . . . . . . . . . 33
Organizational Units in the Sales Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Entering Sales Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Processing Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document
Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Functions and Customizing of the Sales Document type. . . . . . .127
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category 159
Functions and Customizing of tem Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Bills of Material (BOMs) in the Sales Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line
Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Functions and Customizing of Schedule Line Categories. . . . . .209
Unit 7: Data FIow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Understanding Document Flow and Completion Status . . . . . . . .239
Copy Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Special Business Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283
Consignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296
Unit 9: IncompIetion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Working with and Customizing the ncompletion Log . . . . . . . . . . .321
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. v
Contents SCM605
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination. . . . . . . . 349
Business Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351
Partner Determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Basics of Outline Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Value Contracts and Partners Authorized to Release. . . . . . . . . . .419
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Material Determination, Listings, and Exclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .463
Unit 13: Free Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Working with and Customizing Free Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Sales to Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529
Bills of Material (BOMs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555
Material Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .593
Appendix 1: Reference MateriaIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
vi 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Course Overview
This couise viII piovide vou vilh lhe necessaiv knovIedge foi conlioIIing
saIes docunenls in SAI R/3. AddilionaIIv, il piovides infoinalion aloul
lhe nosl inpoilanl funclions lhal affecl saIes docunenl piocessing and
hov lo sinpIifv saIes oidei piocessing. You viII le alIe lo desciile aII lhe
aspecls of lhe lusiness piocess conceined vilh saIes and inpIenenl lhen
in SAI R/3. Duiing lhe couise, vou viII sel up and use funclions such
as pioducl seIeclion, Iisling/excIusion, and fiee goods. IinaIIv, vou viII
le alIe lo configuie lhe cuslonizing sellings needed lo inpIenenl voui
conpanvs saIes and disliilulion needs. The Iasl dav has leen designed
lo exlend lhe ideas coveied in lhe nain unils lv pioviding vou vilh lhe
chance lo use vhal vou Ieained in lhe conlexl of delaiIed exeicises lhal aie
specificaIIv oiienled lo lusiness piocesses. DelaiIed desciiplions of lhe
piocesses in lhe exeicises and soIulions viII piovide vou vilh a looI lhal
can heIp vhen inpIenenling voui ovn piocesses in SAI R/3.
Target Audience
This couise is inlended foi lhe foIIoving audiences:
- Iiojecl lean nenleis vho aie iesponsilIe foi inpIenenling SAI
SaIes and Disliilulion
- SAI consuIlanls
Course Prerequisites
Required KnowIedge
- SCM6OO - Iiocesses in SaIes and Disliilulion
- asic undeislanding of oidei piocessing and saIes and disliilulion in
lhe lusiness voiId
Recommended KnowIedge
- SAIO1 - SAI Oveiviev
- asic navigalion in SAI R/3
Course Duration DetaiIs
UnIt 1:
asics of a SaIes Tiansaclion 6O ninules
UnIt 2: EntcrrIsc 5tructurc In 5a!cs and DIstrIbutInn
OiganizalionaI Unils in lhe SaIes Iiocess 9O ninules
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. vii
Course Overview SCM605
UnIt 3: 5a!cs Ordcr PrnccssIng
Lnleiing SaIes Oideis 1 houis
Iiocessing SaIes Oideis 45 ninules
UnIt 4: Cnntrn!!Ing 5a!cs Dncumcnts wIth 5a!cs Dncumcnt Tvcs
Iunclions and Cuslonizing of lhe SaIes Docunenl
lvpe 1O5 ninules
UnIt 5: Cnntrn!!Ing 5a!cs Dncumcnts wIth thc Itcm Catcgnrv
Iunclions and Cuslonizing of Ilen Calegoiies 1 houis
iIIs of MaleiiaI (OMs) in lhe SaIes Docunenl 2O ninules
UnIt 6: Cnntrn!!Ing 5a!cs Dncumcnts wIth 5chcdu!c LInc CatcgnrIcs
Iunclions and Cuslonizing of ScheduIe Line
Calegoiies 1 houis
UnIt 7: Data F!nw
Undeislanding Docunenl IIov and ConpIelion
Slalus 15 ninules
Copv ConlioI 1 houis
UnIt 8: 5ccIa! BusIncss TransactInns
SpeciaI usiness Tiansaclions 3O ninules
Consignnenls 3O ninules
UnIt 9: Incnm!ctInn
Woiking vilh and Cuslonizing lhe InconpIelion
Log 45 ninules
UnIt 10: BusIncss Partncrs and Partncr DctcrmInatInn
usiness Iailneis 3O ninules
Iailnei Deleininalion 45 ninules
UnIt 11: Out!Inc Agrccmcnts
asics of OulIine Agieenenls 1 houis
VaIue Conliacls and Iailneis Aulhoiized lo ReIease 8O ninules
UnIt 12: MatcrIa! DctcrmInatInn
MaleiiaI Deleininalion, Lislings, and LxcIusions 6O ninules
UnIt 13: Frcc Gnnds
Woiking vilh and Cuslonizing Iiee Coods 1 houis
UnIt 14: 5a!cs 5ccnarIns
SaIes lo LnpIovees 2 houis
iIIs of MaleiiaI (OMs) 2 houis
MaleiiaI Deleininalion 2 houis
viii 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Course Overview
Course GoaIs
This couise viII piepaie vou lo:
- Desciile lhe saIes piocess in lhe SaIes and Disliilulion appIicalion
noduIe in SAI R/3
- Cain lhe knovIedge needed lo sel up and use lhese piocesses
- Adjusl lhe svslen lo neel voui specific iequiienenls in saIes
Course Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis couise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Inlegiale saIes in lhe SaIes and Disliilulion piocess
- Configuie SAI R/3 SD so lhal il iepiesenls voui specific saIes
- Iind and use HeIp vilhin lhe svslen
SAP Software Component Information
The infoinalion in lhis couise peilains lo lhe foIIoving SAI Soflvaie
Conponenls and ieIeases:
SCM6O5 piovides lhe pailicipanls vilh lhe necessaiv knovIedge
foi conlioIIing saIes docunenls in lhe R/3 Svslen. Il aIso piovides
infoinalion aloul lhe nosl inpoilanl funclions lhal affecl saIes docunenl
piocessing and consideialIv sinpZifv saIes oidei piocessing. Al lhe
concIusion of lhe couise, lhe pailicipanls shouId le alIe lo desciile aII
lhe aspecls of lhe lusiness piocess conceined vilh saIes and inpIenenl
lhen in lhe R/3 Svslen. Thev shouId aIso le alIe lo use and sel up
funclions such as pioducl seIeclion, Iisling/excIusion oi fiee goods.
IinaIIv, lhev shouId le alIe lo configuie lhe cuslonizing sellings needed
lo inpIenenl lheii conpanvs needs in SaIes. The Iasl dav (pieviousIv
LO6O6 SaIes Woikshop) has leen designed lo exlend lhe ideas coveied in
lhe nain unils of SCM6O5. Il piovides lhe pailicipanls vilh lhe chance lo
use vhal lhev Ieained in delaiIed exeicises, lhal aie specificaIIv oiienled
lo lusiness piocesses. Tvo lo lhiee houis have leen aIIocaled foi each
exeicise. DelaiIed desciiplions of lhe piocesses in lhe exeicises and
soIulions piovide lhe pailicipanls vilh a looI lhal can heIp lhen vhen
inpIenenling lheii ovn piocesses in lhe R/3 Svslen.
The Iasl dav, vhich nav le slailed on lhe fouilh dav, conlains 4 case
sludies: 1.) SaIes lo LnpIovees, 2.) MaleiiaI Deleininalion, and 3.) iIIs
of MaleiiaI.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. ix
Course Overview SCM605
The fiisl lhiee case sludies aie aiianged Iike sepaiale chapleis al lhe end of
lhe couise. You can slail al lhe end of dav foui (lhe SaIes lo LnpIovees
case sludv shouId le usefuI foi lhal) and conlinue on dav 5. The fouilh
case sludv Seivice Oidei is designed as exlia and is found al lhe end of
lhe SuppIenenlaI MaleiiaIs unil. Il is lhe nosl conpIex case sludv and
incIudes suljecls nol coveied in lhis cIass, foi exanpIe il goes inlo delaiIs
of oulpul conlioI vhich is nol a lopic of SCM6O5. So if lheie aie veiv
expeiienced and fasl pailicipanls in voui cIass vou nighl inlioduce lhis
case sludv lo lhen as sone exlia voik. If vou do nol feeI Iike handIing lhis
case sludv in voui couise - do nol nenlion il. Il is alsoIuleIv oplionaI and
lheie aie no hinls in lhe pailicipanls handlook. You can onIv find il in lhe
appendix. Al lhe leginning of lhe case sludies, inlioduce lhe ieasoning
lehind lhe case sludies lv expIaining lolh lhe lusiness piocess and lhe
aclivilies lhal have leen ciealed foi each case sludv. The pailicipanls lhen
decide vhich of lhe lhiee (foui) case sludies lhev vouId Iike lo voik on oi
even do aII of lhen if line aIIovs. The pailicipanls lhenseIves can decide
vhich scenaiios lo foIIov and in vhich sequence.
You nav aIso decide lo lieak lhe cIass inlo gioups foi lhe case sludies and
have each gioup voik on one case sludv and lhen nake a piesenlalion lo
lhe iesl of lhe pailicipanls. AIleinaliveIv, vou couId lieak lhe cIass inlo
gioups foi lhe case sludies and have gioup voik on aII lhiee (oi foui).
CautInn: The inlioduclion lo aII case sludies shouId le done al lhe
slail and Iasl no Iongei lhan one houi.
x 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 1
1 Introduction
To inlioduce saIes piocessing, vou shouId oulIine a lvpicaI saIes piocess: a
cuslonei nakes a leIephone inquiiv and lhis is changed lo a quolalion.
The cuslonei accepls lhe quolalion and oideis lhe pioducl vhich is
lhen enleied as a saIes docunenl. An oidei confiinalion is senl lo lhe
cuslonei. The goods in lhe oidei aie picked, deIiveied and posled lo
goods issue lefoie leing liIIed. The vhoIe piocess can le noniloied in
lhe docunenl fIov.
Unit Overview
This unil desciiles a lvpicaI saIes and disliilulion piocess, focusing in
pailicuIai on lhe saIes aclivilies.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Desciile lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- LxpIain hov saIes Iinks inlo lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- Desciile lhe sliucluie of a saIes docunenl
- Denonsliale hov lo Iocale infoinalion sloied in lhe saIes docunenl
Unit Contents
Lesson: Basics of a Sales Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Demonstration: Enter an nquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Procedure: Enter an nquiry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Demonstration: Create Quotation with Reference to nquiry . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Procedure: Create Quotation with Reference to nquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Demonstration: Create Order with Reference to Quotation. . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Procedure: Create Order with Reference to Quotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Demonstration: Deliver Order (using subsequent functions) . . . . . . . . . . 12
Demonstration: Pick Delivery and Post Goods ssue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 1
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Procedure: Pick Delivery and Post Goods ssue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Demonstration: Billing a Sales Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Procedure: Billing a Sales Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Demonstration: Demonstrate and explain the document flow and status
overview screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Procedure: Display the Document Flow and Status Overview
Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Exercise 1: Basics of a Sales Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Lesson Duialion: 6O ninules
Lesson Overview
This Iesson desciiles a lvpicaI saIes and disliilulion piocess, focusing
in pailicuIai on lhe saIes aclivilies.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Desciile lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- LxpIain hov saIes Iinks inlo lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- Desciile lhe sliucluie of a saIes docunenl
- Denonsliale hov lo Iocale infoinalion sloied in lhe saIes docunenl
This Iesson coveis lhe lasics of enleiing saIes docunenls (inquiiies,
quolalions and oideis) and hov lo Iocale infoinalion conlained in lhose
Business ExampIe
In oidei lo inpIenenl SAI R/3 SD in voui conpanv, IDLS, il viII le
necessaiv lo faniIiaiize vouiseIf vilh SD funclionaIilv. The fiisl aiea lo le
ievieved is hov lhe saIes oidei fils inlo lhe oveiaII saIes and disliilulion
Basics of a SaIes Transaction
The saIes oidei docunenl is inlegialed inlo lhe saIes chain. Keep in nind
lhal lhe saIes oidei is lhe cnrc saIes docunenl. Lveiv sulsequenl slep in
lhe saIes piocess uses dala fion lhe saIes oidei docunenl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 3
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Figure 1: Processes in SaIes and Distribution
Lveiv saIes aclivilv lhal vou undeilake in R/3 is iecoided vilh a saIes
You can iepiesenl diffeienl lusiness piocesses in saIes, shipping, and
liIIing vilh specificaIIv designed docunenl lvpes:
- SaIes docunenl lvpes (foi exanpIe, inquiiies, quolalions, oi slandaid
- DeIiveiv lvpes (foi exanpIe, deIiveiies, oi ieluin deIiveiies)
- iIIing docunenl lvpes (foi exanpIe, invoices, ciedil nenos, oi
delil nenos)
Lach docunenl is idenlified vilh a unique docunenl nunlei. Matchcndcs
heIp vou seaich foi docunenls.
Lach docunenl is assigned an oveiaII slalus. The oveiaII slalus depends
on lhe slalus of lhe diffeienl sleps of lhe saIes aclivilv.
Iiovide a liief ieviev of lhe Cuslonei oidei nanagenenl cvcIe,
leginning vilh an inquiiv, and ending vilh liIIing. Denonsliale hov
dala is liansfeiied and hov quanlilies and lhe iefeience slalus aie updaled
. Shov lhal lhe oidei confiinalion is aulonalicaIIv geneialed vhich
concIudes lhe SaIes piocess.
4 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Figure 2: Where Does SaIes Fit Into the SaIes and Distribution Process?
The saIes docunenls vou cieale aie individuaI docunenls, lul lhev can
aIso foin pail of a chain of inleiieIaled docunenls. Ioi exanpIe, vou nav
iecoid a cusloneis leIephone inquiiv in lhe svslen. The cuslonei nexl
iequesls a quolalion, vhich vou lhen cieale lv iefeiiing lo lhe inquiiv.
The cuslonei Ialei pIaces an oidei on lhe lasis of lhe quolalion, and vou
cieale a saIes oidei vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion. You ship lhe goods and
liII lhe cuslonei. Aflei deIiveiv of lhe goods, lhe cuslonei cIains ciedil
foi sone danaged goods and vou cieale a fiee-of-chaige deIiveiv vilh
iefeience lo lhe saIes oidei.
The enliie chain of docunenls - lhe inquiiv, lhe quolalion, lhe saIes oidei,
lhe deIiveiv, lhe invoice, and lhe sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee of chaige -
cieales a docunenl fIov oi hisloiv. The fIov of dala fion one docunenl
inlo anolhei ieduces nanuaI aclivilv and nakes piolIen iesoIulion easiei.
Inquiiv and quolalion nanagenenl in lhe SaIes Infoinalion Svslen (SIS)
heIp vou lo pIan and conlioI voui saIes.
Heie, vou lasicaIIv iepeal lhe conlenls of LO15O. The 'Wheie does saIes
fil. sIide can le used niceIv lo inlioduce lhe conlioI fealuies of nosl
lhings Iisled - lo gel pailicipanls used lo sone of lhe leins lhev viII le
heaiing duiing lhe couise (i.e. 'deleinine piices is conlioIIed lv lhe
piicing pioceduie).
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 5
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Figure 3: SaIes Document Structure
Lach lusiness piocess in lhe R/3 SD is iepiesenled as a docunenl. Ioi
exanpIe, a saIes docunenl is ciealed duiing saIes oidei piocessing.
The saIes docunenl consisls of a docunenl headei and as nanv ilens as
iequiied. Lach ilen can, in luin, conlain as nanv scheduIe Iines as needed.
The docunenl headei conlains geneiaI dala and defauIl vaIues lhal aie
vaIid foi lhe enliie docunenl. Depending on sellings in Cuslonizing,
sone of lhese defauIl vaIues can le nanuaIIv changed al lhe Iine-ilen
The docunenl ilens conlain dala aloul lhe goods and seivices oideied
lv lhe cuslonei. This incIudes naleiiaI nunleis, desciiplions, piices,
and leins of deIiveiv and pavnenl.
Dala foi shipping and piocuienenl is Iocaled in scheduIe Iines. ecause
lhe deIiveiv deadIine and oidei quanlilv aie found in scheduIe Iines, each
Iine ilen vilh deIiveiv iequiienenls nusl conlain al Ieasl one scheduIe
The geneiaI dala lhal is vaIid foi lhe enliie docunenl is iecoided in lhe
docunenl headei. Ioi exanpIe, lhe nunlei of lhe soId-lo pailv, ship-lo
pailv, and pavei, lhe docunenl cuiiencv and exchange iale, lhe piicing
pioceduie, and so on.
Wheieas dala in lhe docunenl headei appIies lo aII ilens in lhe docunenl,
sone dala appIies onIv lo specific ilens. This dala is sloied al ilen IeveI
and incIudes, foi exanpIe, lhe naleiiaI nunlei, lhe laigel quanlilv foi
6 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
oulIine agieenenls, lhe nunlei of lhe ship-lo pailv, lhe pIanl and sloiage
Iocalion specificalions, lhe piicing eIenenls foi lhe individuaI ilens, and
scheduIe Iine dala.
An ilen consisls of one oi noie scheduIe Iines. The scheduIe Iine conlains
aII lhe dala lhal is needed foi a deIiveiv. Ioi exanpIe, a cuslonei oideis
2O unils of a pailicuIai naleiiaI, vhich vou enlei as one ilen in lhe saIes
oidei. You can onIv deIivei 1O pieces nov, lul can deIivei lhe ienaining 1O
pieces nexl nonlh, so vou need lo scheduIe lvo deIiveiies. The dala foi
lhese deIiveiies (dales, confiined quanlilies) aie sloied in lvo sepaiale
scheduIe Iines.
In saIes docunenls vheie deIiveiv dala is nol ieIevanl (foi exanpIe,
conliacls), lhe svslen does nol cieale anv scheduIe Iines. Dala iecoided in
lhe scheduIe Iines incIudes lhe scheduIe Iine quanlilv, deIiveiv dale, and
confiined quanlilv.
Demonstration: Enter an Inquiry
To denonsliale lhe piocess of enleiing an inquiiv lased on a cusloneis
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale inquiiv |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru
2. Use lhe foIIoving paianeleis:
- Inquiiv lvpe: IN
- Cuslonei: 2006
- VaIidilv: 1 month
- MaleiiaI: M-10 (10 units)
- MaleiiaI: M-11(10 units)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 7
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Enter an Inquiry
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru Crca|c.
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Lnlei cuslonei.
5. Lnlei vaIidilv peiiods.
6. Lnlei naleiiaIs and quanlilies.
7. Choose Satc.
When an inquiiv has leen ciealed, il can seive as a souice of infoinalion
foi sulsequenl docunenls, Iike quolalions.
Demonstration: Create Quotation with Reference to
To denonsliale hov lo cieale quolalions vilh iefeience lhe pieceding
docunenl lvpe inquiiv
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale a quolalion vilh iefeience lo lhe fiisl Iine ilen of lhe pieceding
2. Cieale a quolalion vilh nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c
3. Choose lullon Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc
4. Inquiiv nunlei: fion alove denonslialion
5. Choose Sc|cc|icn |is|
6. VaIidilv: Iion lodav lo one nonlh fion lodav
7. DeseIecl Iine ilen lvo
8. Iuichase oidei: ##LO605-QT01
9. Choose Satc
8 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
1O. Cieale a second quolalion vilh nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c
11. Ouolalion lvpe:QT
12. Choose lullon Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc
13. Inquiiv nunlei: fion alove denonslialion
14. Choose Ccpu
Nntc: OnIv lhe second Iine ilen of lhe inquiiv shouId le
15. VaIidilv: Iion lodav lo one nonlh fion lodav
16. Iuichase oidei: ##LO605-QT02
17. Choose Satc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 9
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Create Quotation with Reference to Inquiry
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c.
2. Lnlei Appiopiiale docunenl lvpe.
3. Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
4. Lnlei inquiiv nunlei.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. VaIidilv: Lnlei ta|id frcn and ta|id |c dales.
Nntc: Lnleiing a ta|id frcn dale in lhe pasl viII iesuIl in a
vaining nessage.
7. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
8. Choose Satc.
Inquiiies and quolalions aie nol ievenue-leaiing insliunenls. In oidei
lo geneiale ievenue, inquiiies and quolalions can lolh seive as souice
dala foi lhe saIes oidei.
Demonstration: Create Order with Reference to
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a saIes oidei vilh iefeience lo
lolh quolalions
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Cieale oidei vilh iefeience lo a quolalion using lhe nenu palh:
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
2. Oidei lvpe: OR
3. Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc
4. Lnlei fiisl quolalion nunlei
5. Choose Ccpu
10 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
6. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei: Introduction 1
7. Menu palh: Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc
8. Lnlei second quolalion nunlei
9. Choose Ccpu
1O. Denonsliale lhe oveivievs, lhe headei lals, lhe ilen lals, and lhe
scheduIe Iine lals. Ioinl oul lhe AddilionaI dala A & lals (headei
and ilen) and lhe SaIes A & (ilen).
11. iiefIv poinl oul lalIe conlioI fealuie. Shov lhal vou can ieaiiange
coIunns, and lhal if vou have lhe piopei aulhoiilv, can peinanenlIv
change lhe lalIe foinal and hide fieIds.
12. DispIav oidei confiinalion. Use Iieviev lefoie saving lhe
docunenl (nev as of ReI.4.6). (If necessaiv: Oulpul lvpe: AOO,
LogicaI deslinalion: LIO1).
13. Choose Satc
As vou denonsliale navigalion, sludenls nav ask vou aloul liansaclion
vaiianls - lhal aIIov vou lo Cuslonize lhe fieIds on a scieen, defauIl
vaIues and so on. Thal fealuie is coveied in SCM65O (foineiIv LO65O):
lul if asked, vou nav vanl lo piovide lhis nenu palh as a iefeience: |MG
Gcncra| Sc||ings |ic|d Disp|au Cnarac|cris|ics Ccnfigurc app|ica|icn
|ransac|icn fic|ds
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 11
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Create Order with Reference to Quotation
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
2. Lnlei appiopiiale docunenl lvpe
3. Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
4. Lnlei quolalion nunlei.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
7. Choose Satc.
DeIiveialIe pioducls on saIes oideis nusl le copied onlo a deIiveiv
docunenl as piepaialion foi lhe deIiveiv piocess (deIiveiv ciealion,
picking, and posl goods issue). DeIiveiies can le ciealed in seveiaI vavs.
The foIIoving iIIusliales using sulsequenl funclions vilhin lhe saIes oidei.
Demonstration: DeIiver Order (using subsequent
To denonsliale lhal a saIes oidei can le deIiveied lv using sulsequenl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr
Cnangc Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr
2. Choose Satc.
12 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Demonstration: Pick DeIivery and Post Goods Issue
To denonsliale hov lo pick a deIiveiv using a liansfei oidei and lhen
posl goods issue
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use lhe nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and
Transpcr|a|icn Ou|ocund dc|itcru Cnangc Sing|c dccuncn|
2. Lnlei deIiveiv docunenl nunlei.
3. Choose |n|cr
4. Use nenu palh: Suoscuucn| func|icns Crca|c |ransfcr crdcr
5. Lnlei vaiehouse nunlei: 012 Lean warehouse Dresden.
6. Lnlei Ioiegiound/ackgiound: Background.
7. Lnlei Adopl pick quanlilv: 2 include pick quantities in
delivery and post goods issue
8. Choose|n|cr .
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 13
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Pick DeIivery and Post Goods Issue
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn
Ou|ocund dc|itcru Crca|c Sing|c dccuncn| li|n rcfcrcncc |c
sa|cs crdcr
2. Lnlei lhe shipping poinl and oidei nunlei.
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Iion vilhin lhe deIiveiv docunenl choose Suoscuucn| func|icns
Crca|c |ransfcr crdcr.
5. Lnlei lhe vaiehouse nunlei and deIiveiv docunenl nunlei.
6. Lnlei |crcgrcund/8ac|grcund choice.
7. Lnlei Adcp| pic| uuan|i|u oplion.
8. Choose |n|cr.
9. Choose Satc.
1O. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn Pcs|
Gccds |ssuc Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Sing|c Dccuncn|
11. Lnlei lhe deIiveiv docunenl nunlei.
12. Choose Pcs| Gccds |ssuc.
Once lhe deIiveiv phase is conpIele, lhe svslen iecognizes lhe deIiveiv
docunenl as eIigilIe foi liIIing.
Demonstration: BiIIing a SaIes Order
To denonsliale hov lo liII lhe saIes oidei lv using lhe deIiveiv docunenl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use lhe nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8i||ing
8i||ing dccuncn| Crca|c
2. Lnlei deIiveiv docunenl nunlei.
14 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
3. Choose Satc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 15
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
BiIIing a SaIes Order
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing dccuncn| Crca|c.
2. Lnlei lhe deIiveiv docunenl nunlei.
3. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Demonstrate and expIain the
document fIow and status overview screens
To denonsliale and expIain lhe docunenl fIov and slalus oveiviev
scieens lo shov lhe inlegialion of lhe saIes oidei inlo lhe enliie saIes chain.
The foIIoving desciiles hov lo Iocale lasic slalus infoinalion.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr
2. Lnlei a saIes oidei nunlei
3. Use nenu palh: |ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu oi lhe doc fIov
4. LxpIain lhe liee sliucluie and oveiaII piocessing slalus
5. Choose S|a|us ctcrticu
6. Lxpand liee sliucluie and expIain lhe slalus oveiviev.
16 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
DispIay the Document FIow and Status Overview
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
2. Lnlei lhe saIes oidei nunlei.
3. |ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu oi seIecl lhe dcc f|cu lullon.
4. Choose S|a|us ctcrticu.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 17
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
18 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
13 Exercise 1: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Iind inpoilanl infoinalion in lhe saIes oidei scieens
- Ceneiale a sulsequenl docunenl and dispIav lhe docunenl fIov
Business ExampIe
You aie voiking in lhe oidei enliv depailnenl and ansvei a leIephone
inquiiv aloul a conpulei noniloi. ased on lhis inquiiv, vou check voui
pioducl Iine and cieale a quolalion. Youi cuslonei pIaces an oidei lased
on lhis quolalion.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
Task 1
Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, is inleiesled in oideiing voui naleiiaI T-ATA##.
1. Lnlei an inquiiv docunenl vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-IN01. Youi cuslonei needs 20 unIts and vanls deIiveiv
in foui veeks.
Nntc: When vou enlei lhe inquiiv, ienenlei lo lake lhe
iequesled deIiveiv dale inlo accounl.
2. Lnlei a coiiesponding quolalion vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv (assign
puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT01). Linil lhe vaIidilv of voui
quolalion lo one nonlh.
Nntc: Make suie lo cieale vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv. To do
lhis, choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 19
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
3. Aflei checking lhe quolalion, voui cuslonei decides lo oidei 5 unIts
of lhe pioducl. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lvo veeks fion lodav.
Lnlei lhe slandaid oidei vilh puichase oidei ##LO605-OR01.
Nntc: Make suie lo cieale vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion. To
do lhis, choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
4. Use lhe docunenl fIov fion lhe quolalion lo see an oveiviev of lhis
saIes piocess. Whal is lhe oveiaII piocessing slalus of each docunenl`
5. Aflei checking lhe pioducl, voui cuslonei decides lo oidei lhe
ienaining 15 unIts. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lvo veeks fion
lodav. Cieale anolhei oidei vilh iefeience lo voui quolalion. Il
shouId have puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR02
6. Reviev lhe saIes piocess lv vieving docunenl fIov foi lhe quolalion.
Whal is lhe oveiaII piocessing slalus of each docunenl nov`
Task 2
You vanl lo coIIecl delaiIed infoinalion aloul lhe lusiness liansaclion.
To do lhis, dispIav lhe oidei, liing up docunenl fIov, and fion lheie
navigale inlo diffeienl docunenls as needed.
1. Whal is lhe unil piice of lhe noniloi in one of lhe oideis` MaleiiaI
piice pei unil (IROO).
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
20 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
2. Which of voui saIes offices is iesponsilIe foi lhis saIe`
3. Whal is lhe nane of lhe saIes enpIovee iesponsilIe foi lhe saIe`
4. Which division does voui pioducl leIong lo and vhich naleiiaI
piicing gioup has il leen assigned lo`
5. Which pIanl, shipping poinl and ioule viII le used lo deIivei lhe
6. Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv (Incoleins) and pavnenl foi voui
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 21
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
7. Whal dale has lhe deIiveiv leen confiined foi`
22 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
SoIution 1: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
Task 1
Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, is inleiesled in oideiing voui naleiiaI T-ATA##.
1. Lnlei an inquiiv docunenl vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-IN01. Youi cuslonei needs 20 unIts and vanls deIiveiv
in foui veeks.
Nntc: When vou enlei lhe inquiiv, ienenlei lo lake lhe
iequesled deIiveiv dale inlo accounl.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru Crca|c.
Inquiiv lvpe: IN
Cuslonei: T-S62A##
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-IN01
Req. deIiveiv dale: Four weeks from today
MaleiiaI: T-ATA## (20 units)
l) Choose Satc.
Inquiiv nunlei:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 23
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
2. Lnlei a coiiesponding quolalion vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv (assign
puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT01). Linil lhe vaIidilv of voui
quolalion lo one nonlh.
Nntc: Make suie lo cieale vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv. To do
lhis, choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c.
Ouolalion lvpe: QT
l) Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
Inquiiv nunlei: From the above inquiry
c) Choose Ccpu.
VaIidilv: From today to one month from today
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-QT01
d) Choose Satc .
Ouolalion nunlei:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
24 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
3. Aflei checking lhe quolalion, voui cuslonei decides lo oidei 5 unIts
of lhe pioducl. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lvo veeks fion lodav.
Lnlei lhe slandaid oidei vilh puichase oidei ##LO605-OR01.
Nntc: Make suie lo cieale vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion. To
do lhis, choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Oidei lvpe: OR
l) Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
Ouolalion nunlei: From the above quotation
Requesled deIiveiv dale: Two weeks from today
c) Choose Sc|cc|icn |is|.
Reduce lhe quanlilv lo 5.
d) Choose Ccpu.
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR01
e) Choose Satc.
Oidei nunlei:
4. Use lhe docunenl fIov fion lhe quolalion lo see an oveiviev of lhis
saIes piocess. Whal is lhe oveiaII piocessing slalus of each docunenl`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Disp|au.
l) IiII in lhe quolalion nunlei.
c) Choose Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
Inquiiv: Completed
Ouolalion: Being processed
Oidei: Open
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 25
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
5. Aflei checking lhe pioducl, voui cuslonei decides lo oidei lhe
ienaining 15 unIts. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lvo veeks fion
lodav. Cieale anolhei oidei vilh iefeience lo voui quolalion. Il
shouId have puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR02
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Oidei lvpe: OR
l) Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
Ouolalion nunlei: From the above quotation
Requesled deIiveiv dale: Two weeks from today
c) Choose Ccpu.
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR02
d) Choose Satc.
6. Reviev lhe saIes piocess lv vieving docunenl fIov foi lhe quolalion.
Whal is lhe oveiaII piocessing slalus of each docunenl nov`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Disp|au.
l) Choose Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
Inquiiv: ConpIeled
Ouolalion: ConpIeled
Oidei: Open
Oidei: Open
Task 2
You vanl lo coIIecl delaiIed infoinalion aloul lhe lusiness liansaclion.
To do lhis, dispIav lhe oidei, liing up docunenl fIov, and fion lheie
navigale inlo diffeienl docunenls as needed.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
26 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of a SaIes Transaction
1. Whal is lhe unil piice of lhe noniloi in one of lhe oideis` MaleiiaI
piice pei unil (IROO).
Answcr: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
Choose |n|cr.
SeIecl lhe ilen and choose ||cn ccndi|icns.
Ansvei: 2,299
2. Which of voui saIes offices is iesponsilIe foi lhis saIe`
Answcr: Gc|c Hcadcr Sa|cs.
Look in fieId Sa|cs cfficc.
Ansvei: 1OOO Iiankfuil office
3. Whal is lhe nane of lhe saIes enpIovee iesponsilIe foi lhe saIe`
Answcr: Choose lal page Par|ncrs.
Ansvei: MeIanie Mavei
4. Which division does voui pioducl leIong lo and vhich naleiiaI
piicing gioup has il leen assigned lo`
Answcr: SeIecl lhe ilen on lhe nain oidei scieen
Choose Disp|au ||cn Dc|ai|s.
Choose lal page Sa|cs 8.
Division: O7 High Tech
MaleiiaI piicing gioup: O1 Slandaid pails
5. Which pIanl, shipping poinl and ioule viII le used lo deIivei lhe
Answcr: Choose lal page Snipping.
IIanl: 12OO Diesden
Shipping poinl: 12OO Shipping poinl Diesden
Roule: ROO13O Diesden-Iiankfuil
6. Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv (Incoleins) and pavnenl foi voui
Answcr: Choose lal page 8i||ing.
Incoleins: CRI Mainz
Iavnenl leins: ZO1 14 davs 3, 3O/2, 45 nel
7. Whal dale has lhe deIiveiv leen confiined foi`
Answcr: Choose lal page Scncdu|c |incs.
Confiined deIiveiv dale: Dale of lhe Iine vilh lhe confiined quanlilv
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 27
Unit 1: Introduction SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Desciile lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- LxpIain hov saIes Iinks inlo lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- Desciile lhe sliucluie of a saIes docunenl
- Denonsliale hov lo Iocale infoinalion sloied in lhe saIes docunenl
28 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Desciile lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- LxpIain hov saIes Iinks inlo lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess
- Desciile lhe sliucluie of a saIes docunenl
- Denonsliale hov lo Iocale infoinalion sloied in lhe saIes docunenl
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding lhe oveiaII SaIes and Disliilulion piocess,
ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 29
Unit Summary SCM605
30 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. The saIes docunenl is sliucluied inlo headei headei,
Iine ilens Iine ilens, and scheduIe Iines scheduIe Iines.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. Lisl lvo possilIe pieceding docunenls lo lhe saIes oidei:
inquiiv inquiiv and quolalion quolalion.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving docunenls aie inlegialed inlo lhe cuslonei
oidei nanagenenl cvcIe`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A DeIiveiv docunenl
Tiansfei oidei
C iIIing docunenl
D Iosl goods issue
L HR peisonneI iequisilion
4. Which of lhe foIIoving pieces of dala aie avaiIalIe in lhe saIes
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A IIanl
C Confiined deIiveiv dale
D Shipping poinl
L Iavnenl leins
I MaleiiaI piice pei unil
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 31
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. The saIes docunenl is sliucluied inlo headei, Iine ilens, and scheduIe
Answcr: headei, Iine ilens, scheduIe Iines
Theie aie lhiee pails lo lhe sliucluie of a saIes oidei: headei, Iine
ilens, and scheduIe Iines.
2. Lisl lvo possilIe pieceding docunenls lo lhe saIes oidei: inquiiv
and quolalion.
Answcr: inquiiv, quolalion
Tvo possilIe pieceding docunenls lo a saIes oidei aie inquiiies and
quolalions. Theie aie olheis, foi exanpIe, vaIue oi quanlilv conliacls.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving docunenls aie inlegialed inlo lhe cuslonei
oidei nanagenenl cvcIe`
Answcr: A, , C, D
The HR peisonneI iequisilion is nol pail of lhe cuslonei oidei
nanagenenl cvcIe.
4. Which of lhe foIIoving pieces of dala aie avaiIalIe in lhe saIes
Answcr: A, , C, D, L, I
AII of lhe alove aie found in lhe saIes docunenl, in addilion lo olhei
32 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 2
25 Enterprise Structure in SaIes and
Read lhe chaplei oljeclives and discuss lhe lopic using a conlinalion of
denonslialions and lusiness exanpIeZ.
Unit Overview
This unil desciiles hov a nev enleipiise sliucluie is sel up in SAI R/3.
The IDLS-AC conpanv in lhe liaining svslen is given anolhei disliilulion
channeI and nev saIes aieas foi saIes al liade faiis. In addilion, lhe
inleinaI oiganizalionaI sliucluie in saIes has lo le exlended. In lhis unil,
vou viII lecone faniIiai vilh lhe oiganizalionaI IeveIs essenliaI lo lhe
saIes piocess and ollain an insighl inlo lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluie of lhe
IDLS conpanv.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use oiganizalionaI unils in SAI R/3 lo nodeI lhe diffeienl aieas of
voui conpanv
- Cieale oiganizalionaI unils foi saIes
- Cieale enleipiise sliucluies vilh assigned oiganizalionaI unils
specificaIIv in saIes
- Adjusl lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo neel lhe IegaI and lusiness
iequiienenls of voui conpanv
Unit Contents
Lesson: Organizational Units in the Sales Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Demonstration: Display Company Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Procedure: Create Company Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 33
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Demonstration: Create Sales Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Procedure: Create Sales Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Demonstration: Assign Sales Organization to Company Code . . . . . . . 46
Procedure: Assign Sales Organization to Company Code . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Demonstration: Create Distribution Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Procedure: Create Distribution Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Demonstration: Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organization. . 48
Procedure: Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organization. . . . . . . 49
Demonstration: Display Division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Procedure: Create Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Demonstration: Assign Division to Sales Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Procedure: Assign Division to Sales Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Demonstration: Create Sales Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Procedure: Create Sales Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Demonstration: Create Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Procedure: Create Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Demonstration: Create Sales Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Procedure: Create Sales Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Demonstration: Assign Sales Office to Sales Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Procedure: Assign Sales Office to Sales Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Demonstration: Assign Sales Group to a Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Procedure: Assign Sales Group to a Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Demonstration: Display Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Demonstration: Assign Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution
Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Procedure: Assign Plant to Sales Organization and Distribution
Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Exercise 2: Organizational Units in the Sales Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Exercise 3: Defining New Organizational Units and Structures for
Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
34 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Lesson Duialion: 9O ninules
Lesson Overview
This unil desciiles hov a nev enleipiise sliucluie is sel up in SAI R/3.
The IDLS-AC conpanv in lhe liaining svslen is given anolhei disliilulion
channeI and nev saIes aieas foi saIes al liade faiis. In addilion, lhe
inleinaI oiganizalionaI sliucluie in saIes has lo le exlended. In lhis unil,
vou viII lecone faniIiai vilh lhe oiganizalionaI IeveIs essenliaI lo lhe
saIes piocess and ollain an insighl inlo lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluie of lhe
IDLS conpanv.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use oiganizalionaI unils in SAI R/3 lo nodeI lhe diffeienl aieas of
voui conpanv
- Cieale oiganizalionaI unils foi saIes
- Cieale enleipiise sliucluies vilh assigned oiganizalionaI unils
specificaIIv in saIes
- Adjusl lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo neel lhe IegaI and lusiness
iequiienenls of voui conpanv
The lasic infoinalion shouId le a ieviev foi sludenls, as an inlioduclion
vas piovided in LO15O. A good lechnique is lo lieal pail of lhis discussion
as a ieviev, asking sludenls, foi exanpIe Whal is an exanpIe of a saIes
oiganizalion` Whal is lhe ieIalionship lelveen saIes oiganizalion and
conpanv code` and so on.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS Inc., has leen using lhe SAI R/3 SD noduIe
successfuIIv foi veais.
Conpanv nanagenenl has decided lo expand lhe conpanvs saIes
aclivilies. In lhe fuluie, oideis pIaced lv cusloneis al liade faiis shouId le
conlioIIed and evaIualed sepaialeIv fion aII exisling aclivilies.
Youi iesponsiliIilv is lo expand lhe enleipiise sliucluie in saIes
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 35
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Enterprise Structures
In SAI R/3, vou can use seveiaI sliucluies lo iepiesenl lhe IegaI and
oiganizalionaI sliucluie of voui conpanv. You can design lhese sliucluies
fion lhe poinl of viev of accounling, naleiiaIs nanagenenl, and saIes
and disliilulion. You can conline lhese oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo foin
a fianevoik in vhich aII lusiness liansaclions can le piocessed.
Figure 4: Enterprise Structures in SAP R/3
The oiganizalionaI sliucluies in R/3 can:
- Achieve fIexiliIilv in iepiesenling conpIex coipoiale sliucluies
- Adapl lo changes in lhe coipoiale sliucluie
- Dislinguish lelveen vievs in Iogislics (saIes and disliilulion,
puichasing, and so on), cosl accounling, and financiaI accounling
- Iiocess dala acioss conpanv codes
36 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Figure 5: How SD Is Integrated in FinanciaI Accounting
In conneiciaI, oiganizalionaI, and lechnicaI leins lhe cIienl is a
seIf-conlained unil in an R/3 Svslen vilh sepaiale naslei iecoids.
Oflen lhe pailicipanls lhink lhe cIienl is lhe haidvaie: lhis is incoiiecl.
LxpIain lhal il is possilIe lo have svslens vilh nuIlipIe cIienls. LxanpIes
of nuIlipIe cIienls duiing inpIenenlalion aie: lesling, deveIopnenl, and
pioduclion. LxpIain lhal useis using diffeienl cIienls (foi exanpIe, one
usei is using cIienl 4OO and lhe olhei usei is using cIienl 4O1) aie nol seeing
lhe sane naslei dala iecoids.
Cive lhe pailicipanls an exanpIe of lhe kind of dala heId al a cIienl IeveI,
foi exanpIe, usei Iogon.
A gioup can le iepiesenled in lhe svslen using lhe leins c!Icnt and
cnmanv cndc. CeneiaIIv, a cIienl iepiesenls a gioup, vhiIe a conpanv
code iepiesenls a conpanv in lhe sense of an independenl accounling unil.
Conpanv codes aie independenl fion each olhei in lhe IegaI sense.
A cIienl is a seIf-conlained lechnicaI unil. CeneiaI dala and lalIes lhal aie
used foi seveiaI oiganizalionaI sliucluies aie sloied al lhis IeveI.
The conpanv code is lhe Iovesl IeveI al vhich vou can do exleinaI
financiaI iepoiling lo salisfv IegaI iequiienenls.
You can cieale seveiaI conpanv codes foi eveiv cIienl in oidei lo caiiv oul
financiaI accounling foi seveiaI independenl conpanies sinuIlaneousIv.
Al Ieasl one conpanv code nusl le ciealed, hovevei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 37
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Lach conpanv code iepiesenls an independenl accounling unil. SeveiaI
conpanv codes can use lhe sane chail of accounls.
You can use lhe conpanv code and lusiness aiea lo iepiesenl a gioup fion
a financiaI accounling vievpoinl. A busIncss arca is a sepaiale lusiness
unil foi vhich cioss-conpanv-code inleinaI iepoiling can le caiiied oul.
usiness aieas aie nol Iiniled lv conpanv codes. Ioi lhis ieason, lhe
lusiness aieas in aII conpanv codes nusl have lhe sane desciiplion.
usiness aieas aie oplionaI.
You viII use lusiness aieas if vou vanl lo caIcuIale piofil and Ioss
slalenenls independenlIv of lhe conpanv code. In lhe case of poslings
nade fion saIes and disliilulion, lhe lusiness aiea can le deiived
Demonstration: DispIay Company Code
To shovpailicipanls lhe inlegialion lelveen SDand IinanciaI Accounling.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav conpanv code 1OOO |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn
|inancia| Acccun|ing Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| ccnpanu ccdc
|di| ccnpanu ccdc da|a
2. (OplionaI) DoulIe cIick on conpanv code 1OOO lo dispIav lhe delaiIs.
38 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Create Company Code
1. DispIav conpanv code: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn
|inancia| Acccun|ing Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| ccnpanu ccdc |di|
ccnpanu ccdc da|a.
2. Lnlei conpanv code designalion.
3. Lnlei conpanv code nane.
4. Lnlei cilv.
5. Lnlei counliv.
6. Lnlei cuiiencv.
7. Lnlei Ianguage.
8. Choose Satc.
OrganizationaI Units and OrganizationaI Structures
in SaIes
The oiganizalionaI sliucluies in SD iepiesenl lhe IegaI and oiganizalionaI
sliucluie of voui conpanv. These SD oiganizalionaI sliucluies aie Iinked
vilh lhose in financiaI accounling and naleiiaIs nanagenenl lo foin a
fianevoik in vhich lhese lusiness liansaclions can le piocessed.
A conpanvs oiganizalionaI sliucluie is foined lv ciealing oiganizalionaI
unils and defining Iinks lelveen lhen. OiganizalionaI unils aie eIenenls
of lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluie. The oiganizalionaI unils aie nainlained
and assigned in Cuslonizing foi lhe enleipiise sliucluie.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 39
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Figure 6: OrganizationaI Units in SaIes
- SaIes oiganizalion (iequiied)
- Disliilulion channeI (iequiied)
- Division (iequiied)
- SaIes aiea (iequiied)
- SaIes office (oplionaI)
- SaIes gioup (oplionaI)
A vaiielv of oiganizalionaI unils aie avaiIalIe foi nodeIing saIes lusiness
liansaclions. In lhe saIes aiea, lhe foIIoving oiganizalionaI sliucluies can
le defined and used lo nodeI lhe saIes sliucluies:
40 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Figure 7: SaIes Organization
A sa!cs nrganIzatInn iepiesenls lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluie in saIes
and disliilulion. Lach saIes oiganizalion iepiesenls a seIIing unil as a
IegaI enlilv. Il is iesponsilIe, foi exanpIe, foi pioducl IialiIilv and olhei
cuslonei iighls of iecouise. The saIes oiganizalion ansveis lhe queslion,
Who in voui conpanv is aulhoiized lo seII`
You can use saIes oiganizalions lo suldivide naikels inlo iegions. Lach
lusiness liansaclion is piocessed vilhin a saIes oiganizalion.
The saIes oiganizalion is a iequiied oiganizalionaI unil and al Ieasl one
nusl le ciealed.
A saIes oiganizalion is assigned lo exaclIv one conpanv code and one oi
noie pIanls. Lach saIes oiganizalion has ils ovn naslei dala, foi exanpIe,
ils ovn cuslonei and naleiiaI naslei dala, as veII as condilion iecoids.
HInt: The piocess of defining and assigning oiganizalionaI
eIenenls is done in lvo sleps: define and assign.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 41
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Figure 8: Distribution ChanneI
You can use diffeienl dIstrIbutInn channc!s in saIes and disliilulion lo
piovide lhe naikel vilh lhe lesl possilIe seivice. Disliilulion channeIs
piovide a geneiaI sliucluie foi disliiluling goods. The disliilulion
channeI ansveis lhe queslion, Hov does voui pioducl gel lo voui
cuslonei` WhoIesaIe liade, saIes lo indusliiaI cusloneis, oi diiecl saIes
fion a pIanl aie lvpicaI exanpIes of disliilulion channeIs.
The disliilulion channeI is a iequiied oiganizalionaI unil and al Ieasl
one nusl le ciealed. Disliilulion channeIs can le sel up accoiding lo
voui conpanvs naikel slialegv oi inleinaI oiganizalion. Cusloneis
can le seived lhiough one oi noie disliilulion channeIs vilhin a saIes
In addilion, vou can vaiv lhe naslei dala ieIevanl lo saIes - such as
cuslonei naslei dala, saIes naslei dala, piices, and suichaiges/discounls
- foi each saIes oiganizalion and disliilulion channeI. This viII iesuIl in
diffeienl piicing scenaiios lased on disliilulion channeIs.
e suie lo enphasize lo pailicipanls lhal disliilulion channeIs does nol
piinaiiIv iefei lo diffeienl nelhods of phvsicaI liansnillaI of pioducl lo
cusloneis. Ralhei disliilulion channeIs aie a vav of cIassifving cusloneis
al a veiv high IeveI.
42 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Figure 9: Division
A lioad pioducl iange can le spIil inlo dIvIsInns. The division ansveis
lhe queslion, Whal do vou seII` In SAI R/3, vou can aIso define a
division-specific saIes sliucluie.
The division is a iequiied oiganizalionaI unil and al Ieasl one nusl le
You can nake cuslonei-specific agieenenls foi each division, foi exanpIe,
iegaiding pailiaI deIiveiies oi piicing. Wilhin a division, vou can caiiv oul
slalislicaI anaIvses oi devise voui ovn naikeling slialegies.
Figure 10: SaIes Area
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 43
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
A sa!cs arca is a unique and defined conlinalion of saIes oiganizalion,
disliilulion channeI, and division.
SaIes docunenls, deIiveiv docunenls, and liIIing docunenls aie aIvavs
assigned lo a saIes aiea. Lveiv saIes piocess lakes pIace in a specific saIes
The ieIevanl naslei dala can usuaIIv le nainlained expIicilIv foi each
saIes aiea, foi exanpIe:
- SaIes-ieIevanl cuslonei naslei dala
- SaIes-ieIevanl naleiiaI naslei dala foi each defined conlinalion of
saIes oiganizalion and disliilulion channeI (lhe division is a geneiaI
|non-saIes ieIaled! fieId of lhe naleiiaI naslei: as a iesuIl, a naleiiaI
can onIv le assigned lo one division)
- Condilions (piices, discounls, oi suichaiges)
You can caiiv oul anaIvses vilhin a saIes aiea, foi exanpIe, lv evaIualion
saIes voIune.
Iion an inpIenenlalion poinl of viev, vou shouId liv lo keep lhe
oiganizalionaI sliucluie of a saIes aiea as sinpIe as possilIe.
SAINole of inleiesl: 84235 Definilion of connon saIes aieas.
Demonstration: Create SaIes Organization
To shov pailicipanls hov lo cieale saIes oiganizalions.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale saIes oiganizalion ZO99 Tiade Iaii saIes oiganizalion lv
copving saIes oiganizalion 1OOO. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc
Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| sa|cs
crganiza|icn Dcfinc Sa|cs Organiza|icn
2. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion 1OOO.
44 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
3. Copv saIes oiganizalion 1OOO. |di| Ccpu as...
4. Specifv laigel enliies. Oveiviile 1OOO vilh ZO99 and Ceinanv
Iiankfuil vilh Tiade faii saIes oig.
5. Choose Lnlei.
6. In lhe addiess pop-up scieen, Lnlei
7. Save.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 45
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Create SaIes Organization
1. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| sa|cs crganiza|icn Dcfinc Sa|cs Organiza|icn.
2. Choose Ncu |n|rics.
3. Lnlei dala.
Demonstration: Assign SaIes Organization to
Company Code
To denonsliale hov lo assign defined saIes oiganizalions lo a conpanv
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn |c ccnpanu ccdc
2. Shov pailicipanls lhe liee sliucluie.
3. Choose conpanv code 1OOO.
4. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
5. Choose saIes oiganizalion ZO99 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
6. Choose Copv.
7. Choose Save.
46 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Assign SaIes Organization to Company Code
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn |c ccnpanu ccdc.
2. SeIecl conpanv code.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create Distribution ChanneI
To shov pailicipanls hov lo cieale disliilulion channeIs.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale nev disliilulion channeI Z9. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc
Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc|
dis|riou|icn cnannc| Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc|
2. Choose lullon Nev Lnliies.
3. Lnlei disliilulion channeI Z9.
4. Lnlei disliilulion channeI nane lexl Tiade Iaii Disl Ch.
5. Choose Save.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 47
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Create Distribution ChanneI
1. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc| Dcfinc dis|riou|icn
2. SeIecl Ncu |n|rics.
3. Lnlei disliilulion channeI.
4. Lnlei disliilulion channeI nane lexl.
5. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Assign Distribution ChanneI to SaIes
To denonsliale hov lo assign defined disliilulion channeI lo a saIes
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign dis|riou|icn cnannc| |c sa|cs crganiza|icn
2. Shov pailicipanls lhe liee sliucluie.
3. Choose saIes oiganizalion ZO99.
4. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
5. Choose disliilulion channeI Z9 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
6. Choose Copv.
7. Choose Save.
e suie lo enphasize lo pailicipanls lhal division coiiesponds lo pioducl
Iines al a faiiIv high IeveI, e.g. punps, looIs, elc.
48 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Assign Distribution ChanneI to SaIes Organization
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign dis|riou|icn cnannc| |c sa|cs crganiza|icn.
2. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl disliilulion channeI vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: DispIay Division
To shov pailicipanls hov lo dispIav divisions.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav exisling divisions OO, O1, and O7. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc
Dcfini|icn |cgis|ics - Gcncra|Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| ditisicn
Dcfinc ditisicn
2. Shov exisling divisions OO, O1, and O7..
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 49
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Create Division
1. DispIav exisling divisions: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn
|cgis|ics - Gcncra|Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| ditisicn Dcfinc ditisicn.
2. Lnlei division designalion.
3. Lnlei division nane.
4. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Assign Division to SaIes Organization
To denonsliale hov lo assign a defined division lo a saIes oiganizalion.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign ditisicn |c sa|cs crganiza|icn
2. Shov pailicipanls lhe liee sliucluie.
3. Choose saIes oiganizalion ZO99.
4. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
5. Choose divisions OO, O1, and O7 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
6. Choose Copv.
7. Choose Save.
50 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Assign Division to SaIes Organization
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign ditisicn |c sa|cs crganiza|icn.
2. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl divisions vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create SaIes Area
To shov pailicipanls hov lo cieale unique, defined saIes aieas.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea
Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sc| up sa|cs arca
2. Choose saIes oiganizalion ZO99.
3. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
4. Choose disliilulion channeI Z9 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Copv.
6. Choose on disliilulion channeI Z9.
7. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
8. Choose divisions OO, O1, and O7 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
9. Choose Copv.
1O. Choose Save.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 51
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Create SaIes Area
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sc| up sa|cs arca.
2. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl disliilulion channeI vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
7. SeIecl divisions vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
8. Choose Ccpu.
9. Choose Satc.
Adjusting OrganizationaI Structures
In lhe conlexl of an inpIenenlalion, lheie is lension lelveen keeping
oiganizalionaI sliucluies sinpIe and lhe need foi delaiIed anaIvses of
saIes dala. The use of oplionaI oiganizalionaI unils in saIes can le used lo
iesoIve lhis lension.
Figure 11: SaIes Office and SaIes Group
SaIes Office:
52 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
- CeogiaphicaI aspecls of lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies in lusiness
deveIopnenl and saIes aie defined using saIes offices. A saIes office,
as an oplionaI oiganizalionaI unil, can le vieved as an acluaI office oi
a leiiiloiv oi iegion. SaIes offices can le assigned lo nuIlipIe saIes
aieas. If vou enlei a saIes oidei foi a saIes office vilhin a pailicuIai
saIes aiea, lhe saIes office nusl le peinilled foi lhal saIes aiea.
- Iionan inpIenenlalion poinl of viev, ciealing one saIes oiganizalion
in lhe U.S. vilh 5O saIes offices lo iepiesenl each slale iesuIls in a
sinpIei oiganizalionaI sliucluie lhan having 5O saIes oiganizalions,
each iepiesenling one slale.
SaIes gioup:
- LnpIovees of a saIes office can le assigned lo saIes gioups defined
foi each division oi disliilulion channeI. SaIes gioups aie assigned
lo saIes offices.
- SaIes gioup is an oplionaI oiganizalionaI unil.
- A saIes gioup consisls of a ceilain nunlei of saIespeisons. A
saIespeison is assigned lo a saIes office and gioup in lhe saIes
enpIovee naslei iecoid. Theieaflei vou can seIecl lhis peisonneI
naslei iecoid in lhe Par|ncr scieen of a saIes docunenl.
- SaIespeison is oplionaI.
Lach of lhese inleinaI oiganizalionaI unils aIIovs foi saIes anaIvses, lul
lhev do nol have lhe conlioI fealuies of lhe iequiied oiganizalionaI unils.
Demonstration: Create SaIes Office
To shov pailicipanls hov lo cieale lhe oplionaI oiganizalionaI unil saIes
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale saIes office ZO99 Tiade Iaii saIes office lv copving saIes office
1OOO. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Main|ain sa|cs cfficc
2. SeIecl saIes office 1OOO.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 53
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
3. Copv saIes office 1OOO. |di| Ccpu as...
4. Specifv laigel enliies. Oveiviile 1OOO vilh ZO99 and Office
Iiankfuil vilh Tiade faii SIs Off.
5. Choose Lnlei.
6. In lhe addiess pop-up scieen, Lnlei
7. Choose Save.
54 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Create SaIes Office
1. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Main|ain sa|cs cfficc.
2. SeIecl exisling saIes office.
3. Copv exisling saIes office: |di| Ccpu as....
4. Specifv laigel enliies.
5. Chose |n|cr.
6. In lhe Addiess diaIog lox, choose |n|cr.
7. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create SaIes Group
To shov pailicipanls hov lo cieale lhe oplionaI oiganizalionaI unil saIes
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale nev saIes gioup Z99. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Main|ain sa|cs grcup
2. Choose lullon Nev Lnliies.
3. Lnlei saIes gioup Z99.
4. Lnlei saIes gioup nane lexl Tiade Iaii SIs Off.
5. Choose Save.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 55
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Create SaIes Group
1. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Main|ain sa|cs grcup.
2. SeIecl Ncu |n|rics.
3. Lnlei nev saIes gioup.
4. Lnlei saIes gioup nane lexl.
5. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Assign SaIes Office to SaIes Area
To denonsliale hov lo assign a defined saIes office lo a saIes aiea.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs cfficc |c sa|cs arca
2. Shov pailicipanls lhe liee sliucluie.
3. Choose on saIes aiea ZO99 Z9 OO.
4. Choose on lhe Assign lullon.
5. Choose saIes office Z99 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
6. Choose Copv.
7. Choose on saIes aiea ZO99 Z9 O1.
8. Choose on lhe Assign lullon.
9. Choose saIes office Z99 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
1O. Choose Copv.
11. Choose on saIes aiea ZO99 Z9 O7.
12. Choose on lhe Assign lullon.
13. Choose saIes office Z99 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
14. Choose Copv.
56 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
15. Choose Save.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 57
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Assign SaIes Office to SaIes Area
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs cfficc |c sa|cs arca.
2. SeIecl saIes aiea.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl saIes office vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Assign SaIes Group to a SaIes Office
To denonsliale hov lo assign a defined saIes gioup lo a saIes office.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs grcup |c sa|cs cfficc
2. Shov pailicipanls lhe liee sliucluie.
3. Choose on saIes office ZO99.
4. Choose on lhe Assign lullon.
5. Choose saIes gioup Z99 vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
6. Choose Copv.
7. Choose Save.
58 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Assign SaIes Group to a SaIes Office
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs grcup |c sa|cs cfficc.
2. SeIecl saIes office.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl saIes gioup vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
Linking the SaIes OrganizationaI Structure to MateriaIs
In SAI R/3, vou can use seveiaI sliucluies lo iepiesenl lhe oiganizalionaI
sliucluie of voui conpanv. Of inpoilance is lhe conlinalion of
oiganizalionaI sliucluies fion naleiiaIs nanagenenl and saIes and
disliilulion. These foin an inlegialed fianevoik in vhich IogislicaI
liansaclions can le piocessed.
Figure 12: PIant
MaleiiaIs nanagenenl is piinaiiIv conceined vilh lhe fIov of naleiiaIs
vilhin a conpanv. Iioduclion faciIilies and Iocalions foi sloiing slock
nusl lheiefoie le defined in lhe svslen. The leins used in lhe svslen
foi lhese enlilies aie pIanl and sloiage Iocalion. MaleiiaI slocks can le
desciiled in delaiI al lhe IeveI of diffeienl sloiage Iocalions vilhin a pIanl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 59
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
A pIanl can eilhei le a Iocalion foi pioduclion and naleiiaI iequiienenls
pIanning (MRI), oi il nav sinpIv iepiesenl one oi noie naleiiaI slock
Iocalions in cIose pioxinilv lo one anolhei.
Lach pIanl is assigned lo a unique conpanv code. The pIanl is a iequiied
oiganizalionaI unil, and al Ieasl one nusl le defined.
Ioi a pIanl lo deIivei goods lo cusloneis, il nusl le configuied
appiopiialeIv as a deIiveiing pIanl in SD Cuslonizing. Duiing lhe saIes
piocess, lhe deIiveiing pIanls aie fiisl used lo veiifv lhe slocks, and Ialei
lo suppIv lhe goods lhe cuslonei has oideied.
Figure 13: DeIivering PIant
Lnphasize lo lhe pailicipanls lhal a pIanl, defined foi MaleiiaIs
Managenenl, assigned lo a saIes oiganizalion/disliilulion channeI is
designaled as a deIiveiing pIanl. Hovevei, lhis pIanl is sliII lhe sane
unique unil.
The pIanls fion vhich lhe saIes depailnenl deIiveis lhe naleiiaIs
oideied aie designaled as deIiveiing pIanls and nusl le assigned lo
a saIes oiganizalion and a disliilulion channeI (disliilulion chain) in
v naking lhe pIanl dependenl on lhe disliilulion channeI, vou can
diffeienliale fuilhei lelveen pIanls vilhin a saIes oiganizalion. This
aIIovs lhe disliilulion channeI dIrcct sa!cs foi ceilain pIanls in a saIes
oiganizalion, lul nol foi olheis.
60 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
One pIanl can le assigned lo seveiaI disliilulion chains as lhe deIiveiing
pIanl. Il can aIso le assigned lo seveiaI saIes oiganizalions.
Il is aIso possilIe foi lhe deIiveiing pIanl of a disliilulion chain lo leIong
lo a diffeienl independenl conpanv in lhe coipoiale gioup (lhal is,
lhe pIanl is assigned lo a diffeienl conpanv code lhan lhal of lhe saIes
oiganizalion). This is caIIed cioss-conpanv saIes.
Demonstration: DispIay PIant
To shov pailicipanls lhe inlegialion lelveen SD and MaleiiaIs
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav pIanl 1OOO |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn |cgis|ics
- Gcncra|Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| p|an| Dcfinc p|an|
2. (OplionaI) DoulIe cIick on pIanl 1OOO lo dispIav lhe delaiIs.
Demonstration: Assign PIant to SaIes Organization
and Distribution ChanneI
To shov pailicipanls hov lo assign pIanls lo a saIes oiganizalion and a
disliilulion channeI.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 61
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Co lo assignnenl aiea. |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn - dis|riou|icn cnannc|
- p|an|
2. Choose saIes oiganizalion and disliilulion channeI conlinalion ZO99
and Z9.
3. Choose lhe Assign lullon.
4. Choose pIanls 1OOO, 12OO, and 14OO vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Copv.
6. Choose Save.
62 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Assign PIant to SaIes Organization and Distribution
1. Co lo assignnenl aiea: |MG |n|crprisc S|ruc|urc Assignncn|
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn - dis|riou|icn cnannc|
- p|an|.
2. SeIecl saIes oiganizalion and disliilulion channeI conlinalion.
3. SeIecl lhe Assign lullon.
4. SeIecl pIanls vilh lhe seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl.
5. Choose Ccpu.
6. Choose Satc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 63
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
64 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
51 Exercise 2: OrganizationaI Units in the
SaIes Process
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use oiganizalionaI unils in SAI R/3 lo nodeI lhe diffeienl aieas of
voui conpanv
- Cieale enleipiise sliucluies vilh assigned oiganizalionaI unils
specificaIIv in saIes
Business ExampIe
You have joined lhe piojecl lean lhal is inpIenenling SAI al voui
As lhe enpIovee iesponsilIe foi saIes, vou need lo faniIiaiize vouiseIf
vilh lhe sliucluie lhal has aIieadv leen ciealed and veiifv lhe sellings.
You viII expand lhe exisling enleipiise sliucluie foi voui saIes
oiganizalion lo incIude lhe nev disliilulion channeI Tradc FaIr sa!cs.
Nntc: The iequiied sellings aie Iocaled in lhe InpIenenlalion
Cuide (IMC) undei lhe IMC node foi Lnleipiise Sliucluie. You can
find sone of lhe oiganizalionaI dala in SaIes and Disliilulion, and
olhei dala in IinanciaI Accounling and Logislics CeneiaI aieas.
System Data
5vstcm: Nol assigned.
C!Icnt: Nol assigned.
Uscr ID: Nol assigned.
Passwnrd: Nol assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: Nol assigned.
IaniIiaiize vouiseIf vilh lhe enleipiise sliucluies lhal aie ieIevanl foi
saIes lhal have leen configuied as oiganizalionaI sliucluies. ConpIele lhe
lalIes as appiopiiale.
1. The oiganizalionaI unils deleinined alove have leen used lo
configuie vaiious saIes aieas foi saIes oiganizalion 1000.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 65
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Wiile dovn lhe saIes aieas lhal have leen defined foi lhose lhal ve
aie using in lhis couise (Hinl: Disliilulion ChanneI: 1O and 14 and
Division: OO)`
SaIes aiea 1000
SaIes aiea 1000
2. Which saIes office(s) aie iesponsilIe foi nanaging saIes in sa!cs
nrganIzatInn 1000, dIstrIbutInn channc! 10, and dIvIsInn 00`
3. Recoid sone exanpIes of lhe saIes gioups assigned lo lhe saIes offices
Iisled alove.
Office:___________ SaIes gioup: ____________
SaIes gioup: ____________
Office:___________ SaIes gioup: ____________
SaIes gioup: ____________
4. To vhich conpanv code does lhe saIes oiganizalion 1000 leIong`
Which cuiiencv is defined foi lhis conpanv code`
5. Recoid lhe deIiveiing pIanls lhal aie assigned lo saIes oiganizalion
1000 and disliilulion channeI 10.
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
66 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
SoIution 2: OrganizationaI Units in the
SaIes Process
IaniIiaiize vouiseIf vilh lhe enleipiise sliucluies lhal aie ieIevanl foi
saIes lhal have leen configuied as oiganizalionaI sliucluies. ConpIele lhe
lalIes as appiopiiale.
1. The oiganizalionaI unils deleinined alove have leen used lo
configuie vaiious saIes aieas foi saIes oiganizalion 1000.
Wiile dovn lhe saIes aieas lhal have leen defined foi lhose lhal ve
aie using in lhis couise (Hinl: Disliilulion ChanneI: 1O and 14 and
Division: OO)`
SaIes aiea 1000
SaIes aiea 1000
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn|.
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sc| up sa|cs arca.
SaIes aiea 1000 10 00
SaIes aiea 1000 14 00
2. Which saIes office(s) aie iesponsilIe foi nanaging saIes in sa!cs
nrganIzatInn 1000, dIstrIbutInn channc! 10, and dIvIsInn 00`
Answcr: 1OOO Office Iiankfuil: 1O1O Office Hanluig: 1O3O Office
The saIes office is assigned lo a saIes aiea.
3. Recoid sone exanpIes of lhe saIes gioups assigned lo lhe saIes offices
Iisled alove.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 67
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Office:___________ SaIes gioup: ____________
SaIes gioup: ____________
Office:___________ SaIes gioup: ____________
SaIes gioup: ____________
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign sa|cs grcup |c sa|cs cfficc.
Office: 1OOO SaIes gioup: 1OO Ci. I1 Mi.
SaIes gioup: 1O1 Ci. I2 Mi.
SaIes gioup: 1O3 Ci. I3 Mi.
Office: 1O1O SaIes gioup: 11O Ci. H1 Mi.
SaIes gioup: 111 Ci. H2 Mi.
Office: 1O3O SaIes gioup: 13O Ci. S1 Ms.
SaIes gioup: 131 Ci. S2 Ms.
4. To vhich conpanv code does lhe saIes oiganizalion 1000 leIong`
Which cuiiencv is defined foi lhis conpanv code`
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn |c ccnpanu ccdc.
Conpanv code: 1OOO IDLS AC
l) Co lo lhe definilion of lhe conpanv codes: |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc
Dcfini|icn |inancia| Acccun|ing Dcfinc. ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc|
ccnpanu ccdc |di| ccnpanu ccdc da|a.
Cuiiencv: LUR
5. Recoid lhe deIiveiing pIanls lhal aie assigned lo saIes oiganizalion
1000 and disliilulion channeI 10.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
68 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
DeIiveiing pIanl:
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn - dis|riou|icn cnannc| - p|an|.
DeIiveiing pIanl: 1OOO Hanluig
DeIiveiing pIanl: 11OO eiIin
DeIiveiing pIanl: 12OO Diesden
DeIiveiing pIanl: 13OO Iiankfuil
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 69
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
70 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
57 Exercise 3: Defining New OrganizationaI
Units and Structures for SaIes
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cieale oiganizalionaI unils foi saIes
- Adjusl lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo neel lhe IegaI and lusiness
iequiienenls of voui conpanv
Business ExampIe
To neel lheii goaI of eslalIishing nev, nodein saIes possiliIilies, voui
nanagenenl loaid has appioved a piojecl foi eslalIishing tradc sa!cs
as a nev saIes channeI al voui conpanv. Managenenl vanls lo le alIe
lo liack lhe saIes and ievenues fion lhese liansaclions sepaialeIv, and
piicing pioceduies lhal aie diffeienl fion aII olhei saIes piocesses nusl
le possilIe.
System Data
5vstcm: Nol assigned.
C!Icnt: Nol assigned.
Uscr ID: Nol assigned.
Passwnrd: Nol assigned.
Task 1
Configuie lhe nev oiganizalionaI unils vou need.
1. Define a nev disliilulion channeI foi Tradc FaIr sa!cs.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 71
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
Disliilulion channeI: Y = 70 + ##(foi gioup 19, foi exanpIe: Y = 7O
+ 19 = 89)
HInt: IIease use lhe Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion, NOT
Ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc|.
The Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion (onIv) cieales a nev
disliilulion channeI. The nuch noie poveifuI Ccpu. dc|c|c.
cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion aIIovs vou lo copv aII of lhe
disliilulion-channeI-specific sellings fion lhe lenpIale. You
can aIso peifoin lhis svnchionizalion Ialei. This funclion
is exlieneIv usefuI and efficienl in piojecls. In lhis couise,
hovevei, vou aie iesponsilIe foi peifoining Cuslonizing
sleps vouiseIf.
2. An independenl slaff is leing liained lo piocess lhe oideis ieceived
lhiough Tiade SaIes. These enpIovees viII le giouped logelhei in
a saIes office. Sel up lhe nev saIes office: Zc##, Desciiplion: Tradc
OffIcc ##, foi lhis gioup. Use saIes office 1000 as a lenpIale.
Task 2
Lnhance lhe exisling saIes oiganizalion sliucluies lv inlegialing nev
oiganizalionaI unils.
1. Assign lhe nev disliilulion channeI lo voui saIes oiganizalion, Z000.
2. uiId nev saIes aieas vilh voui saIes oiganizalion, Z000, lhe nev
disliilulion channeI, and divisions 00, 01, and 07.
3. Make suie lhal deIiveiies foi oideis fion lhe nev saIes aieas can
lake pIace al voui disliilulion cenleis al lhe Hamburg, Drcsdcn,
and 5tuttgart pIanls.
4. Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal oideis enleied foi voui nev saIes
aiea, Z000 / Y / 00, can le assigned lo voui nev saIes office, Zc##,
Tradc OffIcc ##, as lhe iesponsilIe inleinaI oiganizalionaI unil.
72 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
SoIution 3: Defining New OrganizationaI
Units and Structures for SaIes
Task 1
Configuie lhe nev oiganizalionaI unils vou need.
1. Define a nev disliilulion channeI foi Tradc FaIr sa!cs.
Disliilulion channeI: Y = 70 + ##(foi gioup 19, foi exanpIe: Y = 7O
+ 19 = 89)
HInt: IIease use lhe Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion, NOT
Ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc|.
The Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion (onIv) cieales a nev
disliilulion channeI. The nuch noie poveifuI Ccpu. dc|c|c.
cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc| funclion aIIovs vou lo copv aII of lhe
disliilulion-channeI-specific sellings fion lhe lenpIale. You
can aIso peifoin lhis svnchionizalion Ialei. This funclion
is exlieneIv usefuI and efficienl in piojecls. In lhis couise,
hovevei, vou aie iesponsilIe foi peifoining Cuslonizing
sleps vouiseIf.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Dcfinc.
ccpu. dc|c|c. cncc| dis|riou|icn cnannc| Dcfinc dis|riou|icn cnannc|.
Desciiplion: Tradc 5a!cs ##
2. An independenl slaff is leing liained lo piocess lhe oideis ieceived
lhiough Tiade SaIes. These enpIovees viII le giouped logelhei in
a saIes office. Sel up lhe nev saIes office: Zc##, Desciiplion: Tradc
OffIcc ##, foi lhis gioup. Use saIes office 1000 as a lenpIale.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Dcfini|icn Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Main|ain sa|cs cfficc.
SeIecl saIes office 1OOO and choose Ccpu as ....
Task 2
Lnhance lhe exisling saIes oiganizalion sliucluies lv inlegialing nev
oiganizalionaI unils.
1. Assign lhe nev disliilulion channeI lo voui saIes oiganizalion, Z000.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign dis|riou|icn cnannc| |c sa|cs crganiza|icn.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 73
Unit 2: Enterprise Structure in SaIes and Distribution SCM605
2. uiId nev saIes aieas vilh voui saIes oiganizalion, Z000, lhe nev
disliilulion channeI, and divisions 00, 01, and 07.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sc|
up sa|cs arca.
3. Make suie lhal deIiveiies foi oideis fion lhe nev saIes aieas can
lake pIace al voui disliilulion cenleis al lhe Hamburg, Drcsdcn,
and 5tuttgart pIanls.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign sa|cs crganiza|icn - dis|riou|icn cnannc| - p|an|.
4. Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal oideis enleied foi voui nev saIes
aiea, Z000 / Y / 00, can le assigned lo voui nev saIes office, Zc##,
Tradc OffIcc ##, as lhe iesponsilIe inleinaI oiganizalionaI unil.
a) |n|crprisc s|ruc|urc Assignncn| Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Assign sa|cs cfficc |c sa|cs arca.
74 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: OrganizationaI Units in the SaIes Process
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use oiganizalionaI unils in SAI R/3 lo nodeI lhe diffeienl aieas of
voui conpanv
- Cieale oiganizalionaI unils foi saIes
- Cieale enleipiise sliucluies vilh assigned oiganizalionaI unils
specificaIIv in saIes
- Adjusl lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo neel lhe IegaI and lusiness
iequiienenls of voui conpanv
ReIated Information
- Ioi noie infoinalion on enleipiise sliucluie and oiganizalionaI unils
consuIl lhe SAI Liliaiv R/3 4.6C al hllp:// undei lhe
lopic Lnleipiise Sliucluie.
- Olhei oiganizalionaI unils in SD, such as lhe shipping poinl and lhe
lianspoilalion pIanning poinl, aie coveied in olhei SD couises.
- Cioss-conpanv saIes is coveied in liaining couise LO925
Cioss-AppIicalion usiness Iiocesses in SD and MM.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 75
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use oiganizalionaI unils in SAI R/3 lo nodeI lhe diffeienl aieas of
voui conpanv
- Cieale oiganizalionaI unils foi saIes
- Cieale enleipiise sliucluies vilh assigned oiganizalionaI unils
specificaIIv in saIes
- Adjusl lhe oiganizalionaI sliucluies lo neel lhe IegaI and lusiness
iequiienenls of voui conpanv
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding enleipiise sliucluie and oiganizalionaI
unils, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
76 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. OiganizalionaI unils in SAI SaIes and Disliilulion aie nol Iinked lo
oiganizalionaI unils in anv olhei R/3 appIicalion.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. Which of lhe foIIoving oiganizalionaI unils in SaIes and Disliilulion
aie iequiied`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A SaIes oiganizalion
C SaIes office
D Disliilulion channeI
L SaIes gioup
3. The saIes aiea is a unique and defined conli-
nalion of a saIes oiganizalion saIes oiganizalion, a
disliilulion channeI disliilulion channeI, and a division division.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
4. Whal oplionaI oiganizalionaI unils nav le used lo heIp caiiv oul
inleinaI saIes anaIvses`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 77
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. OiganizalionaI unils in SAI SaIes and Disliilulion aie nol Iinked lo
oiganizalionaI unils in anv olhei R/3 appIicalion.
Answcr: IaIse
Due lo lhe inlegialed naluie of SAI R/3, oiganizalionaI unils fion
nanv appIicalions aie Iinked logelhei lo foin an enleipiise sliucluie.
2. Which of lhe foIIoving oiganizalionaI unils in SaIes and Disliilulion
aie iequiied`
Answcr: A, , D
SaIes office and saIes gioup aie oplionaI oiganizalionaI unils.
3. The saIes aiea is a unique and defined conlinalion of a saIes
oiganizalion, a disliilulion channeI, and a division.
Answcr: saIes oiganizalion, disliilulion channeI, division
The saIes aiea foins lhe lasis foi eveiv saIes liansaclion.
4. Whal oplionaI oiganizalionaI unils nav le used lo heIp caiiv oul
inleinaI saIes anaIvses`
Answcr: The oplionaI oiganizalionaI unils of saIes office, saIes gioup,
and saIespeison nav le used lo heIp caiiv oul inleinaI saIes anaIvses.
78 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 3
65 SaIes Order Processing
efoie Iooking al cuslonizing, lhis unil discusses essenliaI eIenenls of
saIes oidei enliv. Heie, vou can nenlion docunenl piocessing lechniques
as veII as hov lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv geneiales inpoilanl docunenl
dala fion lhe naslei dala.
Unit Overview
This unil discusses essenliaI eIenenls of saIes oidei enliv and hov lhe
svslen aulonalicaIIv geneiales inpoilanl docunenl dala fion lhe naslei
dala and olhei souices. In addilion, lhis unil coveis a nunlei of nev oi
enhanced funclions avaiIalIe foi enleiing and piocessing saIes oideis.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Deleinine lhe oiigin of docunenl dala fion vaiious souices, such as
lhe naleiiaI naslei, lhe cuslonei naslei, oi Cuslonizing
- Iind and use lhe looIs and heIp foi enleiing and piocessing saIes
Unit Contents
Lesson: Entering Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Demonstration: Deriving the Sales Area from the Customer Master . 83
Demonstration: Entering a Sales Order with the Ship-to Party. . . . . . . . 84
Demonstration: Determining Business Partners from the Customer
Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Demonstration: Different Business Data at the tem Level in the Sales
Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Demonstration: Proposing Plants Automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Exercise 4: Entering Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Lesson: Processing Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Demonstration: Sales Summary in the Sales Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 79
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Demonstration: Creating a Sales Summary View (Optional) . . . . . . . . .104
Demonstration: Fast Change Functions in Sales Order Processing.108
Demonstration: Change Sold-to Party in Sales Document . . . . . . . . . . .110
Demonstration: Use of Default Sold-to Party in Sales Order
Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Exercise 5: Entering Sales Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
80 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
Entering SaIes Orders
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
This Iesson discusses essenliaI eIenenls of saIes oidei enliv. Docunenl
piocessing lechniques, as veII as hov lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv geneiales
inpoilanl docunenl dala fion lhe naslei dala, is ievieved.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Deleinine lhe oiigin of docunenl dala fion vaiious souices, such as
lhe naleiiaI naslei, lhe cuslonei naslei, oi Cuslonizing
The lasics of ciealing a saIes oidei is a ieviev of lhe pieiequisile
couise, LO15O Iiocesses in SaIes and Disliilulion. Hovevei, vou viII
le denonslialing lhe nev changes in saIes oidei enliv. As a pieviev of
cuslonizing, enphasize lhe souices of dala foi lhe saIes docunenl.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS, Inc. has leen using lhe SAI SaIes and Disliilulion
(SD) noduIe successfuIIv foi veais.
In oidei lo conlinue using SD successfuIIv, vou vanl lo le alIe lo exliacl
lhe docunenl dala as defauIl vaIues and fixed vaIues fion lhe naslei
dala and olhei souices.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo faniIiaiize vouiseIf vilh lhe lechniques foi
ciealing and piocessing docunenls in R/3.
Sources of Document Data
Duiing dala inpul foi saIes docunenls, lhe svslen suppoils vou lv
anaIvzing vaiious souices of infoinalion. The ain is lo nake ciealing
docunenls easiei lv using defauIl vaIues oi fixed iefeience dala.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 81
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Figure 14: Overview: Sources for Document Data
Theie aie seveiaI possilIe souices of infoinalion.
- Mastcr data: The svslenieads lhe naslei dala defined foi a cuslonei,
a naleiiaI, oi a piicing condilion. Ioi exanpIe, lhe specific leins of
pavnenl foi a cuslonei can le found. The saIes infoinalion fion a
naleiiaI naslei can seive as lhe souice of lhe deIiveiing pIanl.
- ExIstIng dncumcnt data: Docunenl dala lhal has aIieadv leen
enleied oi deleinined aulonalicaIIv lv lhe svslen can le used lo
enlei addilionaI docunenl dala. Ioi exanpIe, lhe deIiveiing pIanl
is used - aIong vilh olhei infoinalion - lo deleinine lhe shipping
- CustnmIzIng: DefauIl vaIues foi ciealing docunenls can le defined
in Cuslonizing. Ioi exanpIe, vou can sel a defauIl vaIue foi lhe
deIiveiv dale oi configuie a deIiveiv oi liIIing lIock in lhe saIes
docunenl lvpe. You can aIso define slialegies in Cuslonizing
foi deleinining docunenl infoinalion lased on conlinalions of
seveiaI ciileiia (foi exanpIe, deleinining lhe shipping poinl lhiough
a conlinalion of deIiveiing pIanl, Ioading gioup, and shipping
- Hard-cndcd cnntrn!s: Haid-coded conlioIs can le used lo veighl
lhe diffeienl souices of infoinalion. v using a veighling facloi,
lhe vaIue is nuIlipIied lv a nunlei lo inciease oi deciease lhe
inpoilance of lhe infoinalion.
SaIes oideis can le enleied vilhoul specifving lhe saIes aiea, vhich is
aulonalicaIIv deleinined fion lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid. Il is aIso
possilIe lo enlei a saIes oidei vilh lhe ship-lo pailv, as lhe svslen can use
lhis lo seaich and Iisl aII lhe polenliaI soId-lo pailies.
