In Vitro and in Vivo Efficacy of Organic Solvent Based Extracts of Some Ethno-Medicinal Plant Species Agains Xanthomonas Oryzae Causal Agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice - Kuntal Das

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Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol.

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20 In vitro and In vivo Efficacy of Organic Solvent Based Extracts of Some Ethno-Medicinal Plant Species Against Xanthomonas oryzae: Causal Agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice
Kuntal Das*1, 2, Rajkumar Singh Tiwari2 and Dhirendra K. Shrivastava1

Ethno-medicinally valued parts of five plant species were extracted in six different solvents and tested for their antibacterial properties against Xanthomonas oryzae (in vitro), the control of bacterial leaf blight of rice (in vivo). Phytochemical evaluation was also trailed to detect the major phytochemical groups both qualitatively and quantitatively. Amongst the plant species antibacterial activity in terms of mean inhibition zone was considerably higher in the extracts of Acorus calamus (26.9 cm) whereas, Crinum latifolium was least effective (11.5 cm). Extracts of A. calamus, Asparagus racemosus, Curcuma caesia and Costus speciosus prepared in methanol and hexane were found to have significant higher zone of inhibition than the other extracts prepared in different solvents. Similarly, significant suppression of lesion length caused by X. oryzae was brought by the application of extracts of A. calamus (92.8 per cent) and A. raceemosus (87.2 per cent) prepared in acetone and hexane respectively.

1 2 *

Department of Botany, Government E.R.R. P.G. Science College, Bilaspur (C.G.), India. Department of Plant Pathology, T.C.B. College of Agriculture and Research Station (I.G.K.V.) Bilaspur (C.G.), India. Corresponding author: E-mail:

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Methanol followed by acetone proved to be the most effective solvent for the extraction of the majority active phytochemical groups exhibiting the antibacterial properties. Alkaloid, terpenoid, saponin and flavonoid were the major phytochemical groups eluted by most of solvents and found responsible for antibacterial activity either alone or in combination.
Keywords: Ethno-medicinal plants, Xanthomonas oryzae, Zone of inhibition, Phytochemicals.

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple crops in the world, feeding about half of humanity. However, the crop is attacked by considerable number of diseases, of which bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Swings et al., 1977; Ishiyama, 1922) is one of the most destructive diseases throughout the world (Mew, 1987). This disease was reported to occur in Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Korea, Mainland China, Malaysia, Srilanka, Thailand, Philippines, USA, West Africa and Vietnam (Ezuka and Kaku, 2000). Disease occurs at all the growth stages of rice and is manifested by either leaf blight or Kresek symptoms. The causal organism invades plants through water pores and wounds (Mizukami, 1956, Tabei and Mukoo, 1960). Bacterial ooze, which consists of small, yellowish, spherical masses, may sometimes be seen on the margins or veins of the freshly infected leaf under moist conditions. With the passage of time, the yellowish lesions cover the entire blade and turn white to gray owing to saprophytic growth (Tagami and Mizukami, 1962; Ou, 1985). There may be 50 per cent reduction in yield in case of severe infection (Mew et al., 1993) whereas 10-12 per cent yield reduction has been recorded in case of mild infection (Ou, 1985). Thus the control or management of X. oryzae is indispensable for the sustaining the rice productivity in tropics (Dev and Koul, 1997; Hall and Menn, 1999; Huang and Acharya, 2003). A number of reports have been documented during the past few decades, where synthetic pesticides have been used heavily in agriculture in order to control crop pests and improve crop yield (Hickey, 1986; Hewitt, 1998). It has been estimated that hardly 0.1 per cent of the agrochemicals used in crop protection reach the target pest leaving the remaining 99.9 per cent to enter the environment to cause hazards to nontarget organisms including humans (Pimentel and Levitan, 1986). On the other hand many plant pathogenic micro-organisms have developed resistance against known chemical pesticides (May, 1985; Urech et al., 1997; Williams and Heymann, 1998; Witte, 1998). In an attempt to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides extensive investigations into the possible exploration of plant originated compounds as natural commercial products that are safe for humans and environment (Duke, 1993; Daayf et al., 1995), have been undertaken over the past two decades. Development of natural products for pest control presents ideal method for sustainable agricultural productions of crops with minimum detrimental effects to the environment. Thus medicinal plant products are the best alternative which have been proved by several reports (Enikuomehin and Peters, 2002; Okigbo and Emoghene, 2003). In India, more than 43 per cent of the total flowering plants are reported to be of medicinal importance (Pushpangadan, 1995). Plants synthesize a dazzling array of

