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Name of Employee: Employee Number: Department: Appraisal Term(From) Appraisal Term (To) Line Manager Name Job Title: Date Of Joining: Division: Location: Grade: Reviewer Name

RATING Outstanding

# 5

Total Score 451-500 pts

Rationale An employee rated 5 on any item mastered that element of his/her assigned position and is performing at a level well beyond what is normally expected of the vast majority of experienced employees with similar duties. An employee rated 4 on any item is performing clearly and substantially above required standards for that element of his/her job. An employee rated 3 on any item is performing satisfactorily and meets with standard of performance for that element of his/her position. An employee rated 2 on any item is performing slightly below the required standard of performance for that element of his/her position. The employee needs more training and guidance to overcome his/her weakness in that particular element. An employee rated 1 on any item is performing much below the required standard of performance for that element in his/her job. He/she requires extensive training and close monitoring on the particular element to reach satisfactory level of performance. This employee will be put on an improvement plan mutually agreed between the employee, line manager and HR.

Exceeds Job expectations Meets Job Requirements Needs Improvement

351-450 pts

251-350 pts

200-250 pts


Below 200 pts


Statement of objectives of the job position. What were the goals and the objectives which agreed upon by the rated employee? Objectives and goals have to be quantifiable, if goals have not yet been agreed give a brief but complete description of basic job responsibilities after review of the job description with the employee. RATING Total Weight x Rating 2 1




Grand Total Maximum Points OVERALL RATING. ____________ SUPERVISOR __________ EMPLOYEE 5 4 3 2 1 =

. 500.

___________ ____________ GM Division GM HR

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