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Name: Age : Occupation: Do u like ice-cream Yes No

y y

1. How many times a month u take ice-cream y y y y 2. y y y y 3. y y y y y Once Every alternate day Every day Whenever mood Which brand u mostly prefer Freshly made Walls Omore Yummy Which flavor u like most Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Pistachio Other(name them)

4. Do u try new flavors and brands y Yes y No 5. You prefer taste or brand y Taste y Brand Will you prefer a place offering all coffee, ice-cream and juices

y y

Yes No

Do you think there is a lack of refreshing outlets in the city y y Yes No

What will u prefer? y y y A place only offering icecream/coffee A place offering both with other fast food items A place offering all with sitting arrangements and music

Will you spend time in such a place which offers you peace and food y y Yes No

If available how often will u visit such place y y y Every day Every alternate day Whenever time

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