82 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
Figure 15: SaIes Order Entry - Deriving the SaIes Area
Lach saIes oidei is assigned lo a unique saIes aiea (saIes oiganizalion,
disliilulion channeI, oi division).
When vou enlei a saIes oidei, vou do nol need lo specifv lhe saIes aiea
innedialeIv: lhe svslen can aulonalicaIIv deiive lhe saIes aiea fion lhe
soId-lo pailv.
If lheie is naslei dala foi lhe soId-lo pailv in seveiaI saIes aieas, a seIeclion
scieen appeais vheie vou can choose lhe saIes aiea vou iequiie.
Nntc: You can aIso cieale lhe naslei iecoid foi a nev soId-lo pailv
fion vilhin lhe docunenl ciealion liansaclion.
Demonstration: Deriving the SaIes Area from the
Customer Master
To denonsliale lhe nev funclionaIilv of deiiving lhe saIes aiea fion lhe
cuslonei naslei iecoid
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 83
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
1. Lnlei a slandaid saIes oidei vilhoul specifving lhe saIes oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
3. Choose Lnlei and shov lhal lheie is no enliv foi saIes aiea on lhe
oveiviev lal page
4. Lnlei SoId-lo pailv: 2006
5. Choose Lnlei and shov lhal lhe saIes aiea enliv 1000 and 10 and
00 is aulonalicaIIv deleinined.
6. Lnlei a second slandaid saIes oidei vilhoul specifving lhe saIes oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
7. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
8. Choose Lnlei and shov lhal lheie is no enliv foi saIes aiea on lhe
oveiviev lal page
9. Lnlei SoId-lo pailv: 1172 and choose Lnlei
1O. Lnphasize lhal lhe dispIaved seIeclion scieen iesuIls fion lhe svslen
ieading lhal lhis soId-lo pailv is defined foi lvo saIes aieas.
Demonstration: Entering a SaIes Order with the
Ship-to Party
To denonsliale lhe nev funclionaIilv of enleiing a saIes oidei vilh lhe
ship-lo pailv
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Change lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid foi soId-lo pailv 2007 |cgis|ics
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss Par|ncrs Cus|cncr
84 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
2. Lnlei saIes aiea 1000, 10, 00 and choose Lnlei
3. Choose lullon SaIes aiea dala
4. Co lo lal page Iailneis
5. Lnlei addilionaI ship-lo pailv 2006 and choose Save
6. Lnlei a slandaid saIes oidei vilh lhe ship-lo pailv |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
7. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
8. Lnlei ship-lo pailv 2007
9. Shov lhal lhe soId-lo pailv 2007 is enleied aIong vilh saIes aiea 1000,
10, 00 since ship-lo 2OO7 is allached lo onIv one soId-lo, 2OO7, and lhis
soId-lo is defined foi lhis saIes aiea onIv.
1O. Lnlei a second slandaid oidei OR
11. Lnlei ship-lo pailv: 2006 and choose Lnlei
12. Lnphasize lhal a seIeclion scieen is dispIaved vilh lvo peinilled
soId-lo pailies (2OO6 and 2OO7).
DefauIt VaIues from Master Data
Iion lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid of lhe soId-lo pailv, lhe svslen pioposes
saIes, shipping, piicing, and liIIing dala. In addilion, lhe svslen copies
cuslonei-specific naslei dala aloul lexls, pailneis, and conlacl peopIe
al lhe cuslonei sile.
Ioi each naleiiaI in lhe saIes oidei, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv pioposes
dala fion lhe ieIevanl naleiiaI naslei iecoids, such as dala foi piicing,
deIiveiv scheduIing, avaiIaliIilv check, lax deleininalion, and veighl
and voIune deleininalion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 85
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Figure 16: Proposing Order Data from Master Data
Il is advisalIe lo sloie as nuch dala as possilIe in naslei iecoids in SAI
R/3. This viII save vou line duiing oidei enliv and heIp vou lo avoid
incoiiecl enliies.
You can enlei diffeienl lvpes of naslei dala in R/3, such as infoinalion
on lusiness pailneis, naleiiaIs, cuslonei/naleiiaI, ilen pioposaIs, liIIs
of naleiiaI, piices, discounls and ielales, laxes, fieighl, oulpul, and lexls.
The svslen viII fiequenlIv access lhis dala duiing oidei piocessing.
When ciealing an oidei in lhe oidei oveiviev, vou can use lhe
cuslonei-specific naleiiaI nunleis foi lhe oideiing pailv lo add naleiiaIs
lo lhe oidei.
Figure 17: Business Partners from the Customer Master
86 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
The essenliaI lusiness pailneis foi a saIes liansaclion aie lhe soId-lo pailv,
ship-lo pailv, pavei, and liII-lo pailv. These lusiness pailneis pIav vaiious
ioIes, caIIed artncr functInns, in lhe lusiness piocess.
You can nainlain a cuslonei naslei iecoid foi each pailnei. Theie is a
suilalIe enliv scieen foi each lvpe of lusiness pailnei.
When vou enlei a saIes docunenl, vou can aIso enlei lhe ship-lo pailv
inslead of lhe soId-lo pailv. The svslen lhen deleinines lhe soId-lo pailv
fion lhe ship-lo pailv. If lheie is exaclIv one soId-lo pailv foi lhe ship-lo
pailv, lhe svslen can do lhis aulonalicaIIv. If lheie aie seveiaI possilIe
soId-lo pailies foi lhe ship-lo pailv, lhe svslen dispIavs a seIeclion scieen
vilh lhe possilIe aIleinalives. If a soId-lo pailv cannol le deleinined, lhe
svslen issues an eiioi nessage in lhe slalus lai.
A nessage aIso leIIs vou if vou have inadveilenlIv enleied a ship-lo pailv
in lhe Sc|d-|c par|u fieId. The svslen lhen conlinues lo piocess lhe dala as
if vou had enleied lhe ship-lo pailv in lhe coiiecl fieId.
Figure 18: Proposing Order Data from the Customer Master
The lusiness dala in a saIes docunenl is laken fion lhe naslei dala
iecoids foi lhe diffeienl lusiness pailneis.
ecause lhe ship-lo pailv can le in a diffeienl pIace lhan lhe soId-lo pailv,
lhe deIiveiv addiess and lax infoinalion aie laken fion lhe ship-lo pailvs
naslei iecoid.
ecause lhe pavei is iesponsilIe foi paving voui ieceivalIes, lhe pavnenl
condilions in lhe docunenl cone fion lhe paveis naslei iecoid.
The liII-lo pailv conlains lhe addiess lo vhich lhe invoice shouId le senl.
This addiess couId le diffeienl fion lhal of lhe pavei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 87
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Figure 19: Business Data
You can define lusiness dala (such as pavnenl condilions oi Incoleins) al
lhe docunenl headei oi foi each ilen.
You can decide in Cuslonizing foi lhe ilen calegoiv vhelhei lhe lusiness
dala al ilen IeveI can diffei fion lhe lusiness dala al headei IeveI. You
define lhis oplion sepaialeIv foi each ilen calegoiv. This aIIovs vou lo
cieale docunenls conlaining lolh ilens in vhich lhe lusiness dala nusl
le idenlicaI lo lhe saIes docunenl headei, and ilens lhal aIIov diffeienl
lusiness dala.
Figure 20: Proposing PIants AutomaticaIIy
88 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
The pIanl is an inlegiaI pail of Iogislics. Il assunes lhe ioIe of a deIiveiing
pIanl in SD.
When vou enlei an ilen lo le deIiveied, R/3 allenpls lo deleinine a
deIiveiing pIanl aulonalicaIIv fion lhe naslei dala. If lhe seaich is
successfuI, lhe iesuIls aie copied lo lhe docunenl ilen. You can change
lhis pIanl nanuaIIv, if need le.
Duiing ils seaich, lhe svslen checks seveiaI naslei dala iecoids. Iiisl,
il checks vhelhei il can piopose a deIiveiing pIanl fion an enliv in lhe
cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid: lhen, if lhe cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid
does nol conlain a pIanl, oi if lheie aie no cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoids,
lhe svslen checks lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid foi lhe ship-lo pailv. If
lhis seaich is unsuccessfuI, lhe deIiveiing pIanl is deleinined fion lhe
naleiiaI naslei iecoid.
If lheie is nol a pIanl in lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid, lhe svslen viII le
unalIe lo deleinine a vaIid pIanl. If lhe svslen is unalIe lo deleinine a
vaIid pIanl, il cannol deleinine anv olhei docunenl dala. Ioi exanpIe,
il vouId nol le possilIe lo aulonalicaIIv deleinine lhe shipping poinl.
Iuilheinoie, no avaiIaliIilv check is possilIe, and no deIiveiv can le
Nntc: If necessaiv, vou can use a USLRLXIT lo enhance lhe
slandaid svslen.
Demonstration: Determining Business Partners from
the Customer Master
To denonsliale lhe lusiness pailneis defined in lhe cuslonei naslei of
lhe soId-lo pailv is lhe souice of lusiness pailneis foi lhe saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Lnlei a slandaid saIes oidei (OR) foi soId-lo pailv 1000
2. Iion lhe dispIaved seIeclion Iisl, choose ship-lo pailv 1010
3. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei: PrnccssIng 2 and choose Lnlei
4. DispIav headei pailnei scieen Gc|c Hcadcr Par|ncrs and shov
lhe pailnei funclions
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 89
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
5. Co fion lhe oidei lo each pailnei funclion using nenu palh:
|ntircnncn| Par|ncr Disp|au
Demonstration: Different Business Data at the Item
LeveI in the SaIes Order
To denonsliale lhal lhe slandaid svslen viII peinil lusiness dala al lhe
ilen IeveI vhich diffeis fion lhe lusiness dala al lhe headei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Lnlei a slandaid saIes oidei |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR and choose Lnlei
3. Lnlei Cuslonei: 2006 and puichase oidei nunlei: PrnccssIng 3
4. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-10 quanlilv 10 and naleiiaI: M-11 quanlilv 10
5. Change ilen 2O Gc|c ||cn 8i||ing Incoleins lo: FOB and Teins
of pavnenl lo: ZB03 and choose Lnlei
HInt: Do nol save lhis saIes oidei as il viII le used in lhe nexl
Demonstration: Proposing PIants AutomaticaIIy
To denonsliale hov lhe slandaid svslen pioposes lhe deIiveiing pIanl
aulonalicaIIv in lhe saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
90 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav deIiveiv pIanl (1200)foi ilen 1O in lhe saIes oidei vilh
puichase oidei nunlei PrnccssIng 3 if il is sliII open. Olheivise,
change lhis saIes oidei Sa|cs dccuncn| Cnangc |n|cr
2. DispIav lhe lIank enliv foi deIiveiv pIanl foi ship-lo pailv 2006
|ntircnncn| Par|ncr Disp|au and choose lal page 5hIIng
3. DispIav deIiveiv pIanl (1200) foi naleiiaI M-10. Choose Iine ilen,
|ntircnncn| Disp|au na|cria| and go lo lal page: SaIes: saIes oig 1
4. Change cuslonei-naleiiaI infoinalion iecoid foi soId-lo pailv 2006
and naleiiaI M-10 |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a
Agrccncn|s Cus|cncr-Ma|cria| |nfcrna|icn Cnangc
5. Choose Iine conlaining M-10 and choose Info iecoid delaiIs
6. Lnlei IIanl: 1000 and choose Save
7. Lnlei slandaid saIes oidei (OR) foi soId-lo pailv 2006 vilh puichase
oidei nunlei PrnccssIng 4 foi naleiiaI M-10 quanlilv 10
8. Shov lhal deIiveiv pIanl foi naleiiaI M-10 is nov 1000 and nnt 1200
CautInn: IMIORTANT: Donl foigel lo undo voui changes lo
lhe pIanl in lhe cuslonei-naleiiaI infoinalion iecoid!
Oflen pailicipanls ask foi aIleinalive possiliIilies foi aulonalic pIanl
deleininalion. In lhe R/3-Slandaid lheie aie possiliIilies vilh Usei-Lxils.
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sus|cn Mcdifica|icns Uscr |xi|s . If
lhev use lhe Slialegic Inilialive Iioducl, AIO, lhev can use lhe condilion
lechnique foi aulonalic pIanl deleininalion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 91
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
92 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
73 Exercise 4: Entering SaIes Orders
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl looIs foi piocessing oideis
- LxpIain hov naslei dala is pioposed in saIes docunenls
Business ExampIe
When oidei cIeiks cieale saIes docunenls, lhev need lo le quick and
efficienl. In oidei lo do lhis, lhe najoiilv of lhe infoinalion can le copied
fion lhe naslei dala. You vanl lo lake fuII advanlage of lhe looIs lhal aie
avaiIalIe foi oidei ciealion.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned. |Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
Task 1
Cieale a slandaid oidei foi pioducl T-ATC##(1 pc) vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR03.
1. The ship-lo pailv is T-562F##.
CautInn: Do nol specifv lhe saIes aiea (deIele anv vaIues lhal
2. Which soId-lo pailv is deleinined lv lhe svslen`
3. Which saIes aiea is aulonalicaIIv deleinined lv lhe svslen` Wheie
does lhe svslen find lhis infoinalion`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 93
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
4. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Task 2
Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, pIaces an oidei vilh vou. Thev vanl lhe
deIiveiv lo lake pIace in 30 davs. The puichase oidei nunlei is
1. Lnlei lhe fiisl ilen foi naleiiaI T-ATC##(quanlilv: 5 cs). You offei
lhe foIIoving leins of pavnenl lo voui cuslonei foi lhis ilen: 14
davs 3, 3O davs 2, 45 davs nel.
2. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh naleiiaI T-ATD##(20 cs). This ilen has
diffeienl leins of pavnenl: 2O davs 2, 3O davs nel. This naleiiaI
shouId aIso le deIiveied lo anolhei addiess. Change lhe ship-lo pailv
of lhis ilen lo voui cuslonei T-562B##.
3. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
4. DeIivei lhe oidei on lhe deIiveiv dale iequesled lv voui cuslonei.
Whal nessage appeais in lhe Iog`
HInt: If necessaiv, sel lhe seIeclion dale foi lhe deIiveiv lo
foui veeks fion lodav.
5. Co lack lo voui saIes docunenl and viev vhich deIiveiing pIanl is
deleinined lv lhe svslen.
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 1O:
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 2O:
6. Which naslei iecoids does lhe svslen use lo exliacl lhis infoinalion`
Task 3
Youi pIanl, 1000, conlains slock foi naleiiaI T-ATD##. This is lhe naleiiaI
lhal shouId le deIiveied fion lhis pIanl vhen cuslonei T-562A##oideis
1. Cieale a cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid so lhal lhis naleiiaI is aIvavs
laken fion pIanl 1000 foi lhis cuslonei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
94 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
2. The cuslonei nanages lhis naleiiaI vilh nunlei PC-M-##
and desciiplion PC-MnnItnr ##. Lnlei lhese delaiIs in lhe
cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid.
3. You ieceive an oidei fion cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR05. The oidei consisls of 12 mnnItnrs, vhich lhe
cuslonei nanages undei naleiiaI nunlei PC-M-##. The cuslonei
vanls lo ieceive lhe deIiveiv in twn wccks. Cieale lhe saIes oidei.
Can vou fuIfiII lhe cusloneis iequesled deIiveiv dale`
Which pIanl viII le used lo suppIv lhe deIiveiv`
HInt: You can use lhe Ordcring Par|u oveiviev scieen lo enlei
ilens vilh lhe cusloneis naleiiaI nunleis.
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Task 4
Youi cuslonei leIIs vou lhal she vouId Iike lo add lo hei puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR05.
1. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh 16 cs of naleiiaI T-ATE##. The deIiveiv
dale is in lvo veeks line. Save voui changes.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 95
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
SoIution 4: Entering SaIes Orders
Task 1
Cieale a slandaid oidei foi pioducl T-ATC##(1 pc) vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR03.
1. The ship-lo pailv is T-562F##.
CautInn: Do nol specifv lhe saIes aiea (deIele anv vaIues lhal
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Oidei lvpe: OR
Ship-lo pailv : T-562F##
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-OR03
2. Which soId-lo pailv is deleinined lv lhe svslen`
a) SoId-lo pailv: T-562E##HITcch AG
3. Which saIes aiea is aulonalicaIIv deleinined lv lhe svslen` Wheie
does lhe svslen find lhis infoinalion`
a) SaIes aiea: 1000, 10, 00
l) In lhe fiisl slep, lhe svslen deleinines lhe soId-lo pailv fion
lhe ship-lo pailv. The saIes aiea is lhen deleinined fion lhe
soId-lo pailvs naslei iecoid.
4. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc.
The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
Task 2
Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, pIaces an oidei vilh vou. Thev vanl lhe
deIiveiv lo lake pIace in 30 davs. The puichase oidei nunlei is
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
96 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
1. Lnlei lhe fiisl ilen foi naleiiaI T-ATC##(quanlilv: 5 cs). You offei
lhe foIIoving leins of pavnenl lo voui cuslonei foi lhis ilen: 14
davs 3, 3O davs 2, 45 davs nel.
a) Lnlei lhe ilen.
Oidei lvpe: OR
SoId-lo pailv: T-S62A##
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-OR04
MaleiiaI: T-ATC## (5 pcs)
Teins of pavnenl: ZB01
2. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh naleiiaI T-ATD##(20 cs). This ilen has
diffeienl leins of pavnenl: 2O davs 2, 3O davs nel. This naleiiaI
shouId aIso le deIiveied lo anolhei addiess. Change lhe ship-lo pailv
of lhis ilen lo voui cuslonei T-562B##.
a) Lnlei anolhei ilen.
MaleiiaI: T-ATD## (20 pcs)
Teins of pavnenl: ZB03
Ship-lo pailv: T-S62B##
HInt: SeIecl ilen. SeIecl ||cn dc|ai|s . SeIecl lhe Par|ncr
lal lo change lhe ship-lo pailv. SeIecl lhe 8i||ing lal lo
change lhe leins of pavnenl.
3. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc.
The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 97
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
4. DeIivei lhe oidei on lhe deIiveiv dale iequesled lv voui cuslonei.
Whal nessage appeais in lhe Iog`
HInt: If necessaiv, sel lhe seIeclion dale foi lhe deIiveiv lo
foui veeks fion lodav.
a) DeIivei lhe oidei on lhe deIiveiv dale iequesled lv voui
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and |ranspcr|a|icn
Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Crca|c Sing|c dccuncn| li|n rcfcrcncc
|c sa|cs crdcr.
Shipping poinl: 1200
SeIeclion dale: Four weeks from today
l) Choose |di| |rrcr |cg.
Item 000020: delivery split because of varying
Nntc: The lvo oidei ilens aie lo le deIiveied lo diffeienl
ship-lo pailies, vhich neans each nusl le on a sepaiale
5. Co lack lo voui saIes docunenl and viev vhich deIiveiing pIanl is
deleinined lv lhe svslen.
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 1O:
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 2O:
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) You can viev lhe pIanl on lhe Snipping lal.
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 1O: 12OO
DeIiveiing pIanl foi ilen 2O: 12OO
6. Which naslei iecoids does lhe svslen use lo exliacl lhis infoinalion`
Answcr: You can veiifv lhis lv checking lo see if a cuslonei-naleiiaI
info iecoid exisls in lhe ship-lo cuslonei naslei iecoid. If eilhei
iecoid conlains lhe pIanl, lhen lhe svslen viII slop seaiching.
The svslenuses lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoids lo exliacl lhe infoinalion.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
98 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
Task 3
Youi pIanl, 1000, conlains slock foi naleiiaI T-ATD##. This is lhe naleiiaI
lhal shouId le deIiveied fion lhis pIanl vhen cuslonei T-562A##oideis
1. Cieale a cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid so lhal lhis naleiiaI is aIvavs
laken fion pIanl 1000 foi lhis cuslonei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Rcoa|c
Arrangcncn|s Cus|cncr-Ma|cria| |nfcrna|icn Crca|c.
Cuslonei: T-S62A##
SaIes oiganizalion: 1000
Disliilulion channeI: 10
MaleiiaI: T-ATD##
HInt: Do nol save lhe iecoid unliI aflei conpIeling lhe
nexl exeicise slep.
2. The cuslonei nanages lhis naleiiaI vilh nunlei PC-M-##
and desciiplion PC-MnnItnr ##. Lnlei lhese delaiIs in lhe
cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid.
a) ConpIele lhe cuslonei nunlei, cuslonei nane foi lhe naleiiaI,
and lhe deIiveiing pIanl.
SeIecl infc rcccrd dc|ai|s.
Cuslonei naleiiaI: PC-M-##
Cuslonei desciiplion: PC Monitor ##
DeIiveiing pIanl: 1000
l) Save lhe cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoid.
3. You ieceive an oidei fion cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR05. The oidei consisls of 12 mnnItnrs, vhich lhe
cuslonei nanages undei naleiiaI nunlei PC-M-##. The cuslonei
vanls lo ieceive lhe deIiveiv in twn wccks. Cieale lhe saIes oidei.
Can vou fuIfiII lhe cusloneis iequesled deIiveiv dale`
Which pIanl viII le used lo suppIv lhe deIiveiv`
HInt: You can use lhe Ordcring Par|u oveiviev scieen lo enlei
ilens vilh lhe cusloneis naleiiaI nunleis.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 99
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
SoId-lo pailv: T-S62A##
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-OR05
Requesled deIiveiv dale: Two weeks from today
Cuslonei naleiiaI: PC-M-## (12 pcs)
The iequesled deIiveiv dale can le nel. DeIiveiv viII lake pIace
fion pIanl 1OOO, as agieed.
l) SeIecl Satc.
The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
Task 4
Youi cuslonei leIIs vou lhal she vouId Iike lo add lo hei puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-OR05.
1. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh 16 cs of naleiiaI T-ATE##. The deIiveiv
dale is in lvo veeks line. Save voui changes.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
MaleiiaI: T-ATE## (16 pcs)
DeIiveiv dale: Two weeks from today
100 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Entering SaIes Orders
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Deleinine lhe oiigin of docunenl dala fion vaiious souices, such as
lhe naleiiaI naslei, lhe cuslonei naslei, oi Cuslonizing
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 101
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Processing SaIes Orders
Lesson Duialion: 45 ninules
Lesson Overview
This Iesson coveis a nunlei of nev oi enhanced funclions avaiIalIe foi
enleiing and piocessing saIes oideis.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Iind and use lhe looIs and heIp foi enleiing and piocessing saIes
LxpIain hov lhe saIes sunnaiv suppoils saIes oidei piocessing vilh
Iasl change funclions enalIe lhe usei lo change noie lhan one ilen al
once duiing saIes oidei piocessing. This appIies lo lhe ieason foi iejeclion,
deIiveiv lIock, liIIing lIock, deIiveiv dale, deIiveiv piioiilv and deIiveiv
Business ExampIe
You nov vanl lo fuilhei oplinize lhe enliv and piocessing of saIes oideis,
and vou vanl lo lake fuII advanlage of lhe aids and looIs lhal aie avaiIalIe
foi ciealing docunenls.
102 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
SaIes Summary
Figure 21: SaIes Summary
The saIes sunnaiv heIps lo cieale docunenls lv dispIaving a vaiielv of
ieIevanl infoinalion aloul lhe cuslonei. This infoinalion is avaiIalIe al
anv line duiing docunenl piocessing.
The infoinalion in lhe saIes sunnaiv is giouped inlo info lIocks on
vaiious lopics. You can configuie lhe info lIock vievs and lheii sequence
in Cuslonizing.
Demonstration: SaIes Summary in the SaIes Order
To denonsliale saIes sunnaiv funclionaIilv in lhe saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Shovlhe saIes sunnaiv foi lhe cuslonei in lhe Iasl oidei vou ciealed
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au
2. Choose SaIes Sunnaiv
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 103
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
and scioII lhiough lhe sunnaiv poinling oul lhe diffeienl
infoinalion lIocks
Sludenls nav le inleiesled in hov lhe SaIes Sunnaiv is cuslonized.
LO6O4 coveis lhis lopic, lul lhe couise is nol offeied veiv oflen, so vou
nav vanl lo oplionaIIv denonsliale hov lo cieale a saIes sunnaiv viev.
Demonstration: Creating a SaIes Summary View
To denonsliale hov lo cuslonize saIes sunnaiv vievs
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Define a iepoiling viev foi lhe saIes sunnaiv |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Suppcr| (CAS) Sa|cs Sunnaru Dcfinc
Rcpcr|ing Vicus
2. Choose Nev enliies
3. Lnlei Info viev: Z99 Desciiplion: Tradc FaIr VIcw Ioin:
4. Assign infoinalion lIocks lo lhe nev viev
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Suppcr| (CAS) Sa|cs Sunnaru
Assign |nfcrna|icn 8|cc|s Tc A Vicu
5. Choose lullon Nev enliies
6. Lnlei lhe foIIoving infoinalion:
Infn VIcw 5cqucncc Infn B!nck Namc
Z99 OO1 O21 Ouick Info
Z99 OO2 OO1 Addiess
Z99 OO3 OO5 SaIes Oidei
104 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
Infn VIcw 5cqucncc Infn B!nck Namc
Z99 OO4 OO6 Cuslonei
Z99 OO5 O12 Iailnei
7. DispIav lhe oidei used in lhe Iasl denonslialion and choose lullon
SaIes sunnaiv
8. Choose lullon Viev
9. SeIecl nev ciealed viev Z99
Changing SaIes Documents
Figure 22: Changing SaIes Documents
Diffeienl oplions aie avaiIalIe foi changing docunenl dala.
Fast changc In dncumcnt: The fast changc funclion aIIovs vou lo change
seveiaI - oi aII - ilens in a docunenl al lhe sane line (foi exanpIe,
changing lhe deIiveiing pIanl oi deIiveiv dale, oi sellings lIocks)
ChangIng scvcra! dncumcnts: You can use lhe docunenl Iisl lo change
lhe pIanl, cuiiencv, naleiiaIs, and piicing in seveiaI docunenls al lhe
sane line. The nev nass change looI foi docunenls (in R/3 4.6) suppoils
conpiehensive changes lo lhe seIecled saIes docunenls.
B!nckIng dncumcnts: You can lIock specific docunenls foi sulsequenl
piocess sleps, Iike shipping and liIIing.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 105
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
RcjcctIng dncumcnts: You can iejecl ilens in saIes docunenls. This lIocks
lhen fion leing copied lo sulsequenl docunenls.
Wilh lhe fasl change funclion, vou can caiiv oul ceilain changes foi
seveiaI oi aII ilens al lhe sane line. Using lhis funclion, vou can change
lhe foIIoving dala: Reason foi iejeclion, DeIiveiv lIock, iIIing lIock,
DeIiveiv dale, DeIiveiv piioiilv, and IIanl. To nake a fasl change: SeIecl
lhe ilens lhal vou vanl lo change on one of lhe oveiviev scieens foi lhe
saIes docunenl lo le changed. Choose |di| |as| cnangc cf .... and lhe
ieIevanl piocess (foi exanpIe, Reason foi iejeclion). Lnlei lhe nev vaIue
foi lhe dala vou vanl lo change. Choose Copv. The svslen copies lhe dala
vhich vou change inlo aII lhe seIecled ilens. Save voui docunenl. You
can aIso sel lhe deIiveiv and liIIing lIock in lhe saIes docunenl headei lv
going lo lhe headei scieen and choosing lhe iIIing oi Shipping lal pages
foi lhe liIIing oi deIiveiv lIocks iespecliveIv. When vou sel a lIock in lhe
headei, lhe lIock lhen appIies lo lhe enliie docunenl.
Figure 23: BIocks
In saIes oideis, vou can lIock lhe liansaclions foi shipping oi foi liIIing.
You can sel a liIIing lIock in lhe docunenl headei, and aIso in lhe
individuaI ilens. You can cuslonize lhe deIiveiv lIock lo configuie lhe
delaiIed effecls of lhal lIock in shipping piocessing. Ioi exanpIe, vou can
geneiaIIv pievenl lhe ciealion of a deIiveiv, oi aIIov piocessing of lhe
deIiveiv and picking lul lIock lhe goods issue, and so on (see Appendix).
You can enlei ieasons foi iejeclion foi one oi noie ilens. In copv conlioI,
vou can slop lhis ilen fion leing copied inlo sulsequenl docunenls.
106 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
The fasl change funclion enalIes vou lo sinuIlaneousIv lIock aII lhe ilens
lhal vou have seIecled in lhe docunenl.
Figure 24: Rejections
You can enlei a ieason foi iejeclion foi one oi seveiaI ilens. You can cieale
a suilalIe copving iequiienenl in copving conlioI lo pievenl lhese ilens
fion leing copied inlo sulsequenl docunenls.
Ioi exanpIe, if a cuslonei does nol vanl sone of lhe ilens in a quolalion,
vou can assign a ieason foi iejeclion lo lhose ilens. This gives lhe ilens
lhe slalus of cnm!ctcd. The lusiness liansaclion can lhus le concIuded
vilhoul deIeling lhe ilen.
Reasons foi iejeclion aIso aIIov vou lo find oul vhal voui cusloneis lhink
of voui pioducls duiing a ceilain line peiiod. The naikeling depailnenl
can use lhese iesuIls as an inpoilanl pIanning looI foi lheii slialegies in
lhe nexl saIes peiiod.
The fasl change funclion aIIovs vou lo iejecl seveiaI oi aII ilens of a
docunenl al lhe sane line. A speciaI lullon is aIso avaiIalIe foi iejecling
aII of lhe ilens in a docunenl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 107
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Figure 25: Change SoId-to Party in SaIes Document
Al lines, il can le leneficiaI lo slail enleiing individuaI ilens lefoie vou
enlei lhe soId-lo pailv, especiaIIv vhen phone saIes aie invoIved.
A soId-lo pailv is aIvavs iequiied lo cieale a saIes docunenl: lheiefoie,
a defauIl soId-lo pailv nav le sel. You can cieale a defauIl soId-lo pailv
lv selling lhe indicaloi on lhe soId-lo pailv in lhe cuslonei naslei, oi lv
foIIoving |x|ras Acccun| grcup infc Cus|cncr |upcs, and seIecling
Dcfau|| SP.
The inconpIelion Iog ensuies lhal lhe peison iesponsilIe iepIaces lhe
defauIl cuslonei vaIue vilh lhe acluaI soId-lo pailv.
When lhe soId-lo pailv is changed, lhe changed vaIue iuns lhiough
lhe sane checks as lhe iniliaI enliv. As a iesuIl, a vaiielv of dala is
iedeleinined, such as lexls, piices, and deIiveiing pIanl.
You can aIso change lhe ship-lo pailv Ialei on lhe oveiviev scieen:
hovevei, lhe svslen viII nol iedeleinine lhe soId-lo pailv in lhis case.
Demonstration: Fast Change Functions in SaIes Order
To denonsliale sone fasl change funclions foi saIes oideis
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
108 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale a quolalion |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Quc|a|icn Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: QT
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei Cuslonei: 2006 vaIidilv 1 mnnth MaleiiaIs M-10, 10 unIts and
M-11, 10 unIts
5. Cieale sulsequenl saIes oidei fion vilhin lhe quolalion using nenu
palh Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr
6. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
7. Choose Lnlei
8. In Cieale vilh Refeience diaIog lox, choose SeIeclion Iisl
9. Choose nn!v ilen 1O and choose Copv
1O. Lnlei a puichase oidei nunlei and choose Save
11. CaII up docunenl fIov of quolalion lo shov oveiaII piocessing slalus
of quolalion: BcIng rnccsscd
Nntc: TeIephone inquiiv ieveaIs lhal cuslonei no Iongei
iequiies ilen 2O
Change quolalion lo iejecl ilen 2O |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Cnangc
13. Co lo oveiviev lal page Reason foi iejeclion and choose ieason foi
iejeclion CnmctItnr bcttcr foi ilen 2O
14. Choose Save
15. DispIav quolalion docunenl fIov |ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn|
16. Shov oveiaII piocessing slalus of quolalion is Cnm!ctcd
17. Change saIes oidei ciealed fion quolalion |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc
18. Choose ilen 1O and use nenu palh Gc|c ||cn Ccndi|icns
19. Choose lullon Updale piices lo shov piicing lvpes
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 109
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Demonstration: Change SoId-to Party in SaIes
To denonsliale lhe nev funclionaIilv of changing lhe soId-lo pailv in a
saIes docunenl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale and save a saIes oidei vilh soId-lo pailv 2006, puichase oidei
PrnccssIng 6 foi naleiiaI M-10, 10 unIts
2. Change lhe saIes oidei
3. RepIace soId-lo pailv vilh cuslonei 1000
4. In lhe Iailnei seIeclion diaIog lox, choose ship-lo 1000
5. When pionpled, iedeleinine aII vaIues. LxpIain lhe neaning of lhe
vaiious nessages.
In lhe leIesaIes lusiness, a cuslonei nav choose nol lo piovide lheii
cuslonei nunlei innedialeIv. Since il is iequiied, a 'defauIl soId-lo
nav le sel up in lhe cuslonei naslei, and aulonalicaIIv copied inlo lhe
oidei - and lhen iepIaced vilh lhe cusloneis nunlei vhen piovided. To
denonsliale lhe funclionaIilv of lhe defauIl soId-lo, lhe foIIoving oplionaI
denonslialion is piovided.
Demonstration: Use of DefauIt SoId-to Party in SaIes
Order Processing
To denonsliale lhe use of lhe defauIl soId-lo pailv in saIes oidei piocessing
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
110 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale a nev soId-lo pailv |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr
Da|a 8usincss par|ncrs Cus|cncr Crca|c Ccnp|c|c
HInt: Copv lhe soId-lo pailv 2006 using accounl gioup 0001
2. Iiioi lo saving nev soId-lo pailv, assign lhe defauIl soId-lo selling
|x|ras Acccun| grcup infc Cus|cncr |upcs
3. Choose DefauIl SI
4. Choose Lnlei and lhen choose Save
5. Assign nev cuslonei nunlei as voui defauIl Sus|cn Uscr prcfi|c
Oun da|a
6. Choose lal page Iaianeleis
7. Lnlei IID: VAU and VaIue: ncw custnmcr numbcr
8. Choose Save
9. Cieale a nev saIes oidei, docunenl lvpe OR
1O. Ioinl oul lhal lhe defauIl ship-lo defauIls inlo lhe SoId-lo fieId
11. Lnlei anv puichase oidei nunlei and MaleiiaI: M-10, 1 unIt
12. Choose Save
13. Ioinl oul lhe inconpIelion Iog
14. OtInna! Change lhe cuslonei nunlei lo 2006 and choose Save lo
denonsliale lhal lhe inconpIelion Iog does nol appeai, since lhe
defauIl soId-lo is no Iongei in lhe oidei.
Olhei oplionaI denonslialions sludenls nav iequesl: DeIiveiv Iock
(The svslen does nol Iel vou cieale a deIiveiv foi a saIes oidei lhal is
lIocked foi shipping. You ieceive an eiioi nessage leIIing vou lhal lhe
oidei is lIocked foi deIiveiv) and iIIing Iock (The svslen does nol
aIIov vou lo cieale a liIIing docunenl foi a deIiveiv lhal is lIocked foi
liIIing in lhe undeiIving saIes oidei. When vou liv lo cieale individuaI
liIIing docunenls, lhe svslen enleis a nessage in lhe ieIevanl Iog. In
lhe case of coIIeclive piocessing of liIIing docunenls, lhe deIiveiv is nol
incIuded in lhe liIIing due Iisl). If asked, lhe nenu palhs lo cuslonize
lhese fealuies aie: DeIiveiv Iock|MG |cgis|ics |xccu|icn Snipping
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 111
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Dc|itcrics Dcfinc Rcascns fcr 8|cc|ing in Snipping Dc|itcrics. 8|cc|ing
Rcascns/Cri|criaiIIing Iock:|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8i||ing
8i||ing Dccuncn|s Dcfinc 8|cc|ing Rcascns |n 8i||ing
112 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
87 Exercise 5: Entering SaIes Orders
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl looIs foi piocessing oideis
Business ExampIe
The oidei cIeik onIv has lo enlei a fev ilens vhen ciealing saIes
docunenls. The najoiilv of lhe infoinalion is copied fionlhe naslei dala.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned. |Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
Youi cuslonei can gel lhe fiisl oidei ilen of docunenl ##LO605-OR05 foi
a lellei piice sonevheie eIse, so lhev iejecl lhis ilen.
1. CanceI lhis ilen lv enleiing lhe ieIevanl ieason foi iejeclion (save lhe
oidei lefoie going onlo lhe nexl slep).
2. Cieale a deIiveiv foi lhis oidei vilh shipping poinl 1200. The deIiveiv
dale is foui veeks fion lodav.
Deciease lhe quanlilv of lhe ilen in lhe deIiveiv lv haIf and save
lhe deIiveiv docunenl.
Check lhe slalus of lhe oidei.
TolaI piocessing:
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 113
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 2O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
3. Cieale anolhei deIiveiv foi lhe oidei and deIivei lhe ienaining
Check lhe slalus again.
TolaI piocessing:
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 2O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
4. DispIav lhe oidei and iejeclion slalus foi lhe oidei.
TolaI piocessing: ConpIeled
Headei - Rejeclion slalus:
Ilen 1O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus:
Ilen 2O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus:
114 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
SoIution 5: Entering SaIes Orders
Youi cuslonei can gel lhe fiisl oidei ilen of docunenl ##LO605-OR05 foi
a lellei piice sonevheie eIse, so lhev iejecl lhis ilen.
1. CanceI lhis ilen lv enleiing lhe ieIevanl ieason foi iejeclion (save lhe
oidei lefoie going onlo lhe nexl slep).
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Reason foi iejeclion: 03 too expensive
2. Cieale a deIiveiv foi lhis oidei vilh shipping poinl 1200. The deIiveiv
dale is foui veeks fion lodav.
Deciease lhe quanlilv of lhe ilen in lhe deIiveiv lv haIf and save
lhe deIiveiv docunenl.
Check lhe slalus of lhe oidei.
TolaI piocessing:
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 2O
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 115
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
a) Cieale lhe deIiveiv: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping
and |ranspcr|a|icn Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Crca|c Sing|c
dccuncn| li|n rcfcrcncc |c sa|cs crdcr.
Shipping poinl: 1200
SeIeclion dale: Four weeks from today
DeIiveiv quanlilv of ilen 2O (ilen 1O in deIiveiv): 8 pcs
l) Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe deIiveiv nunlei.
c) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
d) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu and lhen |xpand a||.
TolaI piocessing: eing piocessed
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus: IailiaIIv deIiveied
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing: ConpIeled
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus: Nol deIiveied
Ilen 2O
TolaI piocessing: eing piocessed
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus: IailiaIIv deIiveied
3. Cieale anolhei deIiveiv foi lhe oidei and deIivei lhe ienaining
Check lhe slalus again.
TolaI piocessing:
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 2O
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
116 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
a) DeIivei lhe open oidei quanlilv: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Snipping and |ranspcr|a|icn Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Crca|c
Sing|c dccuncn| li|n rcfcrcncc |c sa|cs crdcr
Shipping Ioinl: 1200.
SeIeclion Dale: Fnur wccks frnm tndav.
l) Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe deIiveiv nunlei.
c) Check lhe slalus again: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Disp|au.
d) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu and lhen |xpand a||.
TolaI piocessing:
Headei - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 1O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
Ilen 2O
TolaI piocessing:
Ilen - DeIiveiv slalus:
4. DispIav lhe oidei and iejeclion slalus foi lhe oidei.
TolaI piocessing: ConpIeled
Headei - Rejeclion slalus:
Ilen 1O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 117
Unit 3: SaIes Order Processing SCM605
Ilen 2O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus:
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
l) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu and lhen |xpand a||.
TolaI piocessing: ConpIeled
Headei - Rejeclion slalus: IailiaIIv iejecled
Ilen 1O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus: IuIIv iejecled
Ilen 2O
Ilen - Rejeclion slalus: Nolhing iejecled
118 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Processing SaIes Orders
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Iind and use lhe looIs and heIp foi enleiing and piocessing saIes
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 119
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Deleinine lhe oiigin of docunenl dala fion vaiious souices, such as
lhe naleiiaI naslei, lhe cuslonei naslei, oi Cuslonizing
- Iind and use lhe looIs and heIp foi enleiing and piocessing saIes
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding enleiing and piocessing saIes oideis,
ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
120 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. IossilIe souices of infoinalion foi saIes
docunenls aie: naslei dala naslei dala,
exisling docunenl dala exisling docunenl dala,
Cuslonizing Cuslonizing, and
haid-coded conlioIs haid-coded conlioIs.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. The saIes aiea is nov deiived fion lhe cuslonei naslei.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving slalenenls aie liue iegaiding dala defauIling
inlo a saIes oidei fion lhe cuslonei naslei`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Oideis can le ciealed lv enleiing lhe ship-lo pailv.
usiness dala in a saIes docunenl is laken fion lhe naslei
dala iecoids foi lhe diffeienl lusiness pailneis.
C In lhe slandaid svslen, lusiness dala al lhe Iine-ilen IeveI
can diffei fion lusiness dala in lhe headei.
D The deIiveiing pIanl foi each ilen nusl aIvavs le enleied
lv lhe usei.
L The decision lo have lusiness dala diffei al ilen IeveI and
headei is sel in lhe ilen calegoiv.
4. Which of lhe foIIoving aie liue iegaiding lhe saIes sunnaiv`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Theie is onIv one saIes sunnaiv viev avaiIalIe in lhe
saIes oidei.
The saIes sunnaiv is acluaIIv a viev of infoinalion laken
fion seveiaI souices, such as lhe cuslonei naslei and
slalislicaI dala.
C The sequence of lhe infoinalion lIocks can le changed.
D The saIes sunnaiv is lased on lhe naleiiaI enleied in lhe
saIes oidei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 121
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
5. Which of lhe foIIoving aie faIse iegaiding lhe change of saIes
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Theie is a fasl change nenu oplion in a singIe saIes
Iasl change can affecl deIiveiv pIanls, deIiveiv lIocks,
ieason foi iejeclion, and deIiveiv dales.
C OnIv one Iine ilen al a line can le changed using lhe fasl
change oplion.
D Il is possilIe lo change seveiaI saIes docunenls al lhe sane
6. Changing lhe soId-lo pailv in a saIes docunenl is aIvavs aIIoved.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
122 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
1. IossilIe souices of infoinalion foi saIes docunenls aie: naslei dala,
exisling docunenl dala, Cuslonizing, and haid-coded conlioIs.
Answcr: naslei dala, exisling docunenl dala, Cuslonizing,
haid-coded conlioIs
Duiing dala inpul foi saIes, lhe svslen suppoils vou lv anaIvzing
vaiious souices of infoinalion lo nake ciealing docunenls easiei lv
using defauIl vaIues oi fixed iefeience dala.
2. The saIes aiea is nov deiived fion lhe cuslonei naslei.
Answcr: Tiue
The svslen nov aulonalicaIIv deiives lhe saIes aiea fion lhe
cuslonei naslei.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving slalenenls aie liue iegaiding dala defauIling
inlo a saIes oidei fion lhe cuslonei naslei`
Answcr: A, , C, L
IIanls aie pioposed aulonalicaIIv fion lhis oidei of naslei iecoids:
(1) cuslonei-naleiiaI infoinalion, (2) cuslonei naslei, and (3)
naleiiaI naslei. Usei enliv is onIv necessaiv vhen lheie is no pIanl
enliv in lhe pieceding Iisled naslei iecoids.
4. Which of lhe foIIoving aie liue iegaiding lhe saIes sunnaiv`
Answcr: , C
The saIes sunnaiv is lased on lhe cuslonei enleied in lhe saIes
oidei. Theie is one defauIl saIes sunnaiv, lul lhe usei can choose
anong seveiaI, and noie can le luiIl in Cuslonizing.
5. Which of lhe foIIoving aie faIse iegaiding lhe change of saIes
Answcr: C
The fasl change oplion in lhe saIes docunenl aIIovs vou lo change
one, seveiaI, oi aII ilens in lhe docunenl al lhe sane line.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 123
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
6. Changing lhe soId-lo pailv in a saIes docunenl is aIvavs aIIoved.
Answcr: IaIse
Changing lhe soId-lo pailv in a saIes docunenl is nol aIIoved
vhen lheie aie slalus-ieIevanl pieceding docunenls oi sulsequenl
124 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 4
99 ControIIing SaIes Documents with
SaIes Document Types
Nov lhal lhe pailicipanls knov hov lo enlei saIes docunenls, lhis
unil discusses hov lhose docunenls aie conlioIIed in cuslonizing.
Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenls can le done al lhe headei, ilen oi
scheduIe Iine IeveI, coiiesponding lo lhe sliucluie of lhe docunenl.
ConlioIIing individuaI docunenls is suppIenenled lv copving conlioI
vhich goveins vhich dala nav le copied lo a sulsequenl docunenl.
These lopics aie discussed in lhis and lhe foIIoving lhiee unils.
Unit Overview
This unil discusses lhe inpoilance of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, incIuding
vhich eIenenls conlioI lhe docunenl lvpe and cuslonizing sellings. In
addilion, seveiaI saIes docunenl lvpes viII le piesenled, vhich can le
used foi diffeienl lusiness piocesses.
We viII aIso discuss hov saIes docunenl lvpes can le iesliicled lo ceilain
saIes aieas.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe eIenenls lhal conlioI lhe saIes docunenl
- Cive exanpIes of diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes used foi diffeienl
lusiness piocesses
- LxpIain lhe funclion of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Cieale Cuslonizing sellings foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Resliicl lhe vaIidilv of saIes docunenl lvpes lo saIes aieas
Unit Contents
Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the Sales Document type . . . . . . .127
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 125
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Demonstration: Demonstrate the three parts of a sales order . . . . . . .131
Demonstration: mportant Fields in the Sales Document Type. . . . . . .134
Demonstration: Create a New Sales Document Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
Procedure: Create a New Sales Document Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Demonstration: Assign New Sales Document Type to Sales Areas .139
Procedure: Assign Sales Document Types to Sales Areas. . . . . . . . . . .140
Demonstration: Test New Sales Document Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
Exercise 6: Functions and Customizing of the Sales Document
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Exercise 7: Compare Sales Document Types Standard Order and
Rush Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
126 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Functions and Customizing of the SaIes
Document type
Lesson Duialion: 1O5 ninules
Lesson Overview
This Iesson discusses lhe inpoilance of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, incIuding
vhich eIenenls conlioI lhe docunenl lvpe and cuslonizing sellings. In
addilion, seveiaI saIes docunenl lvpes viII le piesenled, vhich can le
used foi diffeienl lusiness piocesses.
We viII aIso discuss hov saIes docunenl lvpes can le iesliicled lo ceilain
saIes aieas.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe eIenenls lhal conlioI lhe saIes docunenl
- Cive exanpIes of diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes used foi diffeienl
lusiness piocesses
- LxpIain lhe funclion of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Cieale Cuslonizing sellings foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Resliicl lhe vaIidilv of saIes docunenl lvpes lo saIes aieas
Lnphasize lhal vou can use conlioI eIenenls, configuied in Cuslonizing
foi SaIes and Disliilulion, lo define each saIes docunenl lvpe in such a
vav lhal il is piovided vilh ils ovn iange of funclions. The docunenl
lvpes can le laiIoied lo neel lhe iequiienenls of voui conpanv. You can
nodifv lhe exisling docunenl lvpes oi vou can cieale voui ovn if lhose
specified in lhe slandaid veision of lhe SAI R/3 Svslen do nol neel lhe
needs of voui saIes oiganizalion.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS Inc., has leen using lhe SAI R/3 SD noduIe
successfuIIv foi veais.
Conpanv nanagenenl has decided lo expand lhe conpanvs saIes
aclivilies. In lhe fuluie, oideis pIaced lv cusloneis al liade faiis shouId le
conlioIIed and evaIualed sepaialeIv fion aII exisling aclivilies.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo configuie a sepaiale saIes docunenl lvpe foi
liade faii saIes.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 127
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
ControIIing SaIes Documents
To slail vilh, lhink aloul lhe sliucluie of lhe saIes docunenl. The
insliunenls foi Cuslonizing, vhich lakes pIace al each IeveI in lhe saIes
docunenl, aie lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv, and scheduIe Iine
The Cuslonizing foi a saIes docunenl lvpe conlioIs lhe lehavioi of a
saIes docunenl al lhe headei IeveI.
Figure 26: ControIIing Business Processes in SaIes
DispIav lhe sliucluie of saIes docunenls and lheii conlioIIing eIenenls
eilhei on lhe loaid oi use an acluaI saIes oidei.
SaIes piocesses aie conlioIIed lv Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenls.
Cuslonizing can le done al headei, ilen, oi scheduIe Iine IeveI, depending
on lhe sliucluie of lhe docunenl.
You need lo nake sellings in Cuslonizing so lhal lhe ilen and scheduIe
Iine calegoiies aie deleinined aulonalicaIIv in lhe saIes docunenl.
To conpIele lhe selup of a lusiness piocess in voui svslen, vou need
lo configuie lhe svslen lo foivaid dala fion lhe saIes docunenl lo
sulsequenl docunenls, accoiding lo voui needs. You can do lhis in
cnvIng cnntrn!.
128 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
AddilionaI configuialion nusl le done oulside of lhe docunenl lvpe.
Much of lhal cuslonizing, such as piicing, pailneis, oulpul, and so on,
is nainlained in lasic funclions. The pioceduie is lhen Iinked lo lhe
docunenl lvpe (ilen calegoiv oi scheduIe Iine calegoiv).
Figure 27: Basic Functions
Nane sone lvpicaI exanpIes fion lusiness piaclice
You need lo configuie seveiaI geneiaI saIes funclions (lasic funclions)
foi lhe saIes docunenls. These incIude pailnei deleininalion, piicing,
oulpul deleininalion, lexl deleininalion, naleiiaI deleininalion, ciedil
nanagenenl, inconpIeleness checks, deIiveiv scheduIing, and so on. You
can fine-lune lhese sellings al each IeveI vilhin lhe saIes docunenl.
The saIes docunenl is nol conpIeleIv configuied unliI vou have piocessed
aII of lhe necessaiv lasic funclions.
Ioi piicing, vou can sel up voui ovn piicing pioceduie foi a saIes
docunenl lvpe. Iiisl, configuie lhe saIes docunenl lvpe and piicing
pioceduie sepaialeIv: lhen assign lhe pioceduie lo lhe saIes docunenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 129
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
You can aIso cieale defauIl oulpul lvpes foi each saIes docunenl lvpe. To
do lhis, assign lhe ieIevanl oulpul deleininalion pioceduie lo lhe saIes
docunenl lvpe in Cuslonizing foi oulpul.
You can use diffeienl funclions foi diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes. Ioi
exanpIe, piicing - lul nol invenloiv - updales aie needed lo cieale an
Figure 28: ExampIes of SaIes Document Types
TaIk aloul lhe exanpIes and expIain lheii chaiacleiislics. Look al lhe
lusiness and lechnicaI dislinclions lelveen docunenl lvpes.
Il nighl le insliuclive lo poinl oul lhal lhe conpIainls seclion of lhe sIide
ieaIIv Ieads lo oppoilunilies foi cuslonei seivice and issue iesoIulion.
Diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo iepiesenl
lhe diffeienl lusiness piocesses. The pievious figuie piovides vou vilh
exanpIes of hov lo use saIes docunenl lvpes.
130 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Demonstration: Demonstrate the three parts of a saIes
To shov lhe lhiee seclions of a saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Open lhe saIes oidei ciealed vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO6O5-ORO1|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr
2. In lhe oidei nunlei fieId, choose I4.
3. Choose lal page SaIes docunenl accoiding lo cuslonei IO nunlei
4. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei ##LO6O5-ORO1
5. Choose Lnlei
6. Navigale lo headei lals, Iine ilen lals and scheduIe Iine lals.
ControIIing the SaIes Document with the SaIes
Document Type
The Cuslonizing foi a saIes docunenl lvpe conlioIs lhe lehavioi of a saIes
docunenl al lhe headei IeveI. You viII configuie sellings lhal aie vaIid
foi a vhoIe saIes docunenl. Sone of lhis dala is fixed vaIues, and sone
appeai as defauIl vaIues.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 131
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Figure 29: Functions in the SaIes Document Type
In Cuslonizing foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, vou configuie lhe sellings lhal
infIuence lhe saIes piocess, such as lhe saIes docunenl calegoiv, deIiveiv,
and liIIing lIocks, oi lhe docunenl lvpes foi sulsequenl deIiveiies and
liIIing docunenls.
You can aIso save defauIl vaIues lhal appeai vhen vou cieale a docunenl.
You can oveiviile lhese vaIues al diffeienl IeveIs of lhe docunenl lo
nalch pailicuIai pioceduies, such as lhe cusloneis iequesled deIiveiv
dale oi ceilain lasic iequiienenls foi conliacls. In addilion, vou can
aclivale vaiious checks, such as nessages aloul open quolalions oi oulIine
agieenenls, seaiches foi cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoids, oi ciedil Iinil
Nntc: Aclivaling checks can affecl svslen peifoinance.
Nntc: Adding a nev saIes docunenl lvpe lo saIes piocessing is
line consuning lecause nanv of lhe enliies in Cuslonizing
depend on lhe saIes docunenl lvpe. To avoid anv difficuIlies, vou
shouId geneiale a nev saIes docunenl lvpe lv copving an exisling
one vilh siniIai funclions. This docunenl lvpe shouId le one
fion lhe SAI slandaid svslen, oi one lhal has leen pieviousIv
lesled lv voui conpanv.
When vou copv lhe docunenl lvpe, lolh lhe fieIds and lhe
dependenl enliies aie copied. Once lhe svslen has copied lhe
docunenl, il aulonalicaIIv geneiales a Iog lhal vou can save foi
docunenlalion puiposes.
132 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Sone geneiaI saIes docunenl conlioIs aie nol in cuslonizing foi saIes
docunenl lvpes lul al olhei pIaces in lhe IMC. Ioi exanpIe, a seiies of
lasic funclions aie Iinked lo lhe saIes docunenl lvpe. Thev can le found
in lhe IMC foi asic Iunclions.
Figure 30: Changing the SaIes Document Type
You can change lhe cuiienl saIes docunenl lvpe duiing docunenl
piocessing (Oveiviev scieen: SaIes lal).
You can cieale an InquIrv and, duiing piocessing, decide lo change il
lo a quntatInn.
You can aIso change a saved InquIrv lo a standard nrdcr.
efoie vou change lhe saIes docunenl lvpe in lhe saIes docunenl, check
lhal lheie aie no sulsequenl docunenls, lhe saIes docunenl is nol a
slalus-ieIevanl sulsequenl docunenl, and lhe docunenl has nol leen
ciealed fion a seivice nolificalion oi fion a conliacl.
ecause lhe ilen calegoiies nusl le iedeleinined vhen vou change lhe
saIes docunenl lvpe, lhe foIIoving iequiienenls aIso appIv:
- The ilen calegoiv nusl le changealIe (foi exanpIe, a nake-lo-oidei
ilen foi vhich lhe cosls have aIieadv leen posled can no Iongei le
- If a Iisling exisls foi lhe nev docunenl lvpe and vou have aIieadv
enleied ilens, lhese ilens nusl aIso le conlained in lhe Iisl.
- If vou have aIieadv enleied ilens, lhe nev saIes docunenl lvpe nav
nol have an excIusion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 133
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
If vou choose a nev oidei lvpe, lhe svslen checks:
- Docunenl deleininalion pioceduie: if diffeienl, il ieiuns piicing
- MaleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie: if diffeienl, il iedeleinines lhe
- Lisling/excIusion deleininalion pioceduie: if diffeienl, il
iedeleinines lhe Iislings/excIusions
Iiee goods pioceduie: if diffeienl, il iedeleinines fiee goods
Nntc: If vou need lo change a docunenl lhal has aIieadv leen
saved, lolh lhe nev and oId docunenl lvpes nusl leIong lo lhe
sane nunlei iange.
You can define lvo aIleinale docunenl lvpes foi each saIes docunenl
lvpe in Cuslonizing (use lhe A||.sa|cs dcc. |upc1 and A||.sa|cs dcc. |upc2
fieIds). CaIIing up I4 (possilIe enliies) foi lhese fieIds dispIavs onIv lhose
docunenl lvpes lhal fuIfiII lhe necessaiv pieiequisiles.
Duiing lhis piocess, lhe svslen checks lhe consislencv of a nunlei of
Cuslonizing ilens. The docunenl lvpes nusl have lhe sane pavnenl
guaianlee pioceduie, pailnei deleininalion pioceduie, lexl deleininalion
pioceduie, slalus pioceduie, hieiaichv calegoiv foi piicing, liIIing pIan
lvpe/invoice pIan, pavnenl caid pIanning lvpe, pionolion/ieceiving
poinl deleininalion (sellings in Cuslonizing foi ielaiI), connilnenl dala,
and checking gioup foi pavnenl caids.
In addilion lhe saIes docunenl lvpe nusl nol le lIocked, lhe saIes
docunenl lvpe nusl nol have an indicaloi, and lhe sellings in lhe ||cn
ditisicn fieIds nusl agiee foi lolh lvpes.
Renind pailicipanls lhal saIes docunenl lvpes shouId nol le ciealed
nev, lul copied fion olhei lvpes. Lalei on in lhe couise, iefei lo olhei
dupIicaled enliies, such as ilen calegoiies, scheduIe Iine calegoiies,
naleiiaI deleininalion, inconpIelion, elc.
Demonstration: Important FieIds in the SaIes
Document Type
To denonsliale inpoilanl fieIds in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
134 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav lhe definilion of lhe slandaid saIes oidei, saIes docunenl
lvpe OR. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs
2. Choose Iosilion
3. Lnlei OR
4. Choose Lnlei
5. Choose DelaiIs
6. Discuss lhe foIIoving fieIds in lhe OR docunenl lvpe:
Nntc: CaII up lhe possilIe enliies foi lhose fieIds naiked
vilh |I4!
To expIain lhe effecl of lhe diffeienl fieIds vou can conpaie
lhe enliies in lhe slandaid oidei vilh lhose of olhei saIes
docunenl lvpes. LxanpIe: The innediale deIiveiv fieId has
nol leen aclivaled in lhe docunenl lvpe OR lul does exisl foi
RO/CS (iush oideis and cash saIes).
- SaIes docunenl calegoiv |F4]
The docunenl calegoiv deleinines hov lhe svslen sloies
and keeps liack of docunenl dala. Il enalIes lhe svslen lo
piovide vou vilh slalus infoinalion aloul deIiveiv piocessing,
liIIing, and docunenls lhal aie used foi iefeience (foi exanpIe,
inquiiies and quolalions).
- SaIes docunenl lIock
Deleinines vhelhei lhe saIes docunenl is lIocked foi use.
- Nunlei ianges foi inleinaI and exleinaI assignnenl
- Ilen nunlei incienenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 135
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
ecause il is sonelines necessaiv lo inseil ilens lelveen olhei
ilens in a docunenl, vou shouId enlei an incienenl giealei
lhan 1. If necessaiv, lhe svslen can lhen aulonalicaIIv geneiale
an ilen nunlei in lelveen.
- Refeience nandaloiv |F4]
Indicales vhelhei, vhen vou cieale a saIes docunenl, a iefeience
docunenl is nandaloiv. If so, lhe indicaloi aIso specifies vhich
lvpe of iefeience docunenl vou shouId use.
- Check division and ilen division |F4]
ConlioIs hov lhe svslen ieacls duiing saIes oidei piocessing
vhen a division lhal is enleied oi pioposed al lhe ilen IeveI
diffeis fion lhe division in lhe docunenl headei
- Read cuslonei naleiiaI infoinalion iecoid
- Check puichase oidei nunlei
Whelhei oi nol vou vanl lhe svslen lo see if lhe enleied
puichase oidei nunlei is unique foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- InconpIelion pioceduie
To le discussed noie fuIIv in lhe unil on inconpIelion
- Docunenl piicing pioceduie
- ICode foi oveiviev scieen |F4]
- AIleinalive saIes docunenl lvpes 1 and 2
- Messages aloul quolalions, oulIine agieenenls, and naslei
conliacls |F4]
Sel an indicaloi heie if vou vanl lo ieceive a nessage infoining
vou lhal open quolalions exisl vhen vou cieale a saIes docunenl.
Depending on lhe indicaloi vou seIecl, lhe svslen seaiches foi
open quolalions in lhe saIes docunenl eilhei al lhe headei IeveI
foi lhe cuslonei oi al ilen IeveI foi lhe naleiiaI.
- InconpIelion nessages
136 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
To le discussed noie fuIIv in lhe unil on inconpIelion
- DeIiveiv lvpe
- Innediale deIiveiv
- DeIiveiv lIock
To le discussed noie fuIIv in lhe unil on scheduIe Iines
- Shipping condilion
Oveiiides lhe defauIl fion lhe cuslonei naslei
- DeIiveiv and oidei ieIaled liIIing lvpe
- iIIing lIock
- Lead line in davs and dale lvpe |F4]
- Iiopose deIiveiv dale
- IioposaI deIiveiv dale
Lnlei lhe dale vhich vou vanl lhe svslen lo piopose foi
lhe piicing dale vhen a saIes docunenl is ciealed. You can
oveiviile lhe pioposaI in lhe saIes docunenl
- Conliacl sulscieen
To le discussed noie fuIIv in lhe unil on oulIine agieenenls
Demonstration: Create a New SaIes Document Type
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a nev saIes docunenl lvpe
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. A speciaI saIes docunenl lvpe shouId le sel up foi liade faii saIes
lased on lhe slandaid oidei
Use nenu palh: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs
Dccuncn|s Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs
2. Copv saIes docunenl lvpe OR lo ZAOO
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 137
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Choose Iosilion
3. Lnlei OR
4. Choose Lnlei
5. SeIecl enliv OR vilh seIeclion lox lo lhe Iefl
6. Choose Copv as
7. Change lhe foIIoving fieIds:
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
SaIes docunenl lvpe ZA00
SaIes docunenl nane Tradc faIr nrdcr
LxleinaI nunlei iange Nnnc
Ilen nunlei incienenl 100
Sul-ilen nunlei incienenl 10
Read info iecoid Dc-actIvatc
ICode oveiviev scieen Itcm nvcrvIcw
Ouolalion nessages F
OulIine agieenenl nessages Nnnc
Shipping condilions 01
DeIiveiv and oidei ieIaled
liIIing lvpe
Lead line in davs 10
8. Choose Lnlei
9. In lhe dependenl enliies diaIog lox, ansvei Ycs lo lhe queslion, Is
lhis enliv aIso ieIevanl foi copving conlioI`
1O. Choose Save
11. Shov lhe enliies lhal have leen nainlained aulonalicaIIv duiing
lhe copv
12. Choose Conlinue
138 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Create a New SaIes Document Type
1. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
2. SeIecl an exisling saIes docunenl lvpe lo copv vilh lhe seIeclion
lox lo lhe Iefl.
3. Choose Ccpu As.
4. Lnlei vaIue lo le changed.
5. Choose |n|cr.
6. In lhe dependenl enliies diaIog lox, ansvei Yes lo lhe queslion, Is
lhis enliv aIso ieIevanl foi copving conlioI`
7. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Assign New SaIes Document Type to
SaIes Areas
To denonsliale lhe piocess of assigning saIes docunenl lvpes lo saIes aieas
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Use nenu palh: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs
Dccuncn|s Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr Assign Sa|cs Arca |c Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Tupcs Assign sa|cs crdcr |upcs pcrni||cd fcr sa|cs arca
2. Choose Iosilion
3. Lnlei saIes oiganizalion 1000, disliilulion channeI 10, division 00
and saIes docunenl lvpe ZA00
4. Shov lhal as a iesuIl of copving conlioI lhis enliv exisls in lhis lalIe.
5. Choose Iosilion
6. Lnlei saIes oiganizalion 3000, disliilulion channeI 10, division 00
and saIes docunenl lvpe ZA00
7. Shov lhal as a iesuIl of copving conlioI lhis enliv exisls in lhis lalIe.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 139
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Assign SaIes Document Types to SaIes Areas
1. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Assign Sa|cs Arca |c Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs Assign
sa|cs crdcr |upcs pcrni||cd fcr sa|cs arca.
2. Choose Pcsi|icn.
3. Lnlei saIes oiganizalion, disliilulion channeI, division, and saIes
docunenl lvpe.
Demonstration: Test New SaIes Document Type
To denonsliale lhal a saIes oidei ciealed vilh lhe nev saIes docunenl
lvpes exhilils lhe definilion of lhe nev saIes docunenl lvpe
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale a nev saIes oidei. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Crca|c
2. Lnlei oidei lvpe ZA00
3. Lnlei saIes oiganizalion 1000
4. Lnlei disliilulion channeI 10
5. Lnlei division 00
6. Choose Lnlei
7. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei: 5a!cs dncumcnt tvc 1
8. Lnlei soId-lo pailv: 2006
9. Lnlei naleiiaI: M-10, quanlilv 10
1O. Lnlei naleiiaI: M-10, quanlilv: 1 as a sul-ilen
11. Shov lhe sellings in lhe nev docunenl lhal aie diffeienl lo lhose in
lhe slandaid oidei
12. Choose Save
140 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Restricting Order Types in SaIes Areas
SaIes docunenl lvpes nav aIso le vaIid onIv foi ceilain saIes aieas. Ioi
exanpIe, if vou have one saIes aiea foi doneslic saIes and anolhei foi
expoil saIes, lhen a saIes docunenl lvpe foi expoil saIes, iequiiing expoil
dala, shouId nol le used foi doneslic saIes, and vice veisa.
Figure 31: Order Types Permitted for SaIes Areas
You can use Cuslonizing lo define vhich saIes docunenl lvpes aie vaIid
in vhich:
- SaIes oiganizalions
- Disliilulion channeIs
- Divisions
This neans vou can Iinil lhe vaIidilv of voui saIes docunenl lvpes al lhe
IeveI of saIes oiganizalion, disliilulion channeI, and division.
To acceIeiale lhis piocess, lhe oidei lvpe ZA##foi use in lhese aclivilies
has aIieadv leen ciealed foi lhe pailicipanls. Copving conlioI sellings
veie aIso copied vhich neans lhal lhese lalIes aie sulslanliaIIv Iaigei in
size and il viII lake a Iong line lo caII up lhe ieIevanl cuslonizing lalIes
foi lhe Dala IIov unil.
In case vou aie asked:
Oflen pailicipanls ask foi possiliIilies lo adjusl lhe scieens lheii ovn
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 141
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Theiefoie lhev can use (easiIv) Tiansaclion Vaiianls and Scieen Vaiianls
vhich veie enhanced in ReI. 4.6.
This enalIes vou lo configuie a sequence of scieens foi each saIes
docunenl lvpe lhal neels voui individuaI iequiienenls. Ioi exanpIe,
vou can enlei vaIues in fieIds, hide oi dispIav fieIds, change lhe nenu
sliucluie, change lhe lalIe conlioI, oi hide vhoIe scieens in a liansaclion
vaiianl. This sinpIifies voiking vilh lhe liansaclion consideialIv. A
scieen vaiianl is ciealed foi each singIe scieen vilhin lhe liansaclion lhal
vou have piocessed in lhe vaiianl. Transac|icn ccdc. SHD0 Tiansaclion
vaiianls can le assigned lo each saIes docunenl lvpe (fieId Vaiianl in
Cuslonizing foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe).
142 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
109 Exercise 6: Functions and Customizing of
the SaIes Document Type
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- ConlioI saIes docunenl lvpes in Cuslonizing
- InpIenenl voui ovn saIes piocesses vilh nev saIes docunenl lvpes
Business ExampIe
You vanl lo conlioI and evaIuale voui saIes aclivilies sepaialeIv foi liade
faiis. To do lhis, vou viII use a diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpe, vhich vou
viII sel up in Cuslonizing lo neel voui iequiienenls. You viII Iinil lhe
use of lhal saIes docunenl lvpe foi lhe saIes aieas defined.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned|Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
Task 1
Nntc: Do nol cieale a nev liade faii oidei lvpe: one has aIieadv
leen ciealed foi vou. You need lo change lhe liade faii oidei lvpe
lo neel voui iequiienenls.
Youi nev liade faii oidei shouId neel lhe foIIoving iequiienenls:
SaIes docunenl lvpe: ZA##, Desciiplion: FaIr##-nrdcr
The nunlei assignnenl shouId le inleinaI: vou shouId nol le alIe lo
assign nunleis exleinaIIv.
Ilen nunleiing shouId have an incienenl of 100.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 143
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
Oidei enliv shouId legin vilh lhe ||cn ctcrticu scieen.
Checking open quolalions oi conliacls is nol necessaiv.
When liIIing docunenls aie ciealed, lhe svslen shouId ieiun piicing.
Nntc: In lhe slandaid svslen, liIIing lvpe F1 is configuied such
lhal piicing is ieiun aulonalicaIIv vhen vou cieale a nev liIIing
Youi conpanv vanls lhe defauIl iequesled deIiveiv dale lo le
aulonalicaIIv pioposed vilh a Iead line of 2 davs.
Iiicing shouId le lased on lhe cuiienl dale.
The svslen shouId aulonalicaIIv piopose lhe cuiienl dale as lhe puichase
oidei dale.
1. Change oidei lvpe ZA##, vhich has leen geneialed as a copv of lhe
standard nrdcr (oidei lvpe OR), lo neel lhese iequiienenls.
Task 2
Check voui sellings lv ciealing an oidei vilh lhe nev saIes docunenl
lvpe ZA##and lvo ilens.
1. You aIieadv conducl lusiness in saIes aiea 1000, 10, 00 vilh cuslonei
T-562B##. Lnhance lhe naslei iecoid such lhal lhe cuslonei can
aIso le seived lhiough saIes aiea Z000, Z0, 00. Use lhe dala fion lhe
exisling saIes aiea as a lenpIale.
Oideis in lhe nev saIes aiea viII le piocessed lv saIes office Z00
and saIes gioup Z0.
2. Check vhelhei dala foi voui naleiiaI T-ATB##has leen nainlained
in saIes oiganizalion, disliilulion channeI, Z000, Z0.
3. Youi cuslonei T-562B##oideis 10 cs of naleiiaI T-ATB##al a
liade faii. Lnlei a liade faii oidei (saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##) in
lhe defined saIes aiea Z000, Z0, 00. The puichase oidei nunlei is
4. Check lhe fieIds conlaining lhe docunenl nunlei of lhe oidei, lhe
iequesled deIiveiv dale, lhe piicing dale, lhe oidei dale, lhe oveiviev
scieen, and lhe ilen nunleiing foi lhis oidei.
Check lhe cuslonizing sellings foi voui saIes docunenl lvpe.
144 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
SoIution 6: Functions and Customizing of
the SaIes Document Type
Task 1
Nntc: Do nol cieale a nev liade faii oidei lvpe: one has aIieadv
leen ciealed foi vou. You need lo change lhe liade faii oidei lvpe
lo neel voui iequiienenls.
Youi nev liade faii oidei shouId neel lhe foIIoving iequiienenls:
SaIes docunenl lvpe: ZA##, Desciiplion: FaIr##-nrdcr
The nunlei assignnenl shouId le inleinaI: vou shouId nol le alIe lo
assign nunleis exleinaIIv.
Ilen nunleiing shouId have an incienenl of 100.
Oidei enliv shouId legin vilh lhe ||cn ctcrticu scieen.
Checking open quolalions oi conliacls is nol necessaiv.
When liIIing docunenls aie ciealed, lhe svslen shouId ieiun piicing.
Nntc: In lhe slandaid svslen, liIIing lvpe F1 is configuied such
lhal piicing is ieiun aulonalicaIIv vhen vou cieale a nev liIIing
Youi conpanv vanls lhe defauIl iequesled deIiveiv dale lo le
aulonalicaIIv pioposed vilh a Iead line of 2 davs.
Iiicing shouId le lased on lhe cuiienl dale.
The svslen shouId aulonalicaIIv piopose lhe cuiienl dale as lhe puichase
oidei dale.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 145
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
1. Change oidei lvpe ZA##, vhich has leen geneialed as a copv of lhe
standard nrdcr (oidei lvpe OR), lo neel lhese iequiienenls.
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc| SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Desciiplion: Fair##-order
Nunlei iange exleinaI assignnenl: Blank
Ilen nunlei incienenl: 100
ICODL foi oveiviev scieen: UER2
Ouolalion nessages: Blank
OulIine agieenenl nessages: Blank
DeIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing lvpe: F1
Oidei-ieIaled liIIing lvpe: F1
Lead line in davs: 2
Iioposed piicing dale: Blank
Iioposed puichase oidei dale: Activate
Task 2
Check voui sellings lv ciealing an oidei vilh lhe nev saIes docunenl
lvpe ZA##and lvo ilens.
1. You aIieadv conducl lusiness in saIes aiea 1000, 10, 00 vilh cuslonei
T-562B##. Lnhance lhe naslei iecoid such lhal lhe cuslonei can
aIso le seived lhiough saIes aiea Z000, Z0, 00. Use lhe dala fion lhe
exisling saIes aiea as a lenpIale.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
146 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Oideis in lhe nev saIes aiea viII le piocessed lv saIes office Z00
and saIes gioup Z0.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss
par|ncrs Cus|cncr Crca|c Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn.
l) Cuslonei: T-S62B##
c) SaIes aiea: Z000, Z0, 00
d) Refeience: Cuslonei: T-S62B##
e) Refeience: SaIes aiea: 1000, 10, 00
f) Choose Ccn|inuc.
g) Choose Sa|cs Arca.
h) SeIecl lhe Sa|cs lal.
SaIes office: Z00
SaIes gioup: Z0
i) SeIecl lhe 8i||ing dccuncn| lal.
Tax cIassificalion: 1
j) Choose Satc.
2. Check vhelhei dala foi voui naleiiaI T-ATB##has leen nainlained
in saIes oiganizalion, disliilulion channeI, Z000, Z0.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| Trading gccds Disp|au.
l) Lnlei T-ATB##.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl Sales: Sales Org Data I.
e) Choose Organiza|icna| |ctc|s.
SaIes oiganizalion: Z000
Disliilulion channeI: Z0
f) Choose |n|cr.
The dala has leen nainlained.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 147
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
3. Youi cuslonei T-562B##oideis 10 cs of naleiiaI T-ATB##al a
liade faii. Lnlei a liade faii oidei (saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##) in
lhe defined saIes aiea Z000, Z0, 00. The puichase oidei nunlei is
a) Cieale lhe saIes oidei. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei ZA##.
c) Lnlei T-S62B##.
d) Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##01
e) Lnlei T-AT##quanlilv: 10
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) Choose Satc. Recoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
4. Check lhe fieIds conlaining lhe docunenl nunlei of lhe oidei, lhe
iequesled deIiveiv dale, lhe piicing dale, lhe oidei dale, lhe oveiviev
scieen, and lhe ilen nunleiing foi lhis oidei.
Check lhe cuslonizing sellings foi voui saIes docunenl lvpe.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
l) Check lhe Cuslonizing of voui saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##: |MG
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupc.
c) SeIecl docunenl lvpe ZA##.
d) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Desciiplion: Fair##-order
Nunlei iange exleinaI assignnenl: Blank (Nunlei is assigned
inleinaIIv vhen vou save)
Requesled deIiveiv dale: Two days from today
Iiicing dale: Today
Iuichase oidei dale: Today
Oveiviev scieen: Item overview
Ilen nunlei: 100
148 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
115 Exercise 7: Compare SaIes Document
Types Standard Order and Rush Order
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe eIenenls lhal conlioI lhe saIes docunenl
- Cive exanpIes of diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes used foi diffeienl
lusiness piocesses
- LxpIain lhe funclion of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv has cuslonei oideis lhal need lo le deIiveied as soon as
possilIe. Youi nanagenenl vanls lo invesligale lhe use of lhe rush nrdcr
lo fiII lhis iequiienenl.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned. |Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
Conpaie lhe saIes docunenl lvpes standard nrdcr and rush nrdcr.
1. Whal aie lhe diffeiences lelveen lhese lvo lvpes`
2. Change saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##so lhal il is Iike a rush nrdcr.
Nntc: Check lhe sellings foi innediale deIiveiv, shipping
condilions, and Iead line in davs.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 149
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
3. Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##in saIes aiea 1000, 10, 00 foi
cuslonei T-562A##and voui naleiiaI T-ATA##(1O pcs).
The puichase oidei nunlei is ##LO605-ZA##03.
4. Viev lhe docunenl fIov lo deleinine vhelhei lhe deIiveiv vas
ciealed. Recoid lhe oullound deIiveiv nunlei.
5. Undo voui changes lo oidei lvpe ZA##.
CautInn: e suie lo do lhis slep! Olheivise, sulsequenl
exeicises using docunenl lvpe ZA## nav nol voik as
150 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
SoIution 7: Compare SaIes Document
Types Standard Order and Rush Order
Conpaie lhe saIes docunenl lvpes standard nrdcr and rush nrdcr.
1. Whal aie lhe diffeiences lelveen lhese lvo lvpes`
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei RO.
d) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
e) The foIIoving fieIds in lhe iush oidei aie diffeienl fion lhose
in lhe slandaid oidei:
Nntc: These aie onIv lhe ciilicaI fieIds lhal aie diffeienl -
lheie aie olheis.
Inn. deIiveiv: ActIvatcd
Shipping condilion: 10 ImmcdIatc!v
Lead line in davs: B!ank
2. Change saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##so lhal il is Iike a rush nrdcr.
Nntc: Check lhe sellings foi innediale deIiveiv, shipping
condilions, and Iead line in davs.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei ZA##.
d) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
Inn. deIiveiv: Activated
Shipping condilion: 10 immediately
Lead line in davs: Blank
e) Choose Satc.
3. Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##in saIes aiea 1000, 10, 00 foi
cuslonei T-562A##and voui naleiiaI T-ATA##(1O pcs).
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 151
Unit 4: ControIIing SaIes Documents with SaIes Document Types SCM605
The puichase oidei nunlei is ##LO605-ZA##03.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei ZA##.
SaIes aiea: 1000, 10, 00
c) Choose |n|cr.
Cuslonei: T-S62A##
Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##03
MaleiiaI: T-ATA##
Ouanlilv: 10
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) Choose Satc.
4. Viev lhe docunenl fIov lo deleinine vhelhei lhe deIiveiv vas
ciealed. Recoid lhe oullound deIiveiv nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
l) Choose Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
If voui sellings aie coiiecl, a deIiveiv is geneialed.
5. Undo voui changes lo oidei lvpe ZA##.
CautInn: e suie lo do lhis slep! Olheivise, sulsequenl
exeicises using docunenl lvpe ZA## nav nol voik as
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei ZA##.
d) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
Inn. deIiveiv: Blank
Shipping condilion: Blank
Lead line in davs: 2
e) Choose Satc.
152 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of the SaIes Document type
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe eIenenls lhal conlioI lhe saIes docunenl
- Cive exanpIes of diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes used foi diffeienl
lusiness piocesses
- LxpIain lhe funclion of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Cieale Cuslonizing sellings foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Resliicl lhe vaIidilv of saIes docunenl lvpes lo saIes aieas
ReIated Information
You can find fuilhei Infoinalion in lhe ieIease noles of ReIease 4.5A.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 153
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe eIenenls lhal conlioI lhe saIes docunenl
- Cive exanpIes of diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes used foi diffeienl
lusiness piocesses
- LxpIain lhe funclion of lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Cieale Cuslonizing sellings foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
- Resliicl lhe vaIidilv of saIes docunenl lvpes lo saIes aieas
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding lvpes of saIes docunenls and lheii conlioI
funclions, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
154 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenls can le done al lhe foIIoving IeveIs:
headei headei, ilen ilen, and scheduIe Iine scheduIe Iine.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. Diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo
iepiesenl diffeienl lusiness piocesses.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving aie saIes docunenl lvpes deIiveied vilh
SAI R/3`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Slandaid oidei
C Consignnenl canceIIalion
D Ciedil neno iequesl
L ScheduIing agieenenl
4. Which of lhe foIIoving aie needed lo define and use a nev saIes
docunenl lvpe in SAI R/3`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Necessaiv lasic funclions
Docunenl lvpe sellings
C VaIid saIes aieas
D Copving conlioI sellings
L Ilen calegoiv assignnenl
I ScheduIe Iine calegoiv assignnenl
5. VaIid saIes aieas foi a saIes docunenl lvpe shouId nol le configuied.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 155
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
6. The conlioI eIenenls foi lhe saIes docunenl
aie: saIes docunenl lvpe saIes docunenl lvpe,
ilen calegoiv ilen calegoiv, and
scheduIe Iine calegoiv scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
7. Configuiing sellings in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe does nol infIuence
lhe saIes piocess.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
156 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
1. Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenls can le done al lhe foIIoving IeveIs:
headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine.
Answcr: headei, ilen, scheduIe Iine
Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenls can le done al headei, ilen, oi
scheduIe Iine IeveI, depending on lhe sliucluie of lhe docunenl.
2. Diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo
iepiesenl diffeienl lusiness piocesses.
Answcr: Tiue
Lach saIes docunenl lvpe can have unique sellings in ils definilion,
vhich adapls il lo lhe specific iequiienenls of a unique lusiness
3. Which of lhe foIIoving aie saIes docunenl lvpes deIiveied vilh
SAI R/3`
Answcr: A, , D, L
The saIes docunenl lvpes deIiveied vilh SAI R/3 do nol incIude one
foi canceIIalion of consignnenl.
4. Which of lhe foIIoving aie needed lo define and use a nev saIes
docunenl lvpe in SAI R/3`
Answcr: A, , C, D, L, I
AII of lhese aie necessaiv, vhich is vhv ciealing a nev docunenl
lvpe is so line consuning. SaIes docunenl lvpes shouId le copied
fion olhei lvpes.
