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August 03, 2009

Name: Dibyajyoti Das Designation: ELTP (Band S2) Date of Joining: 25/05/2010 Group: CDG - IES Date of Resignation: 3/05/2011

ID No: 88025 Location: SDC, Bengaluru Date of exit: 15/07/2011

Gist of Exit Interview: (Please use additional sheets if required) A great learning experience as a fresher. Really glad to have been exposed to various latest embedded and hardware technologies. Regret to have not met all the project expectations but grateful for the leniency and good advice given during various times that I was not on the correct.

Name of Organisation Joining 3DPLM/RBES Reason for looking for a change Pay/Location/Specialized experience Perceived difference in role in the new job Better all-round growth due to more experience of org. in products. On the flip side, less opportunities for exposure to various technologies. Would the associate consider re-joining Mahindra Satyam? If yes, is there any prerequisite? Yes. Maybe after more experience. Feedback from the associate regarding SCSL (Functional / Operational / General): On areas of consolidation / improvement (at On areas of strength (at least three): least three): 1. Needs to be more automated 1. HR access is good 2. Exit process should be more 2. Great widespread exposure for freshers streamlined 3. Good travel/stay reimbursement process 3. Structure should be more open Interview conducted by: Self Date: 15/07/2011
For use by HR: Reason for Exit: (Tick where applicable) Lack of recognition Better Compensation and Benefits Better Career prospects in India Better Career prospects abroad Working Conditions not acceptable Interpersonal relationships


Getting married and / or joining spouse Personal Reasons Higher Studies Health Family Reasons Going to location of choice Others (Please specify)

Project / Process / Group / Mahindra Satyam Confidential

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