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I (Jayaprada Gawas) am carrying out a survey to find out the perception of people regarding hygiene in their favorite restaurant

and hotels.I request you take out some of your valuable time to fill up the following questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation. Name vinayakmodi

Gender male Age 22 student

Occupation 1.

2. 3. 4.

How often do you eat out at hotels/restaurants ? y Almost every alternate day (continue) y Once or twice a week (go to third question and then continue) y Rarely in a month (go to third question and then continue) I regularly eat outside because I like having a change of taste Which is your favorite restaurant/hotel in Pune? dominoz .. I prefer this restaurant/hotelover others because(preferable choose the most appropriate ONE) y Service y Taste y Economy y Variety y Hygiene y Class Other . I would choose hygiene over taste while choosing a restaurant/hotel Strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree Disagree strongly




I would be ready to pay a little more for a restaurant that gives me hygienic food and maintains good hygiene level. Strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree Disagree strongly disagree I would prefer a restaurant/hotel over others if it has a proof of its safety and hygiene from some certified company. Strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree Disagree strongly disagree I usually order packaged drinking water while eating out at a restaurant/hotel Strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree Disagree strongly




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