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Honorable Zila Nazim


Sub: Quality Product For Hepatitis Patients.

Respected Sir,

It is stated that EDO Health Hyderabad is going to purchase Hepatitis C treatment

under your program for Hepatitis treatment. They have finalized two products i.e.
Ceronealpha and Inermaxalpha both products are included in P.M Program for care and
care of Hepatitis C. The attached comparison shows that by purchasing ceron Alpha the
department have to bear a heavy loss by developing resistance in almost 30% patients and
after that their treatment will require almost 4.5 crore rupees and an others period of six
months new line while by purchasing intermix alpha you can save all this amount and six
month time a good treatment and District Government will get a image best.

Kindly look in to the matter.


Yours Sincerely

Imran Manzoor

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