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Whats the difference between illness and disease?

Disease is used to talk about more severe physical medical problems, especially those that affect the organs. Illness is used to talk about both more severe and more minor medical problems, and those that affect mental health: heart/kidney/liver illness mental disease. Disease is not A disease occurs when an organ or system of the organism undergoes pathological change that deviates from the normal progression of change. An illness would be a (temporary) pathological change that can be combatted and healed through the organism's own healing mechanisms. We can speak of heart disease or lung disease, alterations in the organ which affect its longterm health and development, where influenza is an illness (likely temporary) which the body will recover from and likely return to health good as new.

Watch the video and answer these questions

1. Whats the percentage of people who suffer from diabetes throughout the world? 2. What did research show?
3. Who suffers from diabetes type 2?

4. What can diabetes lead to? 5. Whats taken into account to decide the amount of resources that the health systems have to spend on the control of this disease? 6. Why is diabetes one of the most expensive diseases to treat?

Diabetes Video activity

By Patricia Mellino

7. Where do more than 70 % of the diabetics live? Can these people afford the expenses of their treatment? 8. What advice does Dr Betul give? Why?

Diabetes Video activity

By Patricia Mellino

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