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biologically active products. Some of the secondary metabolites from plants are merely the end products of aberrant biosynthetic pathways and other excretory products (Cowan, 1999). Plants are the bigger source of renewable bioactive organic chemicals as the total number of plant chemicals may exceed 4,00,000 of these 10,000 are secondary metabolites whose major role in the plants is reportedly defensive (Swain, 1977). Numerous defensive chemicals belonging to various categories (terpenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, tannins, etc.) which cause behavioral and physiological effects on pests have already been identified. Therefore, evaluation of plants and plant parts for active chemicals is as important as the screening of ethno botanically targeted species. In the perspective of the above scenario of botanical pesticides, present investigation has been framed out for scientific evaluation of some native medicinal plant resources which posses ethno-botanical importance to control X. oryzae causing BLB. The objectives of this study were set to evaluate the growth inhibition of the pathogen and disease suppression by plant extract in vitro and in vivo respectively. Further preliminary detection of phytochemical constituents and quantitative determination of major groups were performed.

Materials and Methods

Isolation of Pathogen
X. oryzae was isolated from naturally infected rice plants with bacterial leaf blight. Infected plant materials were surface disinfected with 0.5 per cent sodium hypochloride solution for 5 min and washed in sterile distilled water. Sample was then homogenized with 10 ml sterile distilled water. The solution and was poured on Petri dish containing freshly sterilized Pseudomonas Agar Base (PAB) medium (Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India). Plates were incubated at 261C for three days. Single-colony isolation was made. The viscous and yellow bacterial colonies that subsequently developed were subcultured on PAB medium and grown at 351C for 2 days (Devadath, 1989). The pure colonies were maintained in PAB slants in refrigerator until required.

Collection of Medicinal Plant Species and Preparation of Extracts

Five medicinal plant species namely Acorus calamus, Asparagus racemosus, Costus speciosus, Crinum latifolium and Curcuma caesia were selected for the present investigation. The characteristics details of the plant species, ethno-botanical values and parts used for extraction are given in Table 20.1. Plant parts were collected from local medicinal plant nursery and processed to prepare crude extracts. Plant materials were thoroughly washed under tap water and the outer skin was discarded. Plant materials were then surface sterilized with 0.01 per cent Mercuric Chloride solution for 2-3 min followed by counter wash in three changes of sterile distilled water (Nahunnaro, 2008). Cleaned plant parts were finely chopped using a kitchen blender and extracted following the method of Kurucheve et al. (1997) and Joseph et al. (2008). The chopped plant materials were plunged in required quantity of water (1:1 w/v) and boiled over

Table 20.1. Characteristics details and uses of the study plants.

Family Araceae Perennial herb with extensive rhizomatic clumps. Grown in marshy areas Extensively branched, spiny, climbing shrub. Found in forest areas Plant is tonic, diuretic and galactogogue. Fresh root juice with honey given for dyspepsia and enhances milking of mothe. Rhizomes astringent, purgative, depurative, stimulant, antispasmodic, diuretic and used in constipation Bulbs are useful in rheumatic troublesand in earache Rhizome applied externally in sprains and bruises, used for asthmaand tuberculosis, skin diseases Plant rhizome is an age old remedy for fever, bronchitis, rhematism, dyspepsis and for flatulence Feature Therapeutic Use Parts Used Rhizome

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Plant Name

Local Name

Acorus calamus L.


Asparagus racemosus Willd.




Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm. Liliaceae Zingiberaceae Annual herb, blue rhizome. Growth sites are forest areas Large herbs, globose bulbs. Found along streams



Succulent herb with tuberous rhizomes. Inhabitant of forest areas, field bunds


Crinum latifolium L.


Bulb Rhizome

Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 2

Curcuma caesia Roxb.

