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I n d i a n M u s l i m s L e a d i n g E n g l i s h N e w s p a p e r , p u b l i s h e d s i n c e J a n u a r y 2 0 0 0

275 Vol. 12 No. 13

1-15 July 2011 32 pages

ISSN 0972-3366

Rs 10

Terrorism 1,5,14 Hindutva terrorism 5,6,12 Indian Muslims 12 BJP 4,5,13 U.P Muslims . 6 Forbesganj 7,22 MF Husain 13 State terrorism 7,8-9,17 Urdu 3 Media 1,25 Caste census 2 Gujarat 10 J&K 15 Analysis 12,14 Special Reports 3 Issues 2,12-13 Books 27 National 3-22 International 23-26 Speaking Out 14 Newsmakers 18 19-22 Community News Islamic Perspectives 28 Letters 30-31



Beware, IB steno is back in town,

so is our doubt about The Hindus credibility

he Hindu of Chennai has largely remained a sober publication having nuanced editorial line and sensible reporting and stand on issues. It has also avoided the pornographic pit into which most other publications have fallen in Rupert Murdoch era. But during the last few years, it allowed a blot to besmirch its image by swallowing fabrications vomited by its fake terrorism expert, Praveen Swami. This chap was a sober investigative journo until he spent some time in United States Institute of Peace in Washington, in 2004-2005 and came back fully converted to the American weltanschauung and started making his tuppence contribution to Americas Islamophobic crusade which was conveniently lapped up by Hindutva warriors at home and made state policy thanks to BJPs rule at the Centre. A senior Hindu journo told me some three years back that Swami is tolerated by The Hindu because of his close links with Intelligence Bureau which enables him to get scoops In other words, Swami was passing off IB manufactured stuff as serious news. Any self-respecting paper would reject to be used by security and intelligence agencies in this manner and would sack such a hack right away but for N. Ram, Swami was a valuable asset Years ago we at MG got an offer through an intermediary from the Army in Kashmir to print good news supplied by them for which they would pay us Rs. 40,000 per month! A very good proposition for a struggling publication but it did not take me a minute to reject it then and there Many sections of society had taken umbrage at Swamis fabrications, yet he was stubbornly retained by The Hindu and allowed liberal space, often writing two stories on same

Praveen Swami (inset) again graces the pages of The Hindu

day. He saw Muslims lurking behind every terror attack in India including ones which are now proven crimes of Hindutva terrorists. Swami was fiercely criticized for his reliance on intelligence sources about alleged Islamic terrorism which were largely incorrect. Jamia Teachers Solidarity Association (JITSA), a New Delhi-based organization of teachers of the Jamia Millia Islamia (a central university) harshly criticized Swami for his fictitious reporting on Batla House encounter case. In their detailed critique of Swami, JITSA said that his report on Batla House Encounter Case was wrong and the post-mortem report of the slain terrorists released by Indias premier medical institute, AIIMS, suggested that the encounter was staged. Swami had been insisting in his reports that the slain students were killed in a real encounter. Swamis association with The Hindu Group enraged many people who undertook an offensive against Praveen Swami by initiating Face Book group called Shut Up Praveen Swami and a series of articles exposing Swamis stories as fabulous. Swamis critique in JITSAs Praveen Swamis Not So Fabulous Fables gave a detailed account of manufacturing of evidences by Praveen Swami only to support Indian security agencies. A desperate Swami shot back by responding against all criticism in his response to the publishing websites and people which his friend Annie Zaidi published in her blog. He attacked all campaigns against himself. However, another serious response from JITSA titled Swami And Friends went unresponded by Swami. Last year, perhaps on leave from The Hindu, Swami joined the London Telegraph, UKs Islamophobic newspaper resembling our Pioneer under Chandan Mitra. But he rarely got bylines in the British paper and seems to have

Attack to avenge Gujaratpogrom and Babri: Headley

Attack on Taj Hotel

93 Mumbai blasts

There is a foreign hand behind them!

landed back in his The Hindu cabin though The Telegraph still shows him on its staff ( enswami/) while his Twitter account showed him on 22 June as based in New Delhi (!/praveenswami). Al-Qaedas announcement of Dr Al-Zawahiri as its new chief on 16 June offered Swami his opportunity for a fresh debut in The Hindu, not with one but two reports in the same issue, both occupying the best space any journo would dream, courtesy the editor of course. The first report, which is the main news on page one (17 June), shrieks that India could be key target of new Al-Qaeda chief and, hold your breath, the source of this gem, mentioned in the very first paragraph of the report, is the good old intelligence sources. Swami then regurgitates some stale vomit about Al-Qaedas warnings to India [always in Kashmirs context] and announces that the new Al-Qaeda chief will use Pakistani allies, whose enmity of India is well-known according to Swami who shows it as a result of the infighting in the terrorist organisations ranks. Let us be clear: the new Al-Qaeda chief himself has not made any such announcement and our own highest authorities here, both at the Centre and in J&K, have on a number of occasions reiterated that Al-Qaeda has no presence in India but that does not matter as terrorist scare-mongering sells well these days both in India and the US. Swamis other piece is an Op Ed which is clearly an old piece which the terror warrior fished out of his computer files. It contains such jewels as the claim that Al-Zawahiri joined Muslim Brotherhood at the age of 14! Swami, the terror-salesman, has no time to stop to read mountains of material and evidence which shows that Al-Qaeda is an American creation having no existence in the real world. He and his American tutors have no willingness to know the truth. Al-Qaeda is an idea, Mr. Swami, and the many groups you see here and there are only inspired by an idea because of the injustices of the US of A. And, Swami or no Swami, this idea has not attracted Indian Muslims in the least.

Tough law to curb discrimination against minorities

New Delhi: In order to protect minorities against discrimination in education, employment and housing the government has drafted a tough law that can impose fines upto Rs five lakh and jail terms of three years for those found violating the law. In this regard, union Minority Affairs Ministry has circulated a draft bill to constitute an Equal Opportunity Commission. The Commission has been constituted keeping in mind the findings of the Sachar Committee that highlighted the discrimination faced by minorities. Among minorities, Muslims were mostly subjected to discrimination as per the findings of the report. The Commission will also have the power to fine Rs 1 lakh per day if the accused does not comply with its rulings. The process to formulate an Equal Opportunity Commission was conceptualised in the National Common Minimum Programme of the UPA-I government as the UPA in its manifesto for the last Lok Sabha elections had promised to do so. Initially, it was emphasised that the panel would provide equality of opportunity in various fields like education and employment for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs and religious minorities. But as of now the Commission will only deal with the issue of minorities and discriminations against them.

Gujarat blasts

Varanasi blast

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Babri masjid demo lition G


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2 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Delink BPL survey & caste census: Shahabuddin

ew Delhi: Syed Shahabuddin, President of All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, has issued the following statement on the proposed joint caste census and BPL survey: The Cabinet decision on conducting simultaneously a Caste Census & a BPL survey appears to be a deliberate move to erode its commitment to the Parliament in conducting a Caste Census. It was indeed unfortunate that caste & some more relevant backwardness indicators were not included in the Decennial Census. The Government has confused a universal Caste Census with a limited survey because the BPL survey will cover only a small section of the population, while the Census must cover the entire population. The MMM is therefore, convinced that a partial survey of the population for any purpose does not fall within the meaning of the Census Act. Secondly, the object and purpose of the BPL Survey and Caste Census are not the same. The BPL Survey relates to the proportion of population living below the poverty line, to workout the subsidy needed to provide food security to the hungry population & fight nutrition & disease. On the other hand, the purpose of the Caste Census is to define caste groups and sub-groups as well as caste-like groups and sub-groups which qualify to be designated as Other Backward Classes to enable the Government to take special measures under Articles 15 & 16 of the Constitution to raise them from their exiting level of backwardness by collecting data on population & quantification of backwardness as com-

pared to SC/ST. The Caste Census must therefore be based on uniform, universal and easily accessible socio-economic parameters to cover the entire population of the country, caste by caste and sub-caste by sub-caste. A Survey based on inclusion or exclusion as in the case of BPL Survey will not serve any purpose. It may be noted that castes and sub-castes exist but socialgroups are designated as OBCs on the basis of the backwardness parameters. The AIMMM would like to point out that Muslims of the country have largely descended from lower castes of the Hindu community, namely Shudras, Achhuts, Adivasis and some others, who were converted to Islam. Muslims do not universally identify themselves with the original caste or sub-caste they descended from, though in many cases they carry on the original vocation or occupation. Largely the Muslim sub-communities use the term Baradari or relate themselves to their occupation or vocation; many have Islamized the names of their Baradaris. An outstanding example is the Jolahas who are occupationally weavers but identify themselves as Bunkars, Momins & Ansaris. These Baradaris have caste-like feature and the Census must take special care not to leave them out. The Muslim OBC,s have been under-estimated by the Mandal Commission & left out in many states by the Backward Classes Commission. It may be placed on record that the Sachar Committee came to the conclusion that the Muslims of India are almost as back-

ward as the SC or ST & more backward than the non-Muslim OBCs. There are very few Muslim STs & only about 1 % Muslim Dalits among SCs. Since the Muslims were kept out of the SC List in some states they were included in the OBC List. But some Muslim Dalits have been striving like Christian Dalits for inclusion in the SC List. The matter is pending before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has imposed a ceiling of 50 % on the totality of reservation which is prima facie arbitrary, because the members of Backward Classes and their level of backwardness vary from state to state and therefore a uniform ceiling can not apply to all states. The Supreme Court has, however, indicated that this ceiling is flexible and can be raised in special circumstances. In view of the above circumstances, The AIMMM suggest that the Caste Census be undertaken only after due logistical preparations to ensure that no caste group or sub-group or analogous group or sub-group, is left out and that backwardness parameters are collected for all of them. The AIMMM therefore proposes that the Central Government must de-link the BPL Survey from the Caste Census, instruct and assist the RGI/ Census Commissioner to make necessary preparations and issue detailed Guidelines and directions to the enumerators, preferably employ those who worked for the Decennial Census, and defer the Caste Census to be undertaken after the BPL survey has been completed.

Is the RSS trying to hijack Peoples movements? Syrian regime


ven though of late controversies are rising regarding the role of the RSS in the agitations, the public uprising against corruption and related issues is being seen as the beginning of social transformation. People from all classes and walks of life and with diverse political leaning have condemned the police crackdown on people assembled to participate in the anti corruption movement of Baba Ramdev when he was on a fast on the Sunday night, 5 June 2011. The agitation is said to have reminded people of the great peoples movements lead by Jayaprakash Narayan and V. P. Singh. The movement recently initiated by Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev seems to have weakened as doubts began to creep into the minds of people as to whether the Sangh Parivar was trying to use these persons to strengthen its eroding public support like in the past. We need to critically examine some historic facts. Jayaprakash Narayan, the first of Independent Indias all time peoples leader, was the biggest critic of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh till 1966s severe Bihar famine. He was in-charge of the entire relief operations. He refused to include RSS in the relief works. After requests from many quarters he allowed them. While checking the accounts of the associated organizations, he noticed that the RSS workers collected the most, spent the least on collection and distributed the collections the best. He was very impressed and his relation with them grew. RSS is said to have gained more through their extending support to his agitation against Indira Gandhi Government. The critics consolidate their claim by quoting his

address to the huge RSS training camp on 3 Nov 1977 in which he called the RSS a nationalist organization. The second person to lead peoples movement was V P Singh, a well known socialist who stood for secular values and the hereditary ruler of one of Indias many feudal fiefdoms of U.P. When the long-term Gandhi family loyalist declared war against the Rajiv Gandhi Government, the poor and the socio-economically backwards chanted, he is not a king but a saint, the destiny of the nation. This slogan was heard in 198889 across the Country, wherever he went he created a storm by forcefully highlighting corruption at the highest levels of governance. He aligned with all non-congress organizations, including communal forces in the fight against the Congress. His efforts did not have SP yield the desired result and his charismatic leadership could not last because the Sangh Parivar used this opportunity to strengthen its base in the Country. And in no time he slipped into the pages of history. ndia saw a new public movement from 5th April 2011 with the Gandhian social activist Anna Hazare along with most admired personalities like Kiran Bedi, Swami Agnivesh, Arvind Kejriwal and representatives of many faith-based organizations started his indefinite hunger strike demanding enactment of a comprehensive Jan Lokpal Bill against corruption. Spontaneous mass support to the clarion call of the man who lives on four hundred rupees a month grew by the day. The Union Government realised that the charisma of Anna Hazare galvanised the whole country so they tried to reach a settlement on the terms suggested by civil society. Baba Ram Dev who verbally declared support was very

quick to protest against the members of the Lokpal Bill Draft Committee. It gave him a voice to present himself as another messiah of social transformation and fight against corruption. As we analyse the unfolding of events; it was very evident that well organized NGO machineries tried to crystallize the spontaneous upsurge of people in support of AntiCorruption movement led by Hazare. RSS backed the fast by Hazare to indirectly convert the mass support of the Second Gandhi to their own organization like they did with Jayaprakash Narayan and V P Singh. Hazare refused to accept support of political organizations but accepted support by the RSS. RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav during his fast handed over the letter of support to Hazare. He shared the dais saying, We have passed a resolution. Our friends and supporters across the country have been asked to actively join Annas movement. Corruption is an evil that concerns every citizen of India. Therefore, the RSS lends its support. But Hazare did not openly send out any positive feelers to the RSS. It may be true to say that one of the major considerations of the government to somehow reach a consensus with Anna Hazare was the possibility of a takeover of his movement by a resolute Opposition and the most effective cultural organisation doing politics in the country, the RSS. So the RSS used the clout of the Yoga Guru to get the issue transferred to the Sangh Parivar. If we delve deep into the developments, the ideology of Anna Hazare is slowly vanishing into thin air of Sangh Parivar. If Anna Hazare and his team are not careful, then the great uprising of the people will become part of history.

change is an American move

Observing the American intervention policy for the last 50 years, it looks like the aims are regime change or voluntary subordination by the Syrian regime. This includes subordinating Syrian foreign policy and de-linking Syria from its strategic alliance with Iran and its membership within the Resistance Bloc. Syria is run by an authoritarian oligarchy which has used brute force in dealing with its citizens. They cannot be viewed as a straight forward quest for liberty and democracy. There has been an attempt by the U.S. and the E.U. to use the riots in Syria to pressure and intimidate the Syrian leadership. America, Israel and Jordan have all played a role in supporting an armed insurrection in Syria. In this regard the Al Saud seem to support both sectarian factions as well as terrorist elements which question the foundations of religious tolerance in Syria. They are good at running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Funding has also been provided to ominous and unpopular foreign-based Syrian opposition figures, while weapons caches were smuggled from Jordan and Lebanon into Syria. The good old Ahmed Chalabis story may be reenacted in another country. The events in Syria are also tied to Iran, the longstanding strategic ally of Damascus. It is also not coincidental that Iran was included in the sanctions against Syria. The hands of the Syrian military and government have now been tied internally as a new and broader offensive is being prepared that will target both Syria and Iran. Syria is the central piece of two important energy corridors. The first links Turkey and the Caspian to Israel and the Red Sea and the second links Iraq to the Mediterranean. The surrender of Syria would mean that Washington and its allies would control these energy routes. It would also mean that the large natural gas fields off the Lebanese and Syrian coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean would be out of reach for China and would instead go to the E.U., Israel, and the U.S.


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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 3


Egypt non-committal on Indias UNSC claim

New Delhi: Egypt has skirted the question on support for Indias claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council. Visiting Egyptian new Foreign Minister Nabil El-Araby said at this point of time there is an urgent need for reforming the UNO and its Security Council and ending the practice of double standards as it is damaging the credibility of the world body. Addressing a joint press conference along with his Indian counterpart S.M. Krishna here, he said he did not want to reply to specific questions but India and other nations should get their rightful place in the world body. There is a need of re-defining scope of the veto power, expansion of Security Council and legal framework and character of the UN, therefore we should not get into specifEgyptian foreign minister Nabil Al-Arabi with ic name and country, he averred. Vice President Hamid Ansari on 28 May To a question, he said the winds of change have been blowing in the Arab world as people want good governance and democracy. Differentiating between used and abused. Briefing on the details of his meeting with the Egyptian minthe situation in Libya and other Arab nations, the Egyptian minister said the situation in Syria is different from Yemen. On ister, S M Krishna said a whole gamut of issues including regionPalestine issue, he said there was need of new thinking in resolv- al and international issues came for discussion. India has close ing the issue as the peace process is outdated which has been ties with Cairo and bilateral trades volume has gone upto 3 billion dollar, adding that there are 45 Indian companies working there. He said there is immense potential of enhancing trade, commerce and cooperation in other sectors too between both the countries. He said the Egyptian minister was not new to India as he was ambassador to New Delhi some 30 years back. In reply to a question, Krishna said NAM was relevant yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow, insisting that it will play its role in world affairs. Reiterating Indias support to the Palestinian cause, he said India would extend all support to Egypt particularly in IT and other sectors. It is for the first time since Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down, the Egyptian leadership sent its new foreign minister to meet the Indian political leadership in New Delhi and prepare a roadmap for the relations of the two countries. This comes after India reached out to the new political leadership in Egypt as Minister of State for External Affairs E Ahamed went to Cairo for a two-day visit in March. According to sources, India wants to be one of the first off the blocks to engage the new political leaders in Egypt, as well as to meet the emerging players who are presidential candidates for the elections later this year. During his three day visit, besides meeting his Indian counterpart, El-Arby also called on VicePresident Hamid Ansari. (Abdul Bari Masoud) improper and below our dignity to have marriage etc. invitation cards published in Urdu. In view of all this we have no right to lament on the condition of Urdu. Zuber Farooqi said while speaking on this occasion that like Bihar Urdu was made the second official language of UP in 1989 but till date it has not been implemented. It is the second official language only on paper but in actual practice it does not exist. Unless it is made a compulsory language from 1st to 8th class, it will not prosper. He also said that the intention of no government towards Urdu has been sincere. At the time of elections tall promises about Urdu are made to attract Muslim votes but after that it is put in cold storage. He further said that until and unless Urdu is associated with employment and the opportunity of earning a livelihood, it is not going to thrive and prosper. High Court lawyer Ahmad Akhtar Kaleem said in his presidential address that the startling information provided in this seminar sponsored by UDO is all the more disappointing and painful. In courts, government lawyers are so opposed to Urdu as if the government will suffer a great loss if Urdu is given its due right. He said that after going to courts the faces of the hypocrites of Urdu have been clearly exposed. He said that before elections all political parties make tall promises of granting Urdu its right but after the formation of government they become its biggest opponents. (NA Ansari)

Rightful place of Urdu demanded

Urdu Development Organisation (UDO), which has been waging a war for the past 15 years to ensure a legal and rightful place to Urdu organised its first seminar on Legal right of Urdu and governments attitude in Allahabads Dulhan Place on 19 June. When the organisation presented the result of its 15 years struggle and efforts it was very disappointing to find that the record of every political party which publishes and distributes its pamphlets before every election promising to ensure legal and rightful place to Urdu and asking for votes is very poor. No government of any party whatsoever is sincere

in giving Urdu its rightful place. Whenever a demand is made for implementing its tall promises about Urdu, it makes some excuse or the other or some complications because of which Urdu is unable to thrive. Special guest in this seminar was Zuber Farooqi, chief editor of Anwaar-e Qaum daily who had come from Kanpur. Manzar Mehdi of Faizabad was also there and the seminar was chaired by Allahabad High Courts lawyer, Ahmad Akhtar Kaleem. UDOs President Akhtar Chooriwala spoke on the aims and objectives of this seminar. UDOs secretary

Parwaaz Uloom, spoke about activities of this organisation over the 15 years and said that as many as forty cases have been filed in different courts for ensuring the rights of Urdu, the results of which are in sight. Reserve Bank of India has issued orders to all banks for cheques and forms written in Urdu to be accepted. Election Commission has also started supplying papers and documents etc. in Urdu. Telephone Department too is serious about employing Urdu translators. He said that the biggest success of UDO is that High Court (of Allahabad) also has issued orders for the employment of two Urdu translators. Manzar Mehdi said that Urdu is a language which is evident everywhere; whether it is MPs, film song or dialogue writers, men of letters or honourable judges of Supreme Court and other courts, every body is charmed by the beauty of Urdu. Nothing works properly without using Urdu. All are enamoured of Urdu, the language of peace and understanding, love, culture and civilization but no one is prepared to give it, its legal and rightful place. He also said that if governments do not give Urdu its due, even Urdu speaking people are not doing justice to Urdu and because of this Urdu is disappearing from our houses; our children are becoming unfamiliar with Urdu, bill boards of our shops and hoardings also are not found in Urdu and Urdu newspapers are not read in our houses. We consider it

New general body of NCPUL announced

New Delhi: Indian government (HRD ministry) announced the constitution of a new, and eighth, General Body of National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) which consists of 20 members. Their names are: P.A. Imandar, Pune (Maharashtra); Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hakeem Azhari of Calicut (Kerala); Prof. Muhammad Haleem Khan, Indore (M.P.); Firoz Bakht Ahmad and Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Syed Muhammad Ashraf, Prof. Aziz Ahmad Siddiqi, Aziz Burney, Hafiz Matloob Karim, Farid Ahmad, M. Farooq Engineer, Sheikh Alimuddin Asadi, Syed Parvez (all from New Delhi); Prof. Roop Krishn Bhat, Patiala (Punjab); Prof. Wahab Ashrafi, Patna; Prof. Fuzail Qadiri, Shillong (Meghalaya), Dr. S.N. Pathan, Nagpur (Maharashtra), Zahid Ali Khan, Hyderabad; Obaidullah Sharif, Bangalore and Ghulam Nabi of Srinagar. NCPUL Director Dr. Hamidullah Bhat said that their appointments are for a three year period and though he expressed his satisfaction over the appointments of these persons, saying that important personalities of all sections and thoughts of Urdu fraternity have been given representation in this Body, many important persons have expressed their reservation and disagreement over those appointments. Their objection is that no one from UP, where the number of Urdu-speaking people is the highest, has

been included in it, whereas from a single city, Delhi, about a dozen persons have been included. Similarly, no one from West Bengal, which is the second biggest area of Urdu as far as Urdu medium schools are concerned, has also not been included in it. There is only one person from Kashmir where all persons know Urdu and where Urdu is the official language of the state. Sheikh Alimuddin Asadis name is included who had probably never gone to a school. Many persons of this Body are those who already hold many government and other posts and who are already busy with their work and cannot devote much time for Urdu as members of this Body. ...the principal opposition party is in no way different from the ruling party with regard It is also argued against the to thought process, state of functioning and norms of political conduct. Therefore, general body that even a curso- Parliament has ceased to be the voice of the voiceless. ry view of members, excepting KN GOVINDACHARYA, BJP ideologue a few, shows that the govern- secularism is in jeopardy in India. The main threat comes from the rise of Hindu ment is not interested in the militancy and its consquences not only for electoral politics, but also for the judiciary and promotion of Urdu and some of society at large. CHRISTOPHE JAFFRELOT, French scholar them can even play a negative I know its also an RSS plan, but as a settlement, trifurcation of (J&K) can be an alternative role in promoting and popularis- along with the UN mediator Sir Owen Dixons plan or General Pervez Musharrafs four-point ing Urdu language and litera- formula. ABDUL GHANI BHAT, J&K Hurriyat Conference

ture. UPA government has neither taken any concrete steps to promote Urdu language and literature nor framed any policy to give an indication that the present government is serious about promoting and extending the scope of Urdu to other areas. During the past 3 years neither the budget of NCPUL has been increased nor any policy has been framed for Urdu to move abreast of modern times like other languages. Whereas Sanskrit is being imposed on Urdu students and Rs. 100 crore have been allocated for its further promotion, no increase has been made in its (NCPUL)s budget. All this shows that by constituting the new general body, the HRD ministry has started showing its narrowmindedness by taking steps to weaken NCPUL. (NA Ansari)

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4 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Will Uma be a catalyst for the BJP in UP?

New Delhi: One may wonder on Gadkaris decision to reinduct Uma Bharti giving her charge of leading the party into next years assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh when it is widely believed that people are now fed up with the repeated claims of the BJP to build the Ram temple in Ayodhya. On face value it seems that Uma Bhartis return was a calculated move to cash in the sympathy wave in the backdrop of the midnight crackdown on Baba Ramdev at Ram Lila maidan. RSS on the side of the anti corruption movement is trying to tilt the agitation against the government hoping that these agitators will eventually lean towards the BJP. Of the two, Ramdev and Anna, Ramdev can be easily used as per the aspiration of the Sangh unlike Anna who most of the time is surrounded by clever advisors. The myopic action of the crackdown at Ram Lila ground has done exactly what the Sangh thought of. From Ramlila ground the eyewitness accounts of the midnight action on the protestors by now should have reached the villages and homes from where they came. In these places peoples will be provoked to harbour anti-Congress sentiments. RSS and BJP after having realised that Ram mandir agitation lost its way and direction, have been working hard to rope in Hindu icons to turn public feeling in their favour. Religious leaders and political leaders assembled to persuade Ramdev to end his fast was aimed at mobilising Sadhus and sanyasis for a cause which resulted in Uma Bhartis reentry into BJPs camp. But the big question: will Uma Bharti unite or divide the BJP in Uttar Pradesh? Or will anyone raise his voice against the decision of party president as we have witnessed in Maharashtra. For the moment it may appear that the superimposed candidate Uma Bharti is right on track but senior BJP leaders of Utttar Pradesh who over the years have nurtured state politics may feel let down in one way or other. Uma Bharti who was expelled from the party in 2005 because she dared to voice an opinion, that too publicly, against LK Advani is believed to have her way back in the party under constant pressure from the RSS. Her acceptance and popularity within the party rank and file becomes evident from the fact that none other than Gadkari attended her reinduction ceremony. It is also believed that she is not in political tandem with Sushma Swaraj, Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitely and Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Has LK Advani now resigned to Umas return or the submissive posture is just because of political compulsion? Umas return was an indicator of the kind of issues to be raised during the course of campaign in Uttar Pradesh. Issues that are generally promoted, are aggressive Hindutva and Ram Mandir. Uma Bharati while addressing party workers at the BJP office on her first visit to Lucknow made it crystal clear that Hindutva will be the main poll plank. But Umas U- turn on issues of crime and corruption to be the partys main political agenda for the 2012 elections in the state reveals that the BJP is in the process of learning the art of politics where issues are made out of the prevailing situation in the state. So for the time being crime and corruption remains BJPs poll issue rather than Hindutva if we believe what Uma Bharti has said to be true. It is true that the law and order issue apart from all other helped Mayawati to set foot in UP but the crimes in the past week, which is of course the law and order issue is certainly a cause for concern for one and all. Number of criminal cases within a short period certainly catches the attention of people. Crime against women under the rule of a woman chief minister makes the matter worse and provides a valid issue for the opposition to make a hue and cry over law and order situation. The elections in the state are due next year and in the process many more regional issues will come up which will streamline all political parties in election mode. On the wider issues, terms like Ram Rajya, Hindutva, and Ram mandir no longer catch the attention of the people as they now feel deceived by the BJP. Politics these days remains highly unpredictable and there is a possibility of a few surprises from the BJP as the party moves closer to elections. Rana Ayyub in his article (Tehelka 18 June 2011) has mentioned that BJP by reinducting Bharti has tried to shoot many targets with the same bullet: harmony with the RSS, balancing party factions, projecting a Hindutva face for the UP elections and unsettling Digvijay Singh, who is in charge of UP for the Congress Party.

Central agencies to investigate Ramdevs holdings, firms, donations

After the midnight crackdown at Ramlila ground the yoga guru and his establishment have come under the scrutiny of CBI and income tax department. The agencies have started the process of collecting relevant documents of funds collected in the past or recently before the Ramlila anshan (fast until death). Collections made by Ramdevs trust like Patanjali Yogpeeth and Bharat Swabhiman trust and the donors who have contributed are also under the scanner. The investigative agencies will probe the functioning of about 200 companies to which the Yoga Guru and his close aides are associated. Ramdevs close aide Balakrishna is director of 34 of his 200 firms. Ramdevs ashrams that have come up recently near Aravali Hills in Haryana and very recently he has acquired a Scottish island for around $2 million to set up a health resort also face the heat of investigative agencies. Agencies are also tracking Ramdevs trust trying to make an alliance with some other overseas firms to set up his international base. Central agencies will also inquire into sale, purchase, ownership of land and properties and also I-T exemptions. The Uttarakhand Intelligence Bureau has confirmed that the close aide of Ramdev may have violated the arms act. Police is also investigating the fraudulent means which Balakrishna is believed to have used to get a pistol and a rifle from the Haridwar administration. The PMO has ordered an inquiry in the case. There are also reports that Balkrishna is a citizen of Nepal but he denies this and claims to have been born at Haridwar. According to police officials his passport number AS 245797 from Bareilly passport office needs to be probed under the Passport Act. Balkrishna while denying these charges said in an interview that now he has automatically become an Indian citizen as per the Indo-Nepal treaty, which says that any individual staying in India for more than 11 years is considered Indian citizen.

Is Ganga no more sacred for the BJP?

After Ram Mandir, BJPs commitment to the sacred river Ganga turned out to be a farce. The dedication of the BJP to the Hindu cause is being unfolded one by one. BJPs tall claim of safeguarding the interests of the Hindu community appears hollow and illogical. The death of Swami Nigamanand in total neglect reveals BJPs dubious role in dealing with Sadhus and Sanyasis. BJPs approach towards Baba Ramdev and Swami Nigamanand characterises its true political essence. Now the big question: Is the Ganga no more sacred? Swami Nigamanand was on a fast since 19 February to protest the illegal mining on the banks of the river Ganga in Haridwar. His demand was to get the quarrying stopped in the Ganga and at the same time he also wanted the work of the Himalaya Stone Crusher to be shifted from the Kumbh Mela area. Nigamanand was forcibly shifted to Dehraduns Himalayan hospital where he slipped into a comma and was put on life support system. Nigamanands death puts a question mark for one and all as to how things are handled by our civilised society. What is the difference between an anti corruption crusader and the Ganga crusader? Or the fasts of Anna Hazaare, Ramdev, Swami Nigamanand and Irom Chanu Sharmila of Manipur who has refused to take food for more than 10 years for the repeal of the draconian law AFSPA? Why is there a different yardstick for different people and different place. Is our action and response purely politically guided and is viewed only in terms of a person's stature, issues affecting people and politics attached to it. If any fast, protest or agitation does not fall in these categories then the approach is one of total indifference. The irony is that when Ramdev broke his nine day fast at the same hospital, in fact only two beds from where Nigamanand was on life support system, political leaders, religious leaders and media made a beeline, covering every moment for Ramdev but on the contrary Nigamaanad died unnoticed and uncared, unsung. The public glare was on Ramdev. All the rank and file of the BJP raised a hue and cry for Ramdev but remained silent for Swami Nigamnand. Had Nigamanand failed to make any political understanding with the BJP unlike Ramdev? Janardan Dwivedi, Congress general secretary in an interview said that it is quite surprising that the party that does not stop swearing by the name of Ganga and Ram left a determined satyagrahi to die fighting for the cause of the holy river. In the recent past there has been some action taken to clean the Ganga. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has recently approved a Rs 7000-crore project to clean and purify the River Ganga, which will be implemented by the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA). In this project, Central governments share will be Rs 5,100 crore and Rs 1,900 crore will come from states like Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. The World Bank has also agreed to provide a loan of Rs 4,600 crore for the NGRBA project. The Central government has promised in principlel before the Supreme Court in October, 2010 to make Ganga pure and free of pollutants by 2020. Let us hope this deadline is not extended further.

India is fourth most dangerous place for women

According to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters, India has been placed as the fourth most dangerous country for women. The finding is a paradox because we see women politicians elected to high offices in various parts of the country. The number of female foeticide, infanticide and human trafficking has put India in the list of one of the most dangerous country in this index. Afghanistan is the most dangerous place followed by Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia. It is astonishing to see India ranking even worse than Somalia. The finding is based on a poll conducted among 213 gender experts in the entire world on the parameters of threats pertaining to various aspects in the society like health, sexual violence, practices rooted in culture, access to economic resources and human trafficking. Maddhukar Gupta, home secretary in the year 2009 had pointed out that about 100 million people were involved in human trafficking in India and trafficking still continues to be the vital aspect putting women in the danger category. In the same period, the CBI figured that about 90 percent of trafficking took place within the country. The number of prostitutes in the same period was about three millions, which includes 40 percent children. Meenakshi Ganguly, Human Rights Watchs (HRW) South Asia director in an interview said, It is true that South Asians dont, in general, value their daughters, which for instance is apparent in the dwindling gender ratio in India. Domestic violence is rampant and various forms of sexual assault often remain an untold horror that women endure. Monique Villa, chief executive, Thomson Reuters Foundation said, This survey shows that hidden dangers such as lack of education or terrible access to healthcare are as deadly, if not more so, than physical dangers like rape and murder, which usually grab the headlines. In the top five countries, basic human rights are systematically denied to women.


doubting the credibility of the police conveyed his grief over the role of the department as a lapdog of the Underworld with these words: Just as they carry out fake encounters, the police are also conducting a fake investigation into this case and hence it must be handed over to CBI. Dey murder case is important as it has eventually unearthed the ugly world of the rising oil mafia in Mumbai. Looking back, since the Dawood Ibrahim years, the policemafia ties have caused considerable amount of damage to the police department and put a question mark on its commitment to fight crime, which is why, solving the Dey murder case is costing the police its own dignity for various reasons.. Such murder cases resurrect the ghost of its shameless past by reminding it of a few names which forever will continue to dent its claims of being a mole-free department. In September 2008, encounter specialist Pradeep Sharma, was dismissed from the force after his alleged connections with D-company was brought to light. In January 2006, inspector Daya Nayak came under the police scanner for his alleged links with Dawoods associate Faheem Machmach. In July 2003, senior inspector Aslam Momin, was suspended for his alleged links with Dawood. In 2009, DCP V.N Salve and ACP Wani were suspended for attending a party thrown by Chhota Shakeel to celebrate the release of his fellow prisoners.

Himachal BJP MP expelled

In a move by the Himachal Pradesh BJP unit, Lok Sabha member Rajan Sushant was expelled on June 17 from the party state executive on grounds of indiscipline. The state unit is reportedly so upset with the MP that it has recommended his ouster from the party Central Parliamentary Board. The action has been taken mainly because of his indiscipline and public outbursts against the party and its leaders, said Ramswarup Sharma, partys organisational secretary. Earlier, embarrassed by the actions of the volatile MP, the state BJP chief Khimi Ram had visited party chief Gadkari in New Delhi urging strict disciplinary action against him. Mr. Sushant was made a Lok Sabha Candidate in the last general elections and got elected form Kangra constituency in Himachal Pradesh, a plot he sensed, to keep him out of state politics. However, he managed to make remarkable interventions in the state. But now, his state-wide campaign creating awareness among the people about the issues of rampant corruption and nepotism prevailing within the party is costing him dear. However, the crusader is not alone as he is vehemently backed by a significant number of party cadres and the lobbies averse to the chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal and his cohorts, who are collectively demanding the delay or cancellation of Mr. Sushants expulsion. Ministers in chief minister Dhumals cabinet to please their bosses are targeting me, he said. Mr. Sushant and company are likely to offer a tough tug of war as his overhaul campaigns have received consistent support from BJP national vice-president and senior leader Shanta Kumar.

The Bombay High Court is set to entertain two different but similar petitions for transferring the Mid-Days investigative editor Jyotirmoy Deys murder case to the Central Bureau of Investigation on June 21. The two petitions will be heard by the HC division bench of Justices Ranjana Desai and Ravi More, which will decide whether the case should be handed over to CBI or retained by Mumbai Police. The hearing is likely to be based on the probe status report provided by the Mumbai police on the HC order. The HC has also summoned the Maharashtra Advocate General Ravi Kadam to the court on the day of hearing. Besides, the bench allowed three more applications filed by two media organizations namely Press Club, Marathi Patrakar Parishad and S Balakrishnan, Editor of Deshbhakti Andolan Weekly, making similar plea. In his PIL, Balakrishnan has stated that according to the Vohra Committee Report submitted in 1993, the CBI had called for a fresh enquiry to dig deep into the police-underworld nexus back in 1986, but the government did not pay much heed. Earlier, veteran city advocate VP Patil, in a harsh remark

Oil mafia behind Dey murder?



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Govt responsible for all problems of Muslims

but human beasts who are quenching their thirst with the blood of Muslims. He said that after Swamy Aseemanands written Pune: A meeting sponsored by Anjum Inamdar, president of confessional statement about his complicity in all bomb blasts, Rashtra Premi Kirti for the release of innocent Muslim youths Andhra Pradesh government not only released Abdul Kaleem was held in Pune on 9 June. Speaking on this occasion Vaman the very next day but after the release of innocent Muslim youths Mishram, President of Vam Safe, a Dalit organisation, said that of that place (Andhra Pradesh) gave them rikshaws as compenCongress-NCP coalition government of Maharashtra is respon- sation so that they may be able to earn their living. As against sible for all problems and difficulties of Muslims: from fake this, Congress-NCP combine (of Maharashtra) which deceitfully arrests of innocent Muslims, communal riots to bomb blasts claims to follow the tenets of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and because this is part of its strategy to please high caste Hindus Babasaheb Ambedkar is refusing even to grant bail to Muslim by arresting and harassing Muslims, adding that right from the youth. He said that after the bomb blast at Nanded our demand time of Independence, Congress has acted on this policy. He was that investigations should not be limited to Muslims only but these should said that Congress in a way be extended to has used the constitution other commuand legal process to keep nities also but the Muslims always hauntit did not have ed by a feeling of fear, infethe least effect riority complex and guilt of on the governterrorism. And behind all ment. Bomb this is the conspiratorial blasts continmentality of Brahmins at ued taking work. Expressing deep place one after regret at the attitude of the other and influential Muslims and innocent their insensitive and selfish Muslims conleaders he said that when tinued to be your Prophet Muhammad pushed behind Saheb clearly said that the Vamin Mishram, President, Bamcef speaking; bars. Paying biggest jehad is to tell the on the dais from left to right: Saeed Hameed, Editor, Rashtriya truth before a cruel ruler, Sahara Mumbai, Maulana Abdul Hameed Azhari and Anjum Inamdar tribute to the courage and how can you ignore this jehad? He said that riots are not the problems of Muslims only impartiality of Shaheed Hemant Karkare, he said that if that but these are also the problem of Dalits and lower castes people brave police officer would not have unmasked the real enemies who are described as Hindus at the time of riots and used as fod- of the country, even the stepping out of Muslims would have der. Regarding the conspiracy of bomb blasts he said that been made difficult. He further said that Vilas Rao Deshmukh Brahmins, who are habitual oppressors no longer get common (Maharashtra former chief minister) sold as much Muslim Auqaf Hindus now for instigating riots. Hence they themselves have lands in four years as were not sold in the past sixty years. now taken up arms (for indulging and instigating violence). He Making an appeal to ulama he asked them to fulfill their religious said that Congress has been accusing and exploiting Muslims duties by its community in governments undeclared war against for sixty years on the pretext of partition of the country whereas Muslims. Editor of Urdu daily Rashtriya Sahara and a bold journalist only Congress leaders and particularly Gandhiji were responsiSayed Hameed said while speaking in this meeting that now we ble for the division (of the country). Maulana Abdul Hameed Azhari of Malegaon, who has been are sure that list of how many Muslim youths are to be arrested actively struggling for the release of innocent Muslims, said while and from which areas is already there with A.T.S. even before specially addressing the ulama that dictum of the Prophet (pbuh) bomb blasts, adding that whether it is A.T.S., C.B.I. I.B. or N.I.A., whose kalma you recite is that telling the truth on the face of a all are chips of the same block and it is only one scene of the tyrant ruler is the superior jehad but it is surprising, and regret- larger drama of the government which goes on changing from table also, that the same ulama who had lead the war of inde- time to time. Urging the organisers of this meeting to approach pendence and of whom even the British government was afraid, courts instead of trusting these thieves, thugs and pick-pockets, are now trying to please the government and win its favour. he asked them to constitute an investigating team under their Hitting out at the ulama who are ready to sell themselves at the own supervision which would be responsible to courts only, not time of elections he said that they mortgage their faith for a few the biased government. Giving an example he said that when a coins to the government who is conspiring day in and day out special investigating team was constituted by the court in conagainst Muslims. He said that Congress and NCP are nothing nection with Ishrat Jahan and Sohrabuddin, persons like Vanjara


started being placed behind bars. Naming the series of protests started by Anjum Imandar as Pune experiment, he said that echo of this meeting is being heard in the whole of Maharashtra. Referring to the protest meetings held in Mumbai in 1989 against Salman Rushdis book, he said that this meeting was not against the government but against Salman Rushdi but inspite of this, firing was resorted to, on innocent and unarmed Muslims in which 12 youths were killed. This gives an indication of the biased, conspiratorial and criminal mentality of Maharashtra police against Muslims. He said that after Bhiwandi riots it has been the regular strategy of government, specially Congress, to instigate large scale and ferocious riots against Muslims every ten years which it has successfully executed. He made an appeal to the organisers of this meeting that instead of large and meaningless meetings which are of no use, small but effective meetings should be organised. In this grand conference in which ulama of different schools of thought from all over Maharashtra had participated, some important proposals and resolutions were passed. Convenor of the conference Anjum Inamdar made a strong appeal to Vam Safe president Vaman Mishram to initiate a micro planning programme through which innocent Muslim youths could be released because government in any case is afraid of Dalits. (Translated from Urdu)

Israels bonding with the BJP stronger than that of Congress

According to a US diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks, Israelis rapport with their Indian counterparts was better under the BJP led government. Israel is of the view that despite strong business and defence ties, high level interaction and visit of officials of either side is a cause of concern. The last time that the foreign minister visited Israel was in the year 2000. However, in order to mark the completion of successful ties between Israel and India for two decades, cultural festival was organised during 29 April-25 May. In this Mahotsav, cultural advancement was displayed along with dances, food recipes, films and literature in order to strengthen ties between the two countries. This was a first of its kind programme organised in Israel. After Gadkaris good will visit to Israel the authorities there are trying to balance it by inviting Congress on a good will mission and an invitation in this context has already been sent by Israel to the AICC foreign cell. But before agreeing to the visit, Congress wants to measure its political implications at home. Mr Ruth Kahanoff, deputy director general for Asia and Pacific at Israels foreign ministry believes that India remains cautious in its relationship with Israel because of Muslims. The US embassy cable revealed by WikiLeaks said, Kahanoff believes that India is restrained in the relationship (with Israel) by its large Muslim population, their concern about relations with the Arab world, and lingering elements of the Non-Aligned Movement/Nehru ideology.


