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A simile is a figure of speech in which two things are compared. They help to describe something -

The puppy is like a teddy bear

Similes often use the words-

like , as , or than.

These words help us tell if a sentence is a simile

Similes often use the words-

like , as , or than.
For example:

The teacher is as mean as a lion Her hair is like dry straw The Giant was bigger than a house

Her hands are as cold as ice as cool as a cucumber The kitten cried like a baby Zak is as funny as a clown She laughs like a hyena The star was like a diamond in the sky

Lets make our own!

The horse is like a ____________ The horse is as ____________ The horse is ___ than a _____

Lets make our own!

The Car is like a ____________ The Car is as ____ as a ________ The horse is ___ than a _____

1. Underline the TWO things being compared in each line 2. Circle the word that tell us the sentence is a simile

I love school I love school like a kick in the shins I love school like a zit on my skin

I love school like a knee in my bits I love school like a teacher who spits I love school like a punch in the nose I love school like old charity clothes

1. Write THREE similes about YOU, using like , as and than 2. Draw yourself 3. Hand your work to Miss Allen. 4. Glue your poem in your ENGLISH book

like , as , or than.
1. My brain is as sharp as a knife 2. My arms are strong like steel 3. My hair is softer than silk
1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________

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