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June/July 2011

27 What color do you like most? (red, blue, green, purple, yellow, blue)

28 If you went grocery shopping, what would be the first thing you would buy? (fruit, chips, cookies, ice cream)

29 What is your favorite ice cream flavor? (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookie-dough,

30 What kind of pizza do you like? (cheese, pepperoni, BBQ chicken, bacon)

1 What is your favorite snack? (chips, pretzels, fruit, string cheese)


Getting to Know you Week

3 Oceans Week

4 What do you like to do at the beach? (swim, build sandcastles, play

5 Where would you rather go? (beach, water park, pool, lake)

6 Where would you like to go on a picnic? (beach, lake, friends house, park, your own backyard)

7 What would you rather play in? (sand, snow, or mud)

8 Where do you think would be the hardest place to fall asleep? (car, plane, train, boat)

10 Animals Week

11 What pet would you like to have? (dog, cat, gerbil, snake, fish)

12 Which animal are you most afraid of? (snake, dog, skunk, snake, mouse) 19 What is your favorite
season?(fall, winter, spring, summer)

13 What animal would you like to learn more about? (lion, bear, elephant, giraffe, monkey) 20 Would you rather have a pet with fins, fur, or feathers?

14 If you could be any animal what would you be? (dog, cat, bear, cheetah, penguin)

15 If an animal could visit your school, what would it be? (elephant, tiger, bear, giraffe, rhinoceros) 22 What is your favorite subject in school? (science, math, reading ,writing, social studies)


17 Weird Science Week

18 What is your favorite kind of bug? (ladybug, spider, beetle, ant)

21 In what kind of weather do you like to play? (sunny, snowy, rainy, windy)


24 Space Week 31

25 Welcome to Space Week! What would you like to learn more about? (the moon, planets, constellations)

26 What is the one thing you would bring with you if you went to another planet? (camera, journal, cell phone, computer)

27 What would you like to fly in? (airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, rocket ship)

28 If you had to dress up in a costume, what would you be? (princess, cowboy, animal, or astronaut)

29 What would you like to be when you grow up? (astronaut, chef, artist, teacher, doctor)


31 Authors

1 What genre do you enjoy most? (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, mystery)

2 What would you prefer to do? (read, draw, paint, play outside, cook)

3 What is your favorite reading activity? (read alone, read with a friend, read with a parent, be read to by an adult)

4 What storybook character would you like to be for the day? (Flat Stanley, The Gingerbread Boy, Jack and the Beanstalk, Sleeping Beauty) 11 If you could move your family, where would you move? (another city, another state, another country, stay where you live) 18 How long can you stand on one foot? (less than one min.; more than one min.; more than two minutes)

5 Which is your favorite folk tale? (Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, The Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk) 12 What event would make you the happiest? (winning a trip around the world, winning a race, meeting Barak Obama) 19 How many jumping jacks can you do in one minute? (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) *Also you could use numbers collected from actual class data. 26 What does your parent/guardian remind you about the most?(cleaning your room, starting your homework, eating dinner) 6


7 Countries

8 Where do you think would be the hardest place to fall asleep? (car, plane, train, boat)

9 Where would you rather travel? (outer space, deep in the ocean, around the world)

10 How did you travel on your last vacation? (train, bus, car, airplane, boat)


14 Sports/Fitness

15 What is your favorite sport? (soccer, baseball, dance, gymnastics)

16 What kind of winter sports do you like best? (ski, snowboard, sled, iceskate)

17 What sport do you most like to watch on TV? (football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis)


21 Heroes

22 Who do you admire most? (a relative, a friend, a teacher, a character from a story youve read)

23 What relative do you look up to? (aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, grandfather)

24 What job would you like to do for one day? (teacher, principal, firefighter, policeman, doctor)

25 Who would you like to have a guest reader in this class? (principal, parent, friend, former teacher)






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