The scheduled offences of Hindutva terror

n a welcome move the home ministry has described the murder of Sunil Joshi a scheduled offence under section (8) of NIA Act. Now the National Investigation Agency is busy investigating nine cases in which Malegaon prominently figures as one. According to the relevant section of the Act: While investigating any scheduled offence, the agency may also investigate any other offence which the accused is alleged to have committed if the offence is connected with the scheduled offence. In the first place scheduled offences would mean a detailed and short timed plan of committing acts of terrorism. The so called nine terrorist attacks had the background of the 2000 census which had created a paranoia that the population of the Muslims has shown a remarkable increase. This gave the Hindutva groups an issue to whip up the concerns and fears of the majority by preying on their anxiety and use it against the Muslims. One common denominator of all this would be inflicting maximum casualties on the minority. This is very evident from the planning of the March 2006 and the June 2006 blasts. In both these Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi and Sandeep Dange, Lokesh Sharma, etc. played a dynamic role. The idea was to make Muslims suffer in every way. They were the targets and victims and also as portrayed as as the accused and perpetrators. Another feature was the maximum use of the world view of Muslims as terrorists in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on America. This weltanschauung facilitated Hindutva in fanning its entrenched hatred of Muslims within India. This was a heady mix that cross-fertilized Hindutva terror. Next important feature is the adoption of a strategy by the intelligence agencies to lure Muslim youths to send across the border for training in terrorism and on their return to collect intelligence from them and then frame them in false cases. This again played into the hands of the Hindutva groups. Muslim youths were invariably blamed for getting training abroad and

dubbed as LeT members. This proved to be totally irrelevant to the bomb blasts that actually took place in Malegaon and other places like Ajmer, Samjhauta train, etc. A part of the strategy was to wipe out the trail, which would actually lead to those in the top rung of the RSS who remained anonymous when an act of terror is executed. Sunil Joshi was believed to be boastful and he had also insulted Sadhvi Pragyasingh Thakur. This made him a liability. Therefore, an adjunct plan was hatched to take care of the possible disclosure of their secret. The same seemed to have been the case of Azhar Pervez who had either seen the person who planted the bomb at Mushawrat chowk in Malegaon on September 8, 2006 and/or was present in the Mamco bank near Perry Chowk. Around the time of the blasts of 2006 in Malegaon there was an uproar in the same bank where those who had played their role in the blasts boasted of getting a reward and some quarreled and openly complained about the amount paid. Was Pervez silenced as he was a witness to all this? His so-called suicide is not convincing. He had alerted local Muslim NGOs of these events. Before they could provide protection, he was found dead in very suspicious circumstances. It is unheard of that anyone would commits suicide by cutting both his wrists as well as the arteries of his ankles. It is more likely that those who wanted to silence him chose a deserted part of his powerloom shed and killed him to make sure that he could never speak again. He was reported to have received threatening calls as well. His relatives were very nervous and edgy as they belonged to the Ahle Hadis groups which was wrongfully blamed for these explosions and the group was under a cloud of suspicion. A reporter of an Urdu paper, who wanted to report this death, had to face a tricky situation. The bereaved family rushed to him and supplicated that he should not publish the story, because it would bring more trouble to them as the police had threatened them with dire consequences. With hind sight when Anna Hazare is asking for greater security to news reporters in

the aftermath of the murder of Jvotirmoy Dey, it seems strange that India could slide so low in human rights violations and media covering of events. But it is true that the papers by and large carried only the police version, that it was suicide. The murder of Joshi was also portrayed as the work of SIMI or of Muslims and if not them, then at the most the result of the murder of Congress leader Pyare Singh Ninama. Ultimately, the truth came out it was feared that Joshi might reveal the real faces of the high ranking leaders of the RSS and so he was bumped off. Pragyasingh Thakur went to his house before the news could reach them and secured all the incriminating evidence of RSS involvement in it. The family did not suspect any foul play, according to the niece of Joshi. They did not know that the friend in the guise of the sadhvi had turned foe of their dear one. Thus the need for a thorough investigation is evident. he so-called suicide of Shanker Shelke of Ahmednager is also related to acts of terrorism. Four days before the blasts in Malegaon, i.e., September 4, 2006, police seized 195 kilos of a mixture of RDX, and TNT from his scrapyard. First he fled the police. Then the police caught him and on the day following the Malegaon blasts, i.e., September 9, he committed suicide in police custody. The finger of suspicion as pointed out was by no other than the police commissioner Mr Shingre. He claimed that the seizure of the RDX in Ahmednager was related to Malegaon blast. It is really astounding that till today the investigation agencies have turned a deaf ear to the claim of the police commissioner! Therefore, in the light of section (8) of NIA Act it would be legitimate to inquire into the so-called suicides of Azhar Pervez and Shanker Shelke as scheduled offences. The duo had not fallen out with anyone nor did they have a boastful nature like that of Joshi. Sunil Joshi was silenced because Indresh Kumar feared that his nature would one day lead to him. Therefore, the admonition of Aseemanand to Joshi to be careful as Indresh Kumar would kill him.

6 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Hindutva terrorists chargesheeted

New Delhi: National Investigation Agency filed the charge sheet against the masterminds of February 18, 2007 Samjhauta Express blasts, under several sections including criminal conspiracy, murder, attempt to murder and sedition before the special court at Panchkula in Haryana on 20 June, after a year long in-depth investigation. The charge sheet holds the names of the prime conspirators: Swami Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi, Ramchander Kalsangra, Sandeep Dange and Lokesh Sharma. The chargesheeting of the Hindutva ultras synced with the eve of the foreign secretary-level talks with Pakistan where India wishes to remind its neighbour of its total failure to Burnt bogies of Samjhauta Express bring the masterminds of 26/11 to book. A wave of terror attacks on Akshardham Temple in says that they have not yet found any substantial proof of their direct Gujarat. Raghunath Temple in Jammu and Sankatmochan temple in involvement in the blast case and further investigations will be conductVaranasi, led Swami Aseemanand, to propound the theory of bomb ka ed under Section 173(8), CrPC. But Swami Aseemanand, the masterbadla bomb (a bomb for a bomb) in the summer of 2006, which led to mind, had already spilled the beans in a 42 page handwritten statement the blasts on the Samjhauta Express in 2007 that killed 68 passengers, signed by him, Indreshji met me at Shabri Dham (Aseemanands says the charge sheet filed by the National Investigation Agency here ashram in the Dangs district of Gujarat) sometime in 2005. He was on Monday. The chargesheet alleges a criminal conspiracy by accompanied by many top RSS functionaries. He told me that explodAseemanand (60), Ramchander Kalsangra (41), Sandeep Dange (41), ing bombs was not my job and instead told me to focus on the tribal welLokesh Sharma (34) and the deceased Sunil Joshi. The blasts were set fare work assigned to me by the RSS. He said he had deputed Sunil off at Panipat on February 18, 2007, using improvised explosive Joshi for this job (terror attacks) and he would extend Joshi whatever devices. help was required. Indresh Kumar, an RSS leader, played an equally Swami Aseemanand, whose original name is Naba Kumar Sarkar, pivotal role as he gave Rs 50,000 to Aseemanand and his associate to allegedly provided Rs 65,000 to a group headed by Sunil Joshi for meet expenditure on explosives and other materials, said NIA charge Samjhauta blasts, Ajmer, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon. He was arrest- sheet. His name was first mentioned as a suspect in a 806 page charge ed on November 18, 2010 at Atmalpur. He is also charge sheeted for sheet filed by the Rajasthan ATS against five Ajmer Sharif blast Mecca Masjid blasts. Sunil Joshi, an RSS man, allegedly plotted the accused in October 2010. modus operandi for the blasts. Ramchandra Kalsangra was allegedly Similarly, Sadhvi Pragya Singh, as told in the confessional statepart of the meeting where the main conspiracy was hatched and helped ment of Aseemanand, held several discussions at Shabri Dham about Sandeep Dange and Lokesh Sharma in assembling and planting explo- the attacks with a desire of vengeance against the entire Muslim comsives. Sandeep Dange fulfilled his task of procuring the raw materials munity. She was also present in the main conspiracy meeting which for Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and getting them fabricated. He took place in June, 2006 and rejoiced after watching the footage of the is also a suspect in Mecca Masjid, Ajmer, Modasa and 2008 Malegaon Samjhauta Express debris on TV on Februaury 19, 2007. Dont cry, all blasts. Lokesh Sharma was Kalsangra and Danges teammate who these are Muslims who are dead, she said to her sister on seeing her contributed in assembling and planting the explosives. Sunil Joshi, who crying. Chana ke saath ghun bhi pista hai, was Pragyas reply to her could have been the most crucial link in the case, was murdered in sister when the latter saw Hindu names too in the list of deceased. December 2007. It was his personal phone diary that provided the Devendra Gupta, the RSS vibhag pracharak of Muzaffarnagar, Bihar, investigators first hand clues about the involvement of the men current- had provided logistics to Joshi, Kalsangra and Dange for terror strikes. ly chargesheeted. Sharma is in Ambala jail for Mecca Masjid and Ajmer He also harboured Kalsangra and Dange in RSS offices when they blasts. Kalsangra and Dange and Amit are absconding. The National were on the run. Investigation Agency hereby announces a cash reward of 10 lakhs each The home ministry seems too cautious in dealing with allegations to any person providing information leading to the arrest of Sandeep on Indresh. Kumar is a big shot so we need big proof against him, said Dange and Ramchandra Kalsangra (Ramji) and 2 lakhs for the arrest of a source. A visibly frustrated Kumar alleged, the NIA charge sheet is Ashok alias Amit, posted NIA on its website. anti-national because it paints the Pakistanis as martyrs and Indians as However, the names of Indresh Kumar, Sadhvi Pragya and tormentors. As far as Pragya and Devendra are concerned, deeper Devender Gupta cannot be found in the charge sheet, to which the NIA probe is required to find out their concrete role in the fateful plot.

Katihar: Results of Fauqania (10th) and Maulvi (12th or intermediate) of Bihar State Madrasa Board were declared on 1 June 2011. Because of strict vigil enforced by the authorities examinations were free from copying. Fauqania results of madrasas of the state as a whole were 94.8 percent and those of Maulvi were 92.12 percent which are very encouraging and satisfactory. SIO of Katihar Units secretary, Sultan Mazhari, who gave this information about the results of Fauqania and Molvi also said that Naasra Khatoon, A.M. Rehan and Shamima Jabeen have topped (in Fauqania) in the whole state and in Molvi, Muhammad Salik has topped. In addition to good results of Bihar State Madrasa Board examination, another welcome news, as per newspaper reports, is that large number of nonMuslim boy and girl students (mostly Hindus) have appeared in these examinations and secured very good positions. Thirty students in Fauqania and sixteen students in Molvi who have topped in these examinations belong to educated and well-off Hindu families. Among non-Muslim students, Sanjay Kumar has secured the top position in Molvi examination by securing 893 marks out of 1000 whereas among girls Anjali Raj topped with 805/1000 marks. Again, it is the girls who have bagged the maximum number of top positions. Among the 12 non-Muslim students who secured high marks, 10 are Hindu girls. In the Molvi examination five girls (all non-Muslims) are in the list of top ten. According to Mustafa Husain Mansoori, secretary of Bihar State Madrasa Board Examination, Sanjay Kumar wants to pursue Aalim degree (which is equivalent to B.A.) course. Mansoori said that students from non-Muslim communities have been opting for madrasa education mainly because of large opportunities of jobs for Urdu teachers created by Nitish government. Nitish government has appointed about 2 lakh teachers in the past two years, including many jobs of Urdu teachers. Many among non-Muslim students of madrasas want to improve their academic record and to get job of teachers, others do so far the love of Urdu. As per Bihar government rules, there should be one teacher for every 40 students and an Urdu teacher for every 10 students under Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan. This has created a large number of vacancies for this post. But unfortunately, Muslim students are not taking much advantage of these opportunities. (NA Ansari)

Bihar State Madrasa Boards 10th and 12th class results above 90%

A mirror of UP Muslims socio-economic conditions


or six decades, Muslims of UP, who have the largest numeric presence in this north Indian state, have been on the lowest rung of every indicator of human development. Health, literacy, education, employment, child mortality, malnutrition, land ownership etc, until the Congress-led UPA government woke up to the findings of Justice Rajender Sachar report, and thus, PM Manmohan Singh ordered 90 minority concentrated districts to be studied and finally a survey was ordered on them. Twenty one of them, from across the nation, happen to be in UP and 19 of them have been handled by Lucknows Giri Institute of Development and Studies. A paper prepared by pooling in all the data has been brought out by GIDS director AK Singh along with his research associate Muhammed Tauheed Alam. They have tried to squeeze data spread over more than a thousand pages into a small booklet to showcase what ails the second largest majority in UP. The booklet has 49 charts comparing Hindu and Muslim data based on socio-economic indicators like literacy, female literacy, work participation and female participation along with indicators of basic amenities like the percentage of households with pucca houses, safe drinking water, electricity and the availability of toilets etc. Thus, the 19 districts were divided into three regions. The western region had Bhagpat, Badaun, Bareily, Bijnaur, Bulandshahr, JP Nagar, Moradabad,

A sample survey of the socio-economic conditions of Muslims and Hindus in Uttar Pradesh shows that Muslims are lagging behind on all development indices... It remains to be seen how the state government is going to respond to this survey...
Muzaffarnagar, Pilibhit, Rampur, Saharanpur and Shahjehanpur. The central region had Barabanki, Lucknow and Lakhimpur Kheri while the eastern region had Balrampur, Bahraich, Shravasti and Siddhartnagar. The survey was conducted in 30 villages of each identified district and from each village 30 households on the basis of religion were selected. In all, 17,076 rural households were surveyed out of which 11,493 belonged to Hindus and 5191 to Muslims. The whole exercise was completed between Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2008 and finally a working paper was released in April 2011. According to the findings, 85.18 % had chosen Hindi as their first language and 6.19% chose Urdu, the average household size of Hindus was 5.87 while that of Muslims 6.61, unemployment amongst Hindus is 1.04% while Muslim unemployment is 1.46%, the number of Hindus self-employed are 42.1% while Muslim self employed make up 35.7%, the non-agricultural Hindu labour is 33.5% while that of Muslims is 46.8%. 47.8% of Hindus earn their livelihood as manual labour while 56.05% Muslims earn through manual labour. Hindu casual workers are 47.24% while Muslims are 53.64% in the same category. The high incidences of underemployment became evident as among Hindus 207 and among Muslims the figure was 215. Migration was more visible amongst Muslims as 8.9% Muslims migrated while 7.5% of Hindu family members migrated to other cities for employment. 98% of both the communities had their male members opting for migration. Muslim migrants under the age of 20 is 27.46% while among Hindus it is 23.10% on the migration scale. While 81.99% of all migrants were engaged in agricultural labour, 4.6% of Hindus and 6.5% of Muslims were engaged as manual labour. Migration, as a plausible alternative, was found to be an upward phenomenon for both the communities. 64% Hindus and 49% Muslims undertook migration. Muslims migrating to other states make up 39.83 % as compared to Hindus at 24.59%. Most of this migration was to urban areas in other states. Thus, Muslims as it can very well be seen are under greater economic pressure to migrate as their lands and assets are meagre. The ownership of land paints quite a dismal picture too as 46.41% Muslims are landless as against 29.38% Hindus, The land owned is smaller in size in the case of Muslims as only 0.19% Muslims owned land upto 10 acres or above while 0.73 % Hindus possess the same. The average value of land per household was Rs 4.49 lakhs for Hindus and Rs 3.56 lakhs for Muslims. The livestock indictor, as an important source of income, found Muslims lagging too. The Muslim household has 0.51 milch

animals while 0.82 Hindus have the same. The other grave picture is that 26.4 % Hindus and 33.4% of Muslim households do not possess any such livestock. In over 60% cases, the value of livestock owned was less than Rs. 30,000. It was also found that the annual income per Hindu household was Rs 37,361 and that of Muslims is Rs 35,075. In per capita terms the income was Rs 6,365 for Hindus and Rs 5,306 for Muslims. Probing the sources of income further, the survey found that agriculture contributed 41.94% to the income of Hindus and only 29.42 % for Muslims. The wage income contributed 29% among Hindus and 41% among Muslims, thus making it clear that Muslims overall dependence is on wages, whether its source was agricultural or non-agricultural. The expenditure patterns found out that Hindus spent 47.3% on food items while Muslims spent 49.5% of their income. Hindus were found to be spending 4% on education while Muslims spent only 2.9%. The indebtedness criteria figured that the outstanding loan per Hindu household was Rs 20,318 and that of Muslims was Rs. 16,774. A much higher proportion of Hindus (44.94%) had taken loans for productive purposes compared to only 32.89% of Muslims for the same. A greater economic distress can, therefore, be easily verified on the part of Muslims in this aspect. It remains to be seen how the state government is going to respond to these findings.

With best compliments from

Kaleem Kawaja Washington DC

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Uniformed killers on rampage in Forbesganj

New Delhi: Act now for Harmony and Democracy (ANHAD), an Company for the production of about a dozen products including ing, according to the people of Bhajanpur and they have NGO headed by Mrs. Shabnam Hashmi, held a press confer- maize starch and glucose is coming up in Forbesganj. The demanded an enquiry into his role also, though he denies any ence in the Press Club of India at New Delhi on 18 June in which boundary wall of this factory was blocking the road which is the role in this. speakers in one voice said that the indiscriminate police firing in only one connecting Bhajanpur to other neighbouring villages, As happens usually in such cases, political parties try to take Bhajanpur village of Forbesganj (Bihar) resulting in the horrible hospital and outside world. The people of this and other towns advantage of the situation, particularly when people of the minordeath of five persons, including an infant of less than a year and and villages wanted this wall to be removed as it would cut off ity community are the victims. An ANHAD team including film a pregnant woman is an open violation of human rights and a their town from other places. The district authorities had offered personality Mahesh Bhat and Shabnam Hashmi also visited the black spot on our democracy. They demanded that SP, BD and them an alternative road but it was not acceptable to them, they troubled place as part of a fact finding team. Whereas Mahesh other police officers complicit in this incident should be dis- said that they have been using this road for the past 50 years Bhats remarks in Patna after visiting Bhajanpur that police firing missed, the kins of the dead should be given a compensation of which would now be blocked by the factory. on unarmed Muslim villagers was the reflection of the communal Rs. 10 lakh each and those injured should be given Rs. mentality and that the situation in Bihar was similar to one lakh each, a judicial enquiry should be held of the what had happened in Gujarat drew the ire of local entire incident and the Nitesh Kumar government which BJP leaders. Shabnam Hashmi sought a probe into failed to protect the minorities should publicly apologise the role of Sushil Kumar Modi in the firing and for all this. Parents and family members of the innocent demanded the dismissal of Araria Superintendent of youths who were killed in police firing were presented Police Garma Mallik, the S.D.O. and other police offibefore the media who narrated their tales of woe and the cers present at the time of firing. Modi is alleged to barbarity of the police. have pressurised the administration to block the vilOn this occasion film producer-director Mahesh Bhat lage road to facilitate the setting up of the factory. said that if the police becomes communal, this country Video footage of the scene showed police brutality will not survive, adding that in the presence of the police, on the unarmed crowd of agitators. Police in their people should feel safe but on the contrary people are so defence blamed the crowd, saying that people were much afraid of their barbarity and atrocities that they are indulging in arson, firing with crude arms and setting afraid of stepping out of their houses. He said that one fire to equipments of the factory, thus compelling shudders by seeing the clippings of whatever happened them to open fire. Accusations, counteraccusations there. Addressing media persons he said that it was their and mud slinging between Lalu Yadav and Ram duty to bring justice to these people and therefore they Vilas Paswans party members coupled with local should present this truth before the whole country. Congress workers on the one hand and BJP memANHADs Chief Shabnam Hashmi said that she bers on the other hand continued. Irony of the unforarranged a meeting of these affected people with UPA tunate incident is that inspite of police brutalities and chairperson Sonia Gandhi, who according to newspadeath of innocent persons, the police in order to hide pers report, listened to their woes attentively and directits condemnable activities and put the entire blame ed her political adviser Ahmad Patel to take suitable on the agitating Muslims has filed FIRs against more action. About this meeting Mahesh Bhat said that only a than four thousand unknown persons of Bhajanpur woman can best understand the pains of a woman and town and those of the neighbouring areas. she did feel the pains of these women. Jamiatul Ulama leaders Maulana Qari In this conference people saw with bated breath Muhammad Usman Mansoorpuri and Maulana glimpses of police brutalities in a 42-minute clipping and Mahmood Madni who also visited the place, while Clockwise: the family members of those killed, after seeing this strongly condemning the police firing said that the burst into tears which they had not seen at that time. way police fired bullets on the chest, stomach and Policeman jumpMahesh Bhat said in a choked voice that now he was eyes of the dead persons, crushed the injured pering on the body not in a position to say anything further. One of the sons mercilessly with their boots and butt of the guns of a victim after scenes in the clipping was of a policemsn kicking and and chased and fired on the fleeing villagers shows mercilessly slomping the head of a man who was serithat police wanted to kill them at the instance of antifiring at him, ously injured and was on the verge of dying. Of this barminority forces which is a blatant violation of human body of a murbarous police firing earlier reports stated that four perrights. They also said that justifying the action of the sons were killed but according to subsequent news, six killer policemen by Sushil Kumar Modi indicates that dered woman persons were killed including a seven or eight-monththis unfortunate incident is because of a planned and a bereaved old infant who died in her mothers lap and a six-month conspiracy of communal forces like R.S.S. and family pregnant woman. A significant thing noted in this B.J.P. They also demanded that SP, DM and SDO macabre butchering was that in all dead bodies, bullets etc. be immediately dismissed so that a fair, indeIn the police firing on the agitating people, 18-year old pendent and just enquiry is possible. They also demanded the were found on the upper parts of the body like chest, stomach, head, eyes etc. This clearly indicates that the intention of the Mushtaq Ansari, 22-year old Mukhtar Ansari, Baby Naushad, an arrest of the guilty police officers without delay, enquiry by CBI police was to kill and not to injure, frighten or disperse the crowd. infant less than a year old (who died in the lap of her mother) and and suitable compensation to the affected families. This also indicates their crass bias and hatred towards Muslims a six-month pregnant Shazmin Khatoon died. One or two among Chief Minister Nitish Kumar ordered on 6 June a judicial who were agitating against the blocking of the road which was the seriously injured persons in the police firing also died subse- enquiry into the whole incident and said that the state governquently. According to eye witnesses the attitude of the police ment will go by the findings of the inquiry report and act accordthe only route of connecting their village to other places. The origin of police firing in Bhajanpur village of Forbesganj appeared to be very callous and full of hatred. Mushtaq Ansaris ingly. The home guard jawan, Sunil Kumar Yadav who had industrial area of Bihar was reported earlier and also in many mother Tahiran Khatoon says that her son was going to offer repeatedly kicked the body of Mushtaq Ansari was jailed and a newspapers. Briefly it may be stated in this piece that a maize Friday namaz when the police caught him and pumped four bul- murder case has been registered against him. Nitish Kumar also starch, glucose etc. producing factory is being set up near lets into him. She said that when she tried to reach her son, the announced an ex-gratia of Rs. 3 lakh for the kin of the infant Forbesganj which includes the road also that is the only link police abused and threatened to shoot her also. Even after he Naushad as compensation. There is however no news about the between Bhajanpur, a 100% Muslim populated village, and other died a home guard jawan jumped on her sons dead body and compensation to the kins of other victims, either dead or injured. neighbouring and outside places. The people of Bajanpur were kicked him repeatedly. He was however suspended and jailed for (NA Ansari) demanding that this road should not be blocked, saying that they this when a video of this was and all other villages have been using this road for the past 50 shown by a TV channel. and 60 years and hence their only means of transport should not Mukhtar also received four bulbe blocked. Though the administration had provided an alterna- lets, including three in his head. higher levels. tive road to them but that was not acceptable to them. When no Baby Naushad received two New Delhi: Bihar Polices barbaric Maulana Qasmi has written a letfiring and killing of Muslims in attention was paid by the authorities to their demand, they start- bullets when he was in his ter to the Bihar Chief Minster Nitish ed agitations and protests. It was then that police resorted to bru- mothers lap. According to news Bhajanpur area of Araria district has Kumar expressing his anger at the tal firing in which six persons, including the infant and the preg- reports, six bullets were recov- proved that Bihars NDA government police brutality and demanding early has no sympathy for Muslims, said nant woman (all Muslims) were killed and about 30 persons, ered from the pregnant woman, action against them. He demanded the well-known Muslim leader and including many police personnel, were injured. In order to hide Shazmin Khatoons body who the sacking of the policemen involved member of Parliament from their own brutalities and to put the entire blame on the agitating was caught in the firing while and their trial for murder. He said that Kishanganj, Maulana Asrarul Haq villagers, they said that the crowd indulged in firing and setting coming back from a doctors Qasmi in a press statement here. He he will start a popular movement for the properties of the factory on fire and hence they (police) were clinic. The maize starch and said that Bihar Police fired even at a justice if the victims were denied compelled to open fire to protect the factory and its properties. glucose producing factory that 6-month-old infant, which shows the anti-people quick justice. They filed FIRs against 4000 villagers of Bhajanpur under differ- is coming up at Forbesganj mentality of this force and indicates forces Maulana Qasmi had earlier explained the ent sections of IPC. The people of the village and their support- whose boundary wall led to all behind this bestiality. Maulana Qasmi said that it details of the police bestiality at Bhajanpur to ers also filed complaints under various sections of IPC including the agitation, police firing etc. is was necessary for the authorities to convince UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and offered her jointly owned by one Saurav the local people before closing down a road press clippings on the matter. He has also writ302 (murder) against police. Agrawal, son of Katihars BJP being used for the past six decades. ten in this respect to the Prime Minister Dr M.L.C. Ashok Agrawal and Maulana Qasmi expressed his surprise that Manmohan Singh and Home Minister Mr P FIR against 4 thousand unknown per- Ashok Chaudhary, a business- even now the criminal police personnel have not Chidambram. Maulana Qasmi has demanded in his letter sons in Forbesganj after police killings man of Utterakhand. Built at the been punished. He said that if Nitish government Araria District (Bihar)s Forbesganj police filed FIR against more cost of Rs. 130 crore, it will has any room for humanity, it should forthwith to the Bihar Chief Minister that the next of kin of than four thousand unknown persons in connection with the agi- become operational next year sack the deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar each person killed in Bhajanpur must be paid at tation, protest and clash against blocking of the village road and i.e. 2012. A 3MW captive power Modi and BJP MLC Ashok Agrawal. He said that least Rs ten lakh as ex gratia and each injured police firing in Ararias town Bajanpur, a totally minority (Muslim) plant is also part of this project. it is strange that the state government is main- must be paid a compensation of Rs one lakh at populated town on 3 June in which four persons (and subse- Bihars deputy chief minister taining silence over such a serious incident and least. Moreover, the injured must be treated at quently five) were killed and more than 30, including about a Sushil Kumar Modi is also has refrained from taking any tough action the expense of the state. He said that information against the culprits. He said that the state gov- reaching him says that the injured are not being dozen police personnel and officers, were injured. The reason of involved in this factory and the ernments silence indicates the seriousness of properly cared for and they are not getting propall this lies in the fact that a factory, Auro Sundaram International agitation that followed and fir-

Firing is a clear sign of Nitish govts anti-Muslim policies

the matter and involvement of its officers at

er treatment.


8 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Torture made Khalid and Tariq confess

Between them, the two terrorists, out to bomb a number of courts in Uttar Pradesh, had Rs 650 in their pockets!
The trail, trial and travails of the accused in the UP triple blasts of 2007 This is almost half way through the year and the countdown to the next UP assembly elections has already begun. All political parties, including BJP have started to woo Muslim voters who make almost one-fourth of the states electorate. In other words, Muslims make the largest numeric presence in UP, which in turn is the most populated and politically vibrant state in the country. Issues of Muslims, yet again, are nothing but security, and at this time even without the BJP, Muslims toil under the scrutiny of the state despite the exposure of HIndutva terrorism. In this context, it is appropriate to discuss the woeful story of Khalid Mujahid and Tariq Qasmi, accused in the triple blasts of UP, which took place on 22 Nov 2007 at Lucknow, Varanasi and Faizabad. They are under police custody since 22 Dec 2007. The blasts had killed 15 people with no casualty at Lucknow. Now, first the official police theory. The police claims, through its First Information Report (FIR), that on 15 Dec 2007, through a vast net of informers, it got to know that those involved in the blasts could be from Azamgarh and Jaunpur districts in eastern UP. The police could also establish, from its sources, that Khalid Mujahid of Madiyahun, Jaunpur and Tariq Qasmi of Rani ki Sarai, Azamgarh, had been hosting visitors from Kashmir, a state facing insurgency, since 1989. This information prompted the police to raid their houses on 18 Dec 2007, and from there some literature and other material was seized. That literature had exhortations and broodings of terrorism. Thereafter, as on 22 Dec 2007, when CO Chowk, Lucknow, Charanjeev Nath Sinha, was sitting with Additional SP Special Task Force and CO STF, Lucknow office, at 2:30 am in the night, that he came to know that by 6:00 am some terrorists were to land at Barabanki station. Barabanki is about 20 kms to the east of Lucknow. On this information, police force was called in and four teams were made, and by 4:30 am, police reached Barabanki bus station where they performed jamatalashi (checked each other) and thereafter reached the railway station where four teams were dispatched in four directions. One of them remained at the station with Manoj Kumar Jha, the second went to Mall Godown Tiraha, the third to Banki Road and the fourth reached Police Lines Tiraha. By the turn of dawn the terrorists arrived. As the clock ticked 6 am, two boys came in a rickshaw and got down at the station. They seemed waiting for someone. The informer pinpointed them and the police stalked them. The terrorists started to move fast and finally after a pursuit they were caught. All the four teams zeroed on the site. The terrorists were frisked. Their bags were checked and a Recovery Memo was prepared. They were caught at 6:20 am. The recovery details show nine gelatin rods, three detonators, a mobile phone, two SIM cards, Rs 350 from Khalid Mujahid, and three detonators, 1.25 kgs of RDX, one mobile phone, two SIM cards, a roadways bus ticket, a parking ticket for keeping a motorbike at Varanasi railway station and Rs 300 from Tariq Qasmi. Thus, the two terrorists were carrying a total cash of Rs 650! The duo were taken to Kotwali Barabanki, a First Information Report (FIR) was lodged. They were later interrogated they confessed that the triple blasts were done by them along with their friends. This is the official police story. However, in view of other proofs and evidence, the police story suffers from great pieces of persistent, troubling and uncomfortable gaps. The biggest puncture to police claim is that on 14 Dec 2007, Tariqs grandfather, Mr. Azhar Ali, had lodged an FIR at Police Station, Rani ki Sarai, Azamgarh, that his grandson had been missing since 12 Dec 2007 and that some unknown persons had picked him up. Local papers had reported that Tariq had been picked by STF. Tariqs father wrote about his missing son to UP Governor/Chief Minister/District Magistrate/Director General of Police/Human Rights Commission (both national and state) on 16 Dec 2007. He arranged those letters to be sent through court. The same had happened to Khalid Mujahid as he was picked up on 16 Dec 2007. The next day a local daily published the news with the headline Chat Khate Yuwak Ko STF Ne Uthaya (Chat-eating youth picked up by STF). Khalids uncle Zaheer Alam Falahi sent fax messages to all the concerned officials. On 16 Dec 2007, National Loktantrik Party, led by its President Arshad Khan (ex-MLA) sat on a dharna at Jaunpur to protest the arrest. Coming to the prosecution side, it has been learnt that STF claims that the SIM cards seized on 22 Dec, 2007, were not in the names of the accused. The IMEI list, through which the calls can be detected, as furnished by STF, surprisingly has a different last digit! The call details, supplied to the court are of only two of the numbers while the rest are yet to be obtained. What is, however, more surprising, is that while the number was seized at 6:20 am, Khalid Mujahids number is shown to be working until 11:49 am on the same day! The confessional statements have shown that the duo were involved in the blasts in Lucknow and Faizabad. Accordingly, Khalid had stood at the gate of Civil Court, Lucknow while his comrade went inside carrying a cycle which had a bomb. Tariq, in his capacity, had stood at Faizabad court and a cycle was carried inside which triggered a blast and killed four persons. One aspect which remains unnoticed is that the police is yet to find those who carried the cycles inside the courts premises as they are still supposed to be on the run. However, two Kashmiris, one Sajjad-urRahman Wani and the other Muhammed Akhtar had been caught by STF. Their confession led to the arrest of Raju alias Mukhtar from Kolkata who had to be released Sajjad-uras a case of mistaken idenRahman Wani tity but not before the brutal police torture. He turned out to be Aftab Alam Ansari, an employee of Kolkata Electric Supply Company. He was caught on 27 Dec 2007 and was released on 16 Jan 2009 due to the efforts of Muhammed Shoaib, a lawyer of great credibility and an impeccable record in criminal law. Both the Kashmiris are in UP jail even today. What, however, would warrant a mention is that meanwhile Azamgarh had a parliamentary byelection in 2008 and Mayawati doled out a carrot to Muslims by ordering a Commission headed by RD Nimesh to probe the arrests of Khalid and Tariq. The Commission was to submit its report in six months but it is yet to accomplish its task. The Commission took off after nine months, and both Khalid and Tariq submitted their affidavits before it on 23 April 2009. The Commission findings are awaited and hopefully will not be consigned to abeyance. ism) to bar the contestations of the cases of the accused is part of a well-crafted conspiracy. Police wants a shelter for its misdeeds and (Hindutva-oriented) lawyers are too willing to help and in return, the police turns a blind eye to such lawyers who are routinely involved in land grabbing, illegal occupancy, murder and various other crimes. The net result is an ever-impeding loss to Muslims who have to face the brunt of the State and can only turn to judiciary for their redressals, Shoaib said. No wonder, there was an awaiting season of assaults and murderous attempts on all lawyers who had taken up the cases of terror accused. Noor Muhammed at Dhar in Madhya Pradesh, in April 2008 twice faced a deadly attack by Bajrang Dal and Hindutva lawyers. Ismail Jehangir in Karnataka faced the same in 2008 by the Sangh Parivar. Shahid Azmi has been killed in cold blood in Mumbai in 2010. Shoiab, however, has been instrumental into getting the release of a terroraccused Aftab Alam Ansari within 22 days after he was picked up from Kolkata on the charge of terrorism by STF on the pretext of being Mukhtar. Coming back on the issue, according to the house search memo, which is a part of the investigation and submitted in court, CO Crime Branch Janak Prasad Diwedi, is said to have raided the house of Tariq Qasmi on Dec 18, 2007, and seized a number of books and two Nokia mobile phones whose IMEI nos. are 353632/01/590983/4 and 355519/01/897530/0. The phones were in the switched-off mode. The books included Islam ki Dawat and Begunah Qatil which were sealed. Likewise, CO Chowk Lucknow, Chiranjeev Nath Singh had raided Khalid Mujahids house on the same day, and seized three books: Islam ki Rooh, Jehad and Jehad-e-Afghanistan along with a Nokia mobile phone whose IMEI no. is351466406418697. All the material was sealed. The call details were traced and made available to the court by the police. Surprisingly, it shows that on 19, 20 and 21 of Dec 2007, there were no phone calls. However, on Dec 22, 2007, there is a phone call from Tariqs number until 2:04 pm and on the next day there is yet another call until 1:41:09. How on earth is it possible when the said phone, which had already been sealed on Dec 18, 2007, has been caught working? Even the number of Khalid, which is said to have been sealed at 6:20 am on Dec 22, 2007, was in working condition until 11:49:31 am on the same day! The fact of the matter is that phones were not sealed and were retained to be used to garner proof. But the police has been caught on a wrong foot, informs Shoaib.