Shyama haldi

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hot plate (45-50 min) to prepare hot water extract. To prepare organic solvent extracts acetone, chloroform, hexane, methanol, and petroleum ether were used. Plant materials were dipped in required quantity of respective solvents (1:1 w/v) and kept overnight at room temperature for extraction. In each case, after soaking the pulp of the plant tissue along with the extracts were squeezed through three layers of muslin cloths followed by low speed centrifugation (5000 rpm for 5 min) to get the clear supernatant (Priya and Ganjewala, 2007). Plant extracts thus obtained were crude stock solution (100 per cent) and stored at 4C until use (Tiwari et al., 2005).

In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Crude Plant Extract Against X. oryzae

Well in agar method was applied for this experiment (Devillers et al., 1989; Onkar et al., 1995). Bacterial inoculum size was standardized following the procedure as described by Andrews (2001). In brief, 24 hrs old single colony of X. oryzae was dissolved in 5 ml of Mueller Hinton broth (Hi-Media manual, 2003). The bacterial suspension was adjusted by supplementing Mueller Hinton broth to match the density of 0.5 McFarland standards (McFarland, 1907). The suspension thus obtained contained approximately 108 cfu/ml (colony forming units/ml) which served as inoculum. Using a micropipette, an aliquot of 0.1 ml of inoculum was aseptically added to 100 ml of sterilized semisolid PAB media at a temperature of 40-45C. The flasks were swirled manually to homogenize the inoculum to the media and dispensed in Petri plates (approximately 25 ml in each plate). After solidification a hole was punched at the center using a sterile cork borer of 7 mm diameter. Plant extracts were used at two concentrations (50 per cent and 100 per cent). Using a micropipette, 0.1 ml of plant extract of different concentrations was dispensed aseptically in the bored well. Media with same volume of sterile distilled water and extraction solvents were served as control and solvent control respectively whereas media with Streptocycline (500 ppm) served as antibiotic control. The treated Petri plates were incubated at 371C for 48 hrs (McCuen and McCuen, 1988; Bradshaw, 1992). Diameter of inhibition zone formed around the well was measured twice perpendicularly, using a transparent millimeter ruler.

In vivo Application of Crude Plant Extract to Control Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease
In vivo, plant extracts were evaluated for controlling bacterial leaf blight disease following leaf detached technique described by Akhtar et al. (2008) and Xie and Mew (1998). Rice plants of cultivar IR24 were grown on sterile soil in plastic pots at green house conditions (average temperature of 34C/24C at day/night with 14 hrs of light period and 70 per cent humidity). Plants were uprooted at 45 days and healthy rice leaves were cut into 6.5 cm segments from the apical portion. The leaf segments were carefully washed twice by sterile distilled water. Filter paper (Watman no.1) was placed inside sterilized Petri plate and moistened with sterile distilled water. Inoculation of leaf segments were done by clipping method (Kauffman et al., 1973; Koch et al., 1991). Inoculum suspension of X. oryzae was made as described earlier (in vitro study). Stainless steel scissor was surface sterilized with 70 per cent alcohol and

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dipped in the bacterial suspension. Leaves were cut 1 cm form the top using the inoculum coated scissors. Three inoculated leaf segments were put inside each Petri plates keeping the abaxial side up. Petri plates were kept in BOD incubator for incubation at 371C. Plant extracts were applied 24 hrs after inoculation. Leaf segments were directly sprayed with plant extract using a plastic hand sprayer. The plastic sprayer was washed thoroughly each time after every application of plant extract. Plants sprayed with Streptocycline (500 ppm) served as negative control whereas plants sprayed with sterile distilled water served as control. Petri plates were incubated in BOD incubator at 371C. After 5 days and 7 days of inoculation lesion length was measured. Per cent disease severity caused by the pathogen and per cent disease suppression brought by the extracts was calculated (Okigbo and Nmeka, 2005).
% disease severity = Lesion length 100 Leaf length
Lesion length (control) Lesion length (treatment) Lesion length (control) 100

% disease suppression =

Qualitative and Quantitative Phytochemical Evaluation

Phytochemical tests were performed to detect the major constituents qualitatively present in plant extracts using standard procedures described by Harborne (1973), Trease and Evans (1989) and Sofowara (1993). Quantitative determination of phenol, alkaloid, tannin, saponin and flavonoid were carried out following the protocol of Harborne (1973) and Edeoga et al. (2005) and was expressed in percentage.

Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

All the experiments were arranged in completely randomized design with three replications. Data were analyzed by mixed model using CropStat version 7.0 software (IRRI, 2007) and means were compared by least significant difference (LSD) at 5 per cent level. Average values were calculated from the data gathered for in vitro and in vivo experiments to find out the most effective medicinal plant species active against the pathogens and also the solvent which showed the superior activity.

In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Crude Plant Extract Against X. oryzae
The study revealed that almost all extracts were found to inhibit the bacterial growth and produced significant zone of inhibition. Data presented in Table 20.2 indicated that 100 per cent concentration of solvent based plant extracts caused greater zone of inhibition than the 50 per cent concentration. Moreover, significantly (P?0.05) greater zone of inhibition was brought by extracts of A. calamus used at 100 per cent concentration than the Streptocycline 500 ppm. Similarly, methanol and hexane extracts of A. racemosus and C. speciosus were also found significantly more

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effective in producing higher zone of inhibition. Amongst different solvents used for extraction, acetone extract of A. calamus produced highest zone of inhibition (31.7 mm). However, hexane was found to be the most effective solvent as it has given comparatively higher zone of inhibition for most of the plant species (29.9 mm - 22.2 mm). Average of trial means of solvent extracts revealed that A. calamus showed noticeably higher zone of inhibition (26.9 mm) followed by C. caesia (18.2 mm), A. racemosus (15.6 mm), C. speciosus (14.8 mm), C. latifolium (11.5 mm) (Figure 20.1A). Average of solvent extracts in descending order were found as methanol (22.2 mm) > hexane (19.0 mm) > acetone (18.4 mm) > petroleum ether (17.8 mm) > hot water (14.4 mm) > chloroform (12.6 mm) (Figure 20.1B).
Table 20.2. In vitro antibacterial efficacy of extracts of five medicinal plant species prepared in different solvents against Xanthomonas oryzae.
Plant Species Plant Extracts Zone of Inhibition (mm)* 50 per cent Acorus calamus Acetone Chloroform Hexane Hot water Methanol Petroleum Ether Trial mean LSD0.05 Asparagus racemosus Acetone Chloroform Hexane Hot water Methanol Petroleum Ether Trial mean LSD0.05 Costus speciosus Acetone Chloroform Hexane Hot water Methanol Petroleum Ether Trial mean LSD0.05 20.7 0.16 14.8 0.50 19.5 0.61 14.7 0.44 16.8 0.70 18.0 0.62 17.4 0.73 1.0 9.3 0.62 nd 14.3 0.42 8.5 0.57 11.8 0.33 9.8 0.39 10.0 0.45 1.2 10.7 0.43 nd 15.7 0.33 6.8 0.53 11.8 0.63 7.0 0.71 9.4 0.39 1.2 100 per cent 42.7 0.52 34.0 0.33 40.3 0.33 30.7 0.57 35.0 0.54 36.0 0.41 36.4 0.56 0.8 19.0 0.61 14.0 0.44 30.0 0.62 18.3 0.71 25.0 0.33 21.0 0.16 21.2 0.81 0.9 21.7 0.50 12.3 0.62 31.7 0.52 15.0 0.42 25.0 0.33 15.3 0.62 20.2 0.75 1.1 Contd... 16.2 12.3 23.7 10.9 18.4 11.2 14.8 14.2 14.0 22.2 13.4 18.4 15.4 15.6 Mean (per cent) 31.7 24.4 29.9 22.7 25.9 27.0 26.9

348 | Table 20.2Contd...

