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I, JYOTI SHAH, student of FY MBA studying in Metas Adventist College of Management Studies, Surat.

I have taken up a topic on EQUITY BASED MUTUAL FUND OF Mutual Fund Industry at Axis. You are requested to fill the questionnaire. Data collected will be used solely for project work for fulfilling academic requirement and data shall be kept confidential. Thanking U, JYOTI SHAH


A) INVESTOR NAME : ______________________________________________ B) AGE : O 20 to 25 O 25 to 30 O 30 to 35 O Service O 35 to 40 O Business O above 40 O Other

C) OCCUPATION : O Professional D) INCOME : O Upto 1,00,000 O 5,00,000-10,00,000

O 1,00,000-5,00,000 O Above 10,00,000

E) CONTACT NO. : __________________________________

1) Are you aware of mutual fund ? O Yes O No 2) If yes, Have you invested in mutual fund ? O Yes O No 3) Which AMC do you prefer while investing in MF ? Rank this AMC from 1 to 8 ______ HDFC ______ kotak ______ Reliance ______ SBI Magnun ______ TATA ______ UTI ______ Axis 4) How do you take investment decision in MF ? O Consult Broker O Company Report

O Consult relatives O Direct AMC Fund

O Consult peers O Any other, Specify _____________________

5) Are you aware about profitability and risk involved in MF ? O Yes O No 6) What is your capacity of risk taking while investing in MF ? O Low O Moderate O High 7) What is time horizon you keep while investing in MF ? O 6 months - 1 year O 1 year 3 years O 3 years 5 years O More than 5 years 8) Are you invested in Axis MF ? O Yes O No

9) According to you, Is Axis mutual fund more profitable than any other mutual fund, if not, specify other AMC. _______________________ O Yes O No 10) In which type of mutual fund do you want to invest ? O Equity Diversified O Equity Tax Savings O Other, Specify _________________________ 11) Are you satisfied with the return provided by Axis mutual fund ? O Yes O No 12) If not, what rate of return do you expect ? ____________ 13) What is your understanding about Axis mutual fund ? O Better Fund House O Excellent Customer Service O Consistency in Performance O All 14) Give your suggestion about Axis mutual fund, if you have any problem. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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