Police have no right to torture

The police have no legal right to torture. The torture meted to Khalid and Tariq has put Gestapo to shame. But the issue is to prove the torture before the court. Thankfully, now we Adv. Shoaib have such provisions in the law of evidence, says Muhammed Shoaib, the counsel of the accused. Shoiab has paid for standing up to the cause. He was threatened, coerced and finally murderously assaulted on 12 August 2008, as Lucknow Bar and Central Bar Associations had passed a resolution to not to plead terror cases. The lawyers have become an ignorant mass. The killers of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had their lawyers. Would it be appropriate for them to recall that Bhagat Singh case was pleaded by none other than Mr. Jinnah, he added. He further signaled that the criminallawyer or criminal/lawyer and police nexus is the latest to rock our democracy. The xenophobia created in the name of terrorism (and national-

Jamaat-e-Islami delegation
The UP West President of Jamaat-e-Islami-eHind Syed Muhammed Ahmed along with

Continued on the next page

From Khalid Muhajids affidavit

Third degree torture forced Khalid to confess to a crime he never committed

My beard was plucked, legs outstretched as policemen stood on them, inserted their phallus in my mouth, petrol was inserted into my anus, cigarettes Khalid Muhajid butts rubbed on my penis, a heavy load tied on it as I was made to stand, made to drink urine and wine and eat kebabs made of pork, tied to an ice slab, made to drink water from nose, given electric shocks, a rope was tied around my waist and I was lowered into water etc. On my inquiry as to why was I subjected to this extreme torture, I was told to confess that I had done the blasts in the court. I, Khalid Mujahid, age around 29 years, son of late Zameer Mujahid, resident of Mahatwana, Maniyahun, district Jaunpur, UP, an accused in the case no. 1891/2007 under sections 121, 121-A, 122/ 124A, 325 of Indian Penal Code, under section 4/5 Explosive Substances Act, under sections 16, 18, 20, 23 of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act on Dec 22, 2007. The case against me is absolutely false and concocted, and it has been made to validate my illegal arrest of Dec 16, 2007 by Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UPSTF) as I had gone to the market to bring Robin Neel (blue colour) for my mother. As I stood at a nearby chat shop, a car came and its presence went unnoticed until suddenly some persons got down and jumped on me and threw me inside a car. My hands and legs were cuffed, eyes tied with a cloth, my mouth was muzzled. I was taken to the outskirts of Jaunpur where I was made to step out. I thought that I was to face an encounter but someone called on a mobile phone, and hence, I was carried in the car of Circle Officer (CO) until came Lucknow where I was kept at an unknown house with more than 25 persons already present. Thereafter, started the third degree torture in which, my beard was plucked, legs outstretched as policemen stood on them, inserted their phallus in my mouth, petrol was inserted into my anus, cigarettes butts rubbed on my penis, a heavy load tied on it as I was made to stand, made to drink urine and wine and eat kebabs made of pork, tied to an ice slab, made to drink water from nose, given electric shocks, a rope was tied around my waist and I was lowered into water etc. On my inquiry as to why was I subjected to this extreme torture, I was told to confess that I had done the blasts in the court. When I contested not to submit to something which I had never committed, I was threatened that my mother and wife would also be killed. I under forceful duress admitted to the crime which was videotaped and recorded separately. My eyes were later tied up with a cloth, then I was made to touch a few unknown things. I was then shown to have been arrested from Barabanki on Dec 22, 2007. Then I was taken to a place where my hands and feet finger impressions were taken, and was made to touch a bag, and was then, made by CO Rajesh Pandey to record my confession. Rajesh Pandey also tried to persuade me to become a prosecution-witness, which he did twice at Lucknow jail. Then I was sent to Barabanki jail where I was again mercilessly beaten. I was produced before the magistrate who ordered me to sign a blank paper which I complied with. On Dec 24, 2007 I was taken on remand for ten days, and then on Jan 9, 2008 again for the same remand which went for another ten days. On Jan 17, 2008, CO Rajesh Pandey, OP Pandey of STF and Pankaj made me to sign blank papers, and took my thumb impression on a battery, on a book and on a polythene bag which contained something. This torture was continued as I was thereafter interrogated by an unknown number of policemen. Since the day I was picked up on Dec 16, 2007, my mobile phone is under police custody. When I tried to speak up the truth before the Barabanki magistrate he, instead, asked me as to what is RDX and gelatin and told me to sign the papers and leave. Amitabh Yash had said that his is the job to garner evidence and to see that the punishment is done. He also once asked me to become a prosecution-witness. I dont know as to who is Khalid Kashmiri whom I have been shown to be associated with. One policeman said if I am not punished, I would be killed like Noora. Later, I came to know that Noora had been killed in an encounter some days back.

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

Zaheer Alam Falahi had met ADG Brij Lal, shortly after the arrests. He told us that police has substantial proofs that Khalid Muhajid had visited Kashmir and had undergone terrorist training and that Syed Muhammed police has pictures of him riding a horse. He Ahmed also had said that police would never arrest an innocent and that he could also make the delegation meet the duo but was unable to do so for legal bindings. The prosecution is yet to produce the said pictures before the court. As a matter of fact, it may be added that the issue of Khalid Mujahid and Tariq Qasmi, is being contested at two places. One before the courts, at Lucknow, Faizabad and Barabanki, and the second before RD Nimesh inquiry commission. It would therefore, be quite curious to know that confessions made by Khalid and Tariq are only in a CD and have not as yet been produced before the court. The case is being conducted these days under Lucknow Special Judge SC/ST. There is a set of 29 witnesses to be produced by the prosecution and none have as yet appeared. While in Faizabad and Barabanki (sixth witness in progress) the witnesses are getting cross examined. More interestingly, there is no public witness to be produced before the court and all witnesses are to be only produced from the prosecution side before the commission. Three of the public witnesses have said that the incidence is of 2009. One prosecution witness has said that he had seen only one man being draped in a chador and taken away by police in a car. There is no mention of the second man. This is how the police so unsuccessfully engage to hide its follies, said Shoiab. He also said that the prosecution witnesses are giving wayward accounts of Dec 22, 2007. Some say that all of the recovery was packed in a bag, some say that recovered articles and bag were sealed, some say that bag was not sealed but recovered articles only were sealed and some dont remember as to what were the recovered articles. There has been a set of 47 witnesses from the prosecution and the same number of witnesses from the defence side. High profile police officials have also appeared. Former DGP Vikram Singh appeared before the commission only to say that he does not remember anything and the same was parroted by ADG Brij Lal who appeared on March 30, 2011. Those yet to appear are Amitabh Yash, Manoj Kumar Jha, Chiranjeev Nath Sinha, S Anand and Akhil Kumar etc. The commission was formed on March 14, 2009 for six months and has undergone four extensions so far. Ironically, this probe was ordered out of only political compulsions as Mayawati had offered a face saving device to Akbar Ahmed Dumpy who had contested a parliamentary by-election in 2008 from Azamgarh, which he won and then lost in 2009. The travails of Khalid Mujahid are a sordid tale as he was married only two months prior to his arrest. His wife has divorced him, while Tariq Qasmis daughter today is around four years, as she was only six months when he was arrested. His children Zuha (10), Waqas (8), Shifa (6) and Huda (4) are clueless and devastated by their fathers absence. They are yet to reconcile to the reality. Tariqs father runs a dry cleaning laundry in Dubai. The duo, even if released, will perhaps always encounter dreadful nightmares and it is still incomprehensible as to how much of psychological damage, beyond repair, has been done to them. Would they ever have a peaceful sleep? Perhaps never! observed Muhammed Shoaib. Shoaib further adds that today the CM can order to expedite the hearing of the commission. The report can be made public and this probe can end in a month but it lacks the political will. Remember that this probe was ordered much before Hindu terrorists like Aseemanand and Pragya Singh were to come to the limelight. Samjhauta Express, Nanded, Malegaon, Mecca Masjid, Goa etc were done by Hindu terrorists but Muslims were apprehended for them. This practice is a tested policy of the apartheid state of Israel and Indian intelligence agencies have got their tutorials from the Israelis. What surprises everyone is why were the triple blasts of UP not probed with Hindu terrorists kept into frame as well, when Vishwanath Singh (shade no. 20) and Mahesh Prasad Pandey (shade no. 4), had blasts under their seats and both were absent! The former is President of BJP unit of Faizabad and the latter its Vice President, Shoaib asks. The writer is an advocate at Lucknow High Court, Lucknow.

From Tariq Qasmis affidavit:

...torture continued for four hours. One group was followed by another who would abuse the former and would offer tea and pan masala in order to anyhow make me concede to their demand: to admit to something which I had never committed. CO S Anand came and said that if I did not budge, then my mother and wife would be brought and insulted before me. I was given electric shocks, made nude and beaten, made to drink urine and wine and dirty things were inserted into my mouth. CO S Anand got a script prepared which I was made to memorise by Inspector Sharma
I, Tariq Qasmi, age around 32 years, son of late Riyaz Ahmed, village Sammopur, Rani Ki Sarai, district Azamgarh, UP, an accused in the case no. 1891/2007 under sections 121, 121-A, 122/124A. 325 of Indian Penal Code, under section 4/5 Explosive Substances Act, under sections 16, 18, 20, 23 of Unlawful Tariq Qasm Activities Prevention Act, on Dec 22, 2007. The case against me is patently false and fabricated, and it has been made to corroborate my illegal arrest on Dec 12, 2007 by STF. I and Khalid Mujahid have been shown to be arrested from Barabanki which is false as I had been already under the custody of UP STF. On Dec 12, 2007, I was going towards Azhar Unani Clinic on my Splendor motorbike no. UP-5N 2943. On reaching Sarai Meer, my bike was overtaken by a white Tata Sumo car and was asked to stop. As I stopped and was parking my bike, about nine-ten persons overpowered me, removed my helmet and bundled me into the Tata Sumo car while two had held my bike. I shouted and was beaten hard for that. Those who overheard my cries were shepherds and they tried to chase the car but a roadways bus came inbetween and meanwhile the car accelerated its speed. I was blind-folded and on asking as to where was I being taken, I was beaten instead. I started to repeat the kalma loudly, from which I was stopped. I was then told that the persons were from UP STF. I asked them to carry me to a police station for any questioning to which the team leader BK Singh thundered that there have been orders for an encounter of him. BK Singh was getting frequent calls on his multiple mobile sets and was also engaged into calling from his other phones. I was taken to an isolated place in Benares and by the same evening BK Singh brought me to Lucknow. The Tata Sumo car was driven by Jaswant Singh. In Lucknow, I was introduced as a terrorist to the policemen who came to interrogate me, a claim which I contradicted. I told them that I am a nationalist and a simple medical practitioner. They asked me if I had studied from Darul Uloom Deoband to which I said yes and was abused by them. They said that I had studied from there and yet I was not calling myself a terrorist. I said that terrorism is not taught in Deoband as it is a place where good individuals are made. This made them to beat me further. I could come to know later that the one who ordered my beating was a DIG. I was then beaten at intervals, not made to sleep and was not let to offer prayers. The next morning, the DIG came and asked me certain

questions which I could never have threatened us to continue with the imagined. Some officers questioned memorised script. Faizabad CO Rajesh me in English and I answered them Pandey came and took marks of our in Urdu and this made CO S Anand hands and feet on blank paper, recordto become a translator. On the quesed our confession and then handed us tion of any foreign tour, I answered to ASO Barabanki. SOG took us to that once I had performed Hajj (at Barabanki jail where we signed on Mecca) in 2003 and once had been blank papers. We were produced to Umra (to Mecca) in 2005. Then I before CJM, Barabanki and sent to jail was questioned if Jehad is being where we were very severely beaten by done in Hindustan to which I did not jail inmates. It made it impossible for us answer. I was asked if I had waged to even walk. On Dec 24, 2007, we a Jehad to which I answered no. were produced before Magistrate in Thereafter, that officer did not return. Lucknow jail where we narrated our This torture continued for four woes and opposed the remand applicahours. One group was followed by tion. The magistrate refused our plea another who would abuse the former and STF took us on a remand. and would offer tea and pan masala From that time onwards we were to in order to anyhow make me conbe routinely tortured, not allowed to cede to their demand: to admit to sleep, legs outstretched, our hair something which I had never complucked as teams from Hyderabad, mitted. CO S Anand came and said Rajasthan, Gujarat, Mumbai, Delhi and that if I did not budge, then my mothBengal came to interrogate us. We just er and wife would be brought and parroted the script but told the reality to insulted before me. I was given elecDelhi and Rajasthan police which tric shocks, made nude and beaten, became known to Amitabh Yash. That made to drink urine and wine and resulted in making us nude and beaten dirty things were inserted into my by a belt, petrol poured into the bruises FIR lodged with the police mouth. CO S Anand got a script preand anus, and this continued until Jan after Tariq Qasmis abduction pared which I was made to memo2, 2008 when we were sent to jail. On rise by Inspector Sharma, Darogha Jan 8, 2008 CO Faizabad Rajesh Shukla and OP Pandey. During this Pandey came along with a magistrate time DIG, ASP Amitabh Yash and and he sent us on further remand. This ADG Brij Lal visited the place. time I was kept along with Khalid On the night of Dec 18, 2007 IG, Mujahid, Sajjad-ur-Rehman (who has DIG, ASP Amitabh Yash, ASP Akhil been discharged of his role in Lucknow Kumar, IG Zone and ADG Brij Lal blasts by the court on April 14, 2011), interrogated me. Brij Lal contended Muhammed Akhtar (another Kashmiri) that the fruit had been made ready. where the torture ordeal went uninterThe next day, I was beaten less and rupted for ten days. also could sleep for a while. On Dec We were made to touch a pencil 19, 2007 some officers came and I battery which had an oily substance, was told to repeat the script. then a 150 mls of Kewra bottle was Thinking that higher officers (DGP given, feet and hand prints were taken Vikram Singh) would do justice, I on a blank paper along with our signatold them my real story but Vikram tures. Our hair were plucked and Singh threatened me to speak like a wrapped into paper and our names parrot. I was taken into another were written on them respectively. On room where I was mercilessly beatJan 17, 2007 Amitabh Yash took me to en. I was again put before DGP and a separate room where he offered me parroted the script which was audio to become a prosecution-witness or Wall poster published by the family and videotaped. else would make me stink in jail forever of Tariq Qasm after his abduction On Dec 21, 2007 officers from as on the basis of fabricated evidences. Delhi, Gujarat and Hyderabad came He said: the courts would just comply, to interrogate me. The Gujarat one as courts work on our (police) direcsaid that I had been frequenting tives. Rajesh Pandey even once Gujarat and that my people live announced that I had become a prosethere while they scrutinised my cution-witness which I denied. This mobile phone. The Delhi one said that I have been visiting Delhi made him abuse me and say that on the next remand I would be quite often and that I am related to terrorists. All the officers put straight. On Jan 18, 2007 we were sent to jail but the STF showed a typed paper saying that the investigation from the personnel kept on visiting to threaten us. arrested terrorists led them to my number. I answered that my When I was picked up on Dec 12, 2007 I had Rs. 11,000 in number is written on my medical prescription pad and also has my inside pocket, around Rs 700 is a pocket of my bag, my drivbeen advertised in a newspaper, as such it can be accessed by ing license, PAN card, my bikes registration, insurance and polanyone. I also told that Khalid had been my patient and is also lution papers, a paper of an account of medicines, a diary which my friend. Later, we were huddled in a car and by 4 am, the cav- had details of household accounts and some poetic verses writalcade of cars led us to Barabanki. ten inside. This was all taken by the STF and I was asked by Between 6 am and 7 am we were unloaded at a station as a them to write something in English which I had refused as I am sound of a train was heard. We were taken to a government not well-versed with that language. On Dec 11, 2007 one man guest house where impressions of our feet and hands were called Neeraj Pandey had come to my clinic at the pretext of his taken. S Anand, OP Pandey and Neeraj Pandey continuously uncles illness and asked about my clinic timings.

10 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


CBI opposes encounter case trial in Gujarat

n a clear slap on the face of the Gujarat BJP government, CBI has opposed Sohrabuddin encounter case trial inside Gujarat as it feels that this trial will not reach to logical conclusion in the state. Opposing the move to send the case for trial to an Ahmedabad court, CBI counsel Ejaz Khan said that an application for the transfer of the trial outside the state was pending before the Supreme Court. Khan further argued that the CBI has also to arrest two persons more accused in the case. The counsel also cited the on going investigations of the related Tulsi Prajapati encounter. He said that till the agencys application was pending in the apex court, the case should not be sent for trial in any court in the state. He also referred to fears of attempts to influence the trial, and said former Gujarat minister Amit Shah, an accused in the case, had been barred by the apex court from entering the state. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has objected to the committal of the Sohrabuddin Shaikh fake encounter case citing pending arrests of two more accused in the case and an application seeking transfer of the case. The investigating agency argued that there are accused who were yet to be arrested and an application seeking transfer of the case to Mumbai from Gujarat was still pending with the Supreme Court. However, Yashpal Chudasama and Ajay Patel, who have also been named as accused in the CBI chargesheet, were not summoned. Shah had filed an exemption application in the court stating that the Supreme Court had restrained him from entering the boundaries of Gujarat as one of the basic conditions for granting him bail. The recent arrests of police personnel in Gujarat for staging fake encounters comes as another grim reminder of the weakness of our political and other government entities. These incidents are not isolated and have been in the headlines for more than four years. According to CBI version, a statement by Constable Ajay Parmar, who said he was present when Sohrabuddin was shot, says: On November 26 at 4 am, Anti-Terrorism Squad officers from Gujarat, including DG Vanzara and RK Pandayan, and Rajasthan Superintendent of Police MN Dinesh... were present at a place between Ahmedabad circle and Vishala circle toll points. It further says: constable Ajay Parmar was asked to bring a Hero Honda motorcycle lying in the backyard of an ATS office here. Sohrabudin was also brought here. A sub-inspector of Rajasthan police rode the bike for a short distance and jumped off it. As it fell, Sohrabuddin was pulled out of the car and thrown on the road. Four police inspectors fired eight rounds from their service pistols. Vanzara then asked Parmar to take Sohrabuddin to the civil hospital. It says Sohrabudin and Kausar, along with a possible third victim, Tulsiram Prajapati, were intercepted in a bus going from Hyderabad to Sangli by Gujarat ATS and Rajasthan police officers late on November 22 night. The couple were then kept locked in a room of a farmhouse called Disha at Jamiyatpura on the outskirts of Gandhinagar, owned by a certain Girish Patel - also a witness in the Johri report - from Nov 24 to 25. After Sohrabuddin was taken away, Kausar Bi was taken away from the farmhouse on the morning of November 26 on the request of the owner. She was last seen in a white Maruti car with plainclothes policemen from Gujarat, State-sponsored anti-Muslim policies and killing of thousands of innocent Muslims during the Modi administration in Gujarat will always remain a horrific picture in the minds of millions of peaceloving Indians across the country. Muslim minority continues to be the victim of fake encounter killings and police torture. It reveals how innocent Muslim youth - Samir Khan Pathan, Ishrat Jahan, Javed Sheikh, Sadiq Jamal Mehtar and Sohrabuddin Sheikh - were killed allegedly for attempting to assassinate Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. It makes it abundantly clear that they were in fact victims of fake encounters in the Saffron State. Now the time has come to make amendments in the Police Diary, there should be a legal binding clause that the police team going for an encounter, should arrange a video recording of the whole encounter to verify the police version, whether the police opened fire in retaliation or opened fire unprovoked. If for any reason there is no video recording, encounter should be considered fake even if the same is genuine. Involvement of Narendra Modi the Gujarat Chief Minister should also be scanned in all encounters including Ishrat Jahan, who was murdered by the notorious Gujarat police under the false tag of being a terrorist in 2004. The Gujarat police stated that Ishrat, along with three other people, had been killed in an encounter near Ahmedabad by a police team. A judicial probe into the Ishrat incident found that Ishrat and her friends were killed in police custody.

Modis flattery is on in Gujarat

Flattery of CM Narendra Modi continues by so-called Muslim groups and sects in Gujarat as Ahmadiyya communitys General Secretary in India Shri Zahir Ahmed Khadim visited Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. The meeting was a courtesy call according to an official statement. Zakir Khadim hailed Modi for peace, progress and development politics. In another development, a delegation of Bhadiad Urs Committee paid a courtesy call on the Gujarat Chief Minister here and briefed him about the preparations for the upcoming Urs in the Ahmedabad district, considered to be the biggest one after the one Ajmer Sharif. Modi expressed his grief at the recent fatal accident of Urs pilgrims. He also assured of all possible assistance as suggested by the Mehboob Shah Bukhari Dargah Committee for holding the Urs. The delegation included Mr. Patubha Parmar and vice-president Ismailbhai and other office-bearers. Bilkis Bano and the murder of her family members in the aftermath of March 2002 Godhra riots. For riot-scarred Bilquees Bano, it has been an excruciatingly long fight for justice. At least, 20 times she had to change her residence but remained committed to her pledge to get justice in her own country. Supreme Court had shifted the case from Gujarat, after reports of harassment of the victims and witnesses apart from attempts to tamper with evidence and delays in the case proceedings. The CBI also conducted the investigation in a fair manner. The NGOs, Teesta Setalwad for her rigorous testimony, social activists like Huma Naqvi and umpteen others who stood by Bilkees Bano, played a great role in this fight for justice providing financial, legal and emotional support to her. It is a big judgment in the context that such verdicts go a long way towards sending the signal to the poor victims that despite all odds, there is a system in place in this country that can get you justice though the road may be hard and long. CBIs appeal sought enhancement of punishment for Jaswantbai Nai, Govindbhai Nai and Radhesham Shah alias Lala Vakil who were convicted to life imprisonment in January 2008 by a Mumbai court. Admitting the appeal, Justice N H Patil and Justice Mridula Bhatkar observed, prima facie we are satisfied that the appeal deserves to be admitted. CBI argued that the crime of multiple murders and rape was planned and executed by the convicts. Govind had raped Bilkis in Gujarat despite her pleas that she be spared as she was pregnant. Additional Public Prosecutor Poornima Kantharia argued that Bilkis had specifically mentioned the role of the three convicts in her evidence. The convicts, however, argued that there were discrepancies in the evidence and the prosecution has mainly relied on evidence given by Bilkis to frame them in the crime. Defence lawyer Harshad Ponda said the evidence of Bilkis should not be believed. Hearing a plea made by Biliks, the Supreme Court had ordered a retrial of the case in a court at Mumbai

the encounter of Sadiq Jamal by Gujarat police. Justice M R Shah said that he was handing over the case to the CBI because it involved senior police officers of Gujarat. The court order follows a petition filed by the brother of Sadiq Jamal demanding CBI probe. The encounter is being investigated by the city crime branch. The encounter was led by D G Vanzara who is in jail for the sensational Sohrabuddin encounter and is also allegedly involved in some other encounters in Gujarat. The Judge observed there could be apprehensions of bias in investigations because of the involvement of senior officers of Gujarat police. The Court has asked Crime branch to register a fresh FIR and hand over the case to CBI. Justice Shah has asked the CBI to complete investigations at the earliest preferably within six month.

Modi stalling Lokayukta issue

At the Centre, at the behest of the BJP Baba Ramdev is doing a Nautanki about corruption in the country but Gujarat BJP government led by Narendra Modi has been dragging its feet over appointing a new Lokayukta for over eight years now. It was in November 2003 that the last incumbent, retired High Court judge S M Soni, stepped down from the post. Soni was appointed as the Lokayukta during the Keshubhai Patel regime in 1998. While the Congress and the BJP are busy praising themselves in Delhi as the champions of the anti-corruption movement, pure politics by Gujarat state leaders of both the parties has delayed the appointment of Lokayukta in Gujarat. And this despite there being a law in force for 26 years, providing for the appointment of Lokayukta. In the absence of a Lokayukta in the state, complaints of corruption against ministers, chairpersons and directors of various government-owned boards/ corporations and elected representatives in local self-government bodies cannot be lodged. The vicechancellors and pro-vice-chancellors of universities across the state, too, have been covered under the Lokayukta Act. The Congress, meanwhile, continued to charge the Modi Government with an ulterior motive for the delay. The state Government has been deliberately delaying the appointment of a Lokayukta. On April 8, soon after Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi supported Anna Hazares fast against corruption during a campaign rally in Assam, the Congress lashed out at him saying that the CM had not appointed a Lokayukta in the state for the past eight years. A day later, Jaynarayan Vyas retorted that the leader of opposition (LoP) in the state assembly, Shaktisinh Gohil, was not attending a consultation meeting to decide on the names for the post. This had delayed the appointment of a Lokayukta, said Vyas, firmly hitting the ball back in Congresss court. A week later, Gohil responded. At a press conference peppered with allegations of corruption against the state government, the Congress leader said the chief minister had no role in the consultation for the appointment of the Lokayukta. The law is very clear. The Governor has to appoint the Lokayukta on the basis of consultations with the chief justice of the states high court and the leader of opposition in the assembly. There is no provision for any consultation with the CM or his cabinet in the appointment. The CM only has to issue a notification which he is not doing as he fears his corruption will be exposed, Gohil alleged. This was exactly two months ago. Even today - after a national movement by Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare for the Jan Lokpal Bill; the Congress swearing its allegiance to a noncorrupt administration; and a dramatic fast by Baba Ramdev (vociferously supported by the BJP) - the appointment of a Lokayukta in Gujarat is still in a limbo. Though the name of retired Justice RA Mehta for the post is believed to have been recommended to the government, a notification in this regard is yet to be issued. Meanwhile, the sound bytes by our netas are the same as they were 60 days back. Theres finally some development that may end the impasse over the appointment of Lokayukta in Gujarat. It has been learnt that the office of the chief justice of Gujarat high court has sent the name of retired justice RA Mehta to the state government for notification of his appointment to the post, reliable sources in the Congress said. Justice Mehtas name was sent to the chief ministers office about 20 days back and a response is awaited, the sources said. Justice Mehtas name is believed to have the approval of both the Opposition Congress and the Governor. Reliable sources in the Congress said that his name was suggested because the government apparently did not accept Justice SD Daves nomination made over six months back. The CM had written to the chief justice seeking the appointment of another retired judge, Justice JR Vora, as the Lokayukta. But Justice Voras name did not have the approval of the Leader of Opposition. And, later, Justice Dave refused to take up the assignment. After this the chief minister again wrote to the chief justice seeking Justice Voras appointment as Lokayukta. But this time, Justice Mehtas name was suggested, and the last communication took place approximately 20 days back, a source said. The buzz is that officials in the CMO are directly monitoring this matter. Sources in the Congress said that they are at the end of their tether on the issue and if Justice Mehtas name is also not accepted by the government, the Governor might be forced to use the special powers provided by the Constitution and appoint the Lokayukta.

Sadik was killed by Gujarat police

Shabbir Jamal Mehtar, brother of slain Sadik Jamal has vowed that he would bring justice to his brother at any cost. Shabbir demanded a through probe into the killing. Sadiq, a resident of Bhavnagar, was gunned down by Ahmedabad Detection of Crime Branch (DCB) near Galaxy Cinema in the Naroda area of Sadiq Jamal Ahmedabad on January 13, after his murder 2003. Shabbir had filed a petition in Gujarat High Court in 2007 demanding a CBI probe into the encounter of Sadik (25). After the encounter, the crime branch had claimed that Sadik was a notorious criminal in the league of gangsters like Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Shakeel and had planned to kill BJP leader L K Advani, Chief Minister Narendra Modi and VHP leader Pravin Togadia. In a chat, Mehtar said that his brother was not a terrorist and alleged that the plot to kill his brother was a cold-blooded murder and a conspiracy hatched by Vanjara and P P Pandey who was then heading the Ahmedabad city crime branch. Vanjara is behind bars along with many others in connection with the fake encounter of Soharabuddin Sheikh and cold-blooded killing of his wife Kausar Bi. Shabbir Jamal had further said in his petition that the ballistic report of the Forensic Science Laboratory had concluded that the bullets that were claimed to have been fired by Sadik could never have been fired by him as the crime branch had found a .32 bore revolver from his possession while the cartridges were of .38 bore. Moreover, though police claimed to have fired 11 rounds to kill Sadik, nobody in the neighbourhood of Galaxy Cinema in Naroda, where the incident took place, ever came forward to give their statements about having heard gunshots that night, Shabbir stated. Both Vanjara and Pandey have denied their role in the encounter of Sadik Jamal, in their affidavits in the Gujarat High Court Meanwhile, Gujarat HC directed the CBI to investigate into

Bilkis Bano rapists face gallows

Bilkis Bano, one of the faces of the gruesome Gujarat genocide, ultimately got justice. The brave woman was six-months pregnant when she was gang-raped, saw her family of eight members slaughtered in front of her eyes and her own three and a half year-old child killed by a bloodthirsty mob in Narendra Modis laboratory of Hindutva. The Bombay High Court has admitted an appeal filed by CBI seeking death penalty for three convicts for the gang rape of

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 11

MP tightens noose over SIMI

Bhopal: In a major drive BJP-ruled M.P. ATS arrested eight persons claiming they were I.M. and SIMI activists on 5 June. Police claimed to have recovered huge cache of arms and Rs. 2 lakh in cash. Police claimed that two of them are involved in Ahmadabad blasts. D.G.P. SK Raut said that four were nabbed at Habibganj station, Bhopal and they are Abu Faizal (Mumbai), Guddu alias Mehboob (Khandwa) Ejazuddin (Kereli of Narsinhpur distt.) and Iqrar Shiekh (Ujjain) while those arrested at Jabalpur are Shaikh Mujib (Gujarat), Aslam (Khandwa) and Habib alias Shetty (Ujjain). Three of them are accused of links with I.M. while the remaining five are accused of having links with SIMI. Such dramatic arrests take place only in BJP-ruled states of Gujarat, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh which casts doubt on their veracity. This is in addition to two persons called Farhat and Zakir Sheikh (Khandwa) who were already arrested at Ratlam two days earlier in a dramatic shootout. Zakir was arrested after he was injured in an encounter that clalimed the life of Shivpratal Singh, an ATS personnel. Farhat, who managed to escape, was arrested later. Police claimed Zahid was also responsible for the killing of another ATS personnel, Sitaram Yadav, at Khandwa last year. Police claimed that three of the arrested have confessed to having worked with Safdar Nagori, Aamil Parvez and Qayyum Nagori. Iqrar Shiekh and Dr. Farhan have also been accused of involvement in the Jaipur blasts. They had attended a meeting held at a farmhouse on Indore-Mhow road a day prior to the Jaipur blast. Gujarat police had provided tips of their involvement. They have also confessed to their involvement in five cases of bank robberies. While the Devas robbery fetched them 9.5 lakh, Itarsi, Mandsaur (Pipliyahat) and Jawad fetched them 1.25 lakh, 1 lakh and 8-9 thousand respectively. Farhat (Khandwa) was arrested by Ratlam police from Pratap Nagar locality from a dilapidated house. His brother Arshad is also accused of having SIMI links. A raid on their rented house led to recovery of a CD, objectionable literature, two mobiles and a SIM. Former home minister of state, Himmat Kothari, declared that a function shall be organised to felicitate the police team for their exemplary courage where the family of the martyred policeman Shivpratap Singh shall be presented with Rs. one lakh and the injured policemen with Rs 25,000 each. Kothari urged the state government to compensate the family of the dead policeman with Rs. 15 lakh and a government job to his widow. This crackdown was a sequel to a shooting incident at Nagda, an industrial town of Ujjain district, in which a VHP activist, Bherulal Tank, was injured and hospitalised. Three persons Zubair, Shahzad and Imran, were arrested on the basis of clues given by Tank after his recovery. The fourth, claimed to be the mastermind, Naushad, is absconding. For three days, Nagda observed a complete bandh. Adjoining towns also supported the bandh call where one day bandh was observed. A few buses were the target of VHP activists ire. Several persons were arrested in the wake of an ultimatum given by the VHP activists. Several reasons are being offered for the attack on Bherulal Tank who had been proactive in ensuring the rearrest of two SIMI activists who had been released from Bherugarh district jail on Republic Day. However, there seems to be other reasons as well because as a journalist Tank had earned the ire of several elements. Premchand Guddu, Congress M.P. from Ujjain, however, puts the blame on the factional war within BJP. He accused the police of beating innocent youths belonging to the Muslim community. He accused the BJP of giving the party feud a communal twist. He met representatives of Muslim community and other prominent men from the general public. He demanded immediate release of all the innocent persons. Earlier, local Congress M.L.A., Dilip Gurjan, had met administration authorities to ensure that innocents were not harassed. (AG Khan)

HUMAN RIGHTS/TERRORISM Nasik explosion kills five

Nasik: A terrible blast in Tarwal Nagar locality of Nasik claimed five lives leaving seven injured. Saptashringi Apartment in the Panchavati extension suffered damage resulting in demolition of two storeys and damaging several cars in the parking area. The explosion was so powerful that it could be heard at a distance of two kilometres from the site. The explosion occurred at 3.30 p.m. and in the beginning gas cylinder was considered to be the cause. However, when several top police officers rushed to the spot they felt that it could be caused by gelatine sticks. Traces of gun powder were also found at the location. The ATS has not ruled out other possibilities and is examining the incident from all possible angles. Rescue and relief operations have been under taken. Persons buried under the debris have been rescued and rushed to hospitals.

were neither terrorists nor had they infiltrated into our side via Sona Pindi post of LoC, as was reported by the Army. The intention behind all this drama was to gain rewards and undue promotion by projecting that a heroic operation had been conducted by the forces, said the SHRC judgment. The MLA said that since SHRC is a constitutional body, its judgment should be implemented by the state government in letter and spirit to promote peoples confidence in the system. (Saiyed Danish)

Thanks to Indian clout, NHRC retains A status

The Accreditation Sub Committee of the ICC in its meet in Geneva during 23-27 May has permitted the National Human Rights Commission to retain its A status despite opposition from NGOs in the country. During the process of its accreditation NHRC witnessed protest from NGOs within the country. To some extent there was a possibility that the UN may downgrade the status of National Human Rights Commission in India from being participant to observer. For the first time in its 18 years history as a rights watchdog, the possibility of being downgraded from A status to B status was considered. The NGOs under the aegis of All India Network of NGOs and individuals working for Human rights Institutions at various levels had raised a question mark on the effectiveness of NHRC that too when National Human Rights Commission looked forward for reaccreditation before the International Co-ordination Committee of National Human Rights Institutions in Geneva. NHRC in its clarification had issued a press note on 26 April that such a report was issued only to mislead and distort the facts. NHRC Spokesman Gauri Pradhan, who participated in the recent annual meet of ICC in Geneva, said in an interview that the accreditation committee will not downgrade NHRC because of its performance and the kind of solidarity expressed by civil society for it. Pradhan further said, We argued that NHRC is still one of the powerful and active rights watchdogs in the whole South Asia region. There are some minor problems, such as staffing and administration, which will be resolved shortly. Civil society groups and human rights defenders, including the OHCHR-Nepal, had also strongly appealed to the ICC in defence of NHRCs A status. According to the NHRC, the ICC Sub-Committee praised its efforts in holding talks with the deemed members during the Statutory Commission meetings to address issues pertaining to womens rights, minorities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The NHRC said, The ICC has also been informed that the NHRC has extensive formal cooperation with its core groups and expert groups of different stakeholders, including NGOs on many issues of human rights. The Commission has already responded to the ICC that the appointments of the Chairperson and members to the Commission are made by the President of India and this process is considered as the most transparent process of appointment of Chairperson and members of the NHRCs in the world. The ground on which it was presumed that the NHRC may be downgraded were of the corruption charges against its chairman KG Balakrishnan. NHRCs in-effectiveness in the case of human rights activist Binayak Sens sedition case was also questioned by All India Network of NGOs and Individuals (AINNI). The NHRC of India was established in the year 1993. It is expected of the NHRC to become a role model for the human rights institutionS at all levels in the country. (Mohammad Naushad Khan)

Ujjain rocked by explosions

Ujjain: A tabela (animal shed for cows/buffalos) at Keshavnagar was rocked by two bomb explosions, one after the other, injuring one person. Police recovered a live bomb and two cartridges from the place. The owner was found possessing two hand-made guns. According to S.P. Rakesh Gupta, the bombs were hand-made and could be dangerous. According to police, the exploded bombs were concealed one buried in the soil while the other was in a bag containing scraps. Sulphur, sharp nails, stone/glass pieces, papers and plastics were used in making them. A case under section 3/5 of Explosives Act and 25-27 under Arms Act against Ravi s/o Ramesh Yadav has been registered. Ramlal, working there, was injured while sweeping the shed. The shed is on disputed land which is also claimed by Waqf Board.The explosion acquires significance in the wake of the attack on Bherulal Tank. It may be recalled that a few months ago another cowshed was the dumping place for bombs when police tried to solve the mystery of the murder of Kalota, an associate of Dhakad near Gautampura. Ramsingh and his son Jeetu were working on the tin-shed for pre-monsoon repairs. The tinshed collapsed resulting in the explosion of bombs concealed there. The injured youth did not go to a hospital. Jeetu was administered first aid, his cut lips were stitched at a private clinic and he was allowed to leave. He was later found at his residence at Daudkhedi village.

End manual scavenging in six months: PM

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while speaking at the inaugural session of a two-day conference of state ministers of welfare and social justice in New Delhi on 17 June said that manual scavenging will be eliminated from every corner of the country within six months. Sonia Gandhi led National Advisory Council in its letter written to Prime Minister on 9 June had asked for a new law that can help to put an end to manual scavenging. According to NAC the need for a new law emanated from the fact that the present law for Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition Act, 1993 has so far failed to eradicate the inhuman practice even after 18 years of its enactment. It is estimated that around 1.3 million Dalits in India, mostly women, make their living through manual scavenging. Meanwhile, the Madras High Court after taking strong note on the tardy pace in formulating a law to put an end to manual scavenging has asked the Secretary, Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, to appear in person in order to explain the reason behind the delay.

Policemen guilty of torture will be jailed

After the Supreme Courts decree that violence in any form in judicial custody will not be tolerated the government is in the process of formulating Prevention of Torture Bill (POTB). When POTB becomes a law then torture of any kind, physical or mental will be considered illegal. As per the law anyone subjected to torture will be compensated and the guilty cops will be jailed. The bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha for the first time on 26 April and there after it was passed by the Lok Sabha on 6 May but the bill was not referred to a Standing Committee of Parliament. Under this law policemen found guilty can face, a maximum of 10 years imprisonment including fine. The main features of the Bill are: 1. Words, action or behaviour that offends anyone of any specific communities can be termed as torture. 2. The government while preparing the Draft of the torture bill has also considered the sensitivities of people of different communities in terms of their language, religion and their likes and dislikes. 3. The Prevention of Torture Bill, 2010 seeks to provide for punishment for torture committed by government officials. 4. The Bill defines torture as grievous hurt, or danger to life, limb and health. 5. Complaints against torture have to be made within six months. The sanction of the appropriate government is required before a court can entertain a complaint. 6. It defines torture and seeks to punish torture inflicted by public servants or with their consent. 7. It lays down conditions under which courts can admit complaints for acts which are offences under the Bill. (Mohammad Naushad Khan)

Meals prepared by Dalits are untouchable

Deep rooted caste bias and untouchability is still prevalent. Even the Dalit chief minister of Uttar Pradesh has not been able to bridge the social divide based in caste prejudices. In Uttar Pradesh, at least 40 percent of schools of Shahjehanpur, Badaun and Pilibhit district, teachers and students do not eat food prepared by members belonging to the lower caste for Midday meals (MDM). The Midday meal scheme is not only affected by caste bias but it also appears that there is gross dereliction of duty on the part of officials responsible for its implementation in order to serve its purpose. There are also reports that in schools of urban area, roti and vegetables are never served and in almost 80 percent schools there is a discrepancy in the enrolment of students and students availing the benefit of the Midday meal scheme. In this regard, a report has been prepared by the Lucknow Universitys department of education to highlight the state of affairs of these schemes. According to the findings of the report, upper primary schools children avail the midday meal scheme less as compared to primary section because of their awareness of the caste system. Food grains are stocked in village pradhans house and 10 percent schools of rural areas of these districts do not get the required amount of food grains needed to cook the Midday meals. In these schools, 95 percent students bring their own utensils. Non-iodised salt is used in only 5 percent schools and 30 percent schools used wood to cook their meals. Taking strong note of the findings of the report the Centre has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to send a detailed report by 31 July.

