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SCIENTIFIC METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Purpose of the investigation: to investigate Hypothesis: a statement of prediction if then Materials: a complete list of apparatus to test hypothesis Procedure: a complete list of specific actions to test hypothesis including independent, dependent and fixed variables Observations: recording what you see, hear, smell, presented in an appropriate way e.g. table Results: collect quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (non-numerical) data Conclusions: interpret the results, looking for relationships and explanations did the results fit the original hypothesis? suggest improvements to give more reliable results have new ideas been produced for testing?

GRAPHS Scales  should be chosen to use the maximum amount of space on both axis do not have to start at zero  linear  labelled at regular intervals Axis  y axis (vertical axis) dependent variable i.e. the one you are measuring  x axis (horizontal) independent variable i.e. the one you are changing  label with name of variable and unit symbol, separated by a solidus / e.g. length/cm Title  ______ graph of (dependent variable y axis) against (independent variable x axis) Line of best fit  single straight line or a smooth curve  plot points with a tidy cross using a sharp pencil  ignore anomalous result circle it and write discard or ignore ROUNDING

o o o

Rounding must be consistent Round to least accuracy When reading measurements, estimate to half the smallest division on the measuring device with the appropriate units all readings will end with 0 or 5


Pure contain one substance (atom or compound)

Determination of Purity o Melting point: a pure solid will have a sharp melting point with a steady temperature o Boiling point: a pure liquid will have a steady temperature at its boiling point o Chromatography: a pure substance will produce only one well-defined spot on a chromatogram Impurities their MP and BP are not sharp and instantaneous 1. Lower the MP 2. Raise the BP An impure liquid can boil at a lower than the expected temperature, if it contains a lower boiling point liquid impurity. The boiling then takes place over a range of temperatures. Purity is important in pharmaceutical and food industries.

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