5. VaIid saIes aieas foi a saIes docunenl lvpe shouId nol le configuied.
Answcr: IaIse
Liniling a saIes docunenl lvpe lo ceilain vaIid saIes aieas can pievenl
a docunenl lvpe fion leing used in lhe viong lusiness piocess.
6. The conlioI eIenenls foi lhe saIes docunenl aie: saIes docunenl
lvpe, ilen calegoiv, and scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
Answcr: saIes docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv, scheduIe Iine calegoiv
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 157
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
7. Configuiing sellings in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe does nol infIuence
lhe saIes piocess.
Answcr: IaIse
Sellings, such as a deIiveiv lIock oi innediale deIiveiv, do infIuence
lhe saIes piocess.
158 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 5
125 ControIIing SaIes Documents with the
Item Category
Slail lv leIIing lhe pailicipanls vhv ilencalegoiv is used. Cuslonizing foi
ilen calegoiv conlioIs lhe lehavioi of a saIes docunenl al lhe ilen IeveI.
Ilen calegoiv IeveI conlioI: aIIovs nanv diffeienl lvpes of pioducls lo le
on lhe sane oidei: and aIIovs lhe sane pioducl lo le liealed diffeienlIv
depending on lhe saIes docunenl il is iefeienced on. You viII use seveiaI
diffeienl lvpes of saIes docunenls and naleiiaI lvpes, one leing a SaIes
iII of MaleiiaI OM lo denonsliale ilen calegoiv conlioI. I find lhal
sludenls ieaIIv vanl noie infoinalion iegaiding OMs in geneiaI, donl
Iel lhe sludenls gel vou off liack lhe focus is lhe ilen calegoiv conlioI.
Sludenls viII nol cieale lheii ovn ilen calegoiies. You shouId hovevei
denonsliale lo lhe sludenls hov lo cieale an ilen calegoiv lv neans of
nev enliv and copv.
Unit Overview
In lhis unil ve viII idenlifv ilen calegoiv conlioI and ilen calegoiv
deleininalion. Ilen calegoiv conlioI aIIovs nanv diffeienl lvpes of
pioducls lo le on lhe sane oidei, and aIIovs lhe sane pioducl lo le
liealed diffeienlIv depending on lhe saIes docunenl il is iefeiencing.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi ilen
- Configuie lhe svslen so lhal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv
assigned lo a saIes docunenl lvpe
- ConlioI sellings foi liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe saIes docunenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 159
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Unit Contents
Lesson: Functions and Customizing of tem Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Procedure: Display tem Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
Procedure: tem Category Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
Demonstration: tem Category Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
Procedure: tem Category Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Demonstration: tem Category Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Exercise 8: tem Categories and tem Category Determination. . . . . .171
Lesson: Bills of Material (BOMs) in the Sales Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Procedure: Create a Bill of Material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Demonstration: Create a Bills of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
Demonstration: Create a Sales Order Using BOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Demonstration: tem Category Determination for BOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189
Exercise 9: Bills of Material (BOMs) in the Sales Document . . . . . . . . .193
160 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson ve viII idenlifv ilen calegoiv conlioI and ilen calegoiv
deleininalion. Ilen calegoiv conlioI aIIovs nanv diffeienl lvpes of
pioducls lo le on lhe sane oidei, and aIIovs lhe sane pioducl lo le
liealed diffeienlIv depending on lhe saIes docunenl il is iefeiencing.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi ilen
- Configuie lhe svslen so lhal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv
assigned lo a saIes docunenl lvpe
Cive lhe sludenls a ieaI voiId exanpIe. Ask lhe sludenls if lhev piovide
seivice oi inslaIIalion foi a pioducl lhev seII oi do lhev evei have a need lo
add lexl al lhe Iine ilen IeveI of a saIes docunenl. Wilhoul ilen calegoiv
conlioI lhev couId nol have a pioducl, seivice and lexl ilen on one saIes
docunenl. The pioducl can le deIiveialIe and liIIalIe, lhe seivice liIIalIe
(ve donl deIivei seivice) and lhe lexl ilen couId le deIiveialIe and
liIIalIe (if I vanl lhe lexl lo appeai on lhe docunenls).
Business ExampIe
Conpanv nanagenenl has decided lo expand lhe conpanvs saIes
aclivilies lo incIude liade faiis. To conlioI lhe pIacing of oideis al liade
faiis, vou vanl lo le alIe lo infIuence lhe docunenl conlioI al lhe ilen
ExampIes of Item Categories
Diffeienl ilen calegoiies aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo suppoil lhe
diffeienl lusiness piocesses. You can use lhen as exanpIes oi as lenpIales
foi ciealing voui ovn ilen calegoiies.
The ilen calegoiv is defined vilh a foui-digil kev. These kevs aie copied
aulonalicaIIv fion lhe oiiginaI Ceinan kevs, and aie nol liansIaled. The
fiisl lvo chaiacleis piovide a cIue lo lhe saIes docunenl lvpe lhal vas
oiiginaIIv designed foi lhese ilen calegoiies. The Iasl lvo chaiacleis
indicale lhe use of lhe ilen calegoiv.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 161
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
- AITX SaIes docunenl lvpe: IN Usage: TLXT
- TAD SaIes docunenl lvpe: OR Ilen calegoiv gioup: LLIS
- KMN SaIes docunenl lvpe: NMS Ilen calegoiv gioup: NORM
Figure 32: ExampIes of Item Categories
You can decide if vou vouId Iike lo keep lhe slandaid kevs oi define voui
162 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
DispIay Item Categories
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs dccuncn| i|cn
Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
Item Category Functions
The essenliaI chaiacleiislics of an ilen calegoiv decide:
- Whelhei lusiness dala in lhe ilen can le diffeienl fion lhal of lhe
docunenl headei
- Whelhei piicing appIies lo lhe ilen
- Whelhei and hov an ilen is liIIed
- Whelhei lhe ilen iefeis lo an ilen oi is jusl a lexl ilen
- Which inconpIeleness Iog is used lo check lhe ilen dala
The ilen calegoiv conlioIs lhe funclion of lhe ilen in lhe saIes docunenl
and in anv Ialei piocessing foi lhal lusiness liansaclion.
You can change lhe sellings foi lhe ilen calegoiies defined in lhe slandaid
svslen. You can aIso define nev ilen calegoiies. To do lhis, vou shouId
aIvavs copv ilen calegoiies lhal aIieadv exisl and have leen lesled, lhen
change lhen lo neel voui iequiienenls.
The dc!Ivcrv rc!cvancc indicaloi is onIv foi ilens vilhoul scheduIe Iines.
You can indicale lhal a lexl ilen is ieIevanl foi deIiveiv, foi exanpIe, so
lhal lhe svslen copies lhis ilen fion lhe saIes oidei inlo lhe deIiveiv
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 163
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Figure 33: Item Category Functions
164 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
Item Category Functions
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs dccuncn| i|cn
Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
4. SeIecl ilen calegoiv TAN (oi an ilen calegoiv of voui choice).
5. SeIecl lhe nagnifving gIass icon.
6. SeIecl |1 on lhe diffeienl fieIds lo viev heIp iegaiding lhe use of lhe
fieId. SeIecl |4 lo viev lhe oplions and vaIid dala lhal can le inpul
inlo lhe fieId.
ControIIing the Items in the SaIes Document
Lveiv ilen in a saIes docunenl is conlioIIed lhiough ils ilen calegoiv.
This enalIes vou lo:
- Use diffeienl ilen calegoiies in diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes
- AIIovdiffeienl lusiness piocesses foi each ilenin lhe saIes docunenl
The figuie leIov conlains exanpIes of ilen calegoiies vilh sellings as
lhev aie piovided vilh SAI R/3 SD.
Figure 34: ControIIing the Items in the SaIes Document
You can configuie lhe funclions of lhe ilen calegoiies accoiding lo voui
iequiienenls. Ioi exanpIe:
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 165
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
- You do nol need piice deleininalion foi a lexl ilen, as lhe ilen is
nol liIIalIe.
- You vanl scheduIe Iines foi a fiee-of-chaige ilen in lhe saIes oidei
(ilen calegoiv TANN), lul vou do nol vanl lo caiiv oul piicing foi
lhis ilen oi liansfei il lo liIIing.
Demonstration: Item Category Functions
Denonsliale lhe diffeienl ilen calegoiies in lhe IMC. Discuss inpoilanl
fieIds in lhe ilen calegoiv. LxanpIe: scheduIe Iines aIIoved, ieIevanl foi
deIiveiv, inconpIelion pioceduie, pailnei deleininalion, conpIelion
iuIe...nanv of lhese viII le discussed in delaiI in Ialei unils. Use I1 and
I4 on lhe fieIds as vou discuss lhe use of each fieId. Discuss lhe lusiness
and lechnicaI dislinclions lelveen ilen calegoiies. Nole: To expIain lhe
affecls of diffeienl enliies on a pailicuIai fieId, vou can use Olhei enliv
lo go fion lhe slandaid ilen lo anolhei ilen calegoiv. LxanpIe: The
conpIelion iuIe fieId is sel lo A foi ilen calegoiv AIN, lo foi ilen
calegoiv ACN and lIank foi ilen calegoiv TAN. As of ieIease 4.6 lheie
is lhe nev conpIelion iuIe D. This iuIe is used foi aulonolive vilh lhe
MAIS-pickup-sheel piocess.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Make a copv of lhe ilen calegoiv TAN. CaII il
anvlhing vou Iike lhal slails vilh a Z. Sludenls sonelines change lhe
sellings foi lhis ilen calegoiv vhiIe doing lheii exeicises, and lhis viII
aIIov vou lo have a lackup copv of lhe slandaid TAN.
Nntc: Wain lhe sludenls lefoie lhev slail lheii exeicise lhal lhev
viII nol le ciealing an ilen calegoiv, lhev viII onIv le dispIaving.
TeII lhen if lhe svslen asks lhen lo save vhen lhev lack oul of
lhe lalIe, lo sav NO.
1. SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG pusn ou||cn
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs
dccuncn| i|cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics
SeIecl ilen calegoiv TAN
SeIecl lhe nagnifving gIass (icon)
166 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
SeIecl |1 and |4 on lhe diffeienl fieIds lo nake lhe sludenls avaie of
lhe fieId use and oplions.
Assign Item Category to SaIes Document Type
Ilen calegoiies aie assigned lo saIes docunenl lvpes.
Figure 35: Assign Item Category to SaIes Document Type
The puipose of lhis assignnenl is lo:
- Configuie lhe svslen lo piopose an ilen calegoiv vhen vou cieale
a ceilain docunenl lvpe
- Define aIleinalive ilen calegoiies lo lhe svslen pioposaI
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 167
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Figure 36: Sub-Items
The assignnenl of ilen calegoiv lo saIes docunenl lvpe is infIuenced lv:
- The ilen calegoiv gioup fion lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid
The ilen calegoiv gioup aIIovs vou lo gioup diffeienl naleiiaIs lhal
lehave in a siniIai vav duiing saIes and disliilulion piocesses. You
can aIso define nev ilen calegoiv gioups if needed.
- The ilen usage indicaloi
Ilen usage is nolhing noie lhan AAI piogians, vhich in ceilain
cases aie sel inleinaIIv in lhe piogian. The svslen usage lvpe TLXT
if lhe usei enleis an ilen in a saIes docunenl lv enleiing dala in lhe
Dcscrip|icn fieId vilhoul specifving a naleiiaI nunlei. Usage lvpe
IRLL is used foi conlioIIing lhe fiee goods ilen.
- The Ilen calegoiv of a highei-IeveI ilen (in lhe case of a sul-ilen)
168 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
Item Category Assignment
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl lhe SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG lullon.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs dccuncn| i|cn
Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
4. Choose lhe Pcsi|icn lullon.
5. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
||cn ca|cgcru grcup NORM
||cn Usagc: No entry
||cn Ca|-Hg|t|| No entry
Nntc: R/3 SD deleinines ilen calegoiv TAN and sone
aIleinalive vaIues. The Dc|ai|s icon viII dispIav aII aIleinalive
ilen calegoiies. Choose |4 on lhe ||cn ca|cgcru fieId lo dispIav
lhe oplions: aII aIleinalive ilen calegoiies aie avaiIalIe.
Demonstration: Item Category Determination
Denonsliale lo lhe sludenls hov lhe ilen calegoiv is deleinined.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns:
Nntc: Wain lhe sludenls lefoie lhev slail lheii exeicise lhal lhev
viII nol le ciealing an ilen calegoiv deleininalion, lhev viII onIv
le dispIaving. TeII lhen if lhe svslen asks lhen lo save vhen lhev
lack oul of lhe lalIe, lo sav NO.
1. Cieale an oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 169
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
2. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Cus|cncr 2006
Ma|cria| M-10
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
3. Shov lhe ilen calegoiv lhal is deleinined, TAN.
4. ianch fion lhe oidei lo lhe naleiiaI naslei and shov lhe i|cn
ca|cgcru grcup fieId |ntircnncn| Disp|au Ma|cria|
5. SeIecl lhe Sa|cs crg. 2 ticu lal: (NORM)
6. CaII up lhe Assign ilen calegoiies cuslonizing lalIe (VOV4) and
access lhe calegoiv vilh lhe kev vou deleinined in lhe saIes
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs
dccuncn| i|cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics
Choose Pcsi|icn
7. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OR
Ilen calegoiv gioup NORM
Ilen Usage: No enliv
Ilen Cal-HgLvIl No enliv
Nntc: Svslen deleinines ilen calegoiv TAN and sone
aIleinalive vaIues. The DelaiIs (icon) viII dispIav aII
aIleinalive ilen calegoiies. Co lack lo lhe saIes docunenl.
Choose |4 on lhe ilen calegoiv fieId lo dispIav lhe oplions, aII
aIleinalive ilen calegoiies aie avaiIalIe
170 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
135 Exercise 8: Item Categories and Item
Category Determination
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lhe funclions of lhe ilen calegoiv
- LxpIain and conlioI lhe aulonalic deleininalion of ilen calegoiies
Business ExampIe
When ciealing saIes docunenls, individuaI ilens nav le conlioIIed
diffeienlIv foi piicing and foi liIIing.
Il is inpoilanl lo undeisland hov lhe ilen calegoiv affecls lhe ilens
as lhev pass lhiough seveiaI saIes docunenls, oi vilhin individuaI
Reviev hov ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv deleinined.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned
C!Icnt: As Assigned
Uscr ID: As Assigned
Passwnrd: As Assigned
Task 1
Youi cuslonei pIaced an oidei eaiIiei in lhe veek and vouId nov Iike lo
add lo lhal oidei. The puichase oidei nunlei is ##LO605-OR05.
1. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh 16 pcs of naleiiaI T-ATE##. The deIiveiv
dale is in lvo veeks.
2. You have aIso agieed lo give voui cuslonei a fiee goods ilen of 1 pc
of naleiiaI T-ATE##. Lnlei lhe coiiesponding sul-ilen.
3. Is lhis ilen incIuded in lhe nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
4. Whal aie lhe ilen calegoiies in lhis oidei`
Ilen 1O: _________________________________
Ilen 2O: _________________________________
Ilen 3O: _________________________________
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 171
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Ilen 4O: _________________________________
5. Save lhe oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Task 2
DispIav ilen calegoiv funclions.
CautInn: Do nol change oi cieale ilen calegoiies!
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe.
DcscrItInn BusI-
fnr dc-
TAN Slandaid ilen
TANN Iiee-of-chaige
TAI Lxlenl
TAO Lxlenl
TATX Texl ilen
TAD Seivice
TAL Nol piiced
Task 3
Reviev ilen calegoiv deleininalion in lhe saIes oidei.
1. Whv is lhe ilen calegoiv in lhe oidei aulonalicaIIv pioposed lv lhe
svslen` Look foi lhe ieIevanl lalIe in Cuslonizing. Whal aie lhe kev
fieIds foi aulonalicaIIv deleinining lhe ilen calegoiies`
1sl kev fieId: _________________________________
2nd kev fieId: _________________________________
3id kev fieId: _________________________________
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
172 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
4lh kev fieId: _________________________________
Task 4
DispIav ilen calegoiv deleininalion.
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lv iecoiding lhe defauIl and nanuaI
ilen calegoiies found in Cuslonizing.
!cvc! Itcm
Task 5
OtInna!: Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, pIaces a slandaid oidei (OR
docunenl lvpe) vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR06 in saIes aiea
1000 / 10 / 00.
1. Lnlei lhe slandaid oidei (OR) docunenl lvpe vilh a iequesled
deIiveiv dale of one veek fion lodav.
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR06
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 173
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Rcu.dc|it.da|c One week from
Ilen 1O: Ma|cria| /Quan|i|u T-ATA## / 5pcs
Ilen 2O: Ma|cria| / Quan|i|u T-ZSA## / 3hrs
Which ilen calegoiv gioups aie assigned lo lhe naleiiaIs`
Ilen 1O: _________________________________
Ilen 2O: _________________________________
2. Which ilen calegoiies aie used` In Cuslonizing, check vhich of lhe
ilen calegoiies aie ieIevanl foi deIiveiv and piicing.
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
PrIcIng 5chcd.
Itcm rc!cv.
fnr dc!Ivcrv
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
3. DeIivei lhe oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR06.
DeIiveiv ilens aie geneialed foi vhich oidei ilens`
Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe deIiveiv nunlei.
174 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
SoIution 8: Item Categories and Item
Category Determination
Task 1
Youi cuslonei pIaced an oidei eaiIiei in lhe veek and vouId nov Iike lo
add lo lhal oidei. The puichase oidei nunlei is ##LO605-OR05.
1. Lnlei anolhei ilen vilh 16 pcs of naleiiaI T-ATE##. The deIiveiv
dale is in lvo veeks.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR05 in lhe Purcnasc
crdcr nc fieId.
c) SeIecl Scarcn.
d) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion.
FIc!d Inut Data
Ilen 3O: Ma|cria| T-ATE##
Quan|i|u 16 pcs
|irs| da|c Two weeks from today
Nntc: Renain in lhe saIes docunenl foi lhe nexl exeicise
2. You have aIso agieed lo give voui cuslonei a fiee goods ilen of 1 pc
of naleiiaI T-ATE##. Lnlei lhe coiiesponding sul-ilen.
a) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ilen 4O: Ma|cria| T-ATE##
Quan|i|u 1 pc
Hg|t|| 30
3. Is lhis ilen incIuded in lhe nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
a) SeIecl lhe fiee goods ilen and seIecl Disp|au i|cn dc|ai|s.
l) SeIecl lhe ||cn ccndi|icns lal.
No. The nel vaIue of lhe ilen is zeio.
4. Whal aie lhe ilen calegoiies in lhis oidei`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 175
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Ilen 1O: _________________________________
Ilen 2O: _________________________________
Ilen 3O: _________________________________
Ilen 4O: _________________________________
FIc!d Data
Ilen 1O: IlCa TAN
Ilen 2O: IlCa TAN
Ilen 3O: IlCa TAN
Ilen 4O: IlCa TANN
5. Save lhe oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc.
Task 2
DispIav ilen calegoiv funclions.
CautInn: Do nol change oi cieale ilen calegoiies!
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe.
DcscrItInn BusI-
fnr dc-
TAN Slandaid ilen
TANN Iiee-of-chaige
TAI Lxlenl
TAO Lxlenl
TATX Texl ilen
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
176 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
DcscrItInn BusI-
fnr dc-
TAD Seivice
TAL Nol piiced
a) Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc i|cn ca|cgcrics.
d) HoId C|r| and seIecl lhe ilen calegoiies Iisled in lhe lalIe leIov.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
f) You can ieviev lhe infoinalion foi aII ilen calegoiies lv
seIecling ncx| cn|ru.
DcscrItInn BusI-
fnr dc-
TAN Slandaid
x x ~ x ~
TANN Iiee-of-
chaige ilen
x x ~ ~
TAI Lxlenl
~ x ~ ~ A
TAO Lxlenl
x x ~ x A
TATX Texl ilen ~ ~ x ~ ~
TAD Seivice x x ~ x ~
TAL LxpIanalion ~ x ~ ~ -
Task 3
Reviev ilen calegoiv deleininalion in lhe saIes oidei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 177
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
1. Whv is lhe ilen calegoiv in lhe oidei aulonalicaIIv pioposed lv lhe
svslen` Look foi lhe ieIevanl lalIe in Cuslonizing. Whal aie lhe kev
fieIds foi aulonalicaIIv deleinining lhe ilen calegoiies`
1sl kev fieId: _________________________________
2nd kev fieId: _________________________________
3id kev fieId: _________________________________
4lh kev fieId: _________________________________
a) Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign i|cn ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
1sl kev fieId: SaTu Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc
2nd kev fieId: ||CGr ||cn ca|cgcru grcup
3id kev fieId: Usagc ||cn usagc
4lh kev fieId: H|ct||Ca ||cn ca|cgcru cf nigncr-|ctc| i|cn
Task 4
DispIav ilen calegoiv deleininalion.
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lv iecoiding lhe defauIl and nanuaI
ilen calegoiies found in Cuslonizing.
!cvc! Itcm
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
178 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
!cvc! Itcm
a) Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign i|cn ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
e) Lnlei lhe kev fieIds fion lhe lalIe.
!cvc! Itcm
Task 5
OtInna!: Youi cuslonei, T-562A##, pIaces a slandaid oidei (OR
docunenl lvpe) vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR06 in saIes aiea
1000 / 10 / 00.
1. Lnlei lhe slandaid oidei (OR) docunenl lvpe vilh a iequesled
deIiveiv dale of one veek fion lodav.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 179
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR06
Rcu.dc|it.da|c One week from
Ilen 1O: Ma|cria| /Quan|i|u T-ATA## / 5pcs
Ilen 2O: Ma|cria| / Quan|i|u T-ZSA## / 3hrs
Which ilen calegoiv gioups aie assigned lo lhe naleiiaIs`
Ilen 1O: _________________________________
Ilen 2O: _________________________________
a) Lnlei lhe slandaid oidei (OR) docunenl lvpe vilh a iequesled
deIiveiv dale of one veek fion lodav:|cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR06
Rcu.dc|it.da|c One week from
Ilen 1O: Ma|cria| /Quan|i|u T-ATA##/5pcs
Ilen 2O: Ma|cria| / Quan|i|u T-ZSA##/3hrs
c) Navigale fion lhe oidei lo lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid:
|ntircnncn| Disp|au na|cria|.
d) SeIecl lhe Sa|cs.Sa|csOrg2 lal.
e) Reviev lhe infoinalion in lhe ilen calegoiv gioup fieId.
Ilen 1O: Ilen calegoiv gioup: NORM
Ilen 2O: Ilen calegoiv gioup: LEI5
2. Which ilen calegoiies aie used` In Cuslonizing, check vhich of lhe
ilen calegoiies aie ieIevanl foi deIiveiv and piicing.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
180 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
PrIcIng 5chcd.
Itcm rc!cv.
fnr dc!Ivcrv
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
a) Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc i|cn ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl lhe ilen calegoiies vou found in lhe saIes oidei foi lhe
lvo ilens.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
f) You can ieviev lhe infoinalion foi lolh ilen calegoiies lv using
lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon.
PrIcIng 5chcd.
Itcm rc!cv.
fnr dc!Ivcrv
Ilen 1O TAN x x ~
Ilen 2O TAD x x ~
3. DeIivei lhe oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR06.
DeIiveiv ilens aie geneialed foi vhich oidei ilens`
Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe deIiveiv nunlei.
a) Sa|cs Dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
A deIiveiv ilen is geneialed foi ilen 1O, lhe slandaid ilen.
Nntc: A deIiveiv ilen vas nol ciealed foi ilen 2O (lhe
seivice ilen), even lhough lhe ilen calegoiv TAD aIIovs
foi scheduIe Iines lhal assune il is ieIevanl foi deIiveiv.
Theie is one noie IeveI of conlioI, scheduIe-Iine calegoiv.
If vou dispIav lhe scheduIe-Iine calegoiv lhal vas
deleinined, vou viII find il is nol ieIevanl foi deIiveiv.
l) SeIecl Satc. The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 181
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi ilen
- Configuie lhe svslen so lhal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv
assigned lo a saIes docunenl lvpe
ReIated Information
- hllp://
182 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
Lesson Duialion: 2O ninules
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson ve viII Ieain hov liIIs of naleiiaI aie conlioIIed lv lhe ilen
calegoiv deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- ConlioI sellings foi liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe saIes docunenl
This Iesson is nol aloul OMs il is aloul lhe ilen calegoiv conlioI of
OMs. Theie aie nanv lvpes of OMs, in lhis Iesson vou viII le voiking
vilh a SaIes OM. I find lhal sludenls ieaIIv vanl noie infoinalion
iegaiding OMs in geneiaI, donl Iel lhe sludenls gel vou off liack lhe
focus is lhe ilen calegoiv conlioI.
In lhe pievious Iesson vou inlioduced lhe sludenls lo sone of lhe funclions
of lhe ilen calegoiv and hov il is deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl. This
Iesson viII expand on lhose conlioIs. You viII inlioduce lhe sludenls lo
lhe ilen calegoiv funclions lhal infIuence hov lhe iII of MaleiiaI: nain
ilen and conponenls viII lehave on a saIes docunenl. Ask sludenls if
lhev use OMs. Ask lhen if lhev piice al nav ilen IeveI oi conponenl
IeveI. TeII lhen vou viII shov lhen hov lo conlioI lhal lusiness piocess
using ilen calegoiv
Sone peopIe aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe lein OM oi vhal il ieaIIv is. I
use a veiv sinpIe exanpIe vhen I laIk aloul piicing lhe OM: lhink of a
McDonaId Happv MeaI, il conlains a hanluigei, fiies, diink and lovs...nv
piice $1.99. The nain ilen is lhe Happv neaI, lhe conponenls aie vhal
nake up lhal Happv neaI. If I choose lo luv lhe conponenls sepaialeIv
(hanluigei, fiies and diink and I gel no lov) lhe piice vouId le aiound
Business ExampIe
You vanl lo use OMs lo seII ceilain pioducls.
BiIIs of MateriaI (BOM)
A conpulei consisls of seveiaI conponenls. In luin, each of lhese
conponenls is consliucled fion seveiaI individuaI pails.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 183
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
You can sloie lhis sliucluie in lhe svslen as a liII of naleiiaI. AII lhe ilens
in lhe liII of naleiiaI (OM) lhal vou vanl lo conlioI in lhe saIes docunenl
nusl le fIagged as ieIevanl foi saIes.
Nntc: The ilens in a liII of naleiiaI aie conlioIIed diffeienlIv lhan
lhe ilen calegoiies in a saIes docunenl.
If vou cieale a OM naleiiaI vilh OM usage 5 (SD), aII of lhe ilens in lhe
liII of naleiiaI viII le aulonalicaIIv fIagged as ieIevanl lo saIes.
Figure 37: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOM)
v naking lhe appiopiiale sellings in Cuslonizing foi lhe ilen calegoiies
in lhe saIes docunenl, vou can copv lhe conponenls in lhe liII of naleiiaI
lo a saIes oidei. To piocess lhe saIes docunenl, vou onIv need lo enlei
lhe naleiiaI nunlei of lhe OM.
184 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
Create a BiII of MateriaI
1. Cieale a liII of naleiiaI: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr
da|a Prcduc|s 8i||s cf na|cria|s 8i|| cf na|cria| Ma|cria| 8OM
2. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| Any finished/trading
good material you have
in your sandbox
P|an| the plant the product
exists in
8OM usagc 5 (Sales & Distribution)
3. SeIecl |n|cr.
4. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
|C| L (stock item)
Ccnpcncn| any stock item materials
you have in your sandbox
Quan|i|u 1 pc of each
5. SeIecl Satc.
Sub-Items in a BOM
The OM appeais in lhe saIes docunenl as a sliucluie vilh nain ilens
and sul-ilens. The svslen expands lhe OMs in lhe saIes oidei lv
aulonalicaIIv geneialing sul-ilens foi lhe conponenls, lased on ilen
calegoiv deleininalion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 185
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Figure 38: Sub-Items
Anolhei exanpIe foi using sul-ilens is fiee goods.
You can assign an ilen lo a highei-IeveI ilen if, foi exanpIe, a cuslonei
ieceives fiee goods foi oideiing a ceilain quanlilv of voui pioducl.
This sinpIe foin of suppIving fiee goods is suppIenenled vilh lhe
aulonalic deleininalion of fiee goods.
Nntc: In addilion lo sul-ilens, aIleinalive ilens can aIso le
iecoided in quolalions and inquiiies. AIleinalive ilens aie liealed
diffeienlIv fion sul-ilens: foi exanpIe, aIleinalive ilens aie nol
incIuded in lhe nel vaIue of lhe docunenl.
Expanding BiIIs of MateriaI in SaIes Documents
The individuaI ilen calegoiies conlioI lhe funclion of a liII of naleiiaI in a
saIes docunenl. In Cuslonizing, vou define and assign ilen calegoiies foi
lhe nain ilens and sul-ilens in lhe OM in lhe saIes docunenl.
A specific ilen calegoiv gioup assigned lo lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid of
lhe nain ilen defines vhich ilen calegoiies aie assigned lo lhe nain ilen.
186 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
Figure 39: Expanding BiIIs of MateriaI in SaIes Documents
To deleinine hov fai lhe OM shouId le expanded in lhe saIes docunenl,
vou need lo define lhe exlenl of lhe sliucluie of lhe ilen calegoiv foi lhe
nain ilen.
When vou deleinine lhe sul-ilens, lhe svslen aIso needs lo knov lhe
ilen calegoiv of lhe highei-IeveI ilen.
In Cuslonizing foi ilen calegoiies, vou conlioI vhich ilens aie ieIevanl lo
piicing and hov vou vanl lo inpIenenl iequiienenls liansfei.
Demonstration: Create a BiIIs of MateriaI
To denonsliale lhe ciealion of a OM.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Co lhiough lhe ciealing a OM denonslialion
duiing voui piep so vou can discuss lhe fieIds lhal vou viII see and lhe
sludenls viII nosl IikeIv ask vou aloul duiing voui in cIass deno. SeIecl
I1 and I4 on lhe fieIds lo Ieain noie aloul lhen. AIso, iead lhe onIine
heIp iegaiding OMs. The focus is nol lhe OM lul vou shouId le alIe
lo discuss a OM in geneiaI if ask.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 187
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
1. Cieale a iII of MaleiiaI
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s 8i||s cf
na|cria|s 8i|| cf na|cria| Ma|cria| 8OMCrca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
MaleiiaI R-1OO1
IIanl 12OO
OM usage 5 (SaIes & Disliilulion)
SeIecl |n|cr
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
ICl L (slock ilen)
Conponenl R-115O, R-116O, and R-117O
Ouanlilv 1 pc of each
SeIecl Satc
Demonstration: Create a SaIes Order Using BOM
To denonsliale lhe lehavioi of lhe OM al line of oidei enliv
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Musl have ciealed OM in pievious deno lo
denonsliale lhis.
1. Cieale a SaIes oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
188 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
IieId Dala
Docunenl lvpe OR
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6
MaleiiaI R-1OO1
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: Svslen expIodes OM. Look al ilen calegoiies lhal
aie deleinined: TAO foi nain ilen and TAL foi sul-ilens
Demonstration: Item Category Determination for BOM
To denonsliale hov lhe ilen calegoiv vas deleinined foi lhe OM and
lhe funclions of lhe ilen calegoiies deleinined in a saIes docunenl.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Shov ilen calegoiv in lhe saIes docunenl lhal is deleinined foi lhe
nain ilen, TAO and TAL foi lhe sul-ilen.
2. ianch fion lhe oidei lo lhe naleiiaI naslei foi lhe nain ilen and
shov lhe ilen calegoiv gioup (LRLA) fieId
SeIecl |ntircnncn| Disp|au Ma|cria|
3. SeIecl Sa|cs crg. 2 ticu lal
4. CaII up lhe Assign ilen calegoiies cuslonizing lalIe (VOV4) and
access lhe calegoiv vilh lhe kev vou deleinined in lhe saIes
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs
dccuncn| i|cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics
Choose Pcsi|icn push lullon
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 189
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OR
Ilen calegoiv gioup LRLA
Ilen Usage: No enliv
Ilen Cal-HgLvIl No enliv
Nntc: Svslen deleinines ilen calegoiv TAO.
5. Shov deleininalion foi sul-ilen calegoiv TAL
Choose Pcsi|icn push lullon
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OR
Ilen calegoiv gioup LRLA
Ilen Usage: No enliv
Ilen Cal-HgLvIl TAO
Nntc: Svslen deleinines ilen calegoiv TAL.
6. Shov lhe effecls of piicing lased on lhe ilen calegoiies lhal veie
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs
dccuncn| i|cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics
SeIecl ilen calegoiv TAO and TAL
SeIecl Dc|ai|s icon
Move lelveen lhe ilen calegoiies using lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon
190 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
DispIav lhe piicing fieId: TAO is piicing, TAL is nol. Use I4 on lhe
piicing fieId lo shov lhe sludenls lhe oplions.
Nntc: OplionaI: Change ilen calegoiv gioup in lhe naleiiaI
naslei foi lhe OM fion LRLA lo LUMI. Cieale a nev saIes
oidei. Nov lhe svslen is piicing al lhe conponenl IeveI
lecause of lhe ilen calegoiies lhal veie deleinined.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 191
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
192 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
153 Exercise 9: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the
SaIes Document
Lxeicise Duialion: 2O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cieale naslei iecoids foi saIes OMs
- ConlioI OMs in saIes docunenls
Business ExampIe
You oflen have lo expand OMs in saIes docunenls. In lhe piocess, vou
nusl deleinine, foi exanpIe, al vhich IeveI piicing viII lake pIace.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
In lhis exeicise, vou viII cieale a liII of naleiiaI lhal viII le used in a
saIes docunenl.
You vanl voui naleiiaI T-FUA## in pIanl 1200 lo appeai as a liII of
naleiiaI in voui saIes docunenls.
1. Cieale a saIes liII of naleiiaI (usage: 5 SaIes) foi lhe naleiiaI T-FUA##
vilh conponenls T-ATA##, T-ATF##, and T-ATG##(one pc foi each
naleiiaI). Configuie lhe liII of naleiiaI ilens as slock ilens (L).
Save lhe liII of naleiiaI.
2. Cieale a slandaid oidei (OR) foi voui cuslonei T-562A## and
voui naleiiaI T-FUA##(10 cs). The puichase oidei nunlei is
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Whv oi vhv nol`
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 193
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
3. In lhe fuluie, vou onIv vanl lo deleinine lhe piice foi lhe finished
pioducl/nain ilen in lhe saIes docunenl, and vou vanl lo Iisl lhe
individuaI conponenls of lhe finished pioducl foi infoinalionaI
puiposes. Change lhe naleiiaI naslei foi voui naleiiaI, T-FUA##,
sel up in saIes oiganizalion 1000, disliilulion channeI 10, so lhal
piicing onIv lakes pIace al lhe nain ilen IeveI.
4. Check lhe effecls of voui change in lhe saIes docunenl lv ciealing
a nev oidei foi cuslonei, T-562A##, oideiing naleiiaI T-FUA##
(10 cs). Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Which ilens
affecl lhe nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR08
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
5. Change voui naleiiaI T-FUA##so lhal piicing onIv lakes pIace al
lhe sul-ilen IeveI.
6. Check lhe effecls of voui change in lhe saIes docunenl lv ciealing a
nev oidei foi cuslonei T-562A##, oideiing naleiiaI T-FUA##(10
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR09
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Which ilens affecl lhe
nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
194 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
SoIution 9: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the
SaIes Document
In lhis exeicise, vou viII cieale a liII of naleiiaI lhal viII le used in a
saIes docunenl.
You vanl voui naleiiaI T-FUA## in pIanl 1200 lo appeai as a liII of
naleiiaI in voui saIes docunenls.
1. Cieale a saIes liII of naleiiaI (usage: 5 SaIes) foi lhe naleiiaI T-FUA##
vilh conponenls T-ATA##, T-ATF##, and T-ATG##(one pc foi each
naleiiaI). Configuie lhe liII of naleiiaI ilens as slock ilens (L).
Save lhe liII of naleiiaI.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
8i|| cf na|cria| 8i|| cf na|cria| Ma|cria| 8OMCrca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| T-FUA##
P|an| 1200
8OM usagc 5 (Sales & Distribu-
c) SeIecl |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
|C| L (stock item) for all
Ccnpcncn| T-ATA##, T-ATF##, and
Quan|i|u 1 pc of each
e) SeIecl Satc.
2. Cieale a slandaid oidei (OR) foi voui cuslonei T-562A## and
voui naleiiaI T-FUA##(10 cs). The puichase oidei nunlei is
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Whv oi vhv nol`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 195
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR07
Ma|cria| T-FUA##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
The OM is nol expIoded. The ilen calegoiv of lhe nain ilen in
lhe OM, TAN, does nol suppoil lhe expansion of OMs in lhe
saIes docunenl (lhe S|ruc|urc sccpc fieId is lIank).
c) SeIecl Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
d) To viev lhis conlioI, foIIov Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di|
e) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
f) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc i|cn ca|cgcrics.
g) SeIecl ilen calegoiv TAN.
h) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
The S|ruc|urc sccpc fieId is lIank.
3. In lhe fuluie, vou onIv vanl lo deleinine lhe piice foi lhe finished
pioducl/nain ilen in lhe saIes docunenl, and vou vanl lo Iisl lhe
individuaI conponenls of lhe finished pioducl foi infoinalionaI
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
196 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
puiposes. Change lhe naleiiaI naslei foi voui naleiiaI, T-FUA##,
sel up in saIes oiganizalion 1000, disliilulion channeI 10, so lhal
piicing onIv lakes pIace al lhe nain ilen IeveI.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| Trading gccds Cnangc.
l) Lnlei voui pail nunlei: T-FUA##
c) SeIecl |n|cr.
d) SeIecl lhe Sa|cs.Sa|cs crg.da|a 2 lal.
e) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Sa|cs crganiza|icn 1000
Dis|riou|icn cnannc| 10
f) SeIecl |n|cr.
g) Change lhe ||cn ca|cgcru grcup fieId lo ERLA.
h) SeIecl Satc.
4. Check lhe effecls of voui change in lhe saIes docunenl lv ciealing
a nev oidei foi cuslonei, T-562A##, oideiing naleiiaI T-FUA##
(10 cs). Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Which ilens
affecl lhe nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR08
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 197
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR08
Ma|cria| T-FUA##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
l) The OM is expanded.
Iiicing is onIv peifoined foi lhe nain ilen. As a iesuIl, lhe nel
vaIue of lhe oidei is caIcuIaled excIusiveIv fion lhis ilen.
c) SeIecl Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
Nntc: Whv did lhe OM expand` Whv vas lhe nain
ilen piiced and nol lhe sul-ilens` If vou donl knov lhe
ansvei, ask voui insliucloi.
5. Change voui naleiiaI T-FUA##so lhal piicing onIv lakes pIace al
lhe sul-ilen IeveI.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| Trading gccds Cnangc.
l) Lnlei voui pail nunlei: T-FUA##
c) SeIecl |n|cr.
d) SeIecl lhe Sa|cs.Sa|cs crg.da|a 2 lal.
e) ConpIele lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Sa|cs crganiza|icn 1000
Dis|riou|icn cnannc| 10
f) SeIecl |n|cr.
g) Change lhe ||cn ca|cgcru grcup fieId lo LUMF.
h) SeIecl Satc.
6. Check lhe effecls of voui change in lhe saIes docunenl lv ciealing a
nev oidei foi cuslonei T-562A##, oideiing naleiiaI T-FUA##(10
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
198 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs) in the SaIes Document
IO nunlei: ##LO605-OR09
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI` Which ilens affecl lhe
nel vaIue of lhe oidei`
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-OR09
Ma|cria| T-FUA##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
The OM is expanded.
Iiicing is onIv peifoined foi lhe sul-ilen. As a iesuIl, lhe nel
vaIue of lhe oidei is caIcuIaled excIusiveIv fion lhe sul-ilens.
c) SeIecl Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 199
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- ConlioI sellings foi liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe saIes docunenl
ReIated Information
- hllp://
- vvv.seaichsap.con
200 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi ilen
- Configuie lhe svslen so lhal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv
assigned lo a saIes docunenl lvpe
- ConlioI sellings foi liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe saIes docunenl
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding ilen calegoiv oi OMs, ieviev lhe SAI
heIp fiIes al hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 201
Unit Summary SCM605
202 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Ilen calegoiv is infIuenced lv lhe Ioading gioup coning fion lhe
naleiiaI naslei.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. Ilen calegoiv is deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl lased on
docunenl lvpe docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv gioup (fion naleiiaI naslei) ilen cale
usage (AAI piogians) usage (AAI piogians), ilen calegoiv of highei-IeveI ilen
oi a conlinalion of lhese a conlinalion of lhese.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. Can vou cieale voui ovn ilen calegoiies`
4. You viII noinaIIv see sul-ilens in a saIes docunenl vhen
vou aie voiking vilh liIIs of naleiiaI liIIs of naleiiaI and
fiee goods fiee goods.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
5. You can piice al lhe nain ilen oi sul-ilens of a OM.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 203
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. Ilen calegoiv is infIuenced lv lhe Ioading gioup coning fion lhe
naleiiaI naslei.
Answcr: IaIse
Ilen calegoiv is infIuenced lv lhe ilen calegoiv gioup coning fion
lhe naleiiaI naslei. The ilen calegoiv gioup aIIovs vou lo gioup
diffeienl naleiiaIs lhal lehave in a siniIai vav duiing SaIes and
Disliilulion piocesses
2. Ilencalegoiv is deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl lased on docunenl
lvpe, ilen calegoiv gioup (fion naleiiaI naslei), usage (AAI
piogians), ilen calegoiv of highei-IeveI ilen, oi a conlinalion of
Answcr: docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv gioup (fion naleiiaI naslei),
usage (AAI piogians), ilen calegoiv of highei-IeveI ilen, a
conlinalion of lhese
Ilen calegoiv deleininalion is lased on a nininun of lvo faclois:
docunenl lvpe and ilen calegoiv gioup. Tvo addilionaI faclois,
usage and highei-IeveI ilen calegoiv, can le used lo exlend fIexiliIilv.
3. Can vou cieale voui ovn ilen calegoiies`
Answcr: Yes
Diffeienl ilen calegoiies aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo suppoil
diffeienl lusiness piocesses. You can use lhen as exanpIes, oi as
lenpIales foi ciealing voui ovn ilen calegoiies.
4. You viII noinaIIv see sul-ilens in a saIes docunenl vhen vou aie
voiking vilh liIIs of naleiiaI and fiee goods.
Answcr: liIIs of naleiiaI, fiee goods
If vou use an ilen calegoiv lhal does nol expand lhe OM in lhe saIes
oidei, vou viII nol see lhe sul-ilens (conponenls), even lhough lhev
do exisl as pail of lhe nain ilen.
204 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
5. You can piice al lhe nain ilen oi sul-ilens of a OM.
Answcr: Tiue
Accoiding lo lhe ilen calegoiies vou deleinine, vou can piice lhe
OM al lhe nain ilen oi piice lhe sul-ilens.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 205
Unit 5: ControIIing SaIes Documents with the Item Category SCM605
206 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 6
167 ControIIing SaIes Documents with
ScheduIe Line Categories
Slail lv leIIing lhe pailicipanls vhv scheduIe Iine calegoiv is used.
Cuslonizing foi scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioIs lhe lehavioi of a saIes
docunenl al lhe scheduIe Iine IeveI.
Unit Overview
The scheduIe Iine calegoiv is lhe lhiid cuslonizing oljecl avaiIalIe foi
conlioIIing saIes docunenls. SaIes docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv, and
scheduIe Iine calegoiv aIIov vou lo conlioI saIes docunenls in delaiI al
anv IeveI lo neel voui lusiness iequiienenls.
In lhis unil vou viII idenlifv aII lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioIs and
scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi scheduIe
Iine calegoiies
- Configuie voui sellings so lhal scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie
aulonalicaIIv assigned lo each saIes docunenl ilen
Unit Contents
Lesson: Functions and Customizing of Schedule Line Categories . . . . . .209
Procedure: Display Schedule Line Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212
Demonstration: Schedule Line Category Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Procedure: Schedule Line Category Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Procedure: Schedule Line Category Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217
Demonstration: Schedule Line Category Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . .217
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 207
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
Exercise 10: Functions and Customizing of Schedule Line
Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
208 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
The scheduIe Iine calegoiv is lhe lhiid cuslonizing oljecl avaiIalIe foi
conlioIIing saIes docunenls. SaIes docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv, and
scheduIe Iine calegoiv aIIov vou lo conlioI saIes docunenls in delaiI al
anv IeveI lo neel voui lusiness iequiienenls.
In lhis Iesson, vou viII idenlifv aII lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv funclions and
scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi scheduIe
Iine calegoiies
- Configuie voui sellings so lhal scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie
aulonalicaIIv assigned lo each saIes docunenl ilen
Slail lv leIIing lhe pailicipanls vhv scheduIe Iine calegoiv is used.
Cuslonizing foi scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioIs lhe lehavioi of a saIes
docunenl al lhe scheduIe Iine IeveI.
Whelhei oi nol vou peifoin avaiIaliIilv checks and liansfei iequiienenls
aie jusl a fev of lhe conlioIs avaiIalIe al lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv IeveI.
The scheduIe Iine calegoiv aIso conlains inpoilanl infoinalion foi lhe
inleiface lo invenloiv nanagenenl.
The novenenl lvpe conlains inpoilanl infoinalion foi lhe inleiface
lo invenloiv nanagenenl. You can find delaiIed heIp iegaiding lhe
novenenl lvpe via lhe nenu palh Ma|cria|s Managcncn||ntcn|cru
Managcncn| Mctcncn| Tupcs in lhe IMC.
To geneiale puichase iequisilions aulonalicaIIv in MM (puichasing) vou
use lhe fieIds Oidei lvpe, Iuich. ieq. vilh deI. ScheduIing, Ilen calegoiv
and Accounl assignnenl in lhe ScheduIe Iine calegoiv. These fieIds aie
used in lhiid-pailv oidei piocessing oi individuaI cuslonei puichase
oidei (foi exanpIe scheduIe Iine calegoiv CS).
AvaiIaliIilv checks and liansfei of iequiienenls have nol vel leen coveied
in lhe liaining couises lul lheie is a CD (cusloneis can seaich foi il undei
KnovIedge Iioducls and AvaiIaliIilv Check in OSS), Iuichase oidei
nunlei: 5OO 15 3OO
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 209
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
Business ExampIe
Changes lhal affecl lhe enliie Iogislics piocess aie laking pIace al voui
conpanv, IDLS AC.
One of lhe inleifaces lo lhe olhei Iogislics noduIes iepiesenls lhe scheduIe
Iines of lhe saIes docunenls. As a iesuIl, vou have lo find oul aloul lhe
conlioI paianeleis and lhe aulonalic deleininalion of lhe scheduIe Iine
ExampIes of ScheduIe Line Categories
Diffeienl scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie deIiveied vilh SAI R/3 SD lo
piovide diffeienl conlioI oplions foi ilens lhioughoul lhe saIes piocess.
You can use lhen as-is, oi as lenpIales foi ciealing voui ovn scheduIe
Iine calegoiies.
Figure 40: ExampIes of ScheduIe Line Categories
The scheduIe Iine calegoiv is defined vilh a lvo-chaiaclei kev. The
slandaid svslen aIieadv incIudes kevs lhal oflen indicale lhe usage of
lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
The fiisl chaiaclei indicales lhe saIes piocess in vhich lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv is used.
A = Inquiiv, = Ouolalion
C = Oidei, D= Reluins
The second chaiaclei in lhe kev indicales vhal happens lo lhe scheduIe
Iine vilhin Iogislics.
210 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
T= No invenloiv nanagenenl, X= No invenloiv nanagenenl vilh
goods issue
N= No naleiiaIs pIanning, I= MaleiiaI iequiienenls pIanning
V= Consunplion-lased pIanning
You can decide if vou vouId Iike lo keep lhe slandaid kevs oi define voui
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 211
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
DispIay ScheduIe Line Categories
1. Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
ScheduIe Line Category Functions
ScheduIe Iines conlain deIiveiv dales and quanlilies, as veII as infoinalion
aloul iequiienenls liansfei and invenloiv nanagenenl. Thev aie a
pieiequisile foi deIiveiing naleiiaIs.
Figure 41: ScheduIe Line Category
In Cuslonizing foi scheduIe Iine calegoiies, vou decide if vou viII aIIov
scheduIe Iines foi lhe ilen. You can assign scheduIe Iine calegoiies lo
each ilen calegoiv. v defining a scheduIe Iine calegoiv, vou deleinine
vhich scheduIe Iines aie acluaIIv ieIevanl foi deIiveiv. You nusl aclivale
lhe rc|ctan| |c dc|itcru indicaloi if vou vanl lhe goods lo le phvsicaIIv
You can deaclivale iequiienenls liansfei and avaiIaliIilv checks al lhe
scheduIe Iine IeveI.
If vou aclivale a deIiveiv lIock in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv, lhis lIock is
aulonalicaIIv sel al lhe scheduIe Iine IeveI in lhe saIes docunenl.
212 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
In lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv, vou sel lhe mnvcmcnt tvc lo conlioI vhich
changes lo quanlilies and vaIues aie posled lo invenloiv accounling.
Invenloiv nanagenenl is iesponsilIe foi nainlaining lhe novenenl lvpes.
Movenenl lvpes have leen configuied foi aII piocesses in SAI R/3 SD.
A pieiequisile foi lhe puichase oidei is a puichase iequisilion, vhich can
le aulonalicaIIv geneialed fion lhe saIes docunenl. To do lhis, vou nusl
configuie lhe puichase oidei lvpe, as veII as ilen and accounl assignnenl
calegoiies, in lhe puichase oidei.
Demonstration: ScheduIe Line Category Functions
Denonsliale lhe diffeienl scheduIe Iine calegoiies in lhe IMC. Discuss
inpoilanl fieIds in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv. LxanpIe: ieIevanl foi
deIiveiv, novenenl lvpe, liansfei, inconpIelion pioceduie, iequiienenls,
and avaiIaliIilv checking. The inconpIelion pioceduie viII le discussed
in delaiI in a Ialei unil. Use I1 and I4 on lhe fieIds as vou discuss lhe
use of each fieId. Discuss lhe lusiness and lechnicaI dislinclions lelveen
scheduIe Iine calegoiies. Nole: To expIain lhe affecls of lhe diffeienl enliies
foi a fieId, vou can use Ncx| cn|rics(icon) lo go fion scheduIe Iine calegoiv
CI (deleininislic MRI) lo anolhei scheduIe Iine calegoiv. Sone exanpIes
of scheduIe Iine calegoiies: The Ilen ieIevanl foi deIiveiv fieId is aclivaled
foi scheduIe Iine calegoiv CI lul nol foi N (quolalions). This is lecause
lhis scheduIe Iine is onIv used as a lenpIale foi a scheduIe Iine in lhe saIes
oidei. A quole viII nol le deIiveied.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Make a copv of lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV
and CI. CaII il anvlhing vou Iike lhal slails vilh a Z. Sludenls sonelines
change lhe sellings foi lhese vhiIe doing lheii exeicises.
Nntc: Wain lhe sludenls lefoie lhev slail lheii exeicise lhal lhev
viII nol le ciealing a scheduIe Iine calegoiv, lhev viII onIv le
dispIaving. TeII lhen if lhe svslen ask lhen lo save vhen lhev
lack oul of lhe lalIe, lo sav NO.
1. SeIecl Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 213
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Scncdu|c
|incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics
SeIecl scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV
SeIecl lhe nagnifving gIass (icon)
SeIecl I1 and I4 on lhe diffeienl fieIds lo nake lhe sludenls avaie of
lhe fieId use and oplions.
214 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
ScheduIe Line Category Functions
1. Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |inc
Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
4. SeIecl scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV (oi a scheduIe Iine calegoiv of voui
5. SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
6. SeIecl |1 on lhe diffeienl fieIds lo viev heIp iegaiding lhe use of lhe
fieId. SeIecl |4 lo viev lhe oplions and vaIid dala lhal can le inpul
inlo lhe fieId.
ControIIing ScheduIe Lines in SaIes Documents
Figure 42: ControIIing ScheduIe Lines in SaIes Documents
A quolalion is used lo infoin a cuslonei of a negolialed piice. The
cuslonei has nol vel pIaced an oidei. Since lheie is no oidei, lhe scheduIe
Iines in a quolalion aie nol ieIevanl foi deIiveiv. The iequiienenls liansfei
is inaclive and lheie is no goods novenenl necessaiv in voui vaiehouse,
so no novenenl lvpe is needed.
Since scheduIe Iines fion calegoiv CI geneiale deIiveiv ilens in lhe saIes
oidei, lhe rc|ctan| |c dc|itcru indicaloi is aclivaled. The iequiienenls
liansfei is aclive in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv. ConpIele Cuslonizing foi
iequiienenls liansfei (foi exanpIe, foi iequiienenls pIanning) iequiies
vou lo define and assign lhe iequiienenls cIass. The goods novenenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 215
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
is conlioIIed lv novenenl lvpe 6O1. Wilh lhis novenenl lvpe, vhen
lhe goods issue foi lhe deIiveiv is posled, lhe quanlilv shipped is laken
fion uniesliicled use slocks.
If vou vanl a ieluins deIiveiv lo foIIov a ieluin oidei, vou need a scheduIe
Iine calegoiv lhal is ieIevanl foi deIiveiv. In lhis case, liansfeiiing
iequiienenls is nol necessaiv. Movenenl lvpe 651 enalIes vou lo nake
suie lhal goods ieceipl goes lo lIocked slock ieluins.
Assign ScheduIe Line Category to Item Category
ScheduIe Iine calegoiies aie assigned lo ilen calegoiies.
The puipose of lhis assignnenl is lo:
- Configuie lhe svslen lo piopose a scheduIe Iine calegoiv
aulonalicaIIv vhen vou cieale an oidei
- Deleinine lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies lhal nav le used inslead of
lhe svslen pioposaI
Figure 43: Assign ScheduIe Line Category to Item Category
The assignnenl is infIuenced lv lhe naleiiaI iequiienenls pIanning
(MRI) lvpe in lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid.
The svslen lakes lvo sleps lo aulonalicaIIv deleinine lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv. Iiisl, lhe svslen liies lo deleinine lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv
using lhe kev conlinalion of ilen calegoiv and MRI lvpe. If no scheduIe
Iine calegoiv is found, lhe svslen seaiches lhe lalIe in Cuslonizing foi lhe
kev conlinalion of ilen calegoiv vilh no MRI lvpe.
216 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
ScheduIe Line Category Assignment
1. Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
4. SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
5. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
||cn ca|cgcru TAN
MRP |upc VM
Nntc: The svslen deleinines scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV.
Dc|ai|s viII dispIav aII aIleinalive scheduIe Iine calegoiies,
if anv exisl.
6. Choose Pcsi|icn.
7. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
||cn ca|cgcru TAN
MRP |upc should be blank
Nntc: The svslen deleinines scheduIe Iine calegoiv CI. If lhe
svslen did nol find an MRI lvpe in lhe naleiiaI naslei, a
scheduIe Iine calegoiv can sliII le deleinined.
Demonstration: ScheduIe Line Category Determination
Denonsliale lo lhe sludenls hov lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv is deleinined.
System Data
Uscr ID:
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 217
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
5ct u InstructInns:
Nntc: Wain lhe sludenls lefoie lhev slail lheii exeicise lhal lhev
viII nol le ciealing a scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion, lhev
viII onIv le dispIaving. TeII lhen if lhe svslen ask lhen lo save
vhen lhev lack oul of lhe lalIe, lo sav NO.
1. Cieale an oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
2. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Dccuncn| |upc OR
Cus|cncr 2006
Ma|cria| M-10
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
3. Shov lhe ilen calegoiv lhal is deleinined, TAN.
4. SeIecl Scncdu|c |inc icon
5. Shov lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv lhal is deleinined, CV.
6. ianch fion lhe oidei lo lhe naleiiaI naslei and shov lhe MRP |upc
fieId |ntircnncn| Disp|au Ma|cria|
7. SeIecl lhe MRP 1 lal
: (VM)
8. CaII up lhe Assign ScheduIe Line Calegoiies in lhe IMC and access
lhe calegoiv vilh lhe kev vou deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl.
Tcc|s Accc|cra|cdSAP Cus|cnizing |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Sa|cs dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incsAssign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics
Choose Pcsi|icn
9. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
||cn ca|cgcru TAN
MRP |upc VM
218 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
Nntc: The svslen deleinines scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV.
The DelaiIs (icon) viII dispIav aII aIleinalive scheduIe Iine
calegoiies if anv exisl.
11. OplionaI: Renove lhe MRI lvpe VM fion voui M-1O naleiiaI and
lhen cieale anolhei oidei and shov lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv (CI)
lhal is deleinined. Il is veiv inpoilanl lhal lhe sludenls knov lhal a
scheduIe Iine calegoiv can le deleinined vilhoul lhe MRI lvpe.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 219
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
220 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
175 Exercise 10: Functions and Customizing
of ScheduIe Line Categories
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi scheduIe
Iine calegoiies
- Configuie voui sellings so lhal scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie
aulonalicaIIv assigned lo each saIes docunenl ilen
Business ExampIe
The scheduIe Iines conlain deIiveiv quanlilies and dales foi a saIes
docunenl ilen. Lalei in lhe lusiness piocess, a scheduIe Iine can eilhei
cieale an ilen in a deIiveiv, oi il can liansfei lhe dala lo a sulsequenl saIes
docunenl. You use lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv lo decide, foi exanpIe,
vhelhei lhe svslen shouId check avaiIaliIilv oi liansfei iequiienenls
foi lhal scheduIe Iine.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use.
5ct u InstructInns:
1. None
Task 1
Cuslonei T-562A##iequesls a quolalion foi 10 unils of naleiiaI T-ATA##.
1. Lnlei lhe quolalion vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT02. The
quolalion shouId le vaIid foi a nonlh.
2. On vhal dale vas lhe deIiveiv of lhe scheduIe Iine confiined`
3. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen deleinined`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 221
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
4. Hov does lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioI lhis scheduIe Iine`
HInt: Open a nev session lv seIecling lhe Crca|c a ncu Scssicn
icon. Navigale lo lhe IMC lo ieviev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv
5. Tiv lo deIivei lhe quolalion (change lhe deIiveiv seIeclion dale lo lvo
veeks fion lodav). Can vou do il`
Nntc: If vou Iefl lhe quolalion scieen vou viII need lo go
lack in lo lhe quole in change node: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Cnangc.
Task 2
Check lhe conlioIs of lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies Iisled in lhe lalIe.
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lased on voui findings.
Task 3
Aflei a conpiehensive check of lhe quolalion vou ciealed in Task 1
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT02), cuslonei T-562A##pIaces an
oidei, iefeiencing lheii quole.
1. Lnlei a slandaid oidei (OR) vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion ciealed
in Task 1 (puichase oidei nunlei ##LO6O5-OTO2). The nev
oidei vou aie ciealing shouId le assigned puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-OR10. Copv lhe quolalion conpIeleIv inlo lhe oidei.
2. On vhal dale vas lhe deIiveiv of lhe scheduIe Iine confiined`
3. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen deleinined`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
222 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
4. Save lhe oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
5. Hov does lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioI lhis scheduIe Iine`
6. Tiv lo deIivei lhe oidei. Can vou do il`
7. Which oidei scieens conlain infoinalion aloul lhe novenenl lvpe
and deIiveiv lIocks Iinked lo scheduIe Iines`
Task 4
Reviev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion.
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lased on voui findings.
MRP tvc Prnnscd
ItCa Tv 5chLD M5LCa M5LCa
Task 5
Idenlifv hovlhe scheduIe Iine is deleinined if lhe MRI lvpe does nol exisl.
1. Which scheduIe Iine calegoiv does lhe svslen deleinine foi an ilen
calegoiv TAN if lhe MRI lvpe foi lhe naleiiaI is P3 (MRP fIxIng
tvc ~3-)`
2. Which seaich kev does lhe svslen use`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 223
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
SoIution 10: Functions and Customizing
of ScheduIe Line Categories
Task 1
Cuslonei T-562A##iequesls a quolalion foi 10 unils of naleiiaI T-ATA##.
1. Lnlei lhe quolalion vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT02. The
quolalion shouId le vaIid foi a nonlh.
a) Cieale lhe quolalion: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Quc|a|icn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc QT
Sc|d-|c Par|u T-S62A##
Purcn.crdcr nc. ##LO605-QT02
Ma|cria| T-ATA##
Ordcr Quan|i|u 10 pcs
Va|id |c one month from today
2. On vhal dale vas lhe deIiveiv of lhe scheduIe Iine confiined`
a) SeIecl lhe ilen and choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn. Look al lhe
confiined dale.
3. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen deleinined`
a) Ilen calegoiv: AGN 5tandard Itcm
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv: BV CnnsumtInn MRP
Nntc: You can viev lhe ilen calegoiv on lhe Crca|c
Quc|a|icn. Otcrticu scieen, Sa|cs lal, eighlh coIunn
ovei (IlCa).
You can viev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv via Scncdu|c |incs
fcr i|cn, 1Olh coIunn ovei (Sch.).
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
224 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
4. Hov does lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioI lhis scheduIe Iine`
HInt: Open a nev session lv seIecling lhe Crca|c a ncu Scssicn
icon. Navigale lo lhe IMC lo ieviev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Scncdu|c
|incDcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv (V) vou found in lhe saIes
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
FIc!d Data
||cn rc|.f.d|t. Deaclivaled (nol checked)
Rcu./Asscno|u Deaclivaled (nol checked)
Atai|aoi|i|u Cncc| Deaclivaled (nol checked)
5. Tiv lo deIivei lhe quolalion (change lhe deIiveiv seIeclion dale lo lvo
veeks fion lodav). Can vou do il`
Nntc: If vou Iefl lhe quolalion scieen vou viII need lo go
lack in lo lhe quole in change node: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Cnangc.
a) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov, if iequesled.
FIc!d Data
Snipping Pcin| 1200
Sc|cc|icn Da|c two weeks from today
c) SeIecl |n|cr.
No. The scheduIe Iines of lhe quolalion aie nol ieIevanl foi
Task 2
Check lhe conlioIs of lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies Iisled in lhe lalIe.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 225
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lased on voui findings.
a) Check lhe conlioIs of lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies: Tcc|s
Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies fion lhe lalIe in voui exeicise.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s. You can ieviev lhe conlioIs foi aII lhe scheduIe
Iines lv using lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon.
mcnt tvc
Rcq./ As-
AT Inquiiv
I Delei-
CV Con-
6O1 X X X
CI Delei-
6O1 X X X
DN Reluins 651 X
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
226 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
Task 3
Aflei a conpiehensive check of lhe quolalion vou ciealed in Task 1
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT02), cuslonei T-562A##pIaces an
oidei, iefeiencing lheii quole.
1. Lnlei a slandaid oidei (OR) vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion ciealed
in Task 1 (puichase oidei nunlei ##LO6O5-OTO2). The nev
oidei vou aie ciealing shouId le assigned puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-OR10. Copv lhe quolalion conpIeleIv inlo lhe oidei.
a) Cieale lhe saIes oidei: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Crca|c.
l) SeIecl Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc and enlei lhe nunlei of lhe quolalion,
oi seaich foi lhe quolalion using |4 on lhe quolalion fieId.
c) Choose Ccpu.
d) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei, ##LO605-OR10.
2. On vhal dale vas lhe deIiveiv of lhe scheduIe Iine confiined`
a) SeIecl lhe ilen and choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
3. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen deleinined`
a) Ilen calegoiv: TAN
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv: CV
Nntc: You can viev lhe ilen calegoiv on lhe Crca|c Ordcr.
Otcrticu scieen, Sa|cs lal, eighlh coIunn ovei (IlCa).
You can viev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv via Scncdu|c |incs
fcr i|cn, 1Olh coIunn ovei (Sch.).
4. Save lhe oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 227
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
5. Hov does lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioI lhis scheduIe Iine`
a) Check lhe conlioIs of lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv: Tcc|s
Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv CV.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s lo ieviev lhe conlioIs.
mcnt tvc
Rcq./ As-
CV Con-
6O1 X X X
6. Tiv lo deIivei lhe oidei. Can vou do il`
a) CaII up lhe oidei: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei (##LO605OR10) and seIecl
c) SeIecl lhe saIes docunenl lhal ieIales lo lhe puichase oidei
d) SeIecl |n|cr.
e) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
Yes, lecause lhe ilen calegoiv (TAN) aIIovs foi scheduIe Iines
and lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv (CV) is ieIevanl foi deIiveiv.
7. Which oidei scieens conlain infoinalion aloul lhe novenenl lvpe
and deIiveiv lIocks Iinked lo scheduIe Iines`
a) SeIecl lhe ilen and choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
l) SeIecl lhe scheduIe Iine ilen lhal is confiined and choose
Scncdu|c |inc dc|ai|s oi seIecl lhe Prccurcncn| oi Snipping lullons.
The novenenl lvpe is Iocaled on lhe Prccurcncn| lal.
The deIiveiv lIock is Iocaled on lhe Snipping lal
Task 4
Reviev lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion.
1. ConpIele lhe foIIoving lalIe lased on voui findings.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
228 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
MRP tvc Prnnscd
ItCa Tv 5chLD M5LCa M5LCa
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 229
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
MRP tvc Prnnscd
a) Check lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion: Tcc|s
Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiies fion lhe lalIe.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s. You can ieviev lhe conlioIs foi lhe seIecled
scheduIe Iines lv using lhe ncx| cn|ru icon.
MRP tvc Prnnscd
ItCa Tv 5chLD M5LCa M5LCa
Task 5
Idenlifv hovlhe scheduIe Iine is deleinined if lhe MRI lvpe does nol exisl.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
230 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Functions and Customizing of ScheduIe Line Categories
1. Which scheduIe Iine calegoiv does lhe svslen deleinine foi an ilen
calegoiv TAN if lhe MRI lvpe foi lhe naleiiaI is P3 (MRP fIxIng
tvc ~3-)`
a) Check lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion: Tcc|s
Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Scncdu|c |incs
Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
e) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
||cn Ca|cgcru TAN
MRP Tupc P3
No expIicil enliies aie nainlained foi lhe ilen calegoiv (TAN)
and lhe MRI lvpe (I3) in lhe assignnenl lalIe.
In lhis case, lhe svslen checks vhelhei an enliv vilhoul a
definilion of MRI lvpe exisls foi lhe invoIved ilen calegoiv.
2. Which seaich kev does lhe svslen use`
a) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
IieId Dala
||cn Ca|cgcru TAN
MRP Tupc leave blank
Seaich kevs used: Itcm Catcgnrv (TAN) and MRP Tvc (lIank).
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv found: CP
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 231
Unit 6: ControIIing SaIes Documents with ScheduIe Line Categories SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi scheduIe
Iine calegoiies
- Configuie voui sellings so lhal scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie
aulonalicaIIv assigned lo each saIes docunenl ilen
ReIated Information
- hllp://
- vvv.seaichsap.con
232 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv and expIain lhe inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis foi scheduIe
Iine calegoiies
- Configuie voui sellings so lhal scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie
aulonalicaIIv assigned lo each saIes docunenl ilen
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding scheduIe Iine calegoiies, ieviev lhe SAI
heIp fiIes al hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 233
Unit Summary SCM605
234 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. The MRI lvpe in lhe naleiiaI naslei is iequiied in oidei lo deleinine
lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. The scheduIe Iine calegoiv is deleinined in lhe
saIes docunenl lased on ilen calegoiv ilen calegoiv oi
MRI lvpe (fion lhe naleiiaI naslei) MRI lvpe (fion lhe naleiiaI naslei),
and ilen calegoiv ilen calegoiv.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. Can vou cieale voui ovn scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 235
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. The MRI lvpe in lhe naleiiaI naslei is iequiied in oidei lo deleinine
lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
Answcr: IaIse
The scheduIe Iine calegoiv can le deleinined lased on lhe ilen
calegoiv in lhe saIes docunenl. The MRI lvpe is nol iequiied. A
lIank MRP |upc fieId in lhe naleiiaI naslei is a vaIid selling foi
deleinining lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
2. The scheduIe Iine calegoiv is deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl lased
on ilen calegoiv oi MRI lvpe (fion lhe naleiiaI naslei), and ilen
Answcr: ilen calegoiv, MRI lvpe (fion lhe naleiiaI naslei), ilen
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv deleininalion is lased piinaiiIv on lhe ilen
calegoiv, lul aIso on lhe MRI lvpe, if il is avaiIalIe.
3. Can vou cieale voui ovn scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
Answcr: Yes
Diffeienl scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie deIiveied vilh lhe svslen lo
suppoil diffeienl lusiness piocesses. You can use lhen as exanpIes,
oi as lenpIales foi ciealing voui ovn scheduIe Iine calegoiies.
236 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 7
191 Data FIow
I lhink lhis unil puIIs lhe pievious lhiee unils logelhei. I usuaIIv liv lo
covei lhis unil lhe sane dav I covei lhe docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv
and scheduIe Iine calegoiv. If vou nusl slail lhis unil on lhe nexl dav do
a quick ieviev of lhe docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv and scheduIe Iine
calegoiv conlioIs lefoie slailing lhis unil.
You have finished laIking aloul lhe cuslonizing oljecls - saIes docunenl
lvpe, ilen calegoiv and scheduIe Iine calegoiv and hov lhev conlioI
an individuaI saIes docunenl. You nov need lo expIain hov a saIes
piocess is conlioIIed and hov dala can le liansfeiied fion a docunenl
lo a sulsequenl docunenl.
Unit Overview
A saIes piocess is iepiesenled in R/3 lv a sequence of docunenls. In lhis
unil vou viII Ieain hov lhe docunenl slalus of pievious docunenls can le
updaled, vhen a nev docunenl is ciealed vilh iefeience lo an exisling
saIes docunenl, and hov dala can le liansfeiied fion one docunenl
lo a sulsequenl docunenl.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use docunenl fIov
- LxpIain hov dala is passed lelveen saIes docunenls
- Use lhe conpIelion iuIe foi ilen calegoiies lo conlioI docunenls
ciealed vilh iefeience
- Mainlain copv conlioI sellings lhal infIuence lhe fIov of dala lelveen
saIes docunenls al headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 237
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Unit Contents
Lesson: Understanding Document Flow and Completion Status. . . . . . . . .239
Demonstration: Completion Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244
Exercise 11: Understanding Document Flow and Completion
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247
Lesson: Copy Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258
Procedure: Maintain Copy Control in SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260
Demonstration: Copy Control in SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
Demonstration: Copy Controls in the Sales Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264
Demonstration: Copy Control at Header Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265
Demonstration: Copy Control at tem Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266
Demonstration: Copy Control at Schedule Line Category . . . . . . . . . . . .267
Exercise 12: Copy Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269
238 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion
Lesson Duialion: 15 ninules
Lesson Overview
A saIes piocess is iepiesenled in R/3 lv a sequence of docunenls. In lhis
Iesson vou viII Ieain hov lhe docunenl slalus of pievious docunenls
can le updaled, and vhen a nev docunenl is ciealed vilh iefeience lo
an exisling saIes docunenl. This is conlioIIed lv lhe conpIelion iuIe in
lhe ilen calegoiv.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use docunenl fIov
- LxpIain hov dala is passed lelveen saIes docunenls
- Use lhe conpIelion iuIe foi ilen calegoiies lo conlioI docunenls
ciealed vilh iefeience
You have finished laIking aloul lhe cuslonizing oljecls - saIes docunenl
lvpe, ilen calegoiv and scheduIe Iine calegoiv and hov lhev conlioI an
individuaI saIes docunenl. You nov need lo expIain hov a saIes piocess
is conlioIIed and hov dala can le liansfeiied fion a docunenl lo a
sulsequenl docunenl. A saIes piocess is iepiesenled in lhe R/3 Svslen
lv a sequence of docunenls. You can foIIov lhe hisloiv of a pailicuIai
lusiness liansaclion lv Iooking al lhe docunenl fIov al headei and ilen
Business ExampIe
When ciealing saIes docunenls vilh iefeience lo each olhei, lhe slalus
infoinalion in lhe pieceding docunenl shouId le conlioIIed diffeienlIv,
depending on lhe saIes piocess leing used.
You need lo nodeI lhe piocesses in docunenl fIov Iisls. Il is voui
iesponsiliIilv lo figuie oul hov lhe docunenl fIov and lhe slalus updale
Create with Reference: DiaIog
You can cieale a saIes docunenl vilh iefeience lo a pieceding docunenl
fion lolh lhe iniliaI scieen and duiing docunenl piocessing: lhe piocess
is conlioIIed using a unifoin diaIog lox.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 239
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Figure 44: Create with Reference: DiaIog
The diaIog lox conlains lhe six lal pages fion vhich vou can choose:
|nuuiru, Quc|a|icn, Ordcr, Ccn|rac|, Scncdu|ing agrccncn|, and 8i||ing
dccuncn|. The defauIl lal lhal appeais vhen vou fiisl caII up lhe scieen is
deleinined lv lhe svslen depending on lhe saIes docunenl calegoiv and
lhe Manda|cru rcfcrcncc fieId. The svslen lhen deleinines lhe docunenl
nunlei of lhe iequiied iefeience docunenl.
When vou choose Ccpu, lhe svslen copies lhe iefeience docunenl
conpIeleIv. If vou choose ||cn sc|cc|icn, vou can seIecl ceilain ilens and
change lhe quanlilies lefoie lhev aie copied.
You can cieale saIes docunenls vilh iefeience lo docunenls lhal aIieadv
exisl. In lhe piocess, vou can specifv a diffeienl iequesled deIiveiv dale
foi lhe nev docunenl. This dale is sel al lhe headei IeveI and foi aII
iefeienced ilens in lhe nev docunenl.
Create with Reference: Item SeIection
You can use lhe Sc|cc|icn |is| lullon lo seIecl one oi noie ilens in lhe
iefeienced docunenl and change lhe oidei quanlilies accoiding lo voui
cusloneis iequiienenls. This aIIovs vou lo copv pailiaI quanlilies
diieclIv lo lhe nev docunenl. AIleinaliveIv, vou can aIso copv aII of lhe
ilens and quanlilies diieclIv fion lhe pieceding docunenl.
Figure 45: Create with Reference: Item SeIection (1)
240 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
You can cieale vilh iefeience fion lolh lhe iniliaI scieen and duiing
docunenl enliv. This aIIovs vou lo gioup seveiaI quolalions logelhei
in a singIe oidei.
Figure 46: Create with Reference: Item SeIection (2)
You can cieale vilh iefeience foi inquiiies, quolalions, saIes oideis,
conliacls, scheduIing agieenenls, and liIIing docunenls.
Figure 47: Create with Reference: Item SeIection (3)
To cieale vilh iefeience, vou nusl fiisl configuie lhe coiiesponding copv
CautInn: You shouId onIv configuie lhese conlioIs foi IogicaI
lusiness piocesses.
Create with Reference: Copy
When vou cieale vilh iefeience using lhe Ccpu lullon in lhe diaIog lox,
lhe fuII quanlilies of aII ilens aie copied lo lhe sulsequenl docunenl. This
does nol incIude ilens in lhe iefeience docunenl lhal have leen pailiaIIv
oi fuIIv conpIeled.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 241
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Figure 48: Create with Reference: Copy
CompIetion RuIe and Reference Status
When vou cieale a docunenl vilh iefeience lo pieceding docunenls,
vou fiequenlIv have lo updale lhe infoinalion aloul iefeiied quanlilies
oi vaIues. To do lhis, check lhe Dccuncn| f|cu upda|c fieId al ilen IeveI
in copv conlioI.
Figure 49: CompIetion RuIe and Reference Status
242 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
In addilion, if vou vanl lo iesliicl lhe iefeience lo an ilen (foi exanpIe,
onIv unliI lhe fuII quanlilv in lhe pieceding docunenl has leen iefeienced),
sel lhe appiopiiale Ccnp|c|icn ru|c in lhe ilen calegoiv. The slalus of each
ilen in lhe pieceding docunenl is updaled sepaialeIv, depending on lhe
conpIelion iuIe of lhe ilen calegoiv.
- Ccnp|c|icn ru|c A.
An inquiiv ilen is given Ccnp|c|cd slalus as soon as il has leen
iefeiied lo in a quolalion. This appIies even if onIv pail of lhe
quanlilv in lhe quolalion is copied.
- Ccnp|c|icn ru|c 8.
A quolalion ilen is nol given Ccnp|c|cd slalus unliI lhe conpIele
quanlilv has leen copied lo lhe sulsequenl oidei. If onIv sone of lhe
quanlilv is copied, lhe quolalion ilen is given lhe slalus Par|ia||u
rcfcrrcd. This aIIovs vou lo conlinue ciealing oideis fion lhis ilen
unliI lhe lolaI quanlilv has leen used up.
If vou enlei a ieason foi iejeclion, lhe ilen ieceives Ccnp|c|cd slalus.
Document FIow
A saIes piocess is nade up of lhe sequence of individuaI piocess sleps
iecoided as docunenls. This piocess chain is sloied in lhe docunenl fIov.
Docunenl fIovs aie updaled foi lhe oveiaII docunenl and foi individuaI
ilens. You can viev aII of lhe docunenls vilhin lhe docunenl fIov in a
Iisl. In nanv cases, vou can lianch diieclIv lo lhe dispIav of a docunenl
and lhen ieluin lo lhe docunenl fIov.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 243
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Figure 50: Document FIow: List
In lhe slalus oveiviev, vou can quickIv find delaiIed infoinalion aloul lhe
cuiienl slalus of lhe saIes and disliilulion piocess.
- Ordcr Dc|itcru s|a|us.
- Dc|itcru Pic|ing s|a|us and/ cr 8i||ing s|a|us.
- 8i||ing dcc. Pcs|ing s|a|us.
Demonstration: CompIetion RuIe
To denonsliale lhe infIuence of lhe conpIelion iuIe lo lhe docunenl slalus.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. Cieale an Inquiiv.
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
244 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe IN
SoId lo pailv 2OO6
VaIid lo One nonlh fion lodav
MaleiiaI M-1O and M-11
Ouanlilv 1O pcs of each naleiiaI
2. Cieale a quolalion vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c
Lnlei docunenl lvpe OT
SeIecl Crca|c ui|n Rcfcrcncc push lullon
Lnlei lhe inquiiv nunlei fion lhe pievious deno
SeIecl Sc|cc|icn |is| push lullon
Nntc: Ioinl oul lhe Ccpu push lullon. LxpIain lhal lhis oplion
viII copv aII lhe inquiiv ilens and viII nol give vou an oplion
lo nake changes lo lhe quanlilv oi ilens vou vanl lo seIecl.
SeIecl lhe fuII quanlilv of naleiiaI M-1O (1Opcs). Change lhe quanlilv
of M-11 lo 5pcs.
SeIecl Ccpu icon
Nntc: DispIav docunenl fIov al headei and ilen IeveI.
SeIecl |ntircnncn| Disp|au Dccuncn| ||cu
SeIecl Dccuncn| ||cu Vicu Hcadcr cr ||cn
3. Cieale anolhei quolalion vilh iefeience lo lhe inquiiv.
Nntc: Il is nol possilIe. Message: The iefeience oljecl has
aIieadv leen conpIeleIv copied oi iejecled
ConpIelion RuIe: The docunenl slalus of pievious docunenls
can le updaled, vhen a nev docunenl is ciealed vilh
iefeience lo an exisling saIes docunenl. This is conlioIIed lv
lhe conpIelion iuIe in lhe ilen calegoiv. Discuss lhis lopic
lefoie copving conlioI.
4. CaII up slalus oveiviev foi lhe inquiiv. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru Cnangc. Lnlei lhe inquiiv nunlei if
il does nol defauIl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 245
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
SeIecl S|a|us Otcrticu icon
Nntc: Slalus of ilen 2O is fuIIv iefeienced, aIlhough onIv
5 unils have leen laken. Shov conpIelion iuIe foi ilen
calegoiv AIN. ConpIelion iuIe: A Ilen has leen conpIeled
vilh fiisl iefeience.
Shov conpIelion iuIe foi ilen calegoiv ACN. ConpIelion
iuIe: Ilen is conpIeled if lolaI quanlilv has leen iefeienced.
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs dccuncn|s Sa|cs
dccuncn| i|cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics
SeIecl ilen calegoiv AIN and ACN
SeIecl Dc|ai|s icon
Use lhe Pagc icon lo nove lelveen lhe lvo ilen calegoiies
OplionaI: Cieale an oidei vilh iefeience lo lhe quole and
shov slalus of quole.
246 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
199 Exercise 11: Understanding Document
FIow and CompIetion Status
Lxeicise Duialion: 2O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- ConlioI hov lhe conpIelion slalus is updaled lelveen docunenls
- Tiack dala liansfei lelveen saIes docunenls and adapl il lo neel lhe
specific iequiienenls of a lusiness piocess
Business ExampIe
In each slep vilhin a lusiness piocess, vou foinuIale iequiienenls lhal
lecone pieiequisiles foi lhe nexl slep.
Ioi exanpIe, vou can define lhal a quolalion can onIv Iead lo an oidei
- The soId-lo pailv is idenlicaI in lolh docunenls
- The cusloneis oidei Iies vilhin lhe vaIidilv peiiod of lhe quolalion
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns:
1. You viII need lo cieale an inquiiv docunenl lvpe lo iecoid lhe
cusloneis iequesl foi infoinalion iegaiding voui pioducls.