SC questions AFSPA, J&K Rights Indicts Army

Raising questions over the central governments stand on the issue of army and paramilitary forces immunity, the SC on 16 June asked the Centre to come clean on the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act. You cannot say that an armyman can enter any home, commit a rape and say he enjoys immunity as it has been done in discharge of official duties, said the apex court when senior counsel Ashok Bhan, appearing for the government, voiced diverse views on two separate encounter killings, one involving security personnel in J&K and the other in Assam. The SC labeled Mr. Bhans views as contradictory when, under Sections 6 and 7 of the AFSPA, he sought prosecution of the armymen responsible for killing seven youths in an alleged fake encounter by Rashtriya Rifles in July 2004 in J&Ks Chattisinghpora, whereas, referring to a similar fake encounter by CRPF men in the Assams Panka village in April 1983, he spoke of their immunity under Section 17 of the CRPF Act and 197 CrPC. How can you adopt diametrically different views? the bench said, to which Mr. Bhan replied that it was due to compulsions of his professional duties. The bench also dismissed Mr. Bhans urge to view the two issues separately as the issue involved vital questions of law related to public and the matter would be taken up later. In another development, the independent MLA from Langate in Kupwara district of J&K, Abdul Rashid Sheikh, has expressed contentment over the State Human Rights Commission judgment which indicted security forces for killing innocent people in the April 2010 Machil fake encounter. Three people killed in the Army firing


12 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Indian Muslims: balance-sheet since Partition-ii

Experience of Muhajirs in Pakistan: Nor did Pakistanis experience any cultural synthesis among the Bengalis, the Punjabis, the Sindhis, the Pakhtoons, the Baluchis and the Biharis. Some of them speak Urdu but prefer to use their own mother tongue. Some of them even agitate against Urdu being given the official language status. Even the great Urdu poet Faiz, a leftist activist, led a procession in Lahore against Urdu becoming the sole language for official communication and the first language in schools. Just about 5% of the people of Pakistan declare Urdu as their Mother Tongue. Each ethnic group maintains its identity. So the Muhajirs would socialize only with fellow Muhajirs. In fact, either they married among Muhajirs or came to India in search of rishtas. When they prospered in big cities, they built their own colonies and left their ghettos. They never mixed with the Sindhis or Punjabis. When they formed their own political party, the MQM, the Muhajirs dominated parts of Karachi, but could not outnumber Sindhis. So they demanded dividing Sindh and forming an Urdu Pradesh around Karachi. Once they raised the political banner they were subjected to repression, abductions and killings and were so tamed. Muslim Indians continued to trickle into East Pakistan on what was called the gardania passport. After the turmoil in East Pakistan, which created Bangladesh, in substantial numbers the Bihari Muslims crossed the border to take refuge in India, sometimes escorted by the Indian Army. The interesting aspect is that when they reached their original villages, their Hindu neighbours welcomed them, albeit with a touch of sarcasm but no hostility. Indeed it was their own relatives who became apprehensive that the returnees may dispute their possession of the entire family properties and reported them to the authorities. Hardly any cases were reported by Hindu neighbours. If India was not partitioned: In a united Sub-continent the Muslims would today number about 450 millions out of a total population of about 1800 million. Almost half the national territory would be covered by Muslim concentration states and districts. In India a federal polity, these Muslims pockets would enjoy almost complete autonomy but as Maulana Abul Kalam Azad put it, they neither achieved an Islamic homeland nor equal citizenship in the country of their birth. In the reorganization of states, Sikhs got the Sikh state; the tribals got many tribal states and some are struggling for more. But the support Muslims extended in the 1940s to the Pakistan Movement has not been forgotten. Hindu communalism has opposed the reorganization of pockets of Muslim concentration as in Purnea or in Rohilkhand or in Marathwada on Malabar or Murshidabad in West Bengal. Even the areas in which

From the point of view of the Muslims of the sub-continent, a United States of South Asia will open a new horizon for friendly and peaceful cooperation among all the states of the region which will eventually emerge as one of key poles of world politics and economy. Muslims of the Sub-continent will then enjoy a special position because to the west, to the north and to the east of India are regions of Muslim majority and they will have the historic task of serving as bridges to them...
the Muslims form 30 to 40 % of the population continue to face hostility, distrust and under-development. They are discriminated and short-changed when it comes to government service, access to higher or professional education or to bank credit or distribution of the fruits of development at the operational level or even the formation of smaller districts and blocks. Cost of Partition: On one hand, Pakistan has neither seen the dawn of an Islamic state, nor given any substantial impetus to the further development of Indo-Muslim culture, because its roots, whether the centres of Sufism, or of Urdu literature, or theological seminaries, or even architectural heritage like the Taj Mahal, the Qutub Minar or the educational centres like the Aligarh Muslim University or Jamia Millia Islamia all remain in India, though under an ever present shadow of majoritarian control and Hinduisation. Pakistan has not been embraced by the Muslim world. Perhaps the Muslims of united India would have been better received. Yes, Muslim Indians continue to be silently dubbed as Pakistanis and perceived increasingly as terrorists. They live in fear; their mohallas are under close observation by the state. They are occasionally targeted by majoritarian violence; the last genocide occurred in Gujarat in 2002. But their population continuously grows and today they constitute roughly 15 % of the national population. Unfortunately without proportional representation in central or state legislatures or in administration or even in the Panchayti Raj institutions, they do not enjoy real power. And when they speak of discrimination, they are advised to leave India and go to Pakistan if they are not happy. Balance Sheet for Muslims of the Sub-continent: What Muslims lost in 1947 is incalculable and the possibilities of their development have been stunted by the very existence of Pakistan. Over the last 60 years, Muslim Indians have suffered and survived, they have proved their resilience, a capacity to rise from the ashes to build a community, which is to quote Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, is as proud of being Indian as it is of being Muslim. As India develops Muslim Indians are also developing though not in the same measure. But an objective look at cities, towns, qasbas or even villages will show, they have made marked progress educationally, economically and socially. There are, no

doubt, pockets of backwardness and deprivation. The virus of Hindu majoritarianism has entered the blood stream of the nation. But secular forces would not let them deny constitutional equality and social justice to the Muslim Indians. Some may be averse to Muslims, participating as Muslims in the political transformation which is touching every identifiable and conscious backward class and weaker section belonging to the Shudras, the Achhuts and the Adivasis who are openly and loudly demanding their share in the assets, resources and wealth of the nation, Muslims form part of this social upsurge and, therefore, cannot be totally ignored. Today Muslim reservation has become a universal demand of the Muslim community cutting across languages and baradaris. The Sachar Report has established that Muslims form a Backward Class and are therefore eligible for effective measures of positive affirmation e.g., reservation which is what the subsequent Mishra Commission recommended. The Reservation Movement has secured the support of most of the political parties, at least in principle, but this is how political ideas progress and the day is not far when the Muslim Indians would be duly represented in all spheres of life as well as legislatures. Let us record that the Freedom Movement failed to secure an understanding between the Hindus and the Muslims. At one step the Congress was prepared to grant reservation for Muslims even in the legislatures. But it was not prepared to accept any safeguards like weightage or separate electorates. In retrospect, it appears that by sticking to their demand for separate electorate, the Muslim leadership widened the political gulf to make it unbridgeable. Today Muslims are prepared to accept reservation under joint electorate. Partition was thus ill-conceived and became a bad bargain for the Muslims in the Muslim minority provinces of British India. May it turned out to be a tragedy. It also continues to cast an ominous shadow over their future because the anti-Muslim forces in India, without any rhyme or reason, continue to consider the present generation of Muslims as responsible for the creation of Pakistan and look upon them as Pakistanis or Pakistani sympathizers and, in any situation of conflict between the two states, as political aliens and at least fifth columnists. The Hindu Right has neither forgotten the Partition nor forgiven the Muslims nor given up the quest of assimilation under Hindu Rashtravad. But a majority of Hindus do not belong to the Hindu Right. From the point of view of the Muslims of the sub-continent, a United States of South Asia will open a new horizon for friendly and peaceful cooperation among all the states of the region which will eventually emerge as one of key poles of world politics and economy. Muslims of the Sub-continent will then enjoy a special position because to the west, to the north and to the east of India are regions of Muslim majority and they will have the historic task of serving as bridges to them. The mistake that the Muslim Indians made during 1940-47 can be partially mitigated, though not blotted out of history and memory, if they contribute all their energy, resources and influence to the building of the United States of South Asia. (Concluded)

The seditious act of terrorism: Samjhauta Exp Uplift of Muslims in W. Bengal made it look like all the Muslims were just jihadists and were M K


he most notable feature of the chargesheet in the Samjhauta case is that it strikes a chord in the heart of the people of the country irrespective of their identity that Indians of all hue and colour belong to one nation and one nation alone. And that Pakistan is a different country though not named here. It also reveals the undeniable truth that the bombers of the train were motivated to attack the predominantly Muslim passengers but Hindus were also killed. Furthermore, the planned attacks on Mecca mosque, Ajmer and Malegaon were aimed at Muslims of India for what the jihadist terrorists were supposed to be doing in the case of Akshardham, Raghunath and Sankat Mochan temples. This is borne out by each of the capital lettered word the chargesheet mentions: criminal conspiracy with an intent to threaten Unity, Integrity, Security and Sovereignty of India and to strike terror in the people of India and a foreign country. But its implication is that the conspirators of the RSS do not share the same mainstream view of the spirit of nationality as revealed in the chargesheet. Had this been the case, they would not have targeted fellow countrymen in acts of terrorism just because they follow a different religion. Muslims of India do not share the jihadist fervor of the kind that is so visible in a foreign country as the chargesheet calls Pakistan. Therefore, seditious act of terrorism squarely fits on the RSS and its conglomerate for it is they who have excluded minorities like Muslims from the kind of cultural nationalism they advocate. These are far-reaching meanings of the citizenry of this country at odd with the ground reality of the right wing groups. The chargesheet mentions Akshardham temple, Raghunath mandir, and Sankat Mochan temple where jihadist terrorists struck. The overwhelming number of Muslims had nothing to do with such attacks. They had no affinity with anyone who was involved in such attacks, be they Muslims or otherwise. What went amiss was that Muslims were outright blamed and a witch hunt was mounted against them. This

prone to terrorism. The truth turned out to be quite opposite of it. The RSS and others of the same inclination have never reconciled to the fact that peaceful coexistence requires equal respects and trust for all. At a critical juncture of history, two persons of eminence have written what is the crux of the matter. President KR Narayanan remarked on July 24, 2002 that the Hindus who formed the majority (need) to speak out in the traditional spirit of the Hindu religion. Then he underscored that India must deal with its Muslim minority in a civilized manner, ensuring them security and the right of citizens in a democratic state. This was not the case in the arrests of innocents and their languishing in jails years on end on false charges, in the pogroms that took place in Gujarat. Narayanan quotes Prime Minister Nehru who addressed the chief ministers when he said that the Muslim community was so large in numbers that they cannot, even if they want to, go anywhere else. They have got to live in India. That is a basic fact about which there can be no argument. Whatever the provocation from Pakistan, and whatever the indignities and horrors inflicted on non-Muslims there, we have got to deal with the minority in a civilized manner. What happened in Indias war on terror in the last decade is far from what Nehru wanted in 1947. That is what is needed more now than the case was in 1947 excepting the border crossing and the scale of murder and mayhem in the name of Partition. Immediately in the aftermath of the attacks on Samjhauta Express, Muslims were blamed and several members of the community were arrested. The investigation by the Haryana police was obstructed by the lack of cooperation on the part of the BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh government and the strange logic of the then national security advisor. As far as prayaschit, deep remorse, is concerned, Aseemanand felt it once but took a somersault. Indresh Kumar who gave Rs. 50, 000 for the Samjhauta attack does not feel it at all. If the RSS had a modicum of it, it would have surrendered Indresh Kumar to the police! It is still not too late.

This refer to the write-up in your issue of 16-30 June 2011, on Chief Minister Mamta Bannerjis announcement on Urdu as the second official language in some districts of West Bengal, along with other minority languages in the state. Considering that Urdu is the mother tongue of a very small section of the Muslims of West Bengal, who are all educationally and therefore economically very backward, the Mushawarat has requested the Chief Minister to establish, to begin with, government primary schools of quality in all Muslim villages and urban localities under the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and also to recognize and sanction grant-in-aid to the Muslim educational institutions established by the Community at various levels. Both these urgent needs of the Muslim community were totally ignored by the Left government. The Mushawarat has also requested the Chief Minister to convert the Government Senior and High Madarsas in the state as they are really schools with Islamic studies as an optional subject, to regular secondary and higher secondary school & also to reserve at least 20 % seats for the Muslims in higher & technical education. Both these steps will bring the Muslims into the mainstream of education & profession and enable them to find their due place in Government and private service. The Muslim community of West Bengal has noted that although the Left government had announced 10 % reservation for Muslim in government jobs, it did not touch education and the procedure adopted was so complicated & cumbersome that there has been no substantial entry of Muslims in government jobs. Considering that the Muslim community in West Bengal comprises nearly 27 % of the state population and is the most backward Muslim community of any state in the country, the Mushawarat had also requested the Left Government to declare the entire Muslim community as a Backward Class excluding those who belong to the creamy layer or those who have an annual family income above the state average. This may be done by an Executive Order, & not by processing individual applications, as the Late PM, V P Singh, had done when he implemented Mandal recommendation. Most Muslims of West Bengal have descended from converts from Hindu lower castes & still have the same vocation. Also in West Bengal the 50 % reservation quota remains unutilized. The AIMMM requests that the State Backward Classes Commission should take up this question. It has been noted that in view of the importance that the Chief Minister, attaches to urgent uplift of the Muslim community, she has kept the portfolios of Minority Affairs in her hands. It is hoped that as Minister for Minority Affairs, she will ensure that the Muslim minority gets its due share in the benefits ofall Central & Centrally Sponsored & State development programmes in the Social Sector. I suggest that these points be stressed by community leaders too when they meet her. SYED SHAHABUDDIN

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 13


M.F. Husain: victim of intolerance

RAM PUNIYANI On 9 June 2011, M.F. Husain breathed his last in a London Hospital, and was later buried in a cemetery in London as per his wish, that he should be buried at the place of his death. The most celebrated painter of India, more Indian than any of his detractors died, far away from his native place, due to self imposed exile. This self imposed exile was due to the threats of Hindu fundamentalists. The renowned painter called by many as Picasso of India, met a fate similar to that of Picasso, who also went into self imposed exile in the regime of Fascist Franco of Spain. M.F. Husains work spanned a long period, evolving with time and deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Indias, plural, diverse Hinduism. He was confronted as to why he did not pick up Islamic motifs for his work to which he replied that Islam has calligraphy alone and human figures are not drawn in Islamic tradition. He was more in the news from the 1980s, with the rise of sectarian politics, as the intolerant Hindutva groups started attacking his painting-exhibitions regularly. The allegation was that he is hurting the sensibilities of Hindus, and is doing it deliberately as he is a Muslim. He was abused for painting Hindu Goddesses like Sarswati, Durga, Draupadi and the one titled Bharat Mata in the nude. Interestingly some of these paintings were done in 1970s or so. With the rise of the movement for the Ram Temple the Hindu Fundamentalist forces became more assertive, intolerance grew in society, many a magazine and newspaper popularised the idea of hurting our sentiments and thats when the followers of VHP, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena started attacking Husains, exhibition, his Gufa in Ahmadabad, SAHMAT painting exhibition and so on. Later these communal forces went on filing case after case against him to harass him. The Courts ruled in Husains favor saying that his paintings were not promoting enmity between of Shias, some practices of whom are like Hindus and they also believe in the theory of reincarnation. During his childhood years he was greatly impressed by the staging of Ramlila and along with his Hindu friend used to enact it. He also went to study the Valmiki and Tulsidas versions of Ramayana. His quest for understanding society led him to the study and discussion of Gita, Puranas and other spiritual texts. His rooting in liberal Hindu culture, not the Brahmanical variety, was very deep. One example we can glean from the information card which he designed for telling people about his daughter Raeesas marriage, who did not want any ceremonies. His card showed Parvati sitting on the thigh of Lord Shiv with Shivas hands on Parvatis breast. Husain regarded this union as the first marriage in the cosmos. When he was in Hyderabad, Ram Manohar Lohia suggested to him to paint the Ramayana. Husain was broke at that time, but he undertook this job seriously and drew 150 canvasses around Ramayana mythology over a period of eight years. He also used to discuss with the Pundits of Kashi the themes when drawing this Hindu epic. He regarded Ganesha as one of the figures with a delightful form, a brilliant subject to draw and generally before beginning work on a large painting he used to first draw Ganesha. The major criticism against him was and is definitely politically motivated. Being a Muslim and drawing these motifs so boldly was unacceptable to the offshoots of Sangh Parivar. As such the charge that nudity is an insult to Hindu Goddesses does not hold water, as Husain pointed out that Nudity is a metaphor for purity in Hindu mythology. The example of Khajuraho cannot be dismissed on the ground that people wanted to increase the population so these were drawn, and were otherwise of no consequence to Hindu culture. As such Khajuraho paintings were the expression of the prevalent culture. The painting or any other work of art has to be seen in the context of the artist and the cultural rooting of the work. Nudity can express vulgarity as well as purity, and thats where the fundamentalists of all variety show their intolerance to the extreme. The rise of fundamentalism for various reasons has exiled creative people, like Tasleema Nasreen, Salman Rushdi and tormented the likes of Vijay Tendulakar and Deepa Mehta in recent times. The case of Husain is a bit more unique, as here is an artist whose work on Hindu iconography is incomparable, one who is deeply rooted in the deeper spirit of broad Hindu culture, still he has been hounded by both varieties of fundamentalists. All this has taken place while the other political formations have been ineffectual in protecting him, creating an atmosphere where creative people can undertake their work without any fear or intimidation. While the Hindutva party has been the blatant opponent of his work the other parties have done precious little to protect the maestro. (Issues in Secular Politics)

M.F. Husains work spanned a long period, evolving with time and deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Indias, plural, diverse Hinduism. He was confronted as to why he did not pick up Islamic motifs for his work to which he replied that Islam has calligraphy alone and human figures are not drawn in Islamic tradition. He was more in the news from the 1980s, with the rise of sectarian politics, as the intolerant Hindutva groups started attacking his painting-exhibitions regularly. The allegation was that he is hurting the sensibilities of Hindus...
communities in any way, and that he is well within the limits of his artistic freedom. Husain by this time was quite old, he was offered security by the state but he declined to be imprisoned in a cordon of security and decided to take Qatari citizenship to continue his work in his own interrupted and unhindered way, while maintaining that the Passport is a piece of paper and he remained an Indian at heart. He also missed India but it was a difficult/strong choice, to do and carry on his work in an unhindered way or to face the physical and mental wrath of the Hindu fundamentalists. For that matter he was not spared by Muslim Fundamentalists also, who had objected to his film, Meenaxi: A Tale of Three cities on the charge that it blasphemes the Koran. As such Husain probably represents the best of Indian syncretic traditions and that too, with roots in Hindu mythology and culture may be much deeper than those of the people who kept attacking him. He was born in the Maharashtrian town of Pandharpur; a place of pilgrimage for the Warkaris, the followers of the great Marathi Saint Tukaram. He belongs to Sulaimani sect

Senior OBC BJP leader Gopinath Munde, miffed with the central leadership over some issues, met party colleagues Ananth Kumar and Venkaiah Naidu in Delhi while his arch-rival Nitin Gadkari stayed away. The meeting is widely believed to have failed to generate relief in the Maharashtra BJP state unit as Munde hardly looked satisfied with the proposed patch-up formula. According to the deal brokered by the old guard LK Advani and Venkaiah Naidu, Madhu Chavan, who was appointed Mumbai BJP chief with Gadkaris support will get the marching orders and be relocated in the state unit. Chavans appointment had upset Munde who wanted his candidate Prakash Mehta for the post. But the stability of the Gadkari-Munde accord is doubtful as Chavan is not replaced by Mehta or Mundes other candidate Raj Purohit but by Gopal Shetty, the bi-product of a shaky compromise between the belligerent camps, who has been reportedly handpicked by Ram Naik and Vinod Tawde. Thus, by tactfully rejecting Mundes bid for the Mumbai post, senior leaders made it clear that crucial posts will remain subject to their discretion. The immediate cause of Mundes displeasure was the appointment of Vikas Matkari, one of Gadkaris favourites, as Pune BJP president instead of Yogesh Gogawale, who happened to be Mundes candidate for the post. Munde accused Gadkari of applying coercive tactics by rejecting the consensus for Gogawale and also taking the party hierarchy for a ride by turning a deaf ear to Venkaiah Naidus ratification of the same consensus. Earlier too, Munde felt humiliated when Vinod Tawade, another Gadkari candidate, was appointed as the new opposition leader of the upper house of the state assembly. Soon it became clear that with losses were deliberately inflicted upon him by Gadkari. Gone are the days when he enjoyed near absolute power in BJP Maharashtra during the tenure of his brother-in-law Pramod Mahajan. Despite the talks, Munde still fears that he is being sidelined in the state unit since the ascension of Gadkari as party national president. Also, Munde feels that it is the return of Uma Bharti in the party which has further encouraged Gadkari to marginalize him in the party ranks. Uma Bharti is believed to be a step ahead of Munde with her vociferous and charismatic image in the party. The Munde episode has revealed his indispensability in the party, the deep entrenchment of caste consciousness within its ranks. The reason behind the pampering of Munde is his stalwart image among the OBC voters of Maharashtra who constitute a whooping 54% of the total population of the state. On top of it, 20 out of 46 MLAs of the party belong to the Munde camp. BJP is also aware of the fact that Brahmin politics in the state cannot ensure even fringe benefits to the party. Both Gadkari and Munde have jointly shared BJPs fortunes in the state but now with Gadkari assuming a national role, the party has its hopes tied to Mundes goodwill. Mundes loss will be directly proportional to BJPs further downfall.

Munde-Gadkari tussle, stalemate remains

Milli Information Network

Time to network the community
The Muslim communitys many ills and problems stem from the fact that there is a marked lack of informationsharing and dissemination. The leadership is limited to some big cities while the majority lives in thousands of towns and lakhs of villages across the country. ... This makes it difficult to manage the two-way circulation of information, from the leadership to the masses and from the masses to the leadership. To tackle this problem, a network of information centres should be established all over the country. There should be one at least in each district headquarter, and more in larger towns and cities. These information centres will function from the offices of community organisations or in libraries and reading rooms... Acting upon the above editorial published in MG 16-31 Dec. 2007 we registered a website We are in the process of developing a large network of milli NGOs. Kindly get yourself listed on the network. Each listed organisation will have its own webpage on the network. Fill in the below form and send it to us by email or post. Name of Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone (std code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Main Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geographical Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief note of Nature of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ Category of Work: [Please encircle] Charity / Child Guidance Clinic / Children / Communal Harmony / Community Development / Disabilities / Slum Children / Human Rights / Family Welfare / Literacy / Education (scholarships/coaching) / Media / Medical / Orphan children / Religious / Social care / Social Justice / Social Welfare / Vocational Training / Volunteer Mgmt / Widows / Women / Others [Masjids and Madarasahs will also be listed on the network] Any literature (brouchure, leaflets, audited accounts etc) may also be submitted. The Milli Gazette, D-84 Abul Fazl Enclave - I, New Delhi 110025 Tel.: 011-2694 7483 Cut or photocopy


14 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

Speaking Out

Do Muslims need a National Leader?

ronically, though there is no dearth of leaders in India, there continues a crisis about leadership. It prevails in practically all political parties and also religious communities at various levels. The issue of leadership-crisis amongst Indian Muslims has its own complexities which cannot be ignored. On one hand, there is no dearth of leaders readily making comments, issuing statements and also holding press conferences on issues that are considered to have some news-value. In the process, over long run, genuine issues that demand attention for the community and the countrys development get almost sidelined. True, given regional and ethnic divisions being responsible for rise of numerous state-based parties, it is not possible for leaders having national importance to take stage politically as well as representative of the Indian Muslim community as a whole. But why not, particularly from the religious angle? In fact, some Muslims are making the effort to bring together all Indian Muslim organizations under one umbrella. Though the idea being well-motivated is welcome, it has its limitations. At the most, an organization of this nature can collectively reflect on problems afflicting the Indian Muslims, exchange their views and offer suggestions as well as issue statements on what should be done. From one angle, this is reflective of Indian Muslims having become strongly conscious about raising voice on issues that con-

cern them. This is also reflected by a recent increase in websites as well as blogs focussing on news regarding Muslims. Repeated assertions made by Muslims themselves on issues concerning them may at one point or other compel political as well as administrative authorities to start paying greater attention to the same. Against this backdrop, credit must be given to the concerned Muslims, their respected organizations as well as avenues for conveying their messages, including the media, for having reached this stage. Here lies the complex question: is it possible for these people to move further? Equally relevant is the need to deliberate on whether their concerns and deliberations can be viewed as reflective of those affecting the entire Indian Muslim community? The answer to both questions is one: not really. Naturally, one is prompted to counter this answer and ask why? Well, how far have the respected Muslim leaders and organizations really moved from making their voices heard on issues that concern them? While their efforts for having reached this stage must be duly appreciated, it is equally relevant to deliberate on whether they can move further. If not, why? On one hand, there is no denying that concerned Muslims have done their best to accomplish what they desire. But, they are still quite a distance from achieving their goals. They have not refrained from approaching courts, turning to media and also holding demonstrations, etc, when need be. On their part, the political authorities have not been totally oblivious of their demands. In fact, they cannot afford to ignore the Muslim voice, given the increasing importance of Muslim votes. But this is it. Years and even decades have passed with there still being only dim hope of Ayodhya-issue being resolved, of the Muslims who have been targeted in fake encounters and communal violence, particularly Gujarat carnage, having received justice and fair

compensation. Issues such as these may be viewed as just a minor illustration of limited reach of voices raised by Indian Muslims and their organizations. To a considerable degree, the weakness lies in the Indian system which is responsible for not letting the Muslim voice move further than a point. In addition to voicing concern on what afflicts them, it is time for the Muslims to start paying more attention to lacuna in the system that appears to restrict solution to their problems. Do the Indian Muslims need a strong leader to ensure that their grievances are duly addressed? ndia is home to too many Muslim leaders and Muslim parties to probably allow any one or even a few to emerge as important national leaders and as representatives of the entire Indian Muslim community. Also, the Indian Muslims have not yet reached the stage of solving discords among themselves, be it Shia-Sunni, Deobandi-Barelvi, conservative-modern, different political affiliations and so forth. Against this backdrop, even if some importance is given to the issue of resolving the leadership crisis, it is likely to be preceded by discord among numerous sects and sub-sects of Muslims and also their organizations. While Indian Muslims have definitely come a long way in becoming assertive about making their voice heard, now they need to reassess their priorities and move towards ensuring action. Rather than remain convinced by political rhetoric and assurances given through formation of commissions and committees, greater importance needs to be given to results achieved. As for example, is development of minority-dominated areas given the same importance as that of majority-dominated? If not, why? Even this stage can be reached through collective action taken by several Muslim leaders and organizations, without being blocked by the issue of leadership-crisis!

NATGRID: intrusion into privacy


nion Cabinets approval of the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), a dream project of Home Minister P Chidambaram has once again raised questions about the citizens right to privacy. The proposal for the system believed to be an effective anti-terror mechanism, originally conceptualised in December 2009 after the 26/11 attack in Mumbai, was pending with the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) since February. Most of the western countries, from where this project has been copied, have strict privacy laws that India lacks so far. It is now a matter of great concern whether in the absence of a strong privacy law, the project may end up providing a lethal arm to a mad man. At one stage, the NATGRID appeared to be dying without even starting, as many recruited for it started quitting and even its chief executive officer Captain Raghu Raman (47), indicated putting in his papers as he found the project not materialising. Chidambaram had personally picked Raghu Raman in December 2009 from Mahindra and Mahindra, where he headed the group providing corporate risk mitigation services to head the new agency with a hefty pay-packet of Rs 1.50 lakhs on an 18month contract which was to come to an end last month. Raghu Raman had quit the Indian Army in 1998 and jumped into the private sector to provide security to commercial data on computer networks. Only last month he was given a 3-month extension and asked to wait for the governments final decision. He was quite upset as the bureaucrats who had blocked the rank of secretary to him kept needling him for drawing a fat salary that was almost double theirs and doing hardly any work. Raghu Raman has been, however, the most busy man conceptualising the working of the agency from scratch and facing stumbling blocks and bureaucratic objections at every stage. Once he was totally exasperated when the Finance Ministry shot down his proposal to have the complete data of savings bank account holders of all banks on the ground that it would breach privacy of their customers that the banks are supposed to provide. Chidambaram came to his rescue after he pointed out that it would be impossible to trace the money trail of terrorists if the bank accounts are not accessible to NATGRID. A decision was ultimately taken that the NATGRID or the district magistrate can snoop on the bank accounts with the prior permission of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). NATGRID will be linking up all data bases, be they a bank account, credit card transactions, an insurance policy, land or house or a telephone connection, a vehicle registration, driving licence or a passport, phone calls, rail and travel reservations within two years to provide ready information to the security and intelligence agencies at the press of a button. Private telecom operators will be required to link up their databases with NATGRID as they have the biggest available verified data of customers that come in handy for the agencies working on any terrorist activity. The Home Ministry acknowledged the sensitivity and secrecy of the data to be assembled by the grid in its presentation to the CCS, pointing out a special anti-leakage mechanism designed by Raghu Raman. Also, access to the data will be given only to selected 11 authorised agencies. These agencies include the Intelligence Bureau, external intel-

ligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Military Intelligence, Revenue Intelligence, National Intelligence Agency, National Security Council, Enforcement Directorate and Central Bureau of Investigation. Personnel from these agencies will be working in NATGRID liaison with parent organisations and help them use the data on the grid. The presentation given for securing administrative and financial sanction envisages a total workforce of 290, including 98 outside consultants identified by the CEO, to be tasked with linking various databases in four phases in the next two years. Raghu Ramans plan is not to put the entire raw data on NATGRID but have only abstracted and approved information that will allow the agencies to quickly reach the exact information available in the raw databank through a nationwide grid. The new system is being created basically to help the government agencies combat terrorism and deal will internal security threats by generating actionable intelligence through search and retrieval from the databases. The grid will have a command centre that will work as an anti-terror hotline and will have a trans-national connect to networks with data available in other countries that is useful to keep a tab on suspects. In the first phase, NATGRID will be linking up only the databases that are available with the Centre and the crime records available with the police. Only in the second phase, the NATGRID will cross-link different pieces of information and flag tripwires that indicate some unlawful or terrorist activity is in progress or likely to take place. In this phase and onwards, NATGRID will recommend improvements of the databases and development of unconventional but highly valuable data sources like visitor records of jails and sales of materials like certain fertilisers that can be raw material for improvised explosives. Though the whole project is conceived to be implemented in four phases, the grid will start providing relevant information even while integration under these phases is in progress. Critics say that NATGRID, would largely duplicate Hyderabadbased National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) working under NSA. It was set up to augment the technical intelligence capabilities of the country, with a huge budget, manpower and technical resources. NTRO was set up for cyber security, crypto systems, strategic hardware and software development, strategic monitoring, data gathering and processing and aviation and remote sensing. However, the issue of privacy is set to generate much heat in the coming days. Though, Home Ministry document acknowledges sensitivity and secrecy of the data available on the grid by stressing that it will be available only to selected 11 government agencies and a special mechanism will prevent any leakage, there is hardly any guarantee that it would not be accessed or disclosed to unauthorized persons. Before the NATGRID begins its operation, legal protection should be guaranteed to citizens privacy. Last year, Ministry of Personnel and Grievances in association with Ministry of Law had circulated an approach paper to balance the countrys security interests and privacy concerns. But, nothing was heard, thereafter. There is need to define privacy for this purpose. The confidential personal information disclosed by any individual to government or non-government entity should not be disclosed to third parties without his consent and sufficient safeguards be adopted in processing and storing such information. (FW-Tehelka)

Hindutvites half-hearted love of Ayodhya

JPs movement for a grand temple is only focussed at the disputed site but the fact remains that Ayodhya is just another town in a state of utter neglect despite being claimed to be the birthplace of Ram. Even a little effort from these Ram bhakhts towards the development of Ayodhya could have helped change the face of the town like any other developed town and city in our country. Would Lord Ram not be pleased by that? By serving humanity they could have shown their respect and true loyalty to Ram. But over the years they have befooled people by chanting Ram, Ram to serve their vested political interests. Their Jai Shri Ram slogan was politically driven. Now after having realised that their call for Ram Mandir may not be taken seriously by the people, they have now coined a new term: Ram Rajya. All those shoutings for a Ram Mandir could have also served Ram by doing some good work for the people of Ayodhya by helping them to meet their ends in a peaceful manner. BJP calls for Ram Rajya but turns a blind eye to the city where they believe Ram was born. The place had been under the rule of BJP for many years yet there has been no sincere effort in making the town tourist-friendly, developing basic civic amenities. Development to the people of this place seems to be a distant dream. Even in Uttar Pradesh, Ayodhya is comparatively less developed in terms of basic infrastructure like drains. Everywhere one can see open garbage polluting and vitiating the atmosphere of the city. Since 1992, when Babri Masjid was demolished, it appears that nothing noticeable development has taken place. For the people of Ayodhya, the city is no less than a barren land where job opportunities are limited. Schools and hospitals are in a state of neglect and a feeling of being forgotten reflects from these buildings. Trade could not flourish here as traders from different parts of Uttar Pradesh remained apprehensive by the sensitivity of the Ayodhya town. Investors were also cautious as nobody could say for sure for how long the city would not be troubled again. Agitation and protest every now and then kept tourists away. For a layman, Ayodhya can be of historical importance but for the BJP the place has got only political importance.


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 15



Accession to India is full and final: Cong leader

Senior Congress leader, Makhan Lal Fotedar here on June 13 said that accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India is full and final. No one can challenge it. There is no question of Jammu and Kashmirs accession to India being conditional, said Fotedar. In a sharp rejoinder, National Conference (NC) called Fotedar a top conspirator who played a key role in breaking the (previous) NC-Congress coalition government. Like Asteen Ka Saanp (snake in sleeve), he has always been busy in New Delhi hatching conspiracies against our sincere leadership, said a party spokesperson, June 14. Taking strong note of Fotedars approach, Hurriyat (G) chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani on June 14 said the states accession to India was biggest fraud and lie of 20th century. It has no legal or moral standing as neither Maharaja Hari Singh nor Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah had any mandate to decide the future of lakhs of people without asking them their opinion. While addressing public gatherings in different areas of Kulgam district, Geelani said describing accession as final is like denying the existence of the sun in broad daylight. Similarly, High Court Bar Association in a statement said this viewpoint is a denial of acceptance of historical realities and political ethics. Fact of the matter is that Kashmir is a dispute since 1947. So-called accession is even conditional subject to the will of people of the state which will is yet to be determined. Jagmohan Singh Raina, chairman All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee here, on June 16 said, Fotedar is the only person who pushed Kashmir toward the dark-age by providing wrong information to former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and suppressed emotions of the people of the state. This approach has been the main reason behind militancy in Kashmir as he didnt allow opposition to grow, here. Terming connectivity as an important ingredient for facilitating inflow of tourists, the chief minister on June 17 strongly advocated operationalizing international flights by Air India from and to Srinagar airport. This would give fillip to the arrival of international tourist traffic to the Valley, said Omar, while addressing a conference, Jammu and Kashmir tourism-the way forward organized by FICCI and Suri Hospitality. He said, Air India shouldnt make profitability its yardstick for operating international flights, here. The chief minister emphasized the need to explore new tourist markets like Russia, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. He called for rescheduling flight timings between Delhi and Srinagar. We have already taken up the matter with the Civil Aviation Ministry for operationalizing time chart for Delhi-Srinagar flights so as the first flight from Delhi should reach Srinagar airport at 7:00 AM and the last flight should leave from here at 6:00 PM. He expressed the hope that tourism will pick up this season to compensate for losses incurred during the last three summer unrests. Meanwhile, Union Tourism Minister Subodh Kant Sahay asked the State Tourism Department to formulate a comprehensive project for showcasing Sufi Circuit as a tourist destination. Sahay said, government is giving priority to develop the tourism sector in the state. Addressing media here, he said the Ministry has drawn up an action plan in consultation with the state Chief Minister Omar Abdullah interacting with the people government to promote and market state tourism on a large scale. Tourism projects worth Rs. 219 crore Even now UN accepts that resolutions are irrelevant. Instead of have been sanctioned during the first four years of the 11th plan flogging this dead horse (UN resolutions), weve to move forward. whereas an amount of Rs. 128 crore has been sanctioned during With the state continuing to be an integral part of the country, I the 10th plan. believe we can ensure freedom for Kashmir within the four corHe added that the Ministry would sanction a project related to ners of the Indian constitution through an effective Panchayati laser show at Dal Lake. The state has been invited to participate Raj. Underscoring the need for empowerment of Panchyats, he in the Geneva Festival in August this year, where it would launch said despite all kinds of odds and challenges from various quar- a shikara ride. ters, sarpanches and panches have proved their full faith in the democratic machinery and were able to receive a free and fair NHPC to pay Rs 150 crore to J&K mandate of the people. Powerful panchyats can revolutionize The National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) has comdevelopment scenario in the state. mitted to the J&K state government to pay 150 crore rupees as part of water usage charges levied to it as per provisions of Zamruda book on her jail days released Jammu and Kashmir Water Resources Act 2010 for last two quarAnjum Zamruda Habib, ters. chairperson of Muslim This was disclosed in a meeting presided over by Minister for Khawatein Markaz and PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Taj Mohiud-Din, here on June founder of Association of 17. Families of Kashmiri The meeting discussed a writ petition filed by Corporation in Prisoners, released the High Court. The minister advised officers to file position of state English translation of her with Court based on facts and supported by relevant records. The book Prisoner No. 100 Court, it may be recalled, has rejected plea of Corporation of not here on June 17. The paying water usage charges to the state government. The meetbook has been published by Zubaan publications, ing also discussed process of licensing of water usage to compaNew Delhi. Zamruda has nies and relevant documentation. The minister, said that the state is the sole proprietor of water penned her sufferings in resources as per the Act and any violation by any water user can jail during her five-year detention. The book was lead it to its automatic termination. Taj said that the amount earlier released in received on account of water usage charges would be used to revert back hydro-projects to state that have completed their February, this year. Noted human rights depreciation period like Uri-I. activist, Sahiba Hussain, Indo-Pak teams inspect hydel project who has translated the book into English says it provides glimpses into the life of Kashmiri prisoners. It narrates stories of An India-Pakistan arbitration team arrived at Bandipora in north hundreds of Kashmiris languishing in various jails across the Kashmir on June 18 to inspect the upcoming Kishenganga hydropower project site that is likely to be completed in February, 2014. country. The team arrived here on June 17 and after inspecting the The author of the book, Zamruda says she has summed up the agonies that she had experienced during her detention at project site concluded its visit on June 20. Ten-member Indian Tihar jail. There is no word of justice for Kashmiris in India. Indian team was led by Indus Water Commissioner, G. Aranganathan judiciary is hostile to people, here. She adds patients in jail dont whereas Sheraz Jamil Memon headed the nine-member team receive due medical attention. from Pakistan. The visit came up after Pakistan raised objections to a projOmar asks for direct international flights ect over river Kishanganga in Gurez claiming that it violates the Chief minister Omar Abdullah has asked the Centre to allow Indus Water Treaty signed by the two countries in 1960. Pakistan direct international flights to the Valley for boosting the tourism had sued India in the International Arbitration Court accusing the sector in the state. He emphasized the need to facilitate tourists latter of a gross violation of treaty. from South-east Asia and Middle-East to visit the Valley by operKishenganga river is called Neelam after it passes into ating direct flights and rescheduling flight timings. Pakistan occupied Kashmir from Gurez-Bandipora.

