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Text Search in 8.4?

(Oleg Bartunov & Teodor Sigaev, SAI MSU)

• Prefix search support (GIN partial

• Phrase Search (Algebra for text
queries, with M.Prokhorov, SAI MSU )
• Fast approximate statistics based on
GIN index
• Middleware for text search
Prefix search
• tsquery @@ to_tsquery('supernova:a* &
– Find documents with titles containing
word supernova*
postgres=# select count(*) from papers where fts @@ to_tsquery('supernova:a* & stars');
(1 row)

postgres=# select count(*) from papers where fts @@ to_tsquery('supernova:a & stars');
(1 row)
Fast approximate statistics
• Gevel extension — GiST/GIN indexes
• Fast — uses only GIN index (no table
• Approximate — no table access,
which contains visibility information,
approx. for long posting lists
• Statistics looks good for mostly read-
only data
Fast approximate statistics
• Top-5 most frequent words (463,873
=# SELECT * FROM gin_stat('gin_idx') as t(word text, ndoc int)
order by ndoc desc limit 5;

word | ndoc
page | 340858
figur | 240366
use | 148022
model | 134442
result | 129010
(5 rows)
Time: 520.714 ms
Fast approximate statistics
• gin_stat() vs ts_stat()
=# select * into stat from ts_stat('select fts from papers') order by
ndoc desc, nentry desc,word;

=# SELECT a.word, b.ndoc as exact, a.estimation as estimation,

round ( (a.estimation-b.ndoc)*100.0/a.estimation,2)||'%' as error
FROM (SELECT * FROM gin_stat('gin_x_idx') as t(word text, estimation
int) order by estimation desc limit 5 ) as a, stat b
WHERE a.word = b.word;

word | exact | estimation | error

page | 340430 | 340858 | 0.13%
figur | 240104 | 240366 | 0.11%
use | 147132 | 148022 | 0.60%
model | 133444 | 134442 | 0.74%
result | 128977 | 129010 | 0.03%
(5 rows)
Time: 550.562 ms
Phrase Search
• Usual text search doesn't takes into
account an order of words in query
– query 'a b'
– rank('a x x b') = rank('b x x a')
– rank('a b') > rank('a x b') >0
• Phrase search requires words ordering
and distance between consecutive
words is 1
– Documents 'b a', 'a x b' fail matching
phrase 'a b'
Phrase Search
• New operator NEAR - $[n], requires
two operands. It guarantee
– Order between operands - right operand
follows left one
– Distance between operands = n
• Example
– Phrase search: 'a $ b' == 'a $[1] b'
Phrase Search
• Possible extensions
– #[n] — soft $[n], ordering isn't important
– a<$[n] b — at most n words between
– a $[n]> b — at least n words between
– And so on ...
a $[n] b == a & b & ( ∃ i,j : pos(b)i – pos(a)j = n )
a$b == a & b & ( ∃ i,j : pos(b)i – pos(a)j = 1 )

• a $[n] b = b $[-n] a
• !(a $[n] b) = !a | !b | ( ∀ i,j : pos(b)i – pos(a)j != n
• !!(a $[n] b) = a $[n] и
• a $ !b = a & ( ∃ i,j : !pos(b)i – pos(a)j = 1)
• !a $ b = b & ( ∃ i,j : pos(b)i – !pos(a)j = 1 )
• !a $ !b = ( ∃ i,j : !pos(b)i – !pos(a)j = 1 )
• a $ (b | c) = a $ b | a $ с; (b | c) $ a = b $ a | с $
• a $ (b & c) = b & с & (a $ b | a $ c);
(b & c) $ a = b & с & (b $ a | с $ a)
Поиск фразы: " a b c … x "
Фраза определяется:
1). последовательностью слов a, b, c … x и
2). ее положением в тексте:
posL(“abc…x”) = pos(a)
posR(“abc…x”) = pos(x)

Прямое определение
a $[n] b $[m] c == a & b & c &
(∃ i,j,k : pos(b)j – pos(a)i = n & pos(c)k –
pos(b)j = m)
Поиск фраз: определение
A $[n] B == A & B & ( ∃ i,j : posL(B)j – posR(A)i =
Рекурсивное определение
(a $[n] b) $[m] c = (a $[n] b) & с & (∃i,j: posL(c)j –
posR(“ab”)i=m) =
= (a $[n] b) & c & (∃i,j: pos(c)j – posR(“ab”)i = m ) =
= (a & b & (∃k,l: pos(b)k – pos(a)l = n)) &
c & (∃i,j: pos(c)j – posR(“ab”)i =
(∃k,l: pos(b)k–pos(a)l=n) & (∃j: pos(c)j–pos(b)k =
= a & b & c & (∃j,k,l: pos(b)k–pos(a)l=n & pos(c)j–
pos(b)k=m) =
= a $[n] b $[m] c
Запрос: «черная» $ («дыра» | «туманность»)

Преобразование: «черная» $ «дыра» | «черная» $ «туманность»

& &

& &

«черная» «дыра» «черная» «туманность»

∃ pos(«дыра»)-pos(«черная»)=1∃ pos(«дыра»)-pos(«туманность»)=1
Запрос: «близкие» $ «галактики»

После словаря: «близкие» $ («M33» | («туманность» $ «Андромеды

| («магеллановы» & «облака»))

«близкие» $ «M33» |
(«близкие»$(«туманность»$«Андромеды»)) |
(«магеллановы» & «облака» &
(«близкие»$«магеллановы» | «близкие»$«облака»))

$ |

«близкие» «М33» $ &

«близкие» $ & |

«туманность»«Андромеды»«магеллановы» «облака»

$ $


«близкие» «облака»
Middleware for FTS
• Dictionaries should be able to specify
how interpret their output. For
example, dictionary returns (a,b) .
Possible interpretations:
– (a,b) -> a & b
– (a,b) -> a | b
– (a,b) -> a $[n] b - 'b' follows 'a', n words
– (a,b) -> a #[n] b - soft $ (order isn't
– Etc.
Middleware for FTS
• Option for dictionary to return also an
original word
• Manage how word is processed by a
stack of dictionaries
– Stop if recognized — current behaviour
– Process and continue — filters
• Use case: accent removal problem (wrong
highlighting) — cannot be solved by using
function to_tsvector(remove_accent(document))
Text Search in 8.4?+
(Oleg Bartunov & Teodor Sigaev, SAI MSU)
• Prefix search support (GIN partial
• Phrase Search (Algebra for text
queries, with M.Prokhorov, SAI MSU )
• Fast approximate statistics based on
GIN index
• Middleware for text search
Looking for sponsorship !

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