Task 1
You ieceive a iequesl foi infoinalion (inquiiv nunlei ##LO605-IN02)
fioncuslonei T-562A##. The cuslonei iequesls 50 unIts cach of naleiiaIs
T-ATA##and T-ATB##. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lhe fiisl dav of
lhe nexl nonlh.
1. Lnlei lhe inquiiv.
2. Save lhe inquiiv and iecoid lhe inquiiv nunlei.
3. DispIav lhe inquiiv. Whal is lhe slalus of lhe ilens in lhe inquiiv`
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 247
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Rcfcrcncc 5tatus
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
4. Aflei checking vilh voui naleiiaI iequiienenls pIannei conlioIIei,
vou knov lhal vou can offei lhe cuslonei lhe iequesled quanlilv
foi naleiiaI T-ATA##, lul onIv 30 cs of naleiiaI T-ATB##. Lnlei a
coiiesponding quolalion (puichase nunlei ##LO605-QT03) vilh
iefeience lo lhe inquiiv. The quolalion is vaIid foi a nonlh.
5. Save lhe quolalion and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
6. DispIav lhe quolalion. Which changes does lhe svslen nake lo lhe
docunenl slalus` ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
7. Once voui cuslonei has checked lhe quolalion, lhev oidei lhe fiisl
ilen (ilen 1O) vilh lhe conpIele quanlilv in lhe quolalion, lul onIv
oidei 20 cs of ilen 2O. Cieale a Tradc faIr##nrdcr vilh iefeience lo
lhe quolalion. The cuslonei gives vou a nev puichase oidei nunlei
(##LO605-ZA##04) foi lhe Tiade faii##oidei.
8. Save lhe Tiade faii##oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
9. DispIav lhe QuntatInn. Which changes aie nade lo lhe slalus of lhe
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
248 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
RcjcctInn status
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
1O. Youi cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev do nol vanl lhe open quanlilv
(1Opcs) of Itcm 20 lecause lhe pioducl is loo expensive. Rejecl lhe
ilen in lhe quolalion.
Save lhe quolalion.
11. DispIav lhe QuntatInn. Which changes aie nade lo lhe slalus of lhe
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ilen 2O
Task 2
Tiv lo cieale anolhei oidei vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion.
1. Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv nol`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 249
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
SoIution 11: Understanding Document
FIow and CompIetion Status
Task 1
You ieceive a iequesl foi infoinalion (inquiiv nunlei ##LO605-IN02)
fioncuslonei T-562A##. The cuslonei iequesls 50 unIts cach of naleiiaIs
T-ATA##and T-ATB##. The iequesled deIiveiv dale is lhe fiisl dav of
lhe nexl nonlh.
1. Lnlei lhe inquiiv.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc IN
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A##
Purcn.crdcr nc. (|nuuiru #) ##LO605-IN02
Rcuucs|cd Dc|t. Da|c First day of next
||cn 10. Ma|cria| T-ATA##
||cn 20. Ma|cria| T-ATB##
Quan|i|u 50 pcs of each
2. Save lhe inquiiv and iecoid lhe inquiiv nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc. The svslen viII geneiale an inquiiv nunlei.
3. DispIav lhe inquiiv. Whal is lhe slalus of lhe ilens in lhe inquiiv`
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Rcfcrcncc 5tatus
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
250 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
Rcfcrcncc 5tatus
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nuuiru Disp|au.
l) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu.
c) Lxpand lhe foIdeis lo viev lhe slalus infoinalion.
Headei Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
Ilen 1O Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
Ilen 2O Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
4. Aflei checking vilh voui naleiiaI iequiienenls pIannei conlioIIei,
vou knov lhal vou can offei lhe cuslonei lhe iequesled quanlilv
foi naleiiaI T-ATA##, lul onIv 30 cs of naleiiaI T-ATB##. Lnlei a
coiiesponding quolalion (puichase nunlei ##LO605-QT03) vilh
iefeience lo lhe inquiiv. The quolalion is vaIid foi a nonlh.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei QT in lhe Dccuncn| |upc fieId.
c) SeIecl Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
d) SeIecl lhe |nuuiru lal. Lnlei lhe Inquiiv nunlei oi seaich foi lhe
inquiiv nunlei using |4 on lhe inquiiv fieId.
e) SeIecl Sc|cc|icn |is|. Reduce ilen 2O lo 3O pcs.
f) SeIecl Ccpu.
g) Lnlei lhe dale of one nonlh fion lodav in lhe Va|id |c fieId.
5. Save lhe quolalion and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc. The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
6. DispIav lhe quolalion. Which changes does lhe svslen nake lo lhe
docunenl slalus` ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 251
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
252 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Disp|au.
l) SeIecl Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
c) SeIecl lhe inquiiv docunenl.
d) SeIecl S|a|us ctcrticu.
e) Lxpand lhe foIdeis lo viev lhe slalus infoinalion.
f) Use lhe oac| aiiov lo ieluin lo lhe Dccuncn| f|cu scieen.
g) SeIecl lhe quolalion docunenl.
Headei ConpIeled Nolhing
Ilen 1O ConpIeled Nolhing
Ilen 2O ConpIeled Nolhing
Headei Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
Ilen 1O Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
Ilen 2O Open Nolhing
Nol iefeienced
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 253
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
7. Once voui cuslonei has checked lhe quolalion, lhev oidei lhe fiisl
ilen (ilen 1O) vilh lhe conpIele quanlilv in lhe quolalion, lul onIv
oidei 20 cs of ilen 2O. Cieale a Tradc faIr##nrdcr vilh iefeience lo
lhe quolalion. The cuslonei gives vou a nev puichase oidei nunlei
(##LO605-ZA##04) foi lhe Tiade faii##oidei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei ZA## in lhe Dccuncn| |upc fieId.
c) SeIecl Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
d) SeIecl lhe Quc|a|icn lal. Lnlei lhe quolalion nunlei oi seaich
foi lhe quolalion nunlei using |4 on lhe Quc|a|icn fieId.
e) SeIecl Sc|cc|icn |is| and ieduce ilen 2O lo 2O pcs.
f) SeIecl Ccpu.
g) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei, ##LO605-ZA##04, in lhe
Purcn.crdcr nc. fieId.
8. Save lhe Tiade faii##oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) SeIecl Satc. The svslen viII geneiale a docunenl nunlei.
9. DispIav lhe QuntatInn. Which changes aie nade lo lhe slalus of lhe
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
RcjcctInn status
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
254 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
RcjcctInn status
Ilen 1O
Ilen 2O
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Disp|au.
l) ChooseS|a|us ctcrticu.
c) Lxpand lhe foIdeis lo viev lhe slalus infoinalion.
Headei eing
Ilen 1O ConpIeled IuIIv
Ilen 2O eing
1O. Youi cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev do nol vanl lhe open quanlilv
(1Opcs) of Itcm 20 lecause lhe pioducl is loo expensive. Rejecl lhe
ilen in lhe quolalion.
Save lhe quolalion.
a) Choose lhe Rcascn fcr rcjcc|icn lal.
l) SeIecl ieason foi iejeclion: Tcc cxpcnsitc
c) SeIecl Satc.
11. DispIav lhe QuntatInn. Which changes aie nade lo lhe slalus of lhe
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 255
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Ilen 2O
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Disp|au.
l) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu.
c) Lxpand lhe foIdeis lo viev lhe slalus infoinalion.
Headei ConpIeled IailiaIIv
Ilen 2O ConpIeled IuIIv iejecled IailiaIIv
Task 2
Tiv lo cieale anolhei oidei vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion.
1. Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei ZA## in lhe Dccuncn| |upc fieId.
c) SeIecl Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc.
d) SeIecl lhe Quc|a|icn lal. Lnlei lhe quolalion nunlei oi seaich
foi lhe quolalion nunlei using |4 on lhe Quc|a|icn fieId.
e) SeIecl Ccpu.
No, vou cannol cieale lhe quolalion lecause il is aIieadv
The svslen dispIavs lhe foIIoving eiioi nessage, The
reference has already been completely copied or
256 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Understanding Document FIow and CompIetion Status
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use docunenl fIov
- LxpIain hov dala is passed lelveen saIes docunenls
- Use lhe conpIelion iuIe foi ilen calegoiies lo conlioI docunenls
ciealed vilh iefeience
ReIated Information
- hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 257
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Copy ControI
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson, ve viII Ieain hov lhe saIes piocess is conlioIIed and hov
dala can le liansfeiied fion one docunenl lo a sulsequenl docunenl.
We viII ievisil docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv conlioI, and scheduIe Iine
conlioI lo gain an undeislanding of copv conlioI al each IeveI.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Mainlain copv conlioI sellings lhal infIuence lhe fIov of dala lelveen
saIes docunenls al headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI
I usuaIIv ask lhe sludenls vhal I need lo configuie lo deIivei an ilen on a
saIes oidei. The sludenls usuaIIv sav: lhe docunenl lvpe needs lo have
a defauIl deIiveiv lvpe, ilen calegoiv needs lo have lhe scheduIe Iine
aIIoved fieId fIagged and lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv needs lo le ieIevanl
foi deIiveiv. Thev nevei nenlion copv conlioI. So I nenlion lo lhen lhal
aII lhose sellings aie useIess unIess lhe sel up copv conlioI lo aIIov lhis
dala lo passed lo lhe deIiveiv docunenl al lhe headei, ilen and scheduIe
Iine IeveI.
I usuaIIv viile lhe 3 sleps foi copv conlioI on lhe loaid. 5tc 1 ) Dncs It
makc busIncss scnsc? TeII lhe sludenls lhev deleinine vhich docunenls
shouId le copied fion and lo diffeienl docunenls. Theie aie sone
slandaids in lhe svslen. Does il nakes sense lo copv fion a OT lo a
RL docunenl lvpe, no lul vho knovs lheii lusiness nav iequiie lhal.
If il does lhen lhe fiisl enliv in copv conlioI viII le souice and laigel
docunenls: IN lo OT, OT lo OR, OR lo LI (deIiveiv docunenl) aie jusl a
fev slandaid exanpIes. 5tc 2 ) Cnv rcquIrcmcnts. Whal do vou vanl
lhe svslen lo check lefoie vou copv lhe dala fion lhe souice docunenl lo
lhe laigel docunenl. LxanpIes: is lhe docunenl conpIele, aie lhe soId lo
pailies lhe sane, is lhe docunenl lIocked. 5tc 3) Data transfcr rnutIncs.
This is vhal dala is leing copied aflei lhe iequiienenl checking.
OSS Noles lo ieviev, 5O441: Deleinine liIIing dale fion lhe deIiveiv dale
and 1O5512:Updale docunenl fIov.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS AC, has specific iequiienenls aloul hov infoinalion
is copied fion a pieceding docunenl lo a sulsequenl docunenl.
258 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
efoie defining anv nev copv conlioI dala, vou aie iequiied lo ieviev
lhe exisling dala.
Copy ControI in SD
In copv conlioI, vou deleinine vhich docunenl lvpes can le copied lo
olhei docunenl lvpes.
Figure 51: Copy ControI in SD
The alove giaphic denonsliales docunenl fIov in copv conlioI, in vhich
vou can cieale:
- A saIes docunenl lvpe fion a saIes docunenl lvpe (OR fion OT)
- A saIes docunenl lvpe fion a liIIing docunenl lvpe (LI fion OR)
- A liIIing docunenl lvpe fion a deIiveiv docunenl lvpe (I2 fion LI)
You can aIso cieale:
- A saIes docunenl lvpe fion a liIIing docunenl lvpe (foi exanpIe,
ciedil neno iequesl |C2! fion invoice |I1!)
- A liIIing docunenl lvpe fion a deIiveiv lvpe (foi exanpIe, invoice
|I1! fion deIiveiv |LI!)
- A liIIing docunenl lvpe fion a liIIing docunenl lvpe (foi exanpIe,
invoice canceIIalion |S1! fion invoice |I1!)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 259
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Maintain Copy ControI in SD
You can define conlioI dala foi lhe fIov of docunenls. You can specifv, foi
a pailicuIai saIes docunenl lvpe, vhich docunenl lvpe is lo le assigned
lo copied iefeience docunenls, and vhich ilen calegoiies oi scheduIe Iine
calegoiies aie lo le copied. You nusl aIso nake specificalions foi copving
iequiienenls and dala liansfei, as veII as quanlilv and vaIue updales
in lhe docunenl fIov. This nusl le done foi each copving pioceduie al
headei, ilen and, if necessaiv, scheduIe Iine IeveI.
If vou define nev saIes docunenl lvpes, ilen calegoiies, oi scheduIe Iine
calegoiies lv copving exisling ones, SAI R/3 SD aulonalicaIIv copies
aII specificalions foi lhe docunenl fIov. You nav vanl lo check lhe
copv conlioIs foi nevIv ciealed saIes docunenl lvpes, ilen calegoiies,
oi scheduIe Iine calegoiies.
1. Define lo vhal exlenl vou have lo nodifv copv conlioI lo neel voui
2. Define lhe docunenl fIov foi saIes docunenls vilh iefeience lo saIes
docunenl lvpes.
3. Define lhe docunenl fIov foi saIes docunenls vilh iefeience lo
liIIing lvpes.
Nntc: e suie lo nainlain copv conlioI foi lhe foIIoving aieas:
saIes docunenls, deIiveiies, and liIIing docunenls. If vou
cannol find an enliv, check lhe heIp al hllp:// A
conpIele oveiviev of copv conlioI foi saIes can le found in
lhe seclions lilIed sa|cs dccuncn| ou sa|cs dccuncn| and oi||ing
dccuncn| ou sa|cs dccuncn|. In lhe seclion on shipping, vou
can find copv conlioIs foi sa|cs dccuncn| ou dc|itcru. In lhe
seclion on liIIing, vou can find copv conlioIs foi sa|cs dccuncn|
ou oi||ing dccuncn|, dc|itcru ou oi||ing dccuncn|, and oi||ing
dccuncn| ou oi||ing dccuncn|. The nenu palhs leIov viII assisl
vou in lhe IMC.
4. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
5. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
6. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
7. SeIecl |xccu|c.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
260 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
8. SeIecl Ccpuing ccn|rc|. Sa|cs dccuncn| |c sa|cs dccuncn|oi Ccpu ccn|rc|.
Sa|cs dccuncn| |c oi||ing dccuncn|.
Viev lhe souice and laigel oplions.
9. To viev copv conlioI foi shipping in lhe IMC: |cgis|ics |xccu|icn
Snipping Ccpu Ccn|rc|.
1O. To viev copv conlioI foi liIIing in lhe IMC: Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8i||ing 8i||ing Dccuncn|s Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr 8i||ing
Demonstration: Copy ControI in SD
To denonsliale SD copv conlioI oplions.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
2. SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
3. SeIecl |xccu|c icon
4. SeIecl Ccpuing ccn|rc|. Sa|cs dccuncn| |c sa|cs dccuncn|
Shov souice and laigel oplions.
Use lhe 8ac| arrcu icon
5. SeIecl Ccpu ccn|rc|. Sa|cs dccuncn| |c oi||ing dccuncn|. Shov souice
and laigel oplions.
Copy ControI for SaIes Documents
You deleinine lhe delaiIs of lhe copving pioceduie in copv conlioI.
You sel up copv conlioI foi headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI lo nalch
lhe sliucluie of voui saIes docunenl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 261
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Figure 52: Copy ControI for SaIes Documents
To conlioI lhe copving pioceduie, al each IeveI vou cieale:
Data transfcr rnutIncs
These ioulines conlioI hov fieIds aie copied fion lhe iefeience
CnvIng rcquIrcmcnts
Heie vou define iequiienenls lhal aie checked vhen vou cieale a
docunenl vilh iefeience. If lhese iequiienenls aie nol nel in a
pailicuIai case, lhe svslen issues a vaining oi eiioi nessage and if
necessaiv, leininales piocessing.
Theie aie svilches foi selling specific conlioIs foi each liansaclion.
Ioi exanpIe, vou can aclivale oi deaclivale lhe liansfei of ilen
nunleis fion lhe pieceding docunenl al lhe headei IeveI foi saIes
Nntc: If vou enlei an invaIid vaIue oi do nol enlei a laigel vaIue al
lhe ilen and scheduIe Iine IeveIs, lhe svslen deleinines lhe laigel
fion lhe assignnenl of lhe ilen oi scheduIe Iine calegoiies. Anv
vaIue vou enlei nusl exisl in lhe ilen oi scheduIe Iine calegoiv
262 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
Copy Requirements
You can sloie copving iequiienenls al eveiv IeveI in copv conlioI. Copving
iequiienenls conlain lhe specific iequiienenls foi each lusiness piocess.
The iefeience docunenl can onIv le ciealed if aII of lhese iequiienenls
have leen nel.
Figure 53: Copying Requirements
LxanpIes of copving iequiienenls lhal have leen incIuded in SAI R/3
SD aie:
- Hcadcr !cvc!: Copving iequiienenl OO1 checks, foi inslance, vhelhei
lhe soId-lo pailv and lhe saIes aiea in lhe souice and laigel docunenl
aie lhe sane.
- Itcm !cvc!: Copving iequiienenl 3O1 checks, foi inslance, vhelhei
lhe ilen lhal is lo le used as a copv has a ieason foi iejeclion oi
slalus ConpIeled.
- 5chcdu!c !Inc !cvc!: Copving iequiienenl 5O1 ensuies lhal onIv
scheduIe Iines vilh an open quanlilv giealei lhan zeio aie copied.
Nntc: Roulines and iequiienenls aie viillen in AAI/4 code and
can le piocessed in Cuslonizing in SD undei Sus|cn Mcdifica|icns
(liansaclion code VOIM). Heie vou shouId check vhelhei lhe
exisling oljecls aie suilalIe. UsuaIIv vou can adjusl voui svslen
quickIv lv copving lhe oljecls in lhe slandaid svslen and deIeling
oi adding Iines of code.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 263
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Demonstration: Copy ControIs in the SaIes Document
Denonsliale copv conlioIs in lhe saIes docunenl
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Cieale a quolalion foi cuslonei 2OO6
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c
2. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OT
Cuslonei 2OO6
VaIidilv foi one nonlh
MaleiiaI M-1O
Ouanlilv 1O pcs
3. Cieale an oidei foi cuslonei 2OO7
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
4. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OR
Cuslonei 2OO7
5. SeIecl |n|cr lo vaIidale lhe dala
6. Cieale vilh iefeience lo quolalion
SeIecl Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c ui|n Rcfcrcncc
The quolalion shouId popuIale in lo lhe quolalion fieId on lhe
quolalion lal if il doesnl enlei lhe quolalion nunlei lhal vou ciealed
in lhe pievious deno
264 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
SeIecl Ccpu icon
Nntc: Liioi nessage: The soId-lo pailies aie diffeienl 2OO7
and/oi 2OO6.
Demonstration: Copy ControI at Header LeveI
To denonsliale SD copv conlioI al headei IeveI.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
2. SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
3. SeIecl |xccu|c icon
4. SeIecl Ccpuing ccn|rc|. Sa|cs dccuncn| |c sa|cs dccuncn|
5. SeIecl Pcsi|icn push lullon
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
SaIesDoc Tvpe OT
SaIesDoc Tvpe OR
6. SeIecl Dc|ai| icon
7. SeIecl lhe fieId lhal conlains lhe OO1 iequiienenl
SeIecl |4. Shov lhe Hc|p and Scurcc ccdc
8. CaII up souice code foi copving iequiienenls OO1 Headei-Sane
SeIecl Scurcc ccdc icon
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 265
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
ScioII lhiough lhe souice code, shov lhe Iine of code (Iine #74) lhal is
checking lo see if lhe soId-lo pailies aie lhe sane
9. LxpIain lhe copv ilen nunlei
Use I1 on lhe fieId lo heIp in lhis expIanalion.
Demonstration: Copy ControI at Item Category
To denonsliale copv conlioI al ilen calegoiv IeveI.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Denonsliale copving conlioI on ilen IeveI.
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
2. SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
3. SeIecl |xccu|c icon
4. SeIecl Pcsi|icn push lullon
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
SaIesDoc Tvpe OT
SaIesDoc Tvpe OR
5. SeIecl lhe OR / OT conlinalion.
DoulIe-cIick ||cn foIdei icon (Iefl vindov)
SeIecl lhe ACN
SeIecl Dc|ai| icon (nagnifving gIass)
6. CaII up souice code foi copving iequiienenls 3O1 Ilen iejeclion
266 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
SeIecl Scurcc ccdc icon
ScioII lhiough lhe souice code, shov lhe Iine of code (Iine #26) lhal is
checking lo see if lhe ilen has leen iejecled.
Demonstration: Copy ControI at ScheduIe Line
To denonsliale copv conlioI al scheduIe Iine calegoiv IeveI.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Denonsliale copving conlioI on ilen IeveI.
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
2. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
3. SeIecl |xccu|c icon
4. SeIecl Pcsi|icn push lullon
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
SaIesDoc Tvpe OT
SaIesDoc Tvpe OR
5. SeIecl lhe OR / OT conlinalion.
DoulIe-cIick ||cn foIdei icon (Iefl vindov)
SeIecl ACN
6. DoulIe-cIick Scncdu|c |inc foIdei icon (Iefl vindov)
SeIecl lhe N
SeIecl Dc|ai| icon (nagnifving gIass)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 267
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
7. Denonsliale copving conlioI on scheduIe Iine IeveI. CaII up souice
code foi copving iequiienenl 5O1 ScheduIed qlv > O.
SeIecl Scurcc ccdc icon
ScioII lhiough lhe souice code, shov lhe Iine of code (Iine #25) lhal is
checking lo see if lhe scheduIe Iine qlv is giealei lhan O.
268 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
217 Exercise 12: Copy ControI
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- ConlioI sellings in copv conlioI lhal infIuence lhe fIov of dala
lelveen saIes docunenls al headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI
Business ExampIe
The diffeienl saIes piocesses al voui conpanv, IDLS AC, need lo
diffeienliale hov dala is copied fion a pieceding docunenl lo a
sulsequenl docunenl.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo figuie oul hov lhe copv conlioI voiks.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns:
1. None
You decide in copving conlioI vhelhei lhe ilen nunleis foi lhe
sulsequenl docunenl shouId le copied fion lhe pieceding docunenl.
1. You ciealed a liade faii##oidei vilh iefeience lo a quolalion in
Lxeicise 11. Was lhe ilen nunleiing in lhe liade faii## oidei
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##04) iedeleinined oi laken
fion lhe quolalion` DispIav lhe liade faii##oidei lo dispIav lhe ilen
nunleiing. Use docunenl fIov lo viev lhe quolalion.
2. Ilen nunleiing shouId le iedeleinined vhen vou cieale a Tiade
Iaii oidei, oidei lvpe ZA##, vilh iefeience lo a quolalion. Change
lhe sellings in copv conlioI accoidingIv.
3. Cieale a quolalion foi cuslonei T-562A##lhal is vaIid foi one nonlh,
vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT04 foi naleiiaIs T-ATA##
and T-ATB##, quanlilv 10 cs of each. Lnlei a liade faii oidei, oidei
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 269
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
lvpe ZA##, vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion. Assign puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-ZA##05 lo lhe nev liade faii oidei. Copv lolh
Check lhe ilen nunleiing in lhe quolalion and lhe liade faii oidei.
Ilen nunleis in quolalion: _________________________________
Ilen nunleis in oidei: _________________________________
270 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
SoIution 12: Copy ControI
You decide in copving conlioI vhelhei lhe ilen nunleis foi lhe
sulsequenl docunenl shouId le copied fion lhe pieceding docunenl.
1. You ciealed a liade faii##oidei vilh iefeience lo a quolalion in
Lxeicise 11. Was lhe ilen nunleiing in lhe liade faii## oidei
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##04) iedeleinined oi laken
fion lhe quolalion` DispIav lhe liade faii##oidei lo dispIav lhe ilen
nunleiing. Use docunenl fIov lo viev lhe quolalion.
a) Viev lhe liade faii##oidei: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au.
l) Lnlei ##LO605-ZA##04 in lhe Purcnasc crdcr nc. fieId.
c) Choose Scarcn.
d) SeIecl lhe docunenl lhal conlains lhe puichase oidei nunlei.
e) Choose |n|cr.
f) Vievlhe ilennunleiing on lhe Disp|au Tradc |air##- Ordcr 6###.
Otcrticu scieen, Sa|cs lal. Ilen nunleiing is in incienenls of 1O.
g) |ntircnncn| Disp|au Dccuncn| ||cu.
h) SeIecl lhe quolalion.
i) SeIecl Disp|au dccuncn|.
j) Vievlhe ilennunleiing. Ilennunleiing is in incienenls of 1O.
Nntc: The docunenl nunleis have leen copied fion
lhe quolalion. Olheivise, lhe ilen nunleis vouId le
geneialed in incienenls of 1OO.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 271
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
2. Ilen nunleiing shouId le iedeleinined vhen vou cieale a Tiade
Iaii oidei, oidei lvpe ZA##, vilh iefeience lo a quolalion. Change
lhe sellings in copv conlioI accoidingIv.
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Main|ain Ccpu Ccn|rc| fcr Sa|cs
d) Choose |xccu|c.
e) SeIecl Ccpuing ccn|rc|. Sa|cs dccuncn| |c sa|cs dccuncn|.
f) Choose Cnangc.
g) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
Souice: QT
h) SeIecl lhe enliv and choose Dc|ai|s (nagnifving gIass).
i) DeseIecl lhe Ccpu i|cn nunocr fieId.
j) Choose Satc.
3. Cieale a quolalion foi cuslonei T-562A##lhal is vaIid foi one nonlh,
vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-QT04 foi naleiiaIs T-ATA##
and T-ATB##, quanlilv 10 cs of each. Lnlei a liade faii oidei, oidei
lvpe ZA##, vilh iefeience lo lhe quolalion. Assign puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-ZA##05 lo lhe nev liade faii oidei. Copv lolh
Check lhe ilen nunleiing in lhe quolalion and lhe liade faii oidei.
Ilen nunleis in quolalion: _________________________________
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
272 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Copy ControI
Ilen nunleis in oidei: _________________________________
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Quc|a|icn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei QT in lhe Dccuncn| |upc fieId.
c) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc QT
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A##
Purcn.crdcr nc. ##LO605-QT04
Va|id |c One month from today
||cn 10. Ma|cria| T-ATA##
||cn 20. Ma|cria| T-ATB##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs of each
The ilens in lhe quolalion aie nunleied in incienenls of 1O.
d) Sa|cs dccuncn|Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr.
e) Lnlei ZA## docunenl lvpe.
f) Choose |n|cr.
The Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc diaIog lox viII appeai vilh lhe
quolalion nunlei defauIled in lhe quolalion fieId.
g) Choose Ccpu.
The docunenl nunleis aie iedeleinined in lhe Tiade Iaii oidei,
and ilen nunleis aie geneialed in incienenls of 1OO.
Nntc: Whv did lhe svslen iedeleinine lhe ilen
nunleis` Whv did lhe svslen use incienenls of 1OO`
If vou aie nol suie of lhe ansvei ask voui insliucloi.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 273
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Mainlain copv conlioI sellings lhal infIuence lhe fIov of dala lelveen
saIes docunenls al headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI
ReIated Information
- hllp://
- vvv.seaichsap.con
274 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use docunenl fIov
- LxpIain hov dala is passed lelveen saIes docunenls
- Use lhe conpIelion iuIe foi ilen calegoiies lo conlioI docunenls
ciealed vilh iefeience
- Mainlain copv conlioI sellings lhal infIuence lhe fIov of dala lelveen
saIes docunenls al headei, ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding dala fIov, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 275
Unit Summary SCM605
276 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. When vou piess lhe Ccpu lullon fion lhe Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc diaIog
lox, vou can seIecl ceilain ilens and change lhe quanlilies lefoie
lhev aie copied.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. A saIes piocess is nade up of lhe sequence of individuaI piocess sleps
iecoided as docunenls. This piocess chain is sloied in:
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Docunenl calegoiv
Mandaloiv iefeience fieId
C Ilen seIeclion
D Docunenl fIov
L Ilen calegoiv
I Copv conlioI
3. You can configuie copv conlioI foi headei, ilen, and scheduIe IeveI lo
nalch lhe sliucluie of voui saIes docunenl.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
4. To conlioI lhe copv conlioI pioceduie, al each IeveI vou
can cieale dala liansfei ioulines dala liansfei ioulines and
copv iequiienenls copv iequiienenls.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
5. If vou vanl lo copv an ilen fion an oidei lo a deIiveiv, vhal is lhe
nininun configuialion iequiied lo acconpIish lhis lask`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 277
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. When vou piess lhe Ccpu lullon fion lhe Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc diaIog
lox, vou can seIecl ceilain ilens and change lhe quanlilies lefoie
lhev aie copied.
Answcr: IaIse
When vou piess lhe Ccpu lullon fion lhe Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc diaIog
lox, lhe svslen copies lhe iefeience docunenl conpIeleIv: vhen
vou piess lhe ||cn Sc|cc|icn lullon, vou can seIecl ceilain ilens and
change lhe quanlilies lefoie lhev aie copied.
2. A saIes piocess is nade up of lhe sequence of individuaI piocess sleps
iecoided as docunenls. This piocess chain is sloied in:
Answcr: D
Docunenl fIovs aie updaled foi lhe oveiaII docunenl and foi
individuaI ilens. You can lianch diieclIv lo lhe dispIav of a ieIaled
docunenl and lhen ieluin lo docunenl fIov.
3. You can configuie copv conlioI foi headei, ilen, and scheduIe IeveI lo
nalch lhe sliucluie of voui saIes docunenl.
Answcr: Tiue
Ioi deIiveiv and liIIing docunenls, vou vouId configuie headei
and ilen IeveI copv conlioI onIv, as lhese docunenls do nol have
scheduIe Iines.
4. To conlioI lhe copv conlioI pioceduie, al each IeveI vou can cieale
dala liansfei ioulines and copv iequiienenls.
Answcr: dala liansfei ioulines, copv iequiienenls
You can cieale voui ovn dala liansfei ioulines and copv iequiienenls
using lhe liansaclion code VOIM. Theie aie seveiaI slandaid dala
liansfei ioulines and copv iequiienenls deIiveied vilh SAI.
278 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
5. If vou vanl lo copv an ilen fion an oidei lo a deIiveiv, vhal is lhe
nininun configuialion iequiied lo acconpIish lhis lask`
- SaIes docunenl lvpe nusl conlain defauIl deIiveiv lvpe.
- Ilen calegoiv nusl aIIov foi scheduIe Iines.
- ScheduIe Iine calegoiv nusl le ieIevanl foi deIiveiv.
- Copv conlioI foi headei nusl le configuied lo copv fion a saIes
docunenl lo a deIiveiv docunenl.
- Copv conlioI nusl le configuied foi lhe ilen calegoiv.
- Copv conlioI nusl le configuied foi lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 279
Unit 7: Data FIow SCM605
280 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 8
227 SpeciaI Business Transactions
Nov lhal vou have discussed copving conlioI as a vav of configuiing
saIes docunenls, vou can Iook al exanpIes of lusiness scenaiios and
piocesses in lhis unil. You viII denonsliale lhe necessaiv sellings
in cuslonizing foi lhese exanpIes: Cash saIe, Rush oidei, DeIiveiies
fiee-of-chaige, Sulsequenl DeIiveiies fiee-of-chaige, Consignnenl fiII-up,
and Consignnenl issue, vhich viII aIso heIp lo ieinfoice vhal has leen
Ieained in lhe pievious unils.
Unit Overview
Nov lhal vou have gained an undeislanding of copv conlioI as a vav
of configuiing saIes docunenls, ve viII Iook al exanpIes of lusiness
piocesses in lhis unil. We viII ievievlhe necessaiv sellings in Cuslonizing
foi lhese exanpIes, such consignnenl piocessing.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe speciaI fealuies of cash saIes and iush oideis and lhe
diffeiences lelveen lhen
- ConlioI fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies and sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige
- LxpIain hov cuslonei consignnenls aie iepiesenled in Cuslonizing
foi saIes
Unit Contents
Lesson: Special Business Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283
Demonstration: Create a Rush and Cash Sale Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285
Demonstration: Show and compare customizing for both order types:
Rush (RO) and Cash (CS) sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 281
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Demonstration: Create Deliveries Free of Charge and Subsequent
Deliveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Demonstration: Show and compare customizing for both order types:
Delivery free-of-charge (CD) and Subsequent Delivery free-of-charge
(SD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290
Exercise 13: Special Business Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293
Lesson: Consignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296
Demonstration: Consignment Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298
Demonstration: Consignment ssue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300
Exercise 14: Consignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303
282 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
SpeciaI Business Transactions
Lesson Duialion: 3O ninules
Lesson Overview
Nov lhal vou have gained an undeislanding of copv conlioI as a
vav of configuiing saIes docunenls, ve viII Iook al exanpIes fion
lusiness piaclice in lhis Iesson. We viII ieviev lhe necessaiv sellings in
Cuslonizing foi lhese exanpIes.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe speciaI fealuies of cash saIes and iush oideis and lhe
diffeiences lelveen lhen
- ConlioI fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies and sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige
Nov lhal vou have discussed copving conlioIs as a vav of configuiing
saIes docunenls, vou can Iook al exanpIes fion lusiness piaclice in lhis
Iesson. You viII denonsliale lhe necessaiv sellings in cuslonizing foi
lhese exanpIes: Cash saIe, Rush oidei , DeIiveiies fiee-of-chaige, and
Sulsequenl DeIiveiies fiee-of-chaige, vhich viII aIso heIp lo ieinfoice
vhal has leen Ieained in pievious Iesson.
Sulsequenl DeIiveiies fiee-of-chaige and Invoice coiieclion iequesl (RK
is nol discussed in lhis Iesson) aie lhe onIv lvo slandaid docunenls lhal
iequiie a pieceding docunenl. This is lecause of lhe docunenl lvpe
conlioI of iefeience nandaloiv is sel lo lhe oplion nandaloiv.
The docunenl lvpes Cash saIe and Rush oidei lehave in lhe sane lasic
nannei: lhev lolh cieale a deIiveiv innedialeIv if slock is avaiIalIe.
The Cash saIe hovevei aIso has an oulpul of a ieceipl. This ieceipl is
consideied an invoice lul lheie aie nol accounling docunenls geneialed.
Accounl posling viII nol lake pIace unliI lhe liIIing iun.
Think of lhe Cash saIe docunenl as a cuslonei slanding al voui viII caII
picking up pioducl oi al voui counlei in lhe depailnenl sloie. Mosl IikeIv
lhev picked lhe pioducl off lhe sheIf and lhe deIiveiv is lhev aie Ieaving
vilh lhe pioducl in hand. Thev vanl a ieceipl lo caiiv vilh lhen vhen
lhev Ieave.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 283
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Business ExampIe
SpeciaI lusiness liansaclions occui ieguIaiIv in lhe saIes piocess al voui
conpanv, IDLS AC. You vanl lo suppoil lhese piocesses vilh SAI R/3.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo find oul aloul lhe piocess vaiianls lhal aie
nodeIed in lhe slandaid R/3 svslen. In lhe piocess, vou aIso vanl lo find
lhe conlioI paianeleis foi individuaI nodificalions.
Rush Orders
Rush oideis and cash saIes aie saIes docunenl lvpes lhal aie used in lhe
saIes-fion-pIanl piocess, oi foi vhen lhe cuslonei needs lo pick up lheii
goods innedialeIv fion lhe vaiehouse.
Figure 54: Rush Orders
In lhe saIes docunenl lvpe RO foi innediale deIiveiv, vou configuie lhe
innediale deIiveiv svilch and deIiveiv lvpe LI. When vou save a iush
oidei, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv cieales a deIiveiv of lvpe LI.
Once lhe goods have leen vilhdiavn fion lhe vaiehouse, picking and
posling goods issue can legin.
When vou cieale lhe liIIing docunenls (foi exanpIe, in coIIeclive
piocessing), lhe svslen piinls lhe invoice and sends il lo lhe cuslonei.
Cash SaIes
In lhe saIes docunenl lvpe foi cash saIes, vou configuie lhe innediale
deIiveiv svilch and deIiveiv lvpe V. When vou save lhe cash saIes, lhe
svslen aulonalicaIIv cieales a deIiveiv of lvpe V and piinls a docunenl
lhal can le given lo lhe cuslonei as an invoice.
284 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
Figure 55: Cash SaIes
You conlioI lhe invoice vilh oulpul lvpe RDO3, conlained in lhe oulpul
deleininalion pioceduie foi oidei lvpe CS.
Once lhe goods have leen vilhdiavn fion lhe vaiehouse, picking and
posling goods issue can legin.
An oidei-ieIaled liIIing index is geneialed aulonalicaIIv: lhis updales lhe
liIIing due Iisl. iIIing lvpe V is ciealed vhiIe lhe liIIing due Iisl is leing
piocessed. The svslen does nol piinl invoices duiing liIIing.
Demonstration: Create a Rush and Cash SaIe Order
To denonsliale hov diffeienl lusiness piocesses aie iepiesenled in R/3
lased on lhe docunenl lvpe and ilen calegoiv conlioI.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Reviev lhe LO65O insliucloi guide iegaiding
oulpul deleininalion.
1. Cieale a Rush oidei (RO).
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 285
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe RO
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6 2ORO
MaleiiaI M-1O
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: Svslen cieales deIiveiv aulonalicaIIv.
Shov docunenl fIov.
2. Cieale a Cash saIe (CS) oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe CS
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6 2OCS
MaleiiaI M-1O
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: Svslen cieales deIiveiv aulonalicaIIv.
Svslen cieales invoice aulonalicaIIv (oulpul lvpe RDO3).
Shov docunenl fIov.
3. Issue Cash saIe oulpul (oulpul lvpe RDO3) lo scieen.
SeIecl Prin| prcticu icon
286 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
LxpIain lo lhe sludenls lhal oulpul uses an oulpul deleininalion
pioceduie lo deleinine vhal oulpul viII le issued. The oulpul naslei
dala iecoid conlains: Who (pailnei) lo issue lo, Hov (Iax, LDI, Iiinl oul
and When (issue on save oi in lackgiound). Reviev lhe oulpul naslei
dala so vou can discuss lhese ilens vhen sludenls ask.
If line aIIovs shov lhe sludenls lhe oulpul naslei dala iecoid on lhe
appIicalion side and lhe oulpul deleininalion pioceduie in lhe IMC.
Oulpul is nol jusl deleinining: Who, Hov and When lul aIso lhe Iook
and Iavoul of lhe foin. Iiioi lo 4.6C Sap Sciipl vas lhe vav lo go foi lhe
Iook and Iavoul. Sap Sciipl is sliII avaiIalIe lo use lodav lul as of 4.6C
nosl peopIe aie using Snail Ioins as lhev seen lo le easiei lo voik vilh.
Sludenls can Ieain noie aloul Oulpul deleininalion in lhe SD cIass
LO65O. Theie aie aIso Sap Sciipl cIasses offeied.
Demonstration: Show and compare customizing for
both order types: Rush (RO) and Cash (CS) saIe.
To shov vhal is conlioIIing lhe aulonalic deIiveiv ciealion and oulpul.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. DispIav lhe conlioIs in lhe IMC foi Rush and Cash saIe docunenl
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn| ncadcr
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs
SeIecl lhe RO and C5 docunenl lvpes.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 287
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
SeIecl Dc|ai|s icon
Nntc: Use lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon lo nove lelveen lhe docunenl
DeIiveries Free-of-Charge and Subsequent DeIiveries
You cieale a deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige docunenl, foi exanpIe, vhen vou
vanl lo send voui cuslonei a sanpIe.
You enlei a sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige docunenl, foi exanpIe,
vhen vou need lo deIivei naleiiaI foi an oidei due lo a conpIainl.
Figure 56: DeIiveries Free-of-Charge and Subsequent DeIiveries
Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpe SDI deleinines lhal lhis liansaclion
iequiies a pieceding docunenl. The ieIevanl copv conlioIs nusl le sel up
foi aII pieceding docunenls lhal nighl le used, foi exanpIe, copving
conlioI foi SDI fion RL (ieluins oidei).
v aclivaling a deIiveiv lIock in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, vou ensuie lhal
deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige liansaclions oi sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige
liansaclions aie nol ieIeased foi deIiveiv unliI lhev have leen checked lv
lhe ieIevanl enpIovee. If lhe enpIovee decides lhal lhe deIiveiv shouId
nol lake pIace, she can nainlain a ieIevanl ieason foi iejeclion in lhe
saIes docunenl.
In Cuslonizing foi ilen calegoiies, vou deleinine lhal ilens in saIes
docunenl lvpes CD and SDI aie fiee of chaige (foi exanpIe vilh KLN oi
KLX). You can aIso decide vhal happens lo lhese ilens vilh iegaid lo
piicing and liIIing.
288 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
Demonstration: Create DeIiveries Free of Charge and
Subsequent DeIiveries
To shov lhe conlioIs fion lhe docunenl lvpe and ilen calegoiv.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: You viII need lo have a ieluin docunenl avaiIalIe
lo use foi lhe Sulsequenl DeIiveiv fiee-of-chaige deno.
Cieale a DeIiveiv Iiee of Chaige (CD) docunenl using Cuslonei, 2OO6
and Iioducl nunlei M-1O.
1. Cieale a DeIiveiv fiee-of chaige (CD).
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe CD
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6 2OCD
MaleiiaI M-1O
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: Shov lhe sludenls lhal no piicing lakes pIace. AIso
nenlion lhal lhe ilen calegoiv (KLN) foi lhe CD is nol
ieIevanl foi liIIing.
2. Cieale a Sulsequenl DeIiveiv fiee-of-chaige.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe SDI
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 289
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605 2OSDI
MaleiiaI M-1O
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: You viII ieceive a diaIog lox iequesling a iefeience
docunenl. Lnlei lhe iefeience docunenl nunlei foi lhe (RL)
ieluin docunenl
Shov docunenl fIov.
If line aIIovs shov lhe sludenls lhe ilen calegoiv conlioI.
Menlion lhal if lhev vanl an invoice foi lhe CD docunenl
lvpe, nake a copv of lhe ilen calegoiv (KLN) and change
lhe sellings. Mavle lhev vanl an invoice lhal savs heie is
lhe piice and vou aie gelling lhis fiee. If lhal is lhe case lhev
viII need lo piice lhe CD and discounl 1OO and sel lhe
ilen calegoiv as ieIevanl foi liIIing. These aie jusl a fev of
lhe sleps. You can iefeience lack lo lhe docunenl lvpe, ilen
calegoiv, scheduIe Iine calegoiv, and copv conlioI lhal nusl le
sel up lo nake aII lhis happen.
Demonstration: Show and compare customizing for
both order types: DeIivery free-of-charge (CD) and
Subsequent DeIivery free-of-charge (SD).
To shov vhal is conlioIIing lhe iefeience is nandaloiv and no piicing.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. DispIav lhe conlioIs in lhe IMC foi lhe DeIiveiv fiee-of-chaige (CD)
and Sulsequenl DeIiveiv fiee-of-chaige.
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
SeIecl Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn| ncadcr
290 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
SeIecl Sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs
SeIecl lhe CD and 5DF docunenl lvpes.
SeIecl Dc|ai|s icon
Nntc: Use lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon lo nove lelveen lhe docunenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 291
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
292 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
233 Exercise 13: SpeciaI Business
Lxeicise Duialion: 2O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain hov lo conlioI docunenl lvpes deIiveiv fiee-of chaige (ID)
and sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of chaige (SDI).
Business ExampIe
Theie aie lvo diffeienl cases lhal invoIve dispalching goods fiee of chaige
lo cusloneis: lhe fiee-of-chaige deIiveiv of adveilising naleiiaIs, and lhe
sulsequenl deIiveiv vilhin ieluins piocessing.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
Reviev lhe diffeiences lelveen lhe ID (deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige) and SDI
(sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige.
1. Whal aie lhe diffeiences in Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes
ID and SDI`
Hov can vou ensuie lhal lhe ilens in docunenls of lhis lvpe aie
ieaIIv deIiveied fiee of chaige`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 293
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
SoIution 13: SpeciaI Business
Reviev lhe diffeiences lelveen lhe ID (deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige) and SDI
(sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige.
1. Whal aie lhe diffeiences in Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes
ID and SDI`
Hov can vou ensuie lhal lhe ilens in docunenls of lhis lvpe aie
ieaIIv deIiveied fiee of chaige`
a) DispIav lhe conlioIs in lhe IMC foi lhe deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige
(ID) and sulsequenl deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige: Tcc|s Cus|cnizing
|MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn| ncadcr.
d) SeIecl Sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs.
e) SeIecl lhe FD and 5DF docunenl lvpes.
f) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
Nntc: Use lhe Ncx| cn|ru icon lo nove lelveen lhe
docunenl lvpes.
Lnliv C in lhe Rcfcrcncc fieId neans lhal docunenl lvpe SDI can
onIv le ciealed vilh iefeience lo an oidei.
The ilen calegoiies foi lhese oidei lvpes aie nol ieIevanl foi
liIIing oi piicing. The piicing conlioI is sel lo |rcc.
294 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SpeciaI Business Transactions
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe speciaI fealuies of cash saIes and iush oideis and lhe
diffeiences lelveen lhen
- ConlioI fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies and sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige
ReIated Information
- hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 295
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Lesson Duialion: 3O ninules
Lesson Overview
To iepiesenl lhe cuslonei consignnenl piocess, SAI R/3 SD conlains
foui docunenl lvpes vilh individuaI sellings al lhe headei, ilen, and
scheduIe Iine IeveI. In lhis Iesson, ve viII ieviev lhe vaiialions lhal aie
possilIe vilhin slandaid configuialion.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain hov cuslonei consignnenls aie iepiesenled in Cuslonizing
foi saIes
This Iesson ieinfoices vhal lhe sludenl has aIieadv Ieained iegaiding
lhe docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv, and scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioIs.
You viII nov inlioduce lhen lo lhe cuslonei consignnenl piocess, lhe
slandaid svslen conlains foui docunenl lvpes vilh individuaI sellings
al lhe headei, ilen and scheduIe Iine IeveI. Reviev lhe vaiialions lhal aie
possilIe vilhin slandaid configuialion.
Nntc: Theie is nol enough line foi lhe sludenls lo do aII lhe
oplionaI exeicises in lhis Iesson.
Business ExampIe
Consignnenl liansaclions occui in lhe saIes piocess al voui conpanv,
IDLS AC. You vanl lo suppoil lhese piocesses vilh SAI R/3.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo find oul aloul lhe piocess vaiianls lhal aie
nodeIed in SAI R/3 SD.
In consignnenl piocessing, goods aie deIiveied lo lhe cuslonei lul
ienain lhe piopeilv of lhe conpanv unliI lhev aie acluaIIv used.
An invoice is nol ciealed unliI lhe cuslonei vilhdiavs lhe goods fion lhe
consignnenl slock. The cuslonei has lhe iighl lo ieluin consignnenl
goods up unliI lhal poinl.
296 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
Figure 57: Consignments
You can use lhe speciaI-slock-pailnei funclion if lhe consignnenl slocks
aie nanaged al a cenliaI poinl ialhei lhan lv lhe soId-lo pailv.
Consignment FiII-up and Issue
Iiocess consignnenl fiII-up vilh oidei lvpe CI. The goods issue sels up
a speciaI slock al lhe cusloneis Iocalion. Hovevei, lhe goods ienain in
lhe vaIualed slocks of lhe deIiveiing pIanl. This liansaclion is nol liIIed
lecause lhe consignnenl slock ienains lhe piopeilv of voui conpanv.
Figure 58: Consignment FiII-up and Issue
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 297
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Consignnenl issue is piocessed vilh oidei lvpe CI. When goods aie
issued, lolh lhe cusloneis speciaI slock and lhe slock in lhe deIiveiing
pIanl aie ieduced. This liansaclion is ieIevanl foi liIIing.
Consignment Pickup and Returns
If lhe cuslonei ieluins lhe goods, vou can iepiesenl lhis vilh oidei lvpe
CI (consignnenl pickup). This liansaclion ciedils lhe speciaI cuslonei
slock duiing lhe goods issue. Like lhe consignnenl fiII-up, lhis liansaclion
is nol ieIevanl foi liIIing.
Figure 59: Consignment Pickup and Returns
If vou vanl lo ieveise a consignnenl issue, vou can piocess lhis vilh
docunenl lvpe CR (consignnenl ieluin). The goods issue again sels up
lhe speciaI slock al lhe cusloneis Iocalion. A ciedil neno is geneialed
lased on lhe consignnenl ieluins.
Demonstration: Consignment Process
To denonsliale and expIain lhe Consignnenl fiII-up piocess.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
298 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
1. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI T-ATE20 slock in pIanl 1200 .
|cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru nanagcncn|
|ntircnncn| S|cc| S|cc| ctcrticu
Nntc: Ioinl oul lhe Uniesliicled Slock and Cuslonei
2. Ship 100 cs of lhe naleiiaI T-ATE20 lo lhe cusloneis consignnenl
vaiehouse lv enleiing a consignnenl fiII-up (CI) docunenl lvpe,
puichase oidei nunlei CF20 . Cieale a deIiveiv, liansfei oidei and
posl goods issue.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe CI (Consignnenl IiII-up)
SoId-lo pailv T-S62A2O CI2O
MaleiiaI T-ATL2O
Ouanlilv 1OO pcs
SeIecl Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr
Nntc: If vou ieceive an eiioi nessage: No scheduIe Iines due
foi deIiveiv
SeIecl 8ac| aiiov
Lnlei a Sc|cc|icn da|c of lvo veeks fion lodavs dale.
SeIecl |n|cr
SeIecl Suoscuucn| func|icns Transfcr crdcr
FIc!d Data
Waiehouse nunlei O12
Ioiegiound/lackgiound ackgiound
Adopl pick. quanlilv 2 (copv picked quanlilv lo
deIiveiv as deIiveiv quanlilv
and posl CI)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 299
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
SeIecl Satc icon
Nntc: DispIav lhe slock scieen again. Shov lhe slocks
Uniesliicled slock 2OOO (The quanlilv nav vaiv
if vou have used lhis pail in
olhei denonslialions.)
Cuslonei Consignnenl
Demonstration: Consignment Issue
To denonsliale lhe Consignnenl Issue piocess.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
300 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
1. The cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev have used 50 cs of lhe naleiiaI
T-ATE20 in lhe consignnenl vaiehouse. Lnlei a consignnenl issue
CI docunenl lvpe, (puichase oidei nunlei CI20 ). DeIivei lhe oidei
and posl goods issue.
Nntc: You can posl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv,
as lhe goods do nol phvsicaIIv nove in voui vaiehouse (no
liansfei oidei iequiied). Cieale lhe deIiveiv diieclIv fion
lhe oidei. Iosl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv.
The deIiveiv docunenl ilen calegoiv is vhal is conlioIIing if
picking/liansfei oidei is iequiied.
Nntc: DispIav lhe slock scieen again. Shov lhe slocks
Uniesliicled slock 19OO
Cuslonei Consignnenl
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 301
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
302 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
239 Exercise 14: Consignments
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain hov conpIex lusiness piocesses such as consignnenl
piocessing aie handIed
Business ExampIe
Consignnenl piocessing offeis voui pailneis gieal advanlages. Youi
cusloneis nanage lhe consignnenl slock lhenseIves and can access lhe
goods in lhe consignnenl vaiehouse al anv line. Thev do nol have lo pav
unliI lhe goods aie issued, and lhen onIv foi lhe anounl lhal has leen
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
Task 1
You agiee lo nake naleiiaI T-ATE## avaiIalIe innedialeIv as
consignnenl goods foi cuslonei T-562A##.
Check lhe slock foi lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##in pIanl 1200 in anolhei session.
1. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
2. Ship 100 cs of lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##lo lhe cusloneis consignnenl
vaiehouse lv enleiing a consignnenl fiII-up (CI) docunenl lvpe,
puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CF01. Donl foigel lo cieale a
deIiveiv and a liansfei oidei, and lo posl goods issue.
Nntc: Cieale lhe deIiveiv diieclIv fion lhe oidei. Cieale a
liansfei oidei diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv.
3. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI T-ATE##slock again.
4. OPTIONAL: Tiv lo cieale a liIIing docunenl fion lhe deIiveiv
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 303
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv nol`
5. The cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev have used 50 cs of lhe naleiiaI
T-ATE##in lhe consignnenl vaiehouse. Lnlei a consignnenl issue
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CI01). DeIivei lhe oidei and posl
goods issue.
Nntc: You can posl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv,
as lhe goods do nol phvsicaIIv nove in voui vaiehouse (no
liansfei oidei iequiied). Cieale lhe deIiveiv diieclIv fion lhe
oidei. Iosl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv.
6. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
7. OPTIONAL: iII lhe consignnenl issue. Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv
8. The cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev donl need lhe ienaining 50 cs
of lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##. Lnlei a consignnenl pickup (CI) docunenl
lvpe (puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CP01).
DeIivei lhe oidei and posl a goods issue.
9. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
1O. OPTIONAL: iII lhe consignnenl pickup. Can vou do il` Whv oi
vhv nol`
Task 2
OPTIONAL: You need lo ieviev lhe ilen calegoiies lhal aie leing
deleinined foi lhe consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl issue (CI)
docunenl lvpes lo gain an undeislanding of lhe lehavioi of each.
1. DispIav consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl issue (CI) vilh
puichase oidei nunleis ##LO605-CF01 and ##LO605-CI01. Which
ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies did lhe svslen deleinine`
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ilen calegoiv ScheduIe Iine cal.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
304 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
Task 3
OPTIONAL: LxpIain vhv lhe consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl
issue (CI) docunenl lvpes lehaved so diffeienlIv.
1. Hov and vhv aie lhese scheduIe Iine calegoiies diffeienl fion each
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 305
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
SoIution 14: Consignments
Task 1
You agiee lo nake naleiiaI T-ATE## avaiIalIe innedialeIv as
consignnenl goods foi cuslonei T-562A##.
Check lhe slock foi lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##in pIanl 1200 in anolhei session.
1. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru nanagcncn|
|ntircnncn| S|cc| S|cc| ctcrticu.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
P|an| 1200
c) Choose |xccu|c.
Uniesliicled slock: 2000
Cuslonei consignnenl slock: 0
2. Ship 100 cs of lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##lo lhe cusloneis consignnenl
vaiehouse lv enleiing a consignnenl fiII-up (CI) docunenl lvpe,
puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CF01. Donl foigel lo cieale a
deIiveiv and a liansfei oidei, and lo posl goods issue.
Nntc: Cieale lhe deIiveiv diieclIv fion lhe oidei. Cieale a
liansfei oidei diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc CF (Consignment
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A##
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
306 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments ##LO605-CF01
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
Quan|i|u 100 pcs
c) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
Nntc: If vou ieceive an eiioi nessage No schedule
lines due for delivery:
SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
Lnlei a Sc|cc|icn da|c of lvo veeks fion lodav.
Choose |n|cr.
d) Suoscuucn| func|icns Crca|c Transfcr crdcr.
FIc!d Data
larcncusc nunocr 012
|crcgrcund/oac|grcund Background
Adcp| pic|. uuan|i|u 2 (copv picked quanlilv
lo deIiveiv, as deIiveiv
quanlilv, and posl CI)
e) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 307
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
3. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI T-ATE##slock again.
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru nanagcncn|
|ntircnncn| S|cc| S|cc| ctcrticu.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
P|an| 1200
c) Choose |xccu|c.
Uniesliicled slock: 2000
Cuslonei consignnenl slock: 100
4. OPTIONAL: Tiv lo cieale a liIIing docunenl fion lhe deIiveiv
Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing dccuncn|
Lnlei docunenl nunlei of deIiveiv.
Choose |n|cr.
The docunenl is nol ieIevanl foi liIIing lecause liIIing has nol
leen defined in Cuslonizing foi consignnenl fiII-ups. Theie aie
no defauIl vaIues foi saIes docunenl lvpe CI foi oidei- and
deIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing docunenls. Ilen calegoiv KN is nol
ieIevanl foi liIIing.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
308 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
5. The cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev have used 50 cs of lhe naleiiaI
T-ATE##in lhe consignnenl vaiehouse. Lnlei a consignnenl issue
(puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CI01). DeIivei lhe oidei and posl
goods issue.
Nntc: You can posl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv,
as lhe goods do nol phvsicaIIv nove in voui vaiehouse (no
liansfei oidei iequiied). Cieale lhe deIiveiv diieclIv fion lhe
oidei. Iosl lhe goods issue diieclIv fion lhe deIiveiv.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc CI (consignment Issue)
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-CI01
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
Quan|i|u 50 pcs
c) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
Nntc: If vou ieceive an eiioi nessage, No schedule
lines due for delivery:
SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
Lnlei a Sc|cc|icn da|c of lvo veeks fion lodav.
Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl Pcs| Gccds |ssuc.
e) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 309
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
6. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru nanagcncn|
|ntircnncn| S|cc| S|cc| ctcrticu.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
P|an| 1200
c) Choose |xccu|c.
Uniesliicled slock: 1950
Cuslonei consignnenl slock: 50
7. OPTIONAL: iII lhe consignnenl issue. Can vou do il` Whv oi vhv
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing dccuncn|
l) Lnlei docunenl nunlei of deIiveiv.
c) Choose |n|cr.
Yes. A deIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing docunenl has leen defined foi
ilen calegoiv KLN in Cuslonizing. iIIing docunenl lvpe I2
has leen pioposed foi deIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing in saIes docunenl
lvpe CI.
8. The cuslonei infoins vou lhal lhev donl need lhe ienaining 50 cs
of lhe naleiiaI T-ATE##. Lnlei a consignnenl pickup (CI) docunenl
lvpe (puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-CP01).
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
310 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
DeIivei lhe oidei and posl a goods issue.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc CP (consignment
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-CP01
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
Quan|i|u 50 pcs
c) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
Nntc: If vou ieceive an eiioi nessage, No schedule
lines due for delivery:
SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
Lnlei a Sc|cc|icn da|c of lvo veeks fion lodav.
Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl Pcs| Gccds Rcccip|.
e) Choose Satc.
9. Check lhe consignnenl naleiiaI slock.
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru nanagcncn|
|ntircnncn| S|cc| S|cc| ctcrticu.
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Ma|cria| T-ATE##
P|an| 1200
Choose |xccu|c.
Uniesliicled slock: 1950
Cuslonei consignnenl slock: 0
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 311
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
1O. OPTIONAL: iII lhe consignnenl pickup. Can vou do il` Whv oi
vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing dccuncn|
l) Lnlei docunenl nunlei of deIiveiv.
c) Choose |n|cr.
No. A liIIing lvpe couId nol le deleinined lecause liIIing
has nol leen defined foi lhe consignnenl pickup. Theie aie
no defauIl vaIues foi saIes docunenl lvpe CI foi oidei- and
deIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing docunenls.
DeIiveiv lvpe LR does nol conlain a defauIl oidei lvpe fion
vhich aIleinalive defauIl vaIues foi oidei- and deIiveiv-ieIaled
liIIing docunenls couId le deleinined. In addilion, ilen
calegoiv KAN is nol ieIevanl foi liIIing.
Task 2
OPTIONAL: You need lo ieviev lhe ilen calegoiies lhal aie leing
deleinined foi lhe consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl issue (CI)
docunenl lvpes lo gain an undeislanding of lhe lehavioi of each.
1. DispIav consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl issue (CI) vilh
puichase oidei nunleis ##LO605-CF01 and ##LO605-CI01. Which
ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies did lhe svslen deleinine`
ConpIele lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
312 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Consignments
Ilen calegoiv ScheduIe Iine cal.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei in lhe Purcnasc crdcr nunocr
c) Choose Scarcn.
d) Choose Ccpu.
e) Choose |n|cr.
Reviev lhe ilen calegoiies.
f) SeIecl lhe Iine ilen. SeIecl Scncdu|c |inc lo viev lhe scheduIe Iines.
Ilen calegoiv ScheduIe Iine cal.
Renain in lhe saIes docunenl lo conpIele lhe nexl exeicise.
Task 3
OPTIONAL: LxpIain vhv lhe consignnenl fiII-up (CI) and consignnenl
issue (CI) docunenl lvpes lehaved so diffeienlIv.
1. Hov and vhv aie lhese scheduIe Iine calegoiies diffeienl fion each
a) SeIecl Snipping fion lhe Scncdu|c |inc lal.
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv LO: Mnvcmcnt tvc 631 (GI cnnsIgnmcnt
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv CO: Mnvcmcnt tvc 633 (GI Issuc
cnnsIgnmcnt custnmcr)
Duiing lhe fiII-up, lhe affecled slocks aie noved fion
uniesliicled use slocks lo lhe cusloneis consignnenl slocks
(speciaI slocks). The goods ienain in lhe cusloneis possession.
Consignnenl issue posls lhe goods fion lhe speciaI slock and
lhev lecone lhe piopeilv of lhe cuslonei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 313
Unit 8: SpeciaI Business Transactions SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- LxpIain hov cuslonei consignnenls aie iepiesenled in Cuslonizing
foi saIes
ReIated Information
- hllp://
314 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe speciaI fealuies of cash saIes and iush oideis and lhe
diffeiences lelveen lhen
- ConlioI fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies and sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige
- LxpIain hov cuslonei consignnenls aie iepiesenled in Cuslonizing
foi saIes
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding consignnenl piocessing, ieviev lhe SAI
heIp fiIes al hlZp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 315
Unit Summary SCM605
316 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Rush oideis Rush oideis and cash saIes cash saIes aie saIes docunenl
lvpes lhal aie used in lhe saIes-fion-pIanl piocess, oi foi vhen
lhe cuslonei needs lo pick up lheii goods innedialeIv fion lhe
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. You cieale a deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige docunenl, foi exanpIe, vhen
vou vanl lo send voui cuslonei a sanpIe.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
3. Sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies nusl have a pieceding
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
4. To iepiesenl lhe cuslonei consignnenl piocess, lhe slandaid svslen
conlains foui docunenl lvpes vilh individuaI sellings al lhe headei,
ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 317
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. Rush oideis and cash saIes aie saIes docunenl lvpes lhal aie used in
lhe saIes-fion-pIanl piocess, oi foi vhen lhe cuslonei needs lo pick
up lheii goods innedialeIv fion lhe vaiehouse.
Answcr: Rush oideis, cash saIes
Rush oideis and cash saIes lolh cieale an innediale deIiveiv due
lo lhe sellings in configuialion.
2. You cieale a deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige docunenl, foi exanpIe, vhen
vou vanl lo send voui cuslonei a sanpIe.
Answcr: Tiue
The deIiveiv fiee-of-chaige docunenl viII nol le piiced. This
selling/conlioI is coning fion lhe docunenl lvpe and ilen calegoiv
in lhe IMC.
3. Sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige deIiveiies nusl have a pieceding
Answcr: Tiue
Sulsequenl fiee-of-chaige deIiveiv docunenls nusl have a pieceding
docunenl lecause lhe Rcfcrcncc nanda|cru fieId is sel lo iequiie
a pioceeding docunenl in lhe docunenl lvpe foi sulsequenl
fiee-of-chaige deIiveiv (SDI).
4. To iepiesenl lhe cuslonei consignnenl piocess, lhe slandaid svslen
conlains foui docunenl lvpes vilh individuaI sellings al lhe headei,
ilen, and scheduIe Iine IeveI.
Answcr: Tiue
The docunenl lvpes aie consignnenl fiII-up (CI), consignnenl issue
(CI), consignnenl ieluin (CR), and consignnenl pickup (CI).
318 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 9
255 IncompIetion
This unil and lhe ienaining unils use pails of lhe condilion lechnique oi
nake fuII use of lhe condilion lechnique. I usuaIIv lake aloul 3O ninules
lefoie I slail lhis unil lo expIain lhe condilion lechnique. I use piicing as
an exanpIe. If vou aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe condilion lechnique oidei a
SCM62O piicing look and dovnIoad lhe insliucloi guide.
Unit Overview
The inconpIelion Iog piovides an essenliaI funclion lv checking lhal
ciilicaI dala is enleied in lhe docunenls foi a lusiness liansaclion. If
necessaiv, lhe svslen can le configuied so lhal il pievenls sulsequenl
piocessing: lhen lhe usei can nainlain anv nissing dala. The svslen can
aIso le configuied lo pievenl a usei fion saving an inconpIele docunenl.
In lhis unil, vou viII Ieain hov lo define voui ovn inconpIelion pioceduie
lo neel voui lusiness iequiienenls.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe inconpIelion Iog and piocess inconpIele oideis
- Adjusl lhe inconpIelion Iog in cuslonizing lo neel voui iequiienenls
Unit Contents
Lesson: Working with and Customizing the ncompletion Log. . . . . . . . . . . .321
Demonstration: ncomplete Sales Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323
Demonstration: ncompletion Messages ndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325
Procedure: Create an ncompletion Procedure for the Header of a
Sales Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328
Procedure: Assign Header ncompletion Procedure to a Sales
Document Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330
Demonstration: Create an ncompletion Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 319
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Demonstration: Assign ncompletion Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331
Demonstration: Effects of ncompletion Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .332
Exercise 15: Working with and Customizing ncompletion Log . . . . . .333
320 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion
Lesson Duialion: 45 ninules
Lesson Overview
The inconpIelion Iog piovides an essenliaI funclion lv checking lhal
ciilicaI dala is enleied in lhe docunenls foi a lusiness liansaclion. If
necessaiv, lhe svslen can le configuied so lhal il pievenls sulsequenl
piocessing: lhen lhe usei can nainlain anv nissing dala. The svslen can
aIso le configuied lo pievenl a usei fion saving an inconpIele docunenl
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe inconpIelion Iog and piocess inconpIele oideis
- Adjusl lhe inconpIelion Iog in cuslonizing lo neel voui iequiienenls
This unil and lhe ienaining unils use pails of lhe condilion lechnique
oi nake fuII use of lhe condilion lechnique. Due lo lhal lake aloul 3O
ninules lefoie slailing lhis unil lo expIain lhe condilion lechnique. Use
piicing as an exanpIe. If vou aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe condilion lechnique,
oidei a SCM62O piicing look and dovnIoad lhe insliucloi guide.
Business ExampIe
A vaiielv of infoinalion is iequiied lo ensuie lhal lhe saIes piocesses al
voui conpanv iun snoolhIv. The anounl of infoinalion iequiied can
diffei depending on lhe piocess.
Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo configuie lhe svslen in such a vav lo nake suie
lhal peopIe can veiifv lhal docunenl dala is conpIele duiing docunenl
enliv. You vanl lo conlioI vhich sulsequenl funclions of lhe docunenl
aie lIocked, depending on vhich infoinalion is nissing in lhe docunenl.
IncompIetion Log
An inconpIelion Iog is a Iisl of aII lhe dala lhal has nol vel leen enleied in
lhe svslen, lul lhal is essenliaI lo voui conpanv in a saIes docunenl .
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 321
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Figure 60: IncompIetion Log
You can define lhese dala fieIds in Cuslonizing foi lhe inconpIelion Iog.
The svslen goes diieclIv fion lhe inconpIelion Iog lo lhe diffeienl vievs,
vheie vou can lhen edil lhe inconpIele dala.
List of IncompIete Orders
Lach enpIovee can Iisl aII of lhe inconpIele saIes oideis lhal lhev have
ciealed. Thev can aIso dispIav ceilain docunenls lhal have leen lIocked
foi a pailicuIai slep in a seIeclion scieen, such as a Iisl of aII lhe docunenls
lIocked foi shipping due lo inconpIelion.
322 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
Figure 61: Lists of IncompIete Orders
InconpIele oideis can le caIIed up fion lhe Iisl and conpIeled. When
vou have finished piocessing, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv ieluins lo lhe Iisl
of inconpIele docunenls.
Demonstration: IncompIete SaIes Documents
Denonsliale InconpIele SaIes Docunenls
System Data
Uscr ID:
1. Cieale an oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Docunenl lvpe OR
Cuslonei 2006
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 323
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
MaleiiaI M-10
Ouanlilv 10 pcs
2. DeIele lhe pIanl al ilen IeveI. CaII up lhe inconpIelion Iog.
|di| |cg cf |nccnp|c|c ||cns
Ldil lhe IO. Lnlei IO nunlei 2O.
Save lhe saIes docunenl as inconpIele.
3. CaII up lhe Iisl of inconpIele oideis.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs |nfcrna|icn Sus|cn
Ordcrs |nccnp|c|c Ordcrs
DeIele lhe enliv in lhe Crca|cd ou fieId. Lxecule lhe Iisl. SeIecl
docunenl, edil and ieluin lo lhe Iisl.
IncompIete SaIes Documents
In Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes, lhe |nccnp|c|.ncssagcs indicaloi
aIIovs vou lo conlioI vhelhei inconpIele saIes docunenls can le saved
oi nol. If lhis indicaloi is Iefl lIank, lhen lhe inconpIelion pioceduie is
deleinined fion lhe slalus gioup.
Figure 62: IncompIete SaIes Documents
The pioceduie conlioIs lhe effecls lhal lhe inconpIele dala has on lhe
324 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
- If lhe leins of pavnenl aie nissing, lhe oidei can le deIiveied, lul il
cannol le liIIed. Al lhe sane line, vou viII nol le alIe lo cieale a
nev oidei vilh iefeience lo an inconpIele oidei.
- The inconpIelion Iog leIIs vou if lhe puichase oidei nunlei is
nissing, lul vou can conlinue lo piocess lhe docunenl.
Demonstration: IncompIetion Messages Indicator
Denonsliale selling lhe InconpIelion Messages indicaloi foi voui saIes
docunenl lvpe.
System Data
Uscr ID:
1. Sel lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs indica|cr in saIes docunenl lvpe ZA20
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs
SeIecl Docunenl lvpe ZA20
SeIecl Dc|ai| icon
Aclivale indicaloi foi fieId |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs
SeIecl Satc icon
2. Cieale a nev ZA20 saIes docunenl lo shov lhe sludenls vou can no
Iongei save lhe docunenl inconpIele.
Nntc: Donl foigel lo deaclivale lhe selling.
ControIIing the IncompIetion Log
The inconpIelion Iog diffeienliales lelveen lhe foIIoving IeveIs:
- SaIes docunenl headei
- SaIes docunenl ilen
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 325
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
- SaIes docunenl scheduIe Iine
Figure 63: ControIIing the IncompIetion Log
In each pioceduie vou deleinine vhich fieIds aie checked foi conpIelion.
Deleinine aieas of vaIidilv lv assigning pioceduies. Ioi exanpIe, vou can
assign lhe inconpIelion pioceduie foi lhe saIes docunenl headei, using
lhe saIes docunenl lvpe.
- The inconpIelion pioceduie foi lhe headei IeveI is defined in lhe
docunenl lvpe.
- The inconpIelion pioceduie foi ilen IeveI is defined in lhe ilen
- The inconpIelion pioceduie foi scheduIe Iine IeveI is defined in lhe
scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
You can aIso fIag pailnei funclions, lexls, and condilion lvpes in piicing
as nandaloiv. If lhese enliies aie nissing, a nole viII appeai in lhe
inconpIelion Iog.
Status of IncompIete SaIes Documents
InconpIele docunenl dala affecls fuilhei piocessing in diffeienl vavs. A
status grnu is assigned lo each fieId in lhe inconpIelion pioceduie.
326 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
Figure 64: Status of IncompIete SaIes Documents
When vou define lhe slalus gioups, vou decide vhich sleps shouId le
pievenled if dala is nissing.
You can specifv, foi exanpIe, lhal ilen dala in a saIes oidei is inconpIele
and cannol le piocessed foi deIiveiv vilhoul infoinalion aloul a shipping
poinl. If, duiing saIes oidei piocessing, lhe shipping poinl is nissing, lhe
inconpIelion Iog noles lhal lhe deIiveiv infoinalion is inconpIele.
A slalus gioup can conlain anv nunlei of lhese effecls. This aIIovs vou lo
conlioI lhe effecl of inconpIele dala sepaialeIv foi each fieId.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 327
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Create an IncompIetion Procedure for the Header of a
SaIes Document
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns|cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns
Dcfinc |nccnp|c|icn Prcccdurcs.
4. SeIecl A.
5. SeIecl lhe Prcccdurc foIdei.
6. Choose Cnangc.
7. SeIecl Ncu cn|rics.
8. Lnlei lhe code (slail vilh Z) foi voui pioceduie and lhe desciiplion.
Save lhe pioceduie code and desciiplion.
Nntc: You nav cieale anolhei session lo lesl lhe
cuslonizalions enleied alove.
9. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
1O. Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc your choice
Sc|d-|c par|u your choice 20
Ma|cria| your choice
Quan|i|u 1 pc
11. SeIecl lhe fieId lhal vou vanl lo incIude in voui inconpIelion
12. SeIecl |1.
13. SeIecl Tccnnica| |nfc.
14. Recoid lhe infoinalion: TalIe _____, IieId nane _____, Scieen ____.
Reluin lo voui session in lhe IMC.
15. SeIecl lhe |ic|ds foIdei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
328 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
16. SeIecl Main|ain cn|rics.
17. Lnlei lhe dala vou found: lalIe, fieId nane, and scieen.
18. SeIecl a slalus gioup of voui choice. The slalus gioup vou seIecl
viII deleinine vhal lvpes of sulsequenl aclivilies aie aIIoved. Save
lhe pioceduie.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 329
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Assign Header IncompIetion Procedure to a SaIes
Document Type
1. Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
2. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
3. Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn8asic |unc|icns|cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns
Assign inccnp|c|icn prcccdurcs.
4. SeIecl Assign prcccdurcs |c sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs.
5. Mainlain lhe enliv foi voui saIes docunenl lvpe.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create an IncompIetion Procedure
Cieale an InconpIelion pioceduie foi a saIes docunenl headei.
System Data
Uscr ID:
1. Cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie al docunenl headei IeveI in
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns |cg cf |nccnp|c|c i|cns
Dcfinc |nccnp|c|icn Prcccdurcs
Copv inconpIelion pioceduie 11. The nev pioceduie shouId le ZO,
Tiade faii pioceduie
The nev pioceduie shouId conlain lhe fieId Ordcr rcascn
Nntc: Cieale anolhei session lo deleinine lhe iequiied info
fion lhe saIes docunenl headei.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
330 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe ZA20
SoId-lo pailv T-S62A20 20
MaleiiaI T-ATA20
Ouanlilv 1 pc
SeIecl lhe Ordcr Rcascn fieId.
SeIecl |1
SeIecl Tccnnica| |nfc icon.
Recoid lhe infoinalion: Tao|c V8AK. |ic|d nanc AUGRU. Scrccn
Reluin lo voui session in lhe IMC and inpul lhe dala vou found.
AIso, seIecl a Slalus gioup of O2 (no deIiveiv viII le ciealed if lhe
oidei ieason fieId is nissing in lhe saIes docunenl) and aclivale lhe
larning fieId.
Save lhe pioceduie.
Demonstration: Assign IncompIetion Procedure
To assign an inconpIelion pioceduie lo a saIes docunenl lvpe.
System Data
Uscr ID:
1. Assign lhe pioceduie lo saIes docunenl lvpe ZA2O.
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn8asic |unc|icns|cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns
Assign |nccnp|c|icn prcccdurcs
SeIecl Assign prcccdurcs |c sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs
Mainlain lhe enliv foi voui saIes docunenl lvpe ZA20
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 331
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
SeIecl Satc
Demonstration: Effects of IncompIetion Procedure
Denonsliale lhe effecl lhe inconpIelion pioceduie has on lhe saIes
System Data
Uscr ID:
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe ZA20
SoId-lo pailv T-S62A20 20
MaleiiaI T-ATA20
Ouanlilv 1 pc
Nntc: You shouId ieceive a vaining lhal vou need lo enlei
lhe Ordcr rcascn
SeIecl Gccd scrticc
SeIecl Satc
332 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
265 Exercise 15: Working with and
Customizing IncompIetion Log
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe inconpIelion Iog foi saIes docunenls duiing docunenl
piocessing, and conlioI il in Cuslonizing
Business ExampIe
You need lo cieale a lusiness pioceduie lhal nalches voui lusiness
piocesses. Youi conpanv has deleinined lhal ceilain essenliaI infoinalion
nusl lheiefoie le enleied in aII docunenls.
The inconpIelion pioceduie ensuies lhal vou cannol conlinue vilh ceilain
sleps in lhe lusiness piocess vhen essenliaI dala is nissing.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use.
Task 1
You vouId Iike lo ensuie lhal saIes docunenls of lvpe ZA##cannol le Iefl
inconpIele in saIes oidei piocessing.
1. Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA## foi cuslonei T-562A##
and naleiiaI T-ATA##(10 cs), and save lhe docunenl wIthnut a
puichase oidei nunlei.
Can vou do il`
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
2. Aclivale lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs indicaloi foi saIes docunenl lvpe
3. Cieale anolhei oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei T-562A##
and naleiiaI T-ATA## (10cs) . Save lhe docunenl vilhoul a
puichase oidei nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 333
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Can vou do il`
Nntc: Make suie vou lack aII lhe vav oul of lhe Sa|cs crdcr
crca|c scieen lefoie ciealing lhe nev oidei. If vou do nol
lack oul, lhe svslen viII iead vhal is sloied in lhe luffei
foi docunenl lvpe ZA##and viII nol considei voui iecenl
Cuslonizing change.
4. Iiocess lhe inconpIelion Iog lv enleiing puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##07. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl
5. DeIele lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagc indicaloi foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
Task 2
You vanl lo ensuie lhal lhe nane of lhe conlacl peison vho is iesponsilIe
foi lhe saIes oidei is aIvavs enleied in liade faii oideis.
You viII find lhe fieId foi enleiing lhe conlacl nane on lhe Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Hcadcr scieen, Purcnasc Ordcr Da|a lal.
1. Cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie, Y# vilh desciiplion Ordcr
rnccdurc ##.
Nntc: Use lhe kev fion lhe lalIe leIov lased on voui sludenl
gioup nunlei. Ignoie lhe svslen nessage iegaiding lhe
nanespace convenlions. (Ioi exanpIe, gioup O1 viII cieale
pioceduie YA.)
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
334 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
Prnccd. Grnu
Prnccd. Grnu
O1 YA O7 YC 13 YM
O2 Y O8 YH 14 YN
O3 YC O9 YI 15 YO
O4 YD 1O YI 16 YI
O5 YL 11 YK 17 YO
O6 YI 12 YL 18 YR
Save lhe nev pioceduie code Y#and desciiplion Ordcr rnccdurc ##.
2. Lnlei lhe fieId foi lhe oideiing pailvs nane, BNAME, fion lalIe
VBAK. This fieId viII le dispIaved in lhe K8|S Hcadcr - Purcnasc
crdcr dala saIes oidei scieen.
HInt: If lhe oideiing pailvs nane is nissing in lhe saIes
docunenl, lhe svslen shouId nol cieale a deIiveiv. Assign
a coiiesponding slalus gioup lhal viII pievenl lhe ciealion
of a deIiveiv if lhe oideiing pailvs conlacl nane is nissing
fion lhe saIes docunenl.
Save lhe pioceduie.
3. Assign lhe inconpIelion pioceduie Y#lo saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
Task 3
Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei T-562A##and naleiiaI
T-ATA##(1 c). Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##49.
1. Save lhe inconpIele oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
2. CaII up lhe oidei in change node and deIivei lhe oidei. Sel lhe
sc|cc|icn da|c on lhe deIiveiv scieen lo a nonlh fion lodav.
Whal nessage appeais`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 335
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
3. Change lhe oidei and edil lhe inconpIelion Iog.
Save voui changes.
4. Tiv lo deIivei lhe oidei again. Can vou do il`
Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
336 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
SoIution 15: Working with and
Customizing IncompIetion Log
Task 1
You vouId Iike lo ensuie lhal saIes docunenls of lvpe ZA##cannol le Iefl
inconpIele in saIes oidei piocessing.
1. Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA## foi cuslonei T-562A##
and naleiiaI T-ATA##(10 cs), and save lhe docunenl wIthnut a
puichase oidei nunlei.
Can vou do il`
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## blank
Ma|cria| T-ATA##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
c) Choose Satc and a docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
Yes, lhe inconpIele docunenl can le saved.
2. Aclivale lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs indicaloi foi saIes docunenl lvpe
a) Sel lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs indicaloi in saIes docunenl lvpe ZA#.
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
d) SeIecl Docunenl lvpe ZA##.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|.
f) Aclivale indicaloi foi lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs fieId.
g) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 337
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
3. Cieale anolhei oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei T-562A##
and naleiiaI T-ATA## (10cs) . Save lhe docunenl vilhoul a
puichase oidei nunlei.
Can vou do il`
Nntc: Make suie vou lack aII lhe vav oul of lhe Sa|cs crdcr
crca|c scieen lefoie ciealing lhe nev oidei. If vou do nol
lack oul, lhe svslen viII iead vhal is sloied in lhe luffei
foi docunenl lvpe ZA##and viII nol considei voui iecenl
Cuslonizing change.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Inut Data
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Cus|cncr T-S62A## blank
Ma|cria| T-ATA##
Quan|i|u 10 pcs
c) Choose Satc.
No, vou cannol save lhe oidei lecause vou sel lhe |nccnp|c|c
ncssagc indicaloi foi docunenl lvpe ZA##.
4. Iiocess lhe inconpIelion Iog lv enleiing puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##07. Save lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl
a) SeIecl |di| Da|a.
l) SeIecl Ccnp|c|c Da|a.
c) Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##07
d) SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
e) Choose Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
338 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
5. DeIele lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagc indicaloi foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
d) SeIecl Docunenl lvpe ZA##.
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|.
f) Deaclivale lhe indicaloi foi lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagc fieId.
g) Choose Satc.
Task 2
You vanl lo ensuie lhal lhe nane of lhe conlacl peison vho is iesponsilIe
foi lhe saIes oidei is aIvavs enleied in liade faii oideis.