Plant Species

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Plant Extracts

Zone of Inhibition (mm)* 50 per cent 100 per cent 17.0 0.51 10.3 0.39 18.0 0.49 12.0 0.50 15.7 0.61 21.0 0.43 15.7 0.65 1.4 23.3 0.71 16.3 0.33 29.7 0.51 21.3 0.62 27.7 0.44 26.3 0.24 24.1 0.71 0.9

Mean (per cent) 12.6 10.3 13.2 12.0 11.5 15.4 11.5

Crinum latifolium

Acetone Chloroform Hexane Hot water Methanol Petroleum Ether Trial mean LSD0.05

8.1 0.62 nd 8.3 0.53 nd 7.2 0.33 9.8 0.71 7.2 0.57 1.3 12.0 0.23 8.0 0.63 14.9 0.71 11.0 0.45 14.2 0.54 13.5 0.39 12.3 0.62 1.1 nd nd 22.0 0.01

Curcuma caesia

Acetone Chloroform Hexane Hot water Methanol Petroleum Ether Trial mean LSD0.05

17.7 12.2 22.3 16.2 21.0 19.9 18.2

Control Solvent control Streptocycline (500 ppm)

*: Inhibition zone including the well (7 mm diameter). nd: Not detected.

In vivo Application of Crude Plant Extract to Control Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease
Results from in vivo experiments indicated that extracts of A. calamus specially prepared in methanol and acetone closely followed by chloroform were significantly more effective in checking the lesion length as well as suppressing disease severity and were at par (P0.05) with Streptocycline 500 ppm (Table 20.3). Extracts of A. racemosus prepared in hexane whereas, extracts of C. caesia and C. speciosus prepared in methanol were found to check the lesion length considerably. Most of the extracts of C. latifolium were less effective except petroleum ether which suppressed the disease severity. Maximum of bacterial leaf blight disease severity was observed in A. calamus (61.0 per cent) followed by A. racemosus (48.9 per cent), C. caesia (44.3 per cent), C. speciosus (38.0 per cent) and C. latifolium (29.5 per cent) (Figure 20.2A). Amongst solvent extracts methanol was found to be highly effective (69.8 per cent) followed by

Table 20.3. In vivo efficacy of extracts of five medicinal plant species prepared in different solvents against bacterial leaf blight.
Asparagus racemosus Costus speciosus Crinum latifolium LL DSv DSp LL (cm) 2.80.57 4.40.60 5.20.88 12.8 43.6 51.3 4.00.71 1.50.18 3.90.56 (%) 38.5 9.3 21.8 (%) 61.5 91.0 78.2 87.2 56.4 48.7 (cm) 4.00.45 5.90.30 5.10.71 5.70.85 3.70.59 3.20.49 DSv (%) 42.3 67.9 79.5 61.5 22.8 60 LL DSv DSp (%) 50.3 11.5 64.1 15.4 74.4 12.8 (%) 50.0 88.5 35.9 84.6 25.6 87.2 (cm) 3.30.66 5.80.42 2.30.01 5.50.41 1.70.54 5.70.40 LL DSv DSp (%) 55.1 26.9 87.2 44.9 62.8 16.7 (%) 44.9 73.1 12.8 55.1 37.2 83.3 (cm) 2.90.78 4.80.40 0.80.33 3.60.88 2.40.90 5.40.71 Curcuma caesia DSp (%) 57.7 32.1 20.5 38.5 77.2 40.4

Plant Extracts DSp (%) 92.8 75.6 43.6 38.5 91.5 24.4 96.9 0.0 61.0 3.3 51.1 48.9 4.0 62.0 21.7 1.4 24.1 20.1 1.7 17.1 38.0 13.3 4.6 1.2 70.5 18.2 29.5 10.6 3.6 1.2 55.7 12.3

Acorus calamus








Chloroform 1.60.35





Hot water






Petroleum Ether







6.50.00 100.0

Trial mean



44.3 14.7




Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 2

LL: Lesion length; DSv: Disease Severity; DSp: Disease Suppression.

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Zone of inhibition (mm)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Acorus calamus

Asparagus racemosus

Costus speciosus

Crinum latifolium

Curcuma caesia

25 20 15 10 5 0

Medicinal plant species

hl or o

Plant Extracts

Figure 20.1. Bars represent average zone of inhibition exhibited by different medicinal plant species (A) prepared in different solvents (B) in vitro against Xanthomonas oryzae.

acetone (58.8 per cent), hexane (47.4 per cent), chloroform (31.0 per cent), hot water (30.0 per cent) and petroleum ether (29.0 per cent) (Figure 20.2B).