Illegal ultrasound clinics sealed

About 78 illegal ultra-sound clinics have been sealed in the state of Jammu and Kashmir to arrest the practice of sex-determination. Separatist camp too welcomes the initiative. Government has already sealed 78 illegal ultra-sound clinics, with 54 in Kashmir and 24 in Jammu province, out of a total of 185 and 80 clinics operating respectively in each division to arrest the practice of sex-determination, says Sham Lal Sharma, Minister of Health and Family Welfare, June 16. He says the situation here is alarming and we need to accept the bitter truth and work towards reversing this trend. It is ironic that educated people in civilized areas form the majority of people who indulged in it. Literacy has nothing to do with it. As per data, sex ratio is better in rural areas. The minister states census 2011 has painted a grim picture of the sex ratio in the state necessitating a strategy to reverse it. As per Census 2011, sex-ratio here has dropped alarmingly to 883 females per 1,000 males. Chairman Hurriyat (M), Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, while addressing a Friday gathering here, June 17 said, This is a welcome step, but it isnt enough. Doctors involved in such practices should be exposed and punished. Hurriyat (G) in a statement issued here on June 17 said the conglomerate believes imams and mosques can play an effective role in eradicating growing moral waywardness and social evils from society. It added that a meeting has been called on June 22 in which a strategy will be formulated after consultation with imams across the valley.

Panchayati raj means real freedom: Aiyar

Senior Congress leader and former Union Minister, Mani Shanker Aiyar has said that establishing effective Panchayati Raj system in the state would signify real freedom for Kashmir. It isnt Azadi for Kashmir that is so necessary, as Azadi for Kashmiris. For that you need to have a strong Panchayati Raj system in place, said Aiyar, while speaking on the sidelines of a programme, Essence of Panchayati Raj and local self-governance organized by Rural Development Foundation in collaboration with SKUAST-K on June 11. Aiyar stated UN resolutions of 1948 on Kashmir have become obsolete as Pakistan didnt fulfil the pre-condition of withdrawing its troops from all parts of Kashmir (other side of LoC).

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16 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

Mrs. FARIDA BI wife of Yusuf Khan has been appointed President of Rampur Womens Rahul Gandhi Brigade by Rahul Gandhi Brigades Vice President Baber Ali Khan. On the orders of Allahabad High Court Maulana MAHMOODUL HASAN KHAN has been elected Chairman of Jaunpurs Raza D.M. Shia Trust Committee, Syed SIRAJ MEHDI has elected Deputy Chairman and Syed MUHAMMAD HASAN TANVEER has been elected secretary of this Trust. Dr. SHAH FAISAL (IAS), who topped in UPSCs Civil Services Examinations of 2010 has been appointed Divisional Magistrate of Badgam (J&K) after completion of his training. He took over the charge of his post on 13 June. Shah Faisal is also an MBBS Doctor. AKHTAR HUSAIN AKHTAR, a political and social worker has been appointed general secretary of All India Momin Conference by the Conferences President Haji Abdul Khaliq Ansari. Prof. USMAN GHANI has been appointed Chairman of West Bengal Minorities Commission by Mamta Bannerji government. After his appointment he said in clear words that instead of being a rubber stamp, he would like to work for solving the problems of Muslims and will present proposals and recommendations for the welfare and progress of Muslims and other minorities but if he finds that his plans and suggestions for the welfare and development of minorities are not implemented and put in waste paper basket, he will immediately leave the chairmans post. He said that he has not begged for this post but accepted it on the suggestion and insistence of Union Minister Sultan Ahmad, West Bengals ministers Javed Ahmad Khan and Haidar Safvi. He said that he sincerely wants to work for the betterment of Muslims who were neglected in all fields of life for 34 years by the previous leftist government. It may be mentioned that Usman Ghani being a Qadiani, his appointment as chairman of State Minorities Commission is being opposed by almost all important religious Muslim leaders, foremost among them being Maulana Habibur Rahman Sani Ludhianvi, Ahrar leader. Prof. NABI AHMAD has been appointed new Head of Department of Educatin of AMUs Faculty of Social Sciences in place of former Head Prof. Ruqaiyya Zainuddin for a period of 3 years. Prof. Nabi Ahmad is also the Coordinator of Disability Unit. Thirty-three years old Mrs. SABINA YASMEEN of Congres Party who obtained Masters Degree from North Bengal University has become the first-ever woman Muslim minister in the history of West Bengal after Independence. When she contested the West Bengal assembly election, she was President of Mahila Zila Parishad. A native of Malda Districts Karai Chaandpur village, she is one of the eight Muslim ministers of Mamta Bannerjees Council of ministers. Dr. MUMTAZ ALAM RIZVI, Bureau Chief of Sahafat Urdu daily has been appointed national spokesman of Urdu Press Club by Clubs Chairman and former MP, Abdur Rasheed Shaheen. ZAFARULLAH ANSARI, noted Urdu critic and poet has been conferred PhD Degree by JNU, Delhi on his research paper on Jadeed Urdu Masnavi ka Tanqidi Mutala which he completed under the supervision of Dr. Mazhar Mehdi. His four anthologies of poems have been published. JNU had earlier honoured him with Sajjad Zaheer Award for his brilliant performance in M.A. Maulana SHARAFAT ABRAR QASMI, a great religious scholar of West Bengal has been appointed Persident of West Bengal Branch of Majlis Ahrar-e Islam by Ahrar President Maulana Habibur Rahman Sani Ludhianvi. Announcement about this appointment was made by Muhammad Usman Rahmani Ludhianvi, general secretary Majlis Arhrar-e Islam. He also said that names of other office bearers will be announced soon. Dr. ALI JAVED, famous Urdu critic and a professor in Delhi Universitys Department of Urdu has been elected General Secretary (G.S.) of All India Progressive Writers Association (AIPWA) in place of Prof. Kamla Prasad who died recently. Dr. Javed has done PhD in Urdu from JNU. He was elected G.S. in the Associations General Body Meeting which was attended by writers of 11 states and chaired by well-known Hindi critic and litterateur and President of AIPWA, Prof. Namwar Singh. Prof. AINUL HAQ KHAN, Dean of Students Welfare in AMU has been appointed by VC Prof. P.K. Abdul Aziz, on the instructions of University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Nodal Officer in Government of Indias Department of Consumer Affairs, New Delhi which is running Jaago Grahak Jaago campaign to run this campaign effectively and to take necessary steps to make it powerful and effective tool to create awakening among general public against fraud and unethical means in sale and purchase of consumer goods and services. Prof. S.H. HASHMI, Principal of AMUs Dr. Z.H. Dental College has been appointed a Member of AMUs Executive Council on the basis of seniority. According to Universitys Registrar Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel, Prof. Hashmi has been made Member of E.C. in place of Dr. Saud Ali Khan, Principal of Tibbia College after the completion of his term as EC Member. ERAM NAHEED of Mau Nath Bhanjan D/o industrialist Shafiq Ahmad Diamond has topped in the whole UP state among the girls who appeared in CPMT examination, though her position in general rank of CPMT candidates in the state is 17th. Among the OBC candidates also, who appeared for this examination, her rank is 1st. SHAMSUL HODA, former Block Pramukh, has been elected Chairman of Kishan Ganj District Board of Bihar by defeating his rival, Vijay Jha. After his election he said, among other things, that he will do his best in removing the difficulties coming in the way of the establishment of AMU Campus here. Prof. D.K. AGARWAL, Head of the Department of Physiology in AMUs J.N. Medical College has been appointed a member of Universitys Court on the basis of seniority for a period of three years or till he is head of this Department. His appointment is in place of Prof. (Mrs) Ruqaiyya Zainuddin after the completion of her term as Courts member. MUHAMMAD ASHRAF, a young body builder of Old Delhi area who participated in South East Asian Body Builders Championship competition held in Bhutan won third position in the final competition held on 5 June. Winners of first and second positions were the body builders from Afghanistan. The participating countries were India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sir Lanka and Maldiv. Ashraf has also been selected in the Indian team that will take part in the International Body Builders Championship for World Cup that will be held in Brazil. Ms. KANEEZ RAZA wife of Syed Shahid Raza, former chairman of Town Parishad of Purnea has been elected Mayor of Purnea Municipal Corporation unopposed. She is the first Muslim lady to be elected as Mayor of this Corporation. Prof. TALAT AHMAD of Delhi University has been appointed the new vice chancellor of University of Kashmir. He has the distinction of being a fellow of all Science Academies of the country: the Indian National Science Academy (FNA), New Delhi; the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc) and the National Academy of Sciences (FNASc). Prof. Ahmad did his Masters in Geology from Aligarh Muslim University, M. Phil (in Ore PetrologyGeochemistry) and doctorate (in the field of igneous petrology-geochemistry) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has also been a post doctoral fellow with three foreign universities; University of Leicester, UK, under Government of India Fellowship; University of Cambridge under NERC Fellowship and Nagoya University, Japan. Dr. Ahmad began his career as junior geologist with Geological Survey of India (GSI) and subsequently worked at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, as a scientist for over 19 years (1984-2003). He has been serving as

Maulana AHSAN MIFTAHI, noted journalist, man of letters and a veteran member of Jamiatul Ulamas executive committee died of hert attack in Kolkata on 14 June. Born in Mau (U.P.) in 1938 he first served as a teacher and then became a journalist and was editor of many newspapers and magazines. He was a poet as well as a writer. His two books in Urdu Mashaheer-e Urdu ke Dilchasp Waaqiaat and Qand-e Shiraz have been published. The last mentioned book is a versified Urdu translation of Hafiz Shirazis selected Persian couplets. He was 73 and leaves behind two sons and three daughters. Ustad ASAD ALI KHAN, classical musician and instrument player who expounded Rudra Veena died of heart attack in AIIMS on 14 June early morning at the age of 74. He was unmarried and had adopted his nephew Ali Zaki Haidar as his own son. He was honoured with many awards and honours including Sangeet Natak Academy Award in 1974 and Padma Bhushan in 2008. He was laid to rest in Hazrat Nizamudin graveyard on 16 June. Hafiz JAMEEL AHMAD Sikandarpuri, famous spiritualist (who treats diseases and solve problems and difficulties of people through Quranic verses) died at Saharanpur on 16 June. He was editor of Roohani Asraar. An author of many books, he brought out seven volumes of the book Aaftab-e Amaliyaat and also published the biography of Qutub Alam. He was 67 and is survived by his wife, five sons and two daughters. Professor at the department of Geology, University of Delhi since October 2003. He is a recipient of many prestigious national and international awards and honours. He has over 60 research publications to his credit and has supervised several research studies at the University of Delhi and Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.(Afsana Rashid) BUSHRA RAHMANI d/o M. Akram Ali Rahmani, a student of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Janakpuri has secured aggregate of 98% marks in CBSE X class examination. Another girl, EMAN KHAN of Govt. Sarvoday Girls/Boys Sr. Sec. School, B-1, Janakpuri also secured 98% marks in CBSE X class. Yet another student, ABDUS SAMAD of Jagdish Tytler School, Rajinder Nagar by securing 98% marks in X class topped in his School. Ms. SABA ANJUM, hockey player has been selected captain of the Indian Womens hockey team in the Champions Challenge tournament to be held in Dublin (Ireland) from 18 to 26 June. The 18-member hockey team for the tournament was selected by the selectors B.P. Govinda, Syed Ali, Rekha Bhide, Rajbir Kaur and Sita Mehta after trials held at New Delhi.

America-born Urdu poet MAX BRUCE was honoured with Dr. Gopi Chand Narang Award at a function sponsored by Indias Urdu Ghar and held at Dales (Texas) on 8 June. In the same function another poet, RAJIV CHAKRAVARTY was honoured with Dr. Taqi Aabdi Award. This Award (Narang Award) is introduced this year (2011 ) only and Max Bruce is the first winner of this Award. Syed AMAAN MEHDI, son of Syed Ghazaal Mehdi of Nahtor (Bijnaur) who is a sixth class student at International Indian School at Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) won the 1st Prize in the form of a Gold Medal in the category of students in 10-13 yearss age group in World Art Competition held at Riyadh on 30 May. The Award, which included a certificate also, was given to award winners by Dr. Khalid Abdullah Al Wastawi, Saudi Arabias minister of education. In this World Art Competitions My Town programme, about three thousand boy and girls students from 24 countries had taken part and the students were divided into three categories i.e. 6 to 9 years of age, 10 to 13 years and 14 to 18 years. Two famous Urdu poets Prof WASIM Barelvi and MAJID Deobandi were honoured with Nawab Weqarul Mulk Urdu Shairi Award in recognition of their valuable services to Urdu literature. The awards, consisting of a shawl and a memento each, were presented to them by Shafiqur Rahman Barq, MP at a mushaira held at Amroha on 29 May. Dr. SADIA ANWAR, a noted social worker was honoured with Women Achievement Award in recognition of her valuable social services by Global Party session at Indias economic Development at a function held at Constitution Club. The Award was given to her jointly by former governor Dr. Bhishm Narayan Singh and Ram Jethmalani. She has already been honoured with Bharat Jyoti Award and Rashtriya Gaurav Award. Qazi AZIM Sahil, Urdu poet has been honoured with Sahir Ludhianvi State Award, which consists of a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and a certificate. His first anthology is Safar Parindon ka and second anthology Jheel kinaaray is under publication. He was also honoured by Maharashtra Urdu Sahitya Academy with its award. In addition to him, another 114 persons were honoured with awards for their services in different categories of Urdu by chief minister Prithvi Raj Chauhan and state minister Arif Naseem Khan.

M. I. KAZI (1923-2011)
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Kazi, FounderPrincipal of Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce set up by Anjuman Khairul Islam, Mumbai, Professor of Persian and Islamic literature in Ismail Yusuf College, Mumbai. Principal of Secondary Training College, Principal of Government College of Education, Chairman of Mumbai University Act Tribunal, member of Maharashtras former Chief Minister Abdul Rahman Antulays Sarva Dharm Sambhav Committee and author of many books in Urdu and English died on 28 May 2011 at the age of 88 years. Born on 15 March 1923 in an educated and respectable family of Poona, he pursued M.A. with Persian and Urdu from Wadia Colege in 1944, got PhD Degree in 1955 on his research treatise on Abul Fazl Faizi and did M.Ed in 1956. After his educational achievements he served in various capacities like Founder-Principal of Poona College (founded in 1971), and others as stated above. In the initial stages when Poona College was set up, the situation was such that because of lack of education among Muslims, children had to be persuaded to take admission in this College by visiting individual homes. Things have improved and at present there are about 14 thousand students, Muslims as well as many poor from all communities. He was also an author of a number of books in Urdu and English. Among his English books, the first one titled The Reading in Mughal History was published in 1995 which was extremely popular. His other English books are: Islam: Let us know it (published in 1996), Readings in Quran (1998), Jaanisaran-e Rasool, Sarva Dharm Sambhav, Prophets Academy, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: President with a difference, Post-Hajj Life. His last English book was Gandhinama. His books written in Urdu are: Bazm-e Sahaba (2000) (released by film actor Dilip Kumar), Naboowat Rasool ke 23 Saal. Maulana Azads book Ghubar-e Khatir was his favourite book, after carefully studying which he wrote his own review on it entitled Ghubar-e Khatir: Ek Mutala (2004), Chaalis Qurani Aayetain (Forty verses of Quran), Zindagi baad az Hajj (Urdu translation of his English book Post-Hajj Life. His research articles used to be published in prominent Indian and foreign journals and magazines. After 2002 he started writing books on Islamic sciences in order to create an awareness and interest among Muslims towards Islam. He performed Hajj two times, first in 1985 and second time in 2006 NA ANSARI alongwith his wife.

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 17


Kolkata celebrates budding artists

Kolkata: A gala cultural evening on 20 June dents on handling the camera, he led the was the perfect conclusion of the three-day participants into the world of unedited National Cultural Workshop organized here photography and tipped the students for by the Students Islamic Organisation of India the right shot. (SIO). Mohurgunj, the cultural hub of Kolkata Prof. Sanjay Mukherjee of the witnessed the performance of students comJadavpur University inspired the particiing from different parts of India. Drama, mimpants to view films critically. He spoke on icry, poetry, solo singing sequenced the 'How to Review a Film'. After screening a evening's entertainment list. The cultural part of a film, he taught the students the evening provided a platform to the young essentials of watching movies beyond and talented. the perspective of just entertainment. He Mohammad Azharuddin, the National President of Speaking at the occasion, Mohammad helped the students understand focal SIO (centre) distributing awards Azharuddin, the National President of SIO, points of film reviewing. said that the talents of the young need to be ultan Ali, a known Bengali writer, oriented towards constructive initiatives of gave a patient hearing to the young the society, to which SIO is committed. He poets and writers who presented added that the 3-day workshop and the cultheir work before him. He told the young tural evening were an effort to orient the culartists that a writer is like a bird which tural talents of the budding artists into proskeeps humming regardless of who is lisperous and successful individuals who will tening. It is the heart that is followed while contribute to the society. writing and therefore they are called S. Ameenul Hasan, former President of 'divinely mad', he added. SIO, spoke on 'Modern Discourses on Mohammad Nooruddin, President of Culture and Islamic Response'. In a very Jamaat-e Islami Hind, West Bengal unit lucid manner, he discussed modernism and who is a noted columnist, taught post-modernism and their impact on culture. 'Creative Writing'. The participants were He drew the line between the culture proinspired to think beyond the normal and moted by the west and the culture promoted The audience at the workshop visual and spread the wings of their by Islam. He pointed out that Islam alone thought. lays the laws of life and in their practical Atanu Pal of the Third Eye, Kolkata, taught the Noted Bengali film-maker Subrata Sen application lies individuals freedom. During the 3-day workshop, the participat- art of photography. He focused on setting the guided the students on 'How to Write Script'. At ing students were mentored on various fronts. frames for the perfect picture. Guiding the stu- the outset, he drew a line of distinction between story writing and script writing. Through examples of some of the great scripts of movies and plays, he touched the secrets of script writing immensely influencing the young writers. Irfan Hassan, Commonwealth Scholar at the Govt. Art College, Kolkata, in his presentation on 'How to Read Art' held the students by their nerves as they were excited to learn the art of reading abstract paintings. During his presentation, he generated enthusiasm in the young and inspired them towards the art of painting. Prof. B. Diwakar of Jamia Millia Islamia engaged the participants on 'Stages of Documentary Film Making' and 'Cinematography'. His lecture involved conceptualizing the idea and then skillfully using the camera to make the documentary. Ajit Kumar and Bhupendra Kumar of Akshara Arts, Patna, engaged the students on Nukkad Natak. After explaining the basics of the stage and its necessities, they guided the students on practical performances. Participants were given an opportunity to get acquainted with the art of performing street-plays by extempore learning and performance of nukkad natak. Shahnawaz Ali Rehan spoke on 'Cultural Activism as a tool of Social Change' and inspired the participants to look beyond the normal surface. He pointed out that cultural means are a strong medium of expressing once viewpoint and thus forms a tool in transforming society.

Refresher courses for madrasa teachers

Bhatkal people oppose door-to-door survey

Bhatkal: In the name of building a good relationship between the public and the Police in this Muslim-dominated town, Bhatkal Police is now implementing the 'police beat system,' on the orders of Ajay Kumar Singh, the then director general of Police on 21 June last year. Under this scheme, A police officer explaining the scheme to people in Bhatkal Police constables will be assigned to different areas and each constable has not started in any other town or village of the district would keep in touch with the elders of the area and or the state. Residents disagreed with the police and would help them at times of need. However, this system asserted that they are not against the police beat. The has taken a different turn altogether. Instead of contact- police and the public should build a good rapport with ing the elders in each area, police have started a door- each other, but they are firmly against the door-to-door to-door survey, where they visit every house and take survey in the name of this system. Explaining their stand, they said that it is usually women who are at down information about the inmates. A meeting was held between Bhatkal police and cit- home during such calls and the women have a problem izens of the town on 23 June, where a series of issues when police come to their doorsteps and ask them odd were raised regarding the door-to-door survey. While questions. Residents said that if this is for a good cause the public opposed this system, the police tried to justi- and if it is happening in all the cities and towns in the fy their stand. Circle Police Inspector Guru Mathoor district, they will lend support to the police. They said said that this beat system is not meant only for the peo- that all general information about the residents of the ple of a particular religion, sect or residents of Bhatkal, town is available in the municipality office, then why but according to the orders passed by the DGP this sys- police resorted to the door to door survey again ? tem is applicable to the whole state of Karnataka and The police officers told the residents they will forward this is being undertaken in order to prevent crime. their views to the higher authorities and revert to the Responding to this, residents said that this operation public at the earliest.

Prof. Arif Inam distruting certificate to the particpants of the refresher courses Aligarh: AMUs Centre for Promotion of Science organized two science refresher courses for teachers from madrasas and Muslim-managed schools. While addressing the valedictory programme, Professor Wazahat Husain, Senior Fellow, Centre for Promotion of Science, briefly explained the objectives of the Centre behind organizing such courses. He said that the Centre is working to persuade Indian Muslims for acquiring scientific knowledge and provide all possible help in minimizing their backwardness. Dr. Hisamuddin, Director of the Centre, said that several lectures and practical classes were organized for the participants of both the courses and eminent resource-persons enlightened the participants during the eleven-day course schedule. He said that the "Introductory Science Course" was planned for the teachers of Deeni Madrasas to make them familiar with Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences and to make them realize the significance of model science teaching in their institutions. They were also provided with an opportunity to learn M.S. Office, In-Page and other computer applications by experts like in the field of Computer Science. The course was attended by 29 male and female teachers representing the states of Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Chief Guest, Professor Arif Inam, Chairman, Department of Botany and former Joint Director, Centre for Promotion of Science gave away Certificates of Participation to the teachers and presented them a set of books published by the Centre for Promotion of Science.

We have safer places than Swiss banks

Shibli Academy starts digitization of its manuscripts collection

Azamgarh: The library of Darul Musannefin (Shibli Academy) has a good collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts. Some of these are very valuable and rare. Due to the lack of necessary resources, there was no proper upkeep and preservation of this collection. Now with the help of the National Archives of India an effort is being made to start the preservation A letter from Mahatma work. Efforts are also being made to Gandhi to Maulana Syed Nadvi, Director. secure help from National Manuscript Sulaiman Musannefin Darul Commission. Shibli Academy is also in touch of various agencies to get the ue for a few weeks. This is an important manuscripts digitized. Now this work has step in the direction of the preservation of started with the help of the Cultural Attache the manuscripts and making them available in the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Dr to the scholars all over the world. (For inforEbrahim al Batshan. Digitisation work has mation about the academy, visit already started and it is expected to contin-

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18 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

IDC agreement with IOU

Mamta government will remove injustices done to Urdu: TNC min.

New Delhi: Union minister of state for tourism, Sultan Ahmad said here while talking to media persons that during the past 34 years all avenues of progress in West Bengal were blocked but now all roads for progress have opened up and a new era has begun. As regards Urdu, we want to make Bengal the centre of Urdu, he said. Our leader Mamta Bannerji, almost immediately after assuming power has given Urdu the status of second official language of Bengal. We have now won the war that we had waged in Bengal for 34 years for removing the deplorable condition of Urdu. He said that Kolkata has been a great centre of Urdu. It was from here, through Fort Willaim College that ways for the progress and propagation of Urdu were created. Great Urdu litterateurs and intellectuals of the country were associated with this educational institution. Mirza Ghalib too had come here and acknowledged its greatness. It was from this land that Maulana Azad had started has an office worth Rs. 2 crore and has invested in various commodities. Police has seized files and computer data on the server and several hard discs. Names of 30 agents working for him have also been identified. Five persons including Anwar Huasin Quraishi of Jamalpur area lodged a complaint with the police who lost Rs. 63 lakh in the scam. Imtiyaz was arrested as soon as the complaint was lodged. Anwar Husain reported at the court to file a written application that there is a threat to his life because of the complaint he had lodged. The police provided security to Quraishi. Lawyer to adopt accident victims family New Delhi: Rahul Mehra (30) who died in a road accident on 26 May near Mehrauli, was the sole bread-earner of his family of 5: himself, mother, wife and two minor daughters. When lawyer I.U. Khan read this sad news in the newspapers, he decided to adopt his family of the remaining four members, thinking that though he cannot bring back Rahul but at least he can help them financially. Khan met his family members and assured them that every month he will give them the salary that Rahul was getting. It is not known whether the family accepted his offer or not. It may be stated that I.U. Khan was the prosecutor in the famous BMW hit-andrun case but was removed when in a sting operation he was found alongwith another famous lawyer trying to influence a witness. According to police Rahuls bike was hit by an over-speeding Mercedes car resulting in his death. The car driver had fled from the place after the accident. Inauguration of MANUUs Study Centre in Kargil Hyderabad: Prof. Muhammad Mian, Vice Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) or Urdu University said while inaugurating this Universitys Study Centre in Degree College, Kargil on 25 May that the Urdu University will set up a Polytechnic College for Women and a Teachers Training Centre in Srinagar. He said that an important reason for opening Urdu Universitys Study Centre here is that Urdu is the official language of this state and that there are good opportunities for the promotion of Urdu as the medium of education here. He said that initially there will be three courses in this Study Centre but subsequently three more courses will be added. It may be stated that Prof. Muhammad Mian is the first VC of any University of India to visit the border areas. Among those present on the occasion of inauguration of MANUUs Study Centre at Kargill were Regional Coordinator, Dr. Salma Ahmad Farooqi, Project Director Kaacho Muhammad Shah, Principal of Degree College of Kargil, Abdur Rashid Gania etc. and a large number of students and teaching staff of the College. In Srinagar, Prof. Muhammad Mian met high government officials in connection with the proposed MANUU Campus for which J&K government will give 10 acres of land to MANUU as a gift. Demand for grant of Rs. 205 crore to Mazharul Haq Uni. Patna: Abdul Qaiyyum Ansari, secretary of Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu, Bihar said in a press conference that grants to all universities of Bihar are given from non-plan head whereas Maulana Mazharul Haq Arabic and Persian University is the only one of Bihar to which grant is given by the government from Plan head because of which funds to the University are not available on time, causing great difficulties to its employees and the University cannot meet all its requirements and fulfill its plans and schemes too. Hence, in his letter to Bihars chief minister Nitish Kumar, he requested that for 2011-12 financial year a grant of Rs. 205.48 crore may be given to this university under non-plan head so that salaries to employees could be given on time and also this universitys schemes and objectives could be executed speedily. Another demand he made in this letter to the chief minister is that High Courts verdict in the case No. 13516/2010 of Yoginder Prasad vs. State of Bihar regarding the land to be given by the state government for Mazharul Haq University has been pronounced in favour of this University. Therefore the government should allot this land to the University at the earliest so that construction of the Universitys building and other activities could be speeded up. Case filed against leader of Sambhaji Brigade The Maharashtra police have registered a case against Purshottam Khedkar, leader of Sambhaji Brigade for provoking

New Delhi: Islamic Dawah Centre (IDC), New Delhi, signed an agreement with the Islamic Online University (IOU) during a meeting held between the IDC chairman Mohammad Umar Gautam and the IOU India representative Mohammed Shajiuddin. With this, IDC became the first authorized IOU centre in North India. The agreement was signed on 1 June after few rounds of meetings between members of IDC and Mr Shajiuddin at New Delhi. The agreement says that as an IOU center, IDC shall strive to promote and facilitate IOU courses in New Delhi and other cities of its operation so that the masses benefit through the university. Presently, IOU runs 26 diploma courses and has started a 4year online degree course in Islamic studies that is spread over 8 semesters. There is no age limit for the course. Although anyone can join it, Muslim or non-Muslim, the course is designed to help IT, computer and management professionals. These professionals are so engrossed in their fields that they hardly find time to understand their religion. It is thus offered online so that they can read the material online at their convenience and gain understanding of Arabic language, and Islamic disciplines, said Mr Shajiuddin. IOU hopes to fulfill the motto of its founder, well-known Islamic scholar and orator, Dr Bilal Philips to Changing the Nation through Education. The online university was started by Dr Philips in 2007 at Qatar. Initially, some diploma courses were introduced which attracted students globally. These courses were mainly of Islamic disciplines. IOU now runs a full-fledged Preston International College at Alwarpet in Chennai. The college mainly offers management courses but it has also started degree courses in commerce and Islamic studies besides a diploma course in Islamic finance. IDC already runs some short-term courses at its Delhi headquarters and has the required infrastructure to run the online course and serve as a study centre, said Mr Umar Gautam. (Manzar Imam) Agnivesh upset by Rithambhara in Ramdeos agitation New Delhi: Anna Hazares supporters have recorded their protests for allowing R.S.S. and V.H.P. activists to participate in his agitation against corruption. Swami Agnivesh, a prominent member of Anna Hazares team expressed concern on Sadhi Ritumbharas presence. An accused in the Babri Masjid demolition case, Sadhvi Rithambhara was allowed on the stage. This according to Swami Agnivesh, would weaken the agitation. He advised Baba Ramdeo to ensure that such communal minded people did not jump onto the band wagon. It is not important what we say but what we actually do, he argued. Karnataka BJP governments efforts to placate Christians Bangalore: BJP government of Karnataka, in order to placate the Christian community, has decided to spend Rs. 35 crore for construction of their Community halls and providing financial help to the communitys poor children/students and another Rs. 15 crore for repair and development of their churches. In addition to these, an amount of Rs. 50 crore has been provided in the current years budget (2011-12) for taking up development schemes pertaining to the Christian community. This was stated by the states law minister S. Suresh Kumar. Official sources said that such allocations have been made for the community for the first time in the state budget. Crime Branch raids Imtiyaz Syeds house/office Ahmadabad: Misfortunes never come alone; they come in multiples. A poor community already persecuted and economically paralysed was not spared by its own scam vultures. Abhay Gandhi was not the only fake Messiah of Muslims; the community can boast of Imtiyaz Syed whose office and house have been raided and bank accounts frozen by the crime branch police. The scheme promised a return of Rs. 10 thousand per month on an investment of Rs. one lakh. After four years Imtsons stopped paying monthly installments. When worried investors approached him for immediate refund of their capital amount which he promised to do by June. On receiving complaints from investors the crime branch police swung into action. After arresting Imtiyaz, the M.D., the police sought 14 days remand. Three days remand has been granted to grill him. The police wants to ascertain whether this group has any alliance with Abhay Gandhi. Imtiyaz holds seven bank accounts. His wife is also a partner in the company which had offered 10-15 per interest (returns). He

the freedom movement ad through newspapers like Al Hilal and Al Balagh. These had put new life in the freedom movement. All these have now become things of the past, but now we want to revive them. He said that CPM government had ignored Urdu for 30 years but now Urdus renaissance has begun in Bengal and avenues of employment are being created. Instructions are being issued to accept applications and representations in Urdu at district and block levels and soon translators will be appointed in different departments. Urdu classes alongwith Persian will be started in schools and colleges. Sultan Ahmad said that in Bengal madrasa education will also be improved and efforts will be made to introduce English and Science in madrasas. In short, every strategy will be adopted for the promotion of Urdu, he said and added that we want to make Bengal an example for the whole country for the promotion of Urdu. He said that Mamta Bannerji government has already taken steps for removal of injustices done to Urdu during CPM governments regime and Bengal Urdu Academy which had been reduced to a spokesperson of CPM and Party institution will now get the opportunity of working as a free and literary organisation. (NA Ansari) anti-Brahmin sentiments through his book, Shivrayanchya Badnamichi Kendre. Purshottam has been charged under Section 153 (A), 505 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code for instigating hostility between the two castes. The book has created a controversy and there have been protests against the book in various parts of the state. The book has also given the Marathas a tool to unite against the Brahmins. Welcoming the police action, Ambedkarite Madhukar Ramteke said that our agitation is for the rights and the fight is against inequality. We will never support the hatred that is professed in the book. Babasaheb Ambedkar too was against the oppressive ideology of Brahmins. Without Pandits, J&K is incomplete: Omar Chief Minister Omar Abdullah while addressing Kashmiri Pandits gathered to participate in an annual festival dedicated to Rangya Devi, an incarnation of Goddess Durga on 9 June in Srinagar said that Kashmir and Kashmiriat was incomplete without Kashmiri Pandits. He also urged the community to consider returning to their homes with pride and dignity. For over a decade, the Kashmiri Pandits have regularly visited the Kashmir Valley to participate in the Khir Bhawani festival. The Pandits who came to participate in the festival lauded the role and friendly behaviour of local Muslims and opined that this kind of gesture would certainly go a long way in bridging the trust deficit that has been entrenched in mindset over the years. Omar Abdullah while interacting with the devotees said that he would prefer to see them coming from their homes instead of coming from far off places, without any fear and with a sense of belonging like any other Kashmiri. Pandians role likely to be exposed in Tulsi case Ahmadabad: Thorough investigations by the CBI are in progress with the registration of a new FIR. It has in its possession records of CID investigations with phone details and this is likely to expose Pandians role in the Tulsi encounter case. It may be recalled that following Supreme Court directives the CBI lodged a fresh FIR and through an application to the court demanded records in possession of the CID. The court had accepted the request and alongwith investigation records, phone call details have also been handed over to the CBI. This would result in the imminent arrest of a few persons. Rajkumar Pandian at the time of the encounter had long conversations with Dy SP C.S. Bandra in which it was mentioned that a seasoned criminal was to be arrested soon. It may be recalled the alleged criminal had already been arrested (a month prior to the encounter). Thus Pandians direct or indirect involvement in the fake encounter can not be ruled out. American govts training programme for Indian madrasas New Delhi: American government is running training programme for madrasa teachers in India imparting English and modern education to them. American embassy in Delhi is running this programme at present in Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad with the help of different NGOs. According to Programme Director Julie Azarski, the objective of this programme is to impart training to madrasa teachers in English. The training period is two weeks and thirty teachers are provided training at a time and English teachers from colleges and universities are appointed for teaching. This programme in Delhi was organised through the Institute of Social Science, an NGO, in which more than 30 madrasa teachers from Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, UP, J&K etc. participated, with a good number of lady teachers. The training programme of this batch was completed on 3 June when at a function certificates were given to them. On this occasion, in addition to Programme Director Julie Azraski, head of this Institute Dr. Mathew, Aalami Urdu Services editor Sheikh Manzoor etc. were present. Mrs. Julie said that her government is organising such programmes in order to improve the standard of madrasa education. Sheikh Manzoor Ahmad suggested that in addition to English education, modern science and technology should also be taught in these educational institutions but care should be taken to see that the main objective of these madrasas i.e. teaching and spreading Islamic and religious education to people should not be ignored.