You viII find lhe fieId foi enleiing lhe conlacl nane on lhe Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Hcadcr scieen, Purcnasc Ordcr Da|a lal.
1. Cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie, Y# vilh desciiplion Ordcr
rnccdurc ##.
Nntc: Use lhe kev fion lhe lalIe leIov lased on voui sludenl
gioup nunlei. Ignoie lhe svslen nessage iegaiding lhe
nanespace convenlions. (Ioi exanpIe, gioup O1 viII cieale
pioceduie YA.)
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 339
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Prnccd. Grnu
Prnccd. Grnu
O1 YA O7 YC 13 YM
O2 Y O8 YH 14 YN
O3 YC O9 YI 15 YO
O4 YD 1O YI 16 YI
O5 YL 11 YK 17 YO
O6 YI 12 YL 18 YR
Save lhe nev pioceduie code Y#and desciiplion Ordcr rnccdurc ##.
a) Cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie Y# (kev of lhe nev pioceduie
foi each sludenl gioup):
SeIecl Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns|cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns
Dcfinc |nccnp|c|icn Prcccdurcs.
d) SeIecl A.
e) SeIecl lhe Prcccdurc foIdei.
f) Choose Cnangc.
g) SeIecl Ncu cn|rics.
h) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Prcccdurc ccdc Y#
Dcscrip|icn Order Procedure ##
i) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
340 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
2. Lnlei lhe fieId foi lhe oideiing pailvs nane, BNAME, fion lalIe
VBAK. This fieId viII le dispIaved in lhe K8|S Hcadcr - Purcnasc
crdcr dala saIes oidei scieen.
HInt: If lhe oideiing pailvs nane is nissing in lhe saIes
docunenl, lhe svslen shouId nol cieale a deIiveiv. Assign
a coiiesponding slalus gioup lhal viII pievenl lhe ciealion
of a deIiveiv if lhe oideiing pailvs conlacl nane is nissing
fion lhe saIes docunenl.
Save lhe pioceduie.
a) SeIecl lhe |ic|ds foIdei.
l) SeIecl Main|ain cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Tao|c VBAK
|ic|d BNAME
Scrccn KBES
S|a|us grcup 02
d) Choose Satc.
Nntc: You can deleinine lhe nanes of lalIes and fieIds in
lhe saIes docunenl lv pIacing lhe cuisoi on lhe ieIevanl
fieId, seIecling |1, and lhen seIecling Tccnnica| infc.
3. Assign lhe inconpIelion pioceduie Y#lo saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn8asic |unc|icns|cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns
Assign inccnp|c|icn prcccdurcs.
d) SeIecl Assign prcccdurcs |c sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs.
e) Mainlain lhe enliv foi voui saIes docunenl lvpe, ZA##.
f) Choose Satc.
Task 3
Cieale an oidei vilh oidei lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei T-562A##and naleiiaI
T-ATA##(1 c). Iuichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##49.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 341
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
1. Save lhe inconpIele oidei and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied infoinalion fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62A## ##LO605-ZA##49
Ma|cria| T-ATA##
Quan|i|u 1 pc
c) Choose Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
Nntc: You shouId ieceive a nessage lhal lhe conlacl
peison is nissing. Save lhe docunenl as inconpIele.
2. CaII up lhe oidei in change node and deIivei lhe oidei. Sel lhe
sc|cc|icn da|c on lhe deIiveiv scieen lo a nonlh fion lodav.
Whal nessage appeais`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) Sa|cs dccuncn|Dc|itcr.
Message: The order cannot be delivered. Log:
Order is incomplete
3. Change lhe oidei and edil lhe inconpIelion Iog.
Save voui changes.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icnSa|csOrdcrCnangc.
l) |di| |cg cf inccnp|c|c i|cns.
c) SeIecl Ordcring par|us nanc.
d) SeIecl Ccnp|c|c da|a.
Lnlei anv nane vou Iike.
e) Choose 8ac|.
Slav in lhe oidei lo conpIele lhe nexl exeicise.
4. Tiv lo deIivei lhe oidei again. Can vou do il`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
342 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing the IncompIetion Log
Save lhe deIiveiv and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr .
Yes, lhe oidei can le deIiveied lecause lhe nissing dala has
leen conpIeled.
l) Choose Satc. A deIiveiv docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 343
Unit 9: IncompIetion SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe inconpIelion Iog and piocess inconpIele oideis
- Adjusl lhe inconpIelion Iog in cuslonizing lo neel voui iequiienenls
ReIated Information
- hllp:/
- vvv.seaichsap.con
344 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- LxpIain lhe inconpIelion Iog and piocess inconpIele oideis
- Adjusl lhe inconpIelion Iog in cuslonizing lo neel voui iequiienenls
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding inconpIelion oi condilion lechnique,
ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes alhllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 345
Unit Summary SCM605
346 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. The inconpIelion pioceduie can slop sulsequenl funclions fion
laking pIace.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. You can cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie foi lhe headei headei,
ilen ilen, and scheduIe Iine scheduIe Iine of a saIes docunenl.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. In Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes, lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs
fieId aIIovs vou lo conlioI vhelhei inconpIele saIes docunenls can
le saved oi nol.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 347
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. The inconpIelion pioceduie can slop sulsequenl funclions fion
laking pIace.
Answcr: Tiue
ased on lhe slalus gioup vou assign lo lhe fieIds in voui
inconpIelion pioceduie, vou can slop lhe ciealion of deIiveiv,
picking, packing, posl goods issue, piicing, and liIIing.
2. You can cieale an inconpIelion pioceduie foi lhe headei, ilen, and
scheduIe Iine of a saIes docunenl.
Answcr: headei, ilen, scheduIe Iine
You can aIso cieale inconpIelion pioceduies foi deIiveiies, liIIing
docunenls, and pailnei funclions.
3. In Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes, lhe |nccnp|c|c ncssagcs
fieId aIIovs vou lo conlioI vhelhei inconpIele saIes docunenls can
le saved oi nol.
Answcr: Tiue
If lhe Mcssagc fieId is sel, vou cannol save lhe saIes docunenl. If lhe
svilch is nol sel, lhen lhe fuilhei couise of lhe lusiness piocess is
deleinined fion lhe slalus gioups of lhe inconpIelion pioceduie.
348 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 10
279 Business Partners and Partner
You shouId cieale a nev pailnei funclion and a pailnei deleininalion
pioceduie. So lhe sludenls aie nade avaie of lhe oplions lhev have
iegaiding pailnei piocessing.
Read lhe docunenlalion in lhe IMC iegaiding Iailnei deleininalion and
accounl gioup. SeIecl I1 on aII lhe fieIds duiing voui piep lo gain a lellei
undeislanding of lhe fieIds vou viII see.
Unit Overview
In lhis unil vou viII gain an undeislanding of pailnei lvpe, pailnei
funclions, and accounl gioup. You viII Ieain hov lo cieale a nev pailnei
lvpe and pailnei deleininalion pioceduie lo neel voui conpanvs
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lusiness pailneis vilhin lhe saIes piocess
- IncIude addilionaI pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
- Nane lhe nosl inpoilanl ciileiia foi deleinining lusiness pailneis
- Sel up nev lusiness pailneis in Cuslonizing
- Sel up pailnei deleininalion in Cuslonizing
Unit Contents
Lesson: Business Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351
Demonstration: Partner Types and Partner Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354
Procedure: Display Partner Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357
Demonstration: Partner Functions in the Sales Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . .359
Demonstration: Partner Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 349
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Demonstration: Customer Master and Account Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .362
Exercise 16: Business Partners and Partner Determination. . . . . . . . . .365
Lesson: Partner Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370
Demonstration: Display Customer Master and the Account Group .374
Demonstration: Partner determination procedure for object: Customer
Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375
Demonstration: Partner determination procedure for object: Document
header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376
Demonstration: Test your customer partner determination procedures
for both objects: customer master and document header. . . . . . . . . . . . .377
Exercise 17: Partner Determination Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381
350 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
Business Partners
Lesson Duialion: 3O ninules
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson vou viII gain an undeislanding of pailnei lvpe, pailnei
funclions, and accounl gioup. You viII Ieain hov lo cieale a nev pailnei
funclion lo neel voui lusiness iequiienenls.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lusiness pailneis vilhin lhe saIes piocess
- IncIude addilionaI pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
This lopic is discussed lefoie lhe OulIine Agieenenls unil lecause lhe
pailicipanls need lo undeisland lhis lheoiv lefoie Iooking al lhe idea of
pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
SoId-lo, Ship-lo, iII- lo and Iavei aie nandaloiv pailnei funclions.
Cusloneis can cieale lheii ovn pailnei funclions and viII do so in lheii
exeicise foi lhis Iesson.
LxpIain lo lhe sludenls lhal pailnei lvpes aIIov us lo dislinguish lelveen
diffeienl lusiness pailneis and pailnei funclions iepiesenl lhe ioIes lhev
pIav vilhin lhe lusiness liansaclion.
You viII discuss pailnei deleininalion in lhe nexl Iesson so focus on
vhal is a pailnei lvpe, pailnei funclion and lhe accounl gioup in lhis
Iesson. To gain a lellei undeislanding of accounl gioup Iook al lhe
docunenlalion foi Accounl Cioups via lhe IMC (liansaclion code SIRO)
|inancia| Acccun|ing Acccun|s Rcccitao|c and Acccun|s Pauao|c Cus|cncr
Acccun|s Mas|cr Da|a Prcpara|icns fcr Crca|ing Cus|cncr Mas|cr Rcccrds
Business ExampIe
As pail of voui effoils lo inpiove cuslonei seivice, vou vanl lo
assign each of voui cusloneis a saIes enpIovee as lheii ovn peisonaI
This infoinalion shouId le avaiIalIe aulonalicaIIv in voui saIes
Youi conpanv is aIso invesligaling vhelhei vou can evaIuale lhis dala lo
ollain ciileiia foi avaiding peifoinance lonuses lo voui slaff.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 351
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Business Partners
Diffeienl lusiness pailneis vilh diffeienl lusiness ieIalionships exisl
vilhin a naikelpIace.
LxanpIes of lusiness pailneis aie:
- Cuslonei
- Vendoi
- LnpIovee
- Conlacl peison
Figure 65: Business Partners
LxanpIes of lusiness ieIalionships aie:
- Vcndnr-custnmcr: The vendoi acls as lhe foivaiding agenl lo lhe
- Cnntact crsnn-custnmcr: The conlacl peison is enpIoved al lhe
cusloneis conpanv, oi is lhe cusloneis consuIlanl, lul does nol
voik in lhe sane conpanv.
- Custnmcr-custnmcr: The soId-lo pailv and ship-lo pailv aie diffeienl
- Em!nvcc-cnntact crsnn: Conlacl peison is Iooked aflei individuaIIv
- Em!nvcc - custnmcr Cuslonei nanagei
352 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
Partner Types
The lusiness pailneis lhal exisl in lhe naikelpIace aie iepiesenled lv
a pailnei lvpe in SAI R/3.
Figure 66: Partner Types
Iailnei lvpes AI, KU, LI, and IL aie defined in pailnei piocessing foi SAI
SaIes and Disliilulion. These aie defined as foIIovs:
- AI Conlacl peison
- KU Cuslonei
- LI Vendoi
- IL IeisonneI
In olhei appIicalions (such as seivice nanagenenl), diffeienl pailnei lvpes
have leen defined (foi exanpIe, O foi oiganizalionaI unil, S foi posilion,
A foi voik cenlei).
Partner Functions
WhiIe pailnei lvpes aIIov us lo dislinguish lelveen diffeienl lusiness
pailneis, artncr functInns iepiesenl lhe ioIes pIaved lv lusiness pailneis
vilhin lhe lusiness liansaclion.
Ioi exanpIe, diffeienl cusloneis (cuslonei pailneis) can assune ceilain
ioIes in a lusiness liansaclion. The cuslonei vho pIaces lhe oidei does
nol necessaiiIv have lo le lhe sane cuslonei vho ieceives lhe goods, oi
vho is iesponsilIe foi paving lhe invoice.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 353
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Assigning pailnei funclions in lhe SAI R/3 SD deleinines lhe funclion(s)
of pailicuIai pailneis in lhe saIes piocess. One pailnei nav lake on seveiaI
Figure 67: Partner Functions
In lhe sinpIesl case, aII lhe pailnei funclions vilhin lhe cuslonei pailnei
lvpe vouId le assigned lo one lusiness pailnei. In olhei voids, lhe sane
cuslonei vouId le lhe soId-lo pailv, ship-lo pailv, pavei, and liII-lo pailv.
You can enlei conlacl peisons foi a cuslonei diieclIv in lhe cuslonei
naslei: lhev viII le aulonalicaIIv assigned lo lhal cuslonei. The conlacl
peison can aIso le assigned lo anolhei cuslonei, foi exanpIe, in a
consuIlanl ioIe.
The foivaiding agenl is an agenl vho peifoins lianspoilalion seivices.
This incIudes oiganizing lhe shipnenl, deIiveiv and ieceipl of lhe goods,
aiianging caiiiei seivices, and handIing cuslons issues.
LnpIovees of voui ovn conpanv (such as saIes iepiesenlalives oi
cIeiks) aie nanaged in lhe enpIovee naslei iecoids. Thev can assune
pailnei funclions of pailnei lvpe IeisonneI, such as pailnei funclion LR,
iesponsilIe enpIovee.
Demonstration: Partner Types and Partner Functions
DispIav Iailnei Tvpes and Iailnei Iunclions
354 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: You shouId have lvo sessions open. Iiisl session:
DispIav lhe Iailnei Iunclions lal in lhe cuslonei naslei. Second session:
1. Shov pailnei lvpes and pailnei funclions
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc| SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG
push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn
Dcfinc Par|ncr |unc|icns
SeIecl Par|ncr |unc|icns push lullon
Nntc: Menu palh....Define Iailnei Iunclions oi Define and
Assign Iailnei Deleininalion Iioceduies oi Assign Iailnei
Iunclions On The Delil Side To Accounl Cioups viII lake vou
lo lhe sane pIace. Menlion lo lhe sludenls lhal lhe nenus aie
lheie lo ienind lhen of lhe sleps lhal need lo le done lul
lhev couId seIecl lhe one lhev vanl lo use. Donl go in lo lhe
Iailnei Deleininalion Iioceduie al lhis line. The focus of
lhis Iesson shouId le on pailnei lvpe and pailnei funclion.
Ioinl oul lhe Iailnei Iunclions and Iailnei Tvpes.
Use lhe lIank lox al lollon of scieen (posilion lullon il doesnl sav
lhal lul il is lhe posilion lullon). Tvpe in AC, nole lhal il puIIs up
SI SoId-lo Iailv. AC and SI aie lhe sane lhing, lhe dispIav in lhe
Cuslonei Maslei is lased on lhe Ceinan liansIalion AC. In lhe
IMC il is lased on lhe LngIish liansIalion SI. Sonelines lhis viII le
liansIaled and sonelines il viII nol accoiding lo lhe liaining svslen
vou aie assigned so le avaie.
When vou define a pailnei funclion, vou specifv foi exanpIe, cusloneis,
vendois, lhe cusloneis enpIovees oi voui ovn enpIovees. Depending
on lhe pailnei funclion, lhe svslen expecls a cuslonei nunlei, vendoi
nunlei, peisonneI nunlei, oi a fiee enliv.
In ciealing pailnei funclions vou can enlei lhe foIIoving paianeleis:
Iailnei funclion: Specifv an aIphanuneiic kev vhich can have up lo 2
chaiacleis and a desciiplion foi a pailnei funclion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 355
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Iailnei lvpe: The pailnei lvpe is an indicaloi vhich infoins vou of lhe
lvpe of pailnei, foi exanpIe, pailnei lvpe - cuslonei KU. CuiienlIv, vou
cannol change lhe pailnei lvpes in cuslonizing. You can onIv seIecl lhe
pailnei lvpes lhal aie incIuded in lhe slandaid SAI R/3 Svslen.
Ioi a pailnei funclion, vou can specifv lhe highei-IeveI pailnei funclion.
In lhis vav, vou can poiliav an exisling dependencv lelveen lhe pailnei
Unique in cuslonei naslei iecoid: If vou chaiacleiize a pailnei funclion
as unique, vou can specifv il onIv once in lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid. The
soId-lo pailv has lo le unique in lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid, vheieas vou
nav specifv seveiaI conlacl peisons.
Cuslonei hieiaichv lvpe: In lhis fieId vou can specifv vhelhei a pailnei
funclion can le used foi a cuslonei hieiaichv. Lnlei lhe cuslonei
hieiaichv lvpe peinilled foi lhe pailnei funclion. Refei lo lhe seclion
Dcfinc nicrarcnu |upcs and assign |c acccun| grcups.
Conveil funclions: If vou voik vilh seveiaI Ianguages in lhe saIes and
disliilulion svslen, vou can caiiv oul a Ianguage-dependenl funclion
conveision. This neans vou can dispIav lhe inleinaI kev definilion, foi
exanpIe, AC, WL, and so on, diffeienlIv on lhe scieen depending on lhe
Iogon Ianguage of lhe usei. Ioi exanpIe, vou can dispIav lhe kev CUas AC
vhen Iogged on in Ceinan. (The conveision is necessaiv lecause pailnei
funclions such as AC and WL aie pailiaIIv haid coded in lhe piogians.)
Nntc: The conveision of a nev funclion kev is aIvavs caiiied oul
in lhe Ianguage in vhich vou aie Iogged on lo lhe svslen vhen
SAI Reconnendalion: If vou define a nev pailnei funclion, lhe kev
shouId slail vilh lhe Y oi Z since SAI ieseives lhese Ielleis foi lhal
puipose in lhe slandaid SAI R/3 Svslen. Lxceplion: lhe ZM kev is aIso
aIieadv defined foi lhe "LnpIovee iesponsilIe" pailnei funclion in lhe
slandaid svslen, so vou shouId nol use lhis kev eilhei foi defining nev
pailnei funclions.
356 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
DispIay Partner Functions
HInt: efoie vou cieale voui ovn pailnei funclions:
1. Check lo vhal exlenl vou can use lhe defauIls vhich aie
conlained in lhe SAI R/3 SD and lo vhal exlenl vou
have lo nake changes.
2. Define voui pailnei funclions.
3. If necessaiv, caiiv oul voui conveisions in lhe Iogon
To iniliale lianspoil of lhis dala, seIecl Par|ncr Transpcr|
fion lhe iniliaI scieen.
1. You can dispIav lhe pailnei funclions via Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG
|di| Prcjcc|. SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
2. Nexl choose Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr
Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc Par|ncr |unc|icns.
3. SeIecl Par|ncr |unc|icns.
Partners in the SaIes Process
You can nainlain pailnei ieIalionships lolh in saIes docunenls and in
lhe naslei dala. Iailnei ieIalionships aie usuaIIv aIieadv defined in lhe
cuslonei naslei. Thev aie pioposed aulonalicaIIv in lhe docunenl
headei vhen vou cieale a saIes docunenl.
Nntc: If Cuslonizing peinils il, vou can change oi suppIenenl
lhese ieIalionships nanuaIIv lv going lo lhe Par|ncr scieen and
changing lhe funclion assignnenl.
In Cuslonizing, vou decide vhelhei seveiaI pailneis can le assigned lo
one pailnei funclion in lhe cuslonei naslei. If nuIlipIe pailneis of lhe
sane funclion aie nainlained, a seIeclion Iisl conlaining lhese pailneis
appeais vhen vou enlei a saIes oidei.
In lhe saIes docunenls, lhe svslen has leen configuied so lhal onIv one
pailnei can le assigned lo each pailnei funclion. The onIv exceplion is foi
oulIine agieenenls (pailnei funclions AA and AW).
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 357
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Figure 68: Partners in the SaIes Process
You can aIso define pailneis al ilen IeveI in lhe saIes docunenls. usiness
pailneis lhal aie onIv defined in lhe headei, hovevei, cannol le changed
al ilen IeveI.
You can piohilil anvone fion changing a pailnei lhal has aIieadv leen
enleied (foi exanpIe, vou couId indicale lhal lhe soId-lo pailv cannol
le changed in lhe saIes docunenl).
Il is aIso possilIe lo nanuaIIv enlei oi change lhe addiess of a pailnei,
such as lhe ship-lo pailv. This change does nol affecl lhe naslei iecoid.
To change pailneis al lhe ilen IeveI vou nusl have lhe pailnei funclion in
lhe saIes docunenl headei pailnei pioceduie and in lhe saIes docunenl
ilen pioceduie. If lhe pailnei funclion onIv exisl in lhe saIes docunenl
pioceduie il is cascaded dovn lo lhe ilen IeveIs and is nol changealIe.
Menlion lhis heie, lul donl spend a Iol of line. In lhis Iesson vou vanl lo
focus on pailnei lvpes and pailnei funclions. In lhe nexl Iesson addiess
lhis again vhen vou deno lhe pailnei pioceduie in lhe saIes docunenl.
358 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
Demonstration: Partner Functions in the SaIes
Denonsliale pailnei funclions coning fion a cuslonei naslei in lo a
saIes docunenl.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: Tuin on kevs lo shov pailnei funclion codes.
SeIecl Cus|cnizing cf |cca| |aucu| icon. SeIecl Op|icns SeIecl |xpcr| lal. IIag
lhe fieId 5hnw kcvs In a!! drn dnwn !Ist. SeIecl App|u push lullon. SeIecl
OK push lullon. You viII need lo cieale a nev session foi lhe sellings lo
lake effecl.
1. Cieale a Tiade Iaii Oidei. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Docunenl lvpe ZA2O
SoId-lo pailv 2OO6
Iuich.oidei no. Iailnei 1
DispIav lhe pailnei scieen foi docunenl headei.
SeIecl Disp|au dcc.ncadcr dc|ai|s icon (nagnifving gIass)
SeIecl Par|ncrs lal.
Nntc: Ioinl oul lhe diffeienl pailnei funclions lhal aie Iisled:
SoId-lo, Ship-lo.... Shov lhe kevs: AC, RL...
DispIav cuslonei naslei |ntircnncn| Par|ncr Disp|au Sc|d-|c
SeIecl Sa|cs Arca Da|a push lullon.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 359
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
SeIecl Par|ncr func|icns lal.
Nntc: Dala has leen laken fion lhe cuslonei naslei.
Demonstration: Partner Function
Cieale a pailnei funclion
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. Cieale a nev pailnei funclion.
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc|
up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc| Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr Cus|cncr
DoulIe CIick on Par|ncr |unc|icns in lhe DiaIog Sliucluie.
Ncu |n|rics
Use lhe dala leIov lo cieale lhe nev pailnei funclion.
FIc!d Data
Iailn. Iunclion 9U
Nane SaIes LnpIovee oi SaIes Rep.
Iailnei lvpe IL
Unique Sel lhe IIag
360 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
Nntc: LxpIain lhe Unique, Cuslonei, Maslei, Highei IeveI
funclion, and CuslHTvpe fieId. Use I1 on lhe fieIds lo Ieain
noie aloul lhese. AIso iead lhe docunenlalion in lhe IMC
foi Iailneis.
Customer Master and Account Group
The accnunt grnu conlioIs lhe anounl of dala and lhe iesponse of
cuslonei naslei iecoids. Accounl gioups aie aIieadv defined in lhe
slandaid SAI svslen, such as accounl gioup OOO1 soId-lo pailv, OOO2
ship-lo pailv, OOO3 pavei, and so on. You can cieale addilionaI accounl
gioups as necessaiv.
In conliasl lo lhe accounl gioup, vhich conlioIs a cuslonei naslei iecoid,
lhe artncr functInn deleinines vhich pailnei assunes specific lusiness
funclions vilhin lhe saIes piocess.
Figure 69: Customer Master and Account Group
When vou define lhe accounl gioup, vou deleinine:
- Whelhei each dala fieId is dispIaved and vhelhei nainlenance is
nandaloiv, oplionaI, oi nol possilIe
- The nunlei iange
- A nunlei of olhei conlioI eIenenls, such as foi pailneis and lexls of
lhe cuslonei naslei
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 361
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Exam!c: A cuslonei naslei iecoid foi a cuslonei lhal onIv acls as a
ship-lo pailv (ciealed vilh accounl gioup OOO2) iequiies lhe infoinalion
ieIevanl foi shipping. The liIIing infoinalion is nol iequiied, vhich is
vhv lhe coiiesponding fieIds aie nol dispIaved.
Demonstration: Customer Master and Account Group
DispIav lhe Accounl Cioup conlioIs
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: None
1. DispIav lhe Accounl Cioup ConlioIs
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
|inancia| Acccun|ing Acccun|s Rcccitao|c and Acccun|s Pauao|c
Cus|cncr Acccun|s Mas|cr Da|a Prcpara|icns fcr Crca|ing Cus|cncr
Mas|cr Rcccrds
Dcfinc Acccun| Grcups ui|n Scrccn |aucu| (Cus|cncrs) SeIecl |xccu|c
SeIecl 0001
SeIecl Dc|ai|s icon
SeIecl Gcncra| Da|a
SeIecl |di| fic|d s|a|us push lullon
SeIecl Addrcss
SeIecl Cnccsc icon
TaIk aloul hov vou can suppiess fieIds, dispIav fieIds, nake fieIds
oplionaI and iequiied.
362 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
OplionaI: Cieale a nev cuslonei using accounl gioup OOO1. Ioinl oul
lhe iequiied fieIds. Thev nalch lhe conlioIs in configuialion.
Nntc: TeII lhe sludenls lhal ve look lhe OOO1 accounl gioup
and nade a copv of il (ZK##) so lhev viII each have lheii
ovn accounl gioup lo use vhen lhev cieale lheii pailnei
deleininalion pioceduie in lhe nexl Iesson.
This is aIso a good line lo iefIecl lack on lhe docunenl lvpe,
ilen calegoiv, and scheduIe Iine calegoiv conlioI. Menlion
lhal lhe docunenl lvpe conlioIs lhe headei of lhe docunenl,
ilen calegoiv conlioIs ilen....Accounl Cioup conlioIs lhe
Cuslonei naslei vievs, lals and fieIds.
The accounl gioup of a cuslonei aIso conlioIs lhe possilIe
pailnei funclions.
You can aIso use lhe Logislics nenu palh lo shov lhe accounl
gioup if vou piefei. I jusl find lhe II nenu palh noie
Permitted Partner Functions for Account Groups
Ioi oiganized saIes piocessing, il is inpoilanl lhal cusloneis aie onIv
used foi lhe funclions lhal have leen assigned lo lhen. You can guaianlee
lhis lv assigning peinilled pailnei funclions lo each accounl gioup.
If vou choose pailnei lvpe cuslonei foi a nev pailnei funclion, vou lhen
have lo deleinine vhich of voui cusloneis can le enleied foi lhis pailnei
ecause vou conlioI lhe cusloneis lhiough lhe accounl gioup, vou assign
aII lhe defined pailnei funclions lo each accounl gioup. As a iesuIl, lhe
accounl gioup of a cuslonei aIso conlioIs lhe possilIe pailnei funclions.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 363
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Figure 70: Permitted Partner Functions per Account Groups
LxanpIes fion SAI R/3 SD:
- Cusloneis in lhe foIIoving accounl gioups can le soId-lo pailies:
OOO1, OOO5, OOO7, CID, and so on.
- Cusloneis in accounl gioups OOO2 (ship-lo pailv), OOO3 (pavei), oi
OOO4 (liII-lo pailv) cannnt le soId-lo pailies.
364 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
289 Exercise 16: Business Partners and
Partner Determination
Lxeicise Duialion: 15 ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lusiness pailneis vilhin lhe saIes piocess
- IncIude addilionaI pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv vanls lo inpiove lheii cuslonei caie. Theiefoie, vou
vouId Iike lo assign a saIes iepiesenlalive lo inpoilanl cusloneis, vho
vouId lhen le iesponsilIe foi ensuiing lhal lusiness liansaclions vilh
lhose cusloneis iun snoolhIv.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Task 1
Cieale a nev pailnei funclion foi lhe saIes iepiesenlalive in Cuslonizing.
1. Kcu: <see the following table to determine which is
the appropriate code for your group number>
Nntc: Ignoie lhe svslen vaining nessage lhal vou aie nol
using lhe coiiecl nane spacing lv choosing |n|cr lo conlinue.
Dcscrip|icn: Sales Repr. ##
Par|ncr |upc: PE
O1 9A O7 9C 13 9M
O2 9 O8 9H 14 9N
O3 9C O9 9I 15 9O
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 365
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
O4 9D 1O 9I 16 9I
O5 9L 11 9K 17 9O
O6 9I 12 9L 18 9R
Task 2
Deleinine lhe accounl gioup leing used lv voui cuslonei, T-562C##.
1. DispIav lhe cuslonei naslei foi T-562C##and deleinine lhe accounl
Recoid lhe accounl gioup.
366 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
SoIution 16: Business Partners and
Partner Determination
Task 1
Cieale a nev pailnei funclion foi lhe saIes iepiesenlalive in Cuslonizing.
1. Kcu: <see the following table to determine which is
the appropriate code for your group number>
Nntc: Ignoie lhe svslen vaining nessage lhal vou aie nol
using lhe coiiecl nane spacing lv choosing |n|cr lo conlinue.
Dcscrip|icn: Sales Repr. ##
Par|ncr |upc: PE
O1 9A O7 9C 13 9M
O2 9 O8 9H 14 9N
O3 9C O9 9I 15 9O
O4 9D 1O 9I 16 9I
O5 9L 11 9K 17 9O
O6 9I 12 9L 18 9R
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn
Sc| up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc| Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr
Cus|cncr Mas|cr.
d) DoulIe CIick Par|ncr |unc|icns.
Nntc: Choose Ncu |n|rics lullon. Lnlei lhe appiopiiale
Donl foigel lo save voui voik.
Task 2
Deleinine lhe accounl gioup leing used lv voui cuslonei, T-562C##.
1. DispIav lhe cuslonei naslei foi T-562C##and deleinine lhe accounl
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 367
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Recoid lhe accounl gioup.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss
par|ncrs Cus|cncr Cnangc Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Cus|cncr T-S62C##
Sa|cs Org. 1000
Dis|riou|icn cnannc| 10
Ditisicn 00
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl |x|rasAdninis|ra|itc Da|a.
Accounl Cioup: ZK##
368 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Business Partners
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lusiness pailneis vilhin lhe saIes piocess
- IncIude addilionaI pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
ReIated Information
- hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 369
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Partner Determination
Lesson Duialion: 45 ninules
Lesson Overview
Wilhin pailnei deleininalion, vou vanl lhe svslen lo piopose a nev saIes
iepiesenlalive in lhe cuslonei naslei dala and in lhe saIes docunenl. In
lhis Iesson, vou viII cieale a pailnei deleininalion pioceduie lo neel
voui lusiness iequiienenl.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Nane lhe nosl inpoilanl ciileiia foi deleinining lusiness pailneis
- Sel up nev lusiness pailneis in Cuslonizing
- Sel up pailnei deleininalion in Cuslonizing
You shouId have ciealed a nev pailnei funclion: saIes iepi. in lhe Iasl
Iesson if vou did nol vou viII vanl lo cieale one nov. You viII nov cieale
a pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi voui cuslonei naslei and foi voui
docunenl headei. If line aIIovs deno lolh lhe pioceduie foi cuslonei
naslei lhal is assigned lo lhe accounl gioup and lhe pioceduie foi lhe
docunenl headei lhal is assigned lo lhe docunenl lvpe. If lheie is onIv
line foi one deno lhan deno lhe cuslonei naslei pioceduie assigned
lo lhe accounl gioup.
Read lhe docunenlalion in lhe IMC iegaiding Iailnei deleininalion.
SeIecl I1 on aII lhe fieIds duiing voui piep lo gain a lellei undeislanding
of lhe fieIds vou viII see.
Business ExampIe
As lusiness iequiienenls change, vou discovei lhe need lo cieale
addilionaI lusiness pailneis.
You vanl lhese nev lusiness pailneis lo le deleinined in voui saIes
Partner Determination Procedure
Iailneis appeai in lhe svslen al diffeienl IeveIs, such as lhe cuslonei
naslei, lhe saIes docunenl headei, and lhe saIes docunenl ilens.
370 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
- Cuslonei naslei
- SaIes docunenl headei
- SaIes docunenl ilen
- DeIiveiv
- iIIing headei
- iIIing ilen
- SaIes aclivilv (CAS)
You can define voui ovn pailnei deleininalion pioceduies foi each of
lhese IeveIs.
Figure 71: Partner Determination Procedure (2)
A pailnei deleininalion pioceduie is vheie vou deleinine vhich pailnei
funclions shouId oi nusl appeai on lhe saIes docunenls.
Figure 72: Partner Determination Procedure (3)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 371
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
You deleinine aieas of vaIidilv lv assigning pioceduies. Ioi exanpIe, vou
use lhe accounl gioup lo assign lhe pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi
lhe cuslonei naslei. The pailnei pioceduies aie assigned lo lhe pailnei
oljecls as foIIovs:
- Iailnei oljecl Assignnenl kev
- Cuslonei naslei Accounl gioup
- SaIes docunenl headei SaIes doc. lvpe
- SaIes docunenl ilenIlen calegoiv in saIes
- DeIiveiv DeIiveiv lvpe
- Shipnenl Shipnenl lvpe
- iIIing headei iIIing lvpe
- iIIing ilen iIIing lvpe
- SaIes aclivilies (CAS) SaIes aclivilv lvpe
Figure 73: Partner Determination Procedure (4)
Partner Determination for SaIes Documents
When vou cieale saIes docunenls, lhe lusiness pailneis aie aulonalicaIIv
copied fion lhe cuslonei naslei. In lhe piocess, lhe svslen accesses lhe
cuslonei naslei of lhe soId-lo pailv.
SeveiaI pailnei ieIalionships aie sloied in lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid
foi a soId-lo pailv. The svslen can aIso copv a pailnei funclion fion
olhei cuslonei naslei iecoids lo cieale a pailnei foi lhe saIes docunenl
372 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
lv specifving lhe souice of lhe pailnei funclion and lhe deleininalion
sequence. When vou do, vou shouId nole lhe sequence in vhich lhe
svslen deleinines lhe pailneis.
Figure 74: Partner Determination for SaIes Documents
Exam!c nf IndIrcct artncr functInns:
- You have diffeienl ieguIai suppIieis in diffeienl iegions. You vanl
lhe svslen lo deleinine lhe foivaiding agenl in lhe saIes docunenl,
dependenl on lhe ship-lo pailv. In Cuslonizing, vou deleinine lhal
lhe svslen deleinines lhe ship-lo pailv fiisl lv accessing lhe naslei
iecoid foi lhe soId-lo pailv. Then il accesses lhe ship-lo pailvs naslei
iecoid lo deleinine lhe foivaiding agenl.
You can aIso use olhei souices lo aulonalicaIIv deleinine lusiness
pailneis in saIes docunenls, such as lhe lalIes foi cuslonei hieiaichv
(KNVH), conlacl peisons (KNVK), ciedil iepiesenlalives (TO24I), and
so on.
An anaIvsis funclion is avaiIalIe foi liacing in delaiI lhe aulonalic
deleininalion of lusiness pailneis in saIes docunenls.
You discussed lhe Accounl gioup and ils conlioIs in lhe Iasl Iesson. In
lhis Iesson Iook al cuslonei naslei dala foi cuslonei T-S62C2O (il nusl
le lhis cuslonei C) and lhe accounl gioup lhal is assigned lo il (ZA2O),
lhis is a copv of OOO1. If vou ienenlei fion lhe Iasl Iesson accounl
gioup OOO1 oi ZA2O can le a soId-lo, ship-lo, liII-lo oi pavei so vhen
ve nake assignnenls lo lhe accounl gioup ve aie nol assigning lo a
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 373
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
specific cuslonei (WaI-Mail, Hone Depol) lul lo a SoId-lo, Ship-lo,.....
Lach sludenl has lheii ovn accounl gioup so lhev can cieale lheii ovn
pailnei pioceduie and assign il lo lheii accounl gioup. In lhe ieaI voiId
lesl lusiness piaclice vouId lo have onIv one pioceduie foi aII soId-los.
Demonstration: DispIay Customer Master and the
Account Group
DispIav lhe accounl gioup lhal voui cuslonei is assigned lo.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. Deleinine lhe accounl gioup leing used lv voui cuslonei T-S62C2O.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss par|ncrs
Cus|cncr Cnangc Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Cuslonei T-S62C2O
SaIes Oig 1OOO
Disliilulion channeI 1O
Division OO
SeIecl |n|cr
SeIecl |x|rasAdninis|ra|itc Da|a
Accounl Cioup: ZK2O
374 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
Demonstration: Partner determination procedure for
object: Customer Master
To denonsliale hov lo cieale a pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi lhe
oljecl: Cuslonei Maslei.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie Z20 vilh desciiplion
Prnccdurc 20 foi oljecl custnmcr mastcr.
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc|
Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc| Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr Cus|cncr
SeIecl Ncu |n|rics push-lullon
Lnlei Z20 as lhe pailnei pioceduie code and Prnccdurc 20 as lhe
SeIecl |n|cr
SeIecl voui pioceduie Z20
SeIecl Par|ncr |unc|icns in Prcccdurc
Lnlei lhe foIIoving pailnei funclions:
- SI SoId-lo pailv (cannol le changed, nandaloiv funclion)
- SH Ship-lo pailv (nandaloiv funclion)
- I iII-lo pailv (nandaloiv funclion)
- IY Iavei (nandaloiv funclion)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 375
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
- 9U SaIes Repi. ##
Nntc: Lnlei aII lhe pailnei funclions and conlioIs lefoie
seIecling |n|cr. The desciiplion viII aulonalicaIIv defauIl.
Discuss vhal vou aie doing lhioughoul lhis deno. LxpIain
vhv vou sel lhe SoId-lo lo nol changealIe.
SeIecl Satc icon
SeIecl 8ac| aiiov icon.
SeIecl Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurc assignncn|
SeIecl Acccun| grcup ZK20. Change lhe Prnccd fieId lo voui pioceduie
SeIecl Satc
Demonstration: Partner determination procedure for
object: Document header
To denonsliale hov lo cieale a pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi lhe
oljecl: Docunenl headei.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie Y20 vilh desciiplion
Dnc. Prnc. 20 foi oljecl Dncumcnt hcadcr .
Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|
SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG push lullon
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn
Sc|up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc| up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr
SeIecl Ncu |n|rics
Lnlei Y20 as lhe pailnei pioceduie code and Dnc. Prnc.20 as lhe
SeIecl |n|cr
376 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
SeIecl voui pioceduie Y20
SeIecl Par|ncr |unc|icns in Prcccdurc
Lnlei lhe foIIoving pailnei funclions:
- SI SoId-lo pailv (cannol le changed, nandaloiv funclion)
- SH Ship-lo pailv (nandaloiv funclion)
- I iII-lo pailv (nandaloiv funclion)
- IY Iavei (nandaloiv funclion)
- 9U SaIes Repi. ##(nandaloiv funclion)
- SL SaIes enpIovee
Nntc: Lnlei aII lhe pailnei funclions and conlioIs lefoie
seIecling |n|cr. The desciiplion viII aulonalicaIIv defauIl.
SeIecl Satc icon
SeIecl 8ac| aiiov icon.
SeIecl Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurc assignncn| push lullon
SeIecl Dccuncn| |upc ZA20. Change lhe Prnccd fieId lo voui pioceduie
SeIecl Satc
Demonstration: Test your customer partner
determination procedures for both objects: customer
master and document header.
To see if lhe pailnei deleininalion pioceduies aie voiking coiieclIv.
System Data
Uscr ID:
5ct u InstructInns: NONL
1. Tesl voui pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi voui cuslonei naslei.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss par|ncrs
Cus|cncr Cnangc Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 377
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d Data
Cuslonei T-S62C2O
SaIes Oig 1OOO
Disliilulion channeI 1O
Division OO
SeIecl |n|cr
SeIecl Ccn|inuc icon
SeIecl Sa|cs arca da|a push lullon
SeIecl Par|ncr func|icn lal
Nntc: Discuss lhe pailneis vou see heie lhev shouId nalch
voui pioceduie. Il vouId le good lo have lvo sessions open
one lo shov lhe pioceduie in lhe IMC and lhe olhei lo shov
lhe pailneis in lhe cuslonei naslei. Nole voui nev pailnei
did nol defauIl in lecause vou did nol nake il nandaloiv.
LxpIain lhis lo lhe sludenls.
SeIecl P| fieId
SeIecl |4 cr |nc iccn ocsidc |nc fic|d
SeIecl lhe pailnei funclion vou ciealed (9U)
SeIecl |n|cr
Lnlei enpIovee 170120 in lhe nunocr fieId.
SeIecl Satc push lullon
2. Cieale a Tiade faii##(ZA2O) oidei foi cuslonei T-562C20 (puichase
oidei nunlei 20LO605-ZA2006 ). Deleinine vhelhei lhe pailnei
funclion 9U 5a!cs rcr. 20 has leen sloied as a pailnei in lhe oidei
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
Lnlei lhe iequiied dala
SeIecl |n|cr
SeIecl Disp|au Dcc.ncadcr dc|ai|s icon
378 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
SeIecl Par|ncrs lal
Nntc: You shouId see aII voui pailnei funclions Iisled
excepl foi lhe saIes enpIovee. You aie nol seeing lhe saIes
enpIovee aulonalicaIIv defauIl in lecause vou did nol nake
il nandaloiv.
Lnlei an enpIovee caIIed Hubcrt 5chwarz as lhe sa!cs cm!nvcc.
SeIecl Par|n.func. VE (SL in IMC) 5a!cs cm!nvcc
SeIecl |4 on Par|ncr fieId
SeIecl |as| nanc-firs| nanc lal
Seaich foi 5chwarz, Hubcrt
SeIecl Hubcrt 5chwarz
SeIecl Ccpu icon
SeIecl Dc|crnina|icn |cg icon lo viev hov lhe pailneis veie
SeIecl Satc icon, a docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 379
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
380 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
299 Exercise 17: Partner Determination
Lxeicise Duialion: 3O ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Nane lhe nosl inpoilanl ciileiia foi deleinining lusiness pailneis
- Sel up pailnei deleininalion in Cuslonizing
- IncIude addilionaI lusiness pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
Business ExampIe
You vanl voui nev lusiness pailnei, a saIes iepiesenlalive, lo le
deleinined aulonalicaIIv in lhe naslei dala and lhe saIes docunenl.
To neel voui lusiness iequiienenl, vou viII need lo cieale a pailnei
deleininalion pioceduie.
System Data
5vstcm: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
C!Icnt: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Uscr ID: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
Passwnrd: Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis Iine.
5ct u InstructInns: None
Task 1
Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi oljecl custnmcr mastcr.
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie, Z##, vilh desciiplion
Prnccdurc ##, foi oljecl custnmcr mastcr.
Lnlei lhe foIIoving pailnei funclions:
SP Sold-to party (cannol le changed, nandaloiv funclion)
SH Ship-to party (nandaloiv funclion)
BP Bill-to party (nandaloiv funclion)
PY Payer (nandaloiv funclion)
9? Sales Repr. ##
Cuslonei T-562C##naslei iecoid is conlioIIed lv accounl gioup
ZK##. Assign lhe nev pioceduie lo accounl gioup ZK##.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 381
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Task 2
Add voui nev pailnei funclion, saIes iepiesenlalive, lo voui cuslonei
1. Add voui nev saIes iepiesenlalive (9`) lo lhe naslei iecoid foi
cuslonei T-562C##in saIes aiea 1000 / 10 / 00.
Task 3
OtInna!: In lhe nexl slep, veiifv lhal lhe nev pailnei in lhe naslei iecoid
viII le aulonalicaIIv conlioIIed in docunenl lvpe ZA##.
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie Y##vilh desciiplion
Ordcr Prnc. ##foi oljecl sa!cs dncumcnt hcadcr using lhe pailnei
funclions Iisled in lhe lalIe in lask 1.
Task 4
OtInna!: Deleinine vhelhei lhe pailnei funclion 9? 5a!cs Rcr. ##vas
aulonalicaIIv liansfeiied fion lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid lo lhe oidei.
1. Cieale a Tiade faii##(ZA##) oidei foi cuslonei T-562C##(puichase
oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##06) and naleiiaI T-ATA##. Deleinine
vhelhei lhe pailnei funclion 9? 5a!cs rcr. ##has leen sloied as a
pailnei in lhe oidei headei.
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
2. Lnlei Hubcrt 5chwarz as lhe sa!cs cm!nvcc.
3. Can vou deleinine lhe saIes enpIovee fion lhe soId-lo pailvs naslei
iecoid` Whv oi vhv nol`
382 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
SoIution 17: Partner Determination
Task 1
Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie foi oljecl custnmcr mastcr.
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie, Z##, vilh desciiplion
Prnccdurc ##, foi oljecl custnmcr mastcr.
Lnlei lhe foIIoving pailnei funclions:
SP Sold-to party (cannol le changed, nandaloiv funclion)
SH Ship-to party (nandaloiv funclion)
BP Bill-to party (nandaloiv funclion)
PY Payer (nandaloiv funclion)
9? Sales Repr. ##
Cuslonei T-562C##naslei iecoid is conlioIIed lv accounl gioup
ZK##. Assign lhe nev pioceduie lo accounl gioup ZK##.
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn
Sc| up par|ncr dc|crnina|icn Sc| Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr
Cus|cncr Mas|cr.
d) SeIecl Ncu |n|rics.
e) Lnlei Z##as lhe pailnei pioceduie code and Prnccdurc ##as
lhe desciiplion.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) SeIecl voui pioceduie, Z##.
h) DoulIe cIick on Par|ncr |unc|icns in Prcccdurc .
i) SeIecl Ncu |n|rics
j) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
|unc|. SP SoId-lo pailv (nol
changealIe, mandatnrv
|unc|. SH Ship-lo pailv, (mandatnrv
|unc|. BP iII-lo pailv, (mandatnrv
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 383
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
|unc|. PY Iavei, (mandatnrv
|unc|. 9? SaIes Repi. ##
Nntc: Lnlei aII lhe pailnei funclions and conlioIs lefoie
choosing |n|cr. The desciiplion viII aulonalicaIIv
k) Choose Satc.
Nntc: You jusl conpIeled lhe pailnei deleininalion
pioceduie foi voui cuslonei. You nov need lo nake lhe
assignnenl lo voui accounl gioup.
n) SeIecl Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurc assignncn| lv doulIe
n) SeIecl Acccun| grcup ZK##. Change lhe ParPr. fieId lo voui
pioceduie, Z##.
o) Choose Satc.
Task 2
Add voui nev pailnei funclion, saIes iepiesenlalive, lo voui cuslonei
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
384 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
1. Add voui nev saIes iepiesenlalive (9`) lo lhe naslei iecoid foi
cuslonei T-562C##in saIes aiea 1000 / 10 / 00.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a8usincss
par|ncrs Cus|cncr Cnangc Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Cus|cncr T-S62C##
Sa|cs crganiza|icn 1000
Dis|riou|icn cnannc| 10
Ditisicn 00
c) Choose Ccn|inuc.
d) SeIecl Sa|cs arca da|a.
e) SeIecl lhe Par|ncr func|icn lal.
f) SeIecl lhe P| fieId.
g) SeIecl |4.
h) SeIecl lhe pailnei funclion vou ciealed (9`).
i) Choose |n|cr.
j) Lnlei enpIovee 1701## in lhe Nunocr fieId.
k) Choose |n|cr.
I) Choose Satc.
Nntc: Whv did vou have lo seIecl voui pailnei funclion`
If vou donl knov lhe ansvei, ask lhe insliucloi.
Task 3
OtInna!: In lhe nexl slep, veiifv lhal lhe nev pailnei in lhe naslei iecoid
viII le aulonalicaIIv conlioIIed in docunenl lvpe ZA##.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 385
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
1. Cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie Y##vilh desciiplion
Ordcr Prnc. ##foi oljecl sa!cs dncumcnt hcadcr using lhe pailnei
funclions Iisled in lhe lalIe in lask 1.
a) Tcc|s Cus|cnizing |MG |di| Prcjcc|.
l) SeIecl SAP Rcfcrcncc |MG.
c) Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn
Sc| up par|ncr dc|crnina|icn Sc| Up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn fcr
Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr.
d) SeIecl Ncu |n|rics.
e) Lnlei Y## as lhe pailnei pioceduie code and Order Proc.
## as lhe desciiplion.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) SeIecl voui pioceduie, Y##.
h) SeIecl Par|ncr |unc|icns in Prcccdurc .
i) SeIecl
Ncu |n|rics
j) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
|unc|. SP SoId-lo pailv (nol
changealIe, mandatnrv
|unc|. SH Ship-lo pailv (mandatnrv
|unc|. BP iII-lo pailv (mandatnrv
|unc|. PY Iavei (mandatnrv
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
386 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
|unc|. 9? SaIes Repi. ##(mandatnrv
|unc|. SE SaIes enpIovee
Nntc: Lnlei aII lhe pailnei funclions and conlioIs lefoie
choosing |n|cr. The desciiplion viII aulonalicaIIv
k) Choose Satc.
I) Choose lhe 8ac| aiiov.
Nntc: You jusl conpIeled lhe pailnei deleininalion
pioceduie foi voui docunenl headei. You nov need lo
nake lhe assignnenl lo voui docunenl lvpe.
n) DoulIe CIick Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurc assignncn|.
n) SeIecl Sa|cs dcc. |upc ZA##. Change lhe Par|Dc|Prcc. fieId lo voui
pioceduie, Y##.
o) Choose Satc.
Task 4
OtInna!: Deleinine vhelhei lhe pailnei funclion 9? 5a!cs Rcr. ##vas
aulonalicaIIv liansfeiied fion lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid lo lhe oidei.
1. Cieale a Tiade faii##(ZA##) oidei foi cuslonei T-562C##(puichase
oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##06) and naleiiaI T-ATA##. Deleinine
vhelhei lhe pailnei funclion 9? 5a!cs rcr. ##has leen sloied as a
pailnei in lhe oidei headei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 387
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
Save lhe saIes docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe iequiied dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Data
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sc|d-|c par|u T-S62C##
Purcn.crdcr nc. ##LO605-ZA##06
Ma|cria| T-ATA##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl lhe Disp|au Dcc.ncadcr dc|ai|s icon (nagnifving gIass).
e) SeIecl lhe Par|ncrs lal.
Nntc: You shouId see aII voui pailnei funclions Iisled
excepl lhe saIes enpIovee.
2. Lnlei Hubcrt 5chwarz as lhe sa!cs cm!nvcc.
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc
l) Gc|c Hcadcr Par|ncrs
c) SeIecl Par|n.func. VE (SL in IMC), 5a!cs cm!nvcc.
d) SeIecl |4 on lhe Par|ncr fieId.
e) SeIecl lhe |as| nanc-firs| nanc lal.
f) Seaich foi Hubcrt 5chwarz.
g) SeIecl Huocr| Scnuarz.
h) Choose Ccpu.
i) SeIecl Dc|crnina|icn |cg lo viev hov lhe pailneis veie
j) Choose Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
3. Can vou deleinine lhe saIes enpIovee fion lhe soId-lo pailvs naslei
iecoid` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) No. Iailnei pioceduie Z##, assigned lo voui accounl gioup
ZK##, vhich conlioIs lhis cuslonei, does nol conlain lhis pailnei
funclion. As a iesuIl, vou cannol save lhe pailnei funclion of lhe
saIes enpIovee in lhe cusloneis naslei iecoid. This neans
lhal lhe svslen cannol use lhe cuslonei naslei lo piopose lhis
pailnei in lhe saIes docunenl.
388 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Partner Determination
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Nane lhe nosl inpoilanl ciileiia foi deleinining lusiness pailneis
- Sel up nev lusiness pailneis in Cuslonizing
- Sel up pailnei deleininalion in Cuslonizing
ReIated Information
- hllp://
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 389
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Idenlifv lusiness pailneis vilhin lhe saIes piocess
- IncIude addilionaI pailneis in lhe saIes piocess
- Nane lhe nosl inpoilanl ciileiia foi deleinining lusiness pailneis
- Sel up nev lusiness pailneis in Cuslonizing
- Sel up pailnei deleininalion in Cuslonizing
390 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Sone accounl gioups aie aIieadv defined in lhe slandaid
SAI svslen, such as OOO1 soId-lo pailv OOO1 soId-lo pailv,
OOO2 ship-lo pailv OOO2 ship-lo pailv, OOO3 pavei OOO3 pavei, and
OOO4 liII-lo pailv OOO4 liII-lo pailv.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. The pailnei lvpe iepiesenls lhe ioIes pIaved lv lhe lusiness pailnei
vilhin lhe lusiness liansaclion.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
3. You can nainlain pailnei ieIalionships lolh in lhe saIes docunenls
and in lhe cuslonei naslei dala.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
4. A pailnei deleininalion pioceduie pailnei deleininalion pioceduie
is vheie vou deleinine vhich pailnei funclions shouId oi nusl
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
5. Whal aie lhe sleps lo cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 391
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. Sone accounl gioups aie aIieadv defined in lhe slandaid SAI svslen,
such as OOO1 soId-lo pailv, OOO2 ship-lo pailv, OOO3 pavei, and OOO4
liII-lo pailv.
Answcr: OOO1 soId-lo pailv, OOO2 ship-lo pailv, OOO3 pavei, OOO4
liII-lo pailv
Accounl gioups OOO1 soId-lo pailv, OOO2 ship-lo pailv, OOO3 pavei,
and OOO4 liII-lo pailv aie deIiveied in lhe slandaid svslen, lul vou
can aIso cieale voui ovn.
2. The pailnei lvpe iepiesenls lhe ioIes pIaved lv lhe lusiness pailnei
vilhin lhe lusiness liansaclion.
Answcr: IaIse
The pailnei lvpes aIIov us lo dislinguish lelveen diffeienl lusiness
pailneis. The pailnei funclion iepiesenls lhe ioIes pIaved lv lusiness
3. You can nainlain pailnei ieIalionships lolh in lhe saIes docunenls
and in lhe cuslonei naslei dala.
Answcr: Tiue
Iailnei ieIalionships aie usuaIIv defined in lhe cuslonei naslei and
can le pioposed aulonalicaIIv in lo lhe docunenl headei vhen vou
cieale a saIes docunenl.
4. A pailnei deleininalion pioceduie is vheie vou deleinine vhich
pailnei funclions shouId oi nusl appeai.
Answcr: pailnei deleininalion pioceduie
In lhe pailnei deleininalion pioceduie, vou can deleinine if lhe
pailnei funclion is nandaloiv oi is avaiIalIe foi seIeclion.
392 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
5. Whal aie lhe sleps lo cieale a nev pailnei deleininalion pioceduie`
1. Decide al vhal IeveI (cuslonei naslei, saIes docunenl headei,
deIiveiv) vou vanl lo cieale voui pailnei deleininalion
2. Cieale pioceduie code & desciiplion.
3. Assign aIIoved pailnei funclions lo voui pailnei deleininalion
4. Assign pailnei deleininalion pioceduie lo lhe pailnei oljecl
(accounl gioup, saIes doc. lvpe, deIiveiv lvpe) foi vhich vou
ciealed lhe pioceduie.
Ciealing a nev pailnei funclion vas nol nenlioned in lhe sleps
lecause vou can assign exisling pailnei funclions lo voui pailnei
deleininalion pioceduie. You can, hovevei, cieale voui ovn
pailnei funclions lo neel voui lusiness iequiienenls.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 393
Unit 10: Business Partners and Partner Determination SCM605
394 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 11
313 OutIine Agreements
OulIine agieenenls aie configuied in lhe sane vav as saIes docunenl
lvpes lul lheie aie aIso sone specific cuslonizing aclivilies foi oulIine
agieenenls vhich vou viII discuss in lhis unil.
Unit Overview
This unil coveis lhe lasics of cuslonei oulIine agieenenls. Cuslonei
oulIine agieenenls aie a speciaI calegoiv of saIes docunenls lhal covei
Iong-lein saIes ieIalionships vilh cusloneis. OulIine agieenenls faII
inlo lvo lioad calegoiies: scheduIing agieenenls and conliacls. The
conlioI funclions of vaIue conliacls, unique ilen calegoiies, speciaI piicing
pioceduies, and naleiiaIs eIigilIe foi lhe vaIue conliacl aie discussed.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls, incIuding scheduIing
agieenenls, quanlilv conliacls, vaIue conliacls, and ienlaI conliacls
- Desciile lhe funclions of, and cuslonizing iequiied foi, oulIine
- Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe and use il in a vaIue conliacl
- Desciile lhe funclions and cuslonizing of a vaIue conliacl
- Use nuIlipIe pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
- Desciile lhe Cuslonizing of pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
Unit Contents
Lesson: Basics of Outline Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Demonstration: Create Quantity Contract and Release Orders. . . . . .403
Procedure: Create Quantity Contract and Subsequent Release
Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 395
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Demonstration: Scheduling Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407
Procedure: Create Scheduling Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
Demonstration: Rental Contract Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
Procedure: Create a Rental Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411
Demonstration: Rental Contract Cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412
Procedure: Enter Rental Contract Cancellation Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
Exercise 18: Basics of Outline Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415
Lesson: Value Contracts and Partners Authorized to Release . . . . . . . . . . .419
Demonstration: Create Assortment Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424
Procedure: Create Assortment Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426
Demonstration: Create a Value Contract with an Assortment
Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426
Procedure: Create a Value Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .427
Demonstration: Create a Release from a Value Contract. . . . . . . . . . . . .427
Procedure: Create a Release from a Value Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429
Demonstration: To check Released Value of a Value Contract. . . . . . .429
Procedure: Check Released Value of a Value Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430
Demonstration: Display Customizing for tem Category WKN in the
Value Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430
Procedure: Customize tem Category WKN in the Value Contract . .431
Demonstration: Create Partner Authorized to Release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435
Demonstration: Show Customizing for Partner Determination . . . . . . .436
Demonstration: Create a Value Contract using Partners Authorized to
Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437
Procedure: Create a Value Contract using Partners Authorized to
Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439
Demonstration: Show Partner Determination Customizing for Partner
Authorized to Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439
Procedure: Customize Partner Determination for Partner Authorized to
Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441
Demonstration: To display customizing for value contracts partners
authorized to release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441
Procedure: Customize Value Contract Partners Authorized to
Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442
Exercise 19: Outline Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .443
396 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Basics of OutIine Agreements
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
This Iesson coveis lhe lasics of cuslonei oulIine agieenenls. Cuslonei
oulIine agieenenls aie a speciaI calegoiv of saIes docunenls lhal covei
Iong-lein saIes ieIalionships vilh cusloneis. OulIine agieenenls faII inlo
lvo lioad calegoiies: scheduIing agieenenls and conliacls.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls, incIuding scheduIing
agieenenls, quanlilv conliacls, vaIue conliacls, and ienlaI conliacls
- Desciile lhe funclions of, and cuslonizing iequiied foi, oulIine
OulIine agieenenls aie configuied in lhe sane vav as saIes docunenl
lvpes lul lheie aie aIso sone specific cuslonizing aclivilies foi oulIine
agieenenls vhich vou viII discuss in lhis unil.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS AC, has exceIIenl lusiness ieIalionships vilh nanv
of ils cusloneis, and conducls fiequenl liansaclions vilh lhen. Togelhei
vilh lhese cusloneis, voui conpanv vanls lo pIan lhe lusiness piocesses
foi lhe fuluie, lased on conliacluaI agieenenls.
Diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls viII le needed, depending on lhe
pioducl and cuslonei invoIved. Il is voui iesponsiliIilv lo find oul lhe
exlenl lo vhich lhe diffeienl oulIine agieenenls can le nodeIed using lhe
avaiIalIe saIes docunenl lvpes in SAI R/3.
Basics of OutIine Agreements
OulIine agieenenls, as saIes docunenl lvpes, pIav an inpoilanl ioIe in
neaiIv aII lusiness piocesses. Cusloneis and vendois agiee on lhe goods
lo le piovided undei ceilain condilions, and vilhin a specific line fiane.
OulIine agieenenls slieanIine lusiness piocesses foi lolh pailneis in a
lusiness ieIalionship.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 397
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Figure 75: SaIes Document Types
Diffeienl saIes docunenl lvpes iepiesenl diffeienl oulIine agieenenls in
SAI R/3. The slandaid R/3 svslen conlains a iange of diffeienl docunenl
lvpes lhal vou can use diieclIv oi copv as iefeiences.
The lvo nain oulIine agieenenls aie schcdu!Ing agrccmcnts and
The sinpIesl and nosl connon lvpe of scheduIing agieenenl is
iepiesenled in lhe svslen vilh docunenl lvpe DS. Theie aie addilionaI
lvpes of agieenenl, such as L, vhich is a scheduIing agieenenl vilh
deIiveiv scheduIe, oi DLL, vhich is a scheduIing agieenenl foi an exleinaI
Theie aie seveiaI lvpes of conliacl. Tvo exanpIes aie vaIue conliacls and
quanlilv conliacls. Ouanlilv and vaIue conliacls can covei lolh goods and
seivices. CeneiaIIv, no iesliiclions appIv lo lhe diffeienl conliacl foins.
RenlaI and nainlenance conliacls aie fiequenlIv used in lhe seivice
indusliv. Mainlenance conliacls aie signed foi pioducls lhal lhe cuslonei
uses ovei a Iong peiiod of line and vhich need lo le seiviced duiing
lhal line.
398 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Figure 76: ScheduIing Agreements
A scheduIing agieenenl is an oulIine agieenenl lelveen vou and a
soId-lo pailv lhal is vaIid foi a ceilain peiiod of line. The scheduIing
agieenenl conlains fixed deIiveiv dales and quanlilies.
These dales aie conlained in lhe scheduIe Iines foi lhe scheduIing
agieenenls. Once lhe scheduIing agieenenl is due foi deIiveiv, vou can
cieale lhe deIiveiv as noinaI oi lv using a deIiveiv due Iisl.
When vou enlei scheduIe Iines foi an ilen in lhe scheduIing agieenenl,
lhe svslen adds up lhe quanlilies lhal have aIieadv leen enleied and
conpaies lhen lo lolh lhe laigel quanlilv and lhe quanlilv aIieadv
shipped. This gives vou an oveiviev of aII open quanlilies. If lhe quanlilv
in lhe scheduIe Iines exceeds lhe laigel quanlilv, lhe svslen issues a
vaining nessage.
If lhe cuslonei iequiies il, vou can piocess invoices peiiodicaIIv, foi
exanpIe, once a nonlh. AII deIiveiies due foi lhe liIIing docunenl aie
lhen conlined in a coIIeclive invoice.
Figure 77: Quantity Contracts
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 399
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
A conliacl is an oulIine agieenenl lelveen vou and voui cuslonei lhal is
vaIid foi a ceilain line peiiod. The conliacl does nol conlain anv scheduIe
Iines, deIiveiv quanlilies, oi deIiveiv dales, lul vou can agiee on speciaI
piice agieenenls oi deIiveiv lines. The sane funclions aie avaiIalIe in
conliacls as in oideis.
The cuslonei fuIfiIIs lhe conliacl vilh an individuaI ieIease oidei.
ScheduIe Iines aie ciealed in lhe ieIease oidei vhen il is pIaced. The ieIease
oidei is lhen piocessed Iike a slandaid oidei. Anv speciaI agieenenls
iegaiding piices oi deIiveiv deadIines aie copied fion lhe conliacl.
ReIease oideis aie ciealed vilh iefeience lo a conliacl. This geneiales a
docunenl fIov iecoid lhal aIIovs vou lo updale ieIeased quanlilies and
vaIues in lhe conliacl. In copv conlioI, vou decide vhich lvpes of saIes
docunenls can le used as ieIease oideis fion a conliacl.
You can cieale ieIease oideis in lhe foIIoving vavs:
- Choose Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc on lhe iniliaI scieen.
- In lhe Sa|cs dccuncn| nenu, choose Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c ui|n
rcfcrcncc Tc ccn|rac|....
- Use lhe aulonalic svslen seaich foi open oulIine agieenenls vhen
vou cieale an oidei.
Figure 78: Messages about Open OutIine Agreements
You can configuie Cuslonizing foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe so lhal vhen
vou cieale a ieIease oidei, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv seaiches foi anv open
oulIine agieenenls. You can choose seveiaI oplions foi lhe seaich and
decide hov lhe svslen shouId ieacl if lhe seaich is successfuI.
Iank: No checks.
400 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
A/: Check al headei, ilen IeveI. The svslen conpaies lhe cuslonei
and naleiiaI nunleis. If lheie aie anv open oulIine agieenenls, il
dispIavs a diaIog lox vheie vou can choose vhelhei lo dispIav a Iisl
of lhe agieenenls, oi conlinue piocessing lhe saIes oidei.
C/D: Check al headei, ilen IeveI and copv if unique. If lhe svslen
finds exaclIv one open oulIine agieenenl, lhe docunenl is ciealed
aulonalicaIIv. Inslead of dispIaving a diaIog lox, lhe svslen issues
an infoinalionaI nessage in lhe slalus lai foi lhe ieIease.
L/I: Check al headei, ilen IeveI and lianch innedialeIv lo seIeclion
Iisl. Inslead of dispIaving a diaIog lox, lhe svslen innedialeIv goes
lo lhe seIeclion Iisl. No diaIog lox is dispIaved. If lheie is onIv one
open conliacl, lhe svslen ieacls as in C/D.
In Cuslonizing foi saIes, vou conlioI vhelhei conliacl dala can le
nainlained foi a pailicuIai saIes docunenl lvpe lv enleiing eilhei X oi Y
in lhe Dcfinc sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs aclivilv in lhe Ccn|rac| da|a a||cucd fieId.
A Iol of dala lhal is iiieIevanl lo olhei saIes docunenl lvpes is inpoilanl
foi conliacls. LxanpIes incIude lhe conliacl slail and end dales, oi
infoinalion on lhe canceIIalion pioceduie. Useis can aclivale lhis dala foi
lhe conliacl saIes docunenl lvpe.
Figure 79: Contract Data in SaIes Documents
In Cuslonizing foi saIes docunenl lvpes, vou can aclivale lhe conliacl
Iank: No conliacl dala.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 401
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
X: Conliacl dala is peinilled. Anv changes lo lhe conliacl headei aie
nol copied lo lhe ilens.
Y: Conliacl dala is peinilled. Changes lo lhe conliacl headei aie
aulonalicaIIv copied lo lhe ilens if lhe headei and ilen dala veie
pieviousIv idenlicaI. Changes aie saved in a Iog. The Iog aIso noles
anv possilIe piolIens and inconsislencies.
You can nainlain conliacl dala al lolh lhe headei and lhe ilen IeveIs in
lhe saIes docunenl. Conliacl dala al headei IeveI is vaIid foi aII ilens as
Iong as lhe dala al ilen IeveI is nol diffeienl.
The dale deleininalion iuIes ensuie lhal lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv finds
deadIines ieIevanl lo lhe conliacl.
Figure 80: Determining Dates
When vou cieale a conliacl lhe svslen pioposes lhe slail and end dales
of lhe conliacl.
You define lhe dale deleininalion iuIes in Cuslonizing. These iuIes slail
lhe docunenl on one of lhe dales lhal vou have sel (foi exanpIe, lodavs
dale oi lhe inslaIIalion dale). Anv inleivaI vou specifv can le added lo lhis
dale. You can aIso scheduIe lhe dale foi lhe leginning oi end of lhe nonlh.
If vou specifv a duialion calegoiv, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv geneiales
lhe duialion of lhe conliacl.
402 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
If vou assign a conliacl piofiIe lo lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, lhe svslen
aulonalicaIIv deleinines defauIl vaIues specific lo lhe conliacl. These
couId le iuIes foi deleinining slail and end of lhe conliacl: duialion
calegoiv: sulsequenl aclivilies: oi canceIIalion pioceduie.
Demonstration: Create Quantity Contract and ReIease
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a quanlilv conliacl and ieIease
oideis againsl il
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale quanlilv conlacl |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ccn|rac| Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: NM5
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei cuslonei: 2006
5. Lnlei vaIidilv: 1 vcar
6. Lnlei desciiplion: QuantItv cnntract 1
7. Lnlei naleiiaI: M-10
8. Lnlei laigel quanlilv: 50 unIts
9. Cieale fiisl ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl Sa|cs dccuncn|
Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr
1O. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
11. Choose Lnlei
12. Choose SeIeclion Iisl
13. Change open quanlilv of M-10 fion 50 lo 10
14. Choose Copv
15. Lnlei Iuich. oidei no. Rc!casc 1
16. Choose Save
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 403
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
17. Cieale second ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
18. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
19. Choose Lnlei
2O. Lnlei cuslonei: 2006
21. Lnlei Iuich. oidei no. Rc!casc 2
22. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-10 quanlilv 10
23. Choose Lnlei
24. Iion Open oulIine agieenenls foi ilen diaIog lox, choose Lisl
25. SeIecl lhe quanlilv conliacl
26. Choose Copv
27. Choose Save
28. Cieale lhiid ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c
29. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
3O. Choose Lnlei
31. Lnlei cuslonei: 2006
32. Lnlei Iuich. oidei no. Rc!casc 3
33. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-10 quanlilv 10
34. Iion Open oulIine agieenenls foi ilen diaIog lox, choose Conlinue
35. Choose Save
36. DispIav docunenl fIov Sa|cs dccuncn| Disp|au
37. Choose DispIav docunenl fIov
38. Cieale a sulsequenl iefeience lo lhe quanlilv conliacl ilen Sa|cs
dccuncn| Cnangc |di| Assign ccn|rac| ||cn
39. Lnlei docunenl nunlei of quanlilv conliacl
4O. Choose Assign
41. Choose Lnlei in Ilen iepiicing diaIog lox
42. Choose Save
43. DispIav quanlilv conliacl docunenl fIov |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Disp|au |ntircnncn| Disp|au
dccuncn| f|cu
404 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Create Quantity Contract and Subsequent ReIease
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c.
2. Lnlei lhe appiopiiale docunenl lvpe.
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Lnlei cuslonei.
5. Lnlei vaIidilv.
6. Lnlei desciiplion.
7. Lnlei naleiiaI.
8. Lnlei laigel quanlilv.
9. Cieale fiisl ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl: Sa|cs dccuncn|
Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr.
1O. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
11. Choose |n|cr.
12. Choose Sc|cc|icn |is|.
13. Change open quanlilv.
14. Choose Ccpu.
15. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
16. Choose Satc.
17. Cieale second ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl: |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
18. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
19. Choose |n|cr.
2O. Lnlei cuslonei.
21. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
22. Lnlei naleiiaI.
23. Choose |n|cr.
24. In lhe Opcn cu||inc agrccncn|s fcr i|cn diaIog lox, choose |is|.
25. SeIecl lhe quanlilv conliacl.
26. Choose Ccpu.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 405
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
27. Choose Satc.
28. Cieale lhiid ieIease oidei fion quanlilv conliacl: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
29. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
3O. Choose |n|cr.
31. Lnlei cuslonei.
32. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
33. Lnlei naleiiaI.
34. In lhe Opcn cu||inc agrccncn|s fcr i|cn diaIog lox, choose Ccn|inuc.
35. Choose Satc.
36. DispIav docunenl fIov: Sa|cs dccuncn| Disp|au.
37. Choose Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
38. Cieale a sulsequenl iefeience lo lhe quanlilv conliacl ilen: Sa|cs
dccuncn| Cnangc |di| Assign ccn|rac| ||cn.
39. Lnlei docunenl nunlei of quanlilv conliacl.
4O. Choose Assign.
41. Choose |n|cr in ||cn rcpricing diaIog lox.
You viII ieceive a nessage of successfuI assignnenl of lhe quanlilv
conliacl ilen nunlei lo lhe saIes oidei ilen.
42. Choose Satc.
43. DispIav quanlilv conliacl docunenl fIov: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Disp|au |ntircnncn| Disp|au
dccuncn| f|cu.
The foIIoving denonslialion of scheduIing agieenenls shouId le done
onIv if lheie is enough line and lheie is sufficienl inleiesl. An aIleinalive
nav le lo cieale lhe scheduIing agieenenl ahead of line and cieale a
ieIease againsl as lhe denonslialion. ScheduIing agieenenls veie coveied
in lhe pieiequisile couise, LO15O, Iiocesses in SaIes and Disliilulion.
406 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Demonstration: ScheduIing Agreements
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a scheduIing agieenenl and
sulsequenl ieIeases
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale scheduIing agieenenl |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Scncdu|ing Agrccncn| Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: D5
3. Lnlei cuslonei: 2006
4. Lnlei Iuich. oidei no.: 5chcdu!Ing agrccmcnt
5. Lnlei vaIidilv peiiod: 1 vcar
6. Lnlei desciiplion: 5chcdu!Ing agrccmcnt
7. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-10 quanlilv: 50
8. Cieale scheduIe Iines lv seIecling Iine ilen and using nenu palh:
Gc|c ||cn Scncdu|c |incs
9. Lnlei al Ieasl 3 scheduIe Iines vilh Tndav as one of lhe deIiveiv
dales and olheis in lhe fuluie. Make suie lhal lhe sun of lhe oidei
quanlilies equaIs lhe laigel quanlilv.
1O. Choose Save
11. Cieale a deIiveiv Sa|cs dccuncn| Cnangc
12. Choose Lnlei
13. Use nenu palh: Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr
14. Choose Save
15. DispIav docunenl fIov foi scheduIing agieenenl |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Scncdu|ing Agrccncn| Disp|au Disp|au
dccuncn| f|cu
16. If lheie is line, cieale anolhei deIiveiv in lhe fuluie vilh iefeience lo
lhe scheduIing agieenenl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 407
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Create ScheduIing Agreement
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Scncdu|ing Agrccncn|
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
3. Lnlei cuslonei.
4. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
5. Lnlei vaIidilv peiiod.
6. Lnlei desciiplion.
7. Lnlei naleiiaI and quanlilv.
8. Cieale scheduIe Iines lv seIecling Iine ilen and foIIoving: Gc|c
||cn Scncdu|c |incs.
9. Lnlei scheduIe Iines.
1O. Choose Satc.
11. Cieale a deIiveiv vilh iefeience lo lhe scheduIing agieenenl: |cgis|ics
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn Ou|ocund
Dc|itcru Crca|c Sing|c Dccuncn| li|n Rcfcrcncc |c Sa|cs Ordcr.
Demonstration: RentaI Contract Data
The denonsliale lhe use of conliacl dala in conliacl saIes docunenl lvpes
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale ienlaI conliacl |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ccn|rac| Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: QP
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei cuslonei: 1172
5. Lnlei Iuich. oidei no: Rcnta! cnntract
6. Lnlei desciiplion: Rcnta! cnntract
408 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
7. Nole conliacl slail and end dales
8. Lnlei MaleiiaI: R-1001 quanlilv: 10
9. Shov conliacl dala Gc|c Hcadcr Ccn|rac| Da|a
1O. LxpIain lhe foIIoving fieIds:
- Conliacl slail dale
- Conliacl end dale
- VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv
- Conliacl vaIidilv peiiod
- Aclion
- Aclion dale
- CanceIIalion pioceduie
11. Choose Save
12. Shov fieIds Ccn|rac| da|a a||cucd. X and Ccn|rac| prcfi|c 0001 in
definilion of conliacl saIes docunenl lvpe QP |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr
Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs
13. Shov and expIain conliacl piofiIe|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Dcfinc
Ccn|rac| Prcfi|cs
14. Choose enliv 0001
15. Choose DelaiIs
16. Shov and expIain dale deleininalion iuIes 01 and 08 |MG Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac|
Da|a Dcfinc Ru|cs fcr Dc|crnining Da|cs
17. Shov and expIain vaIidilv peiiod calegoiv 02 |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a
Dcfinc Va|idi|u Pcricd Ca|cgcrics
18. Shov and expIain canceIIalion pioceduie 0001 |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a
Ccn|rc| Cancc||a|icn Dcfinc Cancc||a|icn Prcccdurcs
19. Shov and expIain canceIIalion iuIe 0001 |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Ccn|rc|
Cancc||a|icn Assign Cancc||a|icn Ru|cs And Cancc||a|icn Prcccdurcs
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s
Ccn|rac| Da|a Ccn|rc| Cancc||a|icn Dcfinc Cancc||a|icn Ru|cs
2O. Shov hov changing lhe conliacl piofiIe affecls lhe ienlaI conliacl.
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s
Ccn|rac| Da|a Dcfinc Ccn|rac| Prcfi|cs
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 409
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
21. Change lhe VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv fion 02 lo 01 in conliacl piofiIe
22. Choose Save
23. Lnlei anolhei ienlaI conliacl using sane docunenl lvpe, cuslonei
nunlei, puichase oidei nunlei and desciiplion.
24. Shov conliacl dala vaIidilv peiiod calegoiv has changedGc|c
Hcadcr Ccn|rac| Da|a
25. Resel lhe VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv fion 01 lo 02 in conliacl piofiIe
The ienlaI conliacl is liIIed peiiodicaIIv.
These sellings aie nade in lhe ilen calegoiv. You can caII up lhe
liIIing pIan in lhe docunenl (geneialed aulonalicaIIv). Iiicing
lasis: Iiicing pioceduie ILRSO1 vilh condilion lvpe IISV, Iiicing
pioceduie deleininalion: saIes aiea+docunenl piicing pioceduie = V
(Conliacl)+cuslonei piicing pioceduie.
410 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Create a RentaI Contract
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c.
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Lnlei cuslonei.
5. Lnlei puichase oidei nunlei.
6. Lnlei desciiplion.
7. Lnlei naleiiaI and quanlilv.
8. Shov conliacl dala: Gc|c Hcadcr Ccn|rac| Da|a.
9. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs. SeIecl lhe ienlaI
conliacl saIes docunenl lvpe (OI).
1O. SeIecl Dc|ai|s lo dispIav lhe Ccn|rac| da|a a||ud. and Ccn|rac| prcfi|c
11. DispIav conliacl piofiIe enliv: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Dcfinc Ccn|rac| Prcfi|cs.
12. DispIav dale deleininalion iuIes: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Dcfinc Ru|cs
fcr Dc|crnining Da|cs.
13. DispIav vaIidilv peiiod calegoiies: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Dcfinc Va|idi|u
Pcricd Ca|cgcrics.
14. DispIav canceIIalion pioceduies: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a Ccn|rc| Cancc||a|icn
Dcfinc Cancc||a|icn Prcccdurcs.
15. DispIav canceIIalion iuIes assigned lo pioceduies: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Ccn|rac| Da|a
Ccn|rc| Cancc||a|icn Assign Cancc||a|icn Ru|cs And Cancc||a|icn
The foIIoving denonslialion on conliacl canceIIalion is oplionaI
depending upon line and pailicipanl inleiesl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 411
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Demonstration: RentaI Contract CanceIIation
To denonsliale lhe sellings foi conliacl canceIIalion
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Change ienlaI conliacl |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ccn|rac| Cnangc
2. Lnlei ienlaI conliacl docunenl nunlei
3. Use nenu palh Gc|c Hcadcr Ccn|rac| Da|a
4. LxanpIe 1:
Lnlei Reason foi canc. Tnn cxcnsIvc
Lnlei Receipl of canceIIalion: Tndav
Lnlei Requesled canceIIalion dale: End nf wcck
LxpIain vaining nessage aloul pioposed nexl canceIIalion dale.
5. LxanpIe 2:
Choose CanceI
Lnlei Reason foi canc. Tnn cxcnsIvc
Lnlei Receipl of canceIIalion: In 5 mnnths
Lnlei Requesled canceIIalion dale: In 6 mnnths
Nexl possilIe dale is deleinined accoiding lo lhe canceIIalion iuIe
Copv suggesled vaIue
412 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Enter RentaI Contract CanceIIation Data
1. Change ienlaI conliacl: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ccn|rac| Cnangc.
2. Lnlei ienlaI conliacl docunenl nunlei.
3. Gc|c Hcadcr Ccn|rac| Da|a.
4. Lnlei ieason foi canceIIalion.
Lnlei ieceipl of canceIIalion.
Lnlei iequesled canceIIalion dale.
5. Copv suggesled vaIue.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 413
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
414 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
327 Exercise 18: Basics of OutIine Agreements
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls, quanlilv conliacls, vaIue
conliacls, and ienlaI conliacls
- Desciile lhe funclions of, and cuslonizing iequiied foi, oulIine
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS AC, has exceIIenl lusiness ieIalionships vilh nanv
of ils cusloneis and conducls fiequenl liansaclions vilh lhen. Togelhei
vilh lhese cusloneis, voui conpanv vanls lo pIan lhe lusiness piocesses
foi lhe fuluie, lased on conliacluaI agieenenls. Youi nanagenenl vanls
lo expIoie lhe exlenl lo vhich diffeienl oulIine agieenenls can le nodeIed
using lhe avaiIalIe saIes docunenl lvpes in SAI R/3.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
You have enleied inlo a ienlaI conliacl vilh cuslonei T-562D##.
1. Lnlei a ienlaI conliacl foi cuslonei T-562D##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-QP01. Do nol enlei a saIes aiea.
2. Which saIes aiea vas deleinined`
3. When vou cieale lhe ienlaI conliacl, lhe svslen iefeis lo lhe conliacl
piofiIe foi essenliaI conliacl dala. Iind lhe foIIoving conliacl dala in
lhe docunenl:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 415
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Conliacl slail dale iuIe
Conliacl end dale iuIe
VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv
Conliacl vaIidilv peiiod
CanceIIalion pioceduie
Nntc: The conliacl dala appeais on a sepaiale lal page in
lhe docunenl headei.
416 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Basics of OutIine Agreements
SoIution 18: Basics of OutIine Agreements
You have enleied inlo a ienlaI conliacl vilh cuslonei T-562D##.
1. Lnlei a ienlaI conliacl foi cuslonei T-562D##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-QP01. Do nol enlei a saIes aiea.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c .
