HTML Marquee

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This tag is used to indicate that this is a HTML document. Most HTML documents should start and end with this tag.

The HTML title Element

The <title> tag defines the title of the document. The title element is required in all HTML/XHTML documents. The title element:

defines a title in the browser toolbar provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites displays a title for the page in search-engine results

Non-breaking Space
A common character entity used in HTML is the non-breaking space (&nbsp;). Browsers will always truncate spaces in HTML pages. If you write 10 spaces in your text, the browser will remove 9 of them, before displaying the page. To add spaces to your text, you can use the &nbsp; character entity.

HTML Tip - How to View HTML Source

To find out, right-click in the page and select "View Source" (IE) or "View Page Source" (Firefox), or similar for other browsers. This will open a window containing the HTML code of the page.

The <body> tag includes the HTML body of the document. Everything inside the <body> tag (other than those within the <script> tag) is displayed on the browser inside the main browser window. The <body> tag may contain several attributes. The most commonly used ones are listed below: bgcolor: This is the background color of the entire HTML document, and may be specified either by the color name directly or by the six-digit hex code. Text: This is the text color of Entire Document.

The <center> tag causes all the text within the tag to be centered.

HTML <marquee> tag

The HTML <marquee> tag is used for scrolling piece of text or image displayed either horizontally across or vertically down your web site page depending on the settings.

Attribute behavior Value scroll slide alternate rgb(x,x,x) #xxxxxx colorname up down left right number Description Defines the type of scrolling.


Deprecated - Specifies the background color.


Defines the direction of scrolling the content.


Specifies how many times to loop. The default value is INFINITE, which means that the marquee loops endlessly. Defines how how far to jump.

scrollamount number width

pixels or % Defines the width of marquee.

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