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Monday September

FCAT Bell Ringer
Review homework
Chapter outline
Complete chapter assessment
Cause and Effect
FCAT Bell Ringer
What role did trade play in the
creation of social classes?
Section 3 Assessment
Review as a class.
Chapter 1 Review
 The study of tools, bones, and other
objects can help to explain prehistoric
 The development of writing marks a
turning point in the story of our past
 The geography of a place can explain
why historic events happened there.
Geography also refers to the features of
a place, including its climate, landscape,
and location. Weather patterns, the
water supply, and the landscape of a
Section 2: Prehistory
 During the old stone age, our ancestors
survived by hunting and gathering.
 Gradually they migrated from Africa to
other areas across the Earth
 The New Stone Age is when some
people began to farm and domesticate
 The advantage of farming and
domesticating animals during this time is
the animals could then be bred, and they
would serve as a ready supply of meat,
Section 3: The Beginnings
of Civilization
 The advantage of a steady supply
helped early farming settlements thrive.
Now, early peoples were less nomadic,
they could stay in one place and form
communities. With a surplus of food,
people did not have to spend all of their
time looking for and producing food.
They could now switch from farming to
other work and they developed crafting
Section 3 continued
 Some farming settlements grew into
cities because of their prime geographic
location. Being near a river was the
single most important factor in
transitioning to a city. A steady water
supply, building materials, and fertile soil
are all conducive to a thriving early city.
 Trade helped the first civilizations to
develop in cities and spread.
 People of many different cultures came
into contact with one another. New tools
and ideas from one society soon spread
to other societies as people traded
information along with goods.
Today’s Assignment
Cause and Effect

Go home and complete the chapter

assessment page 25-26. The key
terms and comprehension and
Critical Thinking sections only.

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