Conliacl lvpe:QP (ienlaI conliacl)
2. Which saIes aiea vas deleinined`
Answcr: 1OOO, 14, OO.
The saIes aiea defauIls fion lhe cuslonei naslei.
3. When vou cieale lhe ienlaI conliacl, lhe svslen iefeis lo lhe conliacl
piofiIe foi essenliaI conliacl dala. Iind lhe foIIoving conliacl dala in
lhe docunenl:
Conliacl slail dale iuIe
Conliacl end dale iuIe
VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv
Conliacl vaIidilv peiiod
CanceIIalion pioceduie
Nntc: The conliacl dala appeais on a sepaiale lal page in
lhe docunenl headei.
a) IoIIov Gc|c Hcadcr Ccn|rac| da|a.
l) On lhe Ccn|rac| da|a lal page.
Conliacl slail dale iuIe Tndav's datc
Conliacl end dale iuIe Cnntract cnd + cnntract
va!IdItv crInd
VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv 1 vcar
Conliacl vaIidilv peiiod 1 vcar
CanceIIalion pioceduie 0001 (Cancc!!atInn tn
Va!IdItv PcrInd End, vcar!v
wIthdrawa! RIght)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 417
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls, incIuding scheduIing
agieenenls, quanlilv conliacls, vaIue conliacls, and ienlaI conliacls
- Desciile lhe funclions of, and cuslonizing iequiied foi, oulIine
ReIated Information
AIong vilh nainlenance conliacls, SAI aIso offeis lhe Seivice
Managenenl AppIicalion noduIe, vhose funclions aie expIained in
anolhei couise.
418 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to
Lesson Duialion: 8O ninules
Lesson Overview
This Iesson coveis vaIue conliacls, vhich aie Iong-lein cuslonei
agieenenls lhal enalIe vou lo use foivaid pIanning and speciaI piicing
aiiangenenls. Manv lines, lusiness pailneis olhei lhan lhe oiiginaI
soId-lo pailv need lo ieIease oideis fion lhe vaIue conlacl. This
iequiienenl Ieads lo lhe use of pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease fion lhe
vaIue conliacl. We viII discuss lhe conlioI funclions of vaIue conliacls,
unique ilen calegoiies, speciaI piicing pioceduies, and naleiiaIs eIigilIe
foi lhe vaIue conliacl.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe and use il in a vaIue conliacl
- Desciile lhe funclions and cuslonizing of a vaIue conliacl
- Use nuIlipIe pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
- Desciile lhe Cuslonizing of pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
VaIue conliacl funclionaIilv vas added in ReIease 4.O. A vaIue conliacl
aIIovs a usei lo cieale a conliacl foi a specific vaIue. efoie ReIease 4.OA,
each pailnei funclion couId le assigned lo onIv one pailnei in eveiv saIes
docunenl. As of ReIease 4.OA, diffeienl Iogic has leen inpIenenled foi
oulIine agieenenls so lhal vou can save seveiaI soId-lo pailies and ship-lo
pailies in lhe conliacls foi lhe ieIease oideis.
Business ExampIe
You iequiie a doIIai vaIue conliacl foi an assoilnenl of pioducls. Theie
aie seveiaI soId-lo and ship-lo pailies lhal aie peinilled lo ieIease againsl
lhe conliacl lhiough ieIease oideis.
Desciile lhe funclions and Cuslonizing iequiied foi a vaIue conliacl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 419
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
VaIue Contracts in GeneraI
A vaIue conliacl is a IegaI agieenenl vilh a cuslonei. Il conlains lhe
naleiiaIs and seivices lhal lhe cuslonei ieceives vilhin a specified line
peiiod, foi a vaIue up lo a specified laigel anounl. A vaIue conliacl
can conlain ceilain naleiiaIs oi gioups of naleiiaIs (such as a pioducl
hieiaichv oi an assoilnenl noduIe).
Figure 81: VaIue Contracts
The vaIue conliacl is an oulIine agieenenl lelveen vou and voui
cuslonei. Il slales lhal voui cuslonei agiees lo puichase a fixed doIIai
anounl of goods and seivices duiing lhe defined peiiod.
The vaIue conliacl can conlain olhei agieenenls lelveen vou and voui
cuslonei lhal aie checked in lhe ieIease oideis, such as speciaI piice
agieenenls, cuslonei iesliiclions, oi naleiiaI iesliiclions.
If vou have a conliacl vilh voui cuslonei and vou cieale a saIes oidei
vilhoul iefeiiing lo a conliacl, vou can sel lhe svslen lo aulonalicaIIv
piopose a conliacl. This is aclivaled in Cuslonizing foi lhe docunenl
lvpe (Ccn|rac| ncssagcs fieId).
In lhe vaIue conliacl, vou can iefei lo Iisls of naleiiaIs lhal have aIieadv
leen defined. This Iisl couId le a pioducl hieiaichv oi a assoilnenl
noduIe. Hovevei, vou aIso cieale a vaIue conliacl foi onIv one naleiiaI
(foi exanpIe, a configuialIe naleiiaI).
420 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Figure 82: VaIid MateriaIs
Tvo lvpes of vaIue conliacls aie offeied in lhe slandaid svslen: VaIue
conliacl lvpe WK 1: You can specifv a pioducl hieiaichv oi a assoilnenl
noduIe foi vaIue conliacls vilh conliacl lvpe WK 1. The svslen viII
aIvavs piopose lhis lvpe of conliacl, if vou vanl lo cieale a conliacl foi
seveiaI naleiiaIs oi a ceilain gioup of naleiiaIs. AII lhe naleiiaIs in lhe
ieIevanl assoilnenl, oi leIonging lo lhe specified pioducl hieiaichv aie
lhen ieIevanl foi ieIease. VaIue conliacl lvpe WK 2 (naleiiaI-ieIaled):
You can cieale conliacls foi one naleiiaI (usuaIIv configuialIe) vilh lhis
lvpe of vaIue conliacl. A soflvaie conpanv is an exanpIe of vheie lhis
kind of conliacl is oflen used. Theie, a conliacl foi lhe vaIue of $5OO,OOO is
nade vilh lhe cuslonei foi one specific soflvaie pioducl. You can aIso
agiee on lhe Ienglh of lhe conliacl foi lhis lvpe. The conliacl duialion can
le agieed al ilen IeveI and can le diffeienl fion lhe conliacl duialion
specified al headei IeveI
The assoilnenl noduIe funclion enalIes vou lo define a Iisl of naleiiaIs
lhal can le ieIeased fion a vaIue conliacl. MaleiiaIs can le assigned lo
noie lhan one assoilnenl noduIe. An assoilnenl noduIe is an enliv
looI and can le caIIed up fion lhe vaIue conliacl. Il is vaIid foi a ceilain
line peiiod. If vou deIele a naleiiaI fion lhe assoilnenl noduIe, lo
vhich a vaIue conliacl iefeis, vou viII le unalIe lo ieIease lhal naleiiaI.
In lhe vaIue conliacl, onIv naleiiaIs vilh lhe sane saIes oiganizalion
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 421
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
and disliilulion channeI as lhe vaIue conliacl can le laken fion lhe
assoilnenl noduIe. AII lhe olhei naleiiaIs in lhe assoilnenl noduIe aie
nol dispIaved in lhe vaIue conliacl.
In SAI R/3 SD, vou can Iisl lhe naleiiaIs lhal can le ieIeased in a vaIue
conliacl as a pioducl hieiaichv (can le seaiched foi geneiicaIIv lv
enleiing lhe fiisl fev digils such as OOOO1O1*) oi as a Iisl of vaIid naleiiaIs
(assoilnenl noduIe). Neilhei a pioducl hieiaichv noi an assoilnenl
noduIe viII iesliicl: lhev jusl give vou oplions. You can sliII seIecl olhei
naleiiaIs lo ieIease even if lhev aie nol in lhe hieiaichv oi assoilnenl
If lolh lhe pioducl hieiaichv and lhe assoilnenl noduIe aie nainlained
in lhe docunenl, aII of lhe naleiiaIs lhal leIong lo one oi olhei of lhe
naleiiaI gioups aie vaIid foi lhe ieIease oidei.
Assoilnenl noduIes foi vaIue conliacls aie nainlained in lhe naslei dala
foi pioducls. You can define a vaIidilv peiiod foi each naleiiaI in lhe
assoilnenl noduIe. When vou cieale a ieIease oidei, lhe svslen checks
lhe iespeclive enliv dale againsl lhe vaIidilv peiiod.
AII naleiiaIs defined in saIes can le ieIeased in a conliacl unIess lheie aie
olhei iesliiclions in copv conlioI al ilen IeveI. These naleiiaIs aie aIso
Iiniled in lhal lhev nusl le peinilled foi lhe saIes aiea assigned lo lhe
vaIue conliacl.
Figure 83: VaIue Contracts - ReIeases
A ieIease oidei ieIeases a pailiaI quanlilv of lhe agieed lolaI vaIue of lhe
goods oi seivices fion a conliacl. The ieIease oidei is a lvpe of saIes oidei.
422 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
NoinaIIv, vou cieale a ieIease oidei vilh iefeience lo a conliacl. SeveiaI
funclions exisl foi seaiching foi lhe ieIevanl conliacl. You nav seaich foi
suilalIe conliacls using lhe pailnei nunlei, oi seaich foi suilalIe pailneis
using lhe conliacl nunlei (foi cuslonei Iisls onIv).
Wilh lhe ilen seIeclion funclion, vou can seIecl ilens fion aII lhe vaIid
naleiiaIs. You can choose naleiiaIs diieclIv oi expand an assoilnenl
DeIiveiv quanlilies and lines aie sloied in lhe scheduIe Iines foi lhe
ieIease oidei. You can cieale ieIeases in anv cuiiencv, and lhe lolaI vaIue is
updaled in lhe cuiiencv of lhe conliacl.
When vou cieale a ieIease oidei, lhe svslen checks lhe iequiienenls sloied
in lhe conliacl, such as lhe ieIease iuIe oi vaIidilv peiiod. The vaIue of lhe
ieIease oidei is conpaied vilh lhe vaIue sliII open in lhe conliacl.
You can define hov lhe svslen iesponds vhen lhis vaIue is exceeded. You
can assign an oidei lo a conliacl, eilhei al headei IeveI oi ilen IeveI, lul
lhe conliacl vaIues viII onIv le updaled if vou assign il al lhe ilen IeveI.
In lolh cases, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv ieiuns piicing.
Figure 84: Updating VaIues in Contracts
When vou cieale a ieIease oidei, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv updales lhe
ieIeased vaIues in lhe conliacl. The ieIease vaIue is caIcuIaled fion lhe
lolaI of open oidei and deIiveiv vaIues, as veII as vaIues in lhe conliacl
lhal have aIieadv leen liIIed.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 423
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
You can change lhe vaIue in a vaIue conliacl ilen. Sulsequenl changes lo
lhe ieIease aie updaled in lhe conliacl, incIuding iejecled ieIease ilens,
ieluins, ovei-deIiveiv of ieIease oidei, piicing changes lo lhe liIIing
docunenl, deIeled oideis oi deIiveiies, and canceIIed deIiveiies oi liIIing
Figure 85: VaIue Contracts - BiIIing Documents
You can eilhei liII lhe vaIue conliacl diieclIv oi vou can liII each ieIease
oidei. To liII a ieIease oidei, vou can use slandaid oidei OR. iIIing can
le eilhei oidei- oi deIiveiv-ieIaled.
Ioi liIIing a vaIue conliacl, use oidei lvpe WA. The vaIue conliacl is liIIed
accoiding lo lhe oidei. A liIIing pIan aIIovs vou lo liII lhe conliacl foi
seveiaI dales and pailiaI quanlilies al once.
The svslen aulonalicaIIv adjusls lhe open liIIing dales if vou nake a
sulsequenl change lo lhe laigel vaIue in a vaIue conliacl. The svslen
does nol aIIov vou lo aulonalicaIIv liII vaIue conliacls lhal have nol leen
conpIeleIv ieIeased.
Demonstration: Create Assortment ModuIe
To denonsliale lhe ciealion of an assoilnenl noduIe
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
424 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Use nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a
Prcduc|s Va|uc ccn|rac| - Asscr|ncn| ncdu|c Crca|c
2. Choose Lnlei
3. Lnlei desciiplion WK Mndu!c LO605
and naleiiaIs: M-10, M-11, and M-12
4. Choose Save
Theie nighl le piolIens vilh lhe assoilnenl noduIe: SoIulion 1: CaII up
assoilnenl noduIe and enlei lhe naleiiaI again: SoIulion 2: Conlinue
piocessing vilhoul lhe assoilnenl noduIe (lhis neans lheie aie no
iesliiclions on lhe peinilled naleiiaIs): oi SoIulion 3: Woik vilh lhe
pioducl hieiaichv (aIso vilh a geneiic seaich).
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 425
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Create Assortment ModuIe
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Va|uc
ccn|rac| - Asscr|ncn| ncdu|c Crca|c.
2. Choose |n|cr.
3. Lnlei desciiplion.
4. Lnlei naleiiaI(s).
5. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create a VaIue Contract with an
Assortment ModuIe
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a vaIue conliacl vilh an assoilnenl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Use nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac|
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: WK1
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei cuslonei: 2006
5. Lnlei desciiplion: Va!uc cnntract
6. Lnlei vaIid-lo dale: 1 vcar frnm tndav
7. Lnlei oullound agieenenl laigel vaIue: 10000
8. Lnlei assoilnenl noduIe using seaich lv noduIe lvpe 6
9. Shov ilen calegoiv WKN
1O. Shov WK naleiiaI: WKM1
426 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Create a VaIue Contract
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c.
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
3. Lnlei cuslonei.
4. Lnlei desciiplion.
5. Lnlei vaIid-lo dale.
6. Lnlei oullound agieenenl laigel vaIue.
7. Lnlei assoilnenl noduIe and/oi pioducl hieiaichv.
8. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create a ReIease from a VaIue
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing a ieIease oidei fion a vaIue conliacl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Use nenu palh: Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Choose Conliacl pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
5. Cuslonei: 2006
6. Choose Copv
7. Choose Lxpand assoilnenl noduIe
8. Lnlei naleiiaI M-10 quanlilv 1
9. Lnlei naleiiaI M-11 quanlilv 1
1O. Choose ack
11. Choose Copv
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 427
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
12. Lnlei cuslonei puichase oidei nunlei: Rc!casc WK1
13. Choose Save
428 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Create a ReIease from a VaIue Contract
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Cnangc.
2. Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr.
3. Lnlei docunenl lvpe.
4. Choose |n|cr.
5. Choose Rc|casing par|ncr.
6. SeIecl a cuslonei.
7. Choose Ccpu.
8. Choose |xpand asscr|ncn| ncdu|c oi |xpand prcduc| nicrarcnu.
9. SeIecl naleiiaI and quanlilv.
1O. Choose 8ac|.
11. Choose Ccpu.
12. Lnlei cuslonei puichase oidei nunlei.
13. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: To check ReIeased VaIue of a VaIue
To denonsliale lhal sulsequenl ieIeases lo a vaIue conliacl updale lhe
ieIeased vaIue of lhe conliacl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac|
2. Shov fieId Rc|cascd ta|uc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 429
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Check ReIeased VaIue of a VaIue Contract
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Disp|au.
2. SeIecl lhe Rc|cascd ta|uc fieId.
Demonstration: DispIay Customizing for Item Category
WKN in the VaIue Contract
To dispIav cuslonizing foi Ilen Calegoiv WKN in lhe vaIue conliacl
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Use nenu palh: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac|s
Va|uc Ccn|rac| Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics |cr Va|uc Ccn|rac| And Ccn|rac|
2. Choose ilen calegoiv: WKN
3. Shov ConpIelion iuIe fieId: E Itcm Is cnm!ctcd aftcr fu!! targct
va!uc Is rcfcrcnccd
4. ScioII dovn lo VaIue conliacl aiea
5. Shov VaIue conliacl nalI fieId WKM1
6. Shov Conliacl ieIease cnliI fieId: A WarnIng If targct va!uc Is
7. To shov deleininalion of ilen calegoiv WKN, use nenu palh: |MG
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac|
Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics |cr Va|uc Ccn|rac| And Ccn|rac| Rc|.
8. Wilhoul vaIue conliacl naleiiaI in ilen calegoivKcv: WK1 and
b!ank and VCTR and b!ank
9. Wilh vaIue conliacl naleiiaI in ilen calegoivKcv: WK1 and VCIT
and b!ank and b!ank
430 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Customize Item Category WKN in the VaIue Contract
1. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s
Va|uc Ccn|rac| Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics |cr Va|uc Ccn|rac| And
Ccn|rac| Rc|.
2. Choose ilen calegoiv WKN.
3. In lhe Ccnp|c|icn ru|c fieId, enlei a vaIue of E: Item is completed
after full target value is referenced.
4. ScioII dovn lo Va|uc ccn|rac| aiea.
5. In lhe Va|uc ccn|rac| na||. fieId, enlei WKM1.
6. In lhe Ccn|rac| rc|casc cn|r|. fieId, enlei a vaIue of A: Warning if
target value is exceeded.
7. To shov deleininalion of ilen calegoiv WKN, foIIov |MG Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Va|uc
Ccn|rac| Assign ||cn Ca|. Tc Va|. Ccn|r. Tupc And Ccn|rac| Rc|. Tupc.
8. Choose Pcsi|icn.
9. To shov lhe ilen calegoiv deleinined vilhoul a vaIue conliacl
naleiiaI in lhe ilen calegoiv gioup, enlei:
SaIes doc.lvpe: WK1
Ilen cal. gioup: leave blank
Ilen usage: VCTR
Ilen Cal-HgLvIln: leave blank
1O. To shov lhe ilen calegoiv deleinined vilh a vaIue conliacl naleiiaI
in lhe ilen calegoiv gioup, enlei:
SaIes doc.lvpe: WK1
Ilen cal. gioup: VCIT
Ilen usage: leave blank
Ilen Cal-HgLvIln: leave blank
ControIIing VaIue Contracts
When vou cieale a vaIue conliacl vou nusl deleinine lhe ilen calegoiv.
NoinaIIv lhal is done lv Doc Tvpe & ilen calegoiv gioup in lhe naleiiaI
naslei. In lhe case of lhe vaIue conliacl vou have no ve use
Doc lvpe & Usage (AAI code) lo deleinine lhe ilen calegoiv. Once
ve deleinine lhe ilen calegoiv ve can liing in a defauIl naleiiaI. The
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 431
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
defauIl naleiiaI is coning fion lhe ilen calegoiv ve deleinine. The
ieason ve need a defauIl naleiiaI in lhe vaIue conliacl is so ve can piice.
We aie nol liuIv piicing lul ve aie using a piicing pioceduie, vilh lhe
condilion lvpe (nanuaI condilion) lo sloie lhe conliacl vaIue. So vhen
ieIeases aie ciealed ve can deleinine vhen lhe vaIue has leen exceeded.
This aII voiks logelhei vilh lhe posilive/negalive inpacl selling coning
fion copv conlioI aIso.
VaIue conliacls have speciaI cuslonizing sellings, incIuding docunenl
lvpe, ilen calegoiies, piicing pioceduies, condilion lvpes, and assoilnenl
Figure 86: ControIIing VaIue Contracts
Theie aie lvo lvpes of vaIue conliacls in lhe SAI slandaid svslen:
WK1 Gcncra! va!uc cnntract
This oidei lvpe aIIovs vou lo iefei lo diffeienl naleiiaIs and seivices,
accoiding lo lhe seIeclion oplions.
WK2 MatcrIa!-rc!atcd va!uc cnntract
This is used vhen lhe conliacl conlains exaclIv one naleiiaI.
In Cuslonizing, vou onIv dislinguish lelveen lhe saIes docunenl lvpes
foi vaIue conliacls WK1 and WK2 in lhe scieen sequence gioup foi
docunenl headei and ilen.
You can nainlain lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI in lhe ilen calegoiv gioup.
The vaIue conliacl naleiiaI acls as a lechnicaI vehicIe in lhe conliacl ilen
foi deleinining inpoilanl dala, such as accounl assignnenls, laxes, oi
slalislicaI updales.
432 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Docunenl lvpe WK1 uses ilen calegoiv WKN. Docunenl lvpe WK2 uses
ilen calegoiv WKC. Accoiding lo vhal vou enlei in lhe ilen, lhe svslen
deleinines lhe ilen calegoiv vilh lhe usage indicaloi VCTR oi lhe ilen
calegoiv gioup VCIT. In copv conlioI, vou can decide al ilen IeveI if lhe
vaIue conliacl naleiiaI shouId le copied lo lhe ieIease (WKC) oi nol
In lhe slandaid svslen, vaIue conliacls (docunenl deleininalion
pioceduie Y) use piicing pioceduie WKOOO1 vilh condilion lvpe WKOO foi
lhe agieed laigel vaIue. If a ieIease exceeds lhe laigel vaIue in a conliacl
ilen, vou can configuie hov lhe svslen ieacls.
Figure 87: Partners Authorized to ReIease in Contract
NoinaIIv, lolh lhe soId-lo pailv and olhei lusiness pailneis aie
aulhoiized lo ieIease fion a conliacl. This neans lhal lhe cenliaI office foi
a conpanv can decide vhich of ils lianches can ieIease fion a conliacl.
Theie nav aIso le seveiaI ship-lo pailies.
To le alIe lo ieIease lo nuIlipIe ship-lo pailies, nainlain lhe Cncc| par|ncr
au|ncriza|icn fieId in Cuslonizing foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe. In lhe
saIes oidei, vou can lhen dispIav lhe pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease in a
cuslonei Iisl (iuIe A) oi in lhe cuslonei hieiaichv (iuIe ).
The pailnei deleininalion pioceduie assigns lhe pailneis aulhoiized lo
ieIease againsl lhe conliacl. If lheie aie seveiaI pailneis aulhoiized lo
ieIease againsl a conliacl, vou can choose lhe ieIevanl pailnei fion a Iisl
vhen vou cieale lhe ieIease oidei.
If lheie aie seveiaI ship-lo pailies lhal aie aulhoiized lo ieIease foi lhe
seIecled soId-lo pailv, vou can choose lhe ieIevanl one fion a Iisl vhen
vou cieale lhe ieIease.
So lhal lhe ieIeasing pailnei can le diffeienl lhan lhe soId-lo pailv foi lhe
conliacl, copv conlioI uses iequiienenl OO2 al headei IeveI.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 433
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Figure 88: Partners Authorized to ReIease: Customer List
Ru!c A: Chcck cnntract artncrs:
If lheie is a cuslonei Iisl, vou can sloie lhe pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
in lhe pailnei scieen foi lhe conliacl docunenl. In lhe slandaid svslen,
pailnei funclion AA has leen defined foi use as an oplionaI pailnei
funclion in lhe ieIevanl pailnei deleininalion pioceduie (KA pioceduie).
AIleinalive ship-lo pailies aie iepiesenled vilh pailnei funclion AW.
When vou cieale lhe conliacl, if lheie aie aIieadv seveiaI possilIe soId-lo
pailies in lhe cuslonei naslei iecoid (pailnei funclions SI and AA), lhe
svslen dispIavs a seIeclion scieen vheie vou can choose and copv seveiaI
pailneis in one slep.
Iailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease aie onIv checked al headei IeveI.
434 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Figure 89: Partners Authorized to ReIease - Customer Hierarchy
Ru!c B: Chcck custnmcr hIcrarchv artncrs
If lhe soId-lo pailv in lhe saIes oidei is diffeienl lo lhal in lhe conliacl, il
can le aulhoiized foi ieIease if lolh cusloneis aie nodes in a cuslonei
hieiaichv, and lhe soId-lo pailv in lhe ieIease oidei is on a Iovei node
lhan lhe one in lhe conliacl.
AIleinalive ship-lo pailies aie conlioIIed in lhe sane vav as in RuIe A.
Iailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease aie onIv checked al headei IeveI.
Demonstration: Create Partner Authorized to ReIease
To denonsliale lhe piocess of ciealing pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease fion
vaIue conliacls
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Change soId-lo pailnei lv using nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss par|ncrs Cus|cncr Cnangc
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 435
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
2. Lnlei cuslonei: 2007
3. Lnlei saIes aiea: 1000, 10 and 00
4. Choose Lnlei
5. Choose SaIes aiea dala
6. Co lo lal page Iailnei funclions
7. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion: AA and cuslonei: 2006
8. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion:AA and cuslonei: 1000
9. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion:AW and cuslonei: 2006
1O. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion: AW and cuslonei: 1000
11. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion: AW and cuslonei: 1010
12. In lhe nexl lIank Iine enlei pailnei funclion: AW and cuslonei: 1020
13. Choose Save
Demonstration: Show Customizing for Partner
To denonsliale cuslonizing foi pailnei deleininalion in ieIalion lo vaIue
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav pailnei deleininalion using nenu palh: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc and
Assign Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurcs Cus|cncr nas|cr
2. Gc|c Prcccdurc assignncn|
3. Choose Accounl gip 0001 5n!d-tn artv
4. Choose Iailnei pioceduies: AG
5. Choose Iioceduie delaiIs
436 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
6. Shov pailnei pioceduie AG conlains lolh funclions AA and AW
Demonstration: Create a VaIue Contract using
Partners Authorized to ReIease
To denonsliale lhe ciealion a vaIue conliacl using pailneis aulhoiized lo
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Cieale a vaIue conliacl using nenu palh: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: WK1
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei cuslonei: 2007
5. Lnlei desciiplion: Va!uc cnntract 2
6. Lnlei vaIid-lo dale: 1 vcar frnm tndav
7. Lnlei oullound agieenenl laigel vaIue: 10000
8. Choose Lnlei
9. In lhe Iailnei seIeclion diaIog lox, choose SeIecl AII
1O. Choose Lnlei
11. To shov pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease, use nenu palh: Gc|c
Hcadcr Par|ncr
12. To cieale ieIease oidei, use nenu palh: Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c
suoscuucn| crdcr
13. Lnlei docunenl lvpe: OR
14. Choose Lnlei
15. Choose Conliacl pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
16. In lhe Iailnei seIeclion diaIog lox, choose soId-lo cuslonei: 2006
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 437
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
17. Choose Conliacl pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease a second line aflei
acknovIedging vaining nessage aloul soId-lo pailv 2006
18. In lhe Iailnei seIeclion diaIog lox, choose ship-lo cuslonei: 1000
19. Choose Copv
2O. Choose Lnlei naleiiaI
21. Lnlei naleiiaI M-10 quanlilv 2
22. Choose ack
23. Choose Copv
24. Lnlei cuslonei puichase oidei nunlei: Auth. Partncrs
25. Choose Save
26. Conpaie soId-lo and ship-lo pailneis of lhe ieIease oidei and lhe
vaIue conliacl.
438 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Create a VaIue Contract using Partners Authorized to
1. Cieale a vaIue conliacl: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ccn|rac| Crca|c.
2. Lnlei docunenl lvpe WK1.
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Lnlei cuslonei.
5. Lnlei desciiplion.
6. Lnlei vaIidilv peiiod.
7. Lnlei oullound agieenenl laigel vaIue.
8. Choose Lnlei
9. In lhe Par|ncr sc|cc|icn diaIog lox, seIecl Sc|cc| A||.
1O. To cieale ieIease oidei, foIIovSa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c suoscuucn| crdcr.
11. Lnlei docunenl lvpe OR.
12. Choose |n|cr.
13. To seIecl soId-lo and ship-lo pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease, seIecl
Ccn|rac| par|ncrs au|ncrizcd |c rc|casc.
14. Choose Ccpu.
15. SeIecl |n|cr na|cria|.
16. Lnlei naleiiaIs and quanlilies.
17. Choose 8ac|.
18. Choose Ccpu.
19. Lnlei cuslonei puichase oidei nunlei.
2O. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Show Partner Determination
Customizing for Partner Authorized to ReIease
To denonsliale pailnei deleininalion cuslonizing foi pailneis aulhoiized
lo ieIease
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 439
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav pailnei deleininalion using nenu palh: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc and
Assign Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurcs Sa|cs dccuncn| ncadcr
2. Gc|c Prcccdurc assignncn|
3. Choose SaIes doc. lvpe WK1
4. Choose Iailnei pioceduies: KAB
5. Choose Iioceduie delaiIs
6. Shov pailnei pioceduie KAB conlains lolh funclions AA and AW
440 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Customize Partner Determination for Partner
Authorized to ReIease
1. DispIav pailnei deleininalion: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc and Assign Par|ncr
Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurcs Sa|cs dccuncn| ncadcr.
2. Gc|c Prcccdurc Assignncn|.
3. SeIecl SaIes doc. lvpe WK1.
4. Choose Par|ncr prcccdurcs.
5. SeIecl pioceduie lvpe KAB.
6. Choose Prcccdurc dc|ai|s. Iailnei pioceduie KAB conlains funclions
AA and AW.
Demonstration: To dispIay customizing for vaIue
contracts partners authorized to reIease
To denonsliale lhe sellings nade in cuslonizing foi vaIue conliacls
pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. DispIav saIes docunenl lvpe WK1 |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac| Main|ain
Va|uc Ccn|rac| Tupc And Ccn|rac| Rc|casc Tupc
2. Choose DelaiIs
3. In lhe Conliacl aiea, shov fieId Check pailnei aulhoiizalion: A
Chcck artncr authnrIzcd tn rc!casc In cnntract
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 441
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Customize VaIue Contract Partners Authorized to
1. DispIav saIes docunenl lvpe WK1: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac| Main|ain
Va|uc Ccn|rac| Tupc And Ccn|rac| Rc|casc Tupc.
2. Choose Dc|ai|s.
3. In lhe Ccn|rac| aiea, seIecl lhe Cncc| par|ncr au|ncriza|icn fieId.
442 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
349 Exercise 19: OutIine Agreements
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use oulIine agieenenls and configuie lheii specific sellings in
- LxpIain lhe concepl of pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease
Business ExampIe
OulIine agieenenls - such as quanlilv conliacls, vaIue conliacls, oi ienlaI
conliacls - pIav an inpoilanl ioIe in aInosl eveiv lianch of indusliv.
Long-lein agieenenls enalIe vou lo use foivaid pIanning and speciaI
piicing aiiangenenls.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned.
You have enleied inlo a vaIue conliacl vilh cuslonei T-562A##lhal is
vaIid foi six nonlhs. Cieale a conliacl and indicale lhe pailv aulhoiized lo
ieIease. The naleiiaIs lhal aie peinilled foi conliacl ieIeases viII le Iisled
in an assoilnenl noduIe. The cuslonei viII iefei lo ieIeases as oideis.
The svslen deleinines lhe peinilled pailneis and naleiiaIs foi ieIeases
fion lhe infoinalion sloied in lhe vaIue conliacl.
1. Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe foi vaIue conliacls. The svslen assigns
a nunlei lo lhe assoilnenl noduIe. You shouId lhen enlei lhe
desciiplion value contract module ##. The noduIe shouId le
vaIid unliI lhe end of nexl veai. Lisl lhe naleiiaIs T-ATB##, T-ATC##,
and T-ATD##.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 443
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
ModuIe nunlei:
2. When lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv deleinines ilen calegoiies, lhe ilen
calegoiv foi vaIue conliacls is deleinined lv lhe usage indicaloi
VCTR. Check, in Cuslonizing, vhich ilen calegoiv has leen found
foi saIes docunenl lvpe WK1 Va!uc cnntract - gcncra!.
Ilen calegoiv:
3. DispIav lhe ilen calegoiv and iecoid lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI.
VaIue conliacl naleiiaI
4. Cieale a vaIue conliacl foi cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-WK101 and lhe desciiplion Va!uc cnntract ##foi
2O,OOO LUR vilh a vaIidilv peiiod of 6 nonlhs. Assign voui lhe
assoilnenl noduIe ciealed in lhe pievious slep lo lhis conliacl.
5. Cieale a ieIease oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR11
lv iefeience lo lhe vaIue conliacl vou ciealed in Slep 4. The oidei is
foi 1 pc of T-ATB##and 1 pc of T-ATC##. The pailneis aulhoiized lo
ieIease aie SoId lo pailv T-562A##and Ship lo pailv T-562F##. Save
lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Docunenl nunlei
6. Cieale a second ieIease oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-OR12 lv iefeience lo lhe vaIue conliacl vou ciealed in Slep
4 foi 1O pieces of T-ATD##. The pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease aie
SoId lo pailv T-562E##and Ship lo pailv T-562F##. Whal nessage
did vou ieceive vhen allenpling lo save`
Whal nessage did vou ieceive vhen allenpling lo save`
Reduce lhe quanlilv lo one pc and save.
7. Deleinine lhe lolaI ieIeased vaIue foi lhe vaIue conliacl.
ReIease vaIue
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
444 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
8. Check in lhe docunenl fIov lo deleinine hov nanv ieIease oideis
exisl foi lhe conliacl.
TolaI ieIease oideis
9. Wheie do vou deleinine vhelhei lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI shouId
le liansfeiied lo lhe ieIease oidei oi nol`
1O. Which ilen calegoiv sellings do vou use lo conlioI vhal happens
vhen lhe laigel vaIue in lhe conliacl is exceeded`
Infoinalion aiea
Infoinalion aiea
11. Which pailnei deleininalion pioceduie has leen assigned lo lhe
vaIue conliacl`
Iailnei deleininalion pioceduie
12. Which pailnei funclions foi ieIeasing pailneis aie configuied in lhis
Iailnei funclion
Iailnei funclion
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 445
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
SoIution 19: OutIine Agreements
You have enleied inlo a vaIue conliacl vilh cuslonei T-562A##lhal is
vaIid foi six nonlhs. Cieale a conliacl and indicale lhe pailv aulhoiized lo
ieIease. The naleiiaIs lhal aie peinilled foi conliacl ieIeases viII le Iisled
in an assoilnenl noduIe. The cuslonei viII iefei lo ieIeases as oideis.
The svslen deleinines lhe peinilled pailneis and naleiiaIs foi ieIeases
fion lhe infoinalion sloied in lhe vaIue conliacl.
1. Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe foi vaIue conliacls. The svslen assigns
a nunlei lo lhe assoilnenl noduIe. You shouId lhen enlei lhe
desciiplion value contract module ##. The noduIe shouId le
vaIid unliI lhe end of nexl veai. Lisl lhe naleiiaIs T-ATB##, T-ATC##,
and T-ATD##.
ModuIe nunlei:
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Va|uc ccn|rac| - Asscr|ncn| ncdu|c Crca|c 8u||cn. ||cns
|n|cr i|cns Satc.
2. When lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv deleinines ilen calegoiies, lhe ilen
calegoiv foi vaIue conliacls is deleinined lv lhe usage indicaloi
VCTR. Check, in Cuslonizing, vhich ilen calegoiv has leen found
foi saIes docunenl lvpe WK1 Va!uc cnntract - gcncra!.
Ilen calegoiv:
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac| Assign ||cn Ca|cgcru Tc Va|uc
Ccn|rac| Tupc And Ccn|rac| Rc|casc Tupc
Ilen calegoiv: WKN
3. DispIav lhe ilen calegoiv and iecoid lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
446 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
VaIue conliacl naleiiaI
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac| Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics |cr Va|uc
Ccn|rac| And Ccn|rac| Rc|casc.
VaIue conliacl naleiiaI WKM1
4. Cieale a vaIue conliacl foi cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei
nunlei ##LO605-WK101 and lhe desciiplion Va!uc cnntract ##foi
2O,OOO LUR vilh a vaIidilv peiiod of 6 nonlhs. Assign voui lhe
assoilnenl noduIe ciealed in lhe pievious slep lo lhis conliacl.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Crca|c.
Conliacl lvpe: WK1
SoId-lo pailv: T-S62A##
l) Gc|c Hcadcr Par|ncr.
Add AA Conliacl ieI. oidei (Aulhoiized lo ieIease SoId-lo):
T-S62E## and AW Conliacl ieI. oidei (Aulhoiized lo ieIease
Ship-lo): T-S62F##.
c) SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
VaIid fion: Today
VaIid lo: 6 months from today
Taigel vaIue: 20,000 LUR
Assoilnenl noduIe: <use module from Step 1>
5. Cieale a ieIease oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-OR11
lv iefeience lo lhe vaIue conliacl vou ciealed in Slep 4. The oidei is
foi 1 pc of T-ATB##and 1 pc of T-ATC##. The pailneis aulhoiized lo
ieIease aie SoId lo pailv T-562A##and Ship lo pailv T-562F##. Save
lhe docunenl and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 447
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Docunenl nunlei
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Oidei lvpe: OR
l) Crca|c ui|n rcfcrcncc Ccn|rac| |ao.
c) SeIecl Sc|cc|icn |is| .
d) SeIecl lhe ieIeasing soId-lo pailv and ship-lo pailv in lhe diaIog.
ReIeasing SoId-lo pailv: T-S62A##
ReIeasing Ship-lo pailv: T-S62F##
e) SeIecl |xpand asscr|ncn| ncdu|c.
f) SeIecl lhe naleiiaIs and enlei lhe quanlilies.
MaleiiaI: T-ATB## (1 pcs)
MaleiiaI: T-ATC## (1 pcs)
g) SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov.
h) Choose Ccpu.
Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei foi lhe ieIease oidei.
i) Choose Satc. A docunenl nunlei viII le geneialed.
6. Cieale a second ieIease oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-OR12 lv iefeience lo lhe vaIue conliacl vou ciealed in Slep
4 foi 1O pieces of T-ATD##. The pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease aie
SoId lo pailv T-562E##and Ship lo pailv T-562F##. Whal nessage
did vou ieceive vhen allenpling lo save`
Whal nessage did vou ieceive vhen allenpling lo save`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
448 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Reduce lhe quanlilv lo one pc and save.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Oidei lvpe: OR
ReIeasing SoId-lo pailv: T-S62E##
ReIeasing Ship-lo pailv: T-S62F##
MaleiiaI: T-ATD## (1O pcs)
Whal nessage did vou ieceive vhen allenpling lo save`
The target value of the contract has been
c) SeIecl |di|.
Reduce lhe quanlilv lo one pc and save.
7. Deleinine lhe lolaI ieIeased vaIue foi lhe vaIue conliacl.
ReIease vaIue
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ccn|rac| Disp|au.
l) ReIeased vaIue: 5,185.40 EUR
8. Check in lhe docunenl fIov lo deleinine hov nanv ieIease oideis
exisl foi lhe conliacl.
TolaI ieIease oideis
a) |ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
l) TolaI: 2
9. Wheie do vou deleinine vhelhei lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI shouId
le liansfeiied lo lhe ieIease oidei oi nol`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 449
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
a) At Itcm !cvc! In cnvIng cnntrn!: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Ccn|rac|s Va|uc Ccn|rac|
Ccpuing Ccn|rc| fcr Va|uc Ccn|rac|.
l) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
Taigel: OR
Souice: WK1
Dia|cg S|ruc|urc ||cn.
You deleinine vhelhei lhe vaIue conliacl naleiiaI vouId le
liansfeiied in lhe Ccn|. i|cn ccpu ncdc fieId.
1O. Which ilen calegoiv sellings do vou use lo conlioI vhal happens
vhen lhe laigel vaIue in lhe conliacl is exceeded`
Infoinalion aiea
Infoinalion aiea
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Ccn|rac| Va|uc ccn|rac| Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics |cr Va|uc
Ccn|rac| And Ccn|rac| Rc|casc.
l) SeIecl Pcsi|icn and enlei WKN.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Infoinalion aiea: BusIncss data
IieId: Cnm!ctInn ru!c
Infoinalion aiea: Va!uc cnntract
IieId: Cnntract rc!casc cnntrn!
11. Which pailnei deleininalion pioceduie has leen assigned lo lhe
vaIue conliacl`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
450 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: VaIue Contracts and Partners Authorized to ReIease
Iailnei deleininalion pioceduie
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Par|ncr
Dc|crnina|icn Sc| up Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Sc| up Par|ncr
Dc|crnina|icn fcr Sa|cs Dccuncn| Hcadcr.
l) SeIecl lhe appiopiiale pailnei pioceduie.
c) Choose Par|ncr Dc|crnina|icn Prcccdurc Assignncn|.
d) SeIecl saIes docunenl lvpe WK1.
e) Iailnei deleininalion pioceduie: KAB
12. Which pailnei funclions foi ieIeasing pailneis aie configuied in lhis
Iailnei funclion
Iailnei funclion
a) SeIecl lhe 8ac| aiiov..
l) SeIecl lhe appiopiiale pioceduie.
Choose Par|ncr |unc|icns in Prcccdurc.
Iailnei funclion: AA (5P Cnntract rc!. nrd.)
Iailnei funclion: AW (5H Cnntract rc!. nrd.)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 451
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe and use il in a vaIue conliacl
- Desciile lhe funclions and cuslonizing of a vaIue conliacl
- Use nuIlipIe pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
- Desciile lhe Cuslonizing of pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
452 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use diffeienl lvpes of oulIine agieenenls, incIuding scheduIing
agieenenls, quanlilv conliacls, vaIue conliacls, and ienlaI conliacls
- Desciile lhe funclions of, and cuslonizing iequiied foi, oulIine
- Cieale an assoilnenl noduIe and use il in a vaIue conliacl
- Desciile lhe funclions and cuslonizing of a vaIue conliacl
- Use nuIlipIe pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
- Desciile lhe Cuslonizing of pailneis lo ieIease againsl conliacls
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding oulIine agieenenls, vaIue conliacls,
and pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 453
Unit Summary SCM605
454 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. The lvo nain oulIine agieenenls aie
scheduIing agieenenls scheduIing agieenenls and
conliacls conliacls.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
2. Which of lhe foIIoving aie lvpes of conliacls`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A RenlaI
Seivice and nainlenance
C Ouanlilv
D VaIue
L ScheduIing agieenenl vilh deIiveiv scheduIe
3. The scheduIing agieenenl conlains fixed quanlilies lul no deIiveiv
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
4. The cuslonei fuIfiIIs lhe quanlilv conliacl vilh
individuaI ieIease oideis individuaI ieIease oideis.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
5. SAI R/3 can le cuslonized lv saIes docunenl lvpe lo aulonalicaIIv
seaich foi anv open oulIine agieenenls vhen a ieIease oidei is
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
6. AddilionaI fieIds lhal hoId conliacl infoinalion in a saIes docunenl
lvpe aie caIIed conliacl dala conliacl dala.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 455
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
7. Which of lhe foIIoving aie exanpIes of sellings found in conliacl
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A RuIes foi deleinining slail and end of conliacl
VaIidilv peiiod calegoiv
C Sulsequenl aclivilies
D CanceIIalion pioceduie
8. An assoilnenl noduIe is a Iisl of pioducls eIigilIe foi a vaIue conliacl.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
9. Which of lhe foIIoving aie vavs lhal naleiiaIs can le ieIeased foi a
vaIue conliacl in SAI R/3`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Iioducl hieiaichv node
Assoilnenl noduIe
C Diiecl naleiiaI enliv
1O. A va!uc cnntract matcrIa! is diieclIv enleied inlo lhe vaIue conliacl
docunenl lv lhe aulhoi.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
11. Which of lhe foIIoving aie pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease in a vaIue
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A AA SI Conliacl ieI. oid.
CI Conlacl Ieisons
C AW SH Conliacl ieI. oid.
D LR LnpIovee ResponsilIe
12. The Cncc| par|ncr au|ncriza|icn fieId in lhe vaIue conliacl docunenl
lvpe deleinines if and hov lhe svslen viII accepl a pailnei as
aulhoiized lo ieIease.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
456 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
1. The lvo nain oulIine agieenenls aie scheduIing agieenenls and
Answcr: scheduIing agieenenls, conliacls
ScheduIing agieenenls and conliacls aie lhe lvo nain lvpes of
oulIine agieenenls.
2. Which of lhe foIIoving aie lvpes of conliacls`
Answcr: A, , C, D
ScheduIing agieenenl vilh deIiveiv scheduIe is a speciaI lvpe of
scheduIing agieenenl used in lhe aulonolive indusliv.
3. The scheduIing agieenenl conlains fixed quanlilies lul no deIiveiv
Answcr: IaIse
The scheduIing agieenenl conlains lolh fixed quanlilies and deIiveiv
4. The cuslonei fuIfiIIs lhe quanlilv conliacl vilh individuaI ieIease
Answcr: individuaI ieIease oideis
Ouanlilv conliacls conlain laigel quanlilies, lul no specific deIiveiv
5. SAI R/3 can le cuslonized lv saIes docunenl lvpe lo aulonalicaIIv
seaich foi anv open oulIine agieenenls vhen a ieIease oidei is
Answcr: Tiue
You can choose seveiaI oplions foi lhe seaich and decide hov lhe
svslen shouId iespond if lhe seaich is successfuI.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 457
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
6. AddilionaI fieIds lhal hoId conliacl infoinalion in a saIes docunenl
lvpe aie caIIed conliacl dala.
Answcr: conliacl dala
These fieIds aie found in a sepaiale headei lal if conliacl dala has
leen aclivaled foi lhe saIes docunenl lvpe.
7. Which of lhe foIIoving aie exanpIes of sellings found in conliacl
Answcr: A, , C, D
AII of lhe alove aie found in conliacl piofiIes.
8. An assoilnenl noduIe is a Iisl of pioducls eIigilIe foi a vaIue conliacl.
Answcr: Tiue
In lhe slandaid svslen, an assoilnenl noduIe is one vav of Iisling
naleiiaIs lhal can le ieIeased in a vaIue conliacl.
9. Which of lhe foIIoving aie vavs lhal naleiiaIs can le ieIeased foi a
vaIue conliacl in SAI R/3`
Answcr: A, , C
Wilhoul lhe use of an assoilnenl noduIe and/oi pioducl hieiaichv
node, aII pioducls aie eIigilIe lo le ieIeased. Iioducl hieiaichv nodes
and assoilnenl noduIes can le used logelhei. This is one vav lo
gel nechanicaI punps (foi exanpIe, pioducl hieiaichv node) and
soflvaie (assoilnenl noduIe) logelhei in lhe sane vaIue conliacl.
1O. A va!uc cnntract matcrIa! is diieclIv enleied inlo lhe vaIue conliacl
docunenl lv lhe aulhoi.
Answcr: IaIse
The vaIue conliacl naleiiaI is nainlained in lhe ilen calegoiv foi
defauIl inlo lhe vaIue conliacl.
11. Which of lhe foIIoving aie pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease in a vaIue
Answcr: A, C
Iailnei funclions AA and AW aie lhe pailnei funclions used foi
pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease.
458 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
12. The Cncc| par|ncr au|ncriza|icn fieId in lhe vaIue conliacl docunenl
lvpe deleinines if and hov lhe svslen viII accepl a pailnei as
aulhoiized lo ieIease.
Answcr: Tiue
If lheie aie seveiaI pailneis aulhoiized lo ieIease againsl a conliacl,
vou can choose lhe ieIevanl pailnei fion a Iisl vhen lhe ieIease oidei
is ciealed.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 459
Unit 11: OutIine Agreements SCM605
460 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 12
367 MateriaI Determination
This unil Iooks al funclions lhal have fai-ieaching effecls in SaIes. AII foui
of lhese funclions oi looIs use lhe condilion lechnique. This is lhe fiisl line
lhal lhe condilion lechnique has leen nenlioned, eilhei in lhis couise oi in
lhe cuiiicuIun in geneiaI. You shouId Iinil voui desciiplion of il lo a lasic
inlioduclion as noie delaiIs aloul lhe condilion lechnique aie piovided in
LO62O Iiicing, and LO65O Cioss IunclionaI Cuslonizing in SD.
Unit Overview
This unil coveis naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion. Using
lhe condilion lechnique, SAI R/3 can le cuslonized lo seIecl sulslilule
pioducls in pIace of oideied pioducls lased on ceilain ciileiia. In aZdilion,
cusloneis can le excIuded fion puichasing ceilain pioducls even vhen
lhev aie enleied on a saIes oidei.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe funclions foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, as
veII as naleiiaI Iisling and naleiiaI excIusion
- Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal lhese funclions neel voui needs
- Cieale a naslei deleininalion iecoid
- AnaIvze lhe sellings foi lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
Unit Contents
Lesson: Material Determination, Listings, and Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .463
Demonstration: Create a Material Determination Master Record. . . .469
Procedure: Create a Material Determination Master Record. . . . . . . . .471
Demonstration: Manual Product Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 461
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Demonstration: Manual Product Selection without Specific Material
Entered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472
Demonstration: Show Customizing for Material Determination
Condition Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477
Procedure: Show Customizing for Material Determination Condition
Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478
Demonstration: Create Master Record for Material Listing . . . . . . . . . . .481
Procedure: Create Master Record for Material Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .482
Demonstration: Create Master Record for Material Exclusion . . . . . . .482
Procedure: Create Master Record for Material Exclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . .484
Exercise 20: Material Determination and Product Selection and
Material Listing and Material Exclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485
462 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
MateriaI Determination, Listings, and
Lesson Duialion: 6O ninules
Lesson Overview
This Iesson coveis naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion. Using
lhe condilion lechnique, SAI R/3 can le cuslonized lo seIecl sulslilule
pioducls in pIace of oideied pioducls lased on ceilain ciileiia. In addilion,
cusloneis can le excIuded fion puichasing ceilain pioducls even vhen
lhev aie enleied on a saIes oidei.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe funclions foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, as
veII as naleiiaI Iisling and naleiiaI excIusion
- Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal lhese funclions neel voui needs
- Cieale a naslei deleininalion iecoid
- AnaIvze lhe sellings foi lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
Read lhe chaplei oljeclives and discuss lhe lopic using a conlinalion of
denonslialions and lusiness exanpIes.
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv offeis a vide iange of pioducls. Ioi vaiious ieasons, vou
vanl lo ieguIaiIv iepIace sone pioducls vilh olheis duiing lhe saIes
In addilion, vou vanl lo Iinil lhe pioducl iange avaiIalIe lo ceilain
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 463
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
MateriaI Determination and Product SeIection
MaleiiaI deleininalion aIIovs vou lo enlei one pioducl on a saIes
docunenl, lhen lased on iuIes (nainlained using lhe condilion lechnique)
have lhal pioducl aulonalicaIIv sulsliluled foi anolhei. Hov lhe svslen
ieacls (foi exanpIe vhelhei lhe sulslilulion is nandaloiv oi oplionaI),
hov lhe iesuIls aie dispIaved and so on aie conlioIIed in Cuslonizing.
MaleiiaI deleininalion enalIes lhe aulonalic sulslilulion of naleiiaIs
in saIes docunenls duiing saIes oidei piocessing. Ioi exanpIe, duiing
lhe couise of a saIes pionolion, lhe svslen can, duiing saIes oidei enliv,
aulonalicaIIv sulslilule a naleiiaI lhal has pionolionaI packaging. A
consunei pioducl nav have a speciaI viappei foi lhe Chiislnas season,
foi exanpIe. Using naleiiaI deleininalion, lhe svslen sulslilules lhe
naleiiaI onIv duiing lhe specified peiiod.
Figure 90: Determining MateriaIs
MaleiiaI deleininalion is a looI foi aulonalicaIIv exchanging naleiiaIs in
lhe saIes docunenl.
The cnndItInn tcchnIquc piovides giealei fIexiliIilv in naleiiaI
deleininalion. When vou piocess a docunenl, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv
seaiches foi vaIid naslei iecoids lhal veie pieviousIv ciealed in naleiiaI
You can assign a sulslilulion ieason lo eveiv naslei iecoid in naleiiaI
deleininalion, lo define hov lhe naleiiaI shouId le deleinined. You
define lhe sulslilulion iuIes in Cuslonizing. LxanpIes in lhe slandaid
svslen incIude:
- Sulslilulion ieason OOO2: Cuslonized naleiiaI
- Sulslilulion ieason OOO3: LAN nunlei
464 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
An LAN (InleinalionaI AilicIe Nunlei) is lhe Luiopean equivaIenl lo lhe
UIC (UniveisaI Iioducl Code) used in lhe Uniled Slales.
You do nol need a naleiiaI naslei iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI nunlei lhal
vou aie iepIacing.
Duiing oidei enliv, lhe naleiiaI oideied lv lhe cuslonei is iepIaced lv lhe
sulslilule defined in lhe naslei iecoid. The svslen conlinues piocessing
vilh lhe sulslilule. The svslen viII aIso liack lhe oiiginaI naleiiaI.
Figure 91: SeIecting Products ManuaIIy
In sone seclois of indusliv, lhe sane pioducls aie soId in diffeienl
packaging naleiiaIs (foi exanpIe, packaging foi slandaid and pionolion
ailicIes). MaleiiaI naslei iecoids exisl in lhe svslen foi nanaging lhese
slocks. When vou enlei an oidei, vou can use diffeienl naleiiaI nunleis
foi lhe sane pioducl.
SAI has exlended lhe funclions in nanuaI and aulonalic pioducl seIeclion
so lhal naleiiaI deleininalion can suppoil lhis lusiness piaclice:
Reason foi sulslilulion OOO5: ManuaI pioduclion seIeclion (Iisl of defauIl
vaIues) and
Reason foi sulslilulion OOO4/OOO6: Aulonalic pioducl seIeclion
(depending on avaiIaliIilv in oidei and deIiveiv)
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 465
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
The sulslilulion ieason conlioIs hov lhe svslen peifoins pioducl
seIeclion. Wilh lhis ieason, vou can specifv, foi exanpIe:
- Whal pioducls shouId le piinled in docunenls
- Whelhei lhe seIecled pioducls shouId le ieevaIualed vhen lhe
docunenl is iefeienced
- Whelhei lhe seIecled pioducls shouId le copied diieclIv fion lhe
souice docunenl
In nanuaI pioduclion seIeclion (ieason foi sulslilulion OOO5), lhe svslen
does nol aulonalicaIIv iepIace lhe pioducl. Inslead, il dispIavs a Iisl of aII
of lhe sulslilulion naleiiaIs and olhei infoinalion in lhe naslei iecoid.
You can lhen seIecl lhe iequiied naleiiaI fion lhis Iisl.
To sinpIifv seIeclion, lhe svslen dispIavs lhe naleiiaI quanlilies lhal can
le confiined on lhe cusloneis iequesled deIiveiv dale. If a naleiiaI
cannol le fuIIv confiined foi lhe iequesled deIiveiv dale, lhe svslen
dispIavs lhe dale on vhich lhe naleiiaI can le conpIeleIv deIiveied.
Figure 92: Master Data
You can nainlain lhe naslei iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe
naslei dala nenu foi saIes and disliilulion, undei Prcduc|s.
You can use lhe condilion lechnique lo define lhe naslei dala foi naleiiaI
deleininalion al anv IeveI. Ioi exanpIe, vou can cieale dala iecoids
using lhe naleiiaI nunlei oi a conlinalion of lhe naleiiaI and cuslonei
When vou piocess naslei iecoids, vou can:
466 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
- Resliicl lhe vaIidilv peiiod of a iecoid
- Mainlain sepaiale enliies foi each kev conlinalion
- Deleinine ieasons foi sulslilulion
- Save one oi noie sulslilules pei naslei iecoid
Nntc: If lheie is noie lhan one naleiiaI defined in lhe naslei
iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, lhe
sequence in vhich lhe naleiiaIs appeai defines lheii piioiilv.
In lhe slandaid oidei piocessing cvcIe, a cuslonei iequesls a specific
pioducl, and il is shipped. In ieaIilv, hovevei, lheie aie silualions vheie
vou vanl lo sulslilule lhe pioducl oideied vilh an aIleinalive, such as a
pioducl lhal is iepackaged foi a hoIidav, oi a fiee sanpIe oi coupon.
Wilh lhe pioducl seIeclion funclions in SAI R/3, vou can easiIv nanage
pioducl sulslilulion. ased on voui piioiilies foi lhe cuslonei accounl
and iesliiclions inposed lv lhe cuslonei, vou can ship a pionolionaI ilen
vhen lhe cuslonei iequesls a slandaid one.
Figure 93: Automatic Product SeIection
In aulonalic pioducl seIeclion (ieasons foi sulslilulion OOO4 and OOO6), lhe
svslen aulonalicaIIv iepIaces lhe iequesled naleiiaI if il is unavaiIalIe.
If aulonalic pioducl seIeclion is leing used, lhe svslen nav dispIav
(lased on Cuslonizing) lhe enleied and sulsliluled naleiiaI as nain
ilens and sul-ilens in lhe saIes oidei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 467
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
When vou enlei an oidei, lhe svslen liies lo fiII lhe quanlilv of lhe oidei
vilh lhe fiisl naleiiaI in lhe naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid. If lheie
is nol enough of lhis naleiiaI, il fiIIs lhe ienaining quanlilv vilh lhe nexl
You can choose vhelhei oi nol vou vanl lo ieiun naleiiaI deleininalion
vhen lhe deIiveiv is ciealed. If naleiiaI deleininalion is ieiun, lhe iesuIl
of lhe sulslilulion nav change due lo lhe nev avaiIaliIilv silualion.
You can use lhe pioducl alliilules in lhe naleiiaI and cuslonei naslei
iecoids lo excIude a pailicuIai naleiiaI fion pioducl seIeclion. This
neans, foi exanpIe, lhal naleiiaIs lhal have leen iejecled in lhe
cuslonei naslei viII nol le incIuded lv lhe svslen vhen il deleinines a
sulslilulion naleiiaI.
Depending on voui sellings in Cuslonizing, lhe svslen caiiies oul a nev
pioducl seIeclion in lhe deIiveiv. This funclion aIIovs vou lo iecheck lhe
avaiIalIe quanlilv of lhe sulslilules and nake lhe adjuslnenls necessaiv
lo ship lhe Iaigesl quanlilv of piefeiied naleiiaIs lo lhe cuslonei.
When vou cieale a deIiveiv foi an oidei conlaining a pioducl lhal is on
sulslilulion, lhe svslen checks: The sulslilulion ieasons assigned lo
lhe aIleinalive pioducls If vou have specified oulcone A, lhe svslen
caiiies oul a nev pioducl seIeclion in lhe deIiveiv. If vou have specified
oulcone , sul-ilens aie copied unchanged inlo lhe deIiveiv fion lhe
oidei. Ioi zeio quanlilies, if lhe cuslonei has iejecled a pioducl, oi lheie
is no avaiIalIe invenloiv foi a sulslilule, lhe sul-ilens conlain a zeio
quanlilv. The svslen deleinines vhelhei lhese ilens shouId le incIuded
in lhe deIiveiv fion lhe deIiveiv ilen calegoiv. The nain and sul-ilen
calegoiies lo caIcuIale veighl al lhe appiopiiale IeveI. Nole lhal if lhe
nain ilen is veighl/voIune ieIevanl, vou nusl cieale a nev VOIM copv
iouline lo copv lhis vaIue fion lhe oidei.
The pailiaI confiinalion of pioducl seIeclion aIIovs vou lo deaI vilh
shoilfaII cases (in vhich onIv lhe avaiIalIe quanlilv is confiined, and
il is Iess lhan lhe oidei quanlilv) lv passing lhe shoilfaII quanlilv on lo
naleiiaIs pIanning. In lhis case, an addilionaI sul-ilen is geneialed vilh a
specificaIIv defined naleiiaI.
468 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Figure 94: Automatic Product SeIection - Master Data
The sequence of lhe sulslilulion naleiiaIs in lhe naslei dala infIuences
lhe iesuIl of lhe aulonalic pioducl seIeclion in lhe oidei.
If vou vanl lhe naleiiaI lhal is fiisl enleied in lhe oidei lo le incIuded in
lhe sulslilulion, vou nusl enlei il in lhe sulslilulions Iisl.
Casc A: The oiiginaI naleiiaI is in lhe fiisl pIace in lhe Iisl, and ils avaiIalIe
slock is incIuded in lhe sulslilulion. The svslen iefeis lo lhe avaiIalIe
slock foi lhe nexl naleiiaI in lhe naslei iecoid.
Casc B: Iiisl, lhe svslen uses up lhe avaiIalIe slock foi lhe naleiiaIs lhal
appeai in lhe naslei iecoid. OnIv vhen lhese slocks have leen used up
does il incIude lhal naleiiaI in lhe sulslilulion.
You can aclivale an anaIvsis of lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
docunenl. The svslen viII dispIav delaiIed infoinalion on hov lhe
naleiiaIs veie deleinined.
Demonstration: Create a MateriaI Determination
Master Record
To denonsliale lhe effecls on lhe saIes oidei enliv piocess aflei ciealing
a naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid vhich lhe svslen viII use lo
aulonalicaIIv sulslilule lhe naleiiaI enleied vilh lhe one in lhe naslei
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 469
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale a naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn
2. Lnlei MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe: A001
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei MaleiiaI enleied: M-13
5. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-15
6. Choose Save
7. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) vilh puichase oidei nunlei,
MaleiiaI deleininalion 1, foi cuslonei 2OO6 oideiing 1O unils of M-13.
8. Shov lhal lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv sulslilules M-13 vilh lhe one in
lhe naleiiaI iecoid M-15.
9. Shov naleiiaI enleied in lhe ilen: Gc|c ||cn dc|ai|s Sa|cs A
470 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Create a MateriaI Determination Master Record
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria|
dc|crnina|icn Crca|c.
2. Lnlei naleiiaI deleininalion lvpe A001
3. Choose |n|cr.
4. Lnlei M||.|n|crcd.
5. Lnlei lhe sulslilule naleiiaI in lhe Ma|cria| fieId.
6. Lnlei ieason foi sulslilulion.
7. If addilionaI choices aie iequiied, seIecl lhe ilen and choose
A||crna|itc na|cria|s.
8. Lnlei addilionaI naleiiaIs.
9. Choose Satc.
1O. Tesl lv ciealing a saIes oidei vilh lhe naleiiaI enleied.
Demonstration: ManuaI Product SeIection
To denonsliale hov lhe svslen can le cuslonized foi nanuaI pioducl
seIeclion duiing saIes oidei enliv and dispIav of enleied naleiiaI on lhe
oidei confiinalion
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Change lhe pieciousIv ciealed naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid:
|cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria|
dc|crnina|icn Cnangc
2. Lnlei MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe: A001
3. Choose Lnlei
4. SeIecl MaleiiaI enleied: M-13
5. Choose AIleinalive naleiiaIs
6. Lnlei naleiiaIs: M-16 and M-17
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 471
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
7. Lnlei Reason foi sulslilulion: 0005 PrnmntInn
8. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) vilh puichase oidei nunlei,
MaleiiaI deleininalion 2, foi cuslonei 2OO6 oideiing 1O unils of M-13
9. Choose naleiiaI M-17 fion lhe seIeclion Iisl
1O. Shov svslen dispIavs lhe substItutInn naleiiaI lv dispIaving lhe
oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen |x|ras Ou|pu| Hcadcr Prin|
11. Change cuslonizing foi sulslilulion ieason |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc
Suos|i|u|icn Rcascns
12. Choose ack
13. Choose ieason foi sulslilulion: 0005 PrnmntInn
14. Check |n|ru lox
15. v ie-dispIaving lhe oidei confiinalion, shov lhal lhe svslen nov
dispIavs lhe enleied naleiiaI aIong vilh lhe sulslilulion naleiiaI.
Demonstration: ManuaI Product SeIection without
Specific MateriaI Entered
To denonsliale hov lhe svslen can le cuslonized foi nanuaI pioducl
seIeclion duiing saIes oidei enliv vheie no specific naleiiaI is enleied
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned
Uscr ID: As assigned
Passwnrd: As assigned
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned
1. Cieale naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn
2. Lnlei MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe: A001
3. Choose Lnlei
4. Lnlei MaleiiaI enleied: MnnItnr
5. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-15
472 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
6. Choose AIleinalive naleiiaIs
7. Lnlei naleiiaIs: M-16 and M-17
8. Lnlei Reason foi sulslilulion: 0005 PrnmntInn
9. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) vilh puichase oidei nunlei,
MaleiiaI deleininalion 3, foi cuslonei 2OO6 oideiing 1O unils of
1O. Choose naleiiaI M-17 fion lhe seIeclion Iisl
MateriaI Determination Condition Technique
Iioducl seIeclion uses lhe condilion lechnique lo deleinine sulslilules
foi a naleiiaI enleied in lhe oidei. e suie lo ieviev lhe fieId calaIog,
condilion lalIes, access sequences, and condilion lvpes in lhe slandaid
svslen lo deleinine if lhev fil voui conpanvs veision of pioducl
seIeclion. If nol, vou can nodifv lhe fieId calaIog and cieale condilion
lalIes, access sequences, and condilion lvpes lhal neel voui iequiienenls.
The svslen uses lhe docunenl lvpe lo decide vhich saIes docunenl dala
lo use foi deleinining sulslilule pioducls. The Iink lelveen pioceduie
and docunenl lvpe diiecls lhe svslen lo lhe seIeclion iecoids lhal aie
piocessed duiing oidei enliv. v naking lhis assignnenl, vou aie
essenliaIIv "luining on" sulslilulion foi specific docunenl lvpes. If vou
do nol nake an assignnenl, lhe svslen does nol check foi sulslilules,
even if lhe iecoids exisl.
Use lhe sIides and fIip chail lo piesenl lhe piincipIe condilion lechnique
pioceduie and expIain il vilh exanpIes fion naleiiaI deleininalion
(pioceduie AOOOO1, condilion lvpe AOO1, ...). Decide hov delaiIed voui
expIanalions shouId le depending on hov nuch line vou have.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 473
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Figure 95: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (1)
Sulslilulion pioceduies conlain condilion lvpes, vhich diiecl lhe svslen
lo lhe access sequence, and evenluaI condilion lalIe, conlaining lhe
condilion iecoids used lo deleinine pioducl sulslilules
Figure 96: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (2)
Lach condilion lvpe is assigned uniqueIv lo one access sequence.
474 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Figure 97: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (3)
The svslen uses lhe access sequence lo seaich foi vaIid condilion iecoids
vilhin lhe condilion lalIes.
Figure 98: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (4)
The condilion lalIe seives as a sloiage aiea vheie delaiIed condilion
iecoids on pioducl sulslilulion nappings aie sloied.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 475
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Figure 99: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (5)
The condilion iecoid specifies vhich naleiiaIs aie lo le used as sulslilules
foi lhe naleiiaI enleied on lhe saIes oidei.
Figure 100: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique (6)
476 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Demonstration: Show Customizing for MateriaI
Determination Condition Technique
To shov Cuslonizing foi MaleiiaI Deleininalion Condilion Technique
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Shov lhe assignnenl of naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie A00001
lo slandaid saIes docunenl lvpe OR: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Assign Prcccdurcs |c
Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs
2. Shov lhe naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie A00001: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain
Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain prcccdurc
3. Shov lhe condilion lvpe A001 and lhe access sequence assigned
lo il: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Dcfinc ccndi|icn |upcs
4. Shov lhe access sequence A001: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr
Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain acccss scuucnccs
5. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) foi cuslonei 2006 vilh puichase
oidei nunlei MatcrIa! dctcrmInatInn 4
6. efoie enleiing anv pioducl, aclivale lhe naleiiaI deleininalion
anaIvsis: |ntircnncn| Ana|usis Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn On
7. Lnlei MaleiiaI: MnnItnr 1O unils
8. Choose M-17
9. LxpIain lhal lhe anaIvsis shovs lhe iesuIls of lhe svslens execulion
of lhe condilion lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion. v seIecling
lhe foIdeis foi condilion lvpes and access sequences in lhe Iefl fiane
of lhe anaIvsis, vou can shov vhal lhe svslen seIecled. v seIecling
ilens in lhe iighl fiane of lhe anaIvsis, vou can shov lhe paianeleis
lhe svslen used lo seIecl a iecoid.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 477
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Show Customizing for MateriaI Determination
Condition Technique
1. Shov lhe assignnenl of naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie A00001
lo slandaid saIes docunenl lvpe OR: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Assign Prcccdurcs |c
Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
2. Shov lhe naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie A00001: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain
Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain prcccdurc.
3. Shov lhe condilion lvpe A001 and lhe access sequence assigned
lo il: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Dcfinc ccndi|icn |upcs.
4. Shov lhe access sequence A001: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr
Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain acccss scuucnccs.
5. Shov lhe access sequence A001: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr
Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain acccss scuucnccs.
6. Cieale a slandaid saIes oidei foi a cuslonei.
7. efoie enleiing anv pioducl, aclivale lhe naleiiaI deleininalion
anaIvsis: |ntircnncn| Ana|usis Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn On.
8. Lnlei naleiiaI and quanlilv.
9. Choose an appiopiiale sulslilule naleiiaI.
Nntc: The anaIvsis shovs lhe iesuIls of lhe execulion of lhe
condilion lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion. v seIecling lhe
foIdeis foi condilion lvpes and access sequences in lhe Iefl-hand
fiane of lhe anaIvsis, vou can see vhal lhe svslen seIecled. v
seIecling ilens in lhe iighl-hand fiane of lhe anaIvsis, vou can see
lhe paianeleis used lo seIecl a iecoid.
MateriaI Listings and ExcIusions
MaleiiaI Iisling and excIusion Iels vou conlioI lhe naleiiaIs lhal specific
cusloneis nav oi nav nol luv. Ioi exanpIe, if vou cieale a naleiiaI
Iisling foi a specific cuslonei, lhe cuslonei can onIv oidei pioducls fion
lhal Iisl. You can aIso cieale a naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI excIusion foi a
pailicuIai cuslonei.
478 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Figure 101: MateriaI Listing
In lhe pievious figuie, vou vanl lo nake suie lhal voui cuslonei onIv
ieceives sccIfIc naleiiaIs. You enlei lhese naleiiaIs as a naleiiaI Iisling.
The naleiiaI Iisling is conlioIIed lv lhe condilion lechnique.
In lhe pievious exanpIe, naslei iecoids have leen ciealed vilh a kev foi
lhe cuslonei and naleiiaI nunleis. This kev is deIiveied in lhe slandaid
svslen. The access sequence foi lhe condilion lvpe guaianlees lhal lhe
svslen seaiches foi vaIid naslei iecoids foi lolh lhe soId-lo pailv and
lhe pavei.
If lhe soId-lo pailv is diffeienl lhan lhe pavei in lhe saIes oidei and if
lolh pailneis have naslei iecoids, lhe svslen fiisl seaiches foi lhe soId-lo
pailvs naslei iecoid. If il finds a vaIid naslei iecoid, il slops seaiching
even if lhe naleiiaI vou have enleied is nol Iisled. Anv iecoids Iisled foi
lhe pavei aie nol laken inlo accounl. Il lhe fiisl seaich is unsuccessfuI, lhe
svslen seaiches foi lhe paveis naslei iecoid.
You can aIso define voui ovn kevs, such as cuslonei gioup/naleiiaI oi
cuslonei/pioducl hieiaichv.
In lhe saIes docunenl lvpe, vou can define vhelhei lhe svslen checks
lhe naleiiaI Iisling oi nol.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 479
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Figure 102: MateriaI ExcIusion
In lhe pievious figuie, vou vanl lo ensuie lhal lhe cuslonei does NOT
ieceive ceilain naleiiaIs. You enlei lhese naleiiaIs as a naleiiaI excIusion.
The naleiiaI excIusion is aIso conlioIIed vilh lhe condilion lechnique.
In lhe pievious exanpIe, naslei iecoids have leen ciealed vilh a kev foi
lhe cuslonei and naleiiaI nunleis. This kev is deIiveied in lhe slandaid
svslen. The access sequence foi lhe condilion lvpe guaianlees lhal lhe
svslen seaiches foi vaIid naslei iecoids lolh foi lhe soId-lo pailv and
lhe pavei.
If lheie is a naleiiaI excIusion, lhe access sequence is diffeienl lhan foi
naleiiaI Iislings. If lhe soId-lo pailv is diffeienl lhan lhe pavei in lhe saIes
oidei and if lolh pailneis have naslei iecoids, lhe svslen fiisl seaiches foi
lhe soId-lo pailvs naslei iecoid. If lhe svslen finds a vaIid naslei iecoid,
lhe iefeience lo lhe naleiiaI is pievenled and lhe svslen slops seaiching. Il
does nol check lhe paveis naslei iecoid. Il lhe fiisl seaich is unsuccessfuI,
lhe svslen seaiches foi lhe paveis naslei iecoid. If lhe svslen finds a
vaIid naslei iecoid, lhe iefeience lo lhe naleiiaI is pievenled.
You can define vhelhei lhe svslen checks lhe naleiiaI excIusion in lhe
saIes docunenl lvpe.
480 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Demonstration: Create Master Record for MateriaI
To denonsliale lhe effecl on saIes oidei enliv aflei ciealing a naslei
iecoid foi naleiiaI Iisling
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI Iisling |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s |is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c
2. Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe: A001
3. Choose kev conlinalion: Custnmcr and MatcrIa!
4. Choose Lnlei
5. Lnlei naleiiaIs M-15, M-16 and M-17
6. Choose Save
7. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) foi cuslonei 2007 vilh puichase
oidei nunlei MatcrIa! !IstIng foi 1O unils of M-15
8. Ioinl oul lhal lhe svslen does nol issue anv nessages
9. Lnlei MaleiiaI M-10 vilh quanlilv 10
1O. Ioinl oul lhal lhe svslen issues an eiioi nessage: MatcrIa! M-10 Is
nnt !Istcd and thcrcfnrc nnt a!!nwcd
11. DeIele lhe ilen
12. Aclivale naleiiaI deleininalion anaIvsis |ntircnncn| Ana|usis
|is|ing/|xc|usicn On
13. Lnlei MaleiiaI M-10 vilh quanlilv 10
14. LxpIain anaIvsis
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 481
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Create Master Record for MateriaI Listing
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
|is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c.
2. Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe.
3. Choose kev conlinalion.
4. Choose |n|cr.
5. Lnlei naleiiaIs.
6. Choose Satc.
Demonstration: Create Master Record for MateriaI
To denonsliale lhe effecl on saIes oidei enliv aflei ciealing a naslei
iecoid foi naleiiaI excIusion
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
5ct u InstructInns: As assigned.
1. Cieale naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI excIusion |cgis|ics Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s |is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c
2. Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe: B001
3. Lnlei Cuslonei: 2007
4. Lnlei MaleiiaI: M-16
5. Choose Save
6. Cieale slandaid saIes oidei (OR) foi cuslonei 2007 vilh puichase
oidei nunlei MatcrIa! cxc!usInn foi 1O unils of M-15
7. Ioinl oul lhal lhe svslen does nol issue anv nessages lecause lhis
ilen has leen Iisled foi lhis cuslonei.
8. Lnlei MaleiiaI M-16 vilh quanlilv 10
482 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
9. Ioinl oul lhal lhe svslen issues an eiioi nessage: MatcrIa! M-16
has bccn cxc!udcd
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 483
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Create Master Record for MateriaI ExcIusion
1. |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
|is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c.
2. Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe.
3. Lnlei cuslonei.
4. Lnlei naleiiaI(s).
5. Choose Satc.
484 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
383 Exercise 20: MateriaI Determination and
Product SeIection and MateriaI Listing and
MateriaI ExcIusion
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe funclions foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, as
veII as naleiiaI Iisling and naleiiaI excIusion
- Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal lhese funclions neel voui needs
- Cieale naslei iecoids
- AnaIvze lhe sellings foi lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
Business ExampIe
Cusloneis oflen need lo le alIe lo change naleiiaIs aulonalicaIIv. Ioi
exanpIe, lhev need lo le alIe lo sulslilule a slandaid pioducl vilh a
pionolion naleiiaI foi a ceilain line peiiod.
In oidei lo avoid deIiveiing lhe viong goods, vou can cieale naslei
iecoids vheie vou Iisl lhe peinilled oi foilidden naleiiaIs.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned.|Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
Task 1
MaleiiaI T-ATA##shouId aulonalicaIIv iepIace naleiiaI T-ATB##foi a
peiiod of lvo nonlhs, slailing nov.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 485
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
1. Cieale lhe ieIevanl naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion. Choose
deleininalion lvpe A001.
2. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##09 foi soId-lo pailv T-562A##and naleiiaI T-ATB##
(1 pc). Veiifv lhal lhe naleiiaI is iepIaced aulonalicaIIv.
3. In vhich saIes docunenl viev can vou find infoinalion aloul lhe
naleiiaI enleied (and, if necessaiv, lhe ieason foi sulslilulion)`
Viev: IlendelaiIs: SaIes AIlendelaiIs:
SaIes A
IieId: Lnleied naleiiaI Lnleied
Task 2
You vouId Iike voui enpIovees in saIes oidei piocessing lo le alIe lo caII
up a seIeclion Iisl foi ceilain pioducls, fion vhich lhev can lhen choose a
suilalIe naleiiaI.
1. Cieale a ieason foi sulslilulion Z##vilh lhe desciiplion 5ubstItutInn
##in Cuslonizing. Choose a sulslilulion slialegv lhal aIIovs lhe
seIeclion Iisl.
2. When a cuslonei pIaces an oidei foi T-ATA##, lhe CSR shouId
ieceive a Iisling of lhe naleiiaIs avaiIalIe foi sulslilulion.
Lnlei a naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid vilh lhe ieason foi
sulslilulion Z##. The naslei iecoid shouId conlain lhe naleiiaIs
T-ATA##, T-ATB##, and T-ATC##. The dala iecoid is vaIid foi lvo
3. Lnlei a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##10 foi soId-lo pailv T-562A##. Lnlei T-ATA##as lhe
naleiiaI vilh a quanlilv of 1 and check lhe effecl of voui naslei
Task 3
A discussion lelveen voui saIes depailnenl and cuslonei T-562B##
ieveaIs lhal lhe cuslonei is no Iongei aIIoved lo puichase naleiiaIs
T-ATF## and T-ATG##.
1. Lnlei a condilion iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI excIusion.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
486 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
2. Check lhe effecl of lhis naleiiaI naslei iecoid lv ciealing a liade faii
oidei (ZA##) foi cuslonei T-562B##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##605-ZA##11. Tiv lo cieale an ilen vilh naleiiaIs T-ATA##and
Which ilen cannol le ciealed and vhv`
Task 4
OtInna!: A discussion lelveen lhe saIes depailnenl and cuslonei
T-562A##ieveaIs lhal lhe cuslonei can onIv use naleiiaIs T-ATA##,
T-ATB##, and T-ATC##in pioduclion and lheiefoie does nol need anv
olhei pioducls.
1. Lnlei a condilion iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI Iisling.
2. Check lhe effecl of lhis naleiiaI naslei iecoid lv ciealing a liade faii
oidei (ZA##) foi cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##605-ZA##12. Tiv lo cieale an ilen vilh naleiiaIs T-ATA##and
T-ATF##foi 1 unil of each. Lxil vilhoul saving.
Which ilen cannol le ciealed and vhv`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 487
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
SoIution 20: MateriaI Determination and
Product SeIection and MateriaI Listing and
MateriaI ExcIusion
Task 1
MaleiiaI T-ATA##shouId aulonalicaIIv iepIace naleiiaI T-ATB##foi a
peiiod of lvo nonlhs, slailing nov.
1. Cieale lhe ieIevanl naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion. Choose
deleininalion lvpe A001.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn Crca|c.
MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe: A001
l) Lnlei Lnl. naleiiaI: T-ATB##
c) Lnlei MaleiiaI: T-ATA##
d) Lnlei Reason foi sulslilulion: blank
e) Change VaIid lo dale: two months from today
Nntc: The vaIidilv peiiod of lhe naslei iecoid vas
pioposed fion lhe Cuslonizing of condilion lvpe AOO1.
f) Choose Satc.
2. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##09 foi soId-lo pailv T-562A##and naleiiaI T-ATB##
(1 pc). Veiifv lhal lhe naleiiaI is iepIaced aulonalicaIIv.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei docunenl lvpe: ZA##
Lnlei lhe SoId-lo pailv: T-S62A##
Lnlei lhe puichase oidei nunlei: ##LO605-ZA##09
Lnlei lhe naleiiaI: T-ATB##, and a quanlilv of 1 pc.
3. In vhich saIes docunenl viev can vou find infoinalion aloul lhe
naleiiaI enleied (and, if necessaiv, lhe ieason foi sulslilulion)`
Viev: Ilen delaiIs: SaIes A
IieId: Lnleied naleiiaI
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
488 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Task 2
You vouId Iike voui enpIovees in saIes oidei piocessing lo le alIe lo caII
up a seIeclion Iisl foi ceilain pioducls, fion vhich lhev can lhen choose a
suilalIe naleiiaI.
1. Cieale a ieason foi sulslilulion Z##vilh lhe desciiplion 5ubstItutInn
##in Cuslonizing. Choose a sulslilulion slialegv lhal aIIovs lhe
seIeclion Iisl.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc Suos|i|u|icn Rcascns.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei Reason foi sulslilulion: Z##
d) Lnlei Desciiplion: Substitution ##
e) Lnlei Slialegv: A
f) Choose Satc.
2. When a cuslonei pIaces an oidei foi T-ATA##, lhe CSR shouId
ieceive a Iisling of lhe naleiiaIs avaiIalIe foi sulslilulion.
Lnlei a naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoid vilh lhe ieason foi
sulslilulion Z##. The naslei iecoid shouId conlain lhe naleiiaIs
T-ATA##, T-ATB##, and T-ATC##. The dala iecoid is vaIid foi lvo
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe: A001
c) Lnlei Mal. enleied: T-ATA##
d) Lnlei MaleiiaI: T-ATA##
e) Lnlei Reason foi sulslilulion: Z##
f) Change VaIid lo dale: two months from today
g) Gc|c A||crna|itc na|cria|s.
h) Lnlei addilionaI naleiiaIs: T-ATB## and T-ATC##.
i) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 489
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
3. Lnlei a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##10 foi soId-lo pailv T-562A##. Lnlei T-ATA##as lhe
naleiiaI vilh a quanlilv of 1 and check lhe effecl of voui naslei
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei docunenl lvpe: ZA##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe soId lo pailv: T-562A##
e) Lnlei T-ATA## vilh a quanlilv of 1.