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 19

Taleemul Quran launched
Ahmedabad: A womens meeting was organised by Divya Vani Prakash where tafsir (commentary on the Quran) Taleemul Quran by Dr. Farhat Hashmi was launched. The meeting was chaired by Mehrunnisa Desai. While lamenting the present plight of Muslim women the participants pointed out that lack of Quranic education was solely responsible for their suffering. The community has turned indifferent to womens predicaments and injustice towards them. Zohra Vohra from Vadodara said that this tafsir covers issues pertaining to women and portrays the incongruencies of society. The programme was attended by a large number of women from various places specializing in different fields of knowledge. Taleemul Quran covers various problems prevailing amongst us and offers guidance as revealed in the Quran. Hindu family harassed for adopting Muslim girl Hyderabad: When Payalals family adopted a Muslim girl orphaned in the bomb blasts five years ago little did it realise that they would be earning the ire of the community they belong to. Yadav community so strongly resented this humanitarian deed, that Payalal finds himself in judicial custody following a report by his own elder brother Chandanlal who accused Payalal of molesting his wife Hemlatha and trying to kill her. Payalals wife Jayshree is not willing to part company with Sania Fatima. She is so strongly attached to her that she declared that even if she died she would not part company with her adopted daughter. At the same time Sania Fatima too has categorically declared that she wouldnt leave her foster parents and she belonged to the family. Several NGOs involved in human rights have admitted that the family is being harassed by the local people. Abhay Gandhi absconds after duping investors Ahmadabad: Scams have become the destiny of thousands of persons who are lured by prospects of quick financial gains. Abhay Gandhi, who is presently absconding, duped hundreds of such gullible investors by promising them very high returns on their investments. Police have begun investigations into the mega-scam and has frozen 19 of his bank accounts. In addition, a BMW was also seized. On receiving a complaint from one of such victims, Irshad Ahmad alias Raja the crime branch police started investigation in the scam which seems to be in crores. Rs. 6 crore 40 lakhs in various accounts have been frozen. Abhay Gandhi boasted of being the Messiah of Muslims he had advised them to stop frying bhajias (doing menial jobs) and sleep soundly in air conditioned bedrooms. Following in the footsteps of Ashok Jadeja, he too launched ek ka teen scheme assuring investors of triple return. He induced people in several ways by distributing brochures. Irshad Ahmad who used to eke a meagre living by selling bhajias at a street corner was induced by the slogan of Musalmano ka Messiah. His agents advised people of doing away with such petty earnings by doing menial jobs and promised them that their investments would fetch such immense gains that they would own air conditioned houses! Among such victims are hundreds of Muslims who invested their hard earned incomes in the scheme. Amassing crores he escaped to some unknown foreign destination leaving everyone groping in the dark. Irshad Ahmad named Anjum Alvi as one such agent. The crime branch arrested Anjum Alvi and sought his police remand for 14 days. However, one day remand was granted. Anjum Alvi was instrumental in securing investments to the tune of Rs. 70 lakhs as per voucher records and commission documents. Main agent, Salim Vora who distributed pamphlets is yet to be arrested. Alvis advocate, Gul Hamid Syed, however, denied the charge and said that Alvi had nothing to do with Abhay Gandhi. The crime branch assured the court that if media provides clues about the whereabouts of Abhay Gandhi, he would be immediately arrested. He used a BMW car just to bring meals to his office. Islamic Knowledge Centre and award function in Jaffarabad New Delhi: An Islamic Knowledge Centre for providing religious knowledge to students and people was recently set up in transYamuna area of Jaffarabad about which area M.L.A. Choudhary Mateen Ahmad said that the establishment of this Centre is an important achievement because it will create an interest and inclination among students and people towards religion. An award giving function jointly organised by the Organisation for Social Reforms and Islamic Knowledge Centre for giving awards to students of schools of Jaffarabad who had performed very well in CBSEs X and XII class examinations was also held. Students (boys and girls) of Jaffarabads Zeenat Mahal School and Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial Senior Secondary Schools who had bagged first and second positions in these schools in 10th and 12th classes were given prizes by Chaudhary Mateen Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Maroof Khan and Faheem Ahmad. Speaking on this occasion, Chaudhari Mateen Ahmad said while addressing the students that with worldly education you can earn money but good manners and social etiquettes can be learnt with religious education only. A 10-day Islamic Camp also was earlier organised by Islamic Knowledge Centre for imparting basic Islamic knowledge and information to students and those who performed well in this were also given prizes in the form of Islamic books, trophy and certificates. School principals and teachers also were honoured with awards. A trading company, Afzal Book and Gift Centre had also distributed lunch packets and some stationery New Delhi: National Commission for Minorities has asked Delhi Police for a detailed report on the employment or representation of minorities, particularly Muslims, in the police department on different posts. The Commission has also expressed concern over the almost negligible employment of Muslims in Delhi police force and made its intention known that after receipt of the concerned report, suitable action would be taken in this connection. It may be mentioned that though a detailed report on almost negligible representation of Muslims in the police department of Delhi was published in an Urdu daily (Hamara Samaj) in the first week of last month (May), even before that, NCMs member Mrs. Sayeeda Bilgrami Imam in a circular to police and many other departments of Delhi had asked for a report on the number of persons belonging to minority communities employed in these departments. NCM had taken this action because many other organisations, suspecting that Muslims are being discriminated against and are not being employed by many government offices and departments, had approached NCM to take action or approach the government to take action on such discriminations items to all students. Hindu girls in Bihar top in Madrasa exams Patna: Several girls belonging to the Hindu community secured top positions in various examinations conducted by the Madrasa Board. Muhammad Mustafa Mansuri, secretary of the Board said that the performance of non-Muslim girls in the examinations has been quite impressive. Sanjay Kumar secured top position in the Maulvi examination, scoring 893 marks out of 1000. Anjali Raje among the girls secured highest position scoring 815 marks. Out of 12 non-Muslims who secured high ranks 10 are girls. Five positions out of ten in the Maulvi examination were secured by girl candidates. Sanam, daughter of a farmer, wants to become an Urdu teacher whereas Sajnay Kumar wants to pursue further studies for the Alim course. Mansuri informed media people that students are turning to Madrasas in view of the job potential for Urdu knowing people. This will adversely affect Muslim pass outs who will find their job opportunities substantially reduced. J&K gets Rs 6,600 crore as annual budget plan for 2011-12 The Planning Commission has finalised a total sum of Rs 6,600 crore for the annual budget plan for Jammu and Kashmir for the year 2011-12. It was decided recently during a meet between Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia and state Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. The amount approved for the annual plan is said to be the highest. Last year, the allocation was Rs 6000 crore. These add up to a sum Rs 11,192 of Central assistance. The Ladakh region was for the first time given a special package of Rs 250 crore and also Rs 1,200 crore additional amount under the Prime Ministers Reconstruction Plan. Mr Ahluwalia praised the efforts of the state government on conducting peaceful and successful elections. Ashwini Kumar, minister of state for Planning Commission while talking to media persons said that the state government has been asked to put maximum emphasis on agriculture, horticulture, education, skill development, power, and tourism. Chief minister Omar Abdullah while reacting on the allocation of the annual budget plan hike said that it will certainly help the government to decentralise the financial powers to the local bodies. Over the years, Jammu and Kashmir has paid a heavy price for fighting terrorism and in the last fiscal year it has spent Rs 2,395 on security which is excluding the amount spent on the Army as they are being paid by the Centre. A library in Jamia Nagar police station! New Delhi: South-east Delhis Additional Commissioner of Police, Ajay Chaudhari said while addressing students of Jamia School at a function that students are assets of a country and nation who will be future rulers of the country and hence their parents should provide good education and training to them so that they may be able to fulfill their responsibilities in a befitting manner. In his speech, he disclosed that he is trying to set up a library in Jamia Nagar police station, the work of which has been completed and soon it will be opened for the students and general public. He said that parents and people in general should understand that police is there for their protection and hence they should have faith in police. On the part of his own people, i.e., police, he said that they also should understand their responsibilities, win the confidence of people and try not to act in any way which may taint their own posts and police department. World Media Publication to publish book on Muslim leaders New Delhi: World Media and Publication, in view of overall backwardness of Indian Muslims in almost every field and absence of powerful leaders and intellectuals to serve as role models for Muslim youth has decided to bring out a book on about a hundred Muslim leaders, intellectuals, reformers, scientists and history makers of present times and recent past to serve as role models for present day Muslim youth and students by emulating and following in the footsteps of whom, they may also achieve greatness in different fields and prove to be assets for the community as well as the country. Though this book will mostly include leaders and intellectuals who by their sheer hard work, struggle, perseverance and ambition have achieved success and greatness in

Delhi Police asked to report on ratio of minorities in the dept

by many government organisations. In response to the complaints of these organisations, NCM has asked for information and data on the decreasing employment of Muslims and other minorities in many government departments. According to the general secretary of Jaffarabad Residents Welfare Association (RWA), Dr. Faheem Baig, he had approached, after reading the news on negligible employment of Muslims in Delhi Police, NCM to take action on this, in consequence of which NCM member H.S. Hans Pal in a letter to Delhi Police Commissioner Brajish Kumar Gupta had asked him about the proportion of Muslims employed in Delhi Police. NCM Chairman Wajahat Habibullah confirmed that after the news appeared in a Delhi paper about the virtual absence of Muslim officers in Delhi Police a letter has been officially written to Delhi Police to find out the number of Muslim officers in Delhi Police. He said that since NCM has been constituted by the government of India to look after the problems of minorities, it becomes our duty and responsibility to solve their problems with whatever power given to us. Regarding this particular problem i.e. representation of Muslims in Delhi police, he said that after getting detailed information from Delhi police, further action will be taken. (NA Ansari) different fields in this country, it will also include some Muslims of other countries who achieved world fame in different fields so that Muslim youth could be motivated to become like them and lead the people of the country to success and greatness. Head of this Publication, T.M. Ziaul Haq said while talking to media persons that merely by lamenting on their present backward condition and blaming others for this, nothing will be achieved. For removing the backwardness and improving their lot, a well planned strategy or road map will have to be prepared and worked with determination so that Muslim youth also may be able to build a bright future and stand shoulder to shoulder with others and march ahead. He said that our decision to publish this book is a small effort in this direction to create an awakening among Muslim youth and an enthusiasm among them to progress in the world by emulating the personalities whose success story will be mentioned in the proposed book. CBI collecting evidence from witnesses in Tulsi encounter Ahmedabad: A team of CBI officers investigating Tulsi Ram Prajapati fake encounter is conducting thorough interrogation of those witnesses who had signed the panchnama. It has begun an enquiry of people associated with the case from the very beginning. Such witnesses were sent summons to report at Anbaji Circuit House. According to sources several tribals living in the vicinity had been called by police and their statements were recorded (or obtained signatures) as witnesses. They were 40 in number. The team began interrogating them from 10.30 a.m. to ascertain facts, e.g., what time were they called to report at the encounter spot; who had come to call them; what time had they reached the place; what did they find; what was the state of Tulsis corpse; which vehicles did they find there and who were the police officers on the spot? The enquiry continued till night. Educational agreement between Arabic Uni. & IGNOU Lucknow: Central and state governments are taking many steps and providing many facilities for promotion of education among minorities. Establishment of the Urdu, Arabic and Persian University in Lucknow is one of them and steps are being taken to make it more and more useful for minorities, particularly for Muslims so that in addition to maintaining and promoting their culture and language, they may also acquire modern education. Towards this end an agreement has been signed between Manyawar Kanshi Ram Urdu, Arabic and Persian University and IGNOU according to which both universities will take steps to improve the courses being taught in these universities and also will try to help each other in all possible ways. The agreement was signed by Anees Ansari, Vice Chancellor of Urdu, Arabic & Persian University and Ms. Parveen Sinclair on behalf of IGNOU at a function held at National PG College, Lucknow on 4 June. Among those present on this occasion were Swamy Prasad Maurya, UPs minister for Panchayati Raj; Anees Ahmad Khan, minister for minorities welfare; IGNOUs Director (Planning) A.K. Ojha; IGNOUs Programme Coordinator (Urdu) Prof. Naseer Ahmad Khan, many intellectuals, writers and social workers. Lok Ayukts notice to Mateen over sale of Waqf land New Delhi: Lok Ayukt is reported to have sent a notice to Chaudhary Mateen Ahmad, M.L.A. from Seelampur assembly constituency and newly elected chairman of Delhi Waqf Board who was earlier also chairman of Delhi Waqf Board, regarding sale of about 62 bighas of Waqfs graveyard land to builders at nominal rates in outer Delhis village of Narela. The notice was sent to him on a complaint made by Ali Senas chairman, M.A. Chand. Reacting to this notice, Chaudhari Mateen said that this case is four years old and it has already been investigated by Anti-Corruption Bureau but no proof of misdeed was found. According to the complainant, M.A. Chand, information about this sale of land was obtained through RTI which was sent to Lok Ayukt who, after investigation at his end, sent the notice to Chaudhri Mateen. Chand said that the Waqfs graveyard land which was sold to builders at the rate of 25 paise per yard is being sold at the rate of Rs. one lakh per yard. Thus, according to him, there is a scam of about Rs. 10,000 crore in this sale.

20 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

Wakf land at throw away prices in Delhi
In the national capital to get land on lease at the rate of 25 paisa per square yard per month or plot in Cannaught Place for Rs 5000 per month seems like wishful thinking but a reply to RTI gives ample evidence to believe it to be true. The Wakf land scam has surfaced following a reply to an RTI complaint made in land dealings by former chairman of Delhi Wakf board Chaudhry Mateen Ahmed. In his RTI application, M A Chand, president of Ali Sena sought to know the details of the Wakf property in Delhi. Chand received a reply on 28 February that revealed Mateen had given Wakf property on lease at a throw away price. He then took it forward to the Lokayukta's court. The Delhi Lokayukta has issued notice to Mateen Ahmed. The income that comes from Wakf property is used as a charity for those in need, in the maintenance of Mosque, dargahs, graveyard, educational institutions and hospitals as claimed in the website of the Wakf board. On innumerable occasions efforts have been made to ensure that the Wakf lands are not misused and it should be utilised as a tool to expedite the growth of the minority Muslim population from the revenue that accrues. But irregularities in handling of the Wakf land have now become the order of the day. Of these the biggest of all Wakf land scams is the 62 bigha burial ground in outer Delhi leased to builder Jitendra Prasad in 2006 at 25 paisa per square yard, including Rs. 1.1 crore donation. Most of the Wakf boards are functioning like primary schools and the heads of these Wakf boards are in some states even less qualified as compared to primary school teachers. The plots that were leased out at throw away price are: 1. Dargah Bibi Fatima, Kaka Nagar, Central Delhi which is 426 sq yards has been rented out for Rs 5000 per month for which the market rent rate is Rs 8-9 lakh per month for commercial purpose and Rs 4-5 lakh for residential use. 2. Khasra 8-B/51717/Khasra 48 Yaqootpur is in 8, 316 sq yards and has been rented out for Rs 1,717 per month against the market rate of Rs 2 lakh per month for 300 square yards. 3. Khasra 709, village Punjab Khor, outer Delhi is in 62, 496 sq yards and is given on a rent for for Rs 250 for 1,000sq yard per month as compared to Rs 20,000 per sq yards market rate.4. Khasra 19/1/1 village Najafgarh is in 503 sq yards rented out for only Rs 1,509 per month. 5. Khasra 23/5/2, village Najafgarh having area of 274 sq yards has been rented out for Rs 822 per month. Earlier the recommendation made by the Sachar Committee for a new Wakf board on the lines of the civil services to curtail irregularity and at the same time to strengthen the functioning of Wakf board was rejected by the government on the ground that this type of proposal was not feasible and contrary to the law. In the midst of the talk for the amendment of Wakf Bill 2010 a section within the minority community is believed to be gearing up to put pressure on the government to include recommendation made by Sachar Committee and the Joint Parliamentary Committee for minorities. The Wakf Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha in May 2010 and is now with the select committee formed by the parliament to address the issues raised by the community members. P.C. Pandey et al responsible for Gulbarg massacre Ahmedabad: In the last phase of hearing in the Gulbarg case, heated arguments were made with regard to the prosecution's application seeking call details of 27 persons including Modi and the role of P.C. Pande, the then police commissioner and three other police officers responsible for the tragedy. After hearing arguments from both sides the court deferred decision till 31 May. Prosecution counsel M.M. Vora argued before B.J. Dhandha, the sessions judge, that P.C. Pande, M.K. Tandon, P.B. Gondia and S.H. Chudasma had received several telephone calls from the victims yet they did not reach Gulbarg society. Phones from residents, journalists and social workers had been calling since 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. when they reached the spot. The police officers deliberately allowed the crime to take place hence must be accused under CRPC article 319. The prosecution also found the SIT enquiry lethargic which till date had not investigated several matters. Several important evidence e.g. Rahul Sharma's CD have surfaced now.

Hundred days of AMUs Murshidabad Centre

Murshidabad: A function was held in Murshidabad on 12 June on the completion of one hundred days of AMU's new centre in this district. Speaking on this occasion, Union finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said that Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's dream has materialised today. He said that with AMU's two new centres in Murshidabad and Malappuram, a new era of awareness towards education will start in these regions. Speaking about the glorious history of Murshidabad, he said that in the eighteenth century it was the most important place in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and with AMU's new centre here not only the glorious history of Muslims will be revived but there will also be the beginning of a new era of awakening. He said that no country or society can progress if its women also do not make progress. In view of this, he made an appeal to Vice Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis, who chaired this function, to set up a women's college and polytechnic also in this district. He further said that in the 2009 budget, Rs. 25 crore each and in 2011 budget Rs. 50 crore each (for Murshidabad and Malappuram centres) have been given to AMU and for the planned centres in Bihar and Maharashtra also the central government will provide not only facilities but also financial help. He istry has filed an appeal, challenging the verdict of Mumbai High Court in Supreme Court, saying that the Court had erred in pronouncing its verdict in releasing them. The appeal will be taken up for hearing in the Supreme Court when it is reopened after summer vacation in July. Gulzar Azmi said that Jamiatul Ulama (Maharashtra) had arranged free legal aid to these people both in the special court as well as High Court and now in Supreme Court also free legal assistance will be provided to them. He said that for the present Supreme Court lawyer (Ms.) Nitya Rama Krishnan will plead the case of these two persons (Fahim and Sabahuddin). Strongly criticising the home ministry for filing the appeal in Supreme Court, he said that when both the special court as well as the High Court had accquitted them honourably, what was the need of filing the appeal in the Supreme Court against them, saying that fighting the case in the apex court is very costly which is beyond the means of common people. Gujarat: Fresh warrant against 50 released persons Ahmadabad: Gujarat High Court has issued fresh warrants against 50 persons freed earlier by a court of Anand in September 2010 on the basis of insufficient proofs against them in Gujarat riots. The fresh warrants were issued by High Court's bench of Justice R.R. Tripathi and Justice P.P. Bhat. Gujarat's BJP government had filed an appeal in the High Court against Anand'd court verdict. All the 50 persons were accused of leading a crowd of about 1.5 thousand persons and attacking Muslims in Wasad village of District Anand on 1 March 2002 in which three persons were killed. According to government prosecutor in the High Court, J.M. Panchal the case will be filed anew against all the 50 accused persons. Meanwhile, a new startling revelation in the case of the fake encounter of Tulsi Ram Prajapati was made that the night on which Tulsi was killed in an encounter, the mobile of S.P., Dr. Vipul Agrawal was switched off and after the encounters most of the time he was present in the police station. He had come to know about the encounter in the morning. This information was given to CBI by his former gunman. According to CBI, on the night of the encounter S.P. Agarwal had gone for patrolling and after that he was in the police station and was informed about Tulsi Ram's encounter on phone. The CBI is trying to find out why his mobile was switched off that night. CBI has decided to reconstruct the encounter scene on Ambaji Chhapri village which will take place in the presence of top officials of Central Forensic Science Laboratory and AIIMS next week. According to CBI sources, whatever documents in this matter have been made available have been sent to CFSL and on the basis of its report, the encounter will be reconstructed. did not forget to thank former chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee who had agreed for AMU's centre being set up in Murshidabad and provided land for the same. AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Aziz said that the centres set up by AMU in Kerala and West Bengal are not confined to any particular area but are for the people and students of the whole country which will be on AMU model. He said that within ten or fifteen years these centres will achieve the status of autonomous universities. He said that amounts ranging from Rs. 1200 to 1700 crore will be needed to start all kinds of courses in these centres. He said that it was AMUs dream that such centres should be set up in different parts of the country and Sir Syed's mission should spread all over the country so that poor and backward people also should get opportunities of acquiring education, build their bright future and contribute to the nationbuilding activities. AMU's Registrar Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel said that the University has already sent a detailed plan of building etc. to the central government and hopes that construction of centre's building will be started soon. facilities of the central government. In due course, state government also will provide facilities to them. She said that recognition will not be automatic. The madrasa management or those who are running the madrasas will have to apply to government for recognition, after which they will be recognised and those who do not apply will not be recognised. She said that in addition to financial and other help and facilities under governments schemes for minorities, another advantage to their students will be that they will be given certificates by State Madrasa Board which will be helpful to them in getting jobs in government and other offices and institutions. It may be stated that in addition to being the chief minister, Ms. Banerjee also holds the portfolio of minorities affairs. Farooqui slams Congress for opposing quota for Muslims New Delhi: Former chairman of the Delhi State Minority Commission Kamal Farooqui, who recently joined the Samajwadi party, has slammed the Congress party for not doing anything for the emancipation of the Muslim community. He asked the Congress and UPA president why the government is opposing inclusion of backward Muslims and Christians in the ambit of SC & ST reservation in the Supreme Court? Talking to this correspondent here after participating in the party's conclave at Agra, he pointed that the Justice Ranganth Mishra Commission report has strongly recommended reservation for the Muslim community as a whole and also said that the religious bar should be lifted from Article 341 of the Constitution but the UPA government did not make any forward movement on this. It is an irony that the same government, which set up the Mishra Commission, is opposing the lifting of religious bar in the Supreme Court which has directed the government to make its stand on the issue, he quipped. Describing reservation as the only panacea for addressing backwardness of the community, he said the Samajawadi party is the only party which has come out with a clear cut resolution on Muslim reservation asking the government to implement Mishra recommendations. He also emphasized the need of making separate schemes for the Muslims as the experience showed that in the name of minority, the other minority communities have been cornering all the benefits. The case in point is Multi- sectoral development scheme for minority concentrated districts (MCDs); he alleged that most of the amount of the scheme is being distributed among the RSS affiliates there. Revealing his own experience while he was chairman of the Delhi Minority Commission, Farooqui said many hurdles were created by the Delhi government in carrying out schemes for the community. When I raised the Batla House encounter issue, I was told that it was not your business, despite that I went ahead, he said. Replying to a question, as to why he did not spend the money fully, he said because, some vested interests and the government wanted to spend on other non-minority schemes. On his joining the Samajawadi party, he said he was never a member of the Congress party. When this reporter told him that Samjawadi party's track record on minority welfare was not encouraging, he said Mulayam Singh was now a changed man and the party would raise the Muslim reservation issue in the monsoon session of Parliament. His attention was drawn to the fact that the Mulayam Singh government had withdrawn Urdu paper from Judicial Services in 2006, something which even the BJP could not do; resulting in drastic reduction in Muslims making it to UPJS after 2005 and his previous government (1990) did not take up the case of Urdu language properly when its predecessor government led by chief Minister ND Tiwari had made Urdu the language of the state which was challenged by Urdu opponents in the Allahabad High Court, Farooqui said he would strive to make Urdu the medium of instruction at the primary level. On the alliance with the Congress party in the next year assembly election in UP, he said the party has decided that it would go it alone and candidates for around 80 percent seats of the assembly seats have been already decided. (Abdul Bari Masoud)

Ten thousand madrasas in West Bengal to be recognised Kolkata: TNC government in West Bengal will recognise Jamiat Ulama to provide lawyers to defend Fahim etc madrasas in the sate. The chief minister, in a policy decision, said Mumbai: Maharashtra Branch of Jamiat Ulama-e Hind (Arshad that more than ten thousand madrasas in the state, which are Madni group)'s head of Legal Assistance Department. Gulzar unrecognised, will now be recognised after which these Azmi said here that the Branch has appointed defence laywers madrasas will become eligible to take advantage of the facilities for Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin, the accused in terrorists attack and concessions under the Constitution and also of many central in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 but who were found not guilty government schemes. She said that the previous Left Front govand released both by Mumbai's special court as well as High ernment of the state had neither recognised these madrasas nor Court. It may be mentioned here that Maharashtra's home min- given them any financial help for unknown reasons because of which they could not derive any benefits from these schemes. She further said that the financial position of the state is very bad at the moment which is the legacy of the previous government and hence for the present her government is not in a posiT HE M ILLI G AZETTE tion to give any financial D-84, Abul Fazl Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar, help to these madrasas New Delhi-110025 India Tel.: (+91-11) 2694 but after being recog7483 Email: nised, these madrasas will be able to derive many other benefits and


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 21

Utter neglect of Muslim heritage
Ahmadabad: Gujarat boasts of Gujarat gaurav (pride) but when it comes to preserving of Muslim architecture it is totally neglected. Historical buildings, if linked to the Muslim past, suffer indifference and neglect. Sojali, a small village, five kilometres away from Mahmadabad, has a historical monument popularly known as Roja-Roji dargah. This protected monument as national heritage has been totally neglected. Even the plaque which declares it a national monument suffers from total neglect and needs immediate repairs. No wonder if the sole minaret of the mosque crumbles down in no time. If one probes deep into history he will find that saint Syed Mubarak (R.A.) was a courtier in the court of Sultan Shahudin Mehmudshan III. He was impartial and always adhered to truth and justice in arbitrating feuds between other courtiers. He was martyred because of his adherence to truth and impartiality in 1558. After his demise his son Meeran built his mausoleum at his own cost by spending Rs. 2 lakh. It is a superb example of excellent artistry and is extremely imposing and full of grandeur. It was even appreciated by the Mughal emperor Jehangir. Close to this stone shrine are the tombs of the ladies of the distinguished family built with bricks. The two are endearingly called Roja Roji mazar. Being close to the river bank it attracts people as a picnic spot. Though the shrine has not suffered much dilapidation; adjoining tombs and other monuments because of neglect have suffered immense damage and need proper maintenance. The Architecture department (Vadodara range) has put up a signboard declaring it to be a national heritage monument and thinks it has discharged its responsibility in full. Though it warns of legal punishment to those who wilfully damage or destroy nothing is done. What about the department which dutifully ignores it and allows it to fall into ruins? Sixteen students of Allahabad Uni. selected for fellowships Allahabad: Maximum number of sixteen boy and girl students of Allahabad University's Department of Urdu have been selected after qualifying University Grants Commission's net/JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) examination and National Aptitude Examination for appointment as teachers in Degree Colleges being run under UGC. Married man elopes with girl, Muslims flee village In an event which brought back gruesome memories of Gujarat 2002 riots, 175 families of Napaniya and Khalaspur, the two adjoining villages in Gujarat's Panchmahal district, have fled their homes on June 13 for safe havens elsewhere fearing violent retaliation from the tribal community. The exodus was triggered after Yusuf Khatki, a married Muslim man from Khalaspur eloped with a tribal girl named Suman Baria of the same village on June 8. When the village got wind of the incident, rumours spread that tribals would soon retaliate forcing the Muslims to vacate the two villages to put up with their friends and relatives in near by places. The couple was traced and returned to their families on June 18, a day before the media got to know about the incident, and the local administration persuaded the villagers to return. However, the police claim that around 90% of the residents have returned so far, but sources say that many villagers are reluctant to return. Around 1,000 people had fled to the homes of their relatives, Abdul Quraishi, a resident of Napaniya said. Quraishi himself, along with his family, had taken cover in Godhra town for four days. Nagin Quraishi, who stayed back, said he constituted those few who looked after the houses and cattles. We admitted that Yusuf had made a mistake by eloping with a Hindu girl. The people, he added, did not want to risk their lives after the trauma they collectively had gone through in the Gujarat riots. Ironically, the Barias had helped the Khatkis by giving them refuge during the days of arson and murder after the Godhra riots, which had made hundreds of Muslim households victims of

19 chargesheeted for SHO murder

CIDCB on 23 June filed chargesheets against 19 persons for burning Phool Mohammad alive to death on 17 March this year at Sorwal town. The case has been filed in the court of chief judicial magistrate, Jaipur, and conists of 652 pages. Two of these 19 persons (Mukehs and Tezram) are already free on bail while some are absconding. Some are charged with inciting the mob, stone-pelting, destroying evidences and damaging government property. The accused include Satya Narain Meena, Radhay Shyam Mali, Jitendar Meena, Mukesh Mali, Trilok Yogi, Shyamlal Khatik, Jamuna Lal Meena, Prithviraj Meena, Babbu alias Balli, Charanjilal Meena, Shersingh Meena, Jaganlal Meena and Parmanand Meena. Earlier, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) had been constituted by Rajasthan's Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot under I.G. Bhupinder Singh's leadership to probe into Sorwal Thana (Sawaimadhopur) Incharge Phool Muhammad's gruesome murder by a mob. The SIT had named a total of 47 persons who were involved in this case, 19 of whom have been arrested and 28 are absconding. The SIT will submit the challan against them to Chief Judicial Magistrate. The SIT, finding the role of two plunder and compelled them to leave their homes for safer places.According to social activists working in the area, such cases have become a common phenomenon. Around 30 % of the wives in Muslim families in tribal areas are from Hindu tribal families. As the landless tribals have no other source of income and Muslims enjoy a financial edge in the tribal areas, activists say that what prompts such dramatic incidents is the money factor. Meanwhile, Sachin Badshah, the Panchmahal SP, claims that very few villagers had left and that too was not connected to the elopement. He also claims to have visited both the villages to bring the situation under control. The families are back in their homes and three armed guards have been posted in each village, he asserted. Two-for-one scam: several Haj aspirants duped Ahmadabad: Haj at conscessional rate scheme prompted several Haj aspirants to deposit advance payments with the hope that they would be able to perform their Haj at almost half the prevailing rates. Ek ka do (two for one) scheme promised the gullible aspirants that full payment at the rate of Rs. 85000 in November 2010 would enable to perform the Haj in November 2011. There was a mad rush of depositors for availing of this advance payment scheme. Since a delay by each month would entail an additional cost of Rs. 10,000 per month, people rushed for booking seats. After the exposure of the scam while the scamsters are either absconding or behind bars, the investors find themselves duped. In addition to the financial loss that they have incurred they have the mental agony of missing the pilgrimage. Though it is deplorable on the part of the scamsters to play with the religious sentiments of people; it is equally deplorable that Haj aspirants should try to avail themselves of such schemes which is based on fraud. Had they pondered that such concessions are gross violation of halal income they would have resisted the temptation. What is more astounding is the fact that maulvis and muftis who are supposed to guide people in matters of halal / haram at least as far as Haj is considered did not resist the temptation and joined in the mad rush. Dwarf dares to reach the sky Nadiad: Yaaro tumhe meri udaan dekhni ho to pahale aasman se kaho ke wo thoda uncha ho jaye (Friends, if you want to see how high I can soar in the sky tell the sky to rise a bit higher for the test). She personifies Rober Browning's optimism The hand should reach beyond the grasp or else, what's heaven for? This is how Shaista Shafibhai, a two-and-halffeet tall girl of seventeen years, expresses her zeal to rise high. She scored 77 percent marks in the 12 class examinations. She was the highest scorer in Sardar Patel Commerce High School. Earlier, in class tenth she had scored 82.3 percent marks. This orphan child is being looked after by her paternal aunt Zubaidaben who loves her as her own daughter. It is her task to take and fetch Shaista from school. Next to Allah, Shaista gives credit for her success to her aunt Zubaidaben. She is a stickler about her daily prayers and observes fasting during Ramzan. She wishes to pursue a career in commerce. Though financial constraints pose a big challenge, she is determined to join college, confident that Allah will take care of her worries on Himself. Stay on warrant against Dr. Zakir Naik Mumbai: A Jhansi court issued an order to stay the warrant against famous Islamic scholar and preacher, Dr. Zakir Naik and police officers present on the spot at the time of the crime suspicious, has sought home ministry's permission for taking action against them. The SIT has come to the conclusion that the Thana Incharge (late) Phool Muhammad had so much stock of tear gas shells and other devices that if the high or police officials present there wanted, they could have dispersed the crowd easily, and the situation would have been brought under control and Phool Muhammad's life could have been saved; but because of their carelessness, the crowd first injured Phool Muhammad and subsequently burnt him alive by sprinkling kerosene on him. The team also found that when the crowd was pelting Phool Muhammad with stones, many senior people tried to intervene to save the police officer but the crowd frightened them and they fled for their lives while the crowd continued raining stones on the police officer till he became unconscious. Thereafter, they dumped him in the jeep and set him afire. The team also found that about two thousand pieces of stones were found near Phool Muhammad's jeep, and many of them were so big and heavy that these could not be thrown from a distance. (NA Ansari) not to take any action on it. This order was in response to a petition by one Mudassar who had presented his speeches in a distorted manner in the court and had accused him of many charges, including making anti-Indian speeches and had demanded issuance of an arrest warrant against him. Dr. Zakir Naik's lawyer Arun Dikshit told the court that instead of presenting his speeches in full and proper context, the petitioner had presented his speeches in a completely distorted manner and the charges made by the petitioner against Zakir Naik also were totally baseless. At this the court issued order to stay his arrest warrant and not to take any action against him. Mudassar, who appears to be of unsound mind, is also alleged to have claimed that he is, we seek protection of God, the Prophet. Dr. Zakir Naik in response to all this, called upon Muslims not to get agitated because such things are common in the way of propagation of religion. CBI set to indict Amit Shah in fake encounter case Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) may soon arrest former Gujarat minister Amit Shah, as the agency claims to have cracked Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounter case. The fresh findings which the CBI terms as decisive could land Shah into serious trouble. He was earlier arrested last year in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case. The CBI asserts that the killing of Prajapati succeeded Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter involving Gujarat and Rajasthan police forces and was carried out to destroy evidence as Prajapati was the main witness in the Sohrabuddin encounter. The agency had earlier sought merger of Sohrabuddin and Prajapti fake encounter cases this March. Sources reveal that Prajapati's murder was methodologically planned by Amit Shah. Just before Prajapati was killed, D.G Vanzara was posted as DIG (Border Range) at Banaskantha. It was an out of turn posting. Prajapati was killed within ten days of Vanzara taking over the charge, source said. Such high level posting needs to be sanctioned by the state home minister, who at that time was Amit Shah. The question then arises: what caused such an out of turn posting? the source added. It is this discreet connection between Shah and Vanzara which the CBI has now found. Prajapati, who was lodged in the Udaipur jail, had already been attacked in the prison on March 25, 2006. Within days of Vanzara taking the charge, Rajasthan police received summons from the court asking Prajapati to arrive at Ahmedabad court in connection with Popular Builder shooting case. He was killed on December 27, 2006 near Rajasthan border while on his way back. CBI is also investigating the role of the state CID which is under suspicion for facilitating Shah in Prajapati's fake encounter. Earlier, in its chargesheet filed in Sohrabuddin fake encounter case, CBI had maintained that the shootout at Popular Builders office in Ahmedabad in December 2004 was also staged by Gujarat police to allegedly justify Sohrabuddin fake encounter as an outcome of criminal rivalry. Later, as allegedly planned, the Gujarat police clubbed the shootout and fake encounter cases implicating Prajapati and Sylvestor as associates of Sohrabuddin. Nanavati Commission gets 16th extension! Nanavati Commission, probing the 2002 Gujarat riots, has got a six month extension. This is going to be the sixteenth extension since it was set up in 2002. The term of the probe panel has now been extended by the Gujarat government till 31 December. The commission comprising retired Justice K G Shah of the Gujarat High Court was appointed on 6 March, 2002 to probe the postGodhra riots. Justice Mehta was appointed after the death of Justice Shah in 2008. The Commission in its interim report in 2008 said that the incident was a pre-planned conspiracy and not an accident.

22 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

Communal violence bill diluted
In order to make it acceptable and also to ensure that the violence bill is not stuck midway, some of the controversial points have been removed. Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council on 22 June cleared the drafts of food security and the Communal Violence Bill. NAC has dropped the clause which empowered the Centre to invoke Section 355 in case of violence against minorities. The word minorities in the draft was opposed by some but it is believed that Sonia Gandhi pressed for the need to have the minorities word in the final Communal Violence Bill draft. Most of the members were of the view that because of the institutional bias against minorities it was morally correct to focus the bill on the minorities. NAC has agreed to 49 amendments from the original draft. The bill has been opposed by the BJP on the ground that the bill presumes that communal violence is created only by members of the majority community and not by people from the minority community. Another amendment is to remove the phrase destruction of secular fabric in relation to the definition of Communal and Targeted Violence. Both the Bills cleared by the NAC will now be sent to the prime minister for governments nod. After being cleared by the empowered Group of Ministers and the Union Cabinet, both the bills are likely to be presented in the coming Monsoon session of Parliament Congress-BJP clash on Communal Violence Bill Congress Party has rejected BJPs criticism of the proposed Communal Violence Bill terming the latters reaction as premature as nothing has been finalized yet. In the wake of the proposed Bill, BJP accused the central government of postponing its decision on Parliament attack case convict Afzal Gurus mercy petition, to which the Congress spokesman Abhishek Singhvi replied, This is a constitutional process. As that process goes on in sequence, it will be dealt with. Some will be accepted and some will be rejected. Condemning BJP of communalizing the mercy petition issue he reminded that when BJP-led NDA was in power, no action was taken on the 22 persons on death row, which included the assassin of a former prime minister. Urging BJP to maintain decency and sobriety, he called its disapproval of the Bill as a preemptive strike, reflective of the BJPs deep and pervasive fear and guilt complex. Mr. Singhvi slammed the BJP for promoting its communal agenda by saying, Those who continue to be proudly bound by the umbilical chord of the RSS, have divisive communal agendas, subscribe to the writings of Golwalkar, carry the shame of Gujarat, Karnataka and Babri episode with ease, and sometimes with pride, are naturally worried by a Communal Violence Bill. On BJPs allegations that the Bill attempted to cut the powers of the states to size, he pointed out that all the clauses, except one, have given powers to the state government to declare a disturbed area to take action. Only clause 55 gives the power to the central government but that too adheres to three cumulative conditions. First, the Centre informs the state of a communally sensitive situation. Second, it would have to wait for the state to act on that information and third, if despite advisories, the state government fails to act, only then the Centre would intervene. For the last few weeks, the Communal Violence Bill has become the focal point of debate between Congress and BJP. While the former calls the Bill, the need of the hour, the latter outrightly rejects it as another minority appeasement plank. With President Pratibha Patil rejecting two mercy petitions, one of the Khalistan Liberation Force terrorist, Devender Singh Bhullar, who was sentenced to death in 2001 for plotting terror attacks in 1991 and the then Youth Congress president, M.S Bitta, in 1993, and of M.N Das, a murder convict; BJPs unrelenting criticism of the Bill and the renewed chant of Afzal Guru ko phansi do (Hang Afzal Guru) should be seen in the light of these developments. Forbesganj victims meet VP, heads of NHRC and NCM New Delhi: Bihar Police firing on the people of Bhajanpur (Forbesganj) took place on 3 June but even after a month the matter has not subsided. On the contrary it is becoming more serious with the passage of time. Various delegations on behalf of the affected people first led by Mahesh Bhat and Shabnam Hashmi of ANHAD met Sonia Gandhi and thereafter other delegations led by LJP leader Ram Vilas Paswan met National Minorities Commissions Chairman Wajahat Habibullah and brought to his notice the barbarous behaviour of police. Another delegation led by Shabnam Hashmi and spokesman of Bihar Congress Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Khan alongwith the affected persons met Vice President Hamid Ansari at his official residence on 20 June and apprised him of details of the incident that took place on 3 June. The Vice President heard the grievances of the affected people individually and assured them of his all possible efforts to ensure justice to them. Another delegation led by the same people met the chairman of National Human Rights Commission, G.K. Balakrishan who while strongly condemning police attitude told them that he is with them in this legal battle and soon a delegation of Human Rights Commission will visit the place of incident to find out the truth. The chairman also talked to the affected persons individually and listened to their grievances. He was also shown the CD of footage of police barbarities. Thereafter Shabnam Hashmi told media persons that the delegation demanded the Commission that police FIRs against four thousand unknown persons should be withdrawn and cases against guilty police personnel should be filed in courts. This delegation also met Union industries minister Ashvini Kumar and Planning Commission member Mrs. Syeda

AFSPA must go in J&K: Paswan

New Delhi: Former union minister and Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Villas Paswan has accused the central government of being insensitive to the Kashmir problem while the senior congress leader Digvijay Singh advised Kashmir chief minister Omer Abdullah to cut short his sojourn to Delhi. Addressing a public meeting on Kashmir here Paswan said that he along with like-minded parties would try to corner the government on the Kashmir issue in the forthcoming session of Parliament. Blaming both state and central government for the impasse on Kashmir, he warned that Kashmir was sitting on powder- keg and anything could happen anytime. He had visited the Valley a couple of time recently. Former union minister said it was unfortunate that the country was not aware of the real situation in Kashmir. Development or employment is not the issue there but fear as new born see the barrel of guns instead of the flora and fauna of that beautiful landscape, he added. Calling upon the civil society and political parties for educating Indian masses about the real situation in Kashmir, he said when more than 118 youths were killed by the security forces last year not a single union minister went there to assuage the hurt feelings of the people. His private resolution on Kashmir is pending before parliament since July last year but no discussion was held till date on it, he rued. Obliquely criticizing Kashmir chief minister Omer Abdullah, senior Congress leader Digvijya Singh said he learnt from the media report that he (Omer) spent more time in Delhi than Kashmir. He asked the government, to at least de-notify those areas and districts where militancy was wiped out, from the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). For this, there is no need of amending the Act as Saiyyadain Hamid and showed them also the CD of police brutalities. They also expressed their deep sorrow and sense of shock over the behaviour of police. Wajahat Habibullah, Minorities Commissions chairman told Ram Vilas Paswan that he will personally visit the place alongwith Syeda Bilgrami on 21 June to meet the affected people and listen to their grievances. He also told him (Paswan) that he has demanded a factual report of the incident from Bihar government. Muslim United Fronts President Abu Qaisar said in a press conference that thousands of Front members will sit on a one-day dharna at Patnas Kargil Chowk on 23 June and observe it a Black Day. Madanis bail application referred to another SC bench New Delhi: Supreme Courts Chief Justice, Justice S.H. Kapadia has referred the bail application case of Keralas PDP president Abdun Nasir Madani to another constitution bench of the apex court. Madani, it may be stated, is in jail in connection with Bangalores serial bomb blasts in 2008. The reference to another bench was made because there were serious differences between the 2-judge bench of this Court consisting of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudhakar Mishra over the issue. Justice Katju felt that proofs against Madani are not sufficient and hence bail should not be denied to him. He opined that no doubt Madani made inflammatory speeches which should not be made in a secular country but merely on this basis he cannot be considered complicit in the conspiracy of Bangalore bomb blasts. He further said that his telephone talks to other accused persons before and after the blasts also are not proof of his being the mastermind in the conspiracy of bomb blasts. Justice Mishra on the other hand argued that both these things are enough proofs of his complicity in these bomb blasts. He argued that if he is granted bail, then the entire criminal laws and rules would have to be changed and a provision needs to be made that an accused person should not be arrested till he is declared or found guilty by the court. Because of such differences of opinion between the two judges, both agreed that the case may be referred to the Chief Justice who may transfer it to another bench. M.F. Husain was worth at least Rs. 4000 crore Kolkata: The brand value of (late) M.F. Husain is more than Rs. Four thousand crore. He made about 20,000 paintings (according to London based NRI steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, who is an admirer of Husains paintings, he had made about 24000 paintings) during his lifetime, each of which valued anything between Rs. 3 lakh and Rs. 5 crore. After his death his works are most likely to become costlier. In his lifetime he was being compared to famous artist Picasso and his art works commanded much higher prices than those of contemporary Indian artists excepting Tayyeb Mehta, S.H. Raza and a few others. Two of his paintings: Battle of Ganga and Jamuna, and Mahabharat 12, were auctioned for Rs. 6.5 crore at Christies in 2008. Swarup Srivastav of Swarup Group of Indistries, who was no lover of art, had commissioned Husain to make 100 paintings for Rs. 101 crore in 2004. During the period of his self-exile in Dubai he owned about half-a-dozen costly cars and also owned properties in London. RSS softens dress code rule to attract youths Traditionally, well-crafted norms are followed by RSS members participating in the shakhas in terms of dress code followed religiously by its cadre. But now it appears that the RSS has taken a more subtle stand on dress and members can be seen participating in the shakhas in jeans and T-shirts instead of khaki halfpants and black caps. After having realised the size of youth and

such provision already exists in the AFSPA, he said. It is an irony that the CM failed to build bridges with the people; he has two to three years more to prove his mettle. Demanding the repeal of AFSPA and Public Safety Act, CPI secretary and MP D Raja has said the Valley is the most militarized zone in the world where the presence of the army is vis-vis citizens 1:5. Several speakers came down heavily on the government for not showing any sincerity towards resolving the issue. Noted lawyer Virenda Grover said tom-toming the success of panchayat or any other elections was not the real indicator of the situation in the state. She warned that linking the Kashmir issue with the success of elections was a dangerous trend as it would not lead anywhere. People voted to ease their daily life problems not for the resolution of the Kashmir issue, she insisted. Highlighting the human rights violation incidents, chairperson of the Association of the Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDPA) Praveen Ahangar said there were more than 10,000 persons mostly youths who have disappeared since militancy broke out in the valley but not a single person was traced. Narrating her own sons story, she could not control herself. She said that her 16 year son was picked up by the NSG in 1990 and she went virtually from pillar to post but failed to get an inkling about his where about. We will continue our struggle till we get justice, she said. The seminar called upon the government to initiate a dialogue process with the people of Kashmir in right earnest and muster the political will to resolve the issue. Shabnam Hashmi (ANHAD) said the Kashmir issue could not be put under the carpet for a long time. The meeting was organized by Anhad. (Abdul Bari Masoud) their force, even the strict RSS agreed to the pressure of the youth to modernise the shakhas with the changing times. Not only the dress code, even the pattern of shakhas and place where these are held has also been agreed to reorganise according to the demands of the youth. Shakhas these days are organised even in hostels and rooms of IIT and JNU. Pragya named accused in the Samjhauta blast case Sadhvi Pragya who is already an accused in the murder of Sunil Joshi and the bomb blast in Malegaon is also likely to be made an accused in the Samjhauta blast case with Swami Aseemanand. Pragya is presently in judicial custody and is alleged to be part of the criminal conspiracy to execute bomb blast in the Samjhauta Express in association with Swami Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi, Ramchandra Kalsangra, Sandeep Dange and Ashwini Chauhan. Aseemanand had submitted in the court that he confessed his role in various bomb blasts including Samjhauta blast under pressure from the CBI and NIA! German Bakery blast enquiry to be handed over to NIA Mumbai: According to Maharashtra government's home ministry resources, inquiry into the bomb blast at the German bakery at Pune on 13 February 2010 will now be handed over to National Investigating Agency (NIA) like Malegaon bomb blasts case of 2006 as Maharashtra ATS which has been enquiring into this case has not been able to achieve any success in this case so far. Orders have been issued by the central government to Maharashtra ATS which has been asked to hand over copies of all relevant papers, inquiry reports etc. to NIA. Investigating agencies had been claiming that David Coleman Headly who is now facing trial in a Chicago court was behind this blast. It may be stated that the ATS had claimed on 17 September 2010 to have solved this problem and had even arrested one Himayat Baig who was allegedly associated with Indian Mujahideen but this was not found satisfactory. So a decision has been taken to hand over this case to NIA. Kashmiri Pandits seek Wakf-like board The Kashmiri Pandits in order to safeguard, promote and preserve their religious structures have demanded from the state government to enact a law that will be helpful in establishing a board similar to that of Muslims Wakf board and Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee. The demand has come keeping in mind Jammu and Kashmirs proposal to prepare a draft bill that would ensure protection and development of religious places in Kashmir. Kundan Kashmiri, president of All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference said that his organisation and Mandir Parbandhak Committee welcomed the initiative of the state government and various Pandit organisations in drafting a bill for the protection and development of shrines and religious structures. Kashmiri Pandits are of the view that their demands are genuine, as boards and Acts for Muslims and Sikhs already exit. Hallelujah! Gandhis Bharat holds Mahotsav in Israel! In order to mark the ever-expanding ties between Israel and India during the last two decades, a three-week cultural festival was held in Israel. It began on 29 April and ended on 25 May. Indian artists in large numbers participated in this festival. In this mahotsav, cultural advancement was showcased along with dances, cuisine, films and literature in order to further boost the ties between India and the zionist entity standing on occupied land whose owners are rotting in refugees camps across the borders on all sides of Israel. This was the first of its kind Indian programme orgainsed in Israel.

