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Native Village of Eyak Regular Traditional Tribal Council Meeting

REVISED DRAFT Tuesday, July 26, 2011 @ 6:30pm, Ilanka Board Room Agenda
I. CALL TO ORDER A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Invocation D. Approval of Agenda E. Approval of June 21 Regular Meeting Minutes [minutes enclosed] PUBLIC COMMENT [3 min./person, 15 min. maximum] EXECUTIVE SESSION [at Councils discretion] EXECUTIVE REPORTS A. Chairmans Report Mark King [report enclosed] B. NVE Executive Directors Report Angela Arnold [report handout] COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Finance Committee [minutes enclosed] B. Enrollment Committee [minutes enclosed] C. ICWAC Committee [packet supplementary handout] D. Sugpiaq Heritage Committee OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. Donation Request: Cordova Graveyard Restoration [action item] William Hansen, Tribal Member B. Sea Otter and Seal Harvest Management Policy Review Committee Formation [action item] Jason Borer, Tribal Member/Eyak Corp. C. Policy: ICHC-013 Patient Safety and Risk Management Program [second reading, action item] D. Policy: ICHC-014 Peer Review Policy [first reading] E. Cell Phone Account [info requested at Jun 21 meeting, directional item] F. Change of Retirement Plan Administrators [first reading] Jim Gittleson G. Resolution 2011-07-01: Teen Pregnancy Prevention PREP Grant App [action item] Rebecca Johnson H. Resolution 2011-07-02: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for Barrows Goldeneye Telemetry Research [action item] John Whissel I. Resolution 2011-07-03: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for Marbled Murrelette Telemetry Research [action item] John Whissel J. Resolution 2011-07-04: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for Genetic Research on Cervids [action item] John Whissel K. Resolution 2011-07-05: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for Halibut Movement Research [action item] John Whissel L. Resolution 2011-07-06: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for VHF Monitoring Array [action item] John Whissel M. Resolution 2011-07-07: USFWS Tribal Wildlife Grant App for Expanded Tribal Marine Operations Capacity [action item] John Whissel N. 2011 ATLC Ballot [action item] Reyna Villa O. Thank You: Elders/Youth Seward SeaLife Trip [informational item]




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FINANCIAL REPORTS A. NVE Financials [report enclosed] Jim Gittleson STAFF REPORTS A. Jun Staff Reports [sent via email Jul 6, reports enclosed] PUBLIC COMMENT [3 min./person, 15 min. maximum] COUNCIL COMMENT NEXT MEETING DATE [calendars enclosed] Tuesday, August 16 @ 6:30pm, Ilanka Board Room EXECUTIVE SESSION [at Councils discretion] ADJOURNMENT

Tribal Council Mark King, Chairman Jack Hopkins, Vice Chairman Patience Faulkner, Secretary-Treasurer Herb Jensen, Council Member Darrel Olsen, Council Member

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