Choose a naleiiaI of voui choice fion lhe Iisling.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) Choose Satc and iecoid lhe docunenl nunlei.
Task 3
A discussion lelveen voui saIes depailnenl and cuslonei T-562B##
ieveaIs lhal lhe cuslonei is no Iongei aIIoved lo puichase naleiiaIs
T-ATF## and T-ATG##.
1. Lnlei a condilion iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI excIusion.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
|is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe: B001
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei Cuslonei: T-S62B##
e) Lnlei MaleiiaIs: T-ATF## and T-ATG##
f) Choose Satc.
2. Check lhe effecl of lhis naleiiaI naslei iecoid lv ciealing a liade faii
oidei (ZA##) foi cuslonei T-562B##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##605-ZA##11. Tiv lo cieale an ilen vilh naleiiaIs T-ATA##and
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
490 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Which ilen cannol le ciealed and vhv`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei docunenl lvpe: ZA##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala piovided alove.
MaleiiaI T-ATI##cannol le enleied in lhe docunenl.
Message: Material T-ATF## has been excluded.
Nntc: You viII aIso ieceive lhe naleiiaI sulslilulion
diaIog lox due lo voui pievious exeicise. Iusl seIecl a
naleiiaI of voui choice.
Task 4
OtInna!: A discussion lelveen lhe saIes depailnenl and cuslonei
T-562A##ieveaIs lhal lhe cuslonei can onIv use naleiiaIs T-ATA##,
T-ATB##, and T-ATC##in pioduclion and lheiefoie does nol need anv
olhei pioducls.
1. Lnlei a condilion iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI Iisling.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
|is|ing/cxc|usicn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei Lisl/excI. lvpe: A001
c) Choose Kev conlinalion: Customer and material
d) Lnlei Cuslonei: T-S62A##
e) Lnlei MaleiiaIs: T-ATA##, T-ATB##, and T-ATC##.
f) Choose Satc.
2. Check lhe effecl of lhis naleiiaI naslei iecoid lv ciealing a liade faii
oidei (ZA##) foi cuslonei T-562A##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##605-ZA##12. Tiv lo cieale an ilen vilh naleiiaIs T-ATA##and
T-ATF##foi 1 unil of each. Lxil vilhoul saving.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 491
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
Which ilen cannol le ciealed and vhv`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
Lnlei docunenl lvpe: ZA##
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) Lnlei iequiied dala fion voui exeicise.
MaleiiaI T-ATI##cannol le enleied in lhe docunenl.
Message: Material T-ATF## is not listed and
therefore not allowed.
Nntc: You viII aIso ieceive lhe naleiiaI sulslilulion
diaIog lox due lo voui pievious exeicise. Iusl seIecl a
naleiiaI of voui choice.
492 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination, Listings, and ExcIusions
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use lhe funclions foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, as
veII as naleiiaI Iisling and naleiiaI excIusion
- Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal lhese funclions neel voui needs
- Cieale a naslei deleininalion iecoid
- AnaIvze lhe sellings foi lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 493
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use lhe funclions foi naleiiaI deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion, as
veII as naleiiaI Iisling and naleiiaI excIusion
- Configuie Cuslonizing so lhal lhese funclions neel voui needs
- Cieale a naslei deleininalion iecoid
- AnaIvze lhe sellings foi lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding naleiiaI deleininalion, Iislings, and
excIusions, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
494 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. MaleiiaI deleininalion can le done in lhe foIIoving vavs:
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A LxcIusion
C ManuaI seIeclion of lhe sulslilule naleiiaI
D Aulonalic sulslilulion
2. The condilion lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion uses vhal
sleps`: pioceduie deleininalion pioceduie deleininalion
naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie,
condilion lvpe condilion lvpe, access sequence access sequence,
condilion lalIes condilion lalIes, and
ciealion of condilion iecoids ciealion of condilion iecoids.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. The naslei iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion, Iisling, and excIusion
aie ciealed in Cuslonizing.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
4. The ieason foi sulslilulion in naleiiaI deleininalion does nol conlain
anv conlioI sellings.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
5. MaleiiaI Iisling can le used in conjunclion vilh naleiiaI excIusion.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
6. AnaIvsis foi naleiiaI deleininalion and Iislings and excIusions aie
aulonalicaIIv enalIed in saIes oidei enliv.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 495
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. MaleiiaI deleininalion can le done in lhe foIIoving vavs:
Answcr: A, , C, D
These aie lhe foui vavs in vhich naleiiaI deleininalion can le done
in lhe slandaid svslen.
2. The condilion lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion uses vhal
sleps`: pioceduie deleininalion naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie,
condilion lvpe, access sequence, condilion lalIes, and ciealion of
condilion iecoids.
Answcr: pioceduie deleininalion, naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie,
condilion lvpe, access sequence, condilion lalIes, ciealion of
condilion iecoids
AII conponenls of lhe condilion lechnique aie uliIized foi naleiiaI
3. The naslei iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion, Iisling, and excIusion
aie ciealed in Cuslonizing.
Answcr: IaIse
Maslei dala iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion aie ciealed in lhe
naslei dala nenu foi saIes and disliilulion, undei Prcduc|s.
4. The ieason foi sulslilulion in naleiiaI deleininalion does nol conlain
anv conlioI sellings.
Answcr: IaIse
The ieason foi sulslilulion in naleiiaI deleininalion deleinines
sulslilulion lased on naleiiaI avaiIaliIilv oi nanuaI seIeclion, and
vhelhei oi nol lhe enleied naleiiaI is incIuded in oidei confiinalions
aIong vilh lhe sulsliluled naleiiaI.
5. MaleiiaI Iisling can le used in conjunclion vilh naleiiaI excIusion.
Answcr: Tiue
olh nelhods can le used and, vhen lhev aie, naleiiaI excIusion
oveiiides naleiiaI Iisling.
496 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
6. AnaIvsis foi naleiiaI deleininalion and Iislings and excIusions aie
aulonalicaIIv enalIed in saIes oidei enliv.
Answcr: IaIse
AnaIvsis foi naleiiaI deleininalion and Iislings and excIusions nusl
le enalIed lo uliIize lhis funclionaIilv. In lhe saIes docunenl, lhe
nenu palh is: |ntircnncn| Ana|usis Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn cr
|is|ing/cxc|usicn On.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 497
Unit 12: MateriaI Determination SCM605
498 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 13
397 Free Goods
This unil can le difficuIl since lhe deleininalion of fiee goods affecls
lhe nel lolaI paid lv lhe cuslonei. So fiee goods is ieIaled lo piicing
and nanv sludenls nav nol have piicing expeiience. Il vouId le lesl lo
ieviev, al a high IeveI, hov piicing foi one saIes oidei Iine ilen lakes pIace
and use lhis as a conlexl foi vhal happens vhen fiee goods is invoIved.
Reviev lhe condilion lechnique and decide hov delaiIed vou vanl lo le
depending on hov nuch line vou have.
Unit Overview
Iiee goods is an addilionaI piicing funclion and nainIv seives lo conlioI
fiee-of-chaige ilens in lhe saIes docunenl. The fiee goods funclionaIilv
aIIovs vou lo aulonalicaIIv give a fiee pioducl vhen a ceilain quanlilv
of a given pioducl has leen puichased lv a cuslonei. Hov lhe fiee
good quanlilv is deleinined, and hov lhe svslen lehaves in a vaiielv of
silualions, is dependenl on hov fiee goods is cuslonized and hov naslei
iecoids aie defined. We viII le Iooking al lhe condilion lechnique in
delaiI and viII Ieain lo use fiee goods lo expIain and denonsliale lhe
condilion lechnique.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe fiee goods funclions in voui saIes piocess
- Lnlei naslei iecoids foi excIusive and incIusive lonus quanlilies
- LxpIain hov lo configuie lhe Cuslonizing sellings foi fiee goods
Unit Contents
Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501
Demonstration: nclusive Bonus Quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .510
Demonstration: Exclusive Bonus Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .512
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 499
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Exercise 21: Working with and Customizing Free Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . .515
500 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
Working with and Customizing Free Goods
Lesson Duialion: 1 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson, ve viII le Iooking al fiee goods. Iiee goods is an addilionaI
piicing funclion and nainIv seives lo conlioI fiee-of-chaige ilens in lhe
saIes docunenl using lhe condilion lechnique.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe fiee goods funclions in voui saIes piocess
- Lnlei naslei iecoids foi excIusive and incIusive lonus quanlilies
- LxpIain hov lo configuie lhe Cuslonizing sellings foi fiee goods
The fiee goods funclionaIilv aIIovs vou lo aulonalicaIIv give lhe sane oi
diffeienl pioducl foi fiee, vhen a ceilain quanlilv of a given pioducl has
leen puichased lv a cuslonei. Hov lhe fiee good quanlilv is deleinined,
and hov lhe svslen lehaves in a vaiielv of silualions is dependenl on hov
fiee goods is cuslonized and hov naslei iecoids aie defined.
Business ExampIe
Iiee goods pIav a Iaige ioIe in piice negolialions vilh voui cusloneis.
As a iesuIl, vou vanl lo le alIe lo deleinine fiee goods and pIace lhen
in saIes docunenls aulonalicaIIv.
Youi iesponsiliIilv is lo aulonale lhe deleininalion of fiee goods, laking
inlo accounl lhal ceilain infoinalion ieIaled lo fiee goods has lo le
suppIied lo conlioIIing.
Free Goods in the SaIes Order
CautInn: DcactIvatc thc Rcnrdcr nInt matcrIa! M-18 ! |cgis|ics
Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria|
O|ncr na|cria| Cnangc
MRI 1 Viev (pIanl 12OO). Change MRI lvpe lo ND Nn !annIng. DeIele
lhe vaIue in lhe Reoidei poinl fieId.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 501
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
The fiee goods funclionaIilv aIIovs vou lo aulonalicaIIv give a fiee
pioducl vhen a ceilain quanlilv of a given pioducl has leen puichased lv
a cuslonei.
IncIusive onus Ouanlilies:
Figure 103: ExcIusive and IncIusive Bonus Quantities (1)
Figure 104: ExcIusive and IncIusive Bonus Quantities (2)
In indusliv seclois such as ielaiI, lhe chenicaIs indusliv, oi consunei
goods indusliv, il is connon lo piovide discounls in lhe foin of fiee
502 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
Iiee goods can le pail of lhe oidei quanlilv, lul aie nol incIuded in lhe
invoice: lhis is caIIed an incIusive lonus quanlilv. The oideied goods and
lhe fiee goods lolh invoIve lhe sane naleiiaI, and lhe unils of neasuie of
lhe fiee goods and oideied goods nusl le lhe sane.
Iiee goods can aIso lake lhe foin of exlia goods lhal aie fiee of chaige.
These aie caIIed excIusive lonus quanlilies. In excIusive lonus quanlilies,
lhe exlia goods aie deIiveied fiee of chaige and aie nol lvpicaIIv incIuded
in lhe invoice. This can eilhei le an addilionaI quanlilv of lhe goods
oideied, oi il can le anolhei naleiiaI.
The excIusive fiee goods appeai in lhe SD docunenl as an individuaI,
fiee-of-chaige ilen.
Figure 105: Free Goods in the SaIes Order
olh lvpes of fiee goods aie liealed in lhe sane vav in lhe saIes oidei.
The naleiiaI lhal has leen oideied is enleied as a nain ilen, and lhe fiee
goods naleiiaI is aulonalicaIIv dispIaved as a sul-ilen.
The ilen calegoiv deleinines hov lhe ilen is conlioIIed Ialei in lhe
lusiness piocess (foi exanpIe, foi deIiveiv oi piicing). Ilen calegoiies
TAN and TANN aie used in SAI R/3 SD. The svslen deleinines lhen
aulonalicaIIv lv accessing lhe ieIevanl condilion iecoids. The svslen lhen
accesses lhe fiee goods naslei iecoid vilh lhe piicing dale.
You can aIso enlei fiee goods lv nanuaIIv enleiing dala in lhe highei-IeveI
ilen and ilen calegoiv fieIds (TANN). In lhis case, hovevei, lhe svslen
does nol iefei lo lhe fiee goods naslei iecoid, and sone sellings, such as
aulonalicaIIv ieducing lhe quanlilv of lhe nain ilen oi foi lhe deIiveiv,
aie nissing.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 503
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
The svslen ieieads lhe fiee goods naslei iecoid in lhe saIes oidei if lhe
quanlilies in lhe nain ilen change oi if lhe piicing dale changes. The
svslen lhen deIeles lhe sul-ilens and ie-cieales lhen. Anv nanuaI
changes lo lhe fiee goods quanlilv aie Iosl. If piicing is ieiun in lhe saIes
oidei, il does nol affecl lhe fiee goods deleininalion.
Figure 106: One-Line IncIusive Bonus Quantity
Nev funclionaIilv as fion: ReIease 46X: IncIusive lonus quanlilies can
le handIed lv lhe saIes oidei vilh oi vilhoul ilen geneialion (see fiee
goods naslei iecoid - fieId: fiee goods incIusive/excIusive indicaloi).
AIso LxcIusive used lo le knovn as on-lop lonus and nav sliII appeai
as such in lhe svslen.
Il is possilIe lo aulonalicaIIv iecoid incIusive lonus quanlilies of an
ilen on one Iine in saIes docunenls. Theie aie seveiaI advanlages lo lhis
- The cuslonei iequesl is olvious.
- IncIusive lonus quanlilies aie possilIe in sliucluied pioducls.
- The avaiIaliIilv checks of lhe lvo ilens aie nol independenl of one
- Shipping piocessing can le slieanIined.
- ScaIe piices foi lhe oidei quanlilv can le nodeIed noie easiIv.
- The docunenl voIune is ieduced.
504 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
The one-Iine dispIav aIso has seveiaI disadvanlages, hovevei. The fiee
goods quanlilv is nol olvious duiing oidei enliv, and lhe fiee goods
quanlilies aie nol idenlified in lhe slalislics.
To aclivale one-Iine incIusive lonus quanlilies, vou nusl sel lhe fIag
|nc|usitc/cxc|usitc ocnus uuan|i|u in lhe naslei iecoid of lhe fiee goods lo 3.
|nc|usitc ocnus uuan|i|u ui|ncu| gcncra|ing i|cn.
To inpIenenl lhis lvpe of fiee goods, a discounl is caIcuIaled duiing
piicing foi lhe fiee goods shaie (condilion lvpe NRA, iequiienenl O59).
The fiee goods quanlilv is dispIaved in lhe oidei confiinalion and lhe
Free Goods - Condition Technique
Figure 107: Free Goods - Condition Technique
The condilion lechnique piovides giealei fIexiliIilv foi using lhe fiee
goods funclions.
The svslen uses lhe infoinalion aloul lhe saIes aieas, docunenl
deleininalion pioceduie (fion lhe saIes docunenl lvpe), and cuslonei
deleininalion pioceduie (fion lhe cuslonei naslei) lo deleinine lhe
fiee goods deleininalion pioceduie. The pioceduie conlains a Iisl of lhe
condilion lvpes foi lhe fiee goods.
One access sequence (seaich slialegv) is assigned lo each condilion lvpe.
Lach access sequence consisls of one oi noie accesses.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 505
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Lach access conlains exaclIv one condilion lalIe. This iepiesenls lhe
seaich kev lhal lhe svslen uses lo seaich foi a vaIid naslei iecoid. If lhe
seaich is successfuI, lhe svslen geneiales a sul-ilen foi lhe fiee goods
in lhe docunenl. The ilen calegoiv is assigned vilh lhe ilen calegoiv
usage IRLL.
Iiicing foi lolh ilens is conlioIIed vilh lhe ilen calegoiv, as noinaI.
You can aclivale an anaIvsis of lhe fiee goods deleininalion in lhe saIes
docunenl. The svslen lhen dispIavs delaiIed infoinalion on hov lhe
fiee goods veie deleinined.
Free Goods - Master Data
Figure 108: Free Goods - Master Data
The condilion lechnique is used foi fiee goods. Iiee goods aie geneiaIIv
iegaided as a suppIenenl lo lhe piicing agieenenl foi a naleiiaI.
You nainlain lhe fiee goods in lhe naslei iecoids foi saIes lv:
- Using a diffeienl nenu enliv
- Coing lo Priccs and Disccun|s/surcnargcs vhen nainlaining lhe naslei
You can define naslei iecoids foi fiee goods al anv IeveI, foi exanpIe,
naleiiaI, cuslonei/naleiiaI, piice Iisl calegoiv/cuiiencv/naleiiaI oi
cuslonei hieiaichv/naleiiaI.
You can iesliicl naslei iecoids foi one IeveI in nanv diffeienl vavs:
- VaIidilv peiiod: The condilion is onIv vaIid vilhin lhis peiiod
506 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
- Lovesl quanlilv: The condilion cones inlo affecl vhen lhis quanlilv
has leen exceeded
- DeIiveiv conlioI: Hov vou vanl fiee goods deIiveied in ieIalion lo
lhe nain ilen
- CaIcuIalion iuIe: Hov lhe svslen deleinines lhe fiee goods quanlilv
fion lhe addilionaI and docunenl quanlilies
- ScaIes
You can piocess diffeienl naslei dala vilh lhe sane kev foi incIusive and
excIusive lonus quanlilies al lhe sane line. You onIv need lo seIecl a
lullon lo svilch lelveen lhe lvo lvpes of discounl.
When vou enlei an excIusive lonus quanlilv, an exlia enliv Iine appeais
vheie vou can enlei lhe naleiiaI if il is nol lhe sane as lhe oideied
Figure 109: Free Goods in DeIiveries
The fiee goods aie aulonalicaIIv copied inlo lhe deIiveiv, lul fiee goods
deleininalion does nol lake pIace in lhe deIiveiv.
Once pailiaI deIiveiies have leen shipped, vou cannol change anv
quanlilies oi dales in lhe oidei. Il lhis dala changes, lhe oidei ilen nusl
le iejecled and ie-enleied.
In lhe naslei iecoid foi fiee goods, vou can fine-lune lhe deIiveiv sellings.
The foIIoving five oplions aie avaiIalIe:
- (b!ank): The fiee goods ilen is piocessed independenlIv of lhe nain
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 507
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
- A: The fiee goods can le deIiveied if pail of lhe oideied quanlilv
is leing deIiveied.
- B: The fiee goods can le deIiveied if lhe oideied quanlilv is leing
conpIeleIv deIiveied.
- C: The fiee goods can onIv le deIiveied vilh al Ieasl sone of lhe
oideied goods.
- E: The quanlilv of fiee goods deIiveied aulonalicaIIv changes in
piopoilion lo changes lo lhe oideied naleiiaI in lhe deIiveiv.
Figure 110: Free Goods - CaIcuIation RuIe
When vou specifv a caIcuIalion iuIe, vou decide hov lhe svslen
deleinines lhe fiee goods quanlilv fion lhe addilionaI and docunenl
Thiee caIcuIalion iuIes aie piovided in lhe slandaid svslen:
- The fiee goods quanlilv is lhe quanlilv lhal is caIcuIaled fion lhe
discounl quanlilv (nol lhe nininun quanlilv).
- The addilionaI quanlilv is lhe quanlilv deIiveied fiee-of-chaige.
- The docunenl quanlilv is lhe quanlilv enleied lv lhe peison ciealing
lhe saIes oidei.
. The foIIoving exanpIe desciiles hov lhe caIcuIalion iuIes voik:
You offei lo suppIv 2O unils of fiee goods foi eveiv 1OO unils oideied.
The cuslonei oideis 162 unils (docunenl quanlilv).
RuIe 1 pioialed: 32 unils fiee goods |162*(2O/1OO) = iounded dovn!
RuIe 2 unil-ieIaled: 2O unils fiee goods |1OO*(2O/1OO) = iounded dovn !
RuIe 3 vhoIe unils: O unils fiee goods |162 is nol a conpIele unil of 1OO!
CaIcuIalion iuIes aie sloied in lhe svslen in lhe foin of AAI/4 code. You
can aIso define voui ovn iuIes using liansaclion VOIM, undei |crnu|as.
508 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
Figure 111: Free Goods - Statistics and ControIIing
You can see delaiIed infoinalion aloul fiee goods in IiofilaliIilv AnaIvsis
and Slalislics.
The ievenues, saIes deduclions, and cosls of fiee goods can le liansfeiied
lo IiofilaliIilv AnaIvsis (CO-IA) in diffeienl vavs, shovn in lhe exanpIes
leIov (MIl = nain ilen, SIl = sul-ilen).
5ccnarIn 1 (5AP standard svstcm)
MIl: Nol infIuenced lv fiee goods
SIl: Iiicing deaclivaled, caIcuIalion
piice (VIRS) configuied as cosls
5ccnarIn 2
MIl: Nol infIuenced lv fiee goods
SIl: Iiicing foi ilen calegoiv TANN
aclive vilh selling (in lhe cosling
pioceduie, condilion lvpe R1OO
caIcuIales a 1OO discounl lhiough
iequiienenl 55), discounl ieduces
ievenues, lhe liansfei piice is sel
as lhe cosls
5ccnarIn 3
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 509
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
MIl: CunuIalion of caIcuIalion piice
foi Iovei-IeveI ilen configuied al
nain ilen IeveI (in copv conlioI,
DeIiveiv iIIing docunenl),
accunuIaled cIeaiing piice sel as
SIl: Iiicing deaclivaled
Shov lhe selling in lhe slandaid piicing pioceduie RVAOO1.|MG Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Pricing Pricing Ccn|rc| Dcfinc and
Assign Pricing Prcccdurcs Main|ain pricing prcccdurcs
Demonstration: IncIusive Bonus Quantities
To denonsliale hov incIusive fiee goods aie handIed in lhe saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
1. Cieale a naslei iecoid foi incIusive lonus quanlilies |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ccndi|icns |rcc gccds Crca|c
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Discounl lvpe NA00
SaIes oiganizalion 1000
Disliilulion channeI 10
Cuslonei 1172
MaleiiaI M-18
Mininun qlv 100
Iion 20
aie fiee goods 1
510 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
2. Choose |n|cr and shov svslen enliies
in 5 (onIv foi info)
CaI 1 (caIcuIalion lvpe)
LxcI 1 (incIusive/excIusive indicaloi)
ICDe lIank (Iiee goods deIiveiv
3. Choose Satc
4. Cieale a slandaid saIes oidei
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Docunenl lvpe OR
Cuslonei 1172
IO nunlei Inclusive quantity
MaleiiaI M-18
Oidei quanlilv 10
Message: Minimum quantity 100 PC of free goods has
not been reached
5. Inciease oidei quanlilv lo 200
The svslen cieales a fiee good ilen lv sulliacling 1O IC fion lhe
oidei quanlilv.
6. Shov piicing foi lhe fiee goods ilen Gc|c ||cn Ccndi|icns
The svslen uses condilion lvpe R1OO foi 1OO discounl.
7. Aclivale lhe anaIvsis of fiee goods deleininalion |ntircnncn|
Ana|usis |rcc Gccds On
8. Lnlei anolhei ilen foi naleiiaI M-18 and quanlilv 100 and shov
9. OtInna! Deaclivale piicing foi ilen calegoiv TANN, enlei nev
oidei foi alove cuslonei, naleiiaI and quanlilv and shov piicing
iesuIls of fiee goods ilen.
Since lheie is no piice deleininalion, lheie is no caIcuIalion of
condilion lvpe R1OO (1OO discounl) eilhei.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 511
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Demonstration: ExcIusive Bonus Quantities
To denonsliale hov excIusive fiee goods aie handIed in lhe saIes oidei
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
1. Cieale a naslei iecoid foi excIusive lonus quanlilies |cgis|ics Sa|cs
and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ccndi|icns |rcc gccds Crca|c
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Discounl lvpe NA00
Choose |xc|usitc lullon
SaIes oiganizalion 1000
Disliilulion channeI 10
Cuslonei 2006
MaleiiaI M-18
Mininun qlv 100
Ioi 100
add fiee goods 5
2. Choose|n|cr and shov svslen enliies
in 4,76%
CaI 2 (whole units)
LxcI 2 (inclusive/exclusive
ICDe lIank (Iiee goods deIiveiv
3. In addilionaI naleiiaI AddMa||rGd add naleiiaI M-19
4. In fiee goods deIiveiv conlioI |GDc enlei E
512 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
5. Choose Satc
6. Cieale a slandaid saIes oidei
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Docunenl lvpe OR
Cuslonei 2006
IO nunlei Exclusive quantity
MaleiiaI M-18
Oidei quanlilv 100
Svslen cieales a fiee goods ilen vilh M-19.
Shov piicing foi lhe fiee goods ilen.
7. Inciease lhe oidei quanlilv lo 150
The fiee goods quanlilv does nol change lecause of caIcuIalion iuIe 2
(fiee goods aie caIcuIaled in leins of lhe unil of fiee goods).
8. Inciease lhe oidei quanlilv lo 200
The fiee goods quanlilv is aIso incieased (2 x 1OO unils).
9. Cieale a deIiveiv Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr
Nntc: If vou gel a vaining nessage aloul no ilens avaiIalIe
foi deIiveiv up lo deIiveiv dale, choose I3 (lack) and change
lhe deIiveiv dale one veek inlo lhe fuluie and choose |n|cr.
olh lhe nain ilen and lhe fiee goods ilen aie copied lo lhe deIiveiv.
1O. Reduce lhe quanlilv of lhe fiisl deIiveiv ilen fion 200 lo 100 unils.
DeIiveiv conlioI enliv E in lhe fiee goods naslei iecoid aulonalicaIIv
changed lhe quanlilv of fiee goods in piopoilion lo lhe nain ilen.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 513
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
514 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
409 Exercise 21: Working with and
Customizing Free Goods
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Use lhe fiee goods funclions in voui saIes piocess
- Lnlei naslei iecoids foi excIusive and incIusive lonus quanlilies
- Configuie lhe Cuslonizing sellings foi fiee goods
Business ExampIe
You can exlend piicing lv using fiee goods in lhe foin of excIusive and
incIusive lonus quanlilies.
You nake lhe ieIevanl agieenenls vilh voui cuslonei. The lonus
quanlilies viII le aulonalicaIIv conlioIIed lv R/3 SD vhen vou enlei a
saIes oidei.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
Task 1
You have agieed on a piice ieduclion foi cuslonei T-562A##in lhe foin
of fiee goods.
1. Cieale a fiee goods naslei iecoid (fiee goods lvpe NA00 foi saIes
oiganizalion 1000 and disliilulion channeI 10). If lhe cuslonei oideis
al Ieasl 2O pcs of naleiiaI T-ATC##, 1O of lhe puichased quanlilv
shouId le fiee of chaige. The fiee-of-chaige naleiiaI shouId le
piopoilionaI lo lhe highei-IeveI ilen.
2. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##13 foi cuslonei T-562A##and naleiiaI T-ATC##. The
puichase oidei quanlilv is 1O pcs.
Whal nessage appeais`
3. Inciease lhe quanlilv lo 4O pcs. Whal aie lhe quanlilies in lhe
highei-IeveI and sul-ilens`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 515
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Task 2
You nake anolhei fiee goods agieenenl vilh cuslonei T-562E##foi
naleiiaI T-ATD##. The nininun oidei quanlilv is 2O pcs. You vanl lo
deIivei one pc of naleiiaI T-ATA##fiee of chaige foi each 2O pcs oideied.
1. Cieale lhe ieIevanl naslei iecoid foi saIes oiganizalion 1000 and
disliilulion channeI 10.
2. In lhe iecoid, indicale lhal lhe svslen onIv deleinines lhe quanlilv of
lhe fiee-of-chaige naleiiaI in nuIlipIes of lhe fiee goods quanlilv.
3. Indicale lhal if lhe oidei changes in lhe deIiveiv, lhe fiee-of-chaige
quanlilv shouId change in piopoilion.
4. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##14 foi cuslonei T-562E##and naleiiaI T-ATD##. The
puichase oidei quanlilv is 4O pcs.
5. ConpIele lhe oidei and deIivei il (shipping poinl: 1200, seIeclion
dale: nnc mnnth frnm tndav). Inciease lhe deIiveiv quanlilv lo 8O
pcs. Whal happens lo lhe fiee of chaige ilen`
Task 3
OtInna!: The svslen aulonalicaIIv ciealed a fiee goods sul-ilen foi lhe
oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##14. The svslen iuns
piicing foi lhe sul-ilen even lhough il is fiee of chaige.
1. Which ilen calegoiv did lhe svslen find foi lhe sul-ilen and vhich
kev did il use`
2. Which sellings in Cuslonizing affecl piicing foi fiee-of-chaige ilens`
3. Which enliv in lhe piicing pioceduie ensuies lhal lhe ilen ienains
fiee of chaige aIlhough lhe svslen ian piicing`
516 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
SoIution 21: Working with and
Customizing Free Goods
Task 1
You have agieed on a piice ieduclion foi cuslonei T-562A##in lhe foin
of fiee goods.
1. Cieale a fiee goods naslei iecoid (fiee goods lvpe NA00 foi saIes
oiganizalion 1000 and disliilulion channeI 10). If lhe cuslonei oideis
al Ieasl 2O pcs of naleiiaI T-ATC##, 1O of lhe puichased quanlilv
shouId le fiee of chaige. The fiee-of-chaige naleiiaI shouId le
piopoilionaI lo lhe highei-IeveI ilen.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ccndi|icns
|rcc gccds Crca|c.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Disccun| |upc NA00
Cus|cncr T-S62A##
Ma|cria| T-ATC##
Mininun uuan|i|u 20
|rcn 10
Uni| cf ncasurc PC
arc frcc gccds 1
Uni| cf ncasurc PC
Ca|cu|a|icn |upc (Ca|T) 1
Dc|itcru ccn|rc| (|) leave blank
Nntc: The vaIidilv peiiod of lhe naslei iecoid vas
pioposed fion Cuslonizing foi condilion lvpe AOO1.
l) Choose Satc.
2. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##13 foi cuslonei T-562A##and naleiiaI T-ATC##. The
puichase oidei quanlilv is 1O pcs.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 517
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Whal nessage appeais`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Cus|cncr T-S62A##
PO nunocr ##LO605-ZA##13
Ma|cria| T-ATC##
Ordcr uuan|i|u 10
Message: Minimum quantity 20 PC of free goods has
not been reached.
3. Inciease lhe quanlilv lo 4O pcs. Whal aie lhe quanlilies in lhe
highei-IeveI and sul-ilens`
a) Inciease lhe quanlilv lo 4O pcs.
Main ilen: 36 cs
Sul-ilen: 4 cs
Task 2
You nake anolhei fiee goods agieenenl vilh cuslonei T-562E##foi
naleiiaI T-ATD##. The nininun oidei quanlilv is 2O pcs. You vanl lo
deIivei one pc of naleiiaI T-ATA##fiee of chaige foi each 2O pcs oideied.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
518 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
1. Cieale lhe ieIevanl naslei iecoid foi saIes oiganizalion 1000 and
disliilulion channeI 10.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ccndi|icns
|rcc gccds Crca|c.
Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Disccun| |upc NA00
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) Choose |xc|usitc.
Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
Cus|cncr T-S62E##
Ma|cria| T-ATD##
Mininun uuan|i|u 20
|rcc gccds u|u 20
Uni| cf ncasurc PC
Addi|icna| frcc gccds 1
Uni| cf ncasurc PC
Addi|icna| na|cria| T-ATA##
Nntc: You viII aIso ieceive lhe naleiiaI sulslilulion
diaIog lox, due lo lhe pievious exeicise. SeIecl naleiiaI
T-ATA##fion lhe diaIog lox.
2. In lhe iecoid, indicale lhal lhe svslen onIv deleinines lhe quanlilv of
lhe fiee-of-chaige naleiiaI in nuIlipIes of lhe fiee goods quanlilv.
a) CaIcuIalion lvpe: 2
3. Indicale lhal if lhe oidei changes in lhe deIiveiv, lhe fiee-of-chaige
quanlilv shouId change in piopoilion.
a) DeIiveiv conlioI: E
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 519
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
4. Cieale a liade faii oidei (ZA##) vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##14 foi cuslonei T-562E##and naleiiaI T-ATD##. The
puichase oidei quanlilv is 4O pcs.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Cus|cncr T-S62E##
PO nunocr ##LO605-ZA##14
Ma|cria| T-ATD##
Ordcr uuan|i|u 40
5. ConpIele lhe oidei and deIivei il (shipping poinl: 1200, seIeclion
dale: nnc mnnth frnm tndav). Inciease lhe deIiveiv quanlilv lo 8O
pcs. Whal happens lo lhe fiee of chaige ilen`
a) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
HInt: If vou encounlei a vaining nessage indicaling lhal
lhe svslen did nol find anv ilens avaiIalIe up lo lhe
deIiveiv dale, choose 8ac| and change lhe deIiveiv dale
lo one nonlh fion lodav.
l) Change lhe deIiveiv quanlilv of lhe nain ilen lo 8O pcs.
The fiee-of-chaige quanlilv is doulIed lo 4 pcs.
Task 3
OtInna!: The svslen aulonalicaIIv ciealed a fiee goods sul-ilen foi lhe
oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei ##LO605-ZA##14. The svslen iuns
piicing foi lhe sul-ilen even lhough il is fiee of chaige.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
520 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: Working with and Customizing Free Goods
1. Which ilen calegoiv did lhe svslen find foi lhe sul-ilen and vhich
kev did il use`
a) DispIav lhe saIes oidei vilh puichase oidei nunlei
##LO605-ZA##14: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs
Ordcr Disp|au.
Ilen calegoiv: TANN
l) DispIav ilen calegoiv deleininalion: |MG Sa|cs and
Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns |rcc Gccds Dc|crninc i|cn
ca|cgcru fcr |nc frcc gccds i|cn.
Kevs: Docunenl lvpe: ZA##: Ilen calegoiv gioup: NORM:
Usage: FREE
2. Which sellings in Cuslonizing affecl piicing foi fiee-of-chaige ilens`
a) DispIav piicing foi fiee goods: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns |rcc Gccds Ccn|rc| |rcc Gccds Pricing
Ccn|rc| pricing fcr frcc gccds i|cn ca|cgcru.
Choose ||cn Ca|cgcru.
l) Choose delaiIs foi ilen calegoiv TANN.
Iiicing: B PrIcIng frcc gnnds (100% dIscnunt)
3. Which enliv in lhe piicing pioceduie ensuies lhal lhe ilen ienains
fiee of chaige aIlhough lhe svslen ian piicing`
a) DispIav piicing foi fiee goods. |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns |rcc Gccds Ccn|rc| |rcc Gccds Pricing
Main|ain pricing prcccdurc fcr pricing.
l) SeIecl Prcccdurc. RVAA01 and lhen seIecl Ccn|rc|.
c) ScioII dovn lo lhe Iine conlaining condilion lvpe R100 and nole
lhal lhe anounl is a 1OO discounl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 521
Unit 13: Free Goods SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use lhe fiee goods funclions in voui saIes piocess
- Lnlei naslei iecoids foi excIusive and incIusive lonus quanlilies
- LxpIain hov lo configuie lhe Cuslonizing sellings foi fiee goods
522 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Use lhe fiee goods funclions in voui saIes piocess
- Lnlei naslei iecoids foi excIusive and incIusive lonus quanlilies
- LxpIain hov lo configuie lhe Cuslonizing sellings foi fiee goods
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding fiee goods, ieviev lhe SAI heIp fiIes al
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 523
Unit Summary SCM605
524 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Iiee goods in lhe saIes oidei aie deleinined soIeIv lv enleiing an
ilen nanuaIIv vilh ilen calegoiv TANN.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. The lvo lvpes of fiee goods in lhe saIes oidei piocess aie
incIusive incIusive and excIusive excIusive.
|i|| in |nc o|an|s |c ccnp|c|c |nc scn|cncc.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving aie needed in lhe condilion lechnique foi
deleinining fiee goods`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Iioceduie deleininalion
Condilion iecoid
C Access sequence
D Condilion lalIe
L Iiee goods pioceduie
I Condilion lvpe
4. You can piocess diffeienl naslei dala vilh lhe sane kev foi incIusive
and excIusive lonus quanlilies al lhe sane line.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
5. Which of lhe foIIoving aie liue conceining lhe naslei iecoid foi
incIusive and excIusive lonus quanlilies`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A DeIiveiv selling conlioIs hov lhe quanlilv of fiee goods is
deIiveied vhen lhe nain ilen is pailiaIIv deIiveied.
The caIcuIalion lvpe deleinines hov lhe quanlilv of fiee
goods is caIcuIaled.
C Theie is a selling foi conlioIIing lhe fiee goods quanlilv in
lhe liIIing docunenl.
D The addilionaI naleiiaI in excIusive lonus quanlilies nusl
le a diffeienl naleiiaI.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 525
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
1. Iiee goods in lhe saIes oidei aie deleinined soIeIv lv enleiing an
ilen nanuaIIv vilh ilen calegoiv TANN.
Answcr: IaIse
Iiee goods uses lhe condilion lechnique and can le deleinined in
lhe saIes oidei.
2. The lvo lvpes of fiee goods in lhe saIes oidei piocess aie incIusive
and excIusive.
Answcr: incIusive, excIusive
IncIusive fiee goods is giving lhe cuslonei pail of vhal lhev oidei foi
fiee, vhiIe excIusive fiee goods is giving lhe cuslonei an addilionaI
fiee ilen.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving aie needed in lhe condilion lechnique foi
deleinining fiee goods`
Answcr: A, , C, D, L, I
Iiee goods deleininalion in lhe saIes oidei uses aII condilion
lechnique conponenls.
4. You can piocess diffeienl naslei dala vilh lhe sane kev foi incIusive
and excIusive lonus quanlilies al lhe sane line.
Answcr: Tiue
The |nc|usitc oi |xc|usitc lullons svilch vou lelveen lhe lvo lvpes
of discounl.
5. Which of lhe foIIoving aie liue conceining lhe naslei iecoid foi
incIusive and excIusive lonus quanlilies`
Answcr: A,
Iiee goods quanlilies in lhe liIIing docunenl aie copied onIv fion
lhe deIiveiv docunenl. AddilionaI excIusive fiee goods do nol have
lo le a diffeienl naleiiaI.
526 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Unit 14
421 SaIes Scenarios
The fiisl case sludv enphasizes lhe essenliaI eIenenls foi configuiing cash
saIes in lhe R/3 Slandaid Svslen (saIes docunenl lvpe, ilen calegoiv,
oulpul, deIiveiv and liIIing lvpes). The second case sludv enphasizes
configuiing naleiiaI deleininalion lo piovide foi pioducl sulslilulion
lased on an individuaI cusloneis iequiienenls. The Iasl case sludv
enphasizes lhe use of liIIs of naleiiaI used lo seII configuied pioducls lo
Unit Overview
This saIes scenaiio (case sludv) viII le used lo exlend lhe ideas coveied in
lhis couise so fai. Il viII give vou lhe chance lo use vhal vou have Ieained
in delaiIed exeicises, vhich aie specificaIIv oiienled lo lusiness piocesses.
Unit Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis unil, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize saIes and shipping lo suppoil lhe lusiness iequiienenl of
saIes lo enpIovees
- Define a one-line cuslonei and aclivale speciaI piicing
- Cieale a OM lo le used in lhe saIes piocess
- LxpIain lhe funclions and cuslonizing oplions of lhe ilen calegoiies
and scheduIe Iine calegoiies lhal aie iequiied lo suppoil seIIing
naleiiaIs vilh OMs
- Cuslonize naleiiaI deleininalion sellings
Unit Contents
Lesson: Sales to Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529
Exercise 22: Sales to Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .533
Lesson: Bills of Material (BOMs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555
Exercise 23: Bills of Material in Sales and Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 527
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Lesson: Material Determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .593
Exercise 24: Material Determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599
528 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
SaIes to EmpIoyees
Lesson Duialion: 2 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis, ve viII Ieain lo configuie Cuslonizing foi saIes and shipping lo
faciIilale saIes of pioducls lo enpIovees. The exeicises viII heIp vou lo
configuie SAI R/3 lo neel voui ovn lusiness iequiienenls.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize saIes and shipping lo suppoil lhe lusiness iequiienenl of
saIes lo enpIovees
- Define a one-line cuslonei and aclivale speciaI piicing
The inlioduclion foi lhis scenaiio shouId Iasl aloul 1O lo 15 ninules and
shouId ansvei lhe foIIoving queslions: Whal kind of lusiness lackgiound
is lhe scenaiio lased on`: Hov can lhe SD piocess le ieaIized in delaiI`:
and Whal lasks face lhe pailicipanls (Cuslonizing, naslei dala, ...)`
Business ExampIe
Conpanv enpIovees aie oflen alIe lo luv goods fion lheii conpanv al
ieduced piices.
In lhe foIIoving scenaiio, il is voui jol lo cieale lhis piocess foi voui
conpanv, IDLS. IDLS has sel up ils ovn shop vheie enpIovees can
puichase lhe pioducls al ieduced iales.
SaIes to EmpIoyees
WhiIe lhe saIes piocess conceining lhe saIe of pioducl lo conpanv
enpIovees is essenliaIIv lhe sane as lhe ieguIai cuslonei oidei
nanagenenl cvcIe, lheie aie a nunlei of changes lhal nusl le nade lo
enalIe lhis scenaiio.
The enpIovees of a IC nanufacluiing conpanv can luv lhe pioducls in
lheii ovn shop al cosl oi al a speciaI enpIovee piice. Thev have lo pav foi
lhe pioducls in cash and lake lhen avav innedialeIv.
The enpIovees ieceive a cash saIes invoice as a docunenl.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 529
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Figure 112: SaIes to EmpIoyees - Orders
The goods offeied lo enpIovees al a ieduced piice can le ollained fion
a speciaI shop sel up foi enpIovees. LnpIovees seIecl lheii goods, lake
lhen fion lhe sheIves, and go lo lhe checkoul. Since enpIovees can onIv
luv lhe goods lhal aie in lhe shop, an avaiIaliIilv check and liansfei of
iequiienenls aie nol necessaiv.
You shouId nol cieale anv oideis vilhoul a nel vaIue. This pievenls
docunenls vilhoul ilens oi docunenls vilh fiee ilens fion leing ciealed
in lhe svslen.
No individuaI cuslonei naslei dala foi enpIovees is nainlained in lhe
svslen. LnpIovee oideis aie piocessed using a coIIeclive naslei iecoid
(one-line cuslonei accounl).
LnpIovees geneiaIIv ieceive a discounl of 15 off lhe naleiiaI piice. Sone
naleiiaIs can have a highei discounl.
As soon as lhe enpIovee has paid, lhev aie given an invoice, vhich seives
as a ieceipl. The enpIovee lakes lhe goods avav innedialeIv.
Coods issue can le posled and liIIing docunenls can le ciealed
aulonalicaIIv and coIIecliveIv, foi exanpIe, al lhe end of lhe dav.
530 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Figure 113: SaIes to EmpIoyees - DeIivery
The svslen aulonalicaIIv cieales lhe deIiveiv once lhe saIes docunenl has
leen saved. Iicking is noinaIIv iequiied, lul in lhis case is nol ieIevanl
since enpIovees can onIv luv pioducl avaiIalIe in lhe sloie.
Coods issue can le posled nanuaIIv foi a singIe deIiveiv, oi aulonalicaIIv
in lhe lackgiound lhiough coIIeclive piocessing al lhe end of each dav.
Figure 114: SaIes to EmpIoyees - BiIIing Document
ecause lhe goods aie deIiveied as soon as lhe oidei is saved, lhe oidei
quanlilv is aIvavs lhe sane as lhe goods issue quanlilv. This aIIovs lhe
svslen lo cieale an oidei-ieIaled liIIing docunenl.
iIIing docunenls aie ciealed aulonalicaIIv and coIIecliveIv lv iunning
lhe liIIing Iisl, foi exanpIe, duiing end of dav piocessing.
In lhe financiaI accounling docunenl, lhe liIIed anounl is posled lo a
speciaI cash saIes accounl. Theie aie no ieceivalIes foi lhe cuslonei.
- Cieale a sa!cs dncumcnt tvc foi saIes lo enpIovees
- Define a nev Itcm catcgnrv foi lhe oidei and deIiveiv
- Configuie lhe inpoilanl fieIds in lhe Incnm!ctcncss !ng foi
piocessing saIes lo enpIovees
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 531
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
- Cieale a custnmcr mastcr rccnrd foi one-line cusloneis
- Lxlend rIcIng lo incIude enpIovees
- Cieale an nutut mastcr rccnrd foi lhe invoice
- Tcst saIes lo enpIovees in lhe svslen
532 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
427 Exercise 22: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Sel up a nev docunenl lvpe
- Define a nev ilen calegoiv
- Sel up a nev cuslonei naslei iecoid
- Sel up piicing conlioIs
- Sel up oulpul conlioIs
- Sel up lhe inconpIelion Iog
- Tesl lhe piocess
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv pioduces conpuleis. Youi enpIovees can luv in lhe
conpanv shop al cosl oi al discounled piices foi enpIovees. Thev nusl
pav in cash and lake lheii puichases vilh lhen. The enpIovee ieceives
an invoice (ieceipl) foi a cash saIe.
Coods issue is posled and liIIing docunenls aie ciealed aulonalicaIIv in
coIIeclive piocessing.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
Task 1
Cieale a saIes docunenl lvpe foi ZB##vilh desciiplion E5##-5a!cs.
1. To do lhis, copv lhe C5 Cash 5a!cs oidei lvpe. Lnsuie lhal aII ieIaled
lalIe enliies aie copied.
2. Configuie lhe nev docunenl lvpe such lhal lhe shipping condilion
is: As snnn as nssIb!c (01).
3. A vide iange of checks and funclions can le aclivaled in lhe saIes
docunenl lvpe, such as checking foi open conliacls oi seaiching foi
cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoids. These checks lake pIace in docunenl
piocessing and, lheiefoie, affecl svslen peifoinance.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 533
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Lnsuie lhal aII lhe checks and funclions vou do nol need have leen
4. Which enliv pievenls lhe usei fion saving inconpIele docunenls`
5. Whal effecl does lhe enliv in lhe Snipping ccndi|icns fieId have`
6. Which enliv causes a deIiveiv lo le ciealed aulonalicaIIv vhen lhe
saIes docunenl is saved`
7. Which enliies ensuie lhal lhe cuiienl dale is aulonalicaIIv used as
lhe iequesled deIiveiv dale`
8. Whal is lhe docunenl lvpe foi lhe deIiveiv`
9. Make suie lhal lhe svslen does nol piopose a liIIing docunenl foi
deIiveiv-ieIaled liansaclions.
Task 2
Cieale a sepaiale ilen calegoiv lo enalIe an ilen conlioI lhal is
independenl of cash saIes.
1. Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZB##, lv copving lhe ilen calegoiv BVN.
The desciiplion foi lhe nev ilen calegoiv shouId le C5##-Itcm. Use
lhe sellings fion lhe oiiginaI ilen calegoiv.
2. Make suie lhal ilen calegoiv ZB##is aulonalicaIIv deleinined foi
naleiiaIs vilh ilen calegoiv gioup NORM in saIes docunenl lvpe
3. Change ilen calegoiv ZB##foi deIiveiies. Iicking is nol needed
lecause lhe goods lhal aie loughl aie aIieadv in lhe enpIovee shop.
Theiefoie, deaclivale lhe Rc|ctan| fcr pic|ing fieId foi ilen calegoiv
ZB##of lhe deIiveiv.
Task 3
Cieale a nev inconpIelion pioceduie al lhe headei IeveI.
1. Copv lhe inconpIelion pioceduie lhal conlioIs docunenl lvpe C5.
Iiisl deleinine vhich inconpIelion pioceduie is used, and lhen copv
lhe kev enliv.
Nntc: In lhe Cnccsc |nc |cu frcn |nc a||cucd spacc nanc diaIog
lox, choose |n|cr lo skip lhe nessage.
2. Change lhe nev inconpIelion pioceduie.
Renove lhe enliv foi lhe puichase oidei nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
534 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
To slop lhe svslen fion ciealing fiee-of-chaige docunenls, add lhe
Nc| ta|uc cf |nc crdcr fieId.
3. Assign lhe pioceduie lo saIes docunenl lvpe ZB##.
Make suie lhal inconpIele docunenls cannol le saved.
Task 4
The enpIovees nusl le saved in lhe svslen as cusloneis so lhal vou
can cieale oideis foi lhen. Duiing piojecl pIanning, il vas decided lhal
an individuaI cuslonei naslei iecoid is nol needed foi each enpIovee.
Inslead, a coIIeclive naslei iecoid (one-line cuslonei accounl) can le
used foi enpIovee saIes. Cieale a cuslonei naslei iecoid lhal viII le used
lo iecoid enpIovee saIes lv copving cuslonei naslei iecoid CPD-LO615.
ConpIele lhe foIIoving infoinalion in lhe nev iecoid.
1. In Gcncra| Da|a, go lo lhe Addrcss lal page.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Acccun| grcup One-time customer (CPDA)
Cus|cncr ES##
Ccnpanu ccdc 1000 IDES AG
Sa|cs arca 1000, 10, 00
Task 5
Youi saIes nanagei has decided lhal each enpIovee nav ieceive a lasic
discounl of 15. Mainlain a condilion iecoid foi a cuslonei-specific
1. Mainlain a naslei iecoid foi cuslonei-dependenl discounl K007
custnmcr dIscnunt of 15%.
Task 6
The svslen shouId piinl lhe invoice aulonalicaIIv as soon as lhe saIes
docunenl has leen saved.
1. Cieale an oulpul naslei dala iecoid. Use oulpul lvpe RD03.
The oulpul has leen configuied so lhal il is senl lo lhe liII-lo pailv.
Sel up lhe naslei iecoid so lhal oulpul is piinled as soon as lhe
docunenl has leen saved.
2. Mainlain lhe foIIoving connunicalion dala foi lhe oulpul naslei
iecoid vou jusl nainlained.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 535
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Task 7
Tesl voui sellings lv living lo cieale a saIe lo an enpIovee.
1. Cieale a saIe lo an enpIovee
Oidei Tvpe ZB##
Cuslonei ES##
Addiess addiess of voui choice
Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv foi lhe oidei`
Whal aie lhe leins of pavnenl`
Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv foi lhe oidei`
Can vou save lhe docunenl` Whv oi vhv nol`
2. Lnlei lhe foIIoving lvo ilens.
Ma|cria| T-ATM## (1 unit)
Ma|cria| T-ATN## (1 unit)
Which discounls veie found`
3. Which ilen calegoiies did lhe svslen find foi lhe ilens in lhe saIes
||cn Ca|cgcru
4. Save lhe oidei. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv cieale a deIiveiv`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
536 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
5. Check vhelhei lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv piinled lhe oulpul vhen
vou saved lhe saIes docunenl.
DispIav lhe oulpul on voui scieen.
6. Whal lvpe of deIiveiv has leen ciealed`
Which ilen calegoiv does lhe svslen find foi lhe deIiveiv ilens`
Iosl lhe goods issue.
7. Cieale a liIIing docunenl foi lhe liansaclion.
To vhich docunenl does lhe liIIing docunenl iefei`
Wheie is lhis sel in Cuslonizing`
Whal is lhe liIIing docunenl lvpe`
Check lhe accounling docunenl. To vhich accounls veie lhe
inconing pavnenls posled`
8. Did lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv deleinine an oulpul in lhe liIIing
docunenl foi piinling lhe invoice` Whv oi vhv nol`
9. Look al lhe docunenl fIov foi lhe vhoIe piocess. Check lhe oveiaII
piocessing slalus of lhe individuaI docunenls.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 537
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
SoIution 22: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Task 1
Cieale a saIes docunenl lvpe foi ZB##vilh desciiplion E5##-5a!cs.
1. To do lhis, copv lhe C5 Cash 5a!cs oidei lvpe. Lnsuie lhal aII ieIaled
lalIe enliies aie copied.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl saIes docunenl lvpe C5.
c) SeIecl Ccpu as.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc ZB##
Dcscrip|icn ES##-Sales
e) Choose |n|cr lo confiin voui enliies.
f) In lhe Dcpcndcn| cn|rics fcr ccpuing ccn|rc| diaIog lox, confiin lhe
queslion, Is this entry also relevant for copying
control? vilh Ycs.
g) Choose Satc.
2. Configuie lhe nev docunenl lvpe such lhal lhe shipping condilion
is: As snnn as nssIb!c (01).
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl voui nev saIes docunenl lvpe, Z8##.
c) Choose Cnangc.
d) In lhe Snipping ccndi|icns fieId, enlei 01 (As soon as
e) Choose Satc.
3. A vide iange of checks and funclions can le aclivaled in lhe saIes
docunenl lvpe, such as checking foi open conliacls oi seaiching foi
cuslonei-naleiiaI info iecoids. These checks lake pIace in docunenl
piocessing and, lheiefoie, affecl svslen peifoinance.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
538 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Lnsuie lhal aII lhe checks and funclions vou do nol need have leen
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl voui nev saIes docunenl lvpe, Z8##.
You can deaclivale lhe foIIoving checks:
- Ciedil Iinil
- Iuichase oidei nunlei
- Connilnenl dale
- Open quolalions, oulIine agieenenls, and gioup naslei
conliacls nessages
- Iioducl alliilule nessages
- Iavnenl caids
4. Which enliv pievenls lhe usei fion saving inconpIele docunenls`
a) If lhe |nccnp|c|. ncssagcs fieId is aclivaled, lhe usei cannol save
inconpIele docunenls.
5. Whal effecl does lhe enliv in lhe Snipping ccndi|icns fieId have`
a) The shipping poinl is deleinined in lhe saIes docunenl fion
lhe shipping condilions, lhe deIiveiing pIanl, and lhe Ioading
gioup of lhe naleiiaI.
v pIacing lhe shipping condilion in docunenl lvpe
configuialion, lhe enliv in lhe cuslonei naslei is oveiiidden.
6. Which enliv causes a deIiveiv lo le ciealed aulonalicaIIv vhen lhe
saIes docunenl is saved`
a) The |nncdia|c dc|itcru fieId is aclivaled lv X- Gcncra|c dc|itcru
inncdia|c|u if uuan|i|u is ccnfirncd fcr |cdau.
7. Which enliies ensuie lhal lhe cuiienl dale is aulonalicaIIv used as
lhe iequesled deIiveiv dale`
a) The |cad |inc in daus fieId is lIank.
The Prcpcsc dc|it. Da|c fieId is aclivaled.
8. Whal is lhe docunenl lvpe foi lhe deIiveiv`
a) DeIiveiv lvpe: BV Cash 5a!c
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 539
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
9. Make suie lhal lhe svslen does nol piopose a liIIing docunenl foi
deIiveiv-ieIaled liansaclions.
a) DeIele lhe enliv in lhe D|t-rc|. oi||ing |upc fieId.
l) Choose Satc.
Task 2
Cieale a sepaiale ilen calegoiv lo enalIe an ilen conlioI lhal is
independenl of cash saIes.
1. Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZB##, lv copving lhe ilen calegoiv BVN.
The desciiplion foi lhe nev ilen calegoiv shouId le C5##-Itcm. Use
lhe sellings fion lhe oiiginaI ilen calegoiv.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl ilen calegoiv 8VN.
c) Choose Ccpu as.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
||cn ca|cgcru ZB##
Dcscrip|icn ZB##-Item
e) Choose |n|cr lo confiin voui enliies.
f) In lhe Dcpcndcn| cn|rics fcr ccpuing ccn|rc| diaIog lox, confiin lhe
queslion, Is this entry also relevant for copying
control? vilh Ycs.
g) Choose Satc.
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540 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
2. Make suie lhal ilen calegoiv ZB##is aulonalicaIIv deleinined foi
naleiiaIs vilh ilen calegoiv gioup NORM in saIes docunenl lvpe
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dcc.|upc ZB##
||cn ca|. grcup NORM
||cn usagc leave blank
||cnCa|-Hg|t||n leave blank
d) In lhe Df||C (dcfau|| i|cn ca|cgcru) fieId, oveiviile 8VN vilh
e) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
f) DeIele aII aIleinale ilen calegoiies.
g) Choose Satc.
3. Change ilen calegoiv ZB##foi deIiveiies. Iicking is nol needed
lecause lhe goods lhal aie loughl aie aIieadv in lhe enpIovee shop.
Theiefoie, deaclivale lhe Rc|ctan| fcr pic|ing fieId foi ilen calegoiv
ZB##of lhe deIiveiv.
a) |MG |cgis|ics |xccu|icn Snipping Dc|itcrics Dcfinc ||cn
Ca|cgcrics fcr Dc|itcrics.
l) SeIecl voui nev Ilen calegoiv, Z8##,
c) SeIecl Dc|ai|s.
d) Deaclivale lhe Rc|ctan| fcr pic|ing fieId.
e) Choose Satc.
Task 3
Cieale a nev inconpIelion pioceduie al lhe headei IeveI.
1. Copv lhe inconpIelion pioceduie lhal conlioIs docunenl lvpe C5.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 541
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Iiisl deleinine vhich inconpIelion pioceduie is used, and lhen copv
lhe kev enliv.
Nntc: In lhe Cnccsc |nc |cu frcn |nc a||cucd spacc nanc diaIog
lox, choose |n|cr lo skip lhe nessage.
a) To deleinine vhich inconpIelion pioceduie vas used, check
lhe coiiesponding assignnenl: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
8asic |unc|icns |cg cf |nccnp|c|c ||cns Assign |nccnp|c|icn
Prcccdurcs Assign prcccdurcs |c |nc sa|cs dccuncn| |upcs.
l) Choose saIes docunenl lvpe C5 and nole lhe assigned
inconpIelion pioceduie, Prnccdurc 11.
c) Copv lhe inconpIelion pioceduie lhal conlioIs docunenl lvpe
C5: |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns |cg cf
|nccnp|c|c ||cns Dcfinc |nccnp|c|icn Prcccdurcs.
d) SeIecl inconpIelion gioup A.
e) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose Prcccdurcs.
f) Choose Cnangc.
g) SeIecl pioceduie 11.
h) SeIecl Ccpu as.
i) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
|nPrcc 60+##
Dcscrip|icn ES##-sales header
(To deleinine lhe |nPrcc fieId foi gioup 2O, 6O + gioup nunlei
2O = 8O: foi gioup O1, 6O + gioup nunlei O1 = 61)
Nntc: Choose |n|cr lo skip lhe diaIog lox nessage
(Choose lhe kev fion lhe aIIoved nane space.
j) In lhe Spccifu cojcc| |c oc ccpicd diaIog lox, choose Ccpu a||.
k) Choose |n|cr lo confiin.
I) Choose Satc.
2. Change lhe nev inconpIelion pioceduie.
Renove lhe enliv foi lhe puichase oidei nunlei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
542 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
To slop lhe svslen fion ciealing fiee-of-chaige docunenls, add lhe
Nc| ta|uc cf |nc crdcr fieId.
a) SeIecl nev pioceduie 60+##,
l) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose |ic|ds.
c) To ienove lhe enliv foi lhe puichase oidei nunlei, seIecl lhe
enliv and choose Dc|c|c.
d) To slop lhe svslen fion ciealing fiee-of-chaige docunenls, add
lhe Nc| ta|uc cf |nc crdcr fieId lv choosing Ncu cn|rics.
e) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Tao|c VBAK
|ic|d NETWR
Scrccn KKON
S|a|us 01
larning leave blank
Ran|ing leave blank
f) Choose Satc.
3. Assign lhe pioceduie lo saIes docunenl lvpe ZB##.
Make suie lhal inconpIele docunenls cannol le saved.
a) Choose |xi|.
l) Assign |nccnp|c|icn Prcccdurcs Assign prcccdurcs |c |nc sa|cs
dccuncn| |upcs.
c) SeIecl saIes docunenl lvpe Z8##.
d) Oveiviile pioceduie 11 vilh 60+##.
e) Aclivale lhe |C-dia|cg fieId if il is nol aIieadv aclivaled.
f) Choose Satc.
Task 4
The enpIovees nusl le saved in lhe svslen as cusloneis so lhal vou
can cieale oideis foi lhen. Duiing piojecl pIanning, il vas decided lhal
an individuaI cuslonei naslei iecoid is nol needed foi each enpIovee.
Inslead, a coIIeclive naslei iecoid (one-line cuslonei accounl) can le
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 543
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
used foi enpIovee saIes. Cieale a cuslonei naslei iecoid lhal viII le used
lo iecoid enpIovee saIes lv copving cuslonei naslei iecoid CPD-LO615.
ConpIele lhe foIIoving infoinalion in lhe nev iecoid.
1. In Gcncra| Da|a, go lo lhe Addrcss lal page.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Acccun| grcup One-time customer (CPDA)
Cus|cncr ES##
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
544 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ccnpanu ccdc 1000 IDES AG
Sa|cs arca 1000, 10, 00
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a 8usincss
par|ncrs Cus|cncr Crca|c Ccnp|c|c.
l) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov lo cieale lhe appiopiiale
cuslonei naslei iecoid.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Acccun| grcup One-time customer
Cus|cncr ES##
Ccnpanu ccdc 1000 IDES AG
Sa|cs arca 1000, 10, 00
In lhe Rcfcrcncc lIock, enlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr CPD-LO615 (sample
Ccnpanu ccdc 1000 IDES AG
Sa|cs arca 1000, 10, 00
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Iion Gcncra| da|a, go lo lhe Addrcss lal page.
e) Lnlei Nanc: Sales employee ##
f) Lnlei Scarcn |crn: ES##
g) SeIecl Sa|cs arca da|a and go lo lhe Sa|cs lal page.
h) Lnlei Sa|cs cfficc: 1000 Frankfurt
i) Co lo lhe 8i||ing dccuncn| lal page.
j) Lnlei |ncc|crns: CPT (Carriage Paid To)
k) Lnlei Pauncn| |crns: 0001 (Pay immediately w/o
I) Lnlei Tax c|assifica|icn: 1
n) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 545
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Task 5
Youi saIes nanagei has decided lhal each enpIovee nav ieceive a lasic
discounl of 15. Mainlain a condilion iecoid foi a cuslonei-specific
1. Mainlain a naslei iecoid foi cuslonei-dependenl discounl K007
custnmcr dIscnunt of 15%.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ccndi|icns
Sc|cc| ou ccndi|icn |upc Crca|c.
l) Lnlei Ccndi|icn |upc: K007
c) Choose Kcu Ccnoina|icn.
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) Mainlain lhe condilion iecoid.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr ES##
Ra|c 15
f) Choose |n|cr lo ieliieve lhe dala fion lhe condilion lvpe.
g) Choose Satc.
Task 6
The svslen shouId piinl lhe invoice aulonalicaIIv as soon as lhe saIes
docunenl has leen saved.
1. Cieale an oulpul naslei dala iecoid. Use oulpul lvpe RD03.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
546 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
The oulpul has leen configuied so lhal il is senl lo lhe liII-lo pailv.
Sel up lhe naslei iecoid so lhal oulpul is piinled as soon as lhe
docunenl has leen saved.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ou|pu|
Sa|cs Dccuncn| Crca|c.
l) Lnlei oulpul lvpe: RD03
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe foIIoving lalIe.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc ZB##
Par|ncr func|icn BP
Mcdiun 1
Tinc 4
|anguagc DE
Nntc: Upon saving lhe iecoid, lhe svslen viII defauIl lhe
vaIue 1 (Prin| cu|pu|) in lhe Mcdiun fieId.
d) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 547
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
2. Mainlain lhe foIIoving connunicalion dala foi lhe oulpul naslei
iecoid vou jusl nainlained.
a) If vou exiled lhe liansaclion foi nainlaining lhe oulpul naslei
iecoid, caII up lhe oulpul naslei iecoid vou jusl ciealed in
change node: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a
Ou|pu| Sa|cs Dccuncn| Cnangc.
l) Lnlei Ou|pu| Tupc: RD03
c) SeIecl Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc: Z8##
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) SeIecl Ccnnunica|icn.
f) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ou|pu| dcticc LP01
Prin| inncdia|c|u activate
Rc|casc af|cr cu|pu| activate
Nunocr cf ncssagc 1
g) Choose Satc.
Task 7
Tesl voui sellings lv living lo cieale a saIe lo an enpIovee.
1. Cieale a saIe lo an enpIovee
Oidei Tvpe ZB##
Cuslonei ES##
Addiess addiess of voui choice
Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv foi lhe oidei`
Whal aie lhe leins of pavnenl`
Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv foi lhe oidei`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
548 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Can vou save lhe docunenl` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei Ordcr |upc: ZB##
c) Lnlei Cus|cncr: ES##
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) In lhe Addrcss scieen, enlei an addiess of voui choice.
Nntc: OnIv lhe Ci|u fieId is iequiied.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) Whal aie lhe leins of deIiveiv foi lhe oidei`
CPT (frnm thc custnmcr mastcr rccnrd): You can find lhis undei
Sa|cs ctcrticu in lhe Sa|cs lal.
h) Whal aie lhe leins of pavnenl`
0001 (frnm custnmcr mastcr rccnrd):You can find lhis undei
Sa|cs ctcrticu in lhe Sa|cs lal.
i) Can vou save lhe docunenl` Whv oi vhv nol`
No. You havenl enleied anv ilens, so lhe nel vaIue of lhe
docunenl is zeio. ecause lhe |nccnp|c|icn ncssagcs indicaloi
vas aclivaled, vou cannol save an inconpIele docunenl.
j) Choose 8ac|.
2. Lnlei lhe foIIoving lvo ilens.
Ma|cria| T-ATM## (1 unit)
Ma|cria| T-ATN## (1 unit)
Which discounls veie found`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 549
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
a) Lnlei lhe foIIoving lvo ilens
Ma|cria| T-ATM## (1 unit)
Ma|cria| T-ATN## (1 unit)
l) SeIecl i|cn 10.
c) Choose Ccndi|icns.
Which discounls veie found`
KOO7, 15 cuslonei discounl, vas found.
3. Which ilen calegoiies did lhe svslen find foi lhe ilens in lhe saIes
||cn Ca|cgcru
a) Gc|c Otcrticu.
l) Which ilen calegoiies did lhe svslen find foi lhe ilens in lhe
saIes docunenl`
||cn ca|cgcru: ZB20
4. Save lhe oidei. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv cieale a deIiveiv`
a) Choose Satc.
l) Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv cieale a deIiveiv`
Yes. Message in slalus lai: ES##-Sales #### has been
saved (delivery ######## created).
5. Check vhelhei lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv piinled lhe oulpul vhen
vou saved lhe saIes docunenl.
DispIav lhe oulpul on voui scieen.
a) Sa|cs dccuncn| Disp|au.
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) |x|ras Ou|pu| Hcadcr |di|. Cieen liaffic Iighl =
successfuIIv piocessed. Oi, vhiIe in lhe saIes docunenl, choose
Hcadcr cu|pu| prcticu.
6. Whal lvpe of deIiveiv has leen ciealed`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
550 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
Which ilen calegoiv does lhe svslen find foi lhe deIiveiv ilens`
Iosl lhe goods issue.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn
Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Cnangc Sing|c Dccuncn|.
IiII in lhe deIiveiv docunenl nunlei lhal vas aulonalicaIIv
ciealed lv lhe svslen aflei saving lhe ZB##oidei docunenl.
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) Choose Hcadcr dc|ai|s.
d) Co lo Adninis|ra|icn lal page.
e) Co lo lhe Dc|itcru |upc fieId.
Whal lvpe of deIiveiv has leen ciealed`
DeIiveiv lvpe BV has leen ciealed.
f) Choose 8ac|.
g) On lhe ||cn ctcrticu scieen, find lhe ||cn Ca|cgcru fieId.
Which ilen calegoiv does lhe svslen find foi lhe deIiveiv ilens`
The svslen finds ilen calegoiv ZB##.
h) Choose Pcs| gccds issuc.
7. Cieale a liIIing docunenl foi lhe liansaclion.
To vhich docunenl does lhe liIIing docunenl iefei`
Wheie is lhis sel in Cuslonizing`
Whal is lhe liIIing docunenl lvpe`
Check lhe accounling docunenl. To vhich accounls veie lhe
inconing pavnenls posled`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 551
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing Dccuncn|
To vhich docunenl does lhe liIIing docunenl iefei`
The liIIing docunenl iefeis lo lhe saIes docunenl.
Wheie is lhis sel in Cuslonizing`
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics
||cn ca|cgcru: ZB## Rc|ctan| |c oi||ing: B
Whal is lhe liIIing docunenl lvpe`
See lilIe lai of lhe 8V scieen.
l) Choose Satc.
c) Check lhe accounling docunenl: 8i||ing dccuncn| Cnangc
|ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
d) SeIecl lhe accounling docunenl.
e) Choose Disp|au dccuncn|.
To vhich accounls veie lhe inconing pavnenls posled`
Accounl nunlei: 1OOOOO Iellv cash
8. Did lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv deleinine an oulpul in lhe liIIing
docunenl foi piinling lhe invoice` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) Choose 8ac| (lvice).
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) Gc|c Hcadcr Ou|pu|.
Did lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv deleinine an oulpul in lhe liIIing
docunenl foi piinling lhe invoice` Whv oi vhv nol`
No. As soon as lhe oidei vas saved, an invoice vas piinled and
given lo lhe cuslonei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
552 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: SaIes to EmpIoyees
9. Look al lhe docunenl fIov foi lhe vhoIe piocess. Check lhe oveiaII
piocessing slalus of lhe individuaI docunenls.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Disp|au
|ntircnncn| Disp|au dccuncn| f|cu.
l) SeIecl lhe fiisl docunenl.
c) Choose S|a|us ctcrticu.
d) Repeal sleps l and c foi each successive docunenl in lhe
docunenl fIov.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 553
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize saIes and shipping lo suppoil lhe lusiness iequiienenl of
saIes lo enpIovees
- Define a one-line cuslonei and aclivale speciaI piicing
554 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
Lesson Duialion: 2 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson, ve viII Ieain hov lo cuslonize SAI R/3 lo aulonalicaIIv
expand liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe saIes oidei, Ieading lo lhe geneialion of
nuIlipIe puichase oideis foi lhe OMs conponenls.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cieale a OM lo le used in lhe saIes piocess
- LxpIain lhe funclions and cuslonizing oplions of lhe ilen calegoiies
and scheduIe Iine calegoiies lhal aie iequiied lo suppoil seIIing
naleiiaIs vilh OMs
The inlioduclion foi lhe scenaiio shouId Iasl aloul 1O lo 15 ninules and
shouId ansvei lhe foIIoving queslions: Whal kind of lusiness lackgiound
is lhe scenaiio lased on`: Hov can lhe SD piocess le ieaIized in delaiI`:
and Whal lasks face lhe pailicipanls (Cuslonizing, naslei dala, ...)`
Business ExampIe
SeveiaI naleiiaIs can oflen le soId logelhei as sels oi packages. These aie
sloied in R/3 as liIIs of naleiiaI (OMs). Lach sepaiale naleiiaI in lhe
liII can le configuied individuaIIv.
Youi conpanv, IDLS, speciaIizes in conlining IC packages lo neel
cusloneis individuaI iequiienenls. Il is voui jol lo cieale lhe sellings
foi lhese IC packages.
BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
NoinaIIv, lhe lusiness iequesls fion lhis scenaiio aie nel using vaiianl
If vou vanl lo discuss lhis vilh lhe pailicipanls, vou can aIso quickIv
dispIav vaiianl configuialion in lhe svslen, using lhe foIIoving dala:
SaIes docunenl lvpe: OR
SaIes aiea: 1000 and 10 and 00
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 555
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Cuslonei: 1000
Ship-lo pailv: 1000
MaleiiaI 1: P-500 (standard)
MaleiiaI 2: P-501 (wIth sa!cs nrdcr BOM) OR
P-502 (mu!tI!cvc!)
Moie delaiIed liaining in vaiianl configuialion is avaiIalIe in lhe foIIoving
couises: LO990 and LO991.
You aie a speciaIisl in seIIing ICs configuied lo lhe individuaI cusloneis
The conponenls aie ollained fion a disliiluloi vho is in conlacl vilh
lhe pioduceis in lhe Iai Lasl. The conponenls aie nol oideied fion lhe
disliiluloi unliI lhe cuslonei has pIaced an oidei foi lhe IC. This ieduces
vaiehouse slock and, lheiefoie, capilaI lie-up.
You cuslonei nav aIso oidei iepIacenenl pails.
The IC conponenls cone fion diffeienl vendois. Requiienenls aie
lheiefoie liansfeiied lo puichasing al lhe conponenl IeveI: lhis neans lhal
one oidei couId geneiale seveiaI puichase oideis.
An avaiIaliIilv check in lhe oidei is nol necessaiv lecause lhe conponenls
aie oideied diieclIv fion lhe disliiluloi.
The deIiveiv nole nusl conlain delaiIs of lolh lhe IC and aII of ils
The invoice conlains lhe vhoIe package vilh lhe quanlilv lhal vas
deIiveied. AII of lhe conponenls shouId le Iisled in lhe invoice.
556 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
Figure 115: BOMs - Expanding BOMs in SaIes Order
If lheie is a liII of naleiiaI naslei iecoid foi lhe naleiiaI, il can le
expanded in lhe saIes docunenl.
You can conlioI lhe funclion of each ilen calegoiv vhen vou define il. The
scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie deleinined dependenl on lhe iespeclive ilen
calegoiv. These sellings can aIso le cuslonized.
In lhe saIes docunenl, fiisl lhe naleiiaI lhal has a liII of naleiiaI is enleied
in lhe oidei and lecones lhe nain ilen of lhe liII of naleiiaI.
Figure 116: BOMs - Expanding BOMs in SaIes Order (2)
Second, lhe ilen calegoiv of lhe nain ilen is deleinined: lhis ilen
calegoiv conlioIs vhelhei and hov lhe OM is expanded.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 557
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Figure 117: BOMs - Expanding BOMs in SaIes Order (3)
Thiid, if lhe OM shouId le expanded, lhe svslen does il aulonalicaIIv.
The conponenls aie lhen Iisled in lhe docunenl as sul-ilens foi lhe
nain ilen.
Figure 118: BOMs - Expanding BOMs in SaIes Order (4)
Iouilh, lhe svslen deleinines an ilen calegoiv foi each sul-ilen.
You can conlioI lhe funclions of each ilen calegoiv vhen vou define il.
The scheduIe Iine calegoiies aie deleinined dependenl on lhe iespeclive
ilen calegoiv. These sellings can aIso le cuslonized.
558 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
DeIiveiv and iIIing Docunenls: once lhe puichase iequisilion has leen
ciealed aulonalicaIIv, lhe SD piocess has finished and il is liansfeiied lo
Iuichasing. Hovevei, in oidei lo conlinue lhe piocess in lhis voikshop,
slock has leen ciealed in lhe liaining svslen foi lhe OM conponenls.
This aIIovs lhe pailicipanls lo cieale deIiveiies and liIIing docunenls foi
lhe oideis so lhal lhev can check lhe sellings lhev nade foi conlioIIing lhe
liII of naleiiaIs in lhe deIiveiv and liIIing docunenls
- Crcatc liIIs of naleiiaI
- Modifv sa!cs nf dncumcnt tvc
- Cieale voui ovn Itcm catcgnrv grnus
- Cieale and assign suilalIe schcdu!c !Inc catcgnrIcs
- Idenlifv and assign voui ovn Itcm catcgnrIcs
- Ceneiale lhe aulonalic urchasc rcquIsItInn
- Tcst lhe liIIs of naleiiaI in lhe appIicalion
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 559
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
560 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
453 Exercise 23: BiIIs of MateriaI in SaIes and
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cieale an ilen calegoiv gioup
- Cieale a saIes OM
- Cieale and assign ilen calegoiies
- Cieale and assign scheduIe Iine calegoiies
- Sel up aulonalic puichase iequisilions
- Tesl lhe piocess
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS, is a liading conpanv lhal speciaIizes in seIIing
peisonaI conpuleis lhal aie designed lo neel voui cusloneis specific
iequiienenls. You ollain lhe conponenls fion a disliiluloi vho is in
conlacl vilh pioduceis in lhe Iai Lasl. The conponenls aie nol oideied
fion lhe disliiluloi unliI lhe cuslonei has pIaced an oidei foi lhe IC. This
ieduces vaiehouse slock and, lheiefoie, capilaI lie-up.
Ioi vou lo le alIe lo oidei lhe individuaI conponenls of a IC fion
diffeienl disliilulois, iequiienenls have lo le liansfeiied lo lhe
puichasing depailnenl al lhe conponenl IeveI. This neans lhal one saIes
oidei couId Iead lo seveiaI puichase oideis. Hovevei, lhe invoice onIv
conlains lhe quanlilv lhal vas deIiveied.
Youi cusloneis aie aIso alIe lo puichase individuaI spaie pails. This
neans lhal vou sliII have lo le alIe lo piice lhe conponenls individuaIIv.
You vanl lo deleinine lhe cosl foi aII conponenls foi slalislics and
conlioIIing puiposes.
The deIiveiv nole and lhe liIIing docunenl shouId conlain lolh lhe IC
and aII ils ieIevanl conponenls.
An avaiIaliIilv check is nol necessaiv foi lhe oidei lecause vou piocuie
lhe conponenls diieclIv fion lhe disliiluloi.
Change lhe sellings foi a liII of naleiiaI (OM) in SaIes & Disliilulion so
lhal il can fuIfiII aII lhese iequiienenls.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 561
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
C!Icnt: As assigned.
Uscr ID: As assigned.
Passwnrd: As assigned.
Task 1
Save a IC package in voui svslen as a singIe-IeveI liII of naleiiaI lv using
lhe naleiiaIs ciealed foi vou in lhe liaining svslen.
1. Cieale a OM foi naleiiaI T-AT5##foi pIanl 12OO and OM usage 5.
HInt: Lnlei lhe OM ilens vilh lhe OM ilen calegoiv L
(stock item).
2. Check vhelhei lhe ilens in lhe OM aie ieIevanl foi saIes docunenls.
Hov is lhis achieved`
3. Which ilen calegoiv gioups aie assigned lo lhe naleiiaIs in lhe
OM foi saIes oiganizalion 1000 and disliilulion channeI 10 in lhe
naleiiaI naslei`
MatcrIa! Itcm Catcgnrv Grnu
Task 2
Crcatc an nrdcr
Check voui nev saIes and disliilulion OM lv ciealing an oidei in lhe
lesl svslen.
1. Cieale an oidei foi lhe OM vou have jusl ciealed.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sa|cs arca 1000 10 00
Cus|cncr T-L63D##
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
562 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
PO nunocr BOM## 01
Ma|cria| T-ATS## (1 unit)
Does lhe svslen expIode lhe OM`
2. Whal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv chosen lv lhe svslen foi lhe
nain and sul-ilens`
3. Al vhal IeveI does piicing lake pIace` Wheie is lhis conlioIIed in
4. Which ilens viII appeai in lhe liIIing docunenl` Whv`
5. Which scheduIe Iine calegoiies does lhe svslen find foi lhe nain
and sul-ilens`
Task 3
5a!cs dncumcnt tvc
AIlhough vou aie using SaIes & Disliilulion OMs in saIes docunenl lvpe
ZA##, lhe iesl of saIes piocessing in voui conpanv is lhe sane as lhal in
R/3. Theiefoie, deIiveiies aie ciealed foi deIiveiv lvpe LF and liIIing
docunenls vilh liIIing docunenl lvpe F2.
1. Check vhelhei lhe coiiecl defauIl vaIues have leen aclivaled in voui
saIes docunenl lvpe and, if necessaiv, change anv sellings.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 563
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
DeIiveiv lvpe:
Oidei-ieIaled liIIing docunenl
DeIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing
docunenl lvpe:
2. The ilens in lhe saIes docunenl shouId le nunleied in 1OOs. When
vou expand a OM, lhe sul-ilens shouId le nunleied in 1Os.
Configuie voui saIes docunenl lvpe accoidingIv.
Task 4
Itcm catcgnrv In thc sa!cs nrdcr
You aie using lhe sellings aIieadv defined in Cuslonizing foi SAI R/3 foi
voui OM sellings. Theiefoie, copv lhe ilen calegoiies fion lhe slandaid
You vanl lhe foIIoving lo lake pIace in voui OMs: Iiicing shouId le
caIcuIaled foi lhe vhoIe package: lhe deIiveiv nole shouId conlain aII
lhe ilens in lhe package: lhe invoice shouId conlain lhe nain ilen and
ils conponenls vilh lhe quanlilies lhal veie acluaIIv deIiveied: and lhe
vhoIe OM shouId expand in lhe saIes docunenl.
1. The sellings lhal vou configuie in lhe nain ilen aie vaIid foi lhe
vhoIe package.
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZH##, vilh desciiplion Packagc##-MI
lv copving ilen calegoiv TAQ.
2. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZH##lo neel voui needs. Nole
lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs a||cucd, S|ruc|urc sccpc,
App|ica|icn, and Dc|crninc ccs| fieIds.
3. The sellings al lhe sul-ilen IeveI conlioI aII of lhe lasks lhal vou vanl
lo inpIenenl sepaialeIv foi each ilen.
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv ZU##vilh desciiplion Packagc##-5I
lv copving ilen calegoiv TAE.
4. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZU## so lhal il neels voui
iequiienenls. Nole lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs
a||cucd, S|ruc|urc sccpc, App|ica|icn, and Dc|crninc ccs| fieIds.
5. If vou vanl lo seII lhe conpulei pails sepaialeIv, lheie shouId le a
sepaiale ilen calegoiv in lhe saIes docunenl.
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZN##, vilh desciiplion PC arts##lv
copving TAN.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
564 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
6. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZN##lo neel voui iequiienenls.
Nole lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs a||cucd, S|ruc|urc
sccpc, and App|ica|icn fieIds.
