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July 22, Date 2011

Time For HEADLINE Lingenfelter To Stop Hiding and Answer for Fake Quote Ad
NDP Blames Phony Clip on Ad Agency But Wont Take Responsibility and Pull Ad

Regina BODY

Regina - The Saskatchewan Party says its time for NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter to come out of hiding and answer for his party getting caught red-handed splicing together a fake quote by Premier Brad Wall - 30 for a taxpayer-funded NDP ad. Mr. Lingenfelter is the Leader of the NDP and he should be answering for his ad and the fake quote the NDP concocted, Boyd said. Instead, hes putting up his MLAs who claim they didnt know anything about it and blame their ad agency. This is an NDP ad, its being paid for by NDP MLAs using taxpayers money, so its about time Mr. Lingenfelter started providing some answers, Boyd said. NDP MLA Kevin Yates is now admitting that the NDP approved the ad but claims they didnt know about the fake quote. We approved the ad. Im not going to say we didnt approve the ad. But did we approve it knowing the spliced clip? No, Yates said in todays Regina Leader-Post. Yates goes on to say, I do think that if today, if we had known that was done, I dont think it would have been done, but also said the NDP has no plans to pull the ad. Yates also couldnt say how much the taxpayer-funded ad was costing. Boyd called Yates comments ridiculous. He claims he didnt know about the fake clip. He says they wouldnt do it again, but they still wont pull the ad now. And he says he doesnt know how much this is costing taxpayers, Boyd said. Its nonsense and the NDP know it. And thats why Dwain Lingenfelter is scared to go anywhere near this thing. Boyd noted that when Lingenfelter was running for NDP Leader, his leadership campaign also got caught handing in 1,100 phony, forged memberships. Thats Dwain Lingenfelter first fake votes and now fake quotes. You really cant believe anything he says.

-30 For more information, please contact: Contact Steve Rennick or Lisa Mrazek Steve Rennick or Lisa Mrazek (306) 787-4300 (306) 787-4300

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