AP Based Character Creation

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AP based Character Creation


Barbarians of Lemuria
Characters are created with Advancement Points (AP) instead of the easily abused distribution model presented in the BoL Legendary Edition. The original system, while quick, was easily abused and encouraged the use of an optimized build. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Starting Traits Character Power Attribute Levels Combat Ability Levels Career Ranks Boons Flaws Starting Gear & Wealth

COMBAT ABILITIES (spend approximately 7 points) Combat Ability AP Total Level Cost Cost -1 -2@ -2@ 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 5 3*** 4 9 4 5 14 5 6 20 @ Indicates a rebate of APs, in effect the character receives more APs with which to raise other abilities and purchase additional Boons. ***This is the maximum starting Combat Ability level for most characters. CAREERS (spend approximately 6 points) Career AP Total Rank Cost Cost 1 1 1 2 2 3 3*** 3 6 4 4 10 5 5 15 BOONS Origin Boons cost 2 APs Non-Origin Boons cost 3 APs FLAWS Each Flaw grants an additional 2 APs.# # Characters may not begin the game with more than 4 Flaws, including the first Origin Flaw. The second Flaw should also be an Origin Flaw but discuss your ideas with the Gamemaster who is, as always, final arbiter. STARTING GEAR & WEALTH Characters have what weapons, armor, and gear is appropriate to their characters.

STARTING TRAITS All characters start with the following: All Attributes at level 0 All Combat Abilities at level 0 4 Careers at rank 0 (no more or less than 4) 2 Origin Boons 1 Origin Flaw CHARACTER POWER Based upon the desired Character Power the number of APs varies Character Power Green Seasoned* Veteran APs 18 24 30

*This is the default character power level. ATTRIBUTES (spend approximately 7 points) Attributes AP Total Level Cost Cost -1 -3@ -3@ 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 3** 5 9 4 7 16 5 9 25 **This is the maximum starting Attribute level for most characters.

NOTE!! Any unspent APs are retained and may be spent elsewhere.

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