Task 5
DcfInc Itcm catcgnrv grnu
In oidei lo use lhe conlioIs lhal have leen defined foi OMs in lhe
slandaid svslen, vou decide lo cieale a lhiid, independenl conlioI.
1. Define lhe nev ilen calegoiv gioup Z0##vilh desciiplion MTPO5
2. Change lhe ilen calegoiv gioup of voui OM pioducl, T-AT5##,
lo Z0##
Task 6
AssIgn Itcm catcgnrIcs
The nev ilen calegoiies shouId le used in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
1. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv
ZH##Packagc##-MI foi lhe nain ilen of lhe OM.
2. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv
ZU##Packagc##-5I foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM.
3. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal vhen vou seII individuaI conpulei
pails, lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv ZN##PC arts##and
no olhei aIleinalives aie possilIe.
Task 7
5chcdu!c !Inc catcgnrv
The conponenls shouId le aulonalicaIIv oideied fion lhe disliiluloi
vhen lhe saIes oidei is saved.
Nntc: Tvo scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen ciealed in lhe
liaining svslen foi voui gioup.
1. Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal a deIiveiv
ilen is ciealed fion lhe scheduIe Iine`
2. Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal goods issue
is posled lo invenloiv nanagenenl`
3. ScheduIe Iine calegoiv ZH has leen ciealed lo conlioI lhe nain ilen.
Check lhe foIIoving fieIds in Cuslonizing:
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 565
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Ilen ieI. f. dIv
Movenenl lvpe
AvaiIaliIilv check
Tiansfei of iequiienenls
4. ScheduIe Iine calegoiv ZU Indv.Purchasc Ordcr has leen ciealed lo
conlioI lhe sul-ilens. Check lhe foIIoving fieIds in Cuslonizing:
Ilen ieI. f. dIv
Movenenl lvpe
Tiansfei of iequiienenls
AvaiIaliIilv check
5. If an oidei is pIaced foi a IC, vou vanl puichase iequisilion ciealion
lo lake pIace aulonalicaIIv foi lhe conponenls.
Once lhe puichase iequisilion has leen ciealed aulonalicaIIv, lhe SD
piocess has finished and il is liansfeiied lo Iuichasing. Hovevei, in
oidei lo conlinue lhe piocess in lhis voikshop, slock has leen ciealed
in lhe liaining svslen foi lhe OM conponenls.
This aIIovs lhe pailicipanls lo cieale deIiveiies and liIIing docunenls
foi lhe oideis so lhal lhev can check lhe sellings lhev nade foi
conlioIIing lhe liII of naleiiaIs in lhe deIiveiv and liIIing docunenls.
AII lhe necessaiv infoinalion is conlained in lhe scheduIe Iines in lhe
saIes oidei. Inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis veie aIieadv deleinined
foi puichase iequisilion ciealion vhen vou defined lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv in lhe saIes oidei. Check lhe foIIoving enliies in scheduIe
Iine calegoiv ZU foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM:
Iuichase oidei lvpe
Ilen calegoiv
Accl. assigl cal.
Task 8
AssIgn schcdu!c !Inc catcgnrv
1. Which MRI lvpe vas assigned lo each naleiiaI in lhe OM foi pIanl
1200 in lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
566 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
2. Configuie voui sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZH foi lhe nain ilen in lhe OM.
3. Configuie voui sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZU foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM.
4. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZU puichase oidei foi ilens in calegoiv ZN##.
Task 9
Itcm catcgnrv In thc dc!Ivcrv
ecause lhe IC lo le deIiveied lo lhe cuslonei consisls of individuaI
conponenls lhal have aII leen oideied, vou decide lhal lhe svslen shouId
pick lhe goods al conponenl IeveI.
1. Lnsuie lhal lhe conponenls in lhe OM have lo le picked lv
configuiing deIiveiv ilen calegoiv ZU##so lhal il is lhe sane as
deIiveiv ilen calegoiv TAN.
2. Lnsuie lhal lhe nain ilen in lhe OM, ZH##, is nol picked.
3. Hov does deIiveiv ilen calegoiv ZN## iespond vilh iegaid lo
Check, and, if necessaiv, change lhe sellings.
Task 10
Crcatc an nrdcr
Tesl voui OM in a saIes oidei.
1. Cieale an oidei vilh saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##and saIes aiea 1000
and 10 and 00 foi cuslonei T-L63D##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
Wilh a deIiveiv dale In twn wccks, oidei 1 unIt of naleiiaI T-AT5##.
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI`
2. Which ilen nunleis does lhe svslen give lhe OM`
3. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui ilen calegoiies foi lhe nain
and sul-ilens`
4. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
5. Youi cuslonei adds lvo noie nonilois lo lhe oiiginaI oidei. Change
lhe oidei and enlei an ilen vilh naleiiaI T-ATW##.
Whal is lhe ilen nunlei of lhis ilen`
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April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 567
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
6. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies does lhe svslen use foi lhe
nev ilen`
7. Did lhe svslen caIcuIale a piice foi lhis naleiiaI` Whv oi vhv nol`
8. You can caII up lhe puichase iequisilion diieclIv fion lhe saIes
docunenl and edil il lheie. Navigale fion lhe oidei lo lhe puichase
9. DeIivei lhe oidei. Does lhe svslen expand lhe OM in lhe deIiveiv
Iick lhe deIiveiv lv ciealing a liansfei oidei (vaiehouse nunlei:
O12). Iosl lhe goods issue.
1O. iII lhe deIiveiv.
Does lhe svslen expand lhe OM in lhe liIIing docunenl`
568 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
SoIution 23: BiIIs of MateriaI in SaIes and
Task 1
Save a IC package in voui svslen as a singIe-IeveI liII of naleiiaI lv using
lhe naleiiaIs ciealed foi vou in lhe liaining svslen.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 569
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
1. Cieale a OM foi naleiiaI T-AT5##foi pIanl 12OO and OM usage 5.
HInt: Lnlei lhe OM ilens vilh lhe OM ilen calegoiv L
(stock item).
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
8i||s cf na|cria| 8i|| cf na|cria| Ma|cria| 8OMCrca|c.
l) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ma|cria| T-ATS##
P|an| 1200 Dresden
8OM usagc 5 Sales and distribu-
VaIid fion Today
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
||cn 10 T-ATT## (1 unit)
||cn 20 T-ATU## (1 unit)
||cn 30 T-ATV## (4 units)
||cn 40 T-ATW## (1 unit)
e) Choose Satc.
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570 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
2. Check vhelhei lhe ilens in lhe OM aie ieIevanl foi saIes docunenls.
Hov is lhis achieved`
a) 8i|| cf na|cria| Ma|cria| 8OM Cnangc Gc|c ||cn
l) SeIecl ilen 1O
c) Gc|c ||cn.
d) Co lo lhe S|a|us/|cng |cx| lal page.
Hov is lhis achieved`
The ilen has leen sel lo slalus rc!cvant tn sa!cs. When vou
cieale a OM, lhis slalus is aulonalicaIIv aclivaled lecause lhe
OM has leen ciealed as a SaIes & Disliilulion OM (usage
indicaloi: 5 SaIes and disliilulion).
3. Which ilen calegoiv gioups aie assigned lo lhe naleiiaIs in lhe
OM foi saIes oiganizalion 1000 and disliilulion channeI 10 in lhe
naleiiaI naslei`
MatcrIa! Itcm Catcgnrv Grnu
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 571
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
MatcrIa! Itcm Catcgnrv Grnu
a) Ioi each ilen, foIIov: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr
Da|a Prcduc|s Ma|cria|s Trading gccds Disp|au.
HInt: Aflei Iooking al lhe ilen calegoiv gioup foi lhe
fiisl ilen, vou can use lhe O|ncr na|cria| lullon. SeIecl
lhe appiopiiale viev and enlei oiganizalionaI unils.
l) Choose Sc|cc| ticu(s).
c) Choose Sa|cs. Sa|cs Org. Da|a 2.
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
P|an| 1200
Sa|cs crg. 1000
Dis|r. cnannc| 10
f) Choose |n|cr.
MatcrIa! Itcm Catcgnrv Grnu
Task 2
Crcatc an nrdcr
Check voui nev saIes and disliilulion OM lv ciealing an oidei in lhe
lesl svslen.
1. Cieale an oidei foi lhe OM vou have jusl ciealed.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
572 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sa|cs arca 1000 10 00
Cus|cncr T-L63D##
PO nunocr BOM## 01
Ma|cria| T-ATS## (1 unit)
Does lhe svslen expIode lhe OM`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Dccuncn| |upc ZA##
Sa|cs arca 1000 10 00
Cus|cncr T-L63D##
PO nunocr BOM## 01
Ma|cria| T-ATS## (1 unit)
e) Choose |n|cr.
Does lhe svslen expIode lhe OM`
f) Choose Satc.
2. Whal ilen calegoiies aie aulonalicaIIv chosen lv lhe svslen foi lhe
nain and sul-ilens`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 573
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Co lo lhe Sa|cs lal page.
Itcm Catcgnrv
Main ilen TAQ
Sul-ilens TAE
3. Al vhal IeveI does piicing lake pIace` Wheie is lhis conlioIIed in
a) SeIecl ilen 1O.
l) Choose Ccndi|icns.
c) Choose Ncx| i|cn.
Al vhal IeveI does piicing lake pIace`
Iiicing lakes pIace al lhe nain ilen IeveI.
Wheie is lhis conlioIIed in Cuslonizing`
|MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
d) SeIecl TAE and TAQ.
e) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Ilen calegoiv TAL is nol ieIevanl lo piicing.
f) Choose Ncx| cn|ru.
Ilen calegoiv TAO is ieIevanl lo piicing.
4. Which ilens viII appeai in lhe liIIing docunenl` Whv`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
574 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl TAE and TAQ.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
d) Choose Ncx| cn|ru.
Which ilens viII appeai in lhe liIIing docunenl`
OnIv lhe nain ilen. OnIv ilen calegoiv TAO is ieIevanl lo
5. Which scheduIe Iine calegoiies does lhe svslen find foi lhe nain
and sul-ilens`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc
l) SeIecl ilen 1O.
c) Choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
d) Choose Ncx| cn|ru.
5chcdu!c LInc Catcgnrv
Main ilen CN
Sul-ilens CT
Task 3
5a!cs dncumcnt tvc
AIlhough vou aie using SaIes & Disliilulion OMs in saIes docunenl lvpe
ZA##, lhe iesl of saIes piocessing in voui conpanv is lhe sane as lhal in
R/3. Theiefoie, deIiveiies aie ciealed foi deIiveiv lvpe LF and liIIing
docunenls vilh liIIing docunenl lvpe F2.
1. Check vhelhei lhe coiiecl defauIl vaIues have leen aclivaled in voui
saIes docunenl lvpe and, if necessaiv, change anv sellings.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 575
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
DeIiveiv lvpe:
Oidei-ieIaled liIIing docunenl
DeIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing
docunenl lvpe:
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| Hcadcr Dcfinc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
DeIiveiv lvpe: LF
Oidei-ieIaled liIIing
docunenl lvpe:
DeIiveiv-ieIaled liIIing
docunenl lvpe:
2. The ilens in lhe saIes docunenl shouId le nunleied in 1OOs. When
vou expand a OM, lhe sul-ilens shouId le nunleied in 1Os.
Configuie voui saIes docunenl lvpe accoidingIv.
a) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
Ilen no. incienenls: 100
Sul-ilen incienenl: 10
l) Choose Satc.
Task 4
Itcm catcgnrv In thc sa!cs nrdcr
You aie using lhe sellings aIieadv defined in Cuslonizing foi SAI R/3 foi
voui OM sellings. Theiefoie, copv lhe ilen calegoiies fion lhe slandaid
You vanl lhe foIIoving lo lake pIace in voui OMs: Iiicing shouId le
caIcuIaled foi lhe vhoIe package: lhe deIiveiv nole shouId conlain aII
lhe ilens in lhe package: lhe invoice shouId conlain lhe nain ilen and
ils conponenls vilh lhe quanlilies lhal veie acluaIIv deIiveied: and lhe
vhoIe OM shouId expand in lhe saIes docunenl.
1. The sellings lhal vou configuie in lhe nain ilen aie vaIid foi lhe
vhoIe package.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
576 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZH##, vilh desciiplion Packagc##-MI
lv copving ilen calegoiv TAQ.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cns Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Ilen calegoiv TAQ.
c) Choose Ccpu as.
d) Oveiviile Ilen calegoiv TAQ vilh ZH##.
e) Oveiviile desciiplion Extcnt dc!Ivcrcd vilh Package##-MI.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) In lhe Dcpcndcn| cn|rics fcr ccpuing ccn|rc| diaIog lox, choose Ycs.
h) Choose Satc.
2. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZH##lo neel voui needs. Nole
lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs a||cucd, S|ruc|urc sccpc,
App|ica|icn, and Dc|crninc ccs| fieIds.
a) Choose Ilen calegoiv ZH##.
l) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Pricing X 5tandard rIcIng
Rc|ct. fcr oi||ing A Dc!Ivcrv-rc!atcd bI!!Ing
Scncd. |inc a||cucd ActIvatcd
Dc|crninc ccs| DcactIvatcd
S|ruc|urc sccpc A Ex!ndc sIng!c-!cvc! bI!! nf
App|ica|icn 5D01 5a!cs and DIstrIbutInn
c) Choose Satc.
3. The sellings al lhe sul-ilen IeveI conlioI aII of lhe lasks lhal vou vanl
lo inpIenenl sepaialeIv foi each ilen.
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv ZU##vilh desciiplion Packagc##-5I
lv copving ilen calegoiv TAE.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl Ilen calegoiv TAE.
c) Choose Ccpu as.
d) Oveiviile Ilen calegoiv TAE vilh ZU##.
e) Oveiviile desciiplion Ex!anatInn vilh Package##-SI.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) In lhe Dcpcndcn| cn|rics fcr ccpuing ccn|rc| diaIog lox, choose Ycs.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 577
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
4. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZU## so lhal il neels voui
iequiienenls. Nole lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs
a||cucd, S|ruc|urc sccpc, App|ica|icn, and Dc|crninc ccs| fieIds.
a) SeIecl ilen calegoiv ZU##.
l) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Pricing B!ank (nn rIcIng)
Rc|ct. fcr oi||ing A Dc!Ivcrv-rc!atcd bI!!Ing
Scncd. |inc a||cucd ActIvatcd
S|ruc|urc sccpc B!ank (dn nnt cx!ndc bI!! nf
matcrIa! structurc)
App|ica|icn B!ank
Dc|crninc ccs| ActIvatcd
5. If vou vanl lo seII lhe conpulei pails sepaialeIv, lheie shouId le a
sepaiale ilen calegoiv in lhe saIes docunenl.
Cieale a nev ilen calegoiv, ZN##, vilh desciiplion PC arts##lv
copving TAN.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl ilen calegoiv TAN.
c) Choose Ccpu as.
d) Oveiviile Ilen calegoiv TAN vilh ZN##.
e) Oveiviile desciiplion 5tandard Itcm vilh PC parts 20.
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) In lhe Dcpcndcn| cn|rics fcr ccpuing ccn|rc| diaIog lox, choose Ycs.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
578 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
6. If necessaiv, change ilen calegoiv ZN##lo neel voui iequiienenls.
Nole lhe Pricing, Rc|ctan| fcr oi||ing, Scncdu|c |incs a||cucd, S|ruc|urc
sccpc, and App|ica|icn fieIds.
a) Choose Ilen calegoiv ZN##.
l) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Pricing X 5tandard rIcIng
Rc|ct. fcr oi||ing A Dc!Ivcrv-rc!atcd bI!!Ing
Scncd. |inc a||cucd ActIvatcd
Dc|crninc ccs| ActIvatcd
S|ruc|urc sccpc B!ank (dn nnt cx!ndc bI!! nf
matcrIa! structurc)
App|ica|icn B!ank
Task 5
DcfInc Itcm catcgnrv grnu
In oidei lo use lhe conlioIs lhal have leen defined foi OMs in lhe
slandaid svslen, vou decide lo cieale a lhiid, independenl conlioI.
1. Define lhe nev ilen calegoiv gioup Z0##vilh desciiplion MTPO5
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcru Grcups.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei Ilen calegoiv gioup: ZO##
d) Lnlei desciiplion: MTPOS Group##
e) Choose Satc.
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April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 579
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
2. Change lhe ilen calegoiv gioup of voui OM pioducl, T-AT5##,
lo Z0##
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria|s Trading gccds Cnangc.
l) Lnlei naleiiaI T-ATS##.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl viev:Sa|cs. Sa|cs Org. Da|a 2.
e) Lnlei pIanl: 1200
f) Lnlei saIes oiganizalion: 1000
g) Lnlei disliilulion channeI: 10
h) Choose |n|cr.
i) Change ilen calegoiv gioup lo ZO##.
j) Choose Satc.
Task 6
AssIgn Itcm catcgnrIcs
The nev ilen calegoiies shouId le used in lhe saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
1. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv
ZH##Packagc##-MI foi lhe nain ilen of lhe OM.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc ZA##
||cn ca|cgcru grcup ZO##
||cn usagc leave blank
Higncr |ctc| i|cn ca|cgcru leave blank
Dcfau|| i|cn ca|cgcru ZH##
d) Choose Satc.
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580 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
2. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv
ZU##Packagc##-5I foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc ZA##
||cn ca|cgcru grcup NORM
||cn usagc leave blank
Higncr |ctc| i|cn ca|cgcru ZH##
Dcfau|| i|cn ca|cgcru ZU##
d) Choose Satc.
3. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal vhen vou seII individuaI conpulei
pails, lhe svslen finds lhe nev ilen calegoiv ZN##PC arts##and
no olhei aIleinalives aie possilIe.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s Sa|cs
Dccuncn| ||cn Assign ||cn Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sa|cs dccuncn| |upc ZA##
||cn ca|cgcru grcup Norm
||cn usagc leave blank
Higncr |ctc| i|cn ca|cgcru leave blank
d) Choose |n|cr.
e) Ioi lhe defauIl ilen calegoiv, oveiviile TAN vilh ZN##.
f) Choose Dc|ai|s.
g) DeIele aII aIleinale ilen calegoiies.
h) Choose Satc.
Task 7
5chcdu!c !Inc catcgnrv
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 581
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
The conponenls shouId le aulonalicaIIv oideied fion lhe disliiluloi
vhen lhe saIes oidei is saved.
Nntc: Tvo scheduIe Iine calegoiies have leen ciealed in lhe
liaining svslen foi voui gioup.
1. Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal a deIiveiv
ilen is ciealed fion lhe scheduIe Iine`
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Scncdu|c |incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl anv scheduIe Iine calegoiv.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal a
deIiveiv ilen is ciealed fion lhe scheduIe Iine`
The ||cn rc|ctan| fcr dc|itcru indicaloi nusl le aclivaled.
2. Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal goods issue
is posled lo invenloiv nanagenenl`
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Scncdu|c |incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl anv scheduIe Iine calegoiv
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Which selling in lhe scheduIe Iine calegoiv ensuies lhal goods
issue is posled lo invenloiv nanagenenl`
The novenenl lvpe ensuies lhal goods issue is posled lo
invenloiv nanagenenl.
3. ScheduIe Iine calegoiv ZH has leen ciealed lo conlioI lhe nain ilen.
Check lhe foIIoving fieIds in Cuslonizing:
Ilen ieI. f. dIv
Movenenl lvpe
AvaiIaliIilv check
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
582 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
Tiansfei of iequiienenls
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Scncdu|c |incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl scheduIe Iine calegoiv ZH.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
||cn rc|. f. d|t ActIvatcd
Mctcncn| |upc B!ank
Transfcr cf rcuuircncn|s B!ank
Atai|aoi|i|u cncc| B!ank
4. ScheduIe Iine calegoiv ZU Indv.Purchasc Ordcr has leen ciealed lo
conlioI lhe sul-ilens. Check lhe foIIoving fieIds in Cuslonizing:
Ilen ieI. f. dIv
Movenenl lvpe
Tiansfei of iequiienenls
AvaiIaliIilv check
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Scncdu|c |incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) SeIecl scheduIe Iine calegoiv ZU.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
||cn rc|. f. d|t ActIvatcd
Mctcncn| |upc 601
Transfcr cf rcuuircncn|s B!ank
Atai|aoi|i|u cncc| B!ank
5. If an oidei is pIaced foi a IC, vou vanl puichase iequisilion ciealion
lo lake pIace aulonalicaIIv foi lhe conponenls.
Once lhe puichase iequisilion has leen ciealed aulonalicaIIv, lhe SD
piocess has finished and il is liansfeiied lo Iuichasing. Hovevei, in
oidei lo conlinue lhe piocess in lhis voikshop, slock has leen ciealed
in lhe liaining svslen foi lhe OM conponenls.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 583
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
This aIIovs lhe pailicipanls lo cieale deIiveiies and liIIing docunenls
foi lhe oideis so lhal lhev can check lhe sellings lhev nade foi
conlioIIing lhe liII of naleiiaIs in lhe deIiveiv and liIIing docunenls.
AII lhe necessaiv infoinalion is conlained in lhe scheduIe Iines in lhe
saIes oidei. Inpoilanl conlioI paianeleis veie aIieadv deleinined
foi puichase iequisilion ciealion vhen vou defined lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv in lhe saIes oidei. Check lhe foIIoving enliies in scheduIe
Iine calegoiv ZU foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM:
Iuichase oidei lvpe
Ilen calegoiv
Accl. assigl cal.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|
Scncdu|c |incs Dcfinc Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose scheduIe Iine calegoiv ZU.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Purcnasc crdcr |upc NB
P.rcu.dc|.scncd ActIvatcd
||cn ca|cgcru 0 Nnrma! (In urchasc
Acc|. assig| ca|. E Custnmcr IndIvIdua!
Task 8
AssIgn schcdu!c !Inc catcgnrv
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
584 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
1. Which MRI lvpe vas assigned lo each naleiiaI in lhe OM foi pIanl
1200 in lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and dis|riou|icn Mas|cr da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria|s Trading gccds Disp|au Vicu. MRP 1.
l) Lnlei naleiiaI: T-ATS##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) SeIecl ticu. MRP 1.
e) Lnlei pIanl: 1200
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) Choose O|ncr na|cria|.
Which MRI lvpe vas assigned lo each naleiiaI in lhe OM foi
pIanl 1200 in lhe naleiiaI naslei iecoid`
2. Configuie voui sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZH foi lhe nain ilen in lhe OM.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Scncdu|c |incs Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei Ilen calegoiv: ZH##
d) Lnlei MRI lvpe: ND
e) Change ND lo ZH.
f) Choose Satc.
3. Configuie voui sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZU foi lhe sul-ilens in lhe OM.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Scncdu|c |incs Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei ilen calegoiv: ZU##
d) Lnlei MRI lvpe: PD
e) Change PD lo ZU.
f) Choose Satc.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 585
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
4. Configuie lhe sellings so lhal lhe svslen finds lhe scheduIe Iine
calegoiv ZU puichase oidei foi ilens in calegoiv ZN##.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Sa|cs Dccuncn|s
Scncdu|c |incs Assign Scncdu|c |inc Ca|cgcrics.
l) Choose Pcsi|icn.
c) Lnlei ilen calegoiv: ZN##
d) Lnlei MRI lvpe: PD
e) Change PD lo ZU.
f) Choose Satc.
Task 9
Itcm catcgnrv In thc dc!Ivcrv
ecause lhe IC lo le deIiveied lo lhe cuslonei consisls of individuaI
conponenls lhal have aII leen oideied, vou decide lhal lhe svslen shouId
pick lhe goods al conponenl IeveI.
1. Lnsuie lhal lhe conponenls in lhe OM have lo le picked lv
configuiing deIiveiv ilen calegoiv ZU##so lhal il is lhe sane as
deIiveiv ilen calegoiv TAN.
a) |MG |cgis|ics |xccu|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn
Dc|itcrics Dcfinc ||cn Ca|cgcrics fcr Dc|itcrics.
l) SeIecl ilen calegoiv ZU##.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ma|. nc. 0 a||cucd Activate
Cncc| uuan|i|u 0 A Note about the
Cncc| nininun uuan|i|u A Note about the
Rc|ctan| fcr pic|ing Activate
S||cca|icn rcuuircd Activate
Dc|crninc S||cca|icn Activate
Au|c8a|cnDc|crn. Deactivate
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
586 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
2. Lnsuie lhal lhe nain ilen in lhe OM, ZH##, is nol picked.
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) SeIecl ilen calegoiv ZH##.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
d) Deaclivale lhe Rc|ctan| fcr pic|ing fieId.
3. Hov does deIiveiv ilen calegoiv ZN## iespond vilh iegaid lo
Check, and, if necessaiv, change lhe sellings.
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) SeIecl ilen calegoiv ZN##.
c) Choose Dc|ai|s.
Hov does deIiveiv ilen calegoiv ZN##iespond vilh iegaid lo
If vou seII spaie pails, lhev nusl le picked as veII. ecause ilen
calegoiv ZN##vas ciealed lv copving TAN, vou do nol need lo
change lhe sellings foi picking foi lhis deIiveiv ilen calegoiv.
Task 10
Crcatc an nrdcr
Tesl voui OM in a saIes oidei.
1. Cieale an oidei vilh saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##and saIes aiea 1000
and 10 and 00 foi cuslonei T-L63D##vilh puichase oidei nunlei
Wilh a deIiveiv dale In twn wccks, oidei 1 unIt of naleiiaI T-AT5##.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 587
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Lnlei saIes aiea 1000 and 10 and 00.
d) In lhe Sa|cs ctcrticu scieen, enlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr T-L63D##
PO nunocr BOM##-02
Rcu. dc|itcru da|c In two weeks
Ma|cria| T-ATS##
Ordcr uuan|i|u 1
e) Choose |n|cr.
Does lhe svslen expand lhe liII of naleiiaI`
2. Which ilen nunleis does lhe svslen give lhe OM`
a) Nole lhe ilen nunleis in lhe Sa|cs ctcrticu scieen.
Which ilen nunleis does lhe svslen give lhe OM`
1. Ilen: 100
2. Ilen: 110
3. Ilen: 120
4. Ilen: 130
5. Ilen: 140
3. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui ilen calegoiies foi lhe nain
and sul-ilens`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) Nole lhe ilen calegoiies in lhe Sa|cs ctcrticu scieen.
Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui ilen calegoiies foi
lhe nain and sul-ilens`
Main ilen: ZH##
Sul-ilens: ZU##
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
588 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
4. Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) SeIecl fiisl ilen.
c) Choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
d) Choose Ncx| i|cn lo scioII lhiough lhe ienaining Iine ilens in
lhe saIes oidei.
Does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use voui scheduIe Iine
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv foi
nain ilen:
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv foi
5. Youi cuslonei adds lvo noie nonilois lo lhe oiiginaI oidei. Change
lhe oidei and enlei an ilen vilh naleiiaI T-ATW##.
Whal is lhe ilen nunlei of lhis ilen`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
l) In lhe Sa|cs ctcrticu scieen, go lo lhe fiisl avaiIalIe lIank Iine
and enlei 2 units of naleiiaI T-ATW##.
c) Choose |n|cr.
Whal is lhe ilen nunlei of lhis ilen`
6. Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies does lhe svslen use foi lhe
nev ilen`
a) SeIecl Iine ilen 2OO.
l) Choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
c) Choose Prccurcncn|.
Which ilen and scheduIe Iine calegoiies does lhe svslen use
foi lhe nev ilen`
Ilen calegoiv: ZN##
ScheduIe Iine calegoiv: ZU
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 589
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
7. Did lhe svslen caIcuIale a piice foi lhis naleiiaI` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) Gc|c Otcrticu.
l) SeIecl Iine ilen 2OO.
c) Choose Ccndi|icns.
Did lhe svslen caIcuIale a piice foi lhis naleiiaI`
Yes. Ilen calegoiv ZN##is piiced lv lhe svslen.
8. You can caII up lhe puichase iequisilion diieclIv fion lhe saIes
docunenl and edil il lheie. Navigale fion lhe oidei lo lhe puichase
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) SeIecl Iine ilen 2OO.
c) Choose Scncdu|c |incs fcr i|cn.
d) Choose Prccurcncn|.
e) Choose |di|.
9. DeIivei lhe oidei. Does lhe svslen expand lhe OM in lhe deIiveiv
Iick lhe deIiveiv lv ciealing a liansfei oidei (vaiehouse nunlei:
O12). Iosl lhe goods issue.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn
Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Crca|c Sing|c Dccuncn| li|n Rcfcrcncc
|c Sa|cs Ordcr.
l) Lnlei Shipping poinl: 1200
c) Lnlei SeIeclion dale: in two weeks
d) Choose |n|cr.
Does lhe svslen expand lhe OM in lhe deIiveiv nole`
e) Iick lhe deIiveiv lv ciealing a liansfei oidei.
Suoscuucn| func|icns Crca|c |ransfcr crdcr.
f) Choose Ycs lo confiin lhe diaIog lox nessage.
g) If lhe vaiehouse nunlei does nol defauIl, enlei vaiehouse
nunlei 012.
h) Choose |n|cr.
i) Choose Satc.
j) Iosl lhe goods issue: |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn
Snipping and Transpcr|a|icn Ou|ocund Dc|itcru Cnangc
Sing|c Dccuncn|.
k) Choose Pcs| gccds issuc.
1O. iII lhe deIiveiv.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
590 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: BiIIs of MateriaI (BOMs)
Does lhe svslen expand lhe OM in lhe liIIing docunenl`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8i||ing 8i||ing Dccuncn|
l) Choose Satc.
c) 8i||ing dccuncn| Disp|au.
d) Choose |n|cr.
Does lhe svslen expIode lhe OM in lhe liIIing docunenl`
e) SeIecl fiisl Iine ilen.
f) Choose Ccndi|icns.
g) Choose Ncx| i|cn lo scioII lhiough aII lhe Iine ilens.
Do lhe piices appeai in lhe liIIing docunenl`
Main ilen: Nn
Sul-ilen: Ycs
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 591
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Cieale a OM lo le used in lhe saIes piocess
- LxpIain lhe funclions and cuslonizing oplions of lhe ilen calegoiies
and scheduIe Iine calegoiies lhal aie iequiied lo suppoil seIIing
naleiiaIs vilh OMs
592 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
MateriaI Determination
Lesson Duialion: 2 houis
Lesson Overview
In lhis Iesson, ve viII Ieain hov lo cuslonize SAI R/3 foi pioducl
sulslilulion foi ceilain cusloneis vhenevei nev pioducl lecones
avaiIalIe, vhiIe onIv naking nev pioducl avaiIalIe lo olhei cusloneis.
CrcatIng Acccss 5cqucnccsThe exeicises have leen designed so lhal vhen
lhe pailicipanls cieale a nev access, lhev lianch lo lhe IieIds delaiIs
scieen. If vou donl caII up lhe IieIds delaiIs scieen aflei naking lhe
coiiecl sellings and saving lhe access sequence, lhe svslen nav infoin
vou lhal eiiois have occuiied vhich vou (oi lhe pailicipanls) viII nol
le alIe lo find.
Lesson Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis Iesson, vou viII le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize naleiiaI deleininalion sellings
The inlioduclion foi each scenaiio shouId Iasl aloul 1O lo 15 ninules and
shouId ansvei lhe foIIoving queslions: Whal kind of lusiness lackgiound
is lhe scenaiio lased on`: Hov can lhe SD piocess le ieaIized in delaiI`:
and Whal lasks face lhe pailicipanls (Cuslonizing, naslei dala, ...)`
Business ExampIe
In lhe foIIoving scenaiio, il is voui jol lo sel up aulonalic sulslilulion foi
voui conpanv, IDLS.
Youi conpanv seIIs conpuleis and conpulei pails. RecenlIv, vou have
added nev pioducls lo voui slock. The saIes and disliilulion nodeI
shouId le configuied so lhal ceilain cusloneis aIvavs ieceive lhe nev
pioducl vhen lhev oidei an oId one. AII olhei cusloneis shouId conlinue
lo ieceive lhe oId pioducl unliI slocks iun oul.
MaleiiaIs can le aulonalicaIIv iepIaced in saIes docunenls. Whenevei
possilIe, lhe slock of lhe oId naleiiaI shouId le used up foi lhe oideis
lefoie vou seII lhe nev pioducl. Hovevei, vou vanl lo deIivei lhe nev
pioducl lo ceilain cusloneis.
Theie aie vaiious lusiness scenaiios vhich iequiie lhal an oideied pioducl
le iepIaced lv anolhei. You viII vanl lo Ieain lhis funclionaIilv in R/3.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 593
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
MateriaI Determination
Figure 119: MateriaI Determination - Order
Iiisl, naleiiaI deleininalion shouId lake pIace al saIes oidei pIacenenl.
You vanl lo use naleiiaI deleininalion lo neel lhe foIIoving
- SpeciaI cusloneis aIvavs ieceive lhe nevesl nodeI, even if a
puichase oidei is ciealed foi lhe oId one lv nislake. A vaining
nessage shouId infoin lhe enpIovee vho cieales lhe oidei lhal lhe
naleiiaI viII le aulonalicaIIv iepIaced. This shouId aIso lake pIace if
lhe cuslonei is aIso lhe ship-lo pailv in lhe saIes docunenl.
- AII olhei cusloneis onIv ieceive lhe nev naleiiaI if lhev oidei il
- Once lhe slock of lhe oId naleiiaI has leen used up, lhe nev naleiiaI
can aulonalicaIIv iepIace lhe oId one in lhe saIes docunenl.
594 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Figure 120: MateriaI Determination - Condition Technique
The condilion lechnique piovides noie fIexiliIilv in nodeIing naleiiaI
deleininalion and pioducl seIeclion.
You can assign a naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie lo each saIes docunenl
lvpe. The pioceduie conlains aII of lhe Cuslonizing infoinalion lhal lhe
svslen needs foi naleiiaI deleininalion. The pioceduie incIudes one
oi noie defined condilion lvpes.
One access sequence (seaich slialegv) is assigned lo each condilion lvpe.
Lach access sequence consisls of one oi noie accesses. Lach access
conlains exaclIv one condilion lalIe: lhis iepiesenls lhe seaich kev lhal lhe
svslen uses lo seaich foi a vaIid naslei iecoid.
You can aclivale an anaIvsis of lhe naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes
docunenl. The svslen viII lhen dispIav delaiIed infoinalion on hov lhe
naleiiaIs veie deleinined.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 595
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Figure 121: MateriaI Determination - Customizing
You shouId configuie Cuslonizing in lhe ieveise sequence of lhal used lv
lhe svslen vhen il seaiches foi lhe vaIid naleiiaI deleininalion naslei
iecoids foi saIes oideis.
You can aclivale lhe naleiiaI deleininalion anaIvsis fion lhe saIes
docunenl lv foIIoving |ntircnncn| Ana|usis Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn
You can use lhis funclion lo check Cuslonizing in delaiI and caiiv oul a
slep-lv-slep seaich of lhe svslen. This heIps vou lo iecognize and fix anv
incoiiecl sellings quickIv and easiIv.
Nntc: The anaIvsis iuns duiing naleiiaI deleininalion, so il nusl
le aclivaled lefoie vou enlei lhe ilens in lhe docunenl.
596 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Figure 122: MateriaI Determination - Substitution Reason
If lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv iepIaces lhe oId naleiiaI lecause il is no Iongei
avaiIalIe (equivaIenl lo aulonalic pioducl seIeclion), vou can ie-execule
sulslilulion vhen vou cieale a deIiveiv. This is usefuI if lhe anounl of
avaiIalIe naleiiaI changes lelveen lhe oidei and lhe deIiveiv.
Depending on voui sellings in Cuslonizing, lhe oidei confiinalion can
conlain eilhei lhe naleiiaI lhal vas oideied, oi lhe sulslilulion naleiiaI.
The foIIoving is a Iisl of lhe lasks lhal nusl le peifoined foi lhis case
- Cieale a nev matcrIa! mastcr rccnrd
- Cieale a nev cnndItInn tab!c
- Sel up a nev acccss scqucncc
- Sel up a nev cnndItInn tvc foi naleiiaI deleininalion
- Sel up a nev rnccdurc foi naleiiaI deleininalion
- Cieale a nev rcasnn fnr substItutInn
- Cieale a mastcr rccnrds foi naleiiaI deleininalion
- Tcst lhe effecl of naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe oidei, deIiveiv and
oidei confiinalion
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 597
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
598 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
489 Exercise 24: MateriaI Determination
Lxeicise Duialion: ninules
Exercise Objectives
Aflei conpIeling lhis exeicise, vou viII le alIe lo:
- uiId and execule condilion lechnique in naleiiaI deleininalion
- Define and assign naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduies
- Define naleiiaI deleininalion lvpe
- Define access sequences
- Define and assign condilion lalIes
- Cieale naslei iecoids
- Tesl lhe piocess
Business ExampIe
Youi conpanv, IDLS, seIIs conpuleis and conpulei pails. You iecenlIv
added nev pioducls lo voui slock.
Il is voui jol lo configuie lhe SaIes & Disliilulion nodeI so lhal speciaI
cusloneis aIvavs ieceive a nev pioducl vhen lhev oidei lhe oId one. AII
olhei cusloneis shouId conlinue lo ieceive lhe oId pioducl unliI slocks
iun oul.
UnliI nov, vou have leen using naleiiaI deleininalion vilh lhe slandaid
Cuslonizing sellings lhal veie deIiveied vilh R/3. In lhis exeicise, vou
viII change naleiiaI deleininalion lo neel voui iequiienenls.
System Data
5vstcm: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
C!Icnt: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Uscr ID: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
Passwnrd: As assigned. Ioi Iuluie Use. Do nol nodifv lhis
5ct u InstructInns:
1. As assigned. |Lnlei aII insliuclions necessaiv foi lhe nainlenance of
lhis exeicise.!
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 599
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Task 1
MatcrIa! mastcr rccnrd:
Youi IC noniloi, T-ATQ##, is one of lhe nosl successfuI liading goods in
lhe engineeiing indusliv: lheiefoie, voui conpanv is conslanlIv updaling
1. Cieale a naleiiaI naslei iecoid foi lhe nev pioducl, T-ATR##. Use
lhe pievious nodeI, T-ATQ##, as a iefeience. Mainlain lhe foIIoving
asic Dala 1 and asic Dala 2
SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 1 and SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 2
SaIes: CeneiaI/IIanl Dala
SaIes Texl
MRI 1, MRI 2, MRI 3, and MRI 4
CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage 1 and CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage 2
Accounling 1 and Accounling 2
Cieale lhe naleiiaI in lhe foIIoving oiganizalionaI unils:
IIanl 1200
Sloiage Iocalion 0001
SaIes oiganizalion 1000
Disliilulion channeI 10
Nntc: Make suie lhal vou conpIele bnth thc nrganIzatInna!
!cvc!s and cnv fion fieIds vilh lhe infoinalion alove. Use
lhe sane oiganizalion unils foi voui copv. Copv lhe dala fion
lhe pievious nodeI and add oi change lhe foIIoving fieIds:
2. Iosl 1000 unIts lo lhe uniesliicled-use slock (novenenl lvpe 561,
pIanl 1200, sloiage Iocalion 0001).
Task 2
CnndItInn tab!c
In lhe condilion lalIe, vou define lhe fieIds in lhe saIes docunenl lhal SAI
R/3 SDshouId use lo find a vaIid naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
600 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
1. Cieale lhe nev condilion lalIe, 6##, so lhal vou can use il foi ciealing
naslei iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion. The nev condilion lalIe
shouId aIIov vou lo cieale naslei iecoids lhal aie onIv effeclive foi
ceilain cusloneis and naleiiaIs. You vanl lo le alIe lo iesliicl lhe
vaIidilv of lhe naslei iecoids. Use condilion lalIe 002 as a iefeience.
2. When vou sel up lhe condilion lalIe, vou can deleinine vhal lhe
scieen foi piocessing naslei iecoids in lhe nev condilion lalIe viII
Iook Iike.
Ioi efficienl nainlenance of naslei iecoids, vou shouId le alIe lo
piocess lhe cuslonei and naleiiaI nunleis in sepaiale Iines.
3. Ceneiale lhe nev condilion lalIe.
4. Whal infoinalion do vou ieceive in lhe Iog`
Task 3
Acccss scqucncc
The access sequence is lhe slialegv used lv lhe svslen lo seaich foi vaIid
naslei iecoids foi a pailicuIai condilion lvpe. The access sequence
conlains one oi noie seaich sleps (= accesses). Lach access conlains a
condilion lalIe vhich deleinines lhe kev fieIds foi lhe seaich. These aie
lhe docunenl fieIds lhal lhe svslen uses lo seaich foi vaIid naslei iecoids.
CautInn: CrcatIng Acccss 5cqucnccsThe exeicises have leen
designed so lhal vhen lhe pailicipanls cieale a nev access, lhev
lianch lo lhe IieIds delaiIs scieen. If vou donl caII up lhe IieIds
delaiIs scieen aflei naking lhe coiiecl sellings and saving lhe
access sequence, lhe svslen nav infoin vou lhal eiiois have
occuiied vhich vou (oi lhe pailicipanls) viII nol le alIe lo find.
Define a nev access sequence conlaining lhiee sleps lhal lhe svslen can
use lo seaich foi naslei iecoids in naleiiaI deleininalion.
1. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI and lhe soId-lo pailv`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 601
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
2. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI and lhe ship-lo pailv
3. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI lhal sulslilules lhe naleiiaI
depending on avaiIaliIilv`
1. Define lhe nev access sequence.
2. The naleiiaI shouId le sulsliluled in lhe fiisl access (no. 1O in lhe
sequence) if lheie is a vaIid naslei iecoid foi lhe cuslonei (fieId
KUNNR: KUNAC) and lhe enleied naleiiaI.
3. ianch lo lhe fieIds in lhe condilion lalIe enleied and Iook al lhe
Which fieId in lhe saIes docunenl does lhe svslen use lo deleinine
lhe cuslonei nunlei`
4. Sulslilulion shouId lake pIace in lhe second access (no. 2O in lhe
sequence) if lheie is a vaIid naslei iecoid foi lhe ship-lo pailv (fieId:
KUNNR: KUNWL) and naleiiaI enleied. Configuie lhe access.
5. In lhe lhiid access (no. 3O in lhe sequence), lhe svslen shouId onIv
seaich foi vaIid naslei iecoids in naleiiaI deleininalion using lhe
naleiiaI enleied. This is lhe slandaid selling in SAI R/3. Check lhe
fieIds in lhe access.
Task 4
CnndItInn tvc fnr matcrIa! dctcrmInatInn
You can use diffeienl seaich slialegies lo nodeI naleiiaI deleininalion.
You have lo configuie a sepaiale condilion lvpe foi each seaich slialegv
lhal vou use in lhe lusiness piocess.
1. Cieale a nev condilion lvpe vilh lhe access sequence lhal vou have
jusl defined.
2. Cuslonize lhe condilion lvpe so lhal vhen vou cieale a naslei
iecoid, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv pioposes a vaIidilv peiiod fion
lodav lo lhe end of lhe veai.
Task 5
MatcrIa! dctcrmInatInn rnccdurc
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602 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
AII lhe lasks lhal aie undeilaken in lhe lusiness piocess foi naleiiaI
deleininalion aie anchoied in a pioceduie foi naleiiaI deleininalion. The
naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie conlains one oi noie condilion lvpes,
and each condilion lvpe can iefei lo ils ovn access sequence.
1. Define a nev pioceduie.
2. Copv lhe condilion lvpe vou defined eaiIiei inlo lhe pioceduie.
3. Assign lhe nev deleininalion pioceduie lo saIes docunenl lvpe
Task 6
Crcatc a rcasnn fnr substItutInn
Cieale ieason foi sulslilulion Z##vilh shoil lexl 5ubstItutInn ##foi
naleiiaI deleininalion. Define lhe foIIoving piopeilies (oi, change voui
ieason foi sulslilulion Z##if vou aIieadv ciealed il):
The oidei confiinalion shouId conlain lhe naleiiaI oideied lv lhe
The svslen shouId issue a vaining nessage lefoie il sulslilules a
Sulslilulion shouId lake pIace aulonalicaIIv (vilhoul a seIeclion scieen).
The svslen shouId nol geneiale anv Iovei-IeveI ilens in lhe docunenl
vhen il sulslilules a naleiiaI.
1. Cieale ieason foi sulslilulion.
Task 7
Crcatc mastcr rccnrds
Cieale a naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion.
1. T-L63B##is one of voui speciaI cusloneis. Lnsuie lhal lhis cuslonei
aIvavs ieceives lhe nev naleiiaI in fuluie oideis, even if lhe saIes
oidei depailnenl enleis an oidei foi lhe oId naleiiaI lv nislake. Use
voui sulslilulion ieason.
2. Lnsuie lhal lhis cuslonei aIso aIvavs ieceives lhe nev naleiiaI in
fuluie oideis, vhen he oi she is enleied as lhe ship-lo pailv in a
saIes piocess and an oidei is ciealed vilh lhe oId naleiiaI. Use voui
sulslilulion ieason.
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Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
3. Lnlei anolhei naslei iecoid in vhich vou ensuie lhal naleiiaI
T-ATR##aulonalicaIIv iepIaces naleiiaI T-ATQ##once lhe Iallei is
no Iongei avaiIalIe. This shouId lake pIace foi aII oideis foi naleiiaI
T-ATQ##, iegaidIess of lhe oideiing pailv.
The naleiiaI shouId onIv le sulsliluled in lhe saIes docunenl. The
sulsequenl deIiveiv docunenl shouId copv lhe delaiIs fion lhe saIes
oidei. Choose a ieIevanl sulslilulion ieason.
Nntc: The naslei iecoid nusl conlain lhe naleiiaIs lo le
sulsliluled, T-ATQ##and T-ATR##, in lhe coiiecl sequence.
Task 8
Crcatc nutut
Cieale a naslei iecoid foi oulpul lvpe BA00 Ordcr cnnfIrmatInn foi
docunenl lvpe ZA##.
Copv lhe defauIl vaIues fion lhe oulpul lvpe lv choosing |n|cr.
Mainlain piinlei LP01 as lhe oulpul device and sel lhe nunlei of nessages
lo 1.
1. Cieale oulpul naslei iecoid.
Task 9
Crcatc an nrdcr
Tesl voui sellings foi naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes docunenl.
1. Accoiding lo lhe naslei iecoid vou have ciealed foi naleiiaI
deleininalion, cuslonei T-L63B##shouId aIvavs ieceive lhe nev
pioducl T-ATR##. Cieale a slandaid oidei foi cuslonei T-L63B##
and lhe oId pioducl T-ATQ##(10 unIts) (puichase oidei nunlei
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI`
Whv oi vhv nol`
2. Cieale lhe sane oidei foi saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##(puichase oidei
nunlei: MatDctcr##02).
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI`
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
DispIav lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen. Which naleiiaI is
dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
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604 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
3. T-L63B##is aIso lhe ship-lo pailv foi voui cuslonei, T-L63C##.
Cieale an oidei foi ship-lo pailv T-L63B##.
Aclivale lhe naleiiaI deleininalion anaIvsis lefoie enleiing lhe ilen.
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##(10 unIts)
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI foi lhe ship-lo pailv`
Did lhe svslen dispIav a vaining nessage foi lhe sulslilulion`
Use lhe anaIvsis lo check voui Cuslonizing sellings foi naleiiaI
deleininalion. Use lhe anaIvsis lo check vhich dale lhe svslen uses
in lhe docunenl lo check lhe vaIidilv dale of lhe naslei iecoid.
4. Lnlei anolhei oidei foi saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
DispIav lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen. Which naleiiaIs aie
dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
5. Check lhe avaiIalIe slock foi naleiiaI T-ATQ##.
Change lhe Iasl oidei and enlei a nev ilen vilh a quanlilv lhal
exceeds lhe avaiIalIe quanlilv. Which naleiiaIs and quanlilv does lhe
svslen aulonalicaIIv use vhen sulsliluling lhis naleiiaI`
Check lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen.
Does lhe svslen dispIav lolh sulsliluled naleiiaIs`
6. Iosl 50 unIts of naleiiaI T-ATQ##lo slock (pIanl: 1200: sloiage
Iocalion: 0001: novenenl lvpe: 561).
DeIivei lhe Iasl oidei.
Conpaie lhe quanlilies in lhe oidei and lhe deIiveiv. Aie lheie anv
diffeiences` Whv oi vhv nol`
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 605
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
SoIution 24: MateriaI Determination
Task 1
MatcrIa! mastcr rccnrd:
Youi IC noniloi, T-ATQ##, is one of lhe nosl successfuI liading goods in
lhe engineeiing indusliv: lheiefoie, voui conpanv is conslanlIv updaling
1. Cieale a naleiiaI naslei iecoid foi lhe nev pioducl, T-ATR##. Use
lhe pievious nodeI, T-ATQ##, as a iefeience. Mainlain lhe foIIoving
asic Dala 1 and asic Dala 2
SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 1 and SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 2
SaIes: CeneiaI/IIanl Dala
SaIes Texl
MRI 1, MRI 2, MRI 3, and MRI 4
CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage 1 and CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage 2
Accounling 1 and Accounling 2
Cieale lhe naleiiaI in lhe foIIoving oiganizalionaI unils:
IIanl 1200
Sloiage Iocalion 0001
SaIes oiganizalion 1000
Disliilulion channeI 10
Nntc: Make suie lhal vou conpIele bnth thc nrganIzatInna!
!cvc!s and cnv fion fieIds vilh lhe infoinalion alove. Use
lhe sane oiganizalion unils foi voui copv. Copv lhe dala fion
lhe pievious nodeI and add oi change lhe foIIoving fieIds:
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| Trading gccds Crca|c.
l) Lnlei naleiiaI: T-ATR##
Lnlei indusliv secloi: Mechanical engineering
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606 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Lnlei copv fion naleiiaI: T-ATQ##
c) SeIecl lhe foIIoving vievs:
asic Dala 1 and asic Dala 2
SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 1 and SaIes: SaIes Oig. Dala 2
SaIes: CeneiaI/IIanl Dala
SaIes Texl
MRI 1, MRI 2, MRI 3, and MRI 4
CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage 1 and CeneiaI IIanl Dala/Sloiage
Accounling 1 and Accounling 2
d) Copv lhe dala fion lhe pievious nodeI and add oi change lhe
foIIoving fieIds.
HInt: You nusl seIecl each of lhe vievs vou have
indicaled in oidei lo cieale lhen foi voui nev naleiiaI,
even if no dala is lo le changed on a pailicuIai scieen.
asic dala 1
Ma|cria| dcscrip|icn NewScreen ##
Nc| ucign| 15 kg
Grcss ucign| 16 kg
SaIes 2
Pricing rcf. na|cria| M-15
|ssuc s|cragc |cca|icn 0001
Accounling 1
S|andard pricc 1600
e) Choose Satc.
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Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
2. Iosl 1000 unIts lo lhe uniesliicled-use slock (novenenl lvpe 561,
pIanl 1200, sloiage Iocalion 0001).
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s Managcncn| |ntcn|cru Managcncn|
Gccds Mctcncn| Gccds Rcccip| O|ncr.
l) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Mctcncn| |upc 561
P|an| 1200
S|cragc |cca|icn 0001
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ma|cria| T-ATR##
Quan|i|u 1000
e) Choose Satc.
Task 2
CnndItInn tab!c
In lhe condilion lalIe, vou define lhe fieIds in lhe saIes docunenl lhal SAI
R/3 SDshouId use lo find a vaIid naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion.
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608 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
1. Cieale lhe nev condilion lalIe, 6##, so lhal vou can use il foi ciealing
naslei iecoids foi naleiiaI deleininalion. The nev condilion lalIe
shouId aIIov vou lo cieale naslei iecoids lhal aie onIv effeclive foi
ceilain cusloneis and naleiiaIs. You vanl lo le alIe lo iesliicl lhe
vaIidilv of lhe naslei iecoids. Use condilion lalIe 002 as a iefeience.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Crca|c ccndi|icn |ao|cs.
l) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Tao|c 6##
Copv fion Ccndi|icn Tao|c 002
c) Choose |n|cr.
Nntc: To change lhe desciiplion, choose Prcpcsc/nain|ain
HInt: DeIele lhe Sa|cs crganiza|icn and Dis|riou|icn cnannc|
fieIds lv posilioning lhe cuisoi on lhe enliv and choosing
Dc|c|c |inc(s) lo deIele lhe enliv.
e) To inseil a fieId, posilion lhe cuisoi on lhe fiisl Iine in lhe aiea of
seIecled fieIds and choose |nscr| |inc.
f) To add a Cus|cncr fieId, posilion lhe cuisoi on lhe Cus|cncr fieId
and choose Sc|cc| fic|d.
Nntc: Make suie lhal lhe naleiiaI vou vanl lo enlei
appeais as lhe Iasl kev fieId in lhe condilion lalIe. This
neans lhal lhe svslen checks lhe headei fieIds fiisl
(foi exanpIe, Cus|cncr) and lhen lhe ilen fieIds in lhe
condilion lalIe. This inpioves svslen peifoinance.
2. When vou sel up lhe condilion lalIe, vou can deleinine vhal lhe
scieen foi piocessing naslei iecoids in lhe nev condilion lalIe viII
Iook Iike.
Ioi efficienl nainlenance of naslei iecoids, vou shouId le alIe lo
piocess lhe cuslonei and naleiiaI nunleis in sepaiale Iines.
a) Choose Tccnnica| ticu.
l) Aclivale lhe |ic|d fieId.
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Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
3. Ceneiale lhe nev condilion lalIe.
a) Choose Gcncra|c.
Nntc: Cieale lhe nev oljecl in lhe Dala Diclionaiv foi
deveIopnenl cIass $TMP. Il is lhen a !nca! nbjcct and
cannol le lianspoiled.
l) If vou encounlei lhe Crca|c Oojcc| Dircc|cru |n|ru diaIog lox
(vhich conceins Coiieclion and Tianspoil), enlei $TMP in lhe
Dctc|cpncn| c|ass fieId and lhen choose |cca| cojcc|.
4. Whal infoinalion do vou ieceive in lhe Iog`
Answcr: The Iog indicales lhal lhe nev lalIe vas aclivaled and
lhal lhe condilion iecoid scieens aie ieadv lo le geneialed. The
svslen does nol geneiale lhe scieens foi enleiing condilion iecoids
innedialeIv, lul does so vhen vou cieale a naslei iecoid vilh lhe
nev kev conlinalion (= condilion lalIe) foi lhe fiisl line.
Task 3
Acccss scqucncc
The access sequence is lhe slialegv used lv lhe svslen lo seaich foi vaIid
naslei iecoids foi a pailicuIai condilion lvpe. The access sequence
conlains one oi noie seaich sleps (= accesses). Lach access conlains a
condilion lalIe vhich deleinines lhe kev fieIds foi lhe seaich. These aie
lhe docunenl fieIds lhal lhe svslen uses lo seaich foi vaIid naslei iecoids.
CautInn: CrcatIng Acccss 5cqucnccsThe exeicises have leen
designed so lhal vhen lhe pailicipanls cieale a nev access, lhev
lianch lo lhe IieIds delaiIs scieen. If vou donl caII up lhe IieIds
delaiIs scieen aflei naking lhe coiiecl sellings and saving lhe
access sequence, lhe svslen nav infoin vou lhal eiiois have
occuiied vhich vou (oi lhe pailicipanls) viII nol le alIe lo find.
Define a nev access sequence conlaining lhiee sleps lhal lhe svslen can
use lo seaich foi naslei iecoids in naleiiaI deleininalion.
1. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI and lhe soId-lo pailv`
2. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI and lhe ship-lo pailv
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610 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
3. Was a naslei iecoid sloied foi lhe naleiiaI lhal sulslilules lhe naleiiaI
depending on avaiIaliIilv`
1. Define lhe nev access sequence.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Main|ain acccss scuucnccs.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d Namc Uscr Entrv
Acccss Scuucncc Y0#
Nanc Search strategy ##
2. The naleiiaI shouId le sulsliluled in lhe fiisl access (no. 1O in lhe
sequence) if lheie is a vaIid naslei iecoid foi lhe cuslonei (fieId
KUNNR: KUNAC) and lhe enleied naleiiaI.
a) SeIecl access sequence Y0##.
l) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose Acccsscs.
c) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
AcNc 10
Tao 6##
3. ianch lo lhe fieIds in lhe condilion lalIe enleied and Iook al lhe
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Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Which fieId in lhe saIes docunenl does lhe svslen use lo deleinine
lhe cuslonei nunlei`
a) SeIecl access 1O.
l) Choose |n|cr.
c) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, seIecl |ic|ds.
Nntc: No condilion is iequiied. You can lheiefoie skip
lhe vaining iegaiding lhe fieId assignnenl lv choosing
d) Which fieId in lhe saIes docunenl does lhe svslen use lo
deleinine lhe cuslonei nunlei`
The svslen checks lhe KUNNR fieId. In lhe oidei, lhis is lhe
fieId vilh lhe soId-lo pailvs cuslonei nunlei (KUNAC).
e) Choose Satc.
f) When piesenled vilh lhe Prcnp| fcr lcr|ocncn rcuucs| diaIog
lox, choose Crca|c rcuucs|.
Shoil desciiplion: Access sequence group ##
g) Choose Satc.
h) Choose |n|cr.
i) Al lhe vaining nessage, go lo lhe diaIog sliucluie and choose
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612 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
4. Sulslilulion shouId lake pIace in lhe second access (no. 2O in lhe
sequence) if lheie is a vaIid naslei iecoid foi lhe ship-lo pailv (fieId:
KUNNR: KUNWL) and naleiiaI enleied. Configuie lhe access.
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose Acccsscs
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
AcNc 20
Tao 6##
d) SeIecl access 20.
e) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose |ic|ds.
f) Choose |n|cr.
Nntc: No condilion is iequiied. You can lheiefoie skip
lhe vaining iegaiding lhe fieId assignnenl lv choosing
g) In lhe Dcc.fic|d fieId, posilion lhe cuisoi on KUNNR.
h) SeIecl |ic|d Ca|a|cg.
i) SeIecl lhe Snip-|c par|u fieId vilh lhe vaIue KUNWE.
j) Choose Satc.
5. In lhe lhiid access (no. 3O in lhe sequence), lhe svslen shouId onIv
seaich foi vaIid naslei iecoids in naleiiaI deleininalion using lhe
naleiiaI enleied. This is lhe slandaid selling in SAI R/3. Check lhe
fieIds in lhe access.
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose Acccsscs.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
AcNc 30
Tao 001
d) SeIecl access 30.
e) Choose |n|cr.
Nntc: No condilion is iequiied. You can lheiefoie skip
lhe vaining iegaiding lhe fieId assignnenl lv choosing
f) Choose Satc.
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April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 613
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Task 4
CnndItInn tvc fnr matcrIa! dctcrmInatInn
You can use diffeienl seaich slialegies lo nodeI naleiiaI deleininalion.
You have lo configuie a sepaiale condilion lvpe foi each seaich slialegv
lhal vou use in lhe lusiness piocess.
1. Cieale a nev condilion lvpe vilh lhe access sequence lhal vou have
jusl defined.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Dcfinc ccndi|icn |upcs.
l) SeIecl Ncu |n|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
Ccndi|icn |upc Y0##
Nanc Condition type ##
Acccss scuucncc Y0##
2. Cuslonize lhe condilion lvpe so lhal vhen vou cieale a naslei
iecoid, lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv pioposes a vaIidilv peiiod fion
lodav lo lhe end of lhe veai.
a) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
Va|id frcn leave blank
Va|id |c 2
l) Choose Satc.
Task 5
MatcrIa! dctcrmInatInn rnccdurc
AII lhe lasks lhal aie undeilaken in lhe lusiness piocess foi naleiiaI
deleininalion aie anchoied in a pioceduie foi naleiiaI deleininalion. The
naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie conlains one oi noie condilion lvpes,
and each condilion lvpe can iefei lo ils ovn access sequence.
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614 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
1. Define a nev pioceduie.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Main|ain Prcrcuuisi|cs fcr Ma|cria| Dc|crnina|icn
Main|ain prcccdurc.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn
Dcscrip|icn Group procedure ##
2. Copv lhe condilion lvpe vou defined eaiIiei inlo lhe pioceduie.
a) SeIecl naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie Y000##.
l) In lhe diaIog sliucluie, choose Ccn|rc| da|a.
c) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
S|cp 10
Cn|r (ccun|cr) leave blank
Ccndi|icn |upc Y0##
e) Choose Satc.
3. Assign lhe nev deleininalion pioceduie lo saIes docunenl lvpe
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Assign Prcccdurcs Tc Sa|cs Dccuncn| Tupcs.
l) SeIecl saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Oveiviile exisling enliv vilh nev naleiiaI deleininalion
pioceduie Y000##.
d) Choose Satc.
Task 6
Crcatc a rcasnn fnr substItutInn
Cieale ieason foi sulslilulion Z##vilh shoil lexl 5ubstItutInn ##foi
naleiiaI deleininalion. Define lhe foIIoving piopeilies (oi, change voui
ieason foi sulslilulion Z##if vou aIieadv ciealed il):
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 615
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
The oidei confiinalion shouId conlain lhe naleiiaI oideied lv lhe
The svslen shouId issue a vaining nessage lefoie il sulslilules a
Sulslilulion shouId lake pIace aulonalicaIIv (vilhoul a seIeclion scieen).
The svslen shouId nol geneiale anv Iovei-IeveI ilens in lhe docunenl
vhen il sulslilules a naleiiaI.
1. Cieale ieason foi sulslilulion.
a) |MG Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn 8asic |unc|icns Ma|cria|
Dc|crnina|icn Dcfinc Suos|i|u|icn Rcascns.
l) Choose Ncu cn|rics.
c) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Sos|Rcascn Z##
Dcscrip|icn Substitution ##
|n|ru Activate
larning Activate
S|ra|cgu leave blank
Ou|ccnc leave blank
Suos|i|u|icn ca|cgcru leave blank
d) Choose Satc.
Task 7
Crcatc mastcr rccnrds
Cieale a naslei iecoid foi naleiiaI deleininalion.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
616 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
1. T-L63B##is one of voui speciaI cusloneis. Lnsuie lhal lhis cuslonei
aIvavs ieceives lhe nev naleiiaI in fuluie oideis, even if lhe saIes
oidei depailnenl enleis an oidei foi lhe oId naleiiaI lv nislake. Use
voui sulslilulion ieason.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Prcduc|s
Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn Crca|c.
l) Lnlei naleiiaI deleininalion lvpe Y0##.
c) Choose Kcu ccnoina|icn.
d) SeIecl lhe Cus|cncr and Ma|cria| ##iadio lullon.
e) Choose |n|cr.
f) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr T-L63B##
Ma||n|crcd T-ATQ##
Ma|cria| T-ATR##
Rcascn Z##
g) Choose Satc.
2. Lnsuie lhal lhis cuslonei aIso aIvavs ieceives lhe nev naleiiaI in
fuluie oideis, vhen he oi she is enleied as lhe ship-lo pailv in a
saIes piocess and an oidei is ciealed vilh lhe oId naleiiaI. Use voui
sulslilulion ieason.
a) This is aIieadv ensuied lv lhe fiisl naslei iecoid, logelhei vilh
access 2O.
3. Lnlei anolhei naslei iecoid in vhich vou ensuie lhal naleiiaI
T-ATR##aulonalicaIIv iepIaces naleiiaI T-ATQ##once lhe Iallei is
no Iongei avaiIalIe. This shouId lake pIace foi aII oideis foi naleiiaI
T-ATQ##, iegaidIess of lhe oideiing pailv.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 617
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
The naleiiaI shouId onIv le sulsliluled in lhe saIes docunenl. The
sulsequenl deIiveiv docunenl shouId copv lhe delaiIs fion lhe saIes
oidei. Choose a ieIevanl sulslilulion ieason.
Nntc: The naslei iecoid nusl conlain lhe naleiiaIs lo le
sulsliluled, T-ATQ##and T-ATR##, in lhe coiiecl sequence.
a) Choose 8ac|.
l) Lnlei MaleiiaI deleininalion lvpe Y0##.
c) Choose Kcu ccnoina|icn.
d) SeIecl lhe Ma|cria| |n|crcd iadio lullon.
e) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ma|cria| |n|crcd T-ATQ20
Ma|cria| T-ATQ20
Suos|i|u|icn rcascn 0006
f) Choose |n|cr.
g) When piesenled vilh a vaining nessage, choose |n|cr.
h) SeIecl lhe enliv.
i) Choose A||crna|itc na|cria|s.
j) Lnlei naleiiaI T-ATR## in lhe nexl lIank fieId.
k) Choose Satc.
Task 8
Crcatc nutut
Cieale a naslei iecoid foi oulpul lvpe BA00 Ordcr cnnfIrmatInn foi
docunenl lvpe ZA##.
Copv lhe defauIl vaIues fion lhe oulpul lvpe lv choosing |n|cr.
Mainlain piinlei LP01 as lhe oulpul device and sel lhe nunlei of nessages
lo 1.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
618 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
1. Cieale oulpul naslei iecoid.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Mas|cr Da|a Ou|pu|
Sa|cs dccuncn| Crca|c .
l) Lnlei oulpul lvpe BA00.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
e) Copv lhe defauIl vaIues fion lhe oulpul lvpe lv choosing |n|cr.
f) Choose Ccnnunica|icn.
g) Mainlain piinlei LP01 as lhe oulpul device and sel lhe nunlei
of nessages lo 1.
h) Choose Satc.
Task 9
Crcatc an nrdcr
Tesl voui sellings foi naleiiaI deleininalion in lhe saIes docunenl.
1. Accoiding lo lhe naslei iecoid vou have ciealed foi naleiiaI
deleininalion, cuslonei T-L63B##shouId aIvavs ieceive lhe nev
pioducl T-ATR##. Cieale a slandaid oidei foi cuslonei T-L63B##
and lhe oId pioducl T-ATQ##(10 unIts) (puichase oidei nunlei
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI`
Whv oi vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe OR.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr T-L63B##
Purcnasc crdcr nunocr MatDeter##01
Ma|cria| T-ATQ## (10 units)
e) Choose |n|cr.
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI`
No. The naleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie has leen assigned lo
oidei lvpe ZA##, nol lhe slandaid oidei.
2. Cieale lhe sane oidei foi saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##(puichase oidei
nunlei: MatDctcr##02).
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 619
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI`
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
DispIav lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen. Which naleiiaI is
dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##.
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr T-L63B##
Purcnasc crdcr nunocr MatDeter##02
Ma|cria| T-ATQ## (10 units)
e) Choose |n|cr.
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI` Yes.
f) SeIecl ilen 1O.
g) Gc|c ||cn Sa|cs A.
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
Sulslilulion ieason: Z##
h) Gc|c Hcadcr.
i) Choose Hcadcr cu|pu| prcticu.
Which naleiiaI is dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##
The |n|crcd kev had leen aclivaled foi sulslilulion ieason Z##:
lheiefoie, lhe naleiiaI enleied in lhe oidei is piinled oul in lhe
oidei confiinalion.
3. T-L63B##is aIso lhe ship-lo pailv foi voui cuslonei, T-L63C##.
Cieale an oidei foi ship-lo pailv T-L63B##.
Aclivale lhe naleiiaI deleininalion anaIvsis lefoie enleiing lhe ilen.
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##(10 unIts)
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI foi lhe ship-lo pailv`
Did lhe svslen dispIav a vaining nessage foi lhe sulslilulion`
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
620 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Use lhe anaIvsis lo check voui Cuslonizing sellings foi naleiiaI
deleininalion. Use lhe anaIvsis lo check vhich dale lhe svslen uses
in lhe docunenl lo check lhe vaIidilv dale of lhe naslei iecoid.
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe: ZA##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Snip-|c par|u T-L63B##
Sc|d-|c par|u T-L63C##
Purcnasc crdcr nunocr MatDeter##03
e) |ntircnncn| Ana|usis Ma|cria| dc|crnina|icn On.
f) Lnlei naleiiaI: T-ATQ## (10 units)
g) Choose |n|cr.
Did lhe svslen sulslilule lhe naleiiaI foi lhe ship-lo pailv`
Did lhe svslen dispIav a vaining nessage foi lhe sulslilulion`
h) Use lhe anaIvsis lo check voui Cuslonizing sellings foi naleiiaI
DoulIe-cIick on an access in lhe Iefl haIf of lhe scieen.
Infoinalion aloul lhis access is dispIaved in lhe iighl haIf of
lhe scieen.
Use lhe anaIvsis lo check vhich dale lhe svslen uses in lhe
docunenl lo check lhe vaIidilv dale of lhe naslei iecoid.
The svslen uses lhe iequesled deIiveiv dale.
4. Lnlei anolhei oidei foi saIes docunenl lvpe ZA##foi cuslonei
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 621
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
DispIav lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen. Which naleiiaIs aie
dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
a) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Crca|c.
l) Lnlei saIes docunenl lvpe: ZA##
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Cus|cncr T-L63A##
Purcnasc crdcr nunocr MatDeter##04
Ma|cria| T-ATQ## (10 units)
e) Choose |n|cr.
f) SeIecl ilen 1O.
g) Gc|c ||cn Sa|cs A.
Check lhe sulslilulion ieason in lhe saIes docunenl.
Sulslilulion ieason: 0006
h) Gc|c Hcadcr.
i) Choose Hcadcr cu|pu| prcticu.
DispIav lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen. Which naleiiaIs
aie dispIaved in lhe piinloul`
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##
The oidei can le nel using T-ATO##, so il is lhe onIv naleiiaI
5. Check lhe avaiIalIe slock foi naleiiaI T-ATQ##.
Change lhe Iasl oidei and enlei a nev ilen vilh a quanlilv lhal
exceeds lhe avaiIalIe quanlilv. Which naleiiaIs and quanlilv does lhe
svslen aulonalicaIIv use vhen sulsliluling lhis naleiiaI`
Check lhe oidei confiinalion on lhe scieen.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
622 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Does lhe svslen dispIav lolh sulsliluled naleiiaIs`
a) SeIecl lhe second ilen.
l) |ntircnncn| Atai|aoi|i|u.
Check lhe avaiIalIe slock foi naleiiaI T-ATQ##.
Slock: 1000
c) Choose 8ac|.
d) Lnlei naleiiaI: T-ATQ## vilh a quanlilv vhich exceeds lhe
slock on hand.
e) Choose |n|cr.
Which naleiiaIs and quanlilv does lhe svslen aulonalicaIIv use
vhen sulsliluling lhis naleiiaI`
MaleiiaI: T-ATQ##
MaleiiaI: T-ATR##
f) Gc|c Hcadcr.
g) Choose Hcadcr cu|pu| prcticu.
Does lhe svslen dispIav lolh sulsliluled naleiiaIs`
6. Iosl 50 unIts of naleiiaI T-ATQ##lo slock (pIanl: 1200: sloiage
Iocalion: 0001: novenenl lvpe: 561).
DeIivei lhe Iasl oidei.
Ccn|inucd cn ncx| pagc
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 623
Unit 14: SaIes Scenarios SCM605
Conpaie lhe quanlilies in lhe oidei and lhe deIiveiv. Aie lheie anv
diffeiences` Whv oi vhv nol`
a) |cgis|ics Ma|cria|s nanagcncn| |ntcn|cru Managcncn|
Gccds Mctcncn| Gccds Rcccip| O|ncr.
Movenenl lvpe: 561
Sloiage Iocalion: 0001
l) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Mctcncn| |upc 561
P|an| 1200
S|cragc |cca|icn 0001
c) Choose |n|cr.
d) Lnlei lhe dala fion lhe lalIe leIov.
FIc!d namc Uscr cntrv
Ma|cria| T-ATQ##
Quan|i|u 50
e) Choose Satc.
Nntc: If vou encounlei a vaining nessage, choose |n|cr.
f) |cgis|ics Sa|cs and Dis|riou|icn Sa|cs Ordcr Cnangc.
g) Choose |n|cr.
h) Sa|cs dccuncn| Dc|itcr.
Conpaie lhe quanlilies in lhe oidei and lhe deIiveiv. Aie lheie
anv diffeiences`
No. ecause of sulslilulion ieason OOO6, lhe svslen onIv
sulslilules lhe naleiiaI in lhe oidei and nol in lhe deIiveiv.
624 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Lesson: MateriaI Determination
Lesson Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize naleiiaI deleininalion sellings
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 625
Unit Summary SCM605
Unit Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Cuslonize saIes and shipping lo suppoil lhe lusiness iequiienenl of
saIes lo enpIovees
- Define a one-line cuslonei and aclivale speciaI piicing
- Cieale a OM lo le used in lhe saIes piocess
- LxpIain lhe funclions and cuslonizing oplions of lhe ilen calegoiies
and scheduIe Iine calegoiies lhal aie iequiied lo suppoil seIIing
naleiiaIs vilh OMs
- Cuslonize naleiiaI deleininalion sellings
ReIated Information
Ioi noie infoinalion iegaiding piocesses in saIes and disliilulion, ieviev
lhe SAI heIp fiIes al hllp://
626 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. Iicking is ieIevanl in saIes lo enpIovees and shouId nol le changed.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
2. The accounling docunenl posls lo a speciaI cash accounl duiing saIes
lo enpIovees.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving oulpul lvpes suppoils lhe saIes lo enpIovees
lusiness scenaiio`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Cash ieceipl
Oidei confiinalion
C iIIing docunenl geneialed invoice
D Dunning nolice
4. In lhe saIes lo enpIovees lusiness scenaiio, each enpIovee vho luvs
fion lhe cuslonei sloie nusl le sel up in SAI R/3 vilh a cuslonei
naslei iecoid.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
5. SaIes oidei OMs aie lhe onIv vav lo seII configuied naleiiaI.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 627
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
6. In iegaid lo OMs, vhich of lhe foIIoving can le defined in
Cuslonizing foi ilen calegoiies and scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Iiicing
Tiansfei of iequiienenls
C AvaiIaliIilv checking
D DeIiveiv ieIevance
L Ceneialion of puichase oidei
I OM expansion
7. The deIiveiv ilencalegoiv is lhe sane as lhe saIes oidei ilencalegoiv.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
8. You shouId configuie Cuslonizing foi naleiiaI deleininalion in
lhe sane oidei in vhich R/3 execules lhe condilion lechnique foi
naleiiaI deleininalion.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
9. Sulslilulion ieasons foi naleiiaI deleininalion pIav a significanl ioIe
in hov naleiiaIs aie deleinined in lhe saIes oidei and in lhe deIiveiv.
Dc|crninc unc|ncr |nis s|a|cncn| is |ruc cr fa|sc.
1O. Which of lhe foIIoving need lo le nainlained in lhe condilion
lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion`
Cnccsc |nc ccrrcc| ansucr(s).
A Iioceduie deleininalion
MaleiiaI deleininalion pioceduie
C Condilion lvpes
D Access sequences
L Condilion lalIes
I MaleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoids
628 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Test Your KnowIedge
1. Iicking is ieIevanl in saIes lo enpIovees and shouId nol le changed.
Answcr: IaIse
Though picking is noinaIIv iequiied foi deIiveied goods, il is nol
ieIevanl in lhis scenaiio since onIv lhe goods in lhe sloie aie avaiIalIe
lo lhe enpIovees.
2. The accounling docunenl posls lo a speciaI cash accounl duiing saIes
lo enpIovees.
Answcr: Tiue
Since lhe enpIovees have lo pav lefoie lhev Ieave lhe conpanv sloie,
lheie is no need lo posl lo accounls ieceivalIe.
3. Which of lhe foIIoving oulpul lvpes suppoils lhe saIes lo enpIovees
lusiness scenaiio`
Answcr: A
Since pavnenl is nade lefoie lhe enpIovee Ieaves lhe conpanv sloie,
an oidei confiinalion is unnecessaiv, lul a cash ieceipl is needed.
Since lhe enpIovee ieceives a ieceipl innedialeIv, lheie is no need lo
send a slandaid invoice lo lhe enpIovee. Since lheie is no accounl
ieceivalIes, lheie is no need foi dunning.
4. In lhe saIes lo enpIovees lusiness scenaiio, each enpIovee vho luvs
fion lhe cuslonei sloie nusl le sel up in SAI R/3 vilh a cuslonei
naslei iecoid.
Answcr: IaIse
WhiIe lhis couId le done, il vouId le lesl, fion an oveiaII
nainlenance poinl of viev, lo use lhe R/3 funclionaIilv of lhe
one-line cuslonei.
5. SaIes oidei OMs aie lhe onIv vav lo seII configuied naleiiaI.
Answcr: IaIse
SaIes oidei OMs aie one vav lo seII configuied naleiiaI. The olhei
vav is lo use vaiianl configuialion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 629
Test Your KnowIedge SCM605
6. In iegaid lo OMs, vhich of lhe foIIoving can le defined in
Cuslonizing foi ilen calegoiies and scheduIe Iine calegoiies`
Answcr: A, , C, D, L, I
AII of lhe alove aie laken inlo accounl in Cuslonizing foi lhis
7. The deIiveiv ilencalegoiv is lhe sane as lhe saIes oidei ilencalegoiv.
Answcr: IaIse
WhiIe lhe saIes docunenl ilen calegoiv and lhe deIiveiv ilen
calegoiv nav have lhe sane nane, lheie aie diffeienl conlioIs
lhal can le sel in Cuslonizing. Ioi inslance, picking can onIv le
deaclivaled in lhe deIiveiv ilen calegoiv.
8. You shouId configuie Cuslonizing foi naleiiaI deleininalion in
lhe sane oidei in vhich R/3 execules lhe condilion lechnique foi
naleiiaI deleininalion.
Answcr: IaIse
You shouId configuie Cuslonizing in lhe ieveise sequence of
lhal used lv lhe svslen vhen il seaiches foi lhe vaIid naleiiaI
deleininalion naslei iecoids foi saIes oideis.
9. Sulslilulion ieasons foi naleiiaI deleininalion pIav a significanl ioIe
in hov naleiiaIs aie deleinined in lhe saIes oidei and in lhe deIiveiv.
Answcr: Tiue
Sulslilulion ieasons slipuIale lhal lhe svslen can nake an aulonalic
sulslilulion (in lhe case of olsoIele pioducl), aIIov lhe oidei enliv
peison lo nake a seIeclion lhal neels lhe individuaI cusloneis
iequiienenls, oi nake sulslilulions lased on pioducl avaiIaliIilv.
1O. Which of lhe foIIoving need lo le nainlained in lhe condilion
lechnique foi naleiiaI deleininalion`
Answcr: A, , C, D, L, I
AII of lhe alove need lo le nainlained in Cuslonizing, vilh lhe
exceplion of lhe naleiiaI deleininalion naslei iecoids, vhich aie
nainlained in naslei dala.
630 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SCM605 Course Summary
Course Summary
You shouId nov le alIe lo:
- Inlegiale saIes in lhe SaIes and Disliilulion piocess
- Configuie SAI R/3 SD so lhal il iepiesenls voui specific saIes
- Iind and use HeIp vilhin lhe svslen
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 631
Course Summary SCM605
632 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
Appendix 1
Reference MateriaIs
TabIe Structures
Dala enleied duiing lhe saIes piocess is sloied in vaiious ieIaled lalIes.
The foIIoving figuies depicl lhe lalIes used foi lhe cuslonei naslei, saIes
oidei, liIIs of naleiiaI, and saIes aclivilies.
Figure 123: TabIe Structure for Customers - SD View
This lalIe conlains lhe foIIoving infoinalion:
Tab!c Cnntcnts
KNA1 Cuslonei naslei, geneiaI infoinalion
KNVK Conlacl peisons
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 633
Appendix 1: Reference MateriaIs SCM605
634 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
liII-lo pailv, 87
liIIing lIock, 1O6
liIIing docunenl
lvpes, 4
liIIing lIock, 1O6
deIiveiv lIock, 1O6
fasl change, 1O7
lusiness aiea
conpanv code, 38
lusiness dala
Incolein, 88
pavnenl condilion, 88
cIienl, 37
conpanv code, 37
lusiness aiea, 38
pIanl, 6O
Cuslonizing, 82, 128
deIiveiing pIanl
pIanl, 6O
pIanl deleininalion, 89
deIiveiv lIock, 1O6
deIiveiv docunenl
lvpes, 4
diiecl saIes
disliilulion channeI, 6O
disliilulion channeI, 42
diiecl saIes, 6O
division, 43
docunenl dala
changing, 1O5
Cuslonizing, 82
exisling, 82
haid-coded conlioIs, 82
naslei dala, 82
docunenl fIov, 5
docunenl slalus, 4
enleipiise sliucluies, 36
lusiness dala, 88
inquiiv, 8
naslei dala, 82
nalchcode, 4
pailnei funclions, 87
pavei, 87
pavnenl condilion
lusiness dala, 88
pIanl, 6O
deleininalion, 89
conpanv code, 6O
deIiveiing pIanl, 6O
ieason foi iejeclion, 1O7
fasl change, 1O7
saIes aiea, 44
saIes oidei, 83
soId-lo pailv, 83
saIes docunenl, 4, 6
lvpes, 4
saIes gioup, 53
SaIes Infoinalion Svslen
(SIS), 5
saIes office, 52
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 635
Index SCM605
saIes oidei, 3
saIes aiea, 83
saIes oiganizalion, 41
saIes sunnaiv, 1O3
saIespeison, 53
ship-lo pailv
soId-lo pailv, 87
soId-lo pailv, 1O8
saIes aiea, 83
ship-lo pailv, 87
636 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. April 2003
SAI AC has nade eveiv effoil in lhe piepaialion of lhis couise lo
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coiieclions oi suggeslions foi inpiovenenl, pIease iecoid lhen in lhe
appiopiiale pIace in lhe couise evaIualion.
April 2003 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 637

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