2.7.MultiView Isometric

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1. Using very light lines, construct an Isometric Box on any available space as follows: 1.1. Draw a long horizontal line and mark its midpoint as Point O; this spot will become the front bottom-right corner of the complete Isometric Box 1.2. From point O, draw a vertical line which will become the height axis. Also from Point O, mark off upward the height of the Isometric Box based on the highest point in the front and side views. The resulting second point will become the front top-right corner of the complete box. 1.3. Using Point O again as starting point, draw lines to the right and to the left of which shall be 30 degrees above the horizontal. The line towards the right will become the profile (depth) axis; while the line towards the left will become the frontal (width) axis. 1.4. From point O, mark off towards the right, and along the profile axis the depth of the Isometric Box based on the deepest point from the Top View or the Right-Side View. 1.5. From point O, mark off towards the left and along the frontal (width) axis, the width of the Isometric Box using the distance of the farthest point (to the left of the right profile plane) in tlre Front View, or Top View. 1.6. Complde the Isometric Box using only lines that are all parallel to the three isornetric axes. 2. Starting Fom one coner (or face) of the Isometric Box, transfer surfaces (or lines) from the multiview projections, one at a t ime. Identify surfaces (or lines) in accordance with their orientaton (parallel, incline, or oblique) to primary planes (planes parallel to the axes) of the Isornetric Box. 3. Hidden lines and points will NOT be shown in Isometric drawing except when very necessry to clarify ambiguous surfaces in the drawing

Reference: Barangan, p. 32.

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