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1. PROOF BY CONTRADICTION. To prove that a statement A is true, we assume that not A is true and obtain a contradiction (something that contradicts an earlier statement in the proof, or contradicts some fact known to be true). Therefore, what we have assumed must be false; i.e., A is true. EXAMPLE 1. Prove that 2 is an irrational number. 2. PROOF BY CASES. EXAMPLE 2. Prove that there are two irrational numbers a and b such that ab is rational. 3. PROVING THE CONTRAPOSITIVE. To prove the implication (A = B) , we prove the equivalent implication (not B = not A). EXAMPLE 3. Prove that if x and y are real numbers and x = y, then x2 + y 2 > 2xy. 4. PROOF BY INDUCTION. Principle of Mathematical Induction. Let P (n) be a property pertaining to a natural number n. Suppose that P (1) is true, and suppose that P (n + 1) is true whenever P (n) is true (i.e., P (n) = P (n + 1)). Then P (n) is true for every natural number n. EXAMPLE 4. For every natural number n, prove that

13 + 23 + + n3 =

1 k 3 = n2(n + 1)2. 4

Symbols and notations

Sets aA aA AB A=B AB AB A\B Quantiers for all, for every there is, there exists a is an element of A a is not an element of A A is a subset of B two sets A and B are equal (i.e., A B and B A) union of A and B, A B = {x : x A or x B} intersection of A and B, AB = {x : x A and x B} A minus B, A\B = {x : x A and x B} the empty set

Implications = Others marks the end of a proof s.t. i.e. PMI such that that is Principle of Mathematical Induction implies is equivalent to, if and only if, i

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