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 23


Entrapping Innocent Muslims

In March, Rep. Peter King chaired a racist congressional hearing, duplicitously claiming radicalized Muslims are increasing at an alarming rate, endangering US security. In fact, the only law enforcement witness testifying refuted his accusations. STEPHEN LENDMAN Most alarming is that Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI, and Justice Department (DOJ) all embrace recent New York University School of Law Center for racist radicalization notions to entrap innocent victims with prevenHuman Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) report is titled, tive policing nearly always with no evidence of wrongdoing. Instead Targeted and Entrapped: Manufacturing the 'Homegrown of pursuing criminals, they target people for their faith, religious Threat' in the United States. Post-9/11, Muslims have practices, and appearance unjustly, using well-paid informant been ruthlessly targeted. Paid informants have infested mosques snitches. and their communities to entrap them. As a result, over 200 were Post-9/11, repressive laws were enacted to facilitate the persecuted on bogus terrorism related charges. Despite tout(ing) process, resulting in the criminalization of a range of behaviors these cases as successes in the so-called war against (not) indicative of....intent to commit...violent crime(s). At the same terrorism....former (FBI) agents, local lawmakers, and many others time, law enforcement powers were recklessly expanded in violahave begun questioning the legitimacy and efficacy of entrapping tion of constitutional rights. As a result, abusive practices proliferatinnocent victims for political advantage. ed against Muslims, making it the CHRGJ discussed several high-profile enforcement officials or agents wrong time for them to be here, cases, using well-paid informants often perform- induce, influence, or provoke crimes even native born ones . ing services in return for reduced charges or that otherwise wouldn't be commitUsing informants to illegally sentences they face, a powerful incentive to ted... government officials or agents entrap is especially alarming when cooperate. initiating the idea; then persuading no legal limits constrain the targetNearly always, Washington invents plots individuals to discuss, plan or com- ing of one segment of society. foiled in the nick of time, entrapping innocent vicmit actions they otherwise never Because of earlier COINTELPRO tims with no intent to commit crimes. America's and other abuses, Attorney General intended. media headline them. The public feels safer with Edward Levi (in 1976) established no idea they've been scammed or that blameNYPD has become a leading advo- Guidelines proceed(ing) from the less citizens and residents are falsely charged. cate for law enforcement based on proposition that Government moniIn fact, calling Muslims potential threats or toring of individuals or groups the flawed radicalization model, homegrown terrorists violates core constitubecause they hold unpopular or authorizing illegal acts, including tional freedoms. Nonetheless, it's now common controversial views is intolerable in inducement(s) engage in law enforcement practice assuming that: our society. Muslims are more likely to become terror- crim(inal) activity to facilitate entrapHowever, they eroded steadily, ment. ists; notably post-9/11, so today virtually they're increasingly radicalized and comanything goes extralegally on the pretext of national security. In pelled to commit violence in the name of Islam; and 2008, Attorney General Michael Mukasey's Guidelines were procounterterrorism policies should identify and stop them before foundly lawless, authorizing informants, surveillance, and other they act. abusive practices in cases involving no suspected criminality. In fact, research contradicts these notions. Moreover, relying on For example, FBI agents may direct informants to collect them violates fundamental human rights long ago discarded for names, emails, phone numbers, and other information about devout political and judicial expediency. As a result, Muslims most often mosque attendees, based only on their religiosity. face terrorism charges because they hate us or other spurious Specifically, intrusive assessments may be made in situations reasons. with no information or....allegations indicating wrongdoing or threat Muslim men (and Muslim looking people) are especially vulto national security. As a result, groups or meetings infiltrated nerable. In addition, Muslim culture and religious practices are also covertly, attendees questioned casually, and physical surveillance cited as indicators of potential terrorism. As a result, they're maliof homes, offices and individuals conducted extralegally. ciously targeted, surveilled, investigated, entrapped, charged, The FBI's Domestic Investigative Operational Guidelines (DIOGs) unjustly prosecuted, and convicted. are used this way without supervisory approval or constraints on abuNotably, a 2007 NYPD report titled, Radicalization in the West: sive practices. As a result, virtually anything goes, primarily against one The Homegrown Threat popularized these beliefs, using thinly segment of society, creating a troubling law enforcement standard sourced, reductionist notions, claiming: common in police states unencumbered by laws. the path to terrorism has a fixed trajectory and that each step Moreover, even though the 2003 DOJ Guidance Regarding the of the process has specific, identifiable markers, despite no corrobUse of Race by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies bans profiling orating evidence. In fact, research suggests the opposite, exposing by race and ethnicity, it implicitly permits doing so for faith and racist, discriminatory beliefs and practices. national origin purposes, as well as targeting anyone for national In fact, Washington uses these notions maliciously, targeting and border security purposes. innocent Muslims for their faith and ethnicity. Moreover, in February, The Mukasey Guidelines also permit illegal entrapment and Senator Joe Lieberman called on the National and Homeland other abusive practices. As a result, federal, state and local law Security Councils to develop a comprehensive national approach enforcement agencies lawlessly target Muslim communities to idento countering homegrown radicalization to violent Islamist extrem-

Sounds familiar with what we have been experiencing here in India. Our counter-terrorism expert are routinely taught by CIA and Mossad


We have enough arms to frighen the world into submission

tify potential terrorists. In fact, New York city guidelines specifically permit intrusive investigations of potential terrorist activity before an unlawful act occurs. Unconstrained informants are used, subject only to Deputy Commissioner of the Intelligence Division directives. As a result, NYPD has become a leading advocate for law enforcement based on the flawed radicalization model, authorizing illegal acts, including inducement(s) engage in crim(inal) activity to facilitate entrapment. FBI guidelines also authorize expansive powers, including targeting individuals or groups for their views or religious practices. Critics include former FBI counterterrorism agent (now ACLU Senior Policy Counsel) Mike German, saying the FBI (is) out of compliance with its (own) guidelines to an extraordinary extent, by providing few checks on illegal practices, including entrapment. It occurs when law enforcement officials or agents induce, influence, or provoke crimes that otherwise wouldn't be committed. However, it doesn't apply in willing lawlessness instances, government merely aiding, abetting, or facilitating chances to do so. Specifically, it involves: government officials or agents initiating the idea; then persuading individuals to discuss, plan or commit actions they otherwise never intended. To convict, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt no entrapment was used. In fact, it's common against innocent people, especially Muslims targeted for political or other reasons. CHRGJ concluded that types of evidence relied upon by the government in terrorism-related prosecutions are highly prejudicial, and build on the conflation of Muslim religious practice, political opinions critical of US foreign policy, and (alleged) terrorism. The prejudicial nature of relying on such evidence is magnified by entrapment, claiming defendants' are predisposed to commit crimes, based on fabricated, secret, or other evidence to prejudice, pressure, and intimidate juries to convict. Based on empirical research, however, no link exists between religion or political views and a propensity to commit violent acts. Nonetheless, most convictions result from bogusly conflating them as proof of intent or predisposition. As a result, victims are usually defenseless against abusive government practices, including through wrongful conviction civil rights lawsuits right-wing courts rule against or disallow, especially in national security related cases involving alleged terrorism or conspiracy to commit it. CHRGJ covered several case examples, including David Williams, one of the Newburgh Four (NY), bogusly charged with plotting to blow up a Bronx synagogue and shoot down military aircraft with Stinger surface-to-air missiles. Using an FBI sting, an informant was lawlessly used to entrap them. Despite no plot or crime, they were arrested, charged and convicted. Another case involved Eljvir, Dristan and Shain Duka, three of the Fort Dix Five, falsely charged and convicted on multiple counts, including planning to attack US soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ, despite no plot, crime or legitimate evidence. Another entrapment sting operation was used. A third case involved Shahawar Siraj Matin, also entrapped by a police informant in an alleged subway bombing plot despite no crime or intent to commit one. Another case involves two Bowling Green, KY Iraqis (Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan) beyond the study's timeline, the Louisville Courier-Journal saying on May 31 they were indicted on terrorism charges. Specifically, they were charged with conspiring to kill US soldiers with improvised explosive devices in Iraq, as well as plans to send Stinger missiles, cash, sniper rifles, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers to Iraq. In fact, the alleged plot is as implausible as attacking Fort Dix, downing military aircraft, attacking marines at Quantico, VA, bombing New York landmarks, and other concocted schemes to entrap and convict innocent victims. A Final Comment: CHRGJ said practices described in the Report raise serious concerns about the US government's compliance with its international human rights obligations, including rights to a fair trial, non-discrimination, freedom of expression, religion, and other rights under US and international law. Federal, state, and local enforcement agencies systematically violate them to target and convict unjustly, sending innocent victims to prison for being Muslims in America at the wrong time, leaving everyone just as vulnerable. As a result, it's proved impossible for victims to gain redress at a time imperial priorities take precedence. Its ravages are felt abroad and at home, especially by Muslim families. Wives lose husbands, children their fathers, and wrongfully convicted Muslim men their freedom, some for decades or the rest of their lives to satisfy America's lust for conquest and domination, no matter the human cost. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at


North Korea


Mulla Omar




24 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Waging another unconstitutional war

The meticulous Harvard Law Review editors should be rolling over in their footnotes. The recidivist violations of constitutional and statutory requirements by their celebrated predecessor at that journal - Barack Obama - have reached Orwellian dimensions in the war against Libya. You see, the widespread daily bombing of Libya, the strict naval blockade of Muammar Gadhafi-controlled Libya, the destruction of Gadhafi's family compound and tent encampment in the desert - killing his son and three grandchildren - and the deployment of special forces inside Libya is not a "War." It is, in the Obama White House's evasive nomenclature, just a "time-limited, scope-limited military action" Can you find that phrase in the Constitution? If Obama used the word "War," he would have a more difficult time explaining to Congress and the American people (three out of four oppose this war) why he did not (1) seek a declaration of war under Article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution, or (2) seek Congressional authorization for appropriated funds to further the war with our NATO co-warriors, or (3) comply with the deadlines of the War Powers Resolution. He threw all three lawful restraints on his presidential unilateralism overboard. So, in the invidious tradition of George W. Bush and his indentured confessor, Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, now comfortably ensconced on the law faculty of the University of California Berkeley, Mr. Obama is blithely claiming as authority for taking our country into another war "the inherent powers of the President under Article II of the Constitution." This wouldn't pass the laugh test by Jefferson, Madison, Franklin Mason or even Hamilton. James Madison believed placing the war-declaring power in the exclusive hands of Congress was the most significant achievement during the convention in Philadelphia that summer of 1787. No more King George substitutes for America's future, they demanded. Note that Libya did not attack the US or its appendages, and did not attack a member of NATO. Obama admits these points. Libya's trusting government sovereign fund even left $37 billion in the US, which Obama promptly froze. Lacking even the prevaricatory pretenses for Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, Obama and Hillary Clinton now say the US is militarily involved "to protect our interests and advance our values" in the region and, of course, to protect the "universal rights" of the Libyan people. (Opportunities abound for this Obama doctrine around the world from the Congo to Syria, to Burma, to occupied Palestine and many other areas.) Desperately seeking legitimacy, Mr. Obama cites the UN resolution, NATO, and the Arab League instead of seeking it from Congress. For all treaties with foreign countries, including the UN Charter, are trumped by the US Constitution (Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 (1957)). As a former teacher of constitutional law, the president knows this basic principle but then, as Lord Acton declared: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Congress, rendered a rubber stamp by president George W. Bush, is bestirring itself. On June 3, 2011, the House of Representatives passed H.R. Res 292 declaring that the president shall not deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya. On this matter, Obama pleads state secrets. On June 16, 2011, ten members of the House - five conservative Republicans (including Walter B. Jones (Rep. N.C.) and Ron Paul (Rep. Texas) and five Democrats (including Dennis Kucinich (Dem. Ohio) and John Conyers (Dem. Mich.) filed suit against president Obama in federal district court for an order declaring the US war in Libya "without a declaration of Congress with the use of funds never approved for such a war" to be unconstitutional. Given past judicial decisions declaring members of Congress to have "no standing to sue" on what they call "political matters," this suit is facing an uphill barrier. Congress has appropriated no money for this war, already costing nearly a billion dollars, nor has the lawless Obama asked for it because he knows there will be strong bi-partisan resistance. So where is the Congress to go but to the courts to decide this internal, domestic issue affecting the separation of powers provoked by a clearly lawless president? The degraded, politicized, formerly professional Office of Legal Counsel is a sleazy apologist for presidential overreaching for over two decades. The expanding immunities of the Executive Branch, now increasingly embracing the military contractors of the corporate state, is destroying the remaining pretensions that we are a nation under law. When he was inaugurated as president in January 2009, President Obama said he wanted his Administration to be known as one of "transparency and the rule of law." You'll recall during his 2008 campaign he trumpeted that he would obey the Constitution, inferring the the Republican regime was trampling the Rule of Law. Indeed, in 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama stated that "the president does not have any power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." Vice President Biden was even more vehement on this issue. And Secretary of Defense Robert Gates originally opposed the attack on Libya before falling in line. Gadhafi's dictatorship is a brutal one. Civil wars are brutal. People are dying and suffering. The country is being torn apart. Obama and NATO are not adequately testing offers for a truce and supervised elections. Top-level officials are defecting from Gadhafi and hoping to help lead any successor government. Regimes brutalize their people whether as dictatorships, authoritarian rulers, connected with dominant oligarchies, or through racial, religious or other sectarian repressions. Is the US, mired in deep recession, debt and its own kleptocracy, going to continue to police the world with bases, interventions, subversions or occupation? The cause of human rights everywhere, needs a permanent, well-quipped professional United Nations peace-keeping force and effective international courts to prevent mass massacres and mass brutalities. That time is not near but it should be at the top of the agenda of civilized nations. The US, as the number one military superpower, provoking antagonisms by its penchant for control throughout the world, should not imperially advance the empire. It is that belief which is bringing Right and Left together, not just in Congress, but around the country. ( Ralph Nader, civil liberties campaigner, is the best President America will never have

Jewish rabbis sentence dog to death by stoning Rabbinical court rules spirit of secular lawyer who insulted
judges 20 years ago transferred into wandering dog's body


Jerusalem rabbinical court recently sentenced a wandering dog to death by stoning. The cruel sentence stemmed from the suspicion that the hound was the reincarnation of a famous secular lawyer, who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago. Several weeks ago, according to the Behadrei Hadarim website, a large dog entered the Monetary Affairs Court near the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim. The dog scared the court's visitors and, to their surprise, refused to leave even after they attempted to drive him away. One of the judges suddenly recalled that about 20 years ago, a famous secular lawyer who insulted the court was cursed by the panel of judges, who wished that his spirit would move on to the body of a dog (considered an impure animal by Halacha). The lawyer passed away several years ago. Still offended, one of the judges sentenced the poor animal to death by stoning, recruiting the neighborhood's children to carry out the order. Luckily, the dog managed to escape. The head of the court, Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin, denied that the judges had called for the dog's stoning. But one of the court's managers confirmed the report to Yedioth Ahronoth. "It was ordered by the rabbis because of the grief he had caused the court," he said. "They didn't issue an official ruling, but ordered the children outside to throw stones at him in order to drive him away. They didn't think of it as cruelty to animals, but as an appropriate way to 'get back at' the spirit which entered the poor dog." Jerusalem City Council Member and social activist Rachel Azaria sent an urgent letter to the attorney general, calling on him to "deal with the criminals". The Let the Animals Live organization filed a complaint with the police against Rabbi Levin.

$ 6.6 billion aid to Iraq stolen

Report of the missing $6.6 billion aid to Iraq in 2004 is seen as a major embarrassment to the Pentagon. Investigators auditing the money trail have described it as the largest theft in the history of United States. As per the Daily Mail report, the US had sent 2.4 billion dollars to Iraq in a giant C130 Hercules cargo plane and it was followed by 20 other similar flights full of cash. So far Pentagon has not been able to ascertain to where the money has been siphoned off to and who is responsible for it. There are also reports that the Iraqi administration has threatened to move court to reclaim the theft money, which they claim to have come from Iraqi oil sales, seized Iraqi assets and surplus funds from the United Nations oil-for-food program. Mr Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction has blamed the system that existed at that point of time for the missing money. He also said that the system in practice was too loose and unregulated during 2003-04.

Americas Standing Army around the world

Over the course of the last century, the US has silently encircled the world with a web of military bases unlike any other in history. No continent is spared. They have shaped the lives of millions, yet remain a mystery to most. Today there are more than 766 US bases scattered around the globe, spanning across more than 100 countries and hosting more than 250.000 soldiers, in addition to the one million-plus soldiers stationed in the US. Almost every single war waged by the US in the course of the 20th century has left behind a trail of new military bases, not only within the borders of the defeated countries. This ever-evolving history is the starting point for this documentary, which will attempt to reveal the mechanisms, purposes and hidden strategies of the bases, as well as the risks they pose for the countries that host them. A journey across six countries and three continents: Asia, America and Europe. This is summary of brilliant documentary produced by the Russian Television. Watch this not to be missed documentary at: Directors: Enrico Parenti and Thomas Fazi

Trevor Phillips, the head of UKs Equality and Human Rights Commission, said that Muslims are better at integrating into society, while Christians often complain about bias for cynical political gains. Phillips blamed the increasing influence on mainstream churches of African and Caribbean immigrants with 'intolerant' views. "Muslim communities in this country are doing their damnedest to come to terms with their neighbours to try to integrate and they're doing their best to try to develop an idea of Islam that is compatible with living in a modern liberal democracy," The Daily Mail quoted Phillips, as saying. "The most likely victim of actual religious discrimination in British society is a Muslim, but the person who is most likely to feel slighted because of their religion is an evangelical Christian," he added. ( - 20 June 2011)

Intolerant Christians are more militant than Muslims: Watchdog

Some Americans will work for 25 cents an hour, experiment shows

Some Americans are willing to work for much less than people from other countries, according to the results of an online experiment conducted by Newsweek. The magazine used Mechanical Turk, a website run by that acts as a marketplace for freelance work. As Newsweek described their method: [W]e posted simple, hourlong jobs (listening to audio recordings and counting instances of a specific keyword) and continually lowered our offer until we found the absolute bottom price that multiple people would accept, and then complete the task. The results? No one in Italy, the Netherlands, or Egypt would accept less than $5 for an hour of work. In Germany it was $3, in Australia and Britain $2, and in Canada $1.25. Americans accepted by far the lowest figure: just 25 cents. To be sure, the experiment was a long way from perfect, because it looked at the lowest figure that anyone from each country was willing to settle for, rather than calculating an average. That means that countries that have a lot of people using the website to look for work-like the U.S., presumably--are likely to finish lower. Still, it serves as a useful reminder: the minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour, and some argue it should be higher. But the reality is that, especially given the current downturn, many Americans will work for a whole lot less--and sometimes do. (

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 25


Journalism 101 - how to avoid being a sheep

t's been a long, slow slide for CNN. The once-proud cable news pioneer has consistently crawled under the media's lowering bar, but this week it blazed a new trail to the bottom. In at least one glaring example this week, the CNN editorial staff threw out the basics of textbook journalism in favor of racy innuendo. I don't blame reporters, I blame their bosses who don't insist on responsible reporting. Reporters are pressured to find "edgy" and "sexy" stories to fill the never-ending news cycle. So, reporters make compromises. This week's most glaring compromise involved two things Americans like to talk about more than just about anything else Viagra and Sex. I could shout "Viva Viagra" in an attempt to lighten things up a bit ... but this story has far-reaching ramifications. It's no laughing matter. Here's a quote from Russ Baker, reporter and editor of the investigative website "Last week at WhoWhatWhy we put out an important story about what's going unreported concerning the bombing of Libya. Now, our concern is about what is being reported. We're amassing indications that the Libya mass rape story being used to drum up support among NATO allies for continued bombing ... may be false. In other words, part of an intense disinformation campaign. And one that is working, with the BBC the latest to buy into it." Now we get CNN's titillating installment, which involves an alleged cell-phone video of a Libyan woman being sexually abused by alleged Gaddhafi loyalists and, for good measure, complete with all the repulsive details and heart-breaking screams. But this is where we have to pay close attention ... because the reporter told us in the content of the story that it could than a baseless story with no attribution. In fact, after running the story, CNN is in danger of propagating what appears to have become a massive disinformation campaign to drum up support for a war. And that's why reporters and editors always ask for multiple sources, direct attribution and some concrete evidence that the story is indeed based in fact. This is chapter one in any journalist's textbook. It keeps reporters from becoming little more than mouthpieces or stenographers and, Murrow forbid, from reporting lies. But this is how most news organizations operate today. They rush to out-titillate the competition without checking the facts and before considering whether or not they've been manipulated ... and their eye-catching story simply planted. Obviously, "We the people" need to buy newsroom bean counters a set of journalism textbooks, perhaps highlighting the chapter on how to avoid becoming a tool. Leslie Griffith has been a television anchor, foreign correspondent and an investigative reporter in newspaper, radio and television for over 25 years. Among her many achievements are two Edward R Murrow Awards, nine Emmies, 37 Emmy Nominations, a National Emmy nomination for writing, and more than a dozen other awards for journalism. She is currently working on a documentary, giving speeches on "Reforming the Media," and writing for many on-line publications, as well as writing a book called "Shut Up and Read." She hopes the book, her speeches, and her articles on the media will help remind the nation that journalism was once about public service ... not profit. To contact Leslie, go to

actually be nothing more than planted propaganda. She cautions: "We've been unable to verify its authenticity. We don't know where it was taken, or when, or by whom." What? Did we read that right? In any responsible newsroom, that alone is reason enough not to publish the story or run the video. Without confirmation and without knowing where and from whom it came, it is little more

US ex-Guantanamo guard prays in the Haram of Makkah

Former soldier converted to Islam after chat with Moroccan prisoner

hen US soldier Terry Brooks was sent to join military guards at the infamous Guantanamo prison that houses Moslem militants from Taliban and Al-Qaeda, he had not thought he would embrace the religion of those prisoners. After a few chats with a Moroccan inmate, he converted to Islam in 2003. Brooks was caught by local reporters this week praying in the western Saudi town of Madina before heading for nearby Makkah to perform his first pilgrimage (Umra), which he said had been his dream over the past years. The Saudi Arabic language daily Okaz said it waited for Brooks to finish his prayers and talked to him about his conversion to Islam. He credited "prisoner number 590" named Ahmed Al Rashdi of Morocco for his "landmark" decision. After converting, he was expelled from the army. Brooks told the paper he was sent to Guantanamo long before 2003 and later started

Terry Brooks

to mingle with some prisoners there. "I still remember that great moment.the time was around 12:49 am in December 2003 when I embraced Islamat that night, I took this landmark decision after numerous chat sessions with Al Rashdi," he said. "It was a memorable moment in my life.many prisoners sat around me when I converted and decided to call me Mustafa as their new friendlater I added the name Abdullah so I am now called Mustafa Abdullah." Brooks said he had been delighted when the US army decided to send him to Guantanamo as it was an adventure for him since had not seen a prison before.

"When I arrived there, it was a big shock for me even before I entered the prison buildings, I could see that it was horrible and could suit only cactus and poisonous reptiles.I then asked myself 'are those people behind the bars really so dangerous that they are worth these costly security measures." Brooks said he started to be interested in Islam after his talks to Al Rashdi and other prisoners about Islam, Palestine, Afghanistan and the Middle East. "I used to sit just outside their cells at night listening to themby time, a sort of mutual respect developed between us I had never believed in God before I went to that I embraced Islam, I can feel the sweetness of religionIslam is a pure religion and the ultimate right." Brooks said he had first concealed his decision to convert to Islam from other US guards at Guantanamo, adding that when the officer learned about it, he and the other soldiers began to treat him cruelly and accused him of betraying America. Around two years before the end of his contract, he was fired from the army. "I am now working on a book about my experience to embrace Islam.I have just quit my job in the US to devote my time to helping the prisoners in Guantanamo..what is happening in that prison is really inhuman and violates the minimum principles of human rights," he said. (

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26 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


Turkey is a Beacon to the Muslim World

In the backdrop of a generally chaotic and turbulent Muslim world-beset with internal strife and wholesale external interference-it is such a refreshing sight to see Turkey making resolute strides in disciplined democracy. Turkish general elections of last June 12 have resulted in the expected victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), its third impressive triumph in a row. The organized manner of these elections, and the absence of any major incident of violence, was in such a sharp contrast to the Arab Spring being buffeted by winds of hostility and subversion. The Turkish example feels like a breath of fresh air in an Islamic world whose travails show little sign of abating. Under the dynamic leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, AK has been on an unblemished victory march for the last 10 years, instilling in the hearts of the Turkish people-and of those in the wider Muslim world with an open mind disposed to learning from the Turkish example-a determined sense of an Islamic party having the capability and foresight to chalk up a democratic and pluralistic destiny for Turkey. Erdogans struggle to put Turkey on the road to pluralism under the banner of an Islamic party hasnt been easy. It was, on the contrary, a huge challenge fraught with pitfalls of myriad kinds that he had bravely taken on. He had the example of his spiritual mentor, Necmeddin Erbakan, to both inspire and caution him. Erbakan, who passed away earlier this year, was the first PM of Turkey who had come to power at the head of an Islamic party. But he was hounded and chased out of power by Turkeys puffed up and extraordinarily powerful generals because they suspected him of harboring a hidden Islamist agenda. Irrespective of whatever the spurious terminology of Islamist meant to the besotted generals-who had messed up Turkey three times through direct intervention in political affairs-they managed to subvert Erbakan because they had the backing of the Europeans and the Americans who shared their Islamo-phobia. Erdogan himself suffered at the hands of the generals because they suspected him, too, of being a reincarnation of Erbakan. But Erdogan steered clear of them. He didnt challenge them head-on. Instead, he built his strength among the Turkish people who were fed up with the heavy-handedness of pompous generals who had not a clue how to solve Turkeys teeming problems but had the megalomania to think of themselves as saviours of the nation. The mess they had made of Turkeys economy was ample evidence of how far removed from reality they were and obviously living in a shell of ignorance. Circumstances also helped Erdogan. He had arrived on the scene when the generals thought they were that much close to getting Turkeys into the European Union. They had their heart set on gaining entry into whats without doubt a Christian club. European leaders, past and present and of all stripes, have gone on record openly challenging the wisdom of accepting a Muslim country into their club. Theyve readily opened its portals for piddling and sick- economy countries from Eastern Europe and the erstwhile Soviet sphere of influence but have kept on raising the bar for Turkeys admission. What helped Erdogan and his AKP was a European demand for the Turkish generals staving their hands off politics; the generals have been so enamoured of EU that they saw wisdom in sticking to the European guide-lines. AKP and Erdogan have used the popular mandate of the Turkish people to cut the generals down to size. But much more than that, they have emphatically scotched the western worlds mischievous propaganda that Islam and democracy dont meld. With its power base firmly anchored in the heartland of Turkey-and also indeed in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir-AKP has made the Turkish peoples historical moorings in Islam as the launch-pad of their movement to instill modern, pluralistic, democracy firmly into the Turkish soil. Its no longer imaginable-even for the die-hard detractors of AKP-that the Turkish generals would ever again dare to poach on the now flourishing turf of democracy. Thats where AKP is setting a shining example for much of the Muslim world-the Arab part of it, in particular-that Islams pristine philosophy is no barrier to populist democracy; on the contrary it can provide a firm matrix for the anchoring of pluralism and democratic populism. AKP has cut across sectarian divides, which has been the bane for many a Muslim country, and wedded Islams universalism to Turkish nationalism. The inspiration that the Erdogan government derives from Islams pristine and germane universalism is best articulated in Turkeys new activism on the world stage in support of Muslim causes, especially those where rights of Muslim people, of any persuasion, are violated on any pretext. Gone are the days when a narcissistic Turkey mesmerized by a convoluted sense of secularism had become a pariah to the Muslim world because of its blind bidding of western agenda often hostile to Muslim interests. Turkey under its power-hungry generals, or especially those incarcerated in Gaza under a barbaric Israeli siege, whenever their human rights and dignity has been violated by Israel and its western supporters. His public spat with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Davos Conference in Switzerland, two years ago, was a reminder to the world that Turkey will not shirk its responsibility as a member of the universal Muslim Ummah and will espouse Muslim causes with all its moral and diplomatic power. It was Erdogan, again, who threatened to break off diplomatic relations with Israel after its trigger-happy soldiers, on order from a Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, savagely assaulted a Turkish-led humanitarian flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to relieve the siege of the people of Gaza, in May 2010. That barbaric act of piracy on the high-seas, led to the murder of 10 Turkish humanitarian workers, including some young men. Turkey has tried, so far in vain, to convince Libyas Muammar Qaddafi to put an end to his brutality against his own people and seek a negotiated solution to get out of the rut that he has dug Libya into. This Turkish stance is not only reflective of its maturity but stands out in marked contrast to the crusading zeal of the western powers-US, Britain and France, in particular-to foment and abet a full scale civil war in Libya. Their agenda, of course, is one directed by their neo-imperialistic lust to hog and this momentous event warranted. Syria is not only a next door neighbour of Turkey but in addition the historical links between the two countries go back to centuries. Relations between the two have witnessed a great upsurge as Turkey under AKP cast its eyes eastward-as against the Euro-centric advance of the military and secular regimes of the past. Erdogan has had a particularly warm relationship with Syrias young President Bashar Al Assad, in whom he may have seen sparks of a reformist like himself. However, Bashar has disappointed him as he has others in the Muslim world to whom Syria is important. The Syrian uprising, in tandem with the Arab Spring in other countries has, however, brought to surface all the inherent weaknesses of the Baathist regime Bashar inherited from his father, Hafez Al Assad eleven years ago. The heavy hand of law used to put down a populist revolt, inspired by the models of Egypt and Tunisia, for democracy and rule of law, is something alien to Turkey under AKP. That used to be the order of the day under the generals but is not the case any longer. Erdogans Turkey is an open, democratic and progressive society. And thats exactly how Erdogan would like to see other Muslim countries. Besides exploding the myth of Islam not being compatible with democracy, AKP rule in Turkey has dealt a knockout punch to another false notion deliberately fanned against Islamic countries that they cant compete on a footing of equality with modern economies of the world because their religious ethos serve little incentive for free-market economies. Turkey had a sluggish, debt-ridden, economy barely surviving when AKP came to power. Today it has grown into more than a trillion dollar GDP economy growing at the rate of 9 % annually, the fastest growth in the world next to China. What used to be derided as the sick man of Europe by the imperialists is now Europes most dynamic economy. Its Turkeys next-door neighbour, Greece, which is now sick to its core and on life-support, virtually, courtesy of its EU partners who are baffled by the severity of its malaise. No doubt that Turkey still has problems. One major issue, yet unresolved, is that of the Kurdish minority that makes up 15 % of the Turkish population. The Kurds were given a very rough deal under the militarys monopoly of political power. Erdogan has been striving to impart some healthy balance into that equation. Kurdish press and television now have a measure of freedom that was even hard to conceive previously. In the latest election Kurdish parties have won nearly 30 Kurdish members to the Turkish National Assembly, their strongest showing in Turkeys parliamentary history. AKP seems conscious of the need to treat the Kurds as equal and loyal citizens of the state with legitimate aspirations and rights. Erdogan seems ready to accommodate them within the new dynamics of a democratic Turkey. Erdogan may not have achieved all at the polls that he set his sights on before going into the elections. For instance, his party didnt get the coveted two-thirds majority in the parliament. In a 550-strong House, his party would still be short by nearly 50 seats to command a two-thirds vote that would have given it the power to bring in a new constitution for the country to fully reflect its new goals and ambitions. But this may still be a blessing in disguise as it would make sure that AKP doesnt ride rough-shod over other parties and, per se, gives due regard to consensus building. This is what pluralism is all about. For a chaotic Muslim world still groping for a road map to light up its path to a democratic and prosperous tomorrow, Turkeys example should become a beacon of light. It may not be an ideal panacea to cure a tall list of afflictions besetting most of the Islamic countries but comes close to providing a handy and practicable prescription. What it inspires most is the pivotal power of self-confidence in nation-building, free from the wests annoying interference and tendency to play big-brother, if not a god-father. There is so much for every Muslim country striving to find its feet in a west-dominated and, because of it, hostile world to learn and choose from the Turkish paradigm.

Erdogan himself suffered at the hands of the generals because they suspected him, too, of being a reincarnation of Erbakan. But Erdogan steered clear of them. He didnt challenge them head-on. Instead, he built his strength among the Turkish people who were fed up with the heavyhandedness of pompous generals who had not a clue how to solve Turkeys teeming problems but had the megalomania to think of themselves as saviours of the nation. The mess they had made of Turkeys economy was ample evidence of how far removed from reality they were and obviously living in a shell of ignorance.
those secular politicians taking their cue from the General Headquarters, had acquired the dubious title of Israels most trusted partner in the region. That was all due to American dictation that Turkey in that gloomy period swallowed hook, line and sinker. It became the largest buyer of Israeli weapons, allowed Israel the privilege of using its air space to train its pilot-those who then bombed Arab countries with impunityand often carried out joint military exercises with Israel and its principal mentor, US. But once the AKP government found its feet firmly implanted into the heartland of Turkish politics Israel and its mentor were served notice that new Turkey wasnt going to shame and debase itself any longer by sub-letting its soil to neo-imperialists . The AKP government rejected with the contempt it deserved George W. Bushs offer of $ 30 billion as gratuity payment if Turkey would allow him to use its territory for his brutal invasion of Iraq. Erdogan hasnt shied away, at all, from championing the cause of the Palestinians, exploit Libyas abundant oil and gas resources. The western powers, masquerading as champions of the rights of the Libyans, have no iota of sympathy for them, or else they wouldnt force those Libyans fleeing to Europe for shelter into virtual concentration camps Its only the primacy of corporate interest in western countries that is dictating their governments agenda to seek Qaddafis downfall at the earliest. At the same time, however, they arent in a hurry to empower the anti-Qaddafi forces enough to deliver a knock-out punch to Qaddafi. Why? Because up until now these old and new imperialists havent found a Libyan cabal, from amongst those arrayed against Qaddafi, to do their bidding without demur and sign onto the dotted lines laid out for them. But its the Syrian uprising which is posing a huge humanitarian and political challenge to Erdogan. In fact the influx of Syrian refugees, fleeing the terror of government forces, into Turkey has cast a pale shadow over the triumph of AKP at the polls and the celebrations

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 27


Kashmirs suffering women

Book: Widows & Half Widows Author: Afsana Rashid Publishers: Pharos Media, New Delhi Year: 2011 Pages: 192 Price: Rs. 200/$ 15 ISBN-10: 81-7221 - 048 - 5 / ISB-13: 978 - 81 - 7221 - 048 - 9


ere is a shocking exposure of indifference and callousness of the community, politicians as well as self-styled custodians of law and order and a polity claiming to be secular. Here is the recorded colossal failure of the system to even understand the plights and predicaments of these victims of militancy and counter-militancy in Kashmir. Never has there been so absolute an indifference to manmade human misery and agony. The book is written in tears (and blood) of those unfortunate women who have been condemned to eternal misery of widowhood while hope drives them to believe that their husbands are still alive. For decades they have been nursing the hope of a re-union with those who were forced to disappear by forces claiming to protect law. Their whereabouts or even the fact whether they are alive (or dead) is a mystery. These miserable people wives/ fathers/ sons s/daughters/ sisters /mothers have been moving from prisons to graveyards in the Valley and beyond to find what happened to their dear ones once they were taken away by the security forces (or militants). Economically and emotionally devastated, they still hold protests, rallies and take delegations to those in power only to realise that theirs have been futile exercises. The blame game leads no where. And yet vultures wait to pounce on them! While the sole responsibility rests on the police for perpetrating such inhuman atrocities under the pretext of curbing militancy, successive governments (belonging to different parties) did nothing to alleviate their sufferings. Each case story moves us to tears. Afsana Rashid, a Srinagar-based journalist who is recipient of prestigious fellowships and awards, narrates the trauma of these widows who have been deprived of their rights in the families of their deceased husbands. Misfortune of half widows whose husbands are thought to be dead (but not officially confirmed) is even more poignant. They themselves dont believe that they are widows, flicker of hope is in their hearts. They do not

want to remarry for a number of reasons emotional but more important than that is financial: lest they lose the support of the deceaseds families. Several such victims have formed an Association called Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) to voice their protest against the callousness of the state machinery. However, there has been disillusionment and some people parted company. Parveena Ahangar who lost her son Javaid Ahmad 19 years ago, however, continues the campaign on several national and international forums. A U.N. working group on enforced and involuntary disappearances has taken cognisance of their plight. Marches, rallies, open letters to the chief minister and others, however, proved futile. Widows, half widows and orphans live as destitutes because, in most cases, the bread-winners have been lost. Aged parents look after grandchildren though they find it too difficult to make both the ends meet. Unable to take care of themselves, they are burdened with the task of looking after their grandchildren too. Among such victims is Tahira whose husband has been missing for the last seven years. Hajra lost four sons - three killed and one made to disappear. There are hundreds of Tahiras and Hajras waiting for justice in Kashmir. Apart from Arundhati Roy, no one in India has come out against the policies of Government of India, complaints Hafizullah who claims that there are more than 50,000 members of the ADPD. Yes, Movie Mughals have their own pursuits and priorities, so have the cricketers. A nawab can donate lakhs for Prasad at the Ayodhya temple but no corporate baron came forward to help these victims so far. By the time you finish the book you will find that there are no more tears in your eyes. One can imagine the prolonged wait and suffering of these unfortunate victims of state-sponsored ruthlessness. Kashmir catches the attention of people only when there are agitations, flareups and stone-pelting. No one bothers about Kashmiris as long as they continue to suffer silently. Afsana Rashid deserves our gratitude for giving a wake-up call to those who have been engrossed in their absurd pursuits of power, lust and luxury. Indians as a whole and Muslims in particular have ignored the subdued shrieks of these victims. One wonders whether we deserve to be called civilised and yet claim to be Muslims! Not only should this book be sent to the three interlocutors, MPs, judges and human right activists, it should also be pre-

scribed as textbook to police officers to prick their conscience (if they do have one) and especially to those who are undergoing training. Extremely well-researched and documented with facts and photographs, the book is a landmark contribution in the field of counter-terrorism and Kashmir studies. Let us pray for a day when the need for such books becomes redundant. Pharos Media has rendered the country and the community a yeoman service by daring to publish such poignant account of the sufferings of the voiceless.