Qualitative and Quantitative Phytochemical Evaluation

Phytochemical analysis presented in Table 20.4 indicated that all major phytochemical groups were eluted from the extracts of medicinal plant species

Pe t ro le um

Ho t

M et ha no l

He xa ne

Ac et o

Et he r


fo r

at e

Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 2

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Disease supression (%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Acorus calam us Apara gus racem osus C ostus spe ciosus Crinum latifolium Curcum a caesia

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
fo rm

Medicinal plant species


to n



ex a

ot w




hl o

Plant extracts

Figure 20.2. Bars represents average percent disease suppression of bacterial leaf blight exhibited by five medicinal plant species (A) prepared in different solvents (B) employing leaf detached technique.

prepared in different organic solvents. However, some of the important phytochemical groups were eluted from particular species by most of the solvents. Tannin was eluted by methanolic extracts as well as hot water extracts from most of the species whereas, phlobatannin was sparingly detected in methanol and hot water among the plant species. Similarly, saponin was also eluted by methanol from most of the species except C. caesia. Methanol based extract of A. calamus eluted almost all phytochemical groups except cardiac glycoside whereas, acetone extract yielded flavonoid and alkaloid. Moreover, most of the A. calamus extracts eluted terpenoid and alkaloid. Methanolic extract was found to elute almost all groups except cardiac glycoside Saponin was the main group being eluted by most of the solvent extracts of C. speciosus and A. racemosus. Flavonoid and terpenoid were common in extracts of C.

et ro





he r


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Table 20.4. Qualitative analysis of the phytochemical groups present in the investigated medicinal plant species.
Plant Solvent Extracts Tannin Methanol Acetone Petrol. Ether Hexane Chloroform Hot Water Methanol
Asparagus recaemosus

Phytochemical Groups Saponin + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Flavonoid + + + + + + + + + + + + Terpenoid + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Alkaloid + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cardic glycoside + + + + + + + + + + + + Phlobatanin + + + + + +

Acorus calamus

+ + + + + + + + +

Acetone Petrol. Ether Hexane Chloroform Hot Water

Costus speciosus Crinum latifolium Curcuma caesia

Methanol Acetone Petrol. Ether Hexane Chloroform Hot Water Methanol Acetone Petrol. Ether Hexane Chloroform Hot Water Methanol Acetone Petrol. Ether Hexane Chloroform Hot Water

+: Present; : Absent.

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Table 20.5. Percentage of crude alkaloids, phenols, tannin, flavonoids and saponin present in the studied medicinal plant species.
Plant Species Alkaloids (per cent) Acorus calamus Costus speciosus Crinum latifolium Curcuma caesia 0.65 0.22 0.34 0.22 0.52 0.22 0.45 0.22 Major Phytochemical Groups Phenols (per cent) 0.80 0.22 0.16 0.22 0.30 0.22 0.13 0.22 0.81 0.22 Tannins (per cent) 4.12 0.22 3.25 0.22 5.50 0.22 3.01 0.22 3.65 0.22 Flavonoids (per cent) 0.56 0.22 0.10 0.22 0.18 0.22 0.15 0.22 0.96 0.22 Saponin (per cent) 1.91 0.22 6.04 0.22 4.86 0.22 3.05 0.22 2.82 0.22

Asparagus racemosus 0.41 0.22

caesia whereas, extracts of C. latifolium mostly yielded cardiac glycoside, alkaloid and flavonoid. The percentage of major phytochemical constituents in different plant species are summarized in Table 20.5. Perusal of table revealed that the crude percentage yield of alkaloids (0.65 per cent) and tannin (4.12 per cent) was in higher amount in A. calamus whereas, saponin was precipitated in higher amount from A. racemous (6.04 per cent) and C latifolium (3.05 per cent) whereas, tannin was detected in higher quantity (5.50 per cent) in C. speciosus whereas, higher quantity of flavonoid (0.96 per cent) was yielded from C. caesia.

