CKS Annoucement

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CenterforKhmerStudies SoutheastAsianStudiesProgram CallforApplications CKS is seeking applicants for an academic training program for a period of 3 months fromSeptembertoNovember2011onMonday,Wednesday,andFridayat6:00pm8:00 pm.

pm.Theprogramwilltaketheformofintensivelecturesandseminarsfocusingoncore academicskillsinthecontextofaSoutheastAsiansyllabus.Topicstobecoveredinclude:

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Contemporary Southeast Asia: history, politic and economics; Cultures and Identities in the Southeast Asian context; Religious practices in Southeast Asia; Rural and urban Studies: Local history in a regional perspective; Cambodia/Southeast Asia at the Margins: Minorities Groups and Borderlines; Modern history of mainland Southeast Asia; Cultural construction of politics in mainland Southeast Asia; Economics and Development in Southeast Asian contexts.

Asmallgroupofparticipantswillbeselectedthroughacompetitiveprocess.Applicants shouldbeCambodiannationalswhoarecurrentlyemployedasuniversityfacultystaffor individuals who are interested in furthering an academic career in Cambodia. Previous participantswillnotbeeligibleforaplaceontheprogram. Applicantsareexpectedtohavethefollowing: o A Bachelors Degree in a relevant social science discipline. o TOEFL score of 400 and above or equivalent. o Experience of teaching and research at the university level. Applicants should submit a C.V. and a 12 page statement expressing clearly their interestsintheprogram.ApplicationsshouldbesubmittedbyemailtoMs.SimPuthea atputhea_sim@khmerstudies.orgnolaterthanAugust16,2011. ForfurtherinformationpleasecontactMsSimPuthea OfficePhone:023991937

HeadOffice:POBox9380WatDamnak,SiemReap,CambodiaTel:(855)063964385Fax:(855)063963035 PhnomPenhOffice:No234,St450,ToulTumpoungIIChamkarmourn,PhnomPenh,CambodiaTel:(855)023991937

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