42 Identify Witches

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The Jinn and Human Sickness

Chapter 2 : Witchcraft and witches

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"Had We sent down this Qur'aan on a mourztairz, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rent asunder by the fear o Allaah ." f (Al-Hashr 5921) itchcraft is of limited effect, after a while it is not-m y gore, if the charm- -is destroyed. Hence ---some witclhes follow up their spells and renew them from time to time.

ended u p being divorced by her husband. The witches heal her; then she was treated by were unable means of the Book of Allaah. There are some witches arnong the jinn .-. The witch may bewitch a iinn and send him to the 'victim, .- which case the witchcraft is more in -- complex.


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There are several benefits in following a program for the sick person, as well as regularly reciting the Adhklurr for morning and evening, and the Adhkaar which are to be recited at certain times in the Muslim's life, which are listed in the final chapter of this book. These benefits include the following: 1 - Cutting off the means_ of return for the intermedi_ __ ary between the witch and the servant by _._.I.-means of what is known i militarv terms as n cutting the supply lines. 2 - Weakening the servant jie-either- by. causing his - - .- -deathor5usiiie Kim to flee. u 3 - I f the witch tries to renew the spell, -he will find it ---__ __ --m t to c a m out his mission. ----- - -.--.---+

Beware of the following types of practitioners


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The witches (may the curse of AlIaah be upon them) give people a false impression, that they are treating them bv means of the Noble Qur'aan. F& the purpose o stealing and cheating, they may recite a few Verses f in an audible voice, or else write them down. I have read something very strange written by one of their leaders who taught them witchcraft. His name is 'Abdul-Fattaah Al-Tookhi. In the introduction to one of his many books, which is entitled Tasfieer AlShayaateen Fi Wisnat Al-'Aashiqeen (Using the devils to create love), he says:
"One who hopes that AIlaah will grant him success and prosperity- Al-Tookhi Al-Fa1ki 'Abdul-Fattaah ibn Al-Sayyid Muhammad 'Abduh (may AIlaah forgive him and those who come before him and after him) - says: This is a very valuable book, which I have baskd on the knowledge of the earlier and later generations, and have called it Taskheer Al-Slmy~atken Fi Wisaal AI-'Aashiqem (Using the devils to create love)." After this heretic asks Allaah for success and prosperity, he goes on to teach people how to seek the help of the accursed filees in creating love in the

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Everv act of witchcraft reauires a witch. a victim. a 'chaim, some substance'that is -spci-for :wi t ~ h c r ~ n s e- v a n t and an intermediary - r jinn betwen the vich%Ti and& l%$!j&h. . - -.-..

There are some witches who bind the tongue-of the -__--servant jhm, which results in the victim being unable to talk. ~ e c e n t m e E x a case ot this kind-wXZG a s .---woman remained unable to talk for six months. She was receiving treatment in the mental hospitals, and


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The Jinn and Human Sickness . - --,A

Chapter 2 -: Witchcraft and witches - _


hearts of virgin girls, how to show disrespect to ihe words of AIlaah, and his Kufr and heresy even goes so far as teaching people how to write the Qur'aanic Verses on the genitals when having intercourse.[11



Everyone who mutters incomprehensihle words, or words in a language other than Arabic, is . a " witch.
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AIlaah indeed spoke the truth when He said: flres~ti~lo(angels) taught anyone (such things) fill t J r q I d srzid, 'We are for trial, so disbcliesle rrot (by leanling this tnagic fi.orn us). "' (Al-Baqar~h 2102) Signs by which a witch may be recognized

Warning against going to witches



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Having and that ._- p d tunderstood that witches are Kanfirs,behea-ding . the e t l t for witchcraft iii Islam is

_ .....- t~t,ingto explain that lslarn *. with the sword, we are .a -- _ _ forbids the Muslim to eo to ~ . i t c l w s111 the Muslznd of . AFBa~hirit is narrated witli a, ~ i ~ r i iisiinnif that Ibn ri 'Abbaas said: The Messenger oi Allaeh zk said:
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He asks about one's name and -=x=z= name. ---He demands the slaughter of an animal or bird, whether it has specific characteristics or not, and whether the blood is to be s e r d m ae & thesick person or not. - He tells the sick person to eat a certain kind of food. or to -_---- drink -rtain kind of 7 i ~ ~- i @- % i C --___ period of time, whilst keeping away from peopre in aParkened room during this p i i d . He gives the sick person pa ers to bum and scent himself with the s r n o k - i k F o r o t them up,or to bury them. Everyone who writes letters or numbers. or hexaions, or tears u p the wordst is a witch.

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"He is not one of u s who obsen~cs bird omcns or has that done for him, who tells fortunes or has his fortune. toIcl, who does witchcraft or has witchcraft done for him. Whoever goes to n fortuneteller and believes what he says has d i s b e l i c ~ ~ ein l that which was revealed to ~ Muhanlmdd s."lll
In Snllcclr AI-G~~?;lri~irr.i Sillrl'c'lr M r ~ d i n l , is nanatrd and it from Abu Huravrah that the Messenger of Allaah & said:
"Avoid the seven (sins) that doom a person to Hell."

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