Summary of results revealed that A. calamus found to have greater antibacterial activity in terms of producing zone of inhibition (in vitro) as well as cheking lesion length and suppressing disease severity (in vivo). Antibacterial activity and disease controlling ability showed by A. racemosus, C. speciosus and C. caesia were almost similar whereas, C. latifolium was least effective in both in vitro and in vivo. Earlier, Mukherjee and Biswas (1981) tested crude extracts of 25 selected medicinal plants and some were found significantly effective against Xanthomonas sp. Similarly, Madhiazhagan et al. (2002) found that bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae can be controlled by spraying leaf extract of Adahatoda vasica. In our present investigation, there is a strong correlation existed between the activity of different solvent based plant extracts recorded in vitro and in vivo. Among different solvents used for extraction acetone in particular (for A. calamus and C. caesia) and hexane in general (for most of the plant species) were found to be more effective in terms of higher antibacterial activity both in vitro and in vivo. These findings can be explained in the light of Cowan (1999) who reviewed that successful determination of biologically active compound from plant material is largely dependent on the type of solvent used in the extraction procedure. Moreover, intrinsic bioactivity of plant extract depends on their ability to dissolve or diffuse in the media used for the assay (Green, 2004). Moreover, organic solvent based extracts were found more effective than aqueous extract in causing inhibition of X. oryzae colonies and greater disease suppression. Among different solvents methanol based plant extracts were found

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more effective both in vivo and in vitro irrespective of plant species. Previously, Kagale et al. (2004) found that methanol extracts of Datura metel exhibited best control of BLB after foliar application under greenhouse condition. Similarly, Satish et al. (2007) reported that antimicrobial property of Polyalthia longifolia extract prepared in methanol was more effective than chloroform, petroleum ether and hot water. A wide variability was observed in terms of presence of different phytochemical groups (tannin, saponin, flavonoid, terpenoid, alkaloid, cardiac glysoside and phlobatanin) in the plant extracts prepared in different solvents. This was also reflected in inconsistent antifungal activity of different plant extracts obtained in vitro and in vivo. Fokunang (2000) suggested that antifungal activity of solvent based plant extracts depends on the nature and amount of active phytochemicals present in it. In the present study majority of phytochemical groups were eluted in methanol irrespective of plant species which may be correlated with its efficacy of the methanolic extract in general for all the medicinal plant species. Similarly, Parekh et al. (2005) found that the methanolic extract exhibited more consistent antimicrobial activity compared to aqueous extract. Alkaloids were eluted by methanol and petroleum ether of most of the plant species which was similar to the report of Ramkumar et al. (2005) who found that methanol and hexane extracts of Gymnema montanum showed the presence of alkaloids. Terpenoid was eluted in petroleum ether and chloroform extract of all plant species. Similarly, Cowan (1999) reviewed that terpenoids can be best extracted in petroleum ether and chloroform. Cardiac glycoside and phlobatanin were mostly present in hot water extract which was align with the report of Vaghasiya and Chanda (2007) who found that cardiac glycosides was mostly found in hot water among fourteen plants. Presence of high amount of alkaloid in A. calamus indicated its possible role of superior antifungal activity. Similarly, Yang et al. (1979) also reported that the volatile oil of A. calamus rhizome contained six constituents: -asarone, asarone, duasarone, asaronaldehyde, cis-methylsoeugenol and elemicine possessing strong antimicrobial activity. The trend of various phytochemicals eluted from different organic solvents as well as aqueous extracts of C. caesia indicated that the flavonoid alone or in combination with other groups might play an important role in exhibiting the higher antifungal properties. An antimicrobial property of flavonoid was also reported by Alan and Miller (1996). The antifungal activity of A. racemosus extracts may be due to the presence of saponin as it was eluted by most of the solvents. The antifungal efficacy of A. racemosus due to the presence of saponin was already reported by Shimoyamada et al. (1999). Considerable antifungal activity of hexane and methanolic extracts of C. speciosus might be due to the presence of saponin and tannin as the earlier reports also indicated the presence of steroidal saponins, sapogenins, oxalates, furans, furan derivatives and starches in genus Costus (Oliver, 1986). Activity C. latifolium extracts can be aligned with the action of one or more phytochemical groups in combinations as most of them were eluted except terpenoid. Recently Thi Ngoc Trama (2002) in a study found that GC-MS analysis leaves of Crinum latifolium the identified 15 alkaloids.

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We are grateful to Dr. Casiana Vera Cruz of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for critical revision of the English and valuable scientific suggestions for the manuscript.

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