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ANCI/Cittalia Executive Leadership Programme Dates: TBA

Day 1 - Knowing Yourself

Time 8:30 Topic / Presenter Registration Details Participants register and receive course pack Coffee and pastries available Welcome to the programme Explanation of the purpose of the programme Participants interview each other in pairs Participants introduce each other What is leadership? Group work on the qualities of leadership and good leaders Plenary discussion Timing 30 Notes


Welcome Nelson Phillips






What do great leaders do? Dorothy Griffiths


10:30 10:45

Tea Personal Leadership Styles Dorothy Griffiths

Evaluation of personal leadership style using MBTI Impact of your style on your team, stress, and attitudes toward change What is EQ? Discussion of results of EQ assessment Development of a leadership development plan

15 135

Participants will complete MBTI before session

13:00 14:00

LUNCH Emotional Intelligence Nelson Phillips

60 120

Participants will complete EQ before session

16:00 16:15

Tea Are You a Consummate Networker? Nelson Phillips Wrap-up Prof. Nelson Phillips

The principles of effective networking In class assessment of networking capabilities Closing comments and discussion of day CONFIDENTIAL

15 60

Networking Instrument


15 1




Day 2 Leading Others

Time 9:00 9:15 Topic / Presenter Recap of Day One Nelson Phillips Motivating Others Nelson Phillips Details How do we motivate others when we dont have direct control Case discussion of a motivation problem Discussion of the importance of effective communication to effective leadership Giving effective feedback Effective communication in difficult situations Understanding resistance to change Managing resistance to change The principles of negotiation Negotiation simulation Debrief of simulation Timing 15 90 Notes

Daniel Pink Video Ian Case

10:45 11:00

Tea Effective Communication Nelson Phillips

15 90

Ian Case (cont.)

12:30 13:30

Lunch Leading Change Dot Griffiths

60 90

Change case

15:00 15:15

Tea Effective Negotiations Dot Griffiths

15 120

Negotiation simulation exercise

17:15 17:30

Conclusions and Looking Forward Prof. Nelson Phillips End of Programme




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