Tenth Poem

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Tenth poem

Ninth is a base of tenth they say! But in deep thought me lay . When the tenth books come running towards us. And me wonder whats all the fuss .. Ninth bate its eighths .. What the books are filled with. Ninth the base .. became nothing but a myth Happy and sad . To study eighth in detail .. Excited to hear the other side of eighths tale. Days went pass and so did 10th. Then came test when chapters were to be learned in fun SinQ. CotQ Alfa gamma & Beta Thats all what was in head! When a bird was sighed . Analogous !that was the word which vibrated With Sreerag.. Sassy and loads of fun. Number of windows left unbroken were none. Soon came the last day of this 10th .. The fear. Came sadly jumping towards us near. Reminds us of boards And the books in hoards . Yes toil, toil, toil and toil and wait..toil some more Till your patience would tore. You write the dreaded exam .. Come to me rest .Wait and leave it to God the rest. Result come out .. And this is what you say the dreaded tenth taught me a lesson.

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