Asghar Ali Engineers Autobiography

Book: A Living Faith: My Quest for Peace, Harmony and Social Change Price: INR. 525 ISBN: 978-81-250-4197-9 Pages: 360 HB Year: 2011 Publishers: Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd, 1/24 Asaf Ali Rod, New Delhi:110 002. Contents: Foreword by Mushirul Hasan; PART I My Life, My Struggle. 1. My Growing-up Years. 2. Understanding the Divide: Within and Outside. 3. Towards the Truth: My Struggle Begins...4. The Bohra Reform Movement. 5. The Communal Challenge continues: Amidst Politics, Power and the People; PART II Beyond Boundaries: My Travels Abroad. 6. The United Kingdom 7. The Indian Sub-Continent. 8. Africa. 9. Asia. 10. The Americas 11. Middle-East and Central Asia. 12. Europe. 13. Australia PART III The Journey So Far...Looking Back, Looking Ahead For most of the seventy-one years of his life, Asghar Ali Engineer has been a tireless soldier to the cause of national integration and communal harmony. Well-known today as a reformist, an activist and Islamic scholar, Asghar Ali Engineer received the Right Livelihood, or the Alternative Nobel, award in 2004 ...for promoting over many years in South Asia the values of religious and communal co- existence, tolerance and mutual understanding. Written with the simplicity that perhaps describes the man himself, is an extensive autobiographical account of Asghar Ali Engineers commitment to building an inclusive society and his inter-pretation of Islam as a modernist. It chronicles the personal, social and political events that shaped his life and views, his struggle against the orthodox Bohra priesthood and his rise as a leader of social and religious reform. It also documents his interactions with religious and political leaders of various hues across the world in the attempt to create a society that embraces all faiths. Through the reminiscences of a life that has been lived for truth, depicts a journey-from violence to peace, from prejudice to acceptance, from politics of power and religion to the power of humanity-one that continues unheeded, against all odds.

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28 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011


The concept of tolerance in Islam

olerance means to bear. As a concept, it refers to respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of cultures, forms of expression and ways of being human. In Arabic, it is called tasamuh. Words like hilm (forbearance) or afw (forgiveness) or saf-h (overlooking) also convey the meaning of tolerance. In Persian and Urdu, we use the word rawadari which is derived from rawa meaning acceptable or bearable and dashtan meaning to hold. Thus it means to hold something acceptable or bearable. Intolerance has become the culture of the day. It is causing death, genocide, violence, religious persecution as well as confrontations at different levels. Sometimes it is racial and ethnic, sometimes it is religious and ideological, and sometimes it is political and social. Whatever may be the reason, intolerance is painful in each situation. How can we solve the problem of intolerance? How can we bring tolerance in the world today? I have tried to discuss these issues from an Islamic point of view. Tolerance is a basic principle of Islam. It is a religious and moral duty. It does not mean concession. It does not mean lack of principles, or lack of seriousness about ones principles. Sometimes it is advocated that people are tolerant of things that they do not care about. But this is not the case in Islam. Tolerance, according to Islam, does not mean that we do not believe that Islam is the final edition of divine faith and is superior to other faiths and ideologies as such. It does not mean that we do not present the message of Islam to all Mankind.

if Allah gives us the choice to believe or not to believe and prohibits the Prophet (pbuh) not to use force or coercion against non-believers, why did He punish the people of Prophet Nuh, the Thmud, the Lut and the people of Prophet Shuaib and the Pharaoh and his followers? The answer is found in the Quran itself. Those people were not punished simply because of their disbelief but because of their oppression of the righteous and because they stopped others to come to the way of Allah. Ibn Taymiyah, the great scholar, opined: States may live long inspite of their peoples disbelief (kufr), but they cannot live long when their people become oppressors.
is prohibited. In Surah al-Shura, Allah says to the Prophet (pbuh): If they turn away, we have not sent you as a guard over them. Your duty is but to convey (the message). In Sura al-Nahl, Allah further reveals to the Prophet (pbuh) the method to be followed while preaching the Message of Allah: Invite [all] to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful graciousness. Your Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. Allah further addressing Mankind saids: Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and beware [of evil]: if you do turn back, know then that, it is our Messengers duty to proclaim [the message] in the clearest manner. The Holy Quran further says addressing the Prophet (pbuh): Say: Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey Him, you shall be on right guidance. The Messengers duty is only to preach the clear [message]. Thus we see that the verses mentioned above give an injunction not to coerce people, present the message to them in a decent and clear way, invite them to the truth and do your best in presenting and conveying the message of Allah to humanity, while it is totally up to them to accept or to reject it. Allah revealed to the Prophet (pbuh): And say, The truth is from your Lord, so whosoever wants let him believe and whosoever wants let him deny. Here the question arises: if Allah gives us the choice to believe or not to believe and prohibits the Prophet (pbuh) not to use force or coercion against non-believers, why did He punish the people of Prophet Nuh, the Thmud, the Lut and the people of Prophet Shuaib and the Pharaoh and his followers? The answer is found in the Quran itself. Those people were not punished simply because of their disbelief but because of their oppression of the righteous and because they stopped others to come to the way of Allah. Ibn Taymiyah, the great scholar, opined: States may live long inspite of their peoples disbelief (kufr), but they cannot live long when their people become oppressors. Islam permits coercion and use of force only against those who fight Islam and Muslims. Allah says, Fight in the cause of Allah those who attack you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. The purpose of jihad is not to convert people to Islam. The Quran says, La ikraha fi al-din which means that there is no compulsion in religion. The real purpose of jihad is to remove injustice, oppression and stop aggression. Muslims are allowed to keep good relations with non-Muslims. The Quran says, Allah does not forbid you that you show kindness and deal justly with those who did not fight you in your religion and did not drive you out from your homes. Islam may tolerate anything but it teaches zero tolerance for injustice, oppression and violation of the rights of other human beings. Allah says, And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from your side one who will protect, and raise for us from your side one who will help. Islam teaches tolerance at all levels: between family members, between husband and wife, between parent and child, between groups and nations. The Quran says, O Mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes so that you might [affectionately] come to know one another. Surely, the most honoured among you, in the sight of Allah, is the one who is the best in conduct. The best conduct in Islam is to treat human beings with dignity, equality, fraternity and justice. Thus tolerance is the need of the hour today as it was yesterday. We must emphasise the need for this virtue among us and in the world. We must foster tolerance through deliberate policies and efforts. Our focus should be multiethnic. We should teach our children respect of each other irrespective of caste, creed, gender, nationality and ethnicity. Tolerance is the cordial knot which binds the family, society and keep the nation intact. Disrespect gives rise to persons like Vibhishan who may change the course of a nation. We should inculcate in our children the quality of tolerance, forbearance, and forgiveness because the family is the first school of citizenship. A child learns the lesson of life in the manner it suckles in the lap of its mother. This always affects its mind, behaviour and culture. Only a healthy and cultured family can make a healthy and cultured nation which is necessary to establish peace, prosperity and security in the world which is the object of the UN. Society cannot be governed by law alone. Law has a relation with society. It suffers if society is rigid and intolerant. Dr. Kamal Ahmad Khan teaches in the Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow

The UNESCO principles on tolerance read as follows: Consistent with respect for human rights, the practice of tolerance does not mean toleration of social injustices or the abandonment or weakening of ones convictions. It means that one is free to adhere to ones own convictions and accepts that others adhere to theirs. It means accepting the fact that human beings, naturally diverse in their appearance, situation, speech, behaviour and values, have the right to live in peace and to be as they are. It also means that ones views are not to be imposed on others. The preamble of the Indian Constitution vows Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and opportunity; and calls for promoting among all Indians Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual. Thus tolerance comes from our recognition of: A. The dignity of the human beings, B. The basic equality of all human beings, C. Universal human rights D. Fundamental freedom of thought, conscience and belief. The Quran speaks about the basic dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, colour, language or ethnicity. The Shariah recognizes the right to life, property, family honour and conscience of all people. From the very beginning, freedom of religion has been guaranteed by Islam. It prohibits coercion in matters of faith and belief. The Quran says: There is no compulsion in religion. In matters of religion coercion is not permitted and by implication it is accepted that in matters like culture and other worldly practices also the use of force and undue influence

The Prophet (pbuh) on women

The rights of women are sacred. See that women are maintained according to the rights accorded to them. God enjoins you to treat women well, for they are your mothers, daughters, aunts. Shall I not point out to you the best of virtues? It is your doing good to your daughter when she is returned to you having been divorced by her husband. Whoever does good to girls, it will be a screen to him from Hellfire. Women are the twin halves of men. A Muslim must not hate his wife; and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good. Admonish your wives with kindness.

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30 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

MG I am highly impressed by your Gazette. I wish all success for the paper through your dynamic editorship. Prof. Soleman Ali Mondal, Dhubri, Assam Wakf amendment billl This has reference to the following article: Amendment bill takes away Waqf from Muslim domain by Zafar Mahmood published in The Milli Gazette of May 1-15, 2011. Commenting or suggesting improvements on the proposed bill is tacitly agreeing to the Congress exercise to nationalize Muslim Awqaf. This bill must be rejected in toto. There should be a mass movement first to reject the bill and then a national conference by Muslims to find ways and means to take control of all their Awqaf, through their own people, who are not any way, openly or covertly aligned with any political groups. Muslims have a right to protect their Awqaf properties from the clutches of corrupt governments and its bureaucrats, as much as they have the right to protect their personal laws. Salman Khursheed is right when he accuses Muslims of not trusting anybody in government or political parties. Does he need to be informed of the utterly unfair treatment of Muslims by the Congress over the last 63 years? Just because he was given a cabinet post, he is definitely supposed to be more loyal to the Congress than the Queen. That is quite understandable. But he too must understand that there is a deep and abiding trust deficit between Congress and Muslims and pressing to pass this bill will give a big handle for Congress detractors to gather Muslims over the virtual nationalisation of entire Muslim Awkaf of India. Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai Urdu and Indian Muslims This refers to Urdu and Indian Muslims (M.G. 1-15 June 2011). Urdu will not give him bread and butter if he changes name he will get easy bread and butter, no harassment, no encounter and no partiality. God bless him. Akhtar, Bangalore Hindutva terrorism Wwhatever you brought into notice is a well known fact and the govt. (governing by Brahmans) are well aware of it. You guys have done a great job... we need such unbiased people across the country to defeat the Brahmanism Ibne Hidayat France ethnocentrism Apropos of MG June 2011 issue. Every individual has fundamental rights as far as clothing is concerned, of course within the boundaries of decency and laws existing in the country. I am particularly in favour of full face veil. It is more cultural rather than religious. There again, it is not my preference that matters, it is the individuals. As the French white non-Muslim woman has her fundamental right to reveal as much as she wants to, a Muslim woman has her fundamental right to cover as much as she wants to unless criminal activities initiate from these acts. Why should we force anybody for that matter on garments simply because in a particular Muslim country, non-Muslims are advised to wear in a particular way? Assuming that one day, European Govts bring a law stating that no woman should wear a dress covering assume that French Muslim citizens oppose this law on the grounds that, revealing her lower thighs. But the same law insists on women covering upper thighs. And lower thighs infringes on their personal rights and religious law on clothing. What will be the decision of the French Parliament? Will the Parliament and Judiciary force this law on all French women Muslims and non-Muslims to reveal their lower thighs by implementing that law? Certain aspects

P.O. Box 9701, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025


of Islamic culture or jurisprudence are not subject to change or interpretation. One example: Pre-marital and consensual sex is forbidden in Islam and this will remain so even in 31st century. PA. Mohamedameen (via email) Towards a riot-free India This is with reference to the fantastic article by Ram Punyani, Towards A riot free India, published in (M.G 16-30 June 2011) is very interesting and informative. He has rightly elaborated the true episodes of how India has been subject to communal violence right from the post partition violence of 1961, and so on several times. I congratulate Mr Ram Punyani and the Editor-in-chief, for presenting such a wonderful article. Mohd. Azam, Karimnagar, Telangana Communal Violence Bill It can be said to be a right step by the Sonia Gandhis National Advisory Council if she is planning to enact Communal Violence Bill. India has witness uncountable Hindu-Muslim communal riots right from 1947. Several Hindu-Christian & in the year 1984 Hindu-Sikh communal riot is on the record. Hindu-Dalit communal riot is also common practice. In every communal riot the Hindus or the majority community is in the domination. That means minorities in India are not safe and required to be safeguarded. According to the Constitution of India, it is the duty of the Government to safeguard the property, honour and life of the citizen living in the country. The Indian constitution guarantees equal rights to all its citizens, violation of which by the State or Central Government can be challenged in the High Court or Supreme Court as per the Article 32 of the Constitution, such cases are taken up with utmost urgency. Article 14 of the constitution states that, the State shall not deny to any person on equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within territory of India. It is the moral responsibility of the political parties and leaders to control the communal riot in their respective constituency. Debar the political leaders to contest election if found guilty of communal riots. Zuber Ahmed Khan, Navi Mumbai - 410210 Ayodhya in Thailand Years have passed; Hindu women go to their mothers place during their first pregnancy to give birth to their first baby. It is their custom. Rama the prince of Ayodhya was the first son to king Dashratha and queen Kaushalya. Queen Kaushalya went to her parents place to give birth to her first child. She was not the princess of Ayodhya. So prince Rama was not born in Ayodhya. Secondly, there is one more Ayodhya in Thailand. We do not know whether king Dashratha ruled in India or in Thailand because pictures of Ramayana are depicted in the temples of Thailand also. In short Ayodhya is not Rama-janmabhumi. Nazneen O. Saherwala (Surat, India) Not Husain, Indias secularism buried in London Now that Indias greatest artist M.F.Husain has been buried in London, our hypocrite politicians are coming out in support of the dead artist. Newspapers are replete with enlightening articles on the inspiring life and achievements of Husain who once was unabashedly targeted by the eternal patriots of the right wing organisations specially Shiv Sena for the sin of redisplaying the Art of kamasutra manifested in the caves of Khajurahu that once or still constitutes integral part of majoritarians divine culture. But the irony with Indian secularism is that it cant afford and never dared to contradict or challenge Majoritarians view point however irrational, absurd or even anti national it may sound. This was exactly what happened to M.F.Husain who never received governmental support in hours of crisis despite having brought fame, dignity, respect and popularity to

Indias art but who ironically died as a citizen of Qatar and not India. A matter of shame for Indias fake secularism. Mushtaque Madni Editor, Usool, Pune II On MF Husain demise the kindest words for him have come from Thackerays. Raj Thackeray said that Husain was a national asset. Whatever controversies happened should be laid to rest with his passing. Uncle Bal Thackeray stated, damage may have been caused to modern art due to the painter demise. May Allah give him peace? Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 Muslim girls of Bihar is leading the way On 12th June, Bihar School Examination Board has published Intermediate Arts Results. Media gave 44 toppers name. Muslim girls achieved 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th like altogether 11 Muslim girls got positions among 44 toppers list. It is amazing that out of 44 not a single Muslim boys name appeared. Is it Muslim boys not interested in studying Arts? S. Haque, Patna Saibabas wealth The recent incidence of Satya Saibaba showed his love of gold wealth and jewellery. Some 450 kilos of gold was found in his room and foreign currency was also found. It shows the materialistic mind of Saibaba. He was loved and revered like a God. If you read the Last days of Prophet Mohammad, it is mentioned in the history that in the last days of prophet. He ordered to his wife that he had 6 Deenars of gold coins that has to be given to the poor men. As he did not think good to meet Allah with some gold coins in his custody. The coins were distributed among poor. The prophet died like a poor man. Now you can judge both the god men. Saibaba was made deity by the people where as Mohamed was assigned by God who made compulsory payment of zakat and forbidden interest. He brought a complete code of life. His followers are in billions. The holy Quran is the book of injunctions of God and guiding the whole humanity. The people should differentiate between manmade and god made religious dignitaries Dr Maqdoomi Hyderabad Climbing superior heights It is regrettable that, even some intellectuals of today, do not realise that just as workers (communist) can break family and motherland relations, the followers of the Islamic ideology [Universal Human Brotherhood] cannot and must not cling to relations based on blood and soil. Dr. Iqbal, through he belonged to Kashmiri Brahmin race, initially said Hindustan Hamara finally declared Sara Jahan Hamara. Sultan A. Patel, Khanpur Deh 392150 Secularism and minorities 11 Shiv Sainiks and 10 other Hindu hooligans are set free from the legal clutches. On Monday i.e. 30th May 2011. Once again court fails to provide justice to the victims of 1993 horrible communal riots because lack of evidence. Everybody knows Shiv Sena always remains forward in the terror activities, mass murder gang rapes especially when it is related to the Muslims. Now, it is the duty of home minister Maharashtra to move in the higher court against the verdict. As Maharashtra Government did in the acquittal of 1993 Bombay Bomb Blast activits. Gulam Yahaya, the innocent Imam of Haj House. Sayeed Sabauddin and in many other cases in which Muslims were acquitted by the lower court but Maharashtra Government moved to higher court. Maharashtra home minister is looking sympathetic towards saffron elements specially Shiv Sena. Recently an appeal was filed in High Court Bombay to ban the book, Shivaji Hindu King in Islamic India written by James Laine; by the Home Ministery Maharashtra. The Judgement favours the Author. There was no reason to move in Supreme Court. The Government of Maharashtra challenged the Bombay High Court Verdict in Supreme Court. It shows the inability of the Government of Maharshtra, how she played in the hands of fascists party the Shiv Sena. Indian secular image is merely a phobia on Muslims and minorities; it is good, just to show international community that we are secular; we are taking care of Minorities. In fact, Indian public as well as public servants are communally biased. Zuber Ahmed Khan, Navi Mumbai 410210 Bihar law and order Dr. Bhudeo Singh was killed in Gopalganj Jail on 23 May 2011 by prisoners. Bihar Home Commissioner Aamir Subhani went to slain doctor home to give Rs. 10 lakh ex-gratia cheque on 12 June. The family refused to accept because it was meager amount. The wife and children of slain jail official Haider Imam Warsi went to Dy. C.M. Janta Darbar 13 May to get justice. Haider Imam Warsi was on duty in Buxar Jail while he was coming out from jail, he was killed by bullet fired by criminals on 4 May 2011. Aamir Subhani being Home Secretary has maintained double standard? Mr. Subhani deputed to inquire firing and police atrocities in Bhajanpur (Forbesganj) and in December 2010 firing by S.S.B. in Araria. Is he (Aamir Subhani) being utilised by Bihar govt.? S. Haque, Patna Corruption Now, in India the word corruption is order of the day thanks to so called Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev. Corruption is the root of all evils in India. It will be not wrong to say that a culture of corruption is pervading us, Corruption declines production of work. It encourages Easy life and laziness. Corruption is at everywhere. Government, politicians, Businessmen and bureaucrats are in these dirty and filthy waters. I humbly say that Our Madaris,ulemas, sufis, peers and so called holy men in Masjids (Imams) are in this vicious cycle. They call it as Hadiya and donations. AH Lakhani, Ahmedabad II If the fire and brimstone in the language of Annamen is anything to go by, the Lokpal bill which the parliament will pass is not going to be acceptable to these people. Anna has already announced his plans to go on fast again. Two Bhushans and a Kejriwal are not reminding him that during his last sojourn at Jantar Mantar he has repeatedly accepted that parliament is the ultimate arbiter of what the law of the country should be. Who will his fast target this time and who will he teach a lesson and what according to him and his supporters, will be the preconditions before Anna accepts that glass of juice? Will he

Indian Muslims post-1947

Syed Shahabuddin has written a fine article on Indian Muslims: The balance sheet since Partition. Muslims suffered the maximum during and after partition, not only in Pakistan, but even in India, including Kashmir. We were truly the orphans of partition. The blame lies squarely with Mohammad Ali Jinnah. An excellent legal mind, an astute politician, but a disastrous statesman. By defintion a statesman is one who thinks of the next generation. Sadly Jinnah was totally zero on this vital issue. The price paid was horrible for the Muslims of undivided India who supported him totally and blindly. We still continue to pay that price in Gujarat and in Kashmir. Till the time of independence Jinnah had no idea that a huge Muslim population will be left behind in India. There was just no way they could have shifted to Pakistan, considering their poverty, their agriculatural interests and the geographical spread.Tragically these Muslims left behind had to carry the hatred and the poison of the RSS. For all his docility and meekness, Gandhi outsmarted Jinnah completely. The absurdity of Jinnahs politics could be judged from his speach in August 1947, in which he espoused a secular state of Pakistan. Little did he realise that the creation of Pakistan was primarily due to arousing religious passions for a Muslim homeland. Within a year of his passing away these passions led to severe tensions on who is a Muslim? It was easy to target Ahmadiyas for not believing in the Holy Prophet as the Last Prophet. But the passions never died. It was soon Aga Khani Khojas and on to Shias and then Sufis.There was no way Pakistan could integrate into one home for all Muslims. In comparison Indian Muslims, inspite of all the severe adversities have done much better.That is essentially because Indian Muslims view themselves as Muslims first, all other sectarian divisions come afterwards.That could have happened much better and with much less bloodshed if Pakistan was never created. J.S.Bandukwala, Vadodara II Until and unless Indian Muslims find a powerful leader to represent them and voice their grievances, Muslims will continue to live in a virtual hell. Partition 62 years ago orphaned these Muslims who did not expect the Hindu government to deceive them although they themselves had chosen to live in a what they

perceived would be a truly democratic society where HinduMuslim differences would be insignificant with true progress of one Indian people. But the Hindu community was thinking something else. They were thinking of revenge and punishment for the Muslims. Muslims have always been walking under the shadow of death ever since partition, especially in the northern parts of India. Muslim leaders who blindly believed the Hindu Congress and discouraged the population of the North to migrate to Pakistan are to be blamed. They scoffed at the idea of Pakistan and challenged the very brave and practical Mr Jinnah. True, Pakistan is not a complete success.That is another story. But at least our Muslim sisters are not gang-raped by perverted murderers. At least pregnant women are not being raped and killed by criminal gangs without them being punished. This is virtual hell in the case of Indian Muslims. They need a very strong voice to represent them in the parliament. The police themselves are communal-minded and are full of hate for Muslims. Most of the Hindu public do not want to nor know the Muslims in their country. To the Hindu, Muslim is invisible or non-existent. While most Hindus are mostly financially comfortable and live in good houses and luxurious apartments, Muslims generally live in squalor in slums and pavements.There is no security of life. Even when they are slaughtered by Hindu mobs or the youth imprisoned without charge, the Hindu local government just does not care. Nor is the Hindu public sorry for them. So Muslims of India need a brave and strong leader who will bring justice to this dying species called Indian Muslims.The present so-called Muslim leaders are a joke. They are apologetic cowards and just want personal comfort. There are a few Muslims who are brave and want to do something. They should come forward, form groups and organize themselves effectively. It would be wise for them to join the leftist groups. They are better than these bigoted Hindus who are full of hate and injustice for the poor Muslims. Muslims of India have to make a comeback. Nobody can help them but themselves.They should remember their history and their great religion. The goal should be full education, create their own schools, own businesses and help their community. But first of all there should be a vision. A Chinese proverb says: "A long journey begins with one small step." All rich Muslims of India should completely finance this come-back project. Rhazes Esref (on MG website)

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011 31

expect the Indian parliament to agree firstly to reassemble in a special session; secondly to pass a bill to annul the Lokpal act passed by it in this monsoon session and thirdly pass Annas Lokpal bill neither a governments bill nor a private members- unanimously so that he may end his anshan? Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 III Anna Hazare is fighting for Lokpal bill to root out corruption from India, which is now at the zenith, in a Gandhian way. But the UPA Govt is afraid of the bill and creating bottlenecks in it. As per the statement by Anna Hazare The draft submitted to JPC on Lok pal bill by Hazares, team, also seeks power to the proposed Ombudsman to acquire modern equipment necessary for proper investigation and inquire in to the assets declaration statements filled by all the member of Parliaments. In the powers and functions of the Lokpal and its officers section of the civil societys draft, the Ombudsman can authorise a bench of the Lokpal to issue letters of rogatory in relation to any case pending investigation. Anna Hazarey was not satisfied, and decided to go on fast from 16th august 2011. God save our democracy. Mohd. Azam, Karimnagar, Telangana IV Cash transaction plays vital role in augmenting black money. Builders/developers/jewellers/land deals/govt. licenses/clearance from municipal corporations/settlement of income tax/sales tax cases etc energising black money. Black money is invested in real estate, gold, silver, capital market, plots of land etc, in fictitious names, servants account, and accounts in names of family members. etc. Corporate open subsidiaries account in foreign banks, even in name of individuals and transfer unaccounted money to foreign banks through hawala transaction, courier, under-/over-invoices of foreign trade transactions. Drug trafficking, smuggling, fake currency trade, illegal arms dealings etc create black money. People manage to obtain sales tax permit/license but they do not carry out business. Instead they operate fictitious accounts. There are persons who just keep a sale/purchase register, maintain accounts register and prepare fake invoices. Concerned persons are involved in money laundering, hawala transactions, convert black money into white money. There are persons who receive cash from black money holders, deposit the same into their accounts and then issues cheques in favour of the cash giver. This turns unaccounted money into white money. A person who issues cheque gets commission per entry. What should be noted is that a person who acquires black money never gets title, ownership to money/property because the same has been obtained through illegal means. Such money/property can be confiscated, /seized and this is permitted under our Indian penal code. Jagdip H. Vaishnav, Mumbai-400007 V Prakash Singh Badal of the Shiromani Akali Dal is the sole member of the opposition to opine on the lokpal bill in response to Pranab Mukherjee request. The rest of the opposition is keeping the cards close to the chest and their daggers behind the backs. Badal wants the prime minister to be out of the ambit of the Lokpal while he has no problem with the entire judiciary being in its purview. The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution set up by the NDA government and the second Reforms Commission of 2007, had also recommended that the prime minister must be kept out of the jurisdiction of the Lokpal. Their contention has been similar to Badal. The Prime Minister occupies a unique position. Is his image, his reputation and his personality that pervades the entire government attracts a good amount of opposition, criticism, allegations and what not. If a Lokpal were to take up each and every allegation or accusation made against the prime minister by a political party or a group or a person, it would hobble the Prime Minister in an effective discharge of his functions. He cannot afford to remain under a cloud all the time nor can the nation afford a Prime Minister under a cloud all the time Anna Hazare team must adopt a flexible position if they expect the bill to be tabled in the parliament in the first week of July. Once the bill is tabled in the parliament its progress is quite out of control of the government. It is the parliament which passes a bill. In threatening to go on fast from 16th of August, Anna Hazare will be blackmailing the Indian Parliament. Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 VI If the fire and brimstone in the language of Annas men is anything to go by, the Lokpal bill which the parliament will pass is not going to be acceptable to these people. Anna has already announced his plans to go on fast again. Two Bhushans and a Kejriwal are not reminding him that during his last sojourn at Jantar Mantar he has repeatedly accepted that parliament is the ultimate arbiter of what the law of the country should be. Who will his fast target this time and who will him ?ach a lesson what, according to him and his supporters, will be the preconditions before Anna accepts that glass of juice? Will he expect the Indian parliament to agree firstly to reassemble in a special session; secondly to pass a bill to annul the Lokpal act passed by it in this monsoon session and thirdly pass Annas Lokpal bill neither a governments bill nor a private members- unanimously so that he may end his anshan? Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 VII One wonders whether the self-proclaimed fasters-unto-death gentlemen are not driven by a hidden desire to exhibit themselves as the highest heroes! S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh 392150 Dance of Sushma This is with reference to the letter published in (MG.16-30 June 2011) by Dr.Maqdoomi of Gulbarga is interesting to read, that Susmaji is Educated, Modest, hails from a reputed family should have not danced like a professional dancer at the Gandhi Samadhi, is unwarranted, unethical, who is the main leader of the opposition party of India. We all felt very bad for the embarrassing position, which is a shameful act. She is like the Mother of all Indians, irrespective of caste and creed. We still love her and adore her for her quality, Mohd.Azam, Karimnagar, Telangana No to Nuclear Italy has abandoned nuclear power in the aftermath of 1986

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Chernobyl disaster. By the next April Japan all nuclear reactors will be shut. All of Germany nuclear power plants will go offline by 2022. The country is prepared to find alternate source of energy, 23% of which is coming from Nuclear power plants at present. And, now Switzerland parliament by a big majority has voted to say adieu to nuclear power. India, in the teeth of popular opposition, is going full steam ahead with its nuclear power plants. The country with 300 shining days in a year cannot think of solar power. With one of the longest windy coast line India cannot think of harnessing wind power. Germany will. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said a decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022 can make her country a trailblazer in renewable energy. Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 Delhi a world city? This tall claim is being made by Delhi chief minister and other Delhi Minister that the common wealth games has transformed Delhi into a world city like Shanghai and in this connection mention has been made of construction of numerous flyovers, roads. But the total absence of basis amenities in a number of Delhi colonies, the overall shortage of drinking water, the irregular supply of electricity, absence of proper drainage and sewer system in the city, presence of heaps of dirt and filth on the main streets and the highly deplorable conditions of roads, existence of open manholes leading to the death of number of citizens and the horrible condition of Jhuggies and Jhopries housing lakhs of people totally contradicts this tall claim. One wished that the huge amount of money spent of common wealth games could have been spent of the basis amenities of Delhi walas. Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi-91 Indira and Mamata Governing by ordinance is the Indira style of functioning. It is best avoided. Any government must resort to issuing an ordinance only in very exceptional circumstances. It is surprising that a politician as mature as Mamata Bannerjee committed the folly of issuing the Singur land ordinance when the assembly was in session. Now, if there are legal or procedural problems in withdrawing the ordinance, the best course for her is to admit the mistake and apologize to the opposition. Because the opposition has no issue with the substance of the ordinance and is agreeable to the return of the land to farmers, and should gracefully accept the situation and move on. Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400054 Trafficking of women The Trafficking of women, the female foeticide and infanticide seems to have multiplied in India keeping at the worlds fourth most dangerous place for women, as per a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters Trust law Women. In India we see a whole gamut of human trafficking which is run, whereby women and girls are trafficked within and into the country since they are most vulnerable into the sex trade. The enormous bulk of Trafficked women and girls are poor; some belong to landless families, and most come from dalit, adivasi or other low caste communities. In 2009, Indias then-Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta estimated that 100 million people, mostly women and girls, were involved in trafficking in India that year. But if India wants to make it a country worth living for women it will need to cover lot of aspects as far as security is concern. According to police records, over 400 rape cases have been reported in the capital in the year 2010 alone. According to the data, 18,359 rape cases were registered in India in the first three quarters of this 2010; hence, we need to provide an environment of safety and Security to our women with strict implementation of the female centric laws thats in theory in our books. In the modern times, women in India happens to be still week and vulnerable. Farzana Nigar, Ranchi-834002 Demand for separate Telangana The mode of agitation, cooking on roads will belie the demand of separate Telangana state .The centre will think that the party has a picnic orientation mindset and has no concerned with the real problems of the Telangana people. Now we are seeing that small countries are uniting and forming a joint currency and a joint defence system. Now we are still 50 years behind. Even after formation of Separate state where from the funds will come the Centre will treat the new state as a turbulent person and will leave to fight on its own accord. The state has no harbour it has to depend on Andhra state. The Telangana people will lose its goodwill as the Andhra settlers will be treated badly. Mr. Chander shaker Rao should understand the difficulty of centre .If Telagana is separated another 10 states will demand separation and will try to severe the relations with Indian Union and lot of fuss will occur and the centre will not be able to control the agitations in all other states. Mr. Rao is talking about unnatural developments. Does he mean that the Telagana people will demand Freedom from India? He should that Kashmiris sacrifices one lakh youths were killed for Azadi but what is the result? There fore Mr. Rao should eschew the demand for development of Telangana. He can claim the package of one lakh crores for the overall development of Telangana. The centre may agree to the demand. He should stop bizarre type of agitations It is a mockery of his party Dr Maqdoomi, Hyderabad Gujarati Hindus god In Gujarat, if anybody remains lazy, doing nothing, he is compared with and called Mahadev. S.A.U. Patel, Khanpur Deh- 392150 Presss silence on corrupt bureaucrats Today corruption is all-pervasive in the country and has deeply affected all walks of life. It can be effectively checked and eliminated when not only highly effective and strict laws are passed; deterrent exemplary punishment is given to the guilty and very strong public opinion is mobilized against this cancer. Surely, press can do a lot in this matter. But it is really distressing that the press had miserably failed to perform its duty in so far as corrupt bureaucrats are concerned. It has done a real national service by exposing corrupt politicians and political leaders by highlighting their highly deplorable scams and has rightly condemned them on their venality, it has ignored the fact that the politicians could not get away with corruption without the active assistance of bureaucrats. In fact, bureaucrats have beaten the politicians in this nasty and sordid game of amassing wealth. Hardly, any day passes when we do not read reports of CBI raids at the resi-

dences of bureaucrats both serving or retired and come to know the details of their amassing wealth amounting to several crores and about their highly disproportionate assets. The most glaring example of this is that of a former chief secretary of UP who had amassed wealth amounting to crores. Silence of the press over the corruption of bureaucrats on such a vast scale cannot be condoned. Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi-91 How do you make abortion laws? How is it possible that, with such evidence as there is, there are still people who say that human life can be undone in the womb? Is it possible that there are governments in the XXI century, which support such aberration and tyranny? Dr. Nathanson, in his book The Hand of God published by Palabra, makes a review of his life. It is an impressive testimony of a man who has gone from being one of the fiercest abortion doctors in the world, after his conversion to Catholicism; he becomes a hard defender of human life. He said that to make abortion legal in the United States was crucial manipulate of the media, all coming together in a historic moment as the convulsive decade were 60 and 70. For that is necessary to have a figure or institution about to be downloaded on the wrath of those people who sought to deny any order established in nature, and that institution was the Catholic Church. Manipulating the history of the Church and its true message of salvation was the perfect scapegoat. The maximum to be acted was Machiavelli: Nothing is more difficult to control, more dangerous to carry or more uncertain of success, to take the lead in introducing a new order of things. So we have established the reason for this diabolical plot: You can only explain this atrocity taking into account the existence of the demon, who is a murderer from the beginning. Nathanson says it all: his abortion clinic was a gang of professional criminals. Jose A. Calvo USA faces danger of becoming a nation of warmongers When U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates in valedictory address questioned the viability of NATO due to following reasons: (a) Reluctance of some European nations to expand defence budgets and take on direct combat has created what amounts to a two-tier alliance: Members like USA willing and able to pay the price and bear the burdens of alliance commitments, and those who enjoy the benefits of NATO membership but dont want to share the risks and the costs. (b)- Only five of the 28 allies now spent the agreed target of 2% of GDP on defence. (c)- (In view of present US sensitivity & problems in the face of whopping above $ 14 trillion US national debt) - There will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress to expend increasingly precious US funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources or make the necessary changes to be serious and capable partners in their own defence, - Gates was correctly highlighting the non-viability of NATO but Gates was wide of the mark, in analyzing the ailment and prescribing the remedies due to his misplaced nationalism and inability to make the paradigm shift in the changed global scenario of especially but not exclusively (A)- post cold war world (B)- democratic uprising in North Africa & Middle East (NAME) countries (C )- global war against terrorism and post Laden killing era (D)- Netanyahu formulation before joint session of US congress of one State solution for Jews and Palestinians (E)- Unnecessary and inhuman burden, on developing countries, of their war machinery in post cold war era (F)Eradication of WMDs including nukes (G)- Effective protection of human rights including of democracy and religious freedom. Hem Raj Jain, Mankato, MN - 56001, USA II To understand global terrorism and the current global obsession with terrorism, we have to go back to the history and study how the Americans have been playing a key role in helping terrorism flourish across the world. When during the Cold War Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan, the US - which had long been calling the shots from behind, came to the forefront, and launched a massive support and training campaign for the Afghan freedom fighters. Soon, the mujahedeen (holy warriors) were born and became well-known across the world. We have not forgotten how the US encouraged the Mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet forces. President Reagan on March 21, 1983 said: watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons are an inspiration to those who love freedom. When the People? Democratic Party of Afghanistan, a pro-Soviet party, took control of Afghanistan, Mujahedeen resistance spread. As Mujahedeen groups broke apart into different factions, the CIA tended to favour the most extreme among the Mujahedeen commanders. The US intelligence agency ensured that the most fanatical anti-Soviet groups were also the best trained and armed for the guerrilla warfare. It history now how the Mujahedeen were financed, armed and trained by the US during the administrations of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Pakistans secret service, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was used as a liaison group by the US, in attempt to keep the American action as secret as possible. Aziz A. Mubaraki, Member, Advisory Committee(AAI) III Observing from the American intervention policy for the last 50 years it looks like the aims are regime change or voluntary subordination by the Syrian regime. This includes subordinating Syrian foreign policy and de-linking Syrian from its strategic alliance with Iran and its membership within the Resistance Bloc. Syria is run by an authoritarian oligarchy which has used brute force in dealing with its citizens. They cannot be viewed as a straight forward quest for liberty and democracy. There has been an attempt by the U.S. and the E.U. to use the riots in Syria to pressure and intimidate the Syrian leadership. Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, alliance have all played a role in supporting an armed insurrection. In this regard the Al-Sauds seem to support both sectarian factions as well as terrorist elements, which question the foundations of religious tolerance in Syria. They are good at running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Funding has also been provided to ominous and unpopular foreign-based Syrian opposition figures, while weapons caches were smuggled from Jordan and Lebanon into Syria. The good old Ahmed Chalabis story may be reenacted. The events in Syria are also tied to Iran, the longstanding strategic ally of Damascus. It is also not coincidental that Iran was included in the sanctions against Syria. The hands of the Syrian military and government have now been tied internally as a new and broader offensive is being prepared that will target both Syria and Iran. Kodimirpal (via email